Perceptions of Medical Students Towards Online Teaching During The COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Cross-Sectional Survey of 2721 UK Medical Students

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BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Perceptions of medical students towards
online teaching during the COVID-19
pandemic: a national cross-­sectional
survey of 2721 UK medical students
Samiullah Dost  ‍ ‍,1 Aleena Hossain  ‍ ‍,2 Mai Shehab  ‍ ‍,3 Aida Abdelwahed  ‍ ‍,2
Lana Al-­Nusair  ‍ ‍2

To cite: Dost S, Hossain A, ABSTRACT

Shehab M, et al. Perceptions Strengths and limitations of this study
Objectives  To investigate perceptions of medical students
of medical students towards on the role of online teaching in facilitating medical
online teaching during the ►► The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted
education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic: a national the delivery of medical education with a sudden shift
Design  Cross-­sectional, online national survey.
cross-­sectional survey of 2721 towards online teaching platforms; to date, this is
UK medical students. BMJ Open Setting  Responses collected online from 4th May 2020 to
the first study investigating the perceptions of med-
2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/ 11th May 2020 across 40 UK medical schools.
ical students on these changes.
bmjopen-2020-042378 Participants  Medical students across all years from UK-­
►► This study is strengthened by its collection of re-
registered medical schools.
►► Prepublication history and sponses from a large national cohort of medical stu-
Main outcome measures  The uses, experiences,
supplemental material for this dents from 39 out of 40 UK medical schools.
perceived benefits and barriers of online teaching during
paper is available online. To ►► The survey extensively explored the benefits of and
view these files, please visit the COVID-19 pandemic.
barriers to online teaching methods with the poten-
the journal online (http://​dx.​doi.​ Results  2721 medical students across 39 medical schools
tial to provide medical schools nationally with a di-
org/​10.​1136/b​ mjopen-​2020-​ responded. Medical schools adapted to the pandemic in
rection for development of resources.
042378). different ways. The changes included the development of
►► Survey responses may have been subject to recall
new distance-­learning platforms on which content was
SD and AH contributed equally. bias, and limited by timing of the study coinciding
released, remote delivery of lectures using platforms and
with the examination season where remote learning
the use of question banks and other online active recall
SD and AH are joint first authors. platforms may often be resorted to.
resources. A significant difference was found between time
Received 02 July 2020 spent on online platforms before and during COVID-19, with
Revised 09 October 2020 7.35% students before versus 23.56% students during
Accepted 26 October 2020 the pandemic spending >15 hours per week (p<0.05). The declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a global
greatest perceived benefits of online teaching platforms pandemic.2 The nationwide lockdown restric-
included their flexibility. Whereas the commonly perceived
tions to control the spread of disease and
barriers to using online teaching platforms included family
‘flatten the curve’ have impacted all aspects of
distraction (26.76%) and poor internet connection (21.53%).
Conclusions  Online teaching has enabled the continuation life;3–5 inevitably, medical education has also
of medical education during these unprecedented times. been affected, with the halting of lectures,
Moving forward from this pandemic, in order to maximise clinical placements and key examinations.6 7
© Author(s) (or their the benefits of both face-­to-­face and online teaching and Such measures have resulted in a sudden shift
employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use to improve the efficacy of medical education in the future, in teaching methods towards online teaching.
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No we suggest medical schools resort to teaching formats Online teaching has played a key role in
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
such as team-­based/problem-­based learning. This uses medical education over recent years,8–10
BMJ. online teaching platforms allowing students to digest demonstrated several benefits in enhancing
1 information in their own time but also allows students student learning.11 A recent systematic review
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals
to then constructively discuss this material with peers. It
NHS Trust, London, UK suggested that offline teaching and online
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial has also been shown to be effective in terms of achieving
learning outcomes. Beyond COVID-19, we anticipate further
teaching are equivalent in terms of outcomes
College of Science Technology
incorporation of online teaching methods within traditional of examinations.12 Key drawbacks have also
and Medicine, London, UK
Guy’s Campus, King’s College medical education. This may accompany the observed shift been highlighted, including time constraints
London School of Medicine, in medical practice towards virtual consultations. to implement effective online teaching.8
London, UK The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic
has caused a sudden shift towards the exclu-
Correspondence to INTRODUCTION
Aleena Hossain;
sive adoption of online teaching, forming
Since the first case of coronavirus disease
a​ leena.​hossain16@i​ mperial.​ the primary source of medical education
2019 (COVID-19) in the UK,1 the WHO has
ac.u​ k and enabling students to continue to learn

Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
remotely.13 Teaching sessions have covered key clinical devised following a literature search on current online
conditions, case studies and examination questions via teaching methods and the effects of COVID-19 on medical
live-­streamed tutorials through platforms such as Zoom,6 education in the UK (online supplemental appendix 1).
shown to have high levels of engagement.14 With around Questions exploring the experiences of online teaching
19.6% of the UK medical student demographic consisting were based on sections I to IV of the Dundee Ready
of international students,15 many of whom have returned Education Environment Measure (DREEM),28 a vali-
home, this allows individuals to access teaching regardless dated questionnaire designed to measure the educa-
of location.6 Nevertheless, learning relying on the Internet tional environment of medical schools and healthcare
needs to be tailored towards different learning styles to professionals.29 These were 5-­ point Likert-­ type ques-
enable it to be impactful and effective.13 However, while tions, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
the benefits to preclinical years of blended learning has The remaining items in the questionnaire comprised a
been shown, for example, in anatomical teaching16 and mixture of question styles. Certain questions were condi-
especially in a generation accustomed to using YouTube,17 tional. Open-­ended text responses were also collected
there is limited understanding of the impact of exclusive and underwent thematic analysis whereby responses were
online teaching and its use in clinical years. Concerns categorised. The question items were initially drafted and
have been raised regarding the quality of resources informally discussed with a group of medical students
produced during the pandemic due to time constraints, before undergoing a careful review and editing process.
particularly as these resources aim to compensate for lack The final questions explored the following three themes:
of exposure.18 Indeed, a recent national Twitter discus- 1. General demographics.
sion, involving representatives from the General Medical 2. The use and experience of online teaching during the
Council, NHS (National Health Service) England and COVID-19 pandemic.
WHO, found that a key concern among students was that 3. Perceived benefits and barriers of online teaching.
remote learning impacted their ability to develop clinical The survey was created using Qualtrics, an online survey
competence.19 This also highlighted the potential role of software (V.XM, 2019, Provo, Utah30), and distributed by
the professional use of social media in facilitating medical medical students recruited nationally via social media,
education, as shown in surgical training.20 with an interest in sharing a national survey, in order
In the coming months, as lockdown restrictions to maximise outreach to all 40 registered UK medical
ease, the need for social distancing will continue and schools.31 The survey was accessible via an anonymous
the possibility of medical students acting as vectors of link and open for a 1-­week period (04 May 2020 to 11
COVID-19,21 22 as seen in the SARS (severe acute respi- May 2020).
ratory syndrome) epidemic in Hong Kong,23 remains.
Moreover, PPE (personal protective equipment) short- Participants
ages may form potential barriers to patient interaction.24 All 42 190 undergraduate and graduate entry medical
Therefore, it is likely that e-­learning and telemedicine students32 across all years (years 1 to 5 and intercalated
will continue to form vital sources of medical education. year) from 40 registered UK medical schools31 were
Many authors have suggested that digital health plat- eligible to participate.
forms for both patients and students will remain an inte-
Patient and public involvement
gral part of care even after the COVID-19 pandemic.25
As this study focussed on medical students, patients or
Thus, having a greater understanding of the perceived
the general public were not involved in the study design.
advantages and drawbacks will allow medical schools to
However, medical students were involved with the piloting
improve their delivery of online teaching. The COVID-19
of the survey as well as its distribution across medical
pandemic has put us in a unique position to evaluate
the significance of online teaching platforms in medical
education. While many students have acknowledged the Participant consent and ethical considerations
impact of COVID-19 on their education6 21 and explored Participation was voluntary, and participants were
their role during the pandemic,26 27 to date no study has informed prior to starting the survey that all data collected
investigated the outlook of medical students on the effect was non-­identifiable and would only be used for research
of these changes. Therefore, we aimed to investigate purposes. A mandatory selection box consenting to
their perceptions on the role of online teaching in facil- participation and confirming that this was the first time
itating their education during the COVID-19 pandemic. completing this survey was included at the beginning of
Improving our understanding of this could help develop the survey, ensuring a 100% consent rate and preventing
medical school curricula in the future. multiple responses.

Data analysis
METHODOLOGY Data was exported from Qualtrics to Microsoft Excel
Questionnaire design and distribution (Excel V.16.29, 2019). Qualtrics and GraphPad Prism
This was a cross-­sectional study conducted on a national (Prism V.8.2.1, 2019) were both used to generate graphs
level via an online survey. A 20-­item questionnaire was and calculate descriptive statistics for the survey responses

2 Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
to explore patterns in responses. Multiple responses
Table 1  A table outlining the demographics (gender,
were accounted for by identifying unique IP (Internet university and year of medical school) of students
Protocol) addresses. responding to the survey (n=2721)
Wilcoxon test was used to compare hours of online
teaching usage before and during COVID-19 overall, of students,
while Mann-­Whitney U test was used in a subgroup anal- Demographic % (n)
ysis comparing usage between preclinical and clinical Gender Male 31.53 (858)
students. These were conducted following the Shapiro-­ Female 68.06 (1852)
Wilk and Kolmogorov-­ Smirnov normality tests which
Other 0.40 (11)
found the data set to be non-­gaussian in distribution. P
values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. University University of Aberdeen School of 1.76 (48)
Medicine and Dentistry
Anglia Ruskin University School of 2.21 (60)
Aston University Medical School 0.07 (2)
Cohort demographics
Barts and The London School of 6.39 (174)
Of the 2721 responses collected, 68.06% (n=1852) of Medicine and Dentistry
respondents were women, 31.53% (n=858) were men and
University of Birmingham College of 1.76 (48)
0.40% (n=11) identified as other, contrasting against the Medical and Dental Sciences
population of UK medical students, which comprises of
Brighton and Sussex Medical School 0.44 (12)
55% women and 45% men.32 Responses were collected
University of Bristol Medical School 3.20 (87)
from 39 medical schools across the UK, from medical
students across all years (table 1). Due to the inability to University of Buckingham Medical 0.77 (21)
track the survey distribution, it was not possible to calcu-
late a response rate. However, non-­ response bias was University of Cambridge School of 1.29 (35)
Clinical Medicine
minimised by ensuring the survey was shared by a variety
Cardiff University School of Medicine 9.22 (251)
of medical students via a range of platforms.
University of Dundee School of 0.40 (11)
Student engagement with online teaching platforms Medicine
Prior to the pandemic, students spent an average of The University of Edinburgh Medical 0.44 (12)
4 to 6 hours per week using online teaching platforms.
Students used a combination of video tutorials (27.71%), University of Exeter Medical School 2.06 (56)
online question banks (26.18%), pre-­recorded tutorials University of Glasgow School of 0.70 (19)
via their respective medical schools (20.96%) and online Medicine
flashcards (15.99%). Live tutorials via online platforms Hull York Medical School 3.86 (105)
from their medical school were used by 4.46% of students, Imperial College London Faculty of 3.93 (107)
while 1.79% used live tutorials from other sources Medicine
(figure 1). Other resources included the use of Anatomy Keele University School of Medicine 0.85 (23)
TV, online notes such as Pulsenotes or TeachMeAnatomy, Kent and Medway Medical School 0.04 (1)
Acland’s Anatomy videos, revision websites, for example, King’s College London GKT School 10.11 (275)
OSCEstop and Zero To Finals, NICE (National Institute of Medical Education
for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines, online text- Lancaster University Medical School 0.15 (4)
books and UpToDate and BMJ Best Practice. University of Leeds School of 4.96 (135)
Students then ranked the effectiveness of online Medicine
teaching platforms with 1 being most effective and 5 being University of Leicester Medical 2.87 (78)
least effective. According to the responses by the students, School
video tutorials, for example, YouTube/Osmosis appeared University of Liverpool School of 8.38 (228)
to be the most effective, followed by online question Medicine
banks, and live tutorials, while students commented using University of Manchester Medical 4.52 (123)
a variety of other sources. However, following subanalysis School
and exclusion of intercalating students, unlike preclinical Newcastle University School of 3.34 (91)
students, clinical students found live tutorials to be the Medical Education
most effective, although rankings for the remaining plat- Norwich Medical School 7.02 (191)
forms were similar. University of Nottingham School of 3.31 (90)
During the pandemic, students spent an average of 7 Medicine
to 10 hours using online teaching platforms, compared University of Nottingham - Lincoln 0.07 (2)
with 4 to 6 hours prior to the pandemic. The difference Medical School
in hours prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic Continued
were found to be significant (p<0.05). Similar numbers

Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 3

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of students spent <1 hour on online teaching platforms
Table 1  Continued
before and during the pandemic. However, there was an
Proportion increase in numbers of students spending longer periods
of students,
Demographic % (n) of time on online teaching platforms, for example,
7.35% (n=200) versus 19.70% (n=641) of students spent
University of Oxford Medical 2.24 (61)
>15 hours on online teaching platforms before and during
Sciences Division
the pandemic (figure 2A). Following subanalysis, before
Plymouth University Peninsula 0.55 (15)
Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
the pandemic, clinical and preclinical students spent
similar times on online teaching (figure 2Bi), whereas
Queen’s University Belfast School of 0.92 (25)
Medicine during the pandemic differences in periods were found
to be significant (p<0.001) (figure 2Bii), with a greater
University of Sheffield Medical 0.99 (27)
School proportion of preclinical students spending >15 hours
University of Southampton School of 1.98 (54)
(28.69% vs 20.01%). Taking examinations remotely were
Medicine reported by 57.28% of students; the remaining reported
University of St Andrews School of 0.33 (9)
having postponed or cancelled examinations.
Medical school adaptations to COVID-19
St George’s, University of London 2.46 (67)
Medical schools adapted to the pandemic in a combi-
University of Sunderland School of 0.00 (0) nation of ways with 28.48% of students reporting their
medical school to adapting to remote learning through
Swansea University Medical School 0.11 (3)
the delivery of live tutorials via online platforms. More-
University of Central Lancashire 1.73 (47) over, 42.19% of students reported that their medical
School of Medicine
school either introduced new resources to existing
University College London Medical 2.46 (67) learning platforms or created a new online teaching plat-
form with new resources. Other medical schools have
University of Warwick Medical 2.09 (57)
either (1) not implemented anything as the curriculum
had already been covered, or (2) delayed teaching with
Year Preclinical year 1 23.19 (631)
the introduction of a question bank.
Preclinical year 2 19.85 (540) The online teaching provided as an alternative by the
Year 3 27.20 (740) medical schools followed a pre-­set curriculum for 66.12%
Penultimate clinical year 20.62 (561) (n=1799) of students, was designed following student
Final clinical year 4.52 (123) requests for 3.38% (n=92) of students, or using a combi-
Intercalating 4.63 (126) nation of both for 30.50% (n=830) of students. This
shows that student opinion was considered in the delivery
of online teaching.
Furthermore, 59.73% of students found that online
teaching sessions have been interactive, with students
finding the opportunity to interact via the chat box or by
directly speaking to the lecturer. Some students have also
specified that having small group sizes, group discussions,
online case simulations and quizzes have been useful in
increasing their engagement.

Student perception of online teaching

Students ranked their experience of online teaching
using a Likert scale with 1 being strongly disagree and 5
being strongly agree (table 2). Overall, students did not
find online teaching to be engaging or enjoyable, with
limited opportunities to ask questions. Furthermore, on
average students were neutral when asked whether online
teaching should be more interactive, but did not find it as
effective as face-­to-­face teaching.
Figure 1  Students were asked about the different types of The main advantages of online teaching appeared to
online teaching platforms they used before the COVID-19 be that it saves students time on travelling (19.82%),
pandemic as represented by this bar chart (n=2721). Options provides flexibility (19.52%), the ability for students to
included live tutorial by the medical school, live tutorial learn at their own pace (18.63%), it is more comfortable
by other sources, online question banks, online/digital (15.84%) and it cuts costs (14.24%) (figure 3A). Other
flashcards, pre-­recorded lectures/tutorials, video tutorials, for
medical students (n=82) also commented that it provides
example, YouTube, none or other.

4 Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2  Students were asked the approximate number of hours spent on online teaching platforms before and during the
COVID-19 pandemic (n=2721). (A) A bar graph comparing the number of hours spent on online platforms before and during
the COVID-19 pandemic by students overall. A Wilcoxon test was then conducted which found the difference to be significant
(p<0.05). (B i) A bar graph comparing the number of hours spent on online platforms by preclinical and clinical students before
the COVID-19 pandemic. (B ii) A bar graph comparing the number of hours spent on online platforms by preclinical and clinical
students during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Mann-­Whitney U test found the difference in time spent between the students
during the COVID-19 pandemic to be significant (p<0.001).

time efficiency, allows more time for students to focus on of tutorials (17.31%), anxiety (11.08%) and lack of
preparing for clinical placements, reduces anxiety and space (11.03%) as barriers to effective online teaching
being able to be in a different country. (figure 3B). Students (n=81) commented on experi-
On the other hand, students stated that family distrac- encing a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating and
tions (26.76%), Internet connection (21.53%), timing asking questions and a lack of contact with colleagues as
further limitations.

Table 2  A table displaying students’ perceptions on their Role of online teaching in clinical teaching
experiences of online teaching, ranked on a Likert scale The feeling that online teaching had not successfully
from 1 to 5, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly replaced the clinical teaching they received via direct
agree. Likert scores have been shown as mean±SD patient contact was felt by 75.99% (n=1842) of the medical
Statement Mean ±SD students, with 82.17% (n=1986) feeling they cannot learn
practical clinical skills through online teaching. This
The teaching is often stimulating 2.75 1.18
shows that clinical skills remain a pertinent barrier to
I find it easy to engage in the lesson 2.55 1.30
online teaching of medical students.
I feel able to ask the questions I want 2.70 1.53
I enjoy the online teaching 2.62 1.37
I would like the online teaching to be more 3.04 1.44 Background
With the rise of COVID-19, it is unsurprising that many
I feel that online teaching is as effective as 1.92 1.45 medical institutions have resorted to online educa-
face-­to-­face teaching tion platforms. However, online education has been
I prefer online teaching to face-­to-­face 1.69 1.48 used preceding this pandemic. Here, we discuss how
teaching this pandemic has shaped the use of online teaching
The teachers are well prepared for the 3.36 1.42 currently as well as its application in the future of medical
teaching sessions education.
I feel I am being well prepared for my 2.28 1.33
profession The impact of COVID-19 on uptake of online teaching
Our study found a significant increase in the time spent
My Internet connection can be problematic 2.53 1.74
on online teaching platforms before and during the

Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 5

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3  A bar chart outlining the advantages of and barriers to online teaching. (A) Students were provided with a list of
potential ways in which online teaching was advantageous and they were asked to select all which applied to them. They were
also given the option to input their own statements (n=2721). (B) Students were provided with a list of potential barriers to the
benefits they may receive from online teaching and they were asked to select all which applied to them. They were also given
the option to input their own statements (n=2721).

pandemic (p<0.05), particularly among preclinical achieved via student response systems incorporating
students. This was expected, as the primary source of methods such as polls, quizzes or breakout rooms,35 36 which
education and engagement of students with their medical have been shown to encourage student participation.37
school was online, in addition to the pre-­existing use of Indeed, previous literature suggests the incorporation of
online teaching resources. This is despite the reported online Q&A sessions to improve student engagement,13
cancellation of clinical examinations and conversion of based on a previous model advising the use of synchro-
written examinations into open book, which would argu- nous learning.38 Synchronous learning is defined as a
ably reduce student engagement. Hence, the cancella- social learning environment alongside answering ques-
tion of clinical examinations may have accounted for the tions live.39 This active communication between lecturers
greater proportion of preclinical students engaging with and students allows ambiguous concepts to be addressed
online teaching for more than 15 hours, which is greater immediately to increase student involvement, creating a
than that of clinical students. more active learning environment.
The development of innovative educational projects has
been initiated to enhance remote medical education.19 Student perception of online teaching
A rise in external resources and teaching programmes Students scored their experiences of online compared
such as Osmosis, BiteMedicine, Becoming A Doctor with face-­to-­face teaching to be lower, with an average
and Sustaining Medical education in a Lockdown Envi- of 1.69 scored for preference for online teaching, and
ronment (SMILE) has allowed many teaching sessions 2.55 for engagement in lessons (table 2), suggesting
to be available to medical students across the country. most students prefer face-­to-­face teaching. Furthermore,
Hence, students may learn from a wider community of previous studies using the DREEM survey found higher
professionals. However, the high flow of resources causes average scores for educational environments.40–42 The
a proliferation of choice which may increase burnout discrepancies found may have been due to students
rates. Schwartz claimed that this choice overload is due comparing their current experiences to previous face-­to-­
to the failure of universities on fulfilling their education face teaching. However, given that students are currently
role to their students.33 34 Yet, although some platforms solely limited to online teaching, responses may not truly
were created to facilitate learning during lockdown (eg, reflect the efficacy of online teaching. Nevertheless, as
SMILE), many diverse medical education platforms online teaching has become mainstream, it is paramount
available existed prior to the pandemic with increasing to analyse its efficacy compared with previous methods
usage, which may suggest that students desire this flexible for further development.
curriculum. Furthermore, unlike teaching evaluated by DREEM
Our results suggest that students would like online previously, the current pandemic caused a sudden shift
teaching sessions to be more interactive. This could be towards the use of online teaching on a large scale,

6 Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 on 5 November 2020. Downloaded from on September 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
allowing for inconsistencies with underdeveloped medical may deter students due to the lack of opportunities to
curricula, many teachers being inadequately prepared interact with lecturers.57 Also, watching pre-­ recorded
and technical difficulties.8 Therefore, the low scores lectures, alongside the possibility of attending face-­ to-­
of student experiences may be due to the unexpected, face lecture, has been shown to negatively correlate with
sudden introduction of online teaching. Despite the rela- learning success.58
tively high score of 3.36 for teacher preparation,40–47 the The main barriers to online teaching appear to be
quality of the sessions delivered may have been impacted family distractions, Internet connection and the timing of
by several factors such as poor internet connection, family tutorials (figure 3B). This may disadvantage students with
distractions and the timing of the tutorials, as demon- large families or with limited Internet access. Moreover, the
strated by our results. In the future, medical schools must mental health of students, recently shown to be impacted
carefully build an infrastructure comprising of technolog- by the COVID-19 pandemic,59 may be adversely affected
ically versatile lecturers to deliver well-­organised, succinct as indicated by the free text responses. This may be, in
tutorials, games and resources, especially given the lack of part, attributed to the lack of interaction with friends and
awareness of ‘conscientious online lecture design’ among colleagues leading to a rise in anxiety. Alternatively, with
medical educators.48 exams being open book and with an unrestricted setting,
The low score of 2.28 for being ‘well prepared for my students may be less prone to exam anxiety.60 Although,
profession’ (table 2), compared with previous studies this does not address the family and noise disturbances
reporting up to 3.18,41 43 46 47 49 is striking, mirroring which may still affect exam performance.
concerns that remote or online teaching may compromise
the clinical competence and confidence of students.19 Medical student role during the COVID-19 pandemic
The loss of immediate feedback may have contributed to On the other hand, medical students are being asked
this, as generally students and doctors prefer face-­to-­face to ‘step-­up’ and join the front-­line of doctors tackling
sessions for communication50 and feedback purposes.51 COVID-19.61 As well as the early graduation of UK medical
Nonetheless, it is important to note that students often students,62 many universities have given their students
do not feel completely prepared for their profession.52 the opportunity to volunteer. For example, the Univer-
Moreover, overall video tutorials (eg, YouTube or sity of Birmingham has facilitated for over 700 medical
Osmosis), were ranked as the most effective online students to volunteer in the NHS.27 Although medical
resources, compared with live tutorials, particularly for schools have halted clinical placements, this opportunity
preclinical students. Reasons for this may include the could provide more exposure, undoubtedly impacting
short, organised and aesthetic nature of pre-­ recorded the development of medical students. However, for those
videos.53 In comparison, live tutorials tend to be longer, who are not volunteering due to living with vulnerable
face technical difficulties and are less engaging. Despite family members or having health conditions themselves,
these challenges, live tutorials were perceived to be the this would then put them at a disadvantage as their peers
most effective by clinical students. This may be due to continue to gain clinical exposure.
the sessions’ synchronous nature, allowing for real-­time As lockdown restrictions ease and students slowly return
discussions to occur, reflecting clinical practice. to medical school, clinical placements may incorporate
Notably, in this study, distinctions between the different more virtual aspects as healthcare evolves.22 Indeed, new
forms of online teaching were not made when investi- platforms have been developed by the NHS (eg, NHS
gating students’ perceptions. Rather, it was an evaluation Near Me) which have shown that video consultations are
of online teaching as a whole, which may have impacted better than telephone consultations in reducing medical
the results, as teaching modalities are often specific to the error and improving patient outcomes.31 However,
topic being taught.48 Furthermore, student preferences Professor Martin Marshall, chairman of the Royal College
may depend on the purpose of engaging with resources, of General Practitioners, has highlighted that most
for example, for learning new content versus revision,54 consultations are still taking place over the phone as
or for short-­term versus long-­term knowledge retention.55 opposed to video calls.63 This may be subject to change
with a demographic who are increasingly familiar with
Benefits and barriers of online teaching the use of the Internet. Additionally, in Germany, online
To students, the main advantages of online teaching are platforms as observed in Dermatology may ‘provide a
the time and money saved from the lack of travel, its flex- safe and efficient alternative for face-­to-­face outpatient
ibility and the ability for students to learn at their own care’,25 abiding by social distancing rules.
pace (figure 3A). Further benefits of live online lectures14
include opportunities for students to anonymously ask Future direction of online teaching
and answer questions, potentially encouraging further Furthermore, the digitalisation of medical teaching could
engagement from those who would not otherwise partic- play a significant role in the future of medical schools.
ipate in a live lecture, due to the less intimidating envi- Allowing users to tailor their learning and acquire new
ronment online.56 However, these benefits may not be skills through the chaotic nature of an amplitude of
applicable to all forms of online teaching. For example, resources could halt the development of medical students.
the limited synchronous aspects of pre-­recorded content Having discussed benefits of both face-­to-­face and remote

Dost S, et al. BMJ Open 2020;10:e042378. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042378 7

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teaching as well as the future of healthcare online, we regardless. In addition, since this survey, medical schools
suggest that in order to maximise the benefits of these may have updated their online resources. Lastly, student
learning methods, a mixture of online and in-­ person receptivity to PBL/TBL methods should have been evalu-
teaching should be used moving forward. This can be ated. To truly measure the impact of COVID-19 on student
incorporated into an effective learning method such as utilisation of online teaching, a more in-­depth, qualitative
problem-­based learning (PBL) or team-­based learning analysis such as focus groups conducted in collaboration
(TBL) which have been shown to improve learning with medical schools is required to gather more accurate
outcomes,64 65 student motivation and understanding.66 results, such as the effects on examination performance.
Students are set online materials to study and are then
are expected to discuss content in person in a group Acknowledgements  We thank Bonita Sinartio, Shweta Madhusudanan, Harri
tutorial.67 This allows students to study at their own pace, Gruffydd Jones, Victoria Selwyn, Rebecca Conway-­Jones, Aqsa Javed, Esmée
Nourizadeh, Jack Alan Tagg, Ayshia Bibi, Hyacyntha Celine Hazna Imelda, Sonya
in a manner suitable to them, while also holding them Gibson, Kauther Al-­Kaaby, Sharma Kansal, Muzammil Ali Khan, Haya Maki and
accountable for their own learning. While students find Maryam Goralwalla, for their assistance in distributing the survey link and collecting
PBL sessions to be interactive and to improve self-­directed data. We would also like to express our gratitude to our supervisor, Dr Samiullah
learning,68 69 TBL has been found to be more engaging Dost, for his guidance and support throughout the course of this study.
and ‘conducive to learning’ in preclinical settings, due to Contributors  SD contributed to the study concept and design, and developed
smaller groups, ensuring timely tutor feedback.70 the questionnaire. SD recruited collaborators for survey distribution and data
collection. SD supervised the project, had full access to the data, controlled the
Compared with face-­ to-­
face teaching, students in decision to publish and accepts full responsibility for the conduct of this study, as
this study felt less satisfied with online teaching and ill-­ the guarantor. AH and SD contributed equally to this study as joint first authors.
prepared for their profession. With many of these students AH developed and designed the questionnaire, contributed to data acquisition
due to graduate as doctors in the next few years, this is and interpretation, writing and critical revision of the manuscript. AH is the
corresponding author and managed project administration. MS developed the
concerning, highlighting the need for medical schools questionnaire, contributed to data acquisition and interpretation, and writing
to improve their delivery of medical education given that and critical revision of the manuscript. AA developed the questionnaire, and
online teaching is here to stay. Hence, we suggest that contributed to data visualisation and presentation, and writing and critical revision
until innovative solutions are generated, medical schools of the manuscript. LA-­N performed data analysis, interpretation, visualisation and
presentation and contributed to writing and critical revision of the manuscript.
adopt TBL or PBL learning styles for efficiently delivering All authors approved the final version to be published and are accountable for all
high-­yielded teaching. aspects of the work. Sixteen students were involved with survey distribution and
data collection.
Funding  The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
Limitations and future work funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
This is the first study to look at the impact of COVID-19 Competing interests  None declared.
on online teaching across the UK, with responses from Patient consent for publication  Not required.
39/40 medical schools. One of the strengths of this study
Ethics approval  Ethical approval was requested from Imperial College London and
is its large sample size of 2792 medical student across all was deemed not to be required as all data was anonymised, with informed consent
preclinical and clinical years. Furthermore, the recruit- taken from all participants. The work was carried out in accordance with the
ment of a variety of medical students for survey distri- Declaration of Helsinki, including, but not limited to the anonymity of participants
bution via a range of methods minimised potential being guaranteed and the informed consent of participants being obtained.
response bias. However, this study also had some limita- Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
tions. Some medical schools may have been dispropor- Data availability statement  Data are available upon reasonable request from
tionately represented with larger numbers of responses the corresponding author (​ah2716@​ic.​ac.​uk). Due to the anonymous nature of
the survey, it was not possible to disseminate the results of this study to the
from some schools, for example, King’s College London, participants.
compared with newer medical schools such as Aston or
  This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ
Kent, potentially skewing results due to sample bias. Addi- Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-­reviewed. Any
tionally, 68.06% of participants were women, in compar- opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are
ison to 55% of UK medical students who are women;32 not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any
thus, the results may not be generalisable to the medical reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material,
BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but
student population. Further, some aspects of this survey not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and
depended on participants’ memory perhaps influencing drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from
their reporting, introducing elements of recall bias. The translation and adaptation or otherwise.
survey did not evaluate the various ways different content Open access  This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
may have been taught, for example, online lectures, Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
games or question banks; perceptions of game-­ based permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
online anatomy teaching would have differed from online properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
didactic lectures on immunology. Thus, we cannot truly is non-­commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/.
evaluate the types of online teaching provided. Also, it is
important to note that the period covered is usually when Samiullah Dost http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​9088-​613X
students have examinations, hence students may have Aleena Hossain http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0003-​3484-​3578
been spending more time on online teaching platforms Mai Shehab http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0003-​3405-​6283

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Appendix I – Online Questionnaire

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