Contemporary Arts Module 1

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Contemporary Arts

Rojielynne T. Yusay Grade – 12 Aquinas



From your answers in Activity 1, describe and explain each visual element of art.

Line - A line is an element of art that is characterized by a moving point in space. Lines
might be two-dimensional or three-dimensional, descriptive, oblique, or abstract.

Shape - A shape is a two-dimensional, flat, or height-and-width-limited element of art.

Form - A form is an artist’s approach of combining art elements, design ideas, and
mediums. Form is a three-dimensional aspect of art that encloses space. A form has
length and width, just like a shape, but it also has depth.

Texture - The surface quality of a work of art is referred to as texture. Textures are
associated with the way things look and feel. Visual or inferred texture is texture that is
designed to appear to be something it is not. In a piece of art, texture can be employed
to generate visual interest or a focal point in a composition.

Pattern - The repetition of an object or symbol across an artwork is known as pattern.

Repetition combines with pattern to give the impression of movement in the work of art.
The work of art is brought together by the recurrence of design motifs.

Color - Color is the visual element of art with the greatest emotional impact. It’s the
element that’s used to set the tone or atmosphere of a piece of art.
Contemporary Arts

Rojielynne T. Yusay Grade – 12 Aquinas


Activity 1

In my work, I'd like to convey an emotional response to a peek of a life span, as

well as its mood and ambiance. When the wind has died down and everything around
you are still, it might be an emotional splash or complete silence and gloom. I believe
that everything around us, not just people, has emotions. Slow moving clouds, tree
shades, soaring birds, raindrops falling from the sky, old boats, homes, street lights,
electric mains, tree limbs, snag trees, and blades of grass all contribute to the moment's
ambience. We can sense their loneliness, grief, anticipation, and optimism in that
transient emotion that I wish to depict.
Contemporary Arts
Activity 1

Both Sides
By: Rojielynne Yusay

When I open my eyes, I see light;

In the dark night,

Thinking how to fight

The word surrender is in my sight.

The sun giving us daylight.

The moon giving us night.

Both giving us light;

But every night my heart feels so tight.

In the dark side, I can’t feel so right.

Feeling so fright;

My heart and mind were downright.

How? How? Can I fight?

Morning comes and it gives me stoplight,

Another hope, since I see sunlight.

It’s like I’ve never been in a lowlight…

Contemporary Arts

Rojielynne T. Yusay Grade – 12 Aquinas


Activity 1

Penguins are incredibly symbolic animals. They have gone through a long
evolutionary process that has lasted millions of years. Although this process also
permits them to survive and adapt to environments where few animals would be able to.

Intuition, dreaming, ingenuity, evolution, and contrast are all symbols associated
with penguins. As spirit animals, they also bring with them some vital lessons. They can
guide us through difficult times by encouraging us to be adaptable in our lives. Penguins
also teach us not to be afraid of change, but to embrace it instead.

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