Too To Talk?: Reading
Too To Talk?: Reading
Too To Talk?: Reading
V get
P 101 and lul, sent en ce st ress
You should
t a lk to her.
a Talk CO a pa rcner. c Read the problems and advice again . Look
If you have a proble m rhat you need to talk abollt, .do you ta lk to a the highlighted ve rb phrases a nd guess rhei
fr iend or to a member of your fami ly? \Vh)'? mea ning.
2 Do you thi nk that men fi nd it more difficult than women to talk d Ta lk co a pa nner. W h ic h piece of advice do
aboU[ thei r problems? \Vhy (not)? YOll agree wi rh mose for each problem? Do
b Read th ree problems from a weekly anicle in a newspa per. Ma tch YOll h ave any orhe r suggesrions?
two pieces of advice ro eac h prob lem.
to talk?
Are you a man who finds it difficult to
talk about feelings and problems with
your friends and family?
Send us your problem. and you will get
advice from our readers. Our readers' advice!
1 c This seems like an easy one - go, but try to avoid him where
Problem A possible, and if you can't avoid him, then just smile and don't
T hree weeks ago, I asked my girlfriend to marry get into a conversation.
me - we have been together for 18 months. It 2 bD In my opinion, I don't think it's worth making problems at work.
was an impulse, but now I am having second Why don't you suggest that she asks a girlfriend or afamily
thoughts. I am deeply in love with her, but is member to go with her instead?
this too soon? Please help.
3 cD You should tell your wife how you feel. Be polite and, above all, bE
Problem B honest. You do not have to like her father. if he really is difficult,
everyone else will already know.
My wife is running her fi rst marathon in Orlando,
Florida, a nd she really wants me to go and watch 4 aD You felt it was right at the time, butfor some reason now you are
her. However, there is a business conference in not sure. You clearly love this girl, and I think you should go for
New York the same weekend, a nd my boss would it. I got married after four months of dating, and we celebrated 30
like me to attend. What should I do? years together this year.
S bD You should be there. Maybe this is a once-in-a-lifetime momentfor
Problem C her. You can always keep in touch with co-workers on your phone.
My wife wants us to spend two weeks in Cape
Cod, Massachusetts in the summer w ith her
S aD You shouldn't do anything in a hurry. Set a date 18 monthsfrom
now which will give you time to be sure you're doing the right
fa mily, but I find her father really difficult to thing. And don't plan too much. If you start booking restaurants
get along with. Should 1 go a nd risk having and getting clothes for the big day, it will make things worse if you
a rguments all the time or should r suggest then change your mind.
separate vacations th is year?
Adapted from a newspape
a Fi nd and un derli ne seve n exam ples of should a Look at three sentences fro m the lesson. Matc h the exa mples of
I shouldn't in the problem s and advice in 1. Bet w it h mea n ings a-Co
Answer w it h a partner:
a buy / obtain b receive c become
W hat do we use should for?
2 How do you make nega tives and questions Send us your problem, and you will ge t adv ice.
w ith sllOuld? If you start book ing resta uranrs and ge tting clofh es fo r the
b >- p.140 Grammar Bank BA. Lea rn more big day...
about should and practice it. I'm getting really stressed about it .
b > p.159 Vocabulary Bank get.
3 PRONUNCIATION c In pa irs, ask and answer the questio ns w ith Bet.
/u/ and /u/, sentence stress
1 When was the last time you got a present? What was it?
a 471}) Listen and repeat t he words and Who was it from?
sounds. W hat's the difference betwee n the 2 Would you like to get in shape? What do you think you should do?
two sound s? 3 What website do you use if you want t o get tickets a) to travel
b) for the movies I theater I concerts?
.ti bull good pur should wou ld 4 Who do you get along with best in your family?
Is there anybody you don't get along with?
5 How do you get to work I school?
boot do soon tr ue yo u How tong does it usually take you?
6 What's the first thing you do when you
get home from work / school?
b 48») A re the pink letters in these words
7 Do you have a good sense of direction, or do
so und I (/uI ) or sound 2 (/u/)' Listen and
you often get lost?
check. W hich consonant is n't pronounced in
8 How many emails or text messages do you
shollld, \Vould, a nd could? get a day? Are they mostly from friends?
Do you usually reply immediately?
book could flew food foot look school
4 LISTENING & SPEAKING My best friend wants to borrow some money to help her buy a car. I have the
money, and she says she'll pay me back next year. But I'm worried that it's
a SOl») Listen to someo ne ca ll ing a rad io not a good idea to lend money to friends. What should I do?
program called What's the Problem? W hat is
My friend Anna has gone away on vacation for two weeks, and I'm taking
rhe problem about? Make nmes in the chart. care of her cat. Yesterday I couldn't find the cat anywhere. My friend is
coming home in three days. I'm desperate. Should I call her now and tell
problem expert 's advice
her? What should I do?
caLLer 1
caller 2
P Language for giving advice
(J think / don't think) you should ... Why don't you ...?
b Co mpa re yo ur notes wi th a pa rtner. What You shouldn't ... You could ...
'. do you th ink the man should do?
b In groups offour, read your respo nses. W hose adv ice is t he bes t?
c 51)) Now listen to an expert giv ing adv ice
and make no tes in the ch art. Is it t he same as
YOUts? Is it good advice? Why (not)? 7 SS »)) SONG Why 00 I Feel So Sad? J'
d 52,53»)) Now repeat for ca ller 2. Online Practice
G if+ present, will + base form (f irst conditional) If we change
V confusing verbs lines, this one will
P linking move quicker.
a If you are wa iting co check in at the ai rport and you change lines.
what w ill usua lly happen?
b Read the first two paragraphs of the article and check. \V ho was
Murphy? W hat is his law?
If you are in a check-in line and you change
to another line that is moving more
quickly, what will happen? The line you were in
c Now look at the eight examples ofMurp hy's Law in the article
before will suddenly start moving faster. What
and ma tch them w ith semences A- H.
will happen if you take your umbrella because
A your flight will be delayed. you think it's going to rain later? It won't rain, of
B you will spill coffee on it. , course. It will only rain if you forget to take your
umbrella. These are examples of Murphy's Law,
C you wi ll find a parking space right in front of it.
which says, "If there is something that can go
o all the traffic lights will be red. wrong, it will go wrong ."
E will have a problem with his or her credit card .
Murphy's Law took its name from Captain
F he or she will already have a partner. Edward Murphy, an American aerospace
G there will be a hyperactive five·year-old in the seat beh ind you. engineer from the 1940s. He was trying to
H it w ill work when the salesperson tries it. improve safety for pilots flying military planes.
Not surprisingly, he got a reputation for
d Do any of these th ings or thi ngs like this often happen CO you? always thinking of the worst thing that could
happen in every situation. Here are some
more examples of Murphy's Law.
2 GRAMMAR if + present, will + base form AIR TRAVEL
a In pai rs, cove r A- H and look at 1-8 in the text. How many of the 1 D If you get to the airport early, ..
laws ca n you remember? 2 D If you want to sleep on the plane, ..
b Look at the seme nces again. What tense is the verb after if? SHOPPING
W hat tense is the other verb? 3 0 If you are in a hurry, the person in front of
you ..
c >- p.140 Grammar Bank 88. Lea rn more about the first 4 0 If you take something that doesn't work
conditio nal and practice it.
back to a store, ..
d In pairs, complete these Mur phy's Laws. DRIVING
If you fi nd something in a store that you really like .... 5 D If you're late for something important, ..
2 If you stop wa iting for a bus and start wal king, ... 6 0 If you park a long way from a
3 If you call a te lephone compa ny help li ne, restaurant, ..
4 If you leave your cel l pho ne at home, ... SOCIAL LIFE
5 If yo u lose a glove and buy a new pa ir, .. 7 0 If you are Single and you meet somebody
e Compare your laws with other students. at a party who you really like, ..
Do you have the same (or simila r)? 8 0 If you wear a new white shirt or dress, ..
p Sound linking
Remember that if a word fin ishes with a consonant and
the next word begins with a vowel, we usually link the
words together, e.g., we'U""' cafe
a With a partner, think of three things th at cou ld go
wrong when you are on vacation.
Online Practice
BA should / shouldn't Use sllOllld I shouldn't + verb (base form) ro give somebody
advice or say what you think is the right thing to do.
should I shouldn't is the same for all persons.
You should wear a suir to the interview. 46 »))
We often use I fhink YOIl should . . or f dOll't tliillkyotl SliOlIld . .
I think you should change your job.
NOT -I tllinkyoil l,'rt'Juldll 'to
I don 't think you should speak to her.
He's ve ry stressed. He shouldn't work so hard.
You shouldn't drink coffee in the evening. It'll keep you awake.
P oughtto
You can also use ought to instead of should e.g.,
You ought to wear a suit.
We don't usually use ought to in the negative form.
BB first conditional: if + present, will / won't Use if + present to talk about a possible s ituation and will I
base form to ta lk about the consequence.
WOII ', +
2 The if clause can come first or second. If the if clause comes
If! miss the last bus. I' ll take a taxi. 2 »)) first, we usually put a comma before the next clause.
If you tell her rhe tTuth, she won't believe you.
3 You can also use the imperative or call + base from in stead of
What will you do ifhe doesn't call you?
will + base form in the other clause.
2 If you don't go, she won't be very happy.
She won't be very happy if you don't go.
3 If you miss the last bus, takeataxi.
If you miss the last bus, you can take a taxi.
BC possessive pronouns Don't use possessive pronouns with a noun . NOT It 's ",iilt: btJok.
Don't use the with possessive pronouns, e.g.. ls a,is yours? NOT {of thiJ rflt: y ol11'S?
Whose coat is it? It's my coa t. 12 )) pronouns and possessive adjectives overview
It's mine.
Whose jacket is it? It's your jacket. subject object possessive possessive
le's yours. pronouns , , pronouns adjectives pronouns
Whose phone is it? It 's hi s phone. I can come. She loves me. This is my seat. It's mine.
It's his.
You you your yours
Whose bag is it? It 's her bag. It 's hers. I -
He him h~ his
Whose dog is it? It 's o ur dog. It's ours.
Whose house is it? It's their house.
She her her ~ hers
It 's theirs.
It it its its
Use possessive pronoun s to talk about We us our ours
possession. Is it yours? Yes, it 's mine.
Use whose to ill about possession.
They them their j ~
Whose book is it? Whose is fIla! baB?
9 This isn't my jacket. It's her Jhers.
-< p.65
Online Practice
1 When was the last time you got a present? The last time I got a present was on May first
2 Would you like to get in shape? yes, i like to get in shape I want to get in shape What do you
think you should do? I think I should do exercise and eat healthy
3 What website do you use if you want to get tickets a) to travel I USE THE WEBSITE GOOGLE
b) for the movies I theater I concerts? I USE THE WEBSITE dabol iu dabol iu dabol
iu dat teletiket dat com dat pi i
4 Who do you get along with best in your family? i get along better with my sister gaby
Is there anybody you don't get along with? No, there isn’t
How long does it usually take you? It usually takes around fifty minutes
6 What's the first thing you do when you get home from work / school? the first thing I do when I
get home from work is change my clothes
7 Do you have a good sense of direction, or do you often get lost? Yes, I have a good sense of
8 How many emails or text messages do you get a day? I receive about 10 text messages a day ai
ricib abaut ten tex mesayes a dey
Do you usually reply immediately? No, I don’t because I’m very busy