Detection of Heavy Metals in Poultry Fee
Detection of Heavy Metals in Poultry Fee
Detection of Heavy Metals in Poultry Fee
Asian-Australasian Journal of
Food Safety and Security
ISSN 2523-1073 (Print) 2523-2983 (Online)
Detection of heavy metals in poultry feed, meat and eggs
M. A. Rashid1*, M.S.K. Sarker1, H. Khatun1, N. R. Sarker2, Md. Yousuf Ali1 and M.N. Islam3
Poultry Production Research Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341,
Animal Production Research Division, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341,
Ex-Director General, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh
Corresponding author: M. A. Rashid, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka-1341,
Bangladesh. E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The poultry feed, meat and egg samples were collected from the major poultry raising areas of the
country to know the presence of heavy metals especially arsenic (As), lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr). A total of
360 elemental samples for As, Pb and Cr were analyzed in the laboratory. The heavy metal contents (As, Pb &
Cr) of all the tested samples were found positive. But, the levels were below the Maximum Permitted
Concentration (MPC) in most cases. The layer and broiler ready feed samples found safe from those elements;
On the other hand, the “Cr” and “Pb” content in 14% and 11% loose feed samples were 7-70 and 3 times
respectively higher than that of MPC. Notes worthy, the egg samples were also found safe from those elements.
Of the tested samples 14% broiler meat and 50% spent hen samples found slightly higher level of “As” and 4-6
times “Cr” respectively than the MPC. In conclusion, the poultry farmers are suggested to buy poultry feeds
from the reputed feed company and discourage to use loose feeds. Moreover, feed marketing channel
particularly loose feed marketing should be monitored properly by the regulatory authority.
1. Introduction
Food safety has become an integral part of the relevant production processes to meet the strongly negative
reactions of consumers and consumer’s organizations to recent crises in the food- animal industry (Mulder,
2011). He also mentioned that truly safety products are free from microorganisms that are pathogenic to man
and without any residues of substances used in primary production, including antibiotics and other chemicals, or
foreign bodies. Livestock and poultry origin food viz. meat, milk. egg etc. one of the sources of both chemical
and microbiological hazard, may play an important role in the transmission of drug residues and disease
producing microorganism (Hillerton et al., 1999). Sarker et al. (2011) mentioned that inappropriate use of
antibiotics or other foreign substances is undesirable for residues which may produce toxic or allergic reactions
in susceptible individuals who eat meat or egg that contains residues. Metals such as Fe, Cu, Mg, Co, Zn are
essential for human body but chronic metabolic disturbances may occur due to the deficiency or excess of these
metals. Non essential elements such as Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni and As are considered to be toxic and their presence in the
body can cause profound biochemical and neurological changes in the body. For the sake of safeguard human
health, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have set
standards for acceptable daily intake and maximum residue limits in foods inter alia.
These limits apply to both the parent drug or chemical and its metabolites that may accumulate and be deposited
or stored within the cells, tissues or organs following the administration of the compound (Jenseen, 1980). Due
to various consequences the contaminants may enter in to the food chain. Since the poultry products (egg and
meat) comparatively cheaper and easily available; therefore, a wide range of consumers intake the poultry
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products. On the other hand, to make a brisk business some unscrupulous businessmen often add the toxic
tannery waste in poultry feeds as protein source, through which the toxic component may transfer into the
poultry meat and eggs. Vasanthakumar et al., 2013 conducted a study in Namakkal area of Tamil Nadu, India
and reported that the animal protein sources such as fish meal, meat meal, meat and bone meal sold in the
market are mostly adulterated with leather meal. Recently, heavy metal poisoning in human through poultry
products has been earning due attention by the experts; especially for arsenic, lead and chromium. However,
literatures’ regarding the study of heavy metals in eggs and meat is scant. Therefore, as food safety issues, it is
essential to know the extend of heavy metal presence in poultry feeds, meat and eggs. With those ideas in mind,
the present study was aimed to investigate the levels of heavy metals (As, Pb & Cr) in poultry feed, meat and
eggs in comparison to the recommended level for safe human health.
Table 1. Chromium (Cr) content in different samples of feed, meat and eggs.
Type of sample No. of “+ ve”/ Level of Content Maximum
sample “- ve” Trace (%) Max. (ppm) Min (ppm) Permitted Conc. (ppm)
Layer feed Ready 13 + ve 50 1.98 0.03 20-30**
Loose 20 + ve 55 358.05 0.69
Broiler feed Ready 23 + ve 57 9.09 0.12 20-30**
Protein concentrate - 9 + ve 11 1720 0.9 20-30**
Egg Albumen 15 + ve 87 0.19 0.16 1*
Yolk 15 + ve 100 - -
Whole egg 12 + ve 100 - -
Meat Broiler 7 + ve 86 1.02 - 1*
Cockerel 3 + ve 100 - -
Spent hen 4 + ve 25 6.36 0.51
*Choi Ya Yin (2012); ** IAEA ( International Atomic Energy Authority)
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However, the findings agreed with the findings of (Sarker, 2014) who got higher Cr content in commercial
poultry feed than the MPC level. The higher Cr content may be due to the using of tannery waste as a protein
source in the feed. The Cr content in egg samples found were below the MPC level. The finding is in agreement
with the finding of Basha et al. (2013), who found the Cr content in egg samples to be acceptable and within the
permissible limits to human consumption in respect of nutritional and toxic levels as compared with the
literature data reported from various parts of the world. The finding of the current study also comply with the
finding of Alam et al. (2011) who got the permissible concentration of Cr for human consumption in both the
meat and egg samples he studied. He also mentioned that a limited number of meat samples in his study area
(Chittagong, Bangladesh) had higher Cr content than those studied abroad. This statement also partially got
support with the finding of current study where, the meat of broiler and spent hen samples possess higher
amount of Cr. It is worthwhile to point out that, Chromium, particularly Cr (III) plays an important role in the
body function (metabolic functions, co-factor of insulin production etc.) in trace amount but it turns to be toxic
when it exceeds the tolerance limit (Alam et al., 2011). However, a little increase in the concentration of Cr of
broiler and spent hen meat samples also got support from the study of Abduljaleel et al. (2012), who reported
higher Cr content of chicken tissue samples, but obviously lower than the permissible limits (ANZFA, 2001), Cr
one of the heavy metals, essentially occurred in high levels in the tissues of birds because of its biological roles
in the body, explained by the author. He also mentioned the consistency of his findings with that of the prior
studies by Uluozlu et al. (2009) and Demirbas (1999).
Table 2 shows that all samples were positive for “Pb” content with varying level. The maximum “Pb” found in
Protein concentrate while the minimum level found in broiler meat samples. However, the trace indicates below
undetectable limit of Thermo AAS (Pb=<0.01ppm and Cr= <0.01ppm). The findings also agreed with the
findings of (Sarker, 2014) who got lower Pb content in commercial poultry feed than the MPC level. The higher
Pb content in Protein concentrates might be due to using Pb treated leather shavings or any other protein waste
as a protein source in the feed. The Pb content in meat and egg samples found in the current study as lower than
the permissible limits also got support from the previous findings of Alam et al., 2011, Abduljaleel et al., 2012
and Basha et al. 2013, who got the Pb content in meat and egg samples below the permissible limits for human
consumption. However, the current finding is disagreed with the finding of Islam et al., 2014, who got higher Pb
content than the acceptable limits in egg samples collected from the Peshawar district of Pakistan. The
difference might be attributed by the location variant which affected or contaminated by the environment or any
other sources to poultry eggs, the author also mentioned and suggested further detailed investigation of water
and feed used to feed those poultry birds.
Table 2. Lead (Pb) content in different samples of feed, meat and eggs.
Table 3 shows the arsenic level in various samples. All the tested samples were positive for As. The highest
level found in broiler meat (0.09 ppm) which exceeds the permitted level (0.04 ppm) and the lowest
concentration was in the spent hen (0.003). However, the findings agreed with the findings of (Sarker, 2014)
who got higher “As” content in commercial poultry feed than the MPC level. The higher “As” content in broiler
meat might be due to the exposure of “As” contaminated water to the birds. The finding also got support
partially from Islam et al., 2014.
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Who found higher concentration of As in poultry egg samples and echoed as many researchers have reported
that the increased content of the heavy metals is contributed the high intake of these elements by birds from feed
and water.
Table 3. Arsenic (As) content in different samples of feed, meat and eggs.
4. Conclusions
From the above findings it may be concluded that all the tested samples were positive for all the three heavy
metals (As, Pb & Cr); but, the contents were traces in many cases. Thus, the levels were not at the harmful
limits except some of the feed samples for Cr & Pb, broiler and spent hen meat for As content. Therefore,
further thorough investigation is needed to provide the proper guidance for regulatory authority in the country
for the sake of healthy nation especially free from heavy metal contamination.
We like to acknowledge the Soil Science Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI),
Gazipur; Bangladesh for their sincere co-operation for analyzing the samples. We also show our gratitude to
those Govt. and private company officers and poultry farmers who help to collect the samples.
Conflict of interest
None to declare.
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