Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
I. Classify the given descriptions below whether reaction paper, review paper or critique
paper. Write RCP for reaction paper, RVP for review paper and CP for critique paper.
________1. Allows or asks a person to write a reaction on something that he or she had seen, heard, or
________2. It has content that is slightly on the next level of critical thinking.
________3. It is usually a term used for the write up of journalists or columnist expressing their
personal opinions.
________4. Balances opinions with facts, thus giving a paper a more matured outlook.
________5. It is the most academic in nature among the three.
________6. It is commonly used in Senior High School, in College, and even in graduate school.
________7. It may be the most challenging to write among the three types of paper.
________8. It is an intellectual discourse integrating just a few personal opinions, facts supported by
sources, and other aspects.
________9. In writing a _____ paper, here are some of the questions that you need to ask: What is the
main topic of the reading material or item that I will be reacting to?
________10. In writing a _____paper, here are some of the questions that you need to ask: What is the
main topic of the reading material or item that I will be reviewing?
II. Classify the given descriptions below whether formal definition, informal definition or
extended definition. Write FD for formal definition, ID for informal definition and ED for
extended definition.
_______11. Consists of three parts: the term, the part of speech to which it belongs, such as a noun or a
verb, and all the traits or characteristics that are specific to that term.
_______12. The dictionary is filled with formal definitions, but it is not the only place where you will find
_______13. Writers often include _____ definitions when they are writing about something that may be
unfamiliar to their readers.
_______14. In textbooks, you may find the ____ definition of terms listed at the beginning, at the end of
a chapter, or in the glossary, which is a mini-dictionary of terms relevant to that text.
_______15. The writer uses known words or examples to explain an unknown term.
_______16. These definitions may be synonyms or antonyms introduced by or, in other words, or like.
_______17. Generally, have components of both informal and formal definitions.
_______18. The author uses several other techniques/methods to define a word, concept, or phrase.
_______19. It may include the concept's qualities, traits, or properties.
_______20. Sustainable consumption, a consumer in the new normal, net-zero living, elusive green
consumer, attitude behavior gap, value-action gap is an example of ____definition.
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