Soil Fertility Evaluation
Soil Fertility Evaluation
Soil Fertility Evaluation
Literally the word fertile means ‘bearing abundantly’ and a fertile soil is
considered to be one that produces abundant crops under suitable environmental
Soil fertility : is concerned with the inherent capacity of soil to provide nutrients in
adequate amounts and in proper balance for the growth of specified plants when
other factors such as light, moisture, temperature and the physical condition of the
soil are favourable. Soil fertility is an aspect of the soil plant relationship viz., plant
growth with reference to plant nutrients available in soil.
Justus Von Liebig 1840 propounded the ‘law of Restitution’ which states
that in order to maintain soil fertility nutrients removed from the soil by crops must
be restored by the application of manures and fertilizers.
The assessment of nutrient supplying capacity of the soil is soil fertility
evaluation. It necessitates understanding of certain major concepts having definite
bearing on soil fertility.
The law of minimum was put forward by Von Liebig which envisages that if
a soil contains optimum / adequate amounts of all but one nutrient element, crop
growth is regulated by that single nutrient.
Approaches for soil fertility evaluation: The wide variety of diagnostic
techniques used so far can be broadly grouped into
1) Soil Analysis
2) Plant Analysis
3) Biological methods
4) Visual symptoms of nutrient deficiency or toxicity.
Soil Testing
Soil testing and plant analysis are useful tools for making recommendations
for application of fertilizers to crops. Soil testing gives a measure of the availability
of nutrients to crops, plant analysis indicates the actual removal of the nutrients
from the soil.
Objectives of soil testing
1. Grouping soils into classes relative to the levels of nutrients for suggesting
fertilizer practices.
2. Predicting the probability of getting profitable responses.
3. Helping to evaluate soil productivity.
4. Determining specific soil conditions like alkali, salinity and acidity which limits
crop yields.
Available nutrients : Plants draw their nutrients from air, water and soil. The bulk
of mineral nutrients come from soil. Soil available form of nutrient is that fraction
which is distributed in different discrete chemical forms, which often exist in a state
of dynamic equilibrium and constitute the pool from which plants draw it. Soil
available form of a nutrient is also that fraction whose variation in amount is
responsible for significant changes in yield and responses. The nutrient available
to biological organisms is termed as bioavailable nutrient.
Chemical methods for estimating nutrients
Soil testing includes measurement of available N, P, K, S, micronutrient,
lime and gypsum requirement, besides measuring pH, EC and calcium carbonate,
texture by Bouyoucos hydrometer method.
The different extractants for the available nutrients
Nutrient Extractant
Available Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn 0.005 M DTPA, pH 7.3 (Diethylene Triamine penta Acetate)
For most diagnostic purposes, plant analyses are interpreted on the basis of
critical value approach, which uses tissue nutrient concentration calibrated to
coincide 90% or 95% of the maximum yield, below which the plants are considered
to be deficient and above that value sufficient.
Two general types of plant analysis are in use.
1. The tissue test which is customarily made on fresh tissue in the field.
2. Total analysis performed in the laboratory with precise analytical
A. Tissue Tests
Rapid tests for the determination of nutrient elements in the plant sap of fresh
tissue. In these tests, the sap from ruptured cells is tested for unassimilated
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They are semi quantitative tests mainly
intended for verifying or predicting deficiencies of N, P or K. The results are read
as low, medium or high. Through the proper application of tissue testing it is
possible to anticipate or forecast certain production problems which still in the field.
The concentration of the nutrients in the cell sap is usually a good indication of how
well the plant is supplied with nutrients at the time of testing.
(1) Plant Part to be Selected: In general the conductive tissue of the latest
mature leaf is used for testing.
(2) Time of Testing: The most critical stage of growth for tissue testing is at
the time of bloom or from bloom to early fruiting stage. Nitrates are usually
higher in the morning than in the afternoon if the supply is short.
Test for nitrates Diphenylamine
Phosphates Molybdate + Stannous oxalate test
For potassium Sodium cobalti nitrate
B. Total Analysis
Total analysis is performed on the whole plant / plant parts. Precise analytical
techniques are used for measurement of the various elements after the plant material is
dried, ground and ashed and used for estimating total nutrient content.
NPK requirement of the crop is diagnosed using DRIS chart. The chart is
constructed of three axes for N/P, N/K and K/P represented with mean values of
the sub populations of the high yielder. The concentric circle can be considered
asconfidence limits. Horizontal arrows (→) in the inner circle indicate the balance
being set at + 15% and outer at the mean + 30% for each expression. Vertical (↓↑)
1. The importance of nutritional balance is taken into account.
2. The norms for the elemental content can be universally applied.
3. Diagnosis can be made over wide ranges of stages.
4. The nutrients limiting the yield either through excess or insufficiency can
be readily identified.
Indicator plants: Certain plants are very sensitive to deficiency of a specific plant
nutrient and they produce specific symptoms which are different from other
deficiency symptoms. Thus the deficiency of that element can easily be detected.
The indicator plants are the following
Element Deficiency indicator plant
N Cauliflower, Cabbage
P Rape seed
K Potato
Ca Cauliflower, Cabbage
Mg Potato
Fe Cauliflower, Cabbage, Potato
Na Sugar beet
Mn Sugarbeet, Oats, Potato
B Sunflower
Biological methods of soil fertility evaluation
For calibrating crop response, besides chemical soil test values other procedures
are also available. They are
1. Mitscherlich pot culture method
2. The Jenny pot culture test
3. The Neubauer seedling method
4. The Stanford and Dement technique
5. Sunflower pot culture technique for boron
6. Sackett and Stewart technique (Azotobacter test for P2O5 and K2O)
Class I Very deficient – None or few small pin head sized colonies are seen.
Class III Slightly deficient – The colonies on unfertilized cultures are equal in
number and development.
4. Mulder’s aspergillus niger test for Cu and Mg : Color of the mycelia and
spores give an indication of either deficiency or sufficiency of Cu and Mg. For
comparison, known standards are prepared as follows and their colors are
compared with those on the unknown soil.
Ranges for Cu and Mg in Mulder’s test
Besides plant analysis there are some biological tests which may be used to
evaluate soil fertility.
1. The Mitscherlich pot culture method : In this method pots containing 2.72 kg
soil are taken for growing oats as test crop. N, P and K are added in different
combinations in these pots [No - one pot, Po - three pots (NK), Ko- three pots (NP)
and NPK - three pots) ]. The crop is grown till maturity and percentage increase in
yield is calculated by using Mitcherlich tables from rotation of given quantity of
fertilizers over native fertility status (control).
2. The Jenny’s pot culture test : Smaller pots consisting of 1.81 kg soil are used
for growing lettuce (Lactuca sativa longifolia) as test crops for 6 weeks. Following
treatments are used in four replications.
Control NoPoKo
Full fertilizer N150 P150 K100
No nitrogen N0 P150 K 100
No phosphorus N150 P0 K100
No potash N150 P150 K0
The percentage values are categorized as deficiency, probable deficiency
and uncertain deficiency as mentioned below :
% yield
Jenny’s values Definite Probable Uncertain
deficiency deficiency deficiency
N 20 20-50 51-70
P 20 20-50 51-65
K 70 70-75 76-80
S 66 66-76 77-83
P2O5 6 6 5 5 7 6 6
K2O 24 21 27 20 39 37 25
A = Available soil nutrient
B = Amount of fertilizer nutrient applied.
Y = The fraction of the nutrient derived from fertilizer contained in the plant.