Target Words and Patterns of The Dialog:: An Argument

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An Argument

A: John, I was talking to the travel agent about where we might be taking our vacation this year.

B: I am going fishing in Alaska with my friend, Mark.

A: What are you talking about?

B: What's wrong with //heading out with Mark for vacation?

A: You and I have been together for a whole year, and our vacation time should be about the two of

B: Really? Who made that rule up?

A: With that attitude, I don't really think we have much more to discuss here.

B: That works for me!

Target Words and Patterns of the Dialog:

Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef kelimeler veya kalıplar’’.

travel agent: someone who owns or works in a travel agency

 seyahat danışmanı

vacation: a holiday, or time spent not working

 tatil (bir yere gitmek de olabilir, sadece çalışmadığımız için de olabilir)

 I am on vacation next week!

fishing: the sport or business of catching fish

 balık tutma

what’s wrong with …? : used for asking someone why they do not approve of something you are

 Nesi var? Neyi yanlış?

 What’s wrong with having a little fun?
 Not: What’s wrong with you? = what’s your problem? = Senin sorunun nedir? Niye böyle
davranıyorsun? anlamında sıklıkla kullanılır.

head out: to leave some place; to depart or start a journey.

 (bir yerden) ayrılmak, yolculuğa gitmek/başlamak

**whole: all of something

 tüm, bütün
 I didn’t do anything during the whole summer.


⇒ We just sat around and watched TV the whole time (=the only thing we did was watch
⇒ They understood the whole thing wrong. (=everything about the situation)
⇒ I don’t believe she’s telling us the whole story (=all the facts).

make something up: to pretend that something is true in order to deceive

 uydurmak
 I think they’re making the whole thing up.

attitude: the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is
shown in your behavior

 tutum, tavır

discuss: to talk about something with another person or a group in order to exchange ideas or
decide something

bir konuyu tartışmak (genelde fikir alışverişi, çözüme kavuşturma, problem çözme amaçlı)

that works for me! : that is perfectly suitable; that is OK with me.

 bana uyar (günlük konuşma)

Sizin Bilmediğiniz Kelimeler:

--Metin üzerinde (opsiyonel olarak: alıştırma ve İngilizce açıklamarda) hedef kelimeler haricinde
bilmediğiniz kelimeleri ve anlamlarını sözlüklerden bularak buraya yazınız. – (Türkçeleri yeterlidir)

A) Exercise: Öğren!
Fill in the blanks with the target words and patterns!

travel agent vacation fishing what’s wrong with

head out whole make something up
attitude discuss that works for me!

1. We’re planning a __________________ in Europe, especially Spain.

2. Terry’s going ____________________ at Lake Arrowhead next weekend.
3. A: What will you tell your parents about being late? B: I will ________ something ________,
no worries.
4. We never ______________________ our financial difficulties in front of the children.
5. A: You drive us there and I will pay for the gasoline, OK? B:
____________________________. (+)
6. Tom, can you call our ______________________ and book a hotel for the weekend? I really
want to get out of the city for a few days.
7. We ate the ____________________cake in about ten minutes.
8. Mom is ______________________ for Ankara tomorrow afternoon.
9. A: You are doing too much Yoga. B: ______________________ that?
10. A: Get out of the room and come back tomorrow. B: I don’t like your
_____________________ towards me. You can’t talk to me like that!
B) Match the Words & Patterns with their meanings! Pekiştir!
travel agent vacation fishing what’s wrong with

head out whole make something up

attitude discuss that works for me!

1) _____________________: to talk about something with another person or a group in order

to exchange ideas or decide something
2) _____________________: all of something
3) _____________________: to pretend that something is true in order to deceive
4) _____________________: used for asking someone why they do not approve of something
you are doing
5) _____________________: someone who owns or works in a travel agency
6) _____________________: to leave some place; to depart or start a journey.
7) _____________________: a holiday, or time spent not working
8) _____________________: the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something,
especially when this is shown in your behavior
9) _____________________: the sport or business of catching fish
10) _____________________: that is perfectly suitable; that is OK with me.

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words or the patterns you’ve just learned!
++ Write Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!

Öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin veya kalıp kullanımların Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan
yazın, daha sonra bu kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın.

what’s wrong with …? : ______________________________________________________________.

vacation: __________________________________________________________________________.

attitude: __________________________________________________________________________.
head out: _________________________________________________________________________.

fishing: ___________________________________________________________________________.

make something up: _________________________________________________________________.

that works for me! : _________________________________________________________________.

whole: ____________________________________________________________________________.

discuss: ___________________________________________________________________________.

travel agent: _______________________________________________________________________.


A: vacation, fishing, make something up, discuss, that works for me, travel agent, whole, heading
out, what’s wrong with…, attitude

B: discuss, whole, make something up, what’s wrong with…?, travel agent, head out, vacation,
attitude, fishing, that works for me

C: Kendi cümlelerinizi yazınız, kontrole ihtiyaç yok. Kelime anlamlarını ise en üstteki ‘target words
and patterns’ kısmından kontrol edebilirsiniz.

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