Assignment Shovon
Assignment Shovon
Assignment Shovon
History of IE:
any sources say IE began with Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915), who is often considered the father of industrial
engineering/management science, and others say it was James Watt (1736–1819) inventing the steam engine, and
some say it may have been Adam Smith (1723-1790), the laissez-faire economics pioneer who wrote
IE(Industrial Engineering):
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the optimization of
complex processes, systems, or organizations. Industrial engineers work to eliminate waste of time,
money, materials, person-hours, machine time, energy and other resources that do not generate value.
According to the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, they create engineering processes and systems
that improve quality and productivity
Father of IE:
Frederic Winslow Taylor
Goal of IE:
Save cost.
More productivity.
More business.
IE Techniques or Techniques of industrial engineering (IE):
Method study
Work measurement
Motion economy
Value analysis
Financial and non financial incentives
Production, planning and control
Inventory control
Job evolution
Material handling analysis
Engineering function:
Method study
Work measurement
General sewing data (GSD)
Breakdown and layout
Work Study
Work study:
Work study is a systematic technique of method analysis work measurement and setting of time standard that can
be ensure the highest productivity by the optimum use of man power, equipment and material.
Father of work study:
Frederic Winslow Tailor
Types of Work study:
Method Study
Work measurement.
Objective of Work Study:
To increase Productivity
To increase profit maximization
To increase job security
To reduce ‘O’ hour
To reduce wastage
To ensure timely shipment
Cost minimization
Check achievement against standard
To set up standard factory layout
Characteristic of work study engineer
A work study engineer needs to be:
Personal dignity
Why work study
Continuous improvement
Eliminate waste
Increase productivity
Standard quality
Maximum results with minimum efforts.
Reduce cost
Work smart not hard.
Method Study
Method study:
The systematic recording and critical examination of the factors and resources involved in existing and proposed
ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing cost.
Steps of Method Study or Basic Procedure: (SREDDIM)
Select - Operation/Process to be studied
Record - all relative facts
Examine - critically analyzing the current method
Develop - old / selected method
Define - the new method properly
Install - the new method
Maintain - routine check
Types of Method study
Space environment
Machine attachment
Element study
Effective and ineffective time segregation
Handling and movement
Improve worker performance
Find better way of work
Reduce ineffective time and increasing needling time.
Objective of method study.
Improve layout of a factory & office
To improve the flow of work
Better quality
Effective materials handling
To get maximum output
To simplify the work
To save handling time
To save sewing time
Check achievement against standard
To improve the flow of work
To improve the quality of work
To improve the effective use of resources
To reduce unnecessary work
Following Techniques are very important in Method Study
Motion Economy
Ergonomics & Engineering Design
PMTS (Pre-determined Motion Time System, e.g. GSD)
Method improvement technique.
Work Measurement
Work measurement
Work measurement is the application of techniques designed to establish the time for a qualified worker to carry
out a task at a defined rate of working.
Steps of work Measurement Or Basic procedure :
Sremcd = select , record ,examine, measure, compile, define.
Objective of Work Measurement:
Time Study
Capacity Study
Activity Sampling
Film / Video
Types of work measurement
Cycle check
Observe time
Production study
Time study
Setting time standard
Other Definition
Time study
Time study is a work measurement technique for recording the time of performing a certain/specified conditions
and for analyzing the data so as to obtain time necessary for an operator to carry out at a define rate of
Before start the time study:
Inform to operator
Inform to supervisor
Work place re-engineering
Input available
To ensure enough supply
Stand diagonally behind the operator ( 1.5-2 Miter)
Required quality
Record (Machine type, Fabric type, Operation name, Operator name)
The equipment used foe the time study
Stop watch
Clip board
Time study format
Cycle check
cycle check is a work measurement technique to measure the time taken the operators, when they are performing
their jobs by using a stopwatch.
Cycle time= 60/ Team target.
Capacity study
It is exactly the measure of the operator same as capability. It means the operator is capable of achieving the
performance measured by the study.
Capacity= 60/ capacity time in minute.
Target is the amount of production.
Target= 60/smv
Rating is the assessment of the worker rate of working relative to the observer’s concept of the rate corresponding
to standard place.
Rating depends on four subjects.
quality and
So, rating= observed rating/ standard rating.
Observe rating—out of 100
Standard rating-100%
Rating is the assessment of the worker’s rate of working relative to the observer’s concept of the rate
corresponding to standard rate.
Why is Rating?
Standard operator’s not available every time
Different people take different time
Rating Errors:
Loose Rating
Tight Rating
Flat Rating
Inconsistence Rating
Step Rating
Rating Chart:
40-50 Very Slow, Half Sleeping, Fumbling moment, No interest
70-75 Steady, Unhurried
80-100 Business like performance
100-120 Very faster
120-150 Outstanding, Unused
Motion study
Sewing work is carried out manually, greatly depending on manpower. This means that a difference in motion levels
of operators will directly affect the time value. Work results vary depending of presence/absence of waste time,
work speed and degree of consistency. It is necessary to improve motions that cause problems for the development
of standardize ones.
Principles of motion study
Rhythmic and
Motion economy
Motion economy is to standardize working motion of the manpower.
The principle of motion economy.
Use of human body,
Arrangement of the workplace,
Design of tools and equipment.
General sewing data is method study and develop within GSD coding time by reducing unnecessary task through
method study
Line Balancing
Line balancing
Line balancing is leveling the workload across all processes in a cell or value stream to remove bottlenecks and
excess capacity. A flow line can be divided into elemental tasks. Each of these tasks will require a specified time to
complete. It also has a sequential relationship with other tasks in the flow line. In order to ensure that the line is run
efficiently, efforts have to be made to balance the line.
Calculation for line balancing—
how many operators.
hours to achieve target.
potential production/hour.
Objectives or benefits of line balancing
regular material flow,
maximum uses of manpower and machine capacity,
minimum process time,
minimizing slack time,
minimizing workstation,
maximum output at the desired time,
quality maintain of the garment,
reduce production cost
,increase productivity,
increase efficiency and
profit of a factory can be ensured by proper line balancing.
Line balancing
Fro line balancing we have to know some data calculating informatio
Those are:
How many operator
How many operation
How much S.M.V
Potential production
Hours to achieve target
Production Line balancing
Production line balancing is the allocation of the work to be done to the people available to do it.
Production line balancing is used:
To ensure a steady flow of work
To make the best used of the available time
To keep work in progress to a minimum
Purpose of production line balancing
To ensure a steady flow of work through the production line
To reduce the material handling time & manufacturing costs
To make the best use the space
To improve the working environment
To improve control of the schedule
To reduce labor turnover
To reduce unnecessary work
Cause of low productivity:
Lack of proper supervision
Lack of line balancing
Not properly setup MO according to TML & AML
Not properly follow up KPI
Lack of co-ordination
Lack of good workplace
Lack of good administration
Besides all input that is man machine materials is no supply in just time
The lowest output point in the production line is called bottleneck. That is bottleneck area, where supply gathered
and production goes under capacity.
Reason of bottleneck—
unskilled operator
wrong sequence of works.
non balance allocation of elements
workers absenteeism
machine problem
lack of supply
color shading
quality problem
bundling mistake
numbering mistake
pattern problem
input problem.
Solution of bottleneck—
Method improvement
Share capacity
Add additional manpower of machine
Improve workstation layout
Better operator allocation
Work for extra hours
Use time saving tricks
Quick decision of quality issue
All parts supply properly
Machine adjusts properly.
Productivity is given as output compare to input. Output means the amount produced. Input are the various
resources employed. i.e. land & building, equipments & machinery, materials, labor etc.
Productivity= output/input.
Types of productivity
Labor productivity
Machine productivity
Value productivity
Productivity improvement techniques:
Technology based-CAD, CAM, CIMS
Employee based-financial and nonfinancial incentives, employee promotion, personal development.
Material based-Material planning and control, waste elimination.
Process based—Methods engineering, human factors engineering.
Product based—Value analysis and value engineering, standardization.
Tasks based—Management style, work culture, motivation
Production is any process or procedure developed to transform a set of input elements like men, materials, capital,
information and energy into a specified set of output like finished products and services in proper quantity and
quality , thus achieving the objectives of an enterprise.
Difference between production & productivity
Production= 100 pcs. i.e; quantity produced irrespective of inputs.
Productivity= 100 pcs ( output ) for 10 machines ( input )
= 100 pcs/ 10 pcs= 10 pcs per machine
Productivity = rate of pcs produced per machine.
Skill matrics :
Skill Matrix is a chart or a database where operator’s past performances on various operations are recorded
in a systematic way for the future reference. In a skill matrix operator performance is recorded in efficiency
percentage. Skill matrix is also called as skill inventory of the operators. A basic skill matrix is shown in
Figure-1. (Click on the picture for zoom). Skill matrix is updated on a regular interval. Or after completion of
each style operator's current performance (efficiency%) updated on the database (for manually developed
skill matrix).
he benefits of an operator skill matrix are enlisted below.
Skill Inventory:
A skill inventory is a list of an individual’s professional competencies or skills. Such an inventory might also
include education and professional experience. An employer might request a skills inventory from a
current employee or potential employee to gauge how well that individual is likely able to meet company
goals. What’s more is a company can use skills inventories to improve strategic planning efforts. Besides
recruiting and training, skills inventories can also be used for succession planning. Should a key employee
leave a company, there needs to be an individual or several individuals who are able to fill the talent gap.
One prime objective of industrial engineering is to increase productivity by eliminating waste and non-value
adding operations from the manufacturing process. So it is essential to know the wastes and non-value adding
functions those exist in garment manufacturing.
Eight wastage=Timwoodr
Excess motion
Over production
Over processing
Line feeding:
SMV finalizing
Line balancing
Introducing new methods
cross training
Production Vs Efficiency
Efficiency Productivity
Productivity Production
It is defined as the act of
It is defined as the rate at which goods are
Definition manufacturing goods for their
use or sale.
It is the actual process of
Use It is the utilization of resources to form goods.
It is the amount of work one gets for a certain It is the amount of work done or
Work done
spending cost. manufactured that is the output.
Basic Action
Reach= R
Move= M
Turn= T
Apply pressure= AP
Grasp= G
Position= p
Release= RL
Disengage= D
Eye travel time= ET
Eye focus= EF
Body movement= BM
Leg movement= LM
Foot movement= FM
DHU= Defects per hundred unit.
COPQ= Cost of poor quality.
VSM= Value stream mapping.
TPS= Toyota production system.
PFD= Personal fatigue and delay.
PMTS= predetermined motion time systems.
CI= Continuous improvement.
CAD= Computer aided design.
CAM= Computer aided manufacturing.
CIMS= Computer integrated manufacturing systems.
PSVSM= present state value stream mapping.
FSVSM= Future state value stream mapping.
ISVSM= Ideal state value stream mapping.
SMED= Single minute exchange of dies or quick changeover
MTM= Methods time measurement
TMU=Time measurement unit
SMV= Standard minute value-European word-It is a standard
SAM= Standard allowed minutes—American word- it can be changed
BMV= Basic minute value= BMV and SMV are common word.
BPT= Basic pitch time
AQL= Acceptable quality level
MMR= man to machine ratio.
RPM=Revolution per minute
TMU=Time measurement unit
SPD=Sewing performance data table
NPT= Non productive time
MTM= Methods time measurement
WF= Work factor
PTS= predetermined time standards
VTD=video type discussion
SOP= Standard operating procedures.
TT= Takt time
EPE= Every part every
CT= cycle time
PDCA=Plan do check act
PDSA= Plan do study act
KPI= Key performance indicators
KPR=Key performance results
TQM= Total quality management
QMS= Quality management system
Quality= Quick decision, undeceive, appropriate, legitimate, intelligent, tremendous, youthfulness.
Quality= Quality is a standard, a goal, or a set of requirements.
Quality means giving the customer exactly what she/he needs, every time, on time and at the right cost.
Thread Consumption
Lean Manufacturing :
Lean is a systematic method for the elimination of wastage within a manufacturing system.
A systematic approach to identify eliminate waste (non value added activities) through continuous improvement by
flowing the product to meet the customer’s demand and corporate profitability
Objectives of lean
Reduced cost
Shortened lead time
Consistent quality
Lean Tools:
Bottleneck Analysis
Continuous Flow
Gemba (The Real Place)
Heijunka (Level Scheduling)
Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)
Jidoka (Autonomation)
Just-In-Time (JIT)
Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)
Kanban (Pull System)
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Muda (Waste)
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
Poka-Yoke (Error Proofing)
Root Cause Analysis
Single-Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)
Six Big Losses
Standardized Work
Takt Time
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Value Stream Mapping
Visual Factory
The 5s is a simple common sense system used to organized and standardize the workplace. 5s’s is the foundation of
lean system.
5s- sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain.
5s- seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, shitsuke ( Japanese language ).
Why implement 5s.
To eliminate waste
To have transparency in the workplace. No problems are hiden.
5s objective
kaizen is a Japanese word which consist of two terms. i.e; kai means change and zen means good. So over all
kaizen means change done for better improvement in a management system of company.
Advantages of kaizen
continuous improvement
people learn from their mistakes
people find ways to make things better
( 4) Goods and services also improve overtime
reduced cost
shortened lead time
improve quality
increase productivity
increase efficiency
improves customer satisfaction.
The lowest output point in the production line is called bottleneck. That is bottleneck area, where supply gathered
and production goes under capacity.
Reason of bottleneck
unskilled operator
wrong sequence of works.
non balance allocation of elements
workers absenteeism
machine problem
lack of supply
color shading
quality problem
bundling mistake
numbering mistake
pattern problem
input problem.
Solution of bottleneck
Method improvement
Share capacity
Add additional manpower of machine
Improve workstation layout
Better operator allocation
Work for extra hours
Use time saving tricks
Quick decision of quality issue
All parts supply properly
Machine adjusts properly.
Just in time manufacturing means producing the necessary items in necessary quantities at the necessary time. It is
a philosophy of continuous improvement in which non value adding activities ( or wastes ) are identified and
Benefits of JIT
reduced operating costs
higher quality
improved delivery
shortened lead time
reduce overtimereduce inventory
problem clarification
greater performance
better balance between different processes.
kanban is a scheduling system for lean and (JIT) just in time production .kanban is one method through which just in
time in achieved. Kanban stand for kan-card and ban-signal.
provides quick and precise information
provides quick response to changes
avoids overproduction
minimizes waste
full control can be maintain.
Pull system—A pull system is a process that moves on signal. Problem is visible. Stress to improve much.
Push system—A push system is a process that moves on schedule or plan. Problem is not visible. Stress to improve
Takt time
The demand rate per piece/ pair to satisfy customer demand. Takt time is not cycle time. It is pace of the
production line.
Takt time= daily working time/ daily required qty
Andon system
Green= normal condition, input problem
Yellow= Quality
Red= Machine.
Six Sigma:
Bottom line Improve
Business activities monitoring
Reduce wastage & Resources
Increase Customer satisfaction.
Goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific.
How do SMART Goals help ?
Helps to ensure that goals are effective.
Standardized Work
Documented procedures for manufacturing that capture best practices (including the time to complete each task).
Must be “living” documentation that is easy to change.
How does Standardized Work help?
Eliminates waste by consistently applying best practices. Forms a baseline for future improvement activities.
IE Job Responsibilities
SL IE Task
Work study
1 >Time study
>Method study
2 Motion study
Line Bbalancing
>Work or Job balancing
>Manpower balancing
>Process flow balancing
4 Efficiency calculation
5 Bottleneck Identify & Solution
6 NPT calculation
7 Root cause analysis
8 Jigs (tool holeder) & Fixtures (Worker holder),Attachments (Guide & Folder)
9 Worker recruitment
0 Worker perforemance evaluation monthly & yearly
1 Skill matrix prepare
2 Style wise target setup regularly
3 Ensure line input according to line plan
4 Ensure man,m/c , materials before line input
1 Must be maintain and setup line layout according to providing layout paper.
5 Must be follow up & guideline when line layout completed by technician
1 Monitor ,follow up compare production progress as per planning schedule
6 In case of unexpected situation take corrective action
7 Regularly Input -Output balance check
8 Worker motivation
9 Machine Inventory must be uptate regularly
0 Monthly floor wise manpower MRP should be provided
1 To make process board for each worker where each process has being written
2 Ensures that safety ,quality,maintain compliance issues are taken as part of the job
3 Kaizen implementation and innovative ideas for wastage reduction
2 To arrange floor wise Operator, Helper, S/V, training.
5 Over time or Tiffin should be provided by IE
A sewing line manpower 27 and smv 7.50 ,working hours 10,efficiency 65%,How many target in the line?
Given: M/P=27, SMV=7.5,W.H=10, Efficiency=65%,TGT=?
W.H=Working Hour
We know that,
Target = (M/P X W.H X 60 X 65%)/(SMV)
TGT= Target
=1404 pcs
Manpower 27 and smv 7.50 ,working hours 10,Production 1200 pcs,3 rd hours 25 minutes 5 machine
effects ,Calculate efficiency?
Given: M/P=27, SMV=7.5,W.H= 10, Production=1200 pcs
Lose time:Total time X Machine=25X5=125 minutes
Actual time =Total time –Lose time
=475 minutes
Efficiency ={ (Production X SMV)/(M/p X W.H in minutes)}100%
=70.18 %
Manpower 27 and smv 7.50 ,working hours 10,Production 1200 pcs, ,Calculate efficiency?
Given: M/P=27, SMV=7.5,W.H= 10, Production=1200 pcs
Actual time =Total time =10*60=600 minutes
Manpower 27 and smv 7.50 ,Production 1200 pcs,efficiency 65% ,Calculate working Hours?
Given: M/P=27, SMV=7.5, Production=1200 pcs,Efficiency=65%
Process average cycle time :21 second ,Rating: 85%, Allowance:15%,Calculate Proces target?
Given: Cycle time=21, Rating=85%, Allowance=15%
SMV =Basic time+Basics time X Allowance
=(Cycle timeX Rating)+( Cycle timeX RatingXAllowance)
=20.52 sec
Ariful Hasan Shovon
Mail- [email protected]
Voice- 01862830436