Digital Grey Box Model of The Uni-Vibe Effects Pedal
Digital Grey Box Model of The Uni-Vibe Effects Pedal
Digital Grey Box Model of The Uni-Vibe Effects Pedal
This paper presents a digital grey box model of a late 1960s era
Shin-ei Uni-Vibe
1 R
analog effects foot pedal. As an early phase
shifter, it achieved wide success in popular music as a unique mu-
sical effect, noteworthy for its pulsating and throbbing modula-
tion sounds. The Uni-Vibe is an early series all-pass phaser ef-
fect, where each first-order section is a discrete component phase
splitter (no operational amplifiers). The dynamic sweeping move-
ment of the effect arises from a single LFO-driven incandescent
lamp opto-coupled to the light dependent resistors (LDRs) of each
stage. The proposed method combines digital circuit models with
measured LDR characteristics for the four phase shift stages of
an original Uni-Vibe unit, resulting in an efficient emulation that
preserves the character of the Uni-Vibe. In modeling this iconic
effect, we also aim to offer some historical and technical insight Figure 1: A closeup of the reflective housing (left) and lamp-LDR
into the exact nature of its unique sound. assembly (right)
Each pair of single order all-passes, when mixed with the original
The Uni-Vibe was a Shin-ei Companion effects box branded as signal, creates an instantaneous frequency notch where their 180o
the Univox Uni-Vibe and distributed by the Unicord Corporation phase shifts intersect. For this reason, most phasers match the cen-
in the late 1960s. The Uni-Vibe is thought to be the prominent ter frequencies in pairs or use 2nd order filters. Notch locations
guitar effect in popular music recordings such as Jimi Hendrix’s are modulated by a Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) sweeping the
Woodstock performance in 1969, Robin Trower’s 1974 “Bridge all-pass center frequencies. As a phaser, the Uni-Vibe is partic-
of Sighs,” and Pink Floyd’s 1973 “Breathe.” The sound of the ularly unique in two respects: the instantaneous positions of the
Uni-Vibe is characterized by throbbing pulse, “double beat,” and notches are determined by the complex interaction between a sin-
a lo-fi sweep [1]. It has a simple user interface with potentiometer gle incandescent lamp and four adjacent LDRs housed in a roughly
controls for Volume and Intensity, a foot pedal for varying rate or cube-shaped reflective chamber (shown in Figure 1), and an almost
speed, and a switch for Chorus or Vibrato Mode. arbitrary choice of phasing capacitor values. The capacitor values,
While the Uni-Vibe was marketed as a simulation of a rotating which determine the all-pass center frequencies, result in staggered
“Leslie” style speaker cabinet [2], in a more recent interview the or spread notches unlike other phasers which tend to use matched
inventor, Fumio Saeda, revealed his inspiration drew more from pairs. In addition to a phasing sound this leads to a band limited
Radio Moscow broadcasts modulated and distorted by the iono- tremolo-like effect. The exact reasoning for the capacitor selection
sphere as he listened on short wave radio in Japan [3]. In fact, the remains a mystery to Uni-Vibe aficionados [4].
Uni-Vibe modulation circuit was largely extracted from his first The uniqueness of the Uni-Vibe has thus been the subject of
effects box, the Psychedelic Machine, which was a combination of many attempts to commercially clone the original such as ([5] [6]
fuzz and modulation (called Mood), both of which were directly [7]) and [8] by Dunlop Manufacturing who now own the Uni-Vibe
inspired by the combination of fuzzy distortions and pitch modu- trademark, among others. Many of these clones attempt to emulate
lation of the ionosphere distorted broadcasts. the Uni-Vibe by recreating the original circuit, or by attempting to
The Uni-Vibe is considered to be a phaser or phase shifter sim- replicate a similar lamp and LDR combination.
ilar to the MXR Phase 90 of the time [4]. A phaser mixes an input Previous published work on Uni-Vibe analysis was done in [9]
signal with the same signal’s output from a series chain of all-pass and [10]. Related work in [11] provides a thorough overview for
filters to generate a number of notches in the frequency spectra. direct digital implementation of generalized analog phasers con-
structed with operational transconductance amplifiers and field ef-
∗ For Eventide Inc. fect transistors. Whereas, the more specific modeling of the MXR
1 Uni-Vibe is a registered trademark of Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc. Phase 90 pedal from [12] tabulates the main nonlinearity from a
c 2019 Champ Darabundit et al. This is an open-access article dis- JFET used as the notch sweeping variable resistor within a state
tributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, space discrete model of the circuit. The authors in [13] describe
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, pro- an ad-hoc method for modeling a vactrol, a single element pack-
vided the original author and source are credited. age combining an LED and LDR, in a Buchla low-pass gate. They
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
reason that realizing full models of photoconductor transients for and suggestions for future work.
musical signals is a significant task based on the models in [14].
We propose a digital grey box emulation of the Uni-Vibe, sim- 2. UNI-VIBE CIRCUIT
ilar to the phaser modeling work done in [15]. The grey box
model approach combines physical measurement data (a black box The Uni-Vibe can be broken down into five basic blocks (as shown
model) and a physically informed model derived from circuit anal- in Figure 2): the pre-amplification section, the phasing section, the
ysis (a white box model). Our primary motivation for this ap- LFO and lamp section, the output buffer, and the output mixer. The
proach, over complete physical modeling of the entire system, input signal is buffered by the nonlinearity before being passed to
arises from the observed complexity in the coupled interaction be- the phasing section which is a multi-stage phaser with four phase
tween the driving LFO circuit, the single incandescent lamp, the stages. Each phase stage has its own unique LDR and phasing
four adjacent LDRs, and the reflective housing encasing the lamp capacitor, labeled CP in Figure 2. The LDR and R6 combined
and LDRs. We reason that a full model would need to take into in series forms the resistor-capacitor pair determining the center
account the complex physical relationship of at least the lamp, the frequency of the phase-shift contributed by each section.
LDRs, and the additional reflections and shielding provided by the After passing through the phasing sections, the signal is passed
housing. Since our goal is real-time and efficient implementation to the output buffer which is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
of this model, we opted for the black-box approach to this complex buffer, before being passed to the output mixer. Within the output
system. Consequently, our emulation uses measurement data taken mixer there is the vibrato/chorus switch, along with the volume
directly from an original Uni-Vibe unit to create three-dimensional control knob. The vibrato/chorus switch switches between two re-
wavetables capturing the behavior of each of the LDRs under the sistive networks to determine whether the signal from the output
influence of the LFO driven incandescent lamp. buffer is passed to the output by itself or mixed evenly with a “dry”
While the behavior of the LFO and LDRs is complex, a model signal originating from the first phase stage. The volume control
of the phasing sections can be derived and discretized via the bi- is a potentiometer adjusting the amplitude of the output. In com-
linear transform for the white box portion. Additionally, we will parison to the phasing section and the LFO, the pre-amplification
show that the discrete transistor phase splitting does not result in section and the output buffer section do not modulate the audio
ideal all-passing, and that this does have a perceivable effect in the path in a significant way at low signal levels and their contribu-
Uni-Vibe’s sound. tions are ignored in our analysis. The effects of these sections at
This paper will first provide an overview of the Uni-Vibe pedal high signal levels due to distortion remain for future work. Volume
and circuit in Section 2. In Section 3 we will examine the phasing and the Chorus/Vibrato switch did not need to be extensively mod-
circuit and the derivation of its continuous-time and discrete-time eled as they can be represented by a multiplication and addition,
models, highlighting some of the perceptually relevant aspects yet respectively.
to be thoroughly covered in previous works. Section 4 will cover
the measurement procedure for evaluating the LDRs and the sig- 2.1. LFO Section
nal analysis done to extract resistance curves from the LDRs. Sec-
tion 5 will discuss the results and real-time implementation of the This section contains the most dominant Uni-Vibe controls, Inten-
preamplifier model of the Uni-Vibe. Section 6 offers conclusions sity and Speed, found in the LFO section of Figure 2.The Intensity
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
knob, which goes from a value of one to nine, with additional min-
imum and maximum settings, scales the LFO voltage across the
bulb, and thus determines the range of the notches’ frequencies
in the phase-shifted signal.The effect of sweeping over a larger
frequency at the same LFO speed is what causes notches to sound
“deeper.” The Speed, controlled via foot-pedal, determines the rate
of the LFO. From toe-to-heel the Speed traverses approximately 0
Hz to 7.6 Hz. The 0 Hz Speed originates from a cancel switch
located at the heel of the foot pedal that turns off the lamp and
prevents the value of the LDRs from changing.
The LFO is a variation on a phase-shift oscillator [4]. A phase-
shift oscillator uses regenerative feedback from an RC network
from the base of QO1 to the emitter of QO2 to produce a sinusoidal
output. The RC network here is the equivalent resistance of the
two RO1 , RO2 , RO3 legs along with the three CO capacitors. The
foot pedal controls the speed by varying the value of the coupled
potentiometers RO1 , which in turn vary the equivalent resistance
of the two resistor legs.
Before the LFO signal is passed to the BJT buffer in the lamp
section, its amplitude is modulated via the Intensity potentiome-
ter. As the rate of the LFO is dependent on regenerative feedback,
coupling the Intensity pot directly to the output of the LFO results Figure 3: A single stage of the phasing circuit. The inverting side
in rate drifting proportionally with intensity and vice-versa, result- comes comes off the collector and the non-inverting side comes off
ing in a non-orthogonal relationship between Speed and Intensity. the emitter
In order to accurately model this parameter interdependency, our
black box model utilizes a three-dimensional wavetable, with input
phase/sample, speed, and intensity axes. an all-pass phaser by representing the Darlington emitter-follower
as an phase inverter with gain ≈ 1 feeding an RC bridge. This
conclusion assumes, incorrectly, that the amplitude of inverting
2.2. Lamp and LDRs
and non-inverting legs of the transistor originating from the collec-
The lamp section of the Uni-Vibe is rather straightforward and tor and emitter of Q2 are balanced, and that the block capacitor’s
consists of a BJT buffer which supplies the LFO signal to the lamp. (CDC ) contribution can be ignored. Through listening, measure-
Within this section is the cancel switch and a trim pot which was ment, and simulation of the Uni-Vibe it was determined that these
not adjusted during our measurements. When the cancel switch is factors could not be ignored and had to be taken into account, thus
flipped all power to the bulb is cut. The resistance of an LDR is in- a corrected analysis of the circuit is presented below.
versely proportional to brightness therefore in complete darkness
an LDR is at its maximum resistance. As the center frequency of 3.1. Phasing Circuit Analysis
the phase shifter is inversely proportional to the resistance of the
LDR, the cancel switch causes the center frequencies to trend to
DC. The cancel switch thus effectively acts as a bypass.
The lamp and the LDRs were specially sourced for the Uni-
Vibe. The lamp is a fast-switching incandescent bulb (but not as
fast as an LED) and the LDRs are made with cadmium sulfide and
are no longer mass produced [3]. The uniqueness and rarity of
these components is what, in part, is responsible for the unique
tone of the Uni-Vibe.
Figure 3 shows the schematic for phase stages 2, 3, and 4 of the Figure 4: A block diagram describing the corrected phasing cir-
phasing circuit. Each stage consists of a Darlington emitter fol- cuit. R0 = LDR + R6
lower that directly drives a phase inverter whose center frequency
is determined by an LDR and phasing capacitor pair, labeled LDR Figure 4 represents the incoming signal to each stage as Vs ,
and Cp , respectively. Due to the nature of the Darlington am- the phase inversion as a gain of −1, and the inverting and non-
plifier circuit and C1 acting as a “bootstrap” capacitor the input inverting gains as β and α, respectively. The phasing capacitor
impedance of each stage is very high [4]. This allows us to con- and the block capacitor remain unchanged while the value R0 rep-
sider each phase stage individually, instead of as a whole. Al- resents the series resistance of the LDR and R6 .
though phase stage 1 is not driven by a Darlington amplifier, we The transfer function H(ω) of the phasing circuit can be found
assume similar behavior as the other phase stages because of the through the superposition of two complex voltage dividers taken
preamplifier section . A similar analysis of this circuit has been from the inverting and non-inverting legs of the circuit. Analyzing
done by [9], who modeled the response of each phase stage as the phasing circuit in this manner makes a digital implementation
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
ωo − jω
H(ω) = (11)
ωo + jω
Which matches the analysis done by [9]. If the same equalities are
applied to equation (10) we obtain the standard phase response of
a first-order all pass:
φ(ω) = −2tan−1 (12)
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
the balance of even and odd harmonics.
The scaling factor g determines the level at which the signal
clips by gaining down the input signal. The biasing factor u offsets
the signal to determine the extent of the asymmetry in the clipping.
10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 The ideal values for g and u were first determined through mea-
Frequency (rad/s
surement of the original Uni-Vibe pedal, and then tuned heuristi-
Figure 6: Transfer function of the first phase stage. α = 1.0009, cally to match. After the signal is clipped by the tanh() function
β = 1.11, R0 = 409.7kΩ it is passed through a DC-blocking low-pass filter. The inclusion
of this filter is an improvement on the original signal path of the
Uni-Vibe. The biasing factor u, which exists in both the Uni-Vibe
would be in vibrato mode and is responsible for the Uni-Vibe’s and in our model, pushes DC impulses through to the output when
characteristic throbbing pulse. ωo approaches DC. These impulses are audible as clicking in the
We reason that the selection of the phasing capacitor values is original Uni-Vibe. Our DC-blocking filter removes the DC offset
such that only two notches can heard at a time, which creates the before equation (19) (20) are applied. Before being outputted the
Uni-Vibe’s characteristic double beat. As the Uni-Vibe stages are signal is gained back up by g −1 to return the signal level back to
not matched pairs like other phasers, without the inclusion of the its original value. The gain values are fairly low, so aliasing dis-
block capacitor instantaneous notches can “pop” in and out of the tortion due to clipping is also fairly minimal, thus in order to keep
frequency spectra. the model efficient we neglected any oversampling.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
4.2. Measurement Analysis LDR at a speed of 4 Hz. Visual analysis of the resistance curves
shows the curves have increasing asymmetry as intensity increases
due to the LDRs having different turn-on and turn-off times. The
increasing asymmetry is a result of lamp varying its brightness
more rapidly as intensity is increased.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), Birmingham, UK, September 2–6, 2019
attack, tonal balance (timbre), modulation depth, and noise floor. [4] R. G. Keen, “The technology of the univibe,”
The wide range of judgement criteria may explain the large in-, accessed March 5, 2019.
terquartile sizes and low score outliers in these results. [5] MJM Guitar FX, “Sixties Vibe Classic,”
Figure 11 shows a box plot of the results of listening test 2.
These results mirrored listening test 1 however, Digital Clone 1 vibe-classic/, accessed March 5, 2019.
scored below the anchor. During our own informal comparisons,
Digital Clone 1’s depth of modulation and overall timbre were [6] Black Cat Pedals, “Black Cat Vibe,”
markedly different than the reference, both most likely playing
large roles when tests were scored by participants. Anchor scores vibe/, accessed March 5, 2019.
averaged higher than listening test 1 indicating low pass frequency [7] Fulltone, “Mini Dejavibe 3 V2,”
may have been set too high. Post-test user feedback reported lis-
tening test 2 as harder to judge than listening test 1 which could dejavibe-3-v2, accessed March 05, 2019.
explain the average score increase for most units.
[8] Dunlop Manufacturing Inc., “Univibe Chorus/Vibrator,”
Figure 12 shows a box plot of the results from listening test 3.
As in test 2, Digital Clone 1 scored lowered than the anchor, most, accessed March 05, 2019.
likely for reasons similar to listening test 2. Our model scored
second closest to the reference with Digital Clone 2 scoring the [9] C. Hahlweg and H. Rothe, “The unique sound of the Uni-
highest. Post-test user consensus deemed listening test 3 hard- Vibe pedal,” in Proc. SPIE 8487, Novel Optical Systems
est to score of the three tests. From our own qualitative listening Design and Optimization XV, San Diego, California, United
sessions at these settings, our implementation exhibited a slightly States, Oct. 19 2012.
deeper and squarer-edged modulation contour than the reference. [10] C. Hahlweg and H. Rothe, “The unique sound of the Uni-
We believe this is related to our choice of wavetable splice point Vibe pedal: Part ii. transient behaviour,” in Proc. SPIE 8842,
and interpolation. Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XVI2, San
Diego, California, United States, Sept. 30 2013, pp. 1–8.
6. CONCLUSION [11] A. Huovilainen, “Enhanced digital models for analog mod-
ulation effects,” in Proc. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-05),
In this work a grey box method was proposed for creation of an Madrid, Spain, Sept. 20–22, 2005, pp. 155–160.
accurate Uni-Vibe model. A white-box model of the Uni-Vibe’s
phasing circuit was created through circuit analysis uncovering as- [12] F. Eichas, M. Fink, M. Holters, and U. Zölzer, “Physical
pects of the Uni-Vibe circuit that contribute to its iconic sound. A modeling of the MXR phase 90 guitar effect pedal,” in Proc.
complementary black-box model was also created through mea- Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-14), Erlangen, Germany, Sept.
surement of the Uni-Vibe’s LFO-LDR-lamp interaction. A real- 1–5, 2014, pp. 153–158.
time implementation of the grey box model of the Uni-Vibe was [13] J. Parker and S. D’Angelo, “A digital model of the buchla
implemented on a single core of a Linux ARM Cortex-A9. In lowpass gate,” in Proc. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13),
comparison to an original unit and other Uni-Vibe clones our im- Maynooth, Ireland, Sept. 2–6, 2013, pp. 278–285.
plementation was on-average rated closest to the reference in two
[14] A. E. Iverson and D. L. Smith, “Mathematical modeling of
out of three MUSHRA listening tests, scoring second in the third
photoconductor transient response,” IEEE Trans. on Electron
Devices, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 2098–2107, 1987.
Further work to improve our model would be deriving and im-
plementing more accurate behavior of the non-linear BJT clipping, [15] R. Kiiski, F. Esqueda, and V. Välimäki, “Time variant grey-
as was done by [18], instead of replicating it heuristically. We box modeling of a phaser pedal,” in Proc. Digital Audio Ef-
also plan to further investigate the ideal method of splicing at the fects (DAFx-16), Brno, Czech Republic, Sept. 5–9, 2016, pp.
wavetable loop point. Conversely, judging from our measurements 31–38.
of the LFO-LDR-lamp interaction, it may be also possible to create [16] Expert Sleepers Ltd., “ES-8 USB Audio Interface,”
a simplified parametric model of that interaction.
html, accessed June 19, 2019.
7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [17] Michael Schoeffler, Sarah Bartoschek, Fabian-Robert Stöter,
Marlene Roess, Susanne Westphal, Bernd Edler, and Jür-
Special thank you to Chuck Zwicky ( for making
gen Herre, “webMUSHRA: a comprehensive framework for
Uni-Vibe recordings of his original unit for the listening test com-
web-based listening tests,” Journal of Open Research Soft-
ware, vol. 6, no. 1, 2018.
[18] D. T. Yeh, “Automated physical modeling of nonlinear audio
circuits for real-time audio effects - part ii: BJT and vacuum
tube examples,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Process-
[1] H. Shapiro, M. Heatley, and R. Mayer, Jimi Hendrix Gear,
ing, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1207–1216, 2011.
Voyageur Press, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2014.
[2] Unicord Incorporated, Uni-Vibe Operating Manual, 1968.
[3] M. Yoshiyuki, “What is Uni-Vibe? pt.1,”
2018052303189.html, May 5 2018.