Company Profile Edited 2

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Mussa Zeinu
[Company name]
Company Profile
Adazom Trading Private Limited Company is incorporated in
Ethiopia with its registered office and principal place of Business
Being in Addis Ababa Sub city-------------, Woreda -------- Kebele
And House No -------------.
The company is established in the year ---------- by the owner and
General Manager Mr. Ahmed Aden Ibrahim and his daughter MS
Sara Ahmed Aden With a paid up capital of ETB 1.5 million, the
value of 100 shares. The distribution of the shareholding being
75% for Mr. Ahmed and 25% is for MS Sara (his daughter).
The company’s contact person is Mr. Ahmed Aden Ibrahim who is
The General Manager and owner of the company with his address
Telephone No ------------, ----------------, ----------
P.O.Box/ Fax ------------------Addis Ababa
E-mail -----------------------------
Website ---------------------------------
The company is engaged in Agricultural Produces Export Business
Specifically in standing livestock such as camels, Oxus, Calves,
Sheep and Goats of original Ethiopian type. The company had been
Working this export for the last 20 years and still working on that.
The Company also recently extended its export business line to other
Commodities such as Coffee, Cereals, Oil seeds, and spices
depending on
the customers demand. The Company Exports most of its products to
The Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Kuwait, etc. and to African Countries such as Egypt, Djibouti.
Adazom Trading has passed through tremendous transformation
And growth. In spite of that its capital, its Sales volume and the No of
Permanent and contractual employees have also increased a lot.
Mr. Ahmed Aden Ibrahim is a strong and knowledgeable business man,
who has very good knowledge of the local and international livestock
and other agricultural produces market. He also has a good interpersonal
relationship with known Local pastoralists and farmers around Somalia,
Afar and Borena Oromia.
Also with good knowledge of the country's export trade laws and
regulations which helps him for healthy and efficient relationship with
the country's government office. He keeps the values of his company by
understanding his
Customers need in respect quality, quantity, delivery time and other
He has received many times from the customer's letter of recognition
and appreciation and awards for his good performance from the
government office.
Dear customer you may be interested to know about pricing of standing
Stocks and other farm produces. The sanding livestock pricing is based
on the age and weight of the animal the prices of other farm products are
based on the
The quality of the produce in KG /Qls/Ton. Since prices of all produces
are fluctuating from time to time (monthly) shall be set on negotiation.
We give you
Below prices of some livestock prevailing in the month of November,

Type of livestock Age U. price

Camels above 5 years 675
Camels 3 -4 years 525
Sheep-RAFIDI Above 23kg 73
Sheep-WINKY Above 35 kg 75
Sheep-ISSAWI Above 30 kg 72

Finally the company would like to inform you that it is ready to receive
and entertain your requests, interests and orders for the said standing
livestock's Coffee, Oil seeds, Cereals and species. Call us we shall
satisfy your demand better than anyone in the country.

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