County Government of Busia: Department of Lands, Housing & Urban Development

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Municipality of Busia
Solid Waste Management Policy

© December, 2019
Through the department of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, the
Municipality of Busia has set out to develop this functional policy to address the
myriad of challenges in the solid waste management. This policy will provide a
framework to address solid waste problem in Busia Municipality in line with
service provision for solid waste management, sanitation and health status,
collection and transportation, reduction and recycling of solid waste for
sustainable development anchored on the SDGs.

Whereas the policy affirms the municipality commitment to intensify campaign

against improper disposal of solid waste onto the environment and ensure a
harmonized waste management it also commits our constitutional mandate for
safe, compliant, environmentally and financially sustainable solid waste
management. It further provides direction on the management of various
aspects of waste management while defining the responsibilities of created
institutional arrangements.

Moreover, through this policy, key integrated solid waste management

strategies have been adopted. They will include: adoption of legislation for
packaging waste, controls on hazardous waste, and investments in handling
solid wastes, Combat climate change effects, Develop an auditing system of
existing waste infrastructure and local capability, Develop clean-up standards
and remediation methods ,encourage best practice for waste management
and resource recovery systems. Waste minimization, Ensure secured and fenced
designated site(s) for waste disposal among other strategies.

In collaboration with other stakeholders, the municipality will sustain the provision
of adequate quality services in waste management. Lastly, this policy
recommends a legal and institutional framework that supports an integrated
approach to improve the solid waste management.

Hon. Plan. Prof. Grephas P. Opata

County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Housing and Urban
The County Government of Busia

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This Policy has been developed in compliance with the requirements of the
Constitutional of Kenya (2010) on a clean and healthy environment. This Policy
document is a result of inter-departmental participation, key stake holders and
the public.

I am deeply indebted to H. E. Governor of the County Government of Busia for

his robust and sustained leadership. I would like to acknowledge both the
County Chief Officer and County Executive Committee Member for Lands,
Housing and Urban Development for their unequivocal support and goodwill.
Further, am also indebted to the Director, Urban Planning for championing the
ideals of the Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP). Grateful thanks to the
department of Environment, Water and Natural resources for their immense
support and input.

Not to forget the Municipal Board for their support and the special team from
Municipality of Busia management that spent endless time to make this
document a reality.

Mr. Kenneth Nabulindo

Municipal Manager.
Municipality of Busia.

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CBD Central Business

CBOs District Community Based Organizations

CSOs Civil Society Organizations

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMCA Environment Management and Co-ordination Act 1999, Cap 387

ISWM Integrated Solid Waste Management

KIE Kenya industrial estates

KUSP Kenya Urban Support Programme

NEMA National Environment Management Authority

NGOs Non-Governmental Organization

PPP Public Private Partnership

SMEs Small Scale Enterprises

ISWM Integrated Solid Waste Management

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FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................................2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................3
ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................................4
DEFINITIONS OF TERMINOLOGIES ..........................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................11
1.2 Historical Development .......................................................................................................................11
1.3 Municipality of Busia legal status ......................................................................................................12
1.4 Location and Size of Municipality of Busia .....................................................................................12
1.5 Topography and Geology .................................................................................................................12
1.6 Demographic Structure and Trends ................................................................................................13
1.7 The Context and Essence of The Policy ..........................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3: SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................14
3.1 Waste streams ........................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Environmental Problems of Poor Waste Management ..............................................................14
3.2.1 Surface water contamination: ......................................................................................................14
3.2.2 Soil contamination: ..........................................................................................................................15
3.2.3 Pollution ...............................................................................................................................................15
3.2.4 Leachate ............................................................................................................................................15
3.2.5 Municipal wellbeing.........................................................................................................................15
3.2.6 Recycling revenue ...........................................................................................................................15
3.3 Waste Management Practices .........................................................................................................16
3.3.1 Waste segregation: ..........................................................................................................................16
3.3.2 Collection and Transportation: .....................................................................................................16
3.3.3 Waste treatment: ..............................................................................................................................16
3.3.4 Waste disposal:..................................................................................................................................16
3.3.5 Sewer disposal: ..................................................................................................................................17
3.4 Creation of Awareness ........................................................................................................................17
3.5 Land Use and Physical Development Planning ...........................................................................17
3.6 The Process of Policy Development ................................................................................................17
4.1 Legal Framework relevant to Solid Waste Management in Kenya ........................................18
4.2 Goal ..........................................................................................................................................................20
4.3 Objectives ...............................................................................................................................................20
4.4 Guiding Principles .................................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER 5: POLICY INTERVENTIONS ..................................................................................................................23
5.1 Effective and Efficient Waste Collection and Transportation ..................................................23
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5.2 Waste segregation at source ............................................................................................................23
5.3 Waste management hierarchy ........................................................................................................24
5.4 Public sensitization ................................................................................................................................25
5.5 Promote waste management initiatives ........................................................................................25
5.6 Strengthen the Institutional and Organizational Capacity .......................................................26
5.7 Capacity Building for Effective Solid Waste Management ......................................................27
5.8 Enhance proper handling, collection and disposal of hazardous wastes. ..........................27
5.9 Promote research and technological knowledge on solid waste management .............27
CHAPTER 6: MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REVIEW .................................................................................29

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Biodegradable material: Any organic material that can be broken down by
microorganisms into simpler, more stable compounds. Most organic wastes
(e.g., food, paper) are biodegradable.

Biomedical waste: Biomedical waste also referred to as medical waste refers to

waste generated in health facilities, or during immunization of human beings. It is
classified into; Infectious waste, sharps, pharmaceutical wastes, chemical waste
and pathological waste. Biomedical wastes pose risks to human health due to its
pathogenic characteristics and hence require prior treatment before disposal.
Although the biomedical waste is expected to be disposed through
incineration, some find its way to the municipal dumpsites while some are
handled through rudimentary facilities such as kilns, the major challenge remains
the illegal disposal of these wastes.

Bulky waste: Large wastes such as appliances (white goods), furniture, and trees
and branches that cannot be handled by normal MSW processing methods.

Collection: The movement of wastes from residences, businesses, or a collection

point, to a vehicle, for transport to a processing, transfer, or disposal site.

Commingled: Mixed post-consumer items that are collected together as

municipal solid waste.

Compost: A soil conditioner also called humus and may be used as a fertilizer.
Composting: Biological decomposition of solid organic materials by bacteria,
fungi, and other organisms into a soil-like product.

Construction and demolition debris: Waste generated by construction and

demolition of buildings, such as bricks, concrete, drywall, lumber, miscellaneous
metal parts and sheets, packaging materials, etc.

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Construction and demolition waste: This is waste that is generated as a result of
new construction works, remodeling or demolition. Construction waste
comprises debris, steel, timber, iron sheets, tiles and ceramics among others.
Although construction and demolition waste is not classified as hazardous, it is a
mixed waste source that requires separation into component parts for the
purposes of recycling. These wastes may end up in the disposal sites or are used
for backfilling in our road networks. Demolition wastes may include asbestos,
which is hazardous and can present a significant health risk when improperly
disposed or reused. Currently, disposal of asbestos is a nationwide challenge.

Disposal: The final handling of solid waste, usually in a landfill, following

collection, processing, or incineration.

Diversion: The re-direction of post-consumer items away from final disposal for
reuse, composting or recycling.

Diverted material: Anything that is no longer required for its original purpose and,
but for commercial or other waste minimization activities, would be disposed of
or discarded.

Domestic waste: Domestic waste is also referred to as garbage, refuse, or trash.

It consists mainly of biodegradable waste, which is food, and kitchen waste,
green waste paper and non-biodegradable such as plastics, glass bottles, cans,
metals, and wrapping materials. The composition of the domestic waste streams
is a function of income, consumption patterns, and recycling opportunities. In
Busia County, domestic waste is not adequately managed and is disposed-off
at our disposal sites with minimal sorting/segregation.

Electronic waste (e-waste): E-waste is an emerging waste stream arising from

Electrical and Electronic Equipments (EEEs) becoming obsolete at the end of life
e-waste comprises of heavy metal components and materials used in the
manufacture of electronic goods. Some of these include mercury, brominated
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flame-retardants, and cadmium that are considered hazardous if not well
handled during dismantling or recycling can become harmful to human health
and the environment. Currently there is no proper mechanism for handling e-
wastes in Busia County.

Fluorescent lamps: Fluorescent lamps are used for illumination and contain a
small amount of mercury. The mercury is a neurotoxin and can be harmful even
in small quantities. Fluorescent lamps can be successfully recycled and the
mercury recovered. However, if poorly handled at any stage this releases the
mercury, which is hazardous. Increasingly people are adopting florescent lamps
as energy saving devices across the country, which is likely to compound the
challenge of their disposal.

Hazardous waste: Materials that are flammable, explosive, oxidizing, corrosive,

toxic, eco-toxic, radioactive or infectious. Examples include unused agricultural
chemicals, solvents and cleaning fluids, medical waste, and many industrial

Industrial waste: Industrial waste is the waste produced by industrial activity,

which includes any material that is rendered useless during a manufacturing
process. Industries produce both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. These
wastes include chemical solvents, wastewater, paints, sand paper, and paper
products, industrial by products, metals, municipal solid waste, and radioactive
waste. Currently, most of the hazardous industrial waste is not pretreated before
reuse, recycling or disposal. This poses health risks to the handlers and causing
damage to the environment. Disposal of hazardous industrial waste illegally
occurs at the municipal dumpsites.

Pesticide waste: Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests. Pesticide waste
consists of expired and contaminated pesticides as well as the used containers.
Due to their toxicity, potential to pollute and threat to human health, pesticide
wastes are extremely hazardous and must be transported, treated and
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disposed-off accordingly. At the moment, there are no proper measures put in
place by the county government to help manage these wastes.

Pesticide waste: Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests. Pesticide waste
consists of expired and contaminated pesticides as well as the used containers.
Due to their toxicity, potential to pollute and threat to human health, pesticide
wastes are extremely hazardous and must be transported, treated and
disposed-off accordingly. These pesticides can contain Persistent Organic
Pollutants (POPs), which can accumulate in the food chain if not well managed.

Special bulk wastes – These waste categories refer to some appliances (white
goods), tyres, derelict vehicles, construction and demolition wastes etc. that
require special handling before it is disposed. While not considered a hazardous
waste, improper handling can result in hazardous substances being released
into the environment.

Used oil and sludge: Used Oil and Sludge arises from the use of petroleum
products. This contains potentially hazardous compounds such as poly-aromatic
hydrocarbons that have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. Used oil and
sludge have a slow rate of decomposition and hence any spillage can
accumulate in the environment causing soil and water pollution. Used oil is
largely applied in the treatment of timber and dust suppression, which ends up
being pollutant on our waters.

Waste management: A generic term given to the whole spectrum of activities

associated with waste, namely, its generation, collection, segregation, storage,
handling, and transportation from point of source (ward/ department/ market/
residential areas) to final place of disposal (recycling/ landfill/ incinerator).

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1.1 Introduction
By provisions in the Constitution of Kenya (2010), every person is entitled to a
clean and healthy environment and has a duty to safeguard and enhance the
environment. However, the generation of wastes continues to confront man in
his living environment. This is as a result of anthropogenic activities which
generate waste, especially under conditions of rapid urbanization. The common
waste being solid waste, that potent severe impact on the environment, thus
threatening quality of life. Unfortunately, the rise in solid wastes generation has
not necessarily been followed by an increase in the capacity to effectively
manage the emerging challenges.

In waste management, the principals of inter- and intra-generational equity, the

polluter-pays principle and the precautionary principle prevail. By this policy it
would be possible to address waste management issues in the context of the
Environment Management and Co-ordination Act 1999. The latter provides for a
comprehensive framework for the development of an Action Plan at any level.
Provisos of the policy should entail classification, segregation, collection,
temporary storage, handling, transportation, treatment, disposal, and
governance of wastes in Busia County. Retrospectively, this policy is not fixated
to the components stated in it and is therefore open to review and updates to
fit in the prevailing environmental dynamics.

1.2 Historical Development

Busia Town is the gateway to Uganda and Central Africa. The town was
established as a market centre in the 1930s by the Elgon Nyanza District African
Council and later grew as a town and an important border crossing point to

In 1963, Busia Town became the District Headquarters of the Busia District. It was
later elevated to the status Urban Council in 1979. It was upgraded to Town
Council status in 1982 and to a Municipal Council in 1990 covering an area of 44

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Km2. The Municipal Council is found in Busia and Teso Districts after Teso District
was curved from the larger Busia in 1995.

1.3 Municipality of Busia legal status

Busia Municipality is established as per the Urban Areas and Cities Act of 2011
(amended 2019). It qualified to be a municipality not only because it’s the
Headquarters of Busia County, but also met the threshold set for conferment of
Charter and Municipal status to legible urban centres.

1.4 Location and Size of Municipality of Busia

Busia Municipality is one of the Municipalities in Kenya and is located within
Busia County, along the Kisumu-Busia Road at the Kenya-Uganda Border. The
Municipality, which is the administrative capital of Busia County, is about 550Km
West of Nairobi, 124Km Northwest of Kisumu and 130Km Southeast of
Kakamega. It borders Uganda on the West, Matayos Division to the East and
South and Teso South Sub-county to the North.
The Municipality covers an area 44Km² divided into two (2) county electoral
units – Burumba and Angorom it covers two Divisions of Township in Busia Sub-
county and Chakol in Teso Sub-county in Busia County. It has two Locations -
Township location has two sub locations (Central Mjini and Mayenje) and
Angorom location has three sub locations (Alupe, Agoloto and Amerikwai. The
coordinates of Busia, Kenya are: 00°27'48.0"N, 34°06'19.0"E (Latitude:0.463333;
Longitude:34.105278). Busia, Kenya sits at an average elevation of 1,227 metres
(4,026 ft), above sea level.

1.5 Topography and Geology

The Municipality is characterized by deep dissected topography drained by
several rivers. The Municipality’s geology and basement system comprises of
volcanic rocks of the Pleistocene age and Achaean rock type respectively. The
rugged, dissected topography and geology is both an asset and liability to the
Municipality. The volcanic rocks hence fertile soils result in thriving agricultural
activities. The dissected topography causes gulley erosion and landslides raising
the cost and maintenance of service infrastructure within the Municipality.

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1.6 Demographic Structure and Trends
As per the 2009 KNBS census, the Municipality population was 61,825 (29,983
males and 31,842 females). With the average growth rate of 0.4%, this
population is projected to be 82,625 (40,070 males and 42,555 females) in
2020. This population is further projected to hit 96,249 (42,513 males and 53,736
females) in the year 2025 which is the end of the plan period. The demographics
also indicate that the number of households increased with 0.4% and recorded
an average of 4 persons per household translating to a density of 413 persons
per sq. km.
MJINI 12,835 13,658 26,493 17,153 18,253 35,406
MAYENJE 4,448 4,722 9,170 5,944 6,311 12,255
AGOLOTO 6,186 6,309 12,495 8,267 8,432 16,699
AMERIKWAI 3,592 4,031 7,623 4,800 5,387 10,188
ALUPE 2,922 3,122 6,044 3,905 4,172 8,077
Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (2009 census)

The projected increase will lead to increased waste generation and complexity
of the waste streams.

1.7 The Context and Essence of The Policy

This policy is designed for the sustainable management of solid waste in the
Municipality. It is founded on the spirit of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the
National Vision 2030, the principles laid out in the EMCA 1999, and the National
Waste Management Policy. This policy, is so developed to comply with Schedule
4 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 with regard to the mandate of devolved
functions, defines the pathways for county legislations in the water sector, while
keeping in tandem with the National Solid Waste Management Act, 2019.

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The municipality is experiencing rapid growth in population with several informal

settlement dwellers and the middle class. This status has led to an increase in
waste generation and complexity of the waste streams.

Over the years waste management was the preserve of the local government
authorities. Other than meager resources being allocated for solid waste
management, there is general lack of personnel with requisite technical
capability for the improved waste management practices. As a result, the
current poor state of waste management has prevailed translating into
indiscriminate dumping, uncollected waste and lack of waste segregation
across the country.

It’s due to the above that, that is, administrative and technical considerations
leading to the development of this policy.

3.1 Waste streams

Waste produced within the municipality can be categorized as domestic,

municipal, industrial and hazardous wastes; in addition to e-waste, waste/used
oil, waste tyres.

Among the types of wastes found in the county are: Domestic Waste,
Biomedical Waste, Used Oil and Sludge, E-Waste, Pesticide Waste, Fluorescent
Lamps, Construction and demolition waste.

3.2 Environmental Problems of Poor Waste Management

The poor state of solid waste management has caused the following
environmental problems:

3.2.1 Surface water contamination:

Waste from commercial and residential areas end up in water bodies negatively
changing the chemical composition of the water. Technically, this is called

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water pollution, and it affects wetlands and other riparian ecosystems. It also
causes harm to animals that drink from such polluted water sources.

3.2.2 Soil contamination:

Hazardous chemicals that get into the soil (contaminants) can harm plants
when they are taken-up through their roots. If humans eat affected plants and
animals that have consumed such plants as pasture, then there is a high
possibility of occurrence of negative impacts on human health.

3.2.3 Pollution
Bad waste management practices in the county have resulted in land and air
pollution which can cause respiratory problems and other adverse health
effects to humans as contaminants, are inhaled and absorbed into the lungs
proceeding to other parts of body.

3.2.4 Leachate
The liquid that forms water trickles through contaminated areas is called
leachate. It forms a harmful mixture of chemicals that may result in hazardous
substances entering surface water, groundwater or soil. Such a scenario is
common in most small urban centers in Busia County.

3.2.5 Municipal wellbeing

Most trading centers in the county have poor sanitation, smelly and with waste
matter all over the place, an indication of poor living standards in urbanized
areas of the county.

3.2.6 Recycling revenue

Busia County does not invest in recycling and proper waste control thus missing
out on revenue from recycling, green job opportunities that come from
recycling, and potential for establishment of organic fertilizer ventures and even
a factory.

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3.3 Waste Management Practices

3.3.1 Waste segregation:

Most generated wastes originate at the household level, market places, towns,
institutions, and industrial zones. No proper waste segregation practices are in
place, perhaps due to lack of enforcement of existing regulations. To this end,
the county experiences poor handling of biomedical wastes originating from the
health facilities, which often find way to dumpsites. This is not only dangerous but
also some of the recoverable materials such as plastic bottles, metals, and
paper products are lost in the dumps.

3.3.2 Collection and Transportation:

Waste in the market centre is largely collected by the County Government. Its
transportation is currently done by open non-specialist trucks. NEMA has already
pointed out the inappropriateness of this method of transportation. To this end
the county government is seek purchase of dedicated vehicles for the
movement of wastes.

3.3.3 Waste treatment:

Waste treatment technologies have not been embraced in the county.
However there are ongoing efforts to enhance uptake of such technologies.
Recyclable materials comprise 50–70% of the general waste stream in the
county, meaning there is potential for establishment of small industries that may
use recyclable items as raw material. The need for waste segregation is

3.3.4 Waste disposal:

Most of the municipal and domestic waste generated is disposed-off in open
non-dedicated dumpsites across the county. The county does not have official
and adequate waste disposal sites leading to unscrupulous workers who without
authority, end up damping wastes along the roadsides and backyards. To some
degree, biomedical waste is disposed through burners and kilns, which
unfortunately are not efficient incinerators. The County lacks such facilities.
Indeed the requirements stipulated in the Third schedule of the Waste
Management Regulations of 2006 are rarely complied with.

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3.3.5 Sewer disposal:
The municipality does not have a sewerage network with an associated
treatment plant. The use of septic tanks and soak pits is predominant at private
homes and institutions. Sewerage exhauster services are not only inadequate
but also lack a reliable and reticulated. This situation can result into illegal
disposal of sewerage thus polluting the natural water resources in the county.

3.4 Creation of Awareness

Collaboration is required across various departments, the public nd private
sector foe sufficient waste management. There is need to carry out preliminary
waste awareness initiatives among individuals as well as the public and private
institutions to improve on knowledge and skills on waste handling and how to
minimize the associated risks. We shall enhance collaboration and partnership
with local traders and investors and the government agencies to ensure that
knowledge and skills are transferred and undertake training programs for

This waste management policy will address the above issue. It constitutes the first
strategic response to the growing challenges of waste management in the
municipality. In addition, the policy framework is a tool for all residents and
businesses in the county.

3.5 Land Use and Physical Development Planning

Waste management is recognized as an integral part of land use and physical
development planning. In this context the requirements by NEMA for EIA License
for Environmental Clearance for any planned disposal and transfer station site
selections is appropriate to ensuring sound environmental management.

3.6 The Process of Policy Development

This policy document was developed through exhaustive public and key
stakeholder’s participation for data gathering. This was through consultative
workshops and public meetings it entailed use of technical staff from relevant
department and other key stakeholders.

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4.1 Legal Framework relevant to Solid Waste Management in Kenya

In the Constitution of Kenya, Article 42 on the Environment provides that- ―Every

person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the
right ‘To have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future
generations through legislative and other measures, particularly those
contemplated in Article 69; and
To have obligations relating to the environment fulfilled. Under Article 69
on Obligations to the Environment, the Constitution provides that –
The State shall—
Encourage public participation in the management,
protection and conservation of the environment;

Establish systems of environmental impact assessment,

environmental audit and monitoring of the environment;
Eliminate processes and activities that are likely to
endanger the environment; and
Utilise the environment and natural resources for the
benefit of the people of Kenya.
a) Every person has a duty to cooperate with State organs and other
persons to protect and conserve the environment and ensure
ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources.

Part 2 of the fourth Schedule in the Constitution of Kenya also explicitly provides
that the County Governments through relevant departments shall be
responsible for;

c) Refuse removal,
d) Refuse dumps and
e) Solid waste disposal.

The Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA), 1999 Section 3

of EMCA, 1999 stipulates that ―Every person in Kenya is entitled to a clean and
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healthy environment and has a duty to safeguard and enhance the

Section 87 of EMCA 1999 states that –

a) No person shall discharge or dispose of any wastes, whether generated

within or outside Kenya, in such manner as to cause pollution to the
environment or ill health to any person.
b) No person shall transport any waste other than –
in accordance with a valid licence to transport wastes issued
by the Authority; and
to a wastes disposal site established in accordance with a
license issued by the Authority.
c) No person shall operate a wastes disposal site or plant without a licence
issued by the Authority.

d) Every person whose activities generate wastes shall employ measures

essential to minimize wastes through treatment, reclamation and

Environmental Management and Coordination (Waste Management)

Regulations of 2006 In the Responsibility of the Generator, Regulation 2 states
that :
Any person whose activities generate waste shall collect, segregate and
dispose or cause to be disposed of such waste in the manner provided for
under these Regulations.‖

Regulation 5 on the Segregation of waste by a generator states that:

Any person, whose activities generate waste, shall segregate such waste
by separating hazardous waste from nonhazardous waste and shall
dispose of such wastes in such facility as is provided for by the relevant
Local Authority.

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4.2 Goal

The goal of this policy framework is to:

a) Achieve solid waste management by conserving public health and the

environment, drive job and wealth creation.
b) Implement integrated waste management through waste minimization,
harnessing waste as a resource

4.3 Objectives

The objectives of this Policy are to:

a) Establish and maintain an effective and efficient framework to

mainstream solid waste management measures and actions across
relevant sectors and into integrated planning, budgeting, decision-
making and implementation, at the county levels.
b) Establish the urban centres framework necessary to reduce, reuse,
recycle, minimize and sustainably manage solid waste
c) Incentivize private sector involvement in building and operating solid
waste management infrastructure, including through PPPs

4.4 Guiding Principles

The implementation of this Policy will be guided by the following principles:
1. Polluter pays

Those responsible for causing pollution or generating solid waste should pay for
the cost of dealing with the pollution, or for managing solid waste collection and
disposal in order to maintain ecological health and diversity. Individual
responsibility for solid waste management should be encouraged. It is essential
to develop funding mechanisms based on the polluter pays principle, which will
sustain solid waste management in the future.

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2. Precautionary principle

When an activity may lead to unacceptable but scientifically uncertain harm to

human health or the environment, actions will be taken to avoid or diminish that
harm without having to await the completion of further scientific research.

3. Consultation

All levels of government, communities and organizations should be consulted

throughout the development and implementation of solid waste management
strategies and action plans. Such strategies or plans should be openly
accessible to those in the community who are interested.

4. Waste hierarchy

This is a strategic tool which prioritizes actions for solid waste management. The
general hierarchical model that will be used under this policy consists of–
Avoidance, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This model prioritises waste avoidance
and reduction methods, before reuse, recycling, and final disposal.
5. Proximity
Solid waste should be managed as close to the source as possible. This
recognizes the need for producers of waste to take responsibility for the
management of that waste. It also recognizes that there are costs - both
environmental and financial - associated with transporting waste over longer
6. Partnership
Building partnerships, collaboration and synergies among various stakeholders
from the public, civil society and private sector, as well as vulnerable
communities and populations including women and youth, will be prioritized to
achieve effective implementation of this Policy.
7. Integrity and transparency
The mobilization and utilization of financial resources shall be undertaken with
integrity and transparency in order to eliminate corruption and achieve optimal

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results and ensuring that communities are given all relevant information in a
timely fashion.

8. Zero Waste
The principle that society should aim for zero waste, designing and managing
products and processes that reduce and eventually eliminate the volume and
toxicity of waste, to conserve and recover waste resources rather than to burn
or bury them. It is related to the waste hierarchy, which establishes an order of
preferred actions to manage waste, and the three R’s: reduce reuse, recycle

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The overall aim this policy is to enhance solid waste management for provision
of a clean and healthy environment to the residents.
In order to achieve the main aim, the following strategic objectives shall be

5.1 Effective and Efficient Waste Collection and Transportation

Waste will be transported in an environmentally sound manner without causing
pollution or bad odor or further littering. A waste manifest system enables
tracking of transportation of waste both hazardous and non-hazardous till it
reaches its disposal destination

We shall introduce a solid waste management zoning plan. This will provide the
framework for the municipality spatial coverage.

Policy statements

The Department shall:

1) Review the Existing zoning plan to ensure to make effective and efficient
2) Ensure that waste service providers transport their waste to materials
recovery facility and to a landfill.
3) Ensure waste transportation trucks adhere to air quality regulations.
4) Develop guidelines requiring all legal entities or individuals transporting
waste within the municipality provide tracking documents of source and
5) Ensure that transportation of recycled materials and waste should be
conducted in an environmentally sound manner.

5.2 Waste segregation at source

This will include all measures to ensure quality of materials extracted from waste
and reprocessed is maintained for the realization of maximum value of
resources and environmental protection from waste. The following policy
measures shall apply to waste segregation.

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Policy statements
The department shall
1) Enforce waste segregation at source based on the national gazetted
minimum waste fractions for all waste generators including household
2) Ensure separate waste segregation containers are provided to enable
sorting at source of organic waste, recyclable and non-recyclables and
educate the waste generators on the prescribed sorting categories and
3) Carry out public awareness on waste colour codes and importance of
proper sorting in all public labelled bins for easier sorting

5.3 Waste management hierarchy

This policy sets priority order for managing waste as a resource that should be
harnessed in the municipality according to the waste management hierarchy
by adopting the following policy measures.

Policy statements
The department shall
1) In liaison with County government align Municipality waste management
by-laws and strategies to the waste management hierarchy.
2) Prioritize waste prevention and minimization in conformance to the waste
hierarchy when developing waste management plans and legislation.
3) Liaise with the Busia County Government to set aside sufficient land for
waste management activities, and generate jobs and livelihoods from
waste collection, recycling, and waste management activities according
to the waste hierarchy.
4) Establish and improve waste management infrastructure to promote
source segregation, collection, reuse, set up materials recovery facilities
and controlled disposal in engineered landfills.
5) Provide well managed central collection centers for materials that can be
harvested from waste that can be reused.

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6) In consultation with county government institute county regulations to
require institutions to ensure that at least 50% of their produced waste is
recycled through a licensed service provider
7) In consultation with county government identify and priorities potential
sites for setting up composting plants and financial requirements of setting
up composting technology in the municipality.
8) Establish clear procedures for providing incentives to encourage private
sector participation in composting ventures
9) Ensure the recyclers, bio-waste processors and material recovery facilities
shall obtain environmental compliance licenses from NEMA.

5.4 Public sensitization

Illegal dumpsite and indiscriminate disposal of wastes along the streets, alleys,
river banks, and open spaces and undeveloped land are norms within the

Policy statements
The department shall:
1) Undertake awareness and sensitisation programme for sustainable SWM
service provision.
2) Training and sensitization of leaders and Municipal staff on SWM;
3) Institute clean days to sensitize Public awareness creation on SWM issues
i.e. by-laws, community involvement, source separation, and
neighborhood clean ups; Demonstration and/or pilot SWM projects;
Community participation; Community self-regulation, School based
programmes such as competition. The hold a mass clean up once a
month and this requires adequate political will.

5.5 Promote waste management initiatives

The incomes earned by the informal waste pickers are extremely low for long
hours of work. This is attributed to exploitation by brokers, lack of access to
market, and inadequate flow of information on market dynamics. Moreover, the
Private Collectors and municipal refuse collection crew has a better waste
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recovery opportunity than their counterparts in the informal sector because they
have access to key waste production points in the town as well as transportation
Policy statements
The department shall
a) Put in place mechanisms to ensure and enhance the participation of the
local youth and women in solid waste management governance and
project implementation, and to help them avail themselves for the
opportunities of casual engagements.
b) Undertake a systemic analysis of the various special needs and ensure
that planning and waste management responses mainstream
participation and protection to persons with special needs.

c) Support the formation and full engagement of waste collection,

separation, recycling and waste picker cooperatives (SACCOs) to
enhance the provision of waste management services and formalize
these important links in the waste management value chain.

5.6 Strengthen the Institutional and Organizational Capacity

Inadequate budgetary allocations, shortage of vehicles, inappropriate
employment and allocation of staff, and lack of proper planning and systematic
approach are hindrance in solid waste management.

Policy statements
The department shall

a) Develop a municipal waste management plan which is aligned to this

b) Ensure that waste service providers are trained and Licensed including
collector and transporters.

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5.7 Capacity Building for Effective Solid Waste Management

The waste collection efficiency in Busia is rated low and the reason for low
collection includes financial constraints, shortage of vehicles and staff. To
improve collection by public and private sector as well as SMEs requires the
Policy statements
The department shall
a) Capacity building of environment section to be able to provide the
enabling environment for the other actors to take part in the sector.
b) Strengthen the environment unit.
c) Build capacity among the stakeholders on proper waste management
d) Enhance skilled staff establishment.

5.8 Enhance proper handling, collection and disposal of hazardous wastes.

This policy seeks to address medical waste collected for treatment at the
County referral hospital and other related facilities.
Policy statements
The department shall
a) Enact legislation to provide guidelines for handling hazardous wastes at
the municipality level

5.9 Promote research and technological knowledge on solid waste


Waste management is a dynamic paradigm and requires consistent research

and innovation as new waste streams are released regularly. Universities and
research institutions play a critical role in generating data to guide decision
making as well as innovation development. Currently, there is inadequate
research being carried out on waste management.

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Policy statements
The department shall
a) Establish linkages with the government, academia, private sector, civil
society and global sustainable waste management innovation institutions.
b) Identify research and technology needs for enhancing SWM in the

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The municipality shall set up Monitoring and Evaluation unit whose sole mandate
shall be enable periodic resource inventories and collection and compilation of
information on status of solid waste management within the municipality.

Public provides inputs to periodical reviews of the policy.

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