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Version A

Progress test
1 Complete each sentence with a phrasal verb in the 3 Correct one mistake with a verb tense in each of
correct form. these sentences. One sentence is correct.
0 My mum needs me to . pick up a few things 0 My brother has been buying a new bike recently.
from the supermarket for her. . has bought
1 That play for ages. I thought it was 1 Her project is late because she makes so many
never going to end! changes to it.
2 I have to the house after the party. 2 It’s by far my favourite film. I’ve been seeing it more
Can you help me? than 20 times now.
3 Dad says that now we have a bit more money, we 3 Since I changed school, I have not had time to see
can the spare bedroom and make it my old friends.
usable. 4 I want a break. I’ve revised all morning.
4 I want to sit down and watch some TV. Babysitting
my little cousin has me . 5 … and in breaking news, the government has been
announcing cuts to scholarships in secondary
2 Complete each sentence with the correct form of a education.
word in the box. 6 The publishing industry is having problems since
ebooks arrived, but the situation is improving.
concerned critical enthusiastic mature
organised patient polite reasonable 7 How’s the holiday so far? Did you have a good time?
reliable responsible sensitive
8 Sara, a package has been arriving for you at home.
0 The bus will be here soon, so don’t be I know you’ve been waiting for ages for it.
. impatient .
1 The report was highly of the
teenagers’ behaviour towards their parents.
2 She was that she would not be able
to find the address, but she needn’t have worried.
3 The crowd gave the band an
welcome to the stage.
4 In my country, as in many others, it is considered
not to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
5 Marc is very for his age. He behaves
more like an adult a lot of the time.
6 I can’t believe how the sports day
was. Nobody knew where to go or what to do.
7 My watch broke and they offered to fix it for free,
which I thought was very of them.
8 It was really to leave the cooker on
while we went out. There might have been a fire.
9 I find Caroline can be a bit
sometimes. She never cares if she upsets someone.
10 Your computer is always breaking down. It’s
completely . You should buy a
new one.

1 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Progress test 1

4 Complete each sentence with the correct form of 6 For questions 1–8, read the text below and think
make or do. of the word which best fits each gap. Use only
1 So my mum said to me, ‘If you’re bored watching one word in each gap. There is an example at the
TV, why don’t you do some exercise? That beginning (0).
would a nice change. You could
some of the housework, like the beds or My writing day
the cleaning.’ Suddenly I was very keen to
my homework!
A young writer describes his daily routine
2 Can I an appointment with the College their
Most writers have (0) own rules about how
Principal? I’d like to a different course
next year and I need to a decision about they work, and I’m no different. My alarm goes
which one as soon as possible. (1) at 5.00 am, I shower to wake myself up
3 If you want to well in a job interview, it’s
crucial to a good first impression.
before heading to the office five minutes away. On my
4 A: Are you much progress with selling way, I buy a cup of coffee and I’m normally ready to
your house? begin writing at 5.30. (2) than write for a
B: Nobody’s even any arrangements to
view it yet. I don’t think the agents are fixed amount of time, I aim to produce a page of writing
much of an effort with it. Every time I call, they every day. It might take 20 minutes, but frequently it’s
another excuse.
much longer before I finally get (3) with my
5 I’m really sorry, but I can’t the shopping
today. I’ve got too much work to . Could proper job. I’m a lawyer, (4) to be honest,
you me a huge favour and it for I’ve never really enjoyed it. I see it (5) a step
me? Thanks!
6 I a big mistake when I agreed to in the right direction because (6) is so much
business with friends. Never again! wasted time around the office that I get opportunities to
write I wouldn’t normally have. My job also gives me the
5 Complete this interview by writing the verbs in
discipline necessary (7) writing, so I should be
brackets in the correct form.
Interviewer: So Jessica, here you are in New Zealand
grateful to it for that (8) least.
– a long way from home. (0) How long
have you been (be) here?
Jessica: Three weeks.
Interviewer: How long (1) you
Jessica: Six months. I’m having the time of my
Interviewer: And what (2) (be) your best
experience since you left home?
Jessica: I think it’s what I’m doing now. I’m
learning to skydive.
Interviewer: Really? (3) you
(always like) doing dangerous things?
Jessica: Yes, I guess since I was a small child
I (4) (always want) to push
myself, and this is a great opportunity.
Interviewer: Any bad experiences since you left
Jessica: People warned me about crime and
illness but I (5) (be) lucky so
far – nothing bad (6) (happen)
to me, and I hope it won’t in the next six

2 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Version A

Progress test
1 Complete each sentence with one word only. 3 For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence
0 People buy insurance when they don’t want to take so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
risks with their lives. using the word given in capitals. Do not change the
word given. You must use between two and five
1 I didn’t have a what to say in my class words, including the word given.
presentation this morning, so I just made something
0 He doesn’t like tennis as much as football.
2 I took football again after a long break football more than
He likes tennis.
when my friends and I decided we were getting too
lazy. 1 Food is often cheaper in supermarkets than in small
3 When I’m cooking, I like to have a at new shops.
recipes. I’m getting into Indian food at the moment. LESS
4 Remember I said I’d get football tickets? I’ve Often, food in supermarkets
my promise and got hold two – in small shops.
they’re like gold dust!
5 I don’t know how to describe him. He’s a very hard 2 I’m the least musical person I know.
man to sum . ANYONE
I don’t
2 Correct any mistakes with the adjectives in bold in me.
these sentences. Three adjectives are correct.
3 His confidence is higher than it was at the start of
0 I get really irritating with people who use mobiles in the course.
the cinema. irritated
1 My brother-in-law just phoned with some excited He doesn’t seem
news: my sister’s having a baby! he did at the start of the course.
2 Remember that book you lent me? I hate to
say it, but it was so boring I couldn’t finish it. 4 That was the most boring story I have ever heard.
3 I went for a walk by the river with Sally. You’ll be I have
amusing to hear I managed to fall in. It was so boring story in my life.
4 You look a little confusing. Can I help? 5 It is easier to travel around the city by bicycle than
by bus or car.
5 Isn’t it astonished how exhausting it can be ONE
walking around the shopping centre all morning? Going by bicycle is
ways to travel round the city.
6 I was disappointing by the attitude of my
teammates during the last volleyball match. 6 My old tablet cost half the price of my new one.
7 Do you think students are motivating mostly by My new tablet has
getting good grades or is it more complicated than my old one.

1 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Progress test 2

4 Complete the sentences using and, but, Mars update

because, when, what, who, which and
that. There is one word you do not need How our knowledge of the Red Planet is changing fast
to use.
Mars, the second smallest planet in the solar system, is commonly known as
A: I’d like to get fit (0) but I don’t
the ‘Red Planet’, thanks to the iron oxide covering its surface (this is in fact
know (1) to do. Perhaps I rust, the same material you see covering a piece of iron or steel exposed to
should join the gym like my brother. air and water). (1) And although Mars has a thinner atmosphere and
B: Gyms are boring. Why don’t you take its surface is covered with similar features to those on the Moon, there are
up a sport (2) you like? I think many other features present – volcanoes, valleys, deserts and even polar ice
you’d enjoy a team sport like volleyball – found here on Earth.
or basketball (3) it’s easy to
Among the more well-known features found on Mars is Olympus Mons, one
make friends (4) it’s a lot of
of the highest mountains in the solar system, and the Valles Marineris, one of
fun. If you want, I can ask Mr Parker,
the deepest valleys. (2) Phobos and Deimos, the two Martian moons,
(5) ’s my basketball coach, if
are small and strangely shaped and may be made up of the remains of this
there’s a place for you.
A: That’d be great, thanks! Call me
(6) you know. Before the first spacecraft, Mariner 4, reached Mars in 1965, there was a
continuing debate about the existence of water on its surface. In the 18th
century, long, straight lines seen by telescope were said by some to be canals
5 Complete each sentence with a word in full of water, perhaps constructed by the planet’s Martian residents. (3)
the box. There is one word you do not
Could they be continents, surrounded by seas?
need to use.
Although the Martian canals were later found to be optical illusions, visiting
competitive demanding depressing spacecraft found that Mars did indeed once have surface water. (4) The
economical entertaining incredible Mars rover Spirit detected water molecules in March 2007, and the Phoenix
popular time-consuming mission discovered water ice in 2008.
There have been up to three spacecraft orbiting Mars – the Mars Odyssey,
0 Writing essays by hand is so
time-consuming I always type them on Express and Reconnaissance Orbiter. (5) A further two are operating
on the planet’s surface – Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity and the Mars
my computer.
Science Laboratory Curiosity. Non-operational spacecraft also litter the
1 The audience obviously found the show surface, such as the MER-A Spirit and the 2008 Phoenix lander.
– they applauded the In terms of its size in the sky, only Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun
actors for ages at the end. appear bigger to us, and are visible with the naked eye. (6) Because of
2 Mike is extremely – he the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere, normal telescopes can only really see
gets angry when he loses in a game or if the larger features of the surface like giant craters when Earth and Mars are
he gets low marks. closest. No matter how powerful, Mars won’t look anything like images you
3 I won’t be watching that film again. see in the magazines.
The ending was so that
I was miserable for days afterwards.
4 Hybrid petrol-electric cars are far A One, the giant Borealis basin in the northern half of Mars, covers 40% of the
more to run than surface and could be the result of the planet being hit by a huge meteorite.
conventional petrol- driven ones. B It was observations by the last of these that revealed possible flowing water
5 Marathon running is so physically during the warmer months.
that the exhausted C One surprise is the strange pale yellow-pink sky, so different to the blue we
runners can lose up to 4 kg. are all used to seeing.
6 ‘Scoring the winning goal was the D Its orbit around the Sun, the speed at which it spins, and the angle at which it
most feeling,’ said the turns, produce seasons which are similar to our own.
victorious captain after the match.
E More recently, observations of light and dark shapes in the polar regions
seemed to suggest land.
6 You are going to read a magazine article
F However, many new stargazers are disappointed by their first view of it
about the planet Mars. Six sentences have
through a telescope.
been removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A–G the one which G Seven years ago, the analysis of highly sophisticated radar data appeared to
fits each gap (1–6). There is one extra confirm its presence.
sentence which you do not need to use.

2 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Version A

Progress test
1 Complete each sentence with the correct noun in the correct 3 Complete each sentence with the correct
form: travel, journey, trip or way. preposition.
1 Like many students, I have a long train journey to uni every 1 I’ve got an appointment with the doctor
day. It’s the only I can get there. first thing in the morning
2 Tomorrow’s sightseeing has been cancelled so we’re
going to a theme park instead. Great!
3 Did you see that documentary The world’s most dangerous
2 1st May, I’m having a birthday
about truck drivers in the Andes?
4 My dad is on a business in New York. I miss him but party. Can you come? It starts
we talk on Skype a lot. 7.00 pm.
5 All passengers with onward should make their way to
the flight transfers lounge. 3 Please come and see me the end
6 I’m completely confused. Is this the right to the exit? of school today.
7 We want to get return tickets to Rome. What’s your best round
price? 4 A: Are you doing anything the
8 Piotr’s uncle missed the match because his car broke down on weekend?
the into town. B: Only Saturday afternoon. I’m
going shopping with my aunt.
2 For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do 5 Dad will be home a minute,
not change the word given. You must use between two and five Daniel. Can we talk about it
words, including the word given.
1 Sam stopped playing football when he moved schools.
USED 6 Dinner will be ready 15 minutes!
Sam a lot before moving
schools. 7 It’s so quiet round here night. I
can’t wait to get back to the city.
2 I went abroad for the first time when we went on a school trip to
8 A: When are you moving house?
I abroad before we went on a
school trip to Paris. B: No, September. just six weeks’
3 Andrea and Silvio have been close friends since nursery school.
Andrea and Silvio’s friendship in
nursery school.

4 Who told you that the schedule had changed?

How the changes to the

5 We scored a goal three minutes after the match started.

We three minutes when
we scored a goal.

6 I was too late to buy any tickets for the film.

The box office all the tickets by
the time I got to the cinema.

1 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Progress test 3

4 For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the The rise of the surfer
word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. How surfing became a global business success.
There is an example at the beginning (0). A The only thing a surfer is really interested in is how good the
waves are. This quest for perfection has led to the discovery
Invasion of the snails of many once-quiet beaches which nowadays find themselves
packed with tourists. Today’s surfers book online and enjoy
The US state of Florida is fighting an
their experience at ‘surf camps’ – places that have removed
(0) invasion of gigantic snails! Over INVADE any element of danger from travelling to remote areas, places
1,000 of the huge molluscs are being trapped previously known only to a few brave pioneers. No matter how
weekly in the area around Miami. The far from civilisation a surf camp might be, though, a pioneer
(1) African land snail, which MASS will probably have been there first. These are people who will
camp out in the most extreme environments, ignoring insects,
can grow to an (2) size – EXCEPTION
snakes and natural disasters for months at a time just to enjoy
sometimes as big as a rat – represents a
the waves alone.
(3) danger to local plant life. CONSIDER
Experts met last week in Gainesville, Florida, B All this began in the 1970s, driven by exciting improvements
for the Giant African Land Snail Science in surfboard design. They became smaller and lighter, which
Symposium, to try and discover the most made them easier to transport. Newer and better waves
were being tracked down around the globe by a small army
(4) ways to eliminate the SUCCEED
of determined young men and women. Naturally, some of
snails (5) . SAFE
them had cameras with them, and the photos they took and
A spokesperson said investigators were the films they made encouraged others to follow in their
attempting to learn where the snails had come footsteps. The more business-minded sold pictures and stories
from originally, though an (6) RESPONSE to magazines and the surf world exploded. Thousands of
pet owner is the main suspect. Scientists keen young surfers boarded planes to try and find the next
are (7) that Florida will CONCERN undiscovered surfing paradise.
experience the same problems as some
C By the 1980s, the surf package tour had arrived on the
Caribbean countries, where snails crossing scene. Those early surf pioneers had become tour operators
the roads cause accidents and make sidewalks and surf camp guides, operating in the same places they
covered in slime (8) to DANGER had themselves discovered. The Maldives became a tourist
walk on. destination after one adventurous surfer was stuck there in
1973 while on his way to South Africa. He had found a small
island, where perfect waves crashed on perfect beaches
5 You are going to read an article about surfing. For
and where there were no other surfers to spoil the view. He
questions 1–10, choose from the paragraphs (A–D).
abandoned his South Africa trip and settled down to enjoy
The paragraphs may be chosen more than once.
the clear blue water almost entirely on his own for years
Which paragraph mentions afterwards.

1 an important technical development? D The Maldives are now a permanent fixture on the surf
calendar, just like a host of other camps around the Indian and
2 the way people’s roles have changed? Pacific Oceans. By the new millennium, the travel market for
3 difficulties encountered by surfers? surfers was part of mainstream tourism. Previously isolated
communities, who just happened to live with some of the
4 problems of cultural differences? best waves on the planet, are confronted with surf boats, surf
camps and young people who are sometimes more interested
5 an unexpected piece of luck?
in catching the next wave than in local customs and traditions.
6 the single-minded attitude of surfers? There is barely anywhere left in the world where small but
determined bands of surfers are not making the first steps
7 the limited number of places left unsurfed? in establishing a local surf business. Whatever their motives
though, everyone who surfs an exotic beach should be
8 a change of plan?
grateful to these intrepid pioneers.
9 a reduction in risk?

10 the influence of the media on surfing?

2 Complete First for Schools by Guy Brook-Hart with Katie Foufouti © Cambridge University Press 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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