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Graphical Interface Technical Guide

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raphical Interface Technical Gui



STEP 1: Prism 2 Installation........................................................................................................5

STEP 2: Job-Site Setup..............................................................................................................10

STEP 3: Prism 2 Configuration..................................................................................................16

STEP 4: Communication Setup.................................................................................................18

STEP 5: Searching For Units.....................................................................................................20

STEP 6: Selecting and Renaming Loops and Units..................................................................21

STEP 7: Configuring Units.........................................................................................................22

STEP 8: Configuring Unit Alarms..............................................................................................27

STEP 9: Polling For Alarms........................................................................................................28

STEP 10: Trend Logging and Printing.......................................................................................29

STEP 11: Tenant Override Polling.............................................................................................32

STEP 12: Creating Custom Screens..........................................................................................33

APPENDIX A - Screen Examples................................................................................................39

APPENDIX B - DEMOMODE Setup and Operation......................................................................41

APPENDIX C - Setting Up Alarm Polling for the System Manager TS.......................................42

APPENDIX D - Updating Unit Controllers, E-BUS Modules, PT-Links,

System Manager, and Service Tool Software............................................................................43


WattMaster Controls, Inc. 8500 NW River Park Drive · Parkville, MO Form: WM-PRISM2-TGD-01R
64152 Toll Free Phone: 866-918-1100 PH: (816) 505-1100 · Copyright March 2018 WattMaster Controls, Inc.
FAX: (816) 505-1101 · E-mail: [email protected] WattMaster Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or
Visit our web site at www.wattmaster.com omissions.
Windows® 2000, Vista, 7, 8 & 10 are registered trademarks of This document is subject to change without notice.
Microsoft Corporation.
Features and System Requirements

Minimum Hardware

• Windows® compatible computer

• Pentium 2 GHz Processor (Pentium 4, 2 GHz or
greater, Recommended)
• 1 GB RAM (or greater)
Prism 2 is a complete Windows ®-based graphical interface that • 120 MB hard drive space
allows you to interact with your WattMaster digital controls. • XVGA (1024 x 768) adapter and monitor
The program provides standard, easy-to-understand status, (1280 x 1024, Recommended)
setpoint, and configuration screens for each type of controller • Network card for TCP/IP connection when IP
and has provisions for custom screens which allow floor plans, Module is used.
equipment photos, or user-defined summary screens.
In addition, you must have a CommLink (CommLink II, III, IV
Prism 2 allows you to access and control schedules, trend logs, or 5) installed on your system or be using a USB-Link in order to
and alarm conditions. The program can be configured for connect and communicate between your computer and the
direct on-site installation, remote modem connection, or system. If remote communications to the installation are
TCP/IP Internet connection. required, a Remote Link (Remote Link or Remote Link II) on-
site modem (phone line) or IP-Module (Ethernet) must also be
The Prism 2 program is a completely redesigned release of the
original Prism Graphical Computer Interface. This program NOTE: Due to the recent discontinuation of some analog
should be used on all new installations containing standard phone lines, WattMaster can no longer guarantee that your
WattMaster Control product families. phone system supports the Remote Link.

NOTE: This manual is written for a person with a working NOTE: The
knowledge of Windows® 2000, Vista, 7 , 8, or 10 and does Remote Link can only be used with CommLink II, III, or IV.
describe indetail theprocessofcopyingfilesor other Windows®-
related functions. Learning the operation of Windows® is the
responsibility of the operator using this equipment. NOTE: Your Windows® font size should be set for “Smaller
- 100% (default)” found in the Control Panel under Display
Settings. Having the font size set to Medium or Large may
Feature Summary cause Prism’s graphics to display improperly. See the section,
“Setting Your Screen Resolution ” on page 4.
Prism 2 provides a broad set of features:
• Easy to use
• On-site, remote modem, or TCP/IP communications Software License
• User programmable description for every piece of Prism 2 does not require any license agreement and may be
equipment and user-defined custom screens
freely copied and distributed.
• Automatic retrieval of trend logs and export
capability to spreadsheet and database programs
• Alarm Logs maintained on disk Support Information
• Alarm E-mail /texting capability when using a WattMaster Controls provides Prism 2 installation and
CommLink configuration support. Call (866) 918-1100 for free, direct
• Encrypted History Logs telephone support or (816) 505-1100 to talk to a Technical
Support Representative. Support for all telephone services is
available Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM central
System Requirements standard time.
To use Prism 2 you must have a computer that meets or exceeds
the following requirements: NOTE: WattMaster Controls Technical Support
cannot troubleshoot internal PC and/or Windows ®-
Operating System based operating system problems.
• Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
NOTE: Prism 2 is not intended for a
server/client environment. NOTE: WattMaster Controls Technical Support can-
not troubleshoot firewalls, routers, and/or problems
on a customer’s internal or external network. An IT

Prism 2 Technical Guide 3

professional may need to be consulted.

4 Prism 2 Technical Guide

Step By Step Guide

Setting Your Screen Resolution Step By Step Guide Map

In order for Prism 2 to display properly on your computer screen, In order to operate Prism 2 effectively, you should read this entire
your screen resolution must be set to the default which is small guide. This guide will lead you through each step in configuring
font. If it appears that your graphics are not aligning properly, Prism 2—from entering passcodes to searching and selecting
verify your system’s font size as follows (directions are for units for troubleshooting. Below is a quick overview of each step.
Windows 8):
Step 1: Installing Prism 2—This section explains how to install
Click on <start>, <Control Panel>, <Display>. The following the Prism 2 software, initiate communications, navigate the
screen will appear: program, and enter and edit passcodes.

Step 2: Setting Up Job Sites—This section provides

instructions for setting up each job site’s name, port, or IP
address, CommLink type and configuration, alarm notification,
and custom screen designation.

Step 3: Configuring Prism 2—This section describes how to

have Prism 2 automatically restart after a power failure and
broadcast time to all controllers. It also explains how to set up
the main screen display picture.

Step 4: Setting Up Communications—This section explains

Select the radio button for “Smaller - 100% (default)” and click how to establish communications via modem connection and
<Apply>. You will need to Logoff your computer for the changes TCP/ IP connection through your CommLink.
to take effect.
Step 5: Searching for Installed Units—This sections explains
how to perform a unit search per job-site.
Terms and Conventions
Step 6: Selecting and Renaming Loops and Units— This
Commands are italicized. For example, the instructions will tell section explains how to select and rename loops and units.
you to press keys that are found on the keyboard, click or select
buttons and keys that are found on the screens, and enter or type Step 7: Configuring Units—This section describes how to
text. configure controller setpoints, schedules, and overrides. It also
explains how to configure units while off-line.
User input is boldface and enclosed in quotation marks. For
example, you would type the numbers 9288 when the directions Step 8: Configuring Unit Alarms—This section explains how to
tell you to type “9288.” individualize alarm settings for each controller.

All keys, buttons, and menu items that perform a function and Step 9: Polling For Alarms—This section explains how to view,
are found on screens or the keyboard are boldface and enclosed acknowledge, print, and delete alarms.
with brackets. For example: press the <ENTER> key; click <Edit
Step 10: Logging and Printing— This section explains how to
load, view, and print trendlogs from individual controllers.
Main menus and field names are capitalized and in boldface. For
Step 11: Tenant Override Logging— This section explains how
example, “Type a number in the Number field.” “You can access
to poll controllers for tenant override logging.
that information from the Communications Menu.”
Step 12: Creating Custom Screens—This section explains how
Screen and window names will always be capitalized and
to create Custom Screens containing text, images, and live data.
italicized. For example, “The Search for Units Dialog Box will
appear.” Appendices—The appendices include examples of status and
setpoint screens, instructions for DEMOMODE, instructions for
setting up alarm polling for the System Manager Touch Screen,
NOTE: You MUST press the <ENTER> key after data entry in
and a list of controllers, E-BUS modules, and other devices that
order for the Prism program to accept and save your entry.
can be updated using Prism.
Index—The index provides page numbers for easy reference to
quickly find the information you need.
Installing Prism 2

Step 1: Install Prism 2 Software After the “Run” button is clicked, the Winzip self extraction
window will appear. Select the “Unzip” button to extract the file
Install from CD-ROM to your computer. The default location is C:\PrismII. Do Not
change this location!
Step 1: Close out all other programs and applications.
Step 5: Locate the C:\PrismII folder on your computer. Open
Step 2: Insert your Prism 2 CD into the CD-ROM drive, locate
the PrismII folder and double-click on the PrismII.exe file. The
the PrismII.zip file, right-click on the file, and select “Extract
program will open and run. Note: To send the program shortcut
to your desktop, right-click on the PrismII application file and
Step 3: The Extract Window shown below will open. Type C:\ as select “Send to Desktop.”
your destination and select <Extract>.
This is how the Prism 2 icon should appear on
your desktop. The background color is
determined by your local computer’s desktop

Step 4: The files will be extracted to a folder on your C drive

called PrismII. Note: If you already have a PrismII folder at this Verifying Successful Installation
location, the program will ask you if you wish to overwrite the Once the program opens, click the “Help” tab on at the top of the
files. Select “Yes to All.” Prism 2 Main Screen and click <About>. The window below will
Step 5: Once the files are done extracting, open the PrismII appear, displaying the version you just installed. Notice also that
folder on your C drive. the type of operating system appears at the top of the window -
32 bit or 64 bit. You will need to know this when installing the
Step 6: Click on PrismII.exe to open the Prism 2 program. Note:
USB drivers for the CommLink, USB-Link, or any other
To send the program shortcut to your desktop, right-click on the
WattMaster device you connect to your computer.
PrismII.exe file and select “Send to Desktop.”

This is how the Prism 2 icon should appear on

your desktop. The background color is
determined by your local computer’s desktop

Download from One of Our Websites and Install

Step 1: Close out all other programs and applications.
Step 2: Open your browser and access one of our websites.
From techsupport.wattmaster.com, go to to the Prism 2 section.
From orioncontrols.com, click on the “Downloads” tab and then
If the window shows a different version than what you intended to
select “Software.” From az2controls.com, click on the “Software”
install, try re-installing the software. If you need help installing the
software, please call (866) 918-1100 for free, direct telephone
Step 3: Right-click on the Prism 2 Logo. From the list in the support or (816) 505-1100 to talk to a Technical Support
window that appears, select “Save Link As” (or “Save Target Representative. Support for all telephone services is available
As”). Select your normal location as your file destination and Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM central standard
click time.
<Save> to download the file to your computer.
Clear All Prism Settings in the Windows
Step 4: Locate the Prism2_X.X.exe file you just downloaded on Registry If windows aren’t appearing in Prism as they should,
your computer and double-click on it. A security warning may click on the WattMaster Controls Logo in the Help Window above
appear depending on what version of Windows you have and to set things back to normal. Click <Yes> at the prompt in the
your security settings. This occurs with any file you download dialog box below which asks, “Are you sure you want to clear
and try to open that is not a Windows verified product. If you ALL Prism Settings from the Windows Registry?” NOTE:
see this message, please select the “Run” button to open the Setpoints and configurations ARE NOT affected by this
Prism2_X.X.exe file. This will allow WinZip self extractor to procedure.
open and allow you to extract the Prism 2 program.
Prism 2 Technical Guide 5
Communications & Prism 2 Main Screen

Several of the operations available with Prism 2
require that communications be active. At the top
of the Prism 2 Main Screen is a button that
<Off Line> when communications are not active.
To activate or de-activate communications, simply
click on this button. When communications are
active, the button will turn green and display <On

If there is a problem establishing communications, the button

will not turn green, letting you know that a problem has
occurred that needs to be corrected.

Prism 2 Main Screen

When you first open Prism 2, the Prism 2 Main Screen
appears. (Figure 1)

Main Menu Title Bar

Top Toolbar
Toolbar Icons

Lower Toolbar
Site Selection

Node Selection Window

Loop Selection

Unit Selection
Bottom Status Bar

Figure 1: Prism 2 Main Screen

The Main Menu contains the menus: File, Communications, The Lower Toolbar displays the On-Line/Off-Line button, Dial-
Maintenance, Setup, and Help.
Out button, Connection, and Socket.
The Top Toolbar displays the Refresh, Login, Job-Site, List,
The Bottom Status Bar displays the Program Status, Access
Custom, Logging, and Weather buttons, Selected Loop
Level, and Current Date.
Name, Selected Unit, Unit ID #, and the Alarm button.
Located on the left side of the screen are the Site, Node, Loop
and Unit Selection Windows.
Prism 2 Main Screen

Top Toolbar

The Top Toolbar’s items are described below:

 Refresh Button - Manually refreshes the screen. You may want to do this whenever you make a unit configuration change.
 Login Button - Opens the Enter Passcode Dialog Box, allowing each user to enter their user name and passcode and gain
access to the system.
 Job-Site Selection and Setup Button - Opens the Job Sites Window where you enter job sites, nodes per location, serial
port or comm port #, IP address if applicable, and main screen display picture. You can enter 500 job sites, 500 nodes per
job-site, 60 loops per node, and 60 units per loop.
 List Button - Opens the List Window where you can easily change names of loops and their units.
 Custom Button - Opens the Custom Screen Graphics Program for you to create custom screens for your controllers. Can
only be accessed with a level 3 passcode.
 Logging Button - Opens the Trend Logs Window where you can view, print, and graph system data.
 Selected Loop - Indicates the Loop selected in the Loop Selection Window. You can also rename the loop here.
 Selected Unit - Indicates the Unit selected in the Unit Selection Window. You can also rename the unit here.
 Unit ID# - Indicates the numerical identifier for the selected unit.
 Alarm Button - Indicates an alarm(s) condition when bright red and displays <ALARM>. Will display <No Alarms> when
none are present.

Lower Toolbar

The Lower Toolbar’s items are described below:

 Off Line/On Line Button - Displays whether or not the system has established communications.
 Dial-Out Button - Used for remote connections to dial out.
 Connection - Displays the IP address of the current job site. This only applies to TCP/IP connections.
 Socket - Used for factory level support diagnostics.
 Background Tasks - When bars are full, indicates background communications are busy and may interfere with program

Bottom Status Bar

The Bottom Status Bar’s items are described below:

 Program Status Message - Indicates Ready or Not Ready for the CommPort connection. Will also communicate the status
of specific program tasks.
 Access Level - This button displays the access level—View Status Only, Level 1, 2, 3, Factory Access, or Administrator
Access. If you click on this button while logged on, it will log you off and display View Status Only.
 Current Date - Displays the current date.

Entering Your User Name & & Password

Password Entering Your User Name NOTE: There are six passcode levels. Level 0, Level 1, Level 2,
Level 3, Level 4—Factory Level Access, and Level 9—
Administrator Access. User names and passcodes can only be set
up and changed by the Administrator.

When you open Prism 2, the message View Status Only is

displayed on the right corner of the Bottom Status Bar. Passcode Clearance Levels

Below is a list of the passcode levels and the default actions that
can be performed at the various levels.

Click the <Login> button found on the top left of the

Prism 2 Main Screen. The Login Window will appear. NOTE: To increase or decrease the default passcode levels for
changing Space Temperature Setpoints and/or Schedules, see
Setup/ Configuring Prism 2 on page 16.
NOTE: Aside from when clicking the <Login> button, the
Login Window will automatically appear whenever Prism 2
Level 0—No Passcode Needed, View Status
needs a higher access level to perform a function.
Only, Logged Off
Level 0 users can view temperatures and other status
but no changes to setpoints, etc. can be made.

Level 1
Level 1 users can view temperatures and change space
temperature setpoints. The setpoint screens for Level 1
users are simplified. No changes to schedules or other
settings can be made.

Level 2
System Administrators—Type in the Administrator User
Name and Password. By default, the User Name is admin and Level 2 users can change space temperature setpoints
the Password is admin. Then click <Login>. The status message and operating schedules, but not configuration settings.
Administrator Access will now be displayed.
Level 3
Level 3 users have system manager access and can
change all setpoints and configurations, but not user
Once you have logged in as Administrator, you should now
names and passcodes. Level 3 users can also access force
change your Administrative User Name and Password. See
Editing User Names and Passwords on page 8. And also add
This Level is normally reserved for qualified
User Names and Passcodes for all users.
HVAC service personnel.
All Other Users—Once you have been given clearance, type in
your User Name and Password. Then click <Login>. The Login Level 4—Factory Level Access
Window will automatically close, and the passcode will be tested Factory Level Access allows additional troubleshooting
against all previously defined passcodes to determine the tools, configurations, and diagnostics. These items can
passcode’s access level. only be accessed under the direction of WattMaster
Controls Technical Support.
The status message Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 will now be
displayed. Level 9—Administrator Access
Administrator Access is the only level that can Edit
User Names and Passcodes. The default User Name
You can log off the system by clicking on the access level
is “admin” and the Password is “admin”. The
indicator whenever you wish to secure the system.
defaults should be changed and recorded by the
If the Administrator forgets their login information, the
currently programmed Level 1 to Level 3 users will still
be able to access the system if they have been given
clearance. If not, Prism 2 will be locked out to all users
except for View Only Level. The Administrator will then
need to call WattMaster Technical Support for
instructions on how to restore operation.

Edit User Names & Passcodes

Editing User Names &
Step 3: Type the last name of the User in the Last Name field
and press <ENTER>. In this example, the name is Smith. You
can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters. The Last Name is
used by the History Log to identify who logged into the system
and any setpoint changes they may have made.

Step 4: Type the user name of the User in the User Name field
and press <ENTER>. The User Name could be a nickname or a
NOTE: Only the Administrator can edit User Names and shortened version of the person’s name. You can enter up to 30
Passwords. You MUST press <ENTER> in each field to alphanumeric characters. In this example, the User Name is John
have the system accept the information. S.

Step 5: Type a password in the Passcode field and press

From the Prism 2 Main Menu, click <Edit Passcodes> from the <ENTER>. Click the Show Code check box if you wish to see
File Menu. The Edit User Passcodes Window will appear. See the characters while you are typing. You can enter up to 30
below for an example of setting up information for a Level 3 alphanumeric characters.
NOTE: A strong password is defined as at least 14
characters long and containing characters from at least 3 of
the following 4 classes: upper case letters, lower case
letters, numbers, and special characters, except for an
apostrophe ‘.

Step 6: Type the passcode level of the User in the Code Level
field. Valid entries are 1, 2, 3. Press <ENTER>. Refer to
definitions of Passcode Clearance Levels on page 8 for further

NOTE: Only the Administrator can be set for Level 9.

The maximum level for a normal user is 3, but that level
should only be reserved for maintenance personnel and
not used by anyone else.

Step 1: Identify the User Number by using the scroll bar. Or, if
Step 7: When you are finished editing, click <Exit> to close the
you already have the Users setup and are editing, you can type
their name in the Search Field. If changing your Administrator window.
User Name or Passcode, it will appear in the window ahead
of User #1. Click the right arrow in the scroll bar and the user
number will change sequentially. In the example above, you are
setting up the information for User # 1.

You can enter 100 different users. This may increase in future

Step 2: Type the first name of the User in the First Name field
and press <ENTER>. In this example, the name is John. You
can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters. The First Name is
used by the History Log to identify who logged into the system
and any setpoint changes they may have made.
Job-Site Set-Up

Step 2: Setting Up Job Sites

The second step in the Prism 2 Setup procedure is to program
the specific job-site access settings and desired initial displays
for each location.

Click on the <Job-Site> button located on the Top

Toolbar of the Prism 2 Main Screen. The Job
Sites Window will appear. (Figure 2)

Figure 2: Job-Sites Window

Serial Port:
NOTE: You must configure each of the fields in this window
for every one of your job sites. TCP/IP—If you are using TCP/IP communications, leave the
Serial Port field set at “No Port Selected” which is the default.

Job-Site Name: Serial or USB—If Prism 2 will be connecting directly to a

CommLink or USB-Link through the Serial or USB Port, select
When you first open the Job Sites Window, the Job-Site Selection the port that you have connected your CommLink to and enter
Window will be empty. Click on an empty location. The Job-Site for the Node IP Address. COM Port #9 is the maximum
List # will display the number you have selected. In the Selected port number supported by Prism, so if your USB port is #10 or
Location field, type a name for your job-site and press higher, you will need to manually force the port to a lower port
<ENTER>. number using the Device Manager found in your Windows®
Control Panel. This procedure is documented in WattMaster’s
CommLink IV and CommLink 5 Technical Guides.

Phone Number If you are configuring Prism 2 to access to a remote job-site

that uses a modem connection instead of an Internet

10 Prism 2 Technical Guide

connection, enter the modem phone number in this box. It may
be necessary to put a pause in with a comma to successfully dial Job-Site Setup
out. Prism 2 will dial this number to make a connection when
you select this job-site and the <Dial-Out> button. If you are not using an Internet connection, enter in this
field and press <ENTER>. If using TCP/IP, enter the IP address
Alarm Polling Enabled of your CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP device and

If you require a time and date stamped log of alarming or you NOTE: If you are using a crossover cable to connect your
require e-mail notification of alarms, check this box to enable CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP to your
Prism 2 to poll for alarms. Checking this option will cause the computer, youwillneedtoaccessyour Network Settings
Alarm button to light up on the Prism 2 Main Screen. Prism 2 inyour Windows® Control Panel, change from DHCP to a
must be left running on a computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a Static IP Address, and enter the IP Address and Mask
week for this function to operate correctly. provided by your IT personnel.

Tenant Logging Enabled The Node IP Address identifies the TCP/IP address of the
CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP that you will be
accessing for the selected job-site. If your job-site has multiple
buildings with multiple CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5
If you require tenant unoccupied override information for billing w/IP devices, each device address can be programmed here.
purposes and have installed the MiniLink Polling Device, check
this box. Prism 2 can be configured to monitor for individual Simply select the location from the list box to program and type
tenant space temperature sensor push-button overrides and can in the IP address in the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format. You can also
create reports totalizing each zone’s after- hours usage. See enter a name for each Node or CommLink IV w/IP or
Section 11 - Tenant Override Logging for more information. CommLink 5 w/IP to aid in identifying which building you are
communicating with. This allows multiple CommLinks to appear
as one job-site, and Prism 2 will then be able to monitor all
Auto-Zone Setpoint Verification
nodes for alarming or trend information instead of a single node.
You can enter up to 500 nodes per job-site.

Only check this box if you are using Auto-Zone Controllers. Do NOTE: Please avoid skipping Node addresses in the list box
not check this box if you are not using Auto-Zone Controllers, and keep all your CommLinks consecutively listed. 001 is
because it will slow communications. always the Main Job-Site. The 001 Node Name defaults to
Main Site, but you can change the name.
Node IP Address and Node Name
The figure below shows an example of Node IP Addresses and
Node Names for a job-site with multiple buildings.

NOTE: You should never have a Serial Port and a Node

IP address entered at the same time. Only one method of
NOTE: Only CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP communications is available per job-site.
devices can be configured and used as multiple Node devices.
Serial versions and older versions of the CommLink are not

Prism 2 Technical Guide 11

Network Configuration and E-mail / Text Message Alarm Notification

Type of CommLink
Alarm E-Mail / Text Message

NOTE: The alarm notification/text messaging feature only

applies when using a CommLink. The USB-Link does not
support this feature.
In the Type of CommLink Selection Box, select the type of
CommLink or USB-Link that you are using. If you are setting If you require e-mail or text message alarm notification, you may
up a node, the only type of CommLink you can use is a enter up to 10 e-mail addresses in this list box. Prism 2 must be
CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP. enabled for Alarm Polling and must be running continuously to
monitor for new alarms and generate e-mails containing the alarm
Network Configuration information. See how to set up text messaging in the Text
Message section below.

You must select the configuration of the CommLink or USB-

Link you have connected to your computer as this affects
setting up the CommLink and polling for alarms.

Multiple Loop System contains MiniLinks that divide up

Configuration the units across logical boundaries or
contains large quantities of similar units that Type an e-mail address and press <ENTER>. The e-mail address
exceed the number of units allowed on a will appear in the box below the entry field. Click on an empty
Single version CommLink. CommLink must line below the e-mail address you just typed and then place your
be set to Multi. cursor back in the field to type an additional e-mail address. To
delete an e-mail address, click on it so that it appears in the entry
Single Loop System contains 60 or fewer units that can
field, highlight it, and press the <BACKSPACE> key or
Configuration exist on a single communications loop.
<SPACEBAR> and then press <ENTER>.
CommLink must be set to Single.
Auxiliary This is only applicable on older existing Whenever an alarm is detected, each individual on the list will
CommLink systems. System contains a CommLink set receive e-mail or text message notification of the site location, the
to Multi and MiniLinks and the user needs unit address and description, and a brief text message identifying
to add a second computer to monitor the the alarm condition.
system. The second computer cannot be used
for alarm monitoring. WARNING: Your computer must be set up with a standard
e-mail account using any of the standard e-mail programs
USB Link System contains a standard CommLink. such as Outlook Express or Mozilla Thunderbird for this
Network USB-Link must be set to Network. option to operate correctly! Failure to set up a standard e-
mail account will result in unreliable alarm notifications!
USB Link System does not have a CommLink or
Stand-Alone you are connected to a single controller and
have disconnected the communication Text Message— Most cell phone providers have as a free*
loop from the board. Set the USB-Link to option (charges may apply in some instances) an E-mail to
Stand Alone. TEXT service for their cell phone plans. Any alarm type level
Direct USB For future use. that is generated would be sent to that cell phone number as a
text message. *Usually the cell phone providers will have an
unlimited text messaging option.
Alarm E-mail / Text Message Notification and Display
When using Verizon cellular service, the text messaging e-mail Auto-Detect:
address is your 10-digit phone number followed by @VTEXT.
com. For example, if your phone number is 1-555-555-5555, If you don’t know which method your server uses, you can select
your e-mail address (for TEXT MESSAGING) would be this option and the MailSend program will try each method and
5555555555@ VTEXT.com. use the one that operates on your system.
When using Sprint cellular service, the text messaging e-mail
address is your 10-digit phone number followed by @messaging. This would be the default method if TLS is checked. It is not
sprintpcs.com. For example, if your phone number is 1-555-555- available if TLS is not checked, but the other 3 methods are.
5555, your e-mail address (for TEXT MESSAGING) would be Your service provider can tell you if this is the preferred method.
[email protected]. Auth Login:
When using AT&T cellular service, the text messaging e-mail Your service provider will tell you if this is the required method
address is your 10-digit phone number followed by @txt.att.net. to send authenticated e-mail.
For example, if your phone number is 1-555-555- 5555, your e-
mail address (for TEXT MESSAGING) would be
[email protected]. net. No authentication is required to send e-mail.
Send Test Message:
Click this button to send an alarm notification test message to
everyone listed in the Alarm E-Mail Notification Dialog Box.

Custom Screen Display Picture

Once you have created your Custom Screen(s) you can revisit
this field. Custom Screen instructions are found on page 33.
Custom Screens can be floor plans or groups of controllers or
SMPT Server Information for Alarm E-Mailing whatever you decide is necessary to ease the monitoring of your
system. When you revisit this field, click the <Select File>
Server Name:
button to select the custom screen you wish to be associated with
This is the SMTP mail server provided when you set up your e- the job-site. Once you choose a Hot Spot from the Main Screen
mail account. For example, Time Warner Cable uses smtp- display (described on page 38), you can click on the Hot Spot
server.kc.rr. com and WattMaster uses smtp.googlemail.com and go straight to the custom screen.
User Name:
This is the e-mail address you created when you set up your e- Hot Spots from Main Screen Picture
mail account.
User Password:
This is the password required to send and receive mail on your
Return Address: Once you create a Hot Spot on the Main Screen display
This is the address that is notified when the mail is undeliverable. (described on page 38), the coordinates for the Hot Spot will
show up in this field. If you have forgotten where you placed a
SMTP Port:
Hot Spot, these coordinates will allow you to troubleshoot the
Use the default port #25 unless your IT department specifies location. If you want to delete a Hot Spot, click the <Clear>
otherwise. button.
In the Authentication Window:
Use TLS:
This should be checked unless your e-mail service does not
require secure e-mail transactions.

Export/Import to Selected Job-Site Auto-Logging Settings

Log Times

If you would like Prism 2 to automatically retrieve controller

trendlogs on a regular basis, click <Log Times> from the Job
Site Window’s Top Menu Bar. The Auto-Log Retrieve Times
Once you have completed setting up your job-site and have
Window will appear. Select the times of the day you would like
performed a search for all installed units (see page 20) and have
Prism 2 to perform this function.
given them names, you can revisit this field which enables you to
copy job-site settings to another computer so you don’t have to re-
enter the information. NOTE: You can force Prism 2 to start the Auto Logging
procedure at any time by making sure your communications
To export data, select the job-site you wish to export by are On Line and then selecting <Start AutoLog> from
highlighting it and then select the Export Drive Location to store Prism 2’s Communications Menu.
this information. You can export to any form of removable
media that your computer is capable of writing to. Make sure that
the media you choose is supported by the computer you will be How often you should
importing this data to! Click the <Export> button to initiate this gather logs depends on the
procedure. Once the data is stored, take the removable media to shortest logging interval
the other computer, insert it, and select the Import Drive Location you have specified on any
for that computer and the job site list number (click in the Job- selected controller. Some
Site Selection List Box to make this selection) and then click the of the older families of
<Import> button. All installed units and names should now controllers support 60
appear on the Prism 2 Main Screen when you exit the Job Sites rows of log data whereas
Window. newer families have 120
rows. Each row of log
Delete Job-Site data contains a time and
date stamp and any
relevant data for the type
of control it performs.

For example, a Variable

Air Volume Box
If you want to delete a job-site, highlight the job-site in the Job- Controller logs its Space
Site Selection Window so that its name appears in the Selected Temperature, Heating and
Location field. Then click the <Delete Job-Site> button next to Cooling Setpoints, Supply
the Job-Site List # field. Air, and Damper Position
A message will appear asking you if you really want to delete the in each row.
job-site. This is a precaution in case you click the <Delete Job- If you entered the shortest log interval of 1 minute for a unit
Site> button by mistake. Click <Yes> or <No>. with 60 rows of data, you would need to retrieve data every hour
to prevent loss of log data. If you left the default log interval of
15 minutes, then you could load the log data twice a day and not
lose any data since 15 minutes times 60 rows = 900 minutes of
data (15 hours).

On a unit with 120 rows, that same 15-minute interval would

yield 1800 minutes of data or 30 hours, which means you could
retrieve logs once a day without losing data. Don’t worry about
overlapping data if your logs exceed the auto-log interval. All
duplicate data is discarded and any files created for a single day
are loaded as a whole to create one log listing per day. Keep in
mind that a time and date stamped file is created every time you
retrieve a log from a controller, so unnecessary polling should be
kept to a minimum. If you retrieve logs every hour, then 24 files
will be created for each day of the year.

Log Units
NOTE: If you are using multiple CommLink IV w/IP or
Once you have selected the Log Times, you need to select which CommLink 5 w/IP devices on a campus setting, you will
units to retrieve log data from. If you have controllers such as need to select each Node and then each Loop along with the
Lighting Panels which don’t have internal logs, you don’t need to Units on those loops that you would like to auto-log. Prism
select them. Also, if you don’t need archival storage of log data, 2 will open communications with each CommLink IV w/IP
you may only want to activate this feature to troubleshoot a job- or CommLink 5 w/IP in order and retrieve the logs from
site, and then disable this feature once everything is running each building.
smoothly again.

Click <Log Units> from the Job Site Window’s Top Menu Bar NOTE: Auto-logging places a heavy demand on the
and select units to be logged. communications pipeline. If you are viewing Status or
As you can see on this sample screen, only three units have been Setpoint screens when it is time for an auto-log to occur, it
selected for auto-logging four times a day (See Log Times sample would be best to close out your viewing session until the
screen). All other units will be ignored during this process. logging is complete. This helps to avoid missing packets of
data or extending the logging procedure because it would
Keep in mind that on systems with multiple communications be competing for communications time with a Status Screen
loops, you will need to select each loop one at a time from the polling for live data.
Loop Selection List Box and then check each desired unit on the
selected loop.
Configuring Prism 2

Step 3: Configuring Prism 2 Broadcast Time to Keep Controllers

Prism 2 can be configured to poll for trendlogs or alarm
conditions on a continuous basis. If your computer experiences a
Select this option to keep all controller real time clocks
power outage, Prism 2 will not automatically restart without a
synchronized and to handle daylight savings changes.
few user settings to make this happen.
Click the checkbox for Broadcast Time to Keep Controllers
From the Setup Menu, click

The Prism 2 Configuration

NOTE: Prism 2 must be running on a continual basis for this
Dialog Box will appear.
option to work.

This broadcast occurs once an hour and is helpful in keeping all

time stamped items, such as trendlogs, synchronized with each

Passcode Level for Space Setpoint Access and

Scheduling Access

Although passcode level access defaults are set in the Edit

Passcodes Window (see page 9), you can increase or decrease
the default passcode level access for Changing Space Setpoints
(default Level 1) and for changing Schedules (default Level 2)
to levels between 0 through 3.

In order for Prism 2 to save any changes that you make in these
Auto Re-Start After Power Failure fields, you must press <ENTER> after entering the new value.

Click the checkbox for Auto Re-Start After Power Failure.

NOTE: You must have a Passcode Level of 3 or above to
change these settings.
In order for Prism 2 to automatically restart after a power failure,
you must place a shortcut to PrismII.exe into the C:\Documents
and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder.
When the computer reboots and Prism 2 restarts, the
communications port will open up automatically and resume any
alarm or trend logging.

An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) device can be attached

to your computer to handle the short power glitches and prevent
the computer from needing to re-start. Longer power outages will
still need this auto re-start method to return to normal operation.

16 Prism 2 Technical Guide

Configuring Prism 2

Main Screen Display Picture

You can substitute Prism 2’s Main Screen WattMaster Controls

logo display with a bitmap (BMP, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, or PNG
format) of your choice.
From the Setup Menu, click <Main
Screen Picture>.

The Main Screen Picture Dialog Box

will appear.

Click the <Select Picture> button to select your desired image.

The File Open Window will pop up:

Search for the image until it appears in the Selected Directory

field. Click the filename once so that it appears in the Selected
File field and then click the <Open> button on the File Menu
Bar. The file you choose should immediately appear in the Main
Screen display.
TCP/IP Connection and CommLink Setup

Step 4: Setting Up Communications Remote Link Modem Connection

This section discusses the initial settings required to get Prism
2 communicating with your WattMaster digital controls. Your NOTE: Due to the recent discontinuation of some analog
CommLink communications device must already be installed and phone lines, WattMaster can no longer guarantee that your
all communications wiring must be completed before Prism 2 phone system supports the Remote Link. The Remote Link
can communicate with your system. can only be used with CommLink II, III, or IV.
Once the job-site has been configured, you should be If you are connecting to a remote job-site via a
able to initiate communications with the attached modem connection, you must select the <Dial-Out>
CommLink device. Click on the <Off Line> button to button located next to the <On Line/Off Line> button.
force Prism 2 to open a communications port or socket
to the CommLink. If it is successful, the button The Dialing Status and Connection Window will appear and the
indicator will light up and display <On Line>. <Dial Out> button will display <Cancel Dialout>. Verify that
you are dialing the correct job-site.
Each time you click this button, Prism 2 will either open
communications and display <On Line> or close
communications and display <Off Line>.

NOTE: If you are using a USB-Link or auxiliary

CommLink, you can skip the rest of this section and go
directly to “Searching For Installed Units” on page 20. Click the <Cancel> button if you need to terminate the dialing
sequence before it has finished.
TCP/IP Connection The Dialing Status and Connection Window will provide all of
the information you need to determine the dialing state and its
If you are using a CommLink success or failure. Once the Connection Status indicates a
IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/ successful connection, simply click <OK> to close the window
IP device, you need to set up and begin normal communications with the remote job-site.
initial settings by clicking
<CommLink IP Web When you are done completing the tasks for the job-
Settings> from the site you dialed, click the <Hang Up> button. This
Communications Menu. In button replaces the <Cancel Dialout> button once a
the menu at left, this item is modem connection is successful.
grayed out, but when you
actually plug in your
CommLink IV w/IP or CommLink II / III / IV Setup (For Remote
CommLink 5 w/IP device, this Connection Only)
menu item will be accessible.
NOTE: This setup is only used for Remote Link applications.
The IP Module Technical Guide is provided with the CommLink
The Remote Link can only be used with CommLink II, III,
IV w/IP or CommLink 5 w/IP device which details all required
or IV.
settings and configurations and will not be discussed in this
If Prism 2 is able to open comm-
The initial setup is performed with your installed web browser. unications, you can now configure
This option is provided in Prism 2 to eliminate the need to run a the CommLink with the proper
separate program to verify settings while troubleshooting or settings. From the Communications
performing other changes as specified by WattMaster Technical Menu, click <Setup CommLink>.
Support. The CommLink Settings Window will
Verify the Type of CommLink -
Multiple Loop, Single Loop,
Auxiliary, USB Link Networked, and
USB Link Stand Alone. This
selection should default to what you
set up for the job- site in the Job Sites
18 Prism 2 Technical Guide

Prism 2 Technical Guide 19

CommLink Setup

Click <Load> to retrieve the current settings from the CommLink Pager—Enter a pager number if you want someone to be paged
whenever an alarm occurs. After the pager number, type 4
commas and then enter the number the modem is calling from
followed by the # sign so the person knows whom to call back.

Example: 555 1212,,,,555 1234#

555 1212 The Pager Number to Dial

,,,, Commas Command the Modem
to Pause
555 1234 The Number of the Modem
making the call.
# Closes out the Pager
Notification Sequence
CommLink ID Number
A two-digit number used to identify which remote location has Modem Init String
been contacted. Any valid number from 00 to 99 will work.
The settings provided are for the WattMaster Remote Link
Version modem. No other modems may be used. The maximum number
of characters available for this field is 28.
This is a default setting that is read from the CommLink.
Baud Rate You do not need to remember this string, simply click
The Baud Rate only applies to the modem connected to the <Restore>, and the field will be filled in for you.
CommLink for remote access.
NOTE: The number one cause of failure for a remote modem
Phone Number that does not answer a call from Prism 2 is the SO=1
Not currently required or used by the Prism 2 program. You command is actually set to SO=0. If it is ZERO the Modem
leave this field blank (displays “None” if blank). If this field is not
blank, simply highlight the current data, press <BACKSPACE>
and then press <ENTER>. This will clear the data.
Saving the CommLink Settings
Alarm Callout Cell / Pager Number
When you are satisfied with the CommLink settings, you must
click <Save> to force Prism 2 to send the new settings back to
You can enter a pager number or cell phone number in this field
the CommLink.
if you want someone to be paged or called whenever an alarm
occurs. The maximum number of characters available for this It is always a good idea to select <Load> after you Save the data
field is 28. Press the <Space Bar> to clear this field. to verify that the correct data has been stored in the CommLink
Cell Phone—If you are typing in a cell phone number, type it in
Click <Exit> to exit the CommLink Settings Window.
the way suggested by your phone service provider.
At this point, it is a good idea to cycle power to the CommLink
NOTE: In your cell phone entries, you will need to create an so that the new settings will have a chance to take effect.
entry for each of your job sites with its corresponding phone
number so that you know which job site has an NOTE: Because there are thousands of different modems
available on the market, WattMaster Controls can only
support the Remote Link modem that has been designed
specifically for this system.
Unit Search

Step 5: Searching For Installed Units Each gray box symbolizes a board address from one to sixty on a
maximum of 60 loops. As each unit is checked for on a loop, the
Once all controls are up and running and all communications gray box will turn yellow. If a unit is found, the box will turn
have been set up and tested, you need to search for installed units green. If no unit exists at a specific address, the box will turn red.
on the communications loop. If you are testing a specific address during installation or
Make sure Prism 2 is On Line and you have Level 3 access. If troubleshooting to see if it is recognized, find the correct box
you are using a Remote Link, you will need to dial out to make using the left mouse button. The selected loop and unit addresses
a connection. From the Main Menu, click will appear in the upper left corner in the Loop Selection and
<Communications>, Current Unit fields. To actually test that unit, use the right
<Search For Units>. mouse button. If the unit is found, the box will turn green;
otherwise it will turn red.

Once all addresses are checked, the total number of units or

controllers found for each loop will be displayed at the top of the
If the number per loop matches the actual number of installed
HVAC controllers, click <Exit> and save your search results.

If you think you have consecutively addressed all of your

controllers but you see a green box located apart from the group,
you can assume you have improperly set the address switch for
that controller. However, in some cases, such as AHU Units and
MiniLink Polling Devices, they will be located at the end of the
loop at addresses 59 & 60 and no corrections are necessary.

If the number does not match, you will need to diagnose the
communications problem and perform searches until the number
The Search For Units Screen will appear. of detected units matches the number of installed units.

If you are using a USB-Link, you should select the Check Unit
Maps option or the search will not reliably detect installed units. NOTE: You can select <Cancel Search> at any time if you
know there are no more units to be found on your system.
To search a single loop, click on any box on the desired loop, and
select the Search ONLY the Select Loop checkbox. Other loops
will be ignored, but units previously found on other loops will not
be discarded. Click <Exit> when you are finished with your search or wish to
close the Search For Units Screen. The following message will
Click <Start Search>.The search process will automatically look
pop up, asking if you want to save your search results:
at all 60 possible addresses on each loop unless you click
<Cancel Search> to stop the process.

Click <Yes> if the detected number matches the actual number of

installed units and you wish to save the search results. If you
<Yes>, the new search file will overwrite any previously saved
search file.
Click <No> if the numbers don’t match or you are
troubleshooting the system and don’t want to save the results. If
the numbers don’t match, make sure your system is On Line and
check other communication configurations as necessary.
No matter which search method is used, you can always choose

20 Prism 2 Technical Guide

to save or discard the search results when you exit this

Prism 2 Technical Guide 21

Selecting and Renaming Loops and Units

Step 6: Selecting and Renaming From the Prism 2 Main Screen, click the <List> button
located on the Top Toolbar. The List of Units Screen
Loops and Units will appear.
This section explains how to select and rename loops and

NOTE: You can rename job sites that appear in the Site
Selection Window in the Job Sites Window Selected Location

Selecting Loops and Units

To open the status screen of

a selected unit, simply select
the correct Loop and Unit by
clicking on the loop in the
Loop Selection Window and
double-clicking the unit in the
Unit Selection Window. These
window list boxes are located
on the left side of the Main
Prism 2 Screen. Simply highlight a loop in the Loop Selection Window and all 60
possible units on that loop will appear.
Once a status screen is open,
you can select other
Click inside the blank area or unit name in a Unit # field, type in a
controllers with a single-click
name or new name, and press <ENTER>.
in the Unit Selection Window
instead of a double-click. If you click on the words “Unit #” in the Unit # field, that unit’s
status screen will appear.

Restore Unit Names

Renaming Loops and Units If due to an extended power

outage, all of your unit names are
missing or scrambled in the Unit
The only way to rename loops is in the Selected Name for Loop
Selection Window on the Main
Box located on the Prism 2 Top Toolbar once you have
Screen, click
highlighted the loop in the Loop Selection Window:
<Restore Unit Names> from the
Type in a new name for the Maintenance Menu to restore the
loop and press <ENTER>. unit names back to normal.
The status of the restore will be shown on the far left of the
One way to rename units is in the Selected Name for Unit Box 2 Bottom Status Bar.
located on the Prism 2 Top Toolbar:
Type in a new name for the unit
and press <ENTER>.

However, the easiest way to rename many units at once is by

using the List of Units Screen.
Configuring Units

Step 7: Configuring Units Zone Controller Setpoints

This section identifies the main components on most controller
To configure all setpoints, click <Setpoints>. Following is an
status screens and explains how to configure your system
example of a Cooling Only VAV Box Controller Setpoint Screen:
controllers by accessing and changing their setpoints and other
controls. The complete list of status and setpoint screens will not
be presented in the manual.

Configuring Zone Controllers

When you select a Zone Controller, the status screen for that
controller will appear. Following is an example of a Cooling
Only VAV Box Controller Status Screen:

From each Setpoint Screen, you can select other setpoint screens,
<Save Setpoints> which will save setpoints for the specific
controller in a file to the hard drive and <Restore Setpoints> to
restore previously saved setpoints. These functions are described
on pages 25-26.

Configuring Unit Controllers

When you select a Unit Controller, the status screen for that
From each controller’s status screen, you can access controller will appear. The sample screen presented below is for a
<Setpoints>, view and print <Trendlogs>, and <Print> a status VCCX2 Controller.
report. These options are found at the top of the screen.
All box controllers can have their dampers forced for diagnostics
or troubleshooting purposes. To force the damper, click on the
button at the top right of the Damper display on the status screen.
From the Damper display shown, you would click on the
<Normal> button.

The Damper Override Window will pop up. To close the window,
you must select one of the options. To keep the option, in this
example Normal Operation, you would simply click again on
the Normal Operation selection box to close the window.

From each controller’s status screen, you can access

<Setpoints>. This option is found at the top of the screen. You
must have a Level 3 passcode to access most of the setpoints.

22 Prism 2 Technical Guide

Controller Override, Schedule, and
The Schedules Window in the example shows an 8:00 AM to
Holiday Configuration
5:00 PM operating schedule for Monday through Friday. The bars
At the top of the status screen are the buttons <Override>, on the right side of the screen give a visual indication of the
<Schedule>, <Holiday>, and <Details Viewer>. selected time periods.

NOTE: Some controllers do not have two start/stop events

per day. The Schedules Window will reflect this by having
the Event #2 columns grayed out.

The <Override> icon overrides the current occupied/unoccupied When you enter a time in any field, you must designate AM or
PM and press <ENTER>.
operating mode. The <Schedule> icon accesses the weekly
schedule and the <Holiday> icon accesses the holiday schedule. NOTE: You MUST press <ENTER> to have the system
The <Details Viewer> icon provides a wide range of detailed accept your entry. If you do not press <ENTER>, the bar
data. graph to the right will either not display or will not change.
Controller Overrides
The holiday start and stop times will override the standard
If the controller supports it, you can override the operating hours. The holidays themselves are scheduled in the
schedule mode of operations by clicking on the Holiday Schedule Window described on page 24.
<Override> button. The Overrides Window will
appear. To eliminate a schedule from any event, simply type a zero and
press <ENTER> for the Start and Stop time for that day. The
You can choose Auto Scheduling, screen will display 12:00 AM for both the Start and Stop times,
Force Schedule ON or Force indicating that the equipment will not activate for that day.
Schedule OFF or you can choose
Fan Only Mode to force the Main If you want the controller to run the full 24 hours, type a zero
Fan to operate without any cooling and press <ENTER> to set 12:00 AM for the Start time and type
or heating being activated due to 11:59 PM and press <ENTER> for the Stop time. This ensures
space temperature demands. the full 24- hour period will remain in the occupied mode
without interruption.
A scheduled force override will
remain in effect until cancelled. To cancel an override, select Select <Save> to save your schedule. Select <Restore> to
the Auto Scheduling option. restore a previously saved schedule. Select <Erase Schedules>
to completely erase the schedule appearing in the window.

NOTE: Not all units support the Fan Only Mode. In

WARNING: <Erase Schedules> will clear ALL
these cases, it will not be displayed as an option.
entered stop/start times, so use with caution.

Controller Weekly Time Schedules To save the weekly time schedule, click <Save>. The File Save
Window will appear. Give the file a name and click <Save>.
When you select the <Schedule> button, the
Schedules Window will appear.

The following message will pop up if the schedule is saved

successfully. Click <OK> to make it disappear.
Click <Restore> to restore any previously saved schedule from a Details Viewer
previously saved file. If you try to load a schedule from one type
of controller to a different type of controller, Prism 2 will display To access controller details, click the <Details>
an error message and prevent you from making this mistake. button. The Details Window will appear. This
window will display the Controller’s input and
output readings as well as any expansion modules
Controller Holidays Schedule
attached to the controller. From this screen, you
To access the controller’s Holiday scheduling, click can
the <Holidays> button. The Holiday Schedule also select <View Refrigeration Module> to access its details.
Window will appear:

At the top of the window, you have a wide range of functions

to choose from: Setpoints, Trendlogs, Print, Cancel Force
Modes, Air Balance, Staging Times, Relay Run Times, Module
If your job-site has days during the year when you need to Charting, Expansion Charting, and Reset Factory Defaults.
override the standard operating hours to accommodate holidays
or other special events, you can use this window to select the
holidays. Click on the date to highlight it and tag it as a holiday. Controller Setpoints
Days selected as holidays are indicated with a green background
and white text.

There are 14 holiday periods available for each year. These Select <Setpoints> from the Top Menu Bar of any controller
holiday periods can span a single day or they can span weeks or status screen. A series of Setpoint buttons will appear at the
even months. The key to extended holiday periods is to make bottom of the displayed setpoint screen. Not all controllers have
sure you select every single day, including weekends, between the same button selections along the bottom due to different
the start of the holiday and the end of the holiday. control schemes. A sample setpoint screen is shown below.
Other examples of setpoint screens start on page 39 in the
For example, if you want to schedule a summer break, you Appendix.
need only schedule one holiday period to define a two or three
month break from operating in the occupied mode. Of course,
the equipment will still operate with its unoccupied settings.

Every defined holiday uses the same Holiday operating schedule

programmed in the Week Schedules Window.
As in the case with Week Schedules, you can select the
<Erase> button to clear all selected holidays at one time. Refer
to Week Schedules for directions on <Save>, and <Restore>.
Holidays can only be programmed for the current year. You
cannot program holidays before the next year occurs. Holidays do
not automatically adjust for the new year, so you will need to
access this screen after the new year and make necessary
adjustments to the days that float, such as Memorial Day.
If you position the cursor over the top of a setpoint box, a
Restore Setpoints
Help Window will pop up indicating how that setpoint is used
by the controller. To re-load these setpoints from the file you created, select
<Restore> from the Top Menu Bar of the designated setpoint
screen. The only difference you will see from the above screen is
the title of File Open instead of File Save. Find your designated
setpoint file from the list of folders, and click <Open>.

If you enter a setpoint that is either too high or too low or if you
don’t have Level 3 access, Prism 2 will not accept the new value
and will restore the previous value in that field.
Setpoints are contained in groups that are closely related, such as
Temperatures or Staging Delays. When you select a button along
the bottom of the screen, the corresponding list of setpoints will
be displayed.

From each setpoint screen, you can select <Save>, <Restore>,

<Print Configurations>, and <Reset Factory Defaults>.
If you try to load setpoints from one type of controller to a different
NOTE: <Save>, <Restore>, and <Reset Factory type of controller, Prism 2 will display an error message and
Defaults> saves, restores, and copies over ALL of the prevent you from making this mistake.
setpoints for a controller, not only those on a single setpoint
screen. Restore Factory Defaults
To restore factory configuration and setpoint defaults for the
Save Setpoints selected unit controller, select <Restore Factory Defaults> from
You can save all setpoints from any controller to a file on your the Top Menu Bar of the designated setpoint screen.
computer for use in restoring or for copying to another specific
controller. Select <Save> from the Top Menu Bar of the WARNING: WattMaster Controls, Inc. does not assume any
designated setpoint screen. Give the setpoint file a name and click responsibility or liability due to misuse or misunderstanding
of this feature. Restore Factory Defaults wipes out ALL
current configuration and setpoints for a single controller.

The following message will display:

Select <Yes> to clear all configuration and settings and restore

factory defaults. Select <No> to cancel this operation.
Print Configurations Clicking on an analog override will display the Override Voltage
To print all configurations and setpoints for the selected unit Box as shown below.
controller, select <Print Configurations> from the Top Menu
Any voltage between 0.0 and 10.0 volts is
Bar of the designated setpoint screen. The Print Configuration
considered valid and will force the output
Preview Window will appear.
to that value. To cancel an override, click
<Cancel Override> or enter a -1.0 value
for the Override Voltage.
Prism 2 will maintain relay and analog
output overrides for as long as
communications are open to your system.
Fill out the fields at the top of the window - Job Name, Job
If you close communications or the Prism
Location, and Configured By, and then select <Preview> to
2 program, the overrides will time-out after
see the results. Below is an example. Select <Print> to print the
10 minutes.
If you set an override from your computer, no one else will be
able to change that override from their computer. Only the
initiating party can clear or change an override condition.

Refreshing the Screen

Once you have configured a unit, you may have to click the
<Refresh> button found on Prism 2’s Top Toolbar to have the
new configuration appear on the unit’s status screen.

Configuring Units Off-Line

You can set up units off-line in the event you cannot access
controllers. For example, you can set the controllers up in your
office prior to going to a job-site and save the entered setpoints to
a file. When you get to the job-site, you simply click <Restore>
in each controller’s setpoint screen and open the saved setpoints
To configure units off-line, click
Output Overrides <Setup Units Off-Line> from the
Maintenance Menu.
Some controllers allow
you to manually override
a relay or analog output to Click anywhere in the Unit
any condition you wish. Selection Window on the Main
You must exercise caution Screen and the Available Unit
when forcing outputs, Types Window will pop up. Use
because you have the the scroll bar to scroll through
potential to damage and select the unit type that you
equipment by short-cycling want to configure. When you
compressors or performing click on the unit type, the unit
other undesired control controller’s setpoint screen will
settings. appear. Enter all setpoints and
save the
If your controller supports relay overrides, file, giving it a unique file name
clicking on a relay indicator will cause a associated with a location at
box similar to the one at left to appear. your job-site, e.g. Bill’s office.
Configuring Alarms

Step 8: Configuring Unit Alarms You must check the box associated with each alarm in order for
the system to alert you of each alarm. You must also select
You can configure which alarms can generate Alarm Polling Enabled in the Job Sites Window in order for
call- outs or e-mails by accessing the Unit Alarm Prism 2 to actively poll for alarms.
If there is an active alarm condition, it will be indicated by the
for each controller on your system. The Unit
Alarm Screen is accessed from each <ALARM> button located in the upper right corner of the Prism 2
controller’s status Main Screen.
screen by clicking the <ALARM> button. This button will be a
dull red and display <No Alarms> when there are no alarms
present or will be bright red and display <ALARM> if active
alarms exist.
Click the <ALARM> button when bright red or the <No Alarms> You can always view all active alarm conditions for a specific
button when dull red. The Unit Alarm Status & Configuration controller from its individual status screen, but only alarms
Screen will appear. designated for notification will appear on the Prism 2 Main
Screen alarm display. The Alarm display is described in detail in
Below is a sample Unit Alarm Status & Configuration Screen. the section “Alarm Polling” on page 28.
This screen also displays the Alarm Status for each enabled
alarm. Each individual <ALARM> button will be bright red if an
alarm exists and will be gray if no alarm exists or if the alarm is
not enabled.

Prism 2 Technical Guide 27

Alarm Polling

Step 9: Alarm Polling Acknowledging the alarms lets the system know you have been
notified and are fixing the problem.

NOTE: This section applies to Prism 2 Alarm Polling only. To acknowledge all alarms, click the blue <ACK> button. A
For System Manager Touch Screen Alarm Polling, see checkmark will appear in front of each alarm.
Appendix E.
For printing and deletion options, click the blue <ALARM>
button, and the following menu will appear:
Prism 2 can be configured to poll the system consistently for
alarm information reported by each installed controller. For the To print just the alarms that have
system to poll for alarms, you must have Alarm Polling come in today, select the first
Enabled checked in the Job Sites Window. option
<Print Today’s Alarms>. You
Only the alarms that have been previously configured on the Unit
should see a Print Preview Window
Alarm Status & Configuration Screen for each type of controller
will activate an alarm in this display window. Alarms not like the one shown below.
configured will only be reported on the Unit Alarm Status &
Configuration Screen accessed from each individual controller’s
status screen.

Whenever Prism 2 indicates it is On Line, it will poll the system

every 30 seconds for new alarm conditions. If any new alarms are
detected on the system, the Alarm Indicator located in the upper
right corner of the Prism 2 Main Screen will turn red and display

When you click on the alarm indicator, the

Alarm Display will appear on the Main
Screen with a list of the new alarms and
any old alarms still left in the alarm log

The printer you actually send it to can be selected in the lower

right corner.

If you select <Print All Alarms>, all old and new alarms that
still exist in the alarm log will be sent to the Print Preview
Window for printing.

To keep the alarm log file from growing too large, you can
delete specified alarms from the log by selecting <Select
Alarms to Delete>. The following window will appear.

Alarms are displayed with the newest ones appearing at the top
of the list. This sample list shows two old alarms that have been NOTE: Only a Level 3 user can delete alarms.
acknowledged with a checkmark and numerous alarms that have
not been acknowledged yet.
You can delete the oldest alarms that no longer need to be
The Date and Time of the alarm are recorded when Prism 2 maintained, or you can delete the entire alarm log file and start
actually polls and receives the alarm condition. It does not fresh. Once you make your selection, click <Delete>.
accurately reflect when the alarm occurred unless Prism 2 is left
running continuously and can log the alarms as they occur. You should periodically delete logged alarms because the file
can grow quite large and can slow down the system.
Trend Logging

Step 10: Trend Logging and Printing To view recent data, click <Load Log>. The Trend Log Report
will load with the most recent log data. An example of a Trend
Before you select this option, you should close any Log Report appears as follows:
other open status, setpoint, or diagnostic screens. To
display trend log data, from the Prism 2 Main
Screen Top Toolbar, click the <Logging> button.
you have transferred your Prism 2 files onto a new computer, you
must first open each unit’s Details Screen accessed from the
unit’s Status Screen in order for the trendlog function to work
properly. Then click the <Trendlogs> button at the top of the
Details Screen.

NOTE: You can also view a unit’s trend logs by clicking the
<Trendlogs> button from a unit’s Details Screen.

The Trend Logs Screen will open. It will be empty until you
select a menu option. The name of the controller you were
viewing before you accessed this screen will be displayed in the Please note that there may be more than one page. You can scroll
Title Bar. If you weren’t viewing a controller, the first unit on the through pages with the page scroll at the bottom of the screen.
first loop would be designated in the Title Bar.
To view previously saved log files, click <Select Log>. The Log
Selection Window will appear. Prism 2 will search the folder of
the specified unit to determine which days of the year a log has
been saved. If you are auto-logging, every day of the year will
display in red.
From this screen you can see highlighted days of the year
(represented with a red background) that indicate a log was saved
for this controller on that day. Click on any highlighted date to
load the data.

To print a log, first select a printer from the Default Printer

Selection Dialog Box located at the bottom right of the Trend
Logs Screen and then click <Print>. Every time you open Prism
2, this printer selection will be the default printer until you
change it.

You can change the controller by

clicking <Select Unit>. The
Select Unit Dialog Box will appear
as displayed at left.

Highlight the Node, Loop, and

Unit of the desired Controller. The
Unit Address and Name should
now appear in the Trend Logs
Screen Title Bar.

Once you have selected the

desired unit, you can either load
the most recent log data by
selecting <Load Log> or load
previously stored logs by selecting
<Select Log>.

Prism 2 Technical Guide 29

Printing Trend Logs

If you select <Export Daily>, the process is done automatically.

NOTE: If you select a printer from this list box, it will Prism 2 will display the file name and location created for the
become the default printer for all programs on your computer exported data.
unless you select a different printer in Prism 2 or from the
Windows® Control Panel. If you select <Export Monthly>, the following dialog box will

To graph data from a log, click <Graph>. The Log Selection

Window will appear again. Select a highlighted date to graph. The Select a month from the Selected Month drop down box, select
Trendlog Graph Screen will fill up your entire computer display. a year from the Selected Year scroll box, and then click <Begin
Click <Exit> to return to the Trend Log Screen. Processing>. When the processing is done, the message DONE
will appear in the bottom status bar of the window. Your data will
be saved in your Prism 2 directory within a new subfolder titled
NOTE: Some controllers don’t have the ability to create line Export.
charts of the logged data. If this is the case, Prism 2 will
display one or more message boxes informing you that it
cannot display line graphs.

Below is a sample line graph display from a Variable Air Volume

Box Controller.
If you would like to export a day’s worth or month’s worth of
log data for further analysis not provided in Prism 2, select
<Export Daily> or <Export Monthly>. Prism 2 will create a
comma delimited .CSV file that can be opened in most
spreadsheet and database applications.
Viewing History and Tenant Logs

File Menu View Tenant Logs

There are four options located under the File Menu—
To view tenant logs for a selected loop and month, click <View
<View History Log>, <View Tenant Logs>, <Print Unit
Tenant Logs> from the File Menu. You must click <Load> for
Descriptions>, and <Edit Passcodes>. The <Edit
the data to post in the empty window.
Passcodes> function is described on page 9.

To print the logs, select <Print>.

View History Log

Print Unit Descriptions
Prism 2 tracks most user interactions such as logging on and off,
changing setpoints, acknowledging alarms, etc. These are selected To obtain a hard copy of installed units and their descriptions,
and displayed on the History Logs Screen when you click <View click <Print Unit Descriptions> from the File Menu. The Print
History Log> from the File Menu and choose a month and year: Preview Screen will appear, allowing you to preview the printout
before actually sending it to the printer. Only loops with installed
units will be presented for printing.

History Logs are encrypted and cannot be viewed or modified by

other programs. A permanent monthly record is maintained, and
new files are created each year so that logs from previous years
can still be viewed at any point in time.

Prism 2 Technical Guide 31

Tenant Override Logging

Step 11: Tenant Override Logging

This is an optional configuration that allows a building owner to
log the amount of time per month that selected controllers on a
loop have been put into the Unoccupied Override Mode. From
this information, tenants can be billed for additional energy usage
beyond normal Occupied operation.

In order to set up Tenant Override Logging to work with the

System Manager TS, you must have a CommLink and MiniLink
Polling Device installed on your system. The following
procedure must be done for the MiniLink Polling Device on each

In the Loop Selection Window of the

Prism 2 Main Screen, select the loop
where your MiniLink Polling Device is
located. Then, in the Unit Selection Click the <Tenant Logging> option at the top far right of the
Window scroll down to Address 60 - Polling Device Setpoints Window. The Tenant Logging Window
MiniLink PD and click once on your will appear.

In the Tenant Logging Window, click the box to the left of each
The Polling Device Window will appear.
controller to choose tenant logging for that controller. A check
mark in the box designates that the unit will be polled for Tenant

Click <Setpoints> at the top of the screen. The Polling

Device Setpoints Window will appear.

Step 12: Creating Custom Screens At the top of the Custom Screens Window is the Placement Toolbar.

Once all units have been detected and named and the system is
up and running, you can begin creating your own custom status
screens using the built-in Graphics Editor. To see a text message overview of a button’s function, hold the
mouse cursor over a button without clicking.
You can create simple floor-plans, summary screens, and even
Following is a quick overview of each Placement Toolbar button’s
screens containing an equipment photograph with temperatures
function and when it should be used.
overlaid on the equipment.
Align Left: Use this button to align a group of selected
Not all status fields on the standard status screens are available on
custom screens. But you can place temperatures, damper text or data boxes with the left edge of the left most
positions, carbon dioxide, and other similar types of readings. selected item.
You can also add an alarm indicator for specified units. Some Align Right: Use this button to align a group of
items that cannot be displayed are occupied/unoccupied modes, selected text or data boxes with the right edge of the
fan status, or any other binary style of data. right most selected item.
To access Custom Screens, click <Custom> on the Align Tops: Use this button to align a group of
Prism 2 Main Screen Top Toolbar. You must have a selected text or data boxes with the top edge of the
Level 3 passcode to access this item. uppermost selected item.
From the Custom Screens Window’s Align Bottoms: Use this button to align a group of
File Menu you can start new custom selected text or data boxes with the bottom edge of the
screens, edit existing screens, or lowermost selected item.
open a custom screen for viewing
live data. Equal Vertical Space: Use this button to equalize the
vertical spacing between a group of selected text or
To start a new screen, click <New data boxes. Boxes are equally spaced between the
Screen> from the File Menu. uppermost and lowermost selected items.
Selecting <New Screen> will clear Equal Horizontal Space: Use this button to equalize
any old screen data if any exists or the horizontal spacing between a group of selected text
will refresh the memory to begin a or data boxes. Boxes are equally spaced between the
new screen. Before you start, it’s a good idea to create a filename left most and right most selected items.
for the screen you are about to create.
Equal Height: Use this button to make all selected
Click <Save Screen> from the File Menu to open the File Save items the same height as the uppermost and left most
Window. selected item.

Equal Width: Use this button to make all selected

items the same width as the uppermost and left most
selected item.

Place Data: Use this button to place a new data field

on the screen. New data fields are always placed in the
upper left corner of the screen and you will need to
move them to the desired location. If you place several
data fields at one time, they will overlay on top of each
other until you drag them apart for placement.
Place Text: Use this button to place a text field on the
screen. As with the data fields, these will always be
In the example above, you can see we gave the screen the initially place in the upper left corner. You will need to
filename SampleScreen in the Selected File box. This sample move them to the desired location.
screen will be saved in the main Prism 2 directory once you
click <Save>. <Open Screen> defaults to the main Prism
directory, so if you save your file to a different folder or drive,
you will have to remember where you saved it.

Prism 2 Technical Guide 33

Creating a Sample Screen

Place Jump: Place a Jump button on your custom

Now click on the <Place Text> button to place a text
screen if you want to directly jump to other custom field on the screen.
screens from this screen. You can place a Jump button
on any of those screens to jump back to this Move the text field above the data
originating screen. box the same way you moved the
data field. Your screen should now
Place Image: Use this button to select and load a look like the one shown at left.
graphic image onto the background of your custom
screen. Let’s say you want a Space
Temperature data field and want
the text box to identify it. The next
Background Color: If you are not placing any
step is to change the text in the
background pictures, use this button to select a Text Box and also its appearance
background color for your custom screen. to identify the data file.
Edit Bitmap: Use this button to edit the loaded graphic Click the box labeled Text 2 and then click the <Edit
image if it is in a format that is readable by the Text> button.
Microsoft® Paint program.

Cut or Delete Item: If you placed a text or data field The Style Selection Window will appear. This window allows you
by mistake, you can delete it from the screen with this to change the appearance and the actual text in the Text Box.
button. Make the selections shown in the example.

Clear Screen: Use this button to clear the screen

completely of all items.

Edit Text/Jump: Use this button to edit and format

text. This button is also used to designate Jump field

Edit Data: Use this button to edit and format data.

Creating a sample screen

Click the <Place Data> button.

A new data field labeled Data 1 will

appear in the upper left corner of the
You can left-click the box, hold the
mouse button down, and drag it to a
new location.
Save Screen and View Live

You should have changed the appearance of the text in the text The Unit Select Window will appear. Remember, you must have
box and changed the text to read Space Temperature. You will previously performed a Search For Units or manually configured
notice that only the word Space can be seen. You need to re-size units before this function will work properly.
the text box so that both words appear.

Right-click on the word Space. The text box

will change to yellow and drag handles will

Keep holding the right mouse

button down and drag the text box
so that
it is large enough to contain the
words Space Temperature. Now
click your mouse outside of the
text box and the yellow appearance
will disappear.

Now that the text box is correctly

sized, left-click on it and drag it
to the left to center it on top of the
Data 1 box.

Now format the Data 1 box to In the example above, the second Controller on Loop #1 along
remove the border and background with the Space Temperature data point is selected. Once the data
color. Use a bold font and change point is selected, this window will automatically close. If you re-
the text color to blue (or any open this window on a previously defined data box, it will show
desired color) to indicate a data the selected unit and data point.
Now that you have formatted your text and data box and assigned
Now you need to assign a data point to the Data 1 box so that a data point, you should save the file and then test it to see if live
the program knows which controller to read the Space data actually appears.
Temperature from. Click <Save Screen> from the File Menu to save this custom
Click on the Data 1 box and then click the <Edit screen. Next, click <View Live> to activate the File Open
Data> Window so that you can select which custom screen to view.
button. Reselect this SampleCustom.CUS screen file.
If you are On Line and connected
to your system, you should now see
live data appear from the selected
controller as shown at left.

You can left-click on any active data field displaying live data and
be taken to the status screen for the controller. When you close
the status screen, you will automatically return to the previous
custom screen you had open.
Placing a Jump Field The alignment and sizing buttons
require selection of multiple text and
data fields. Selecting multiple items is
Miscellaneous Edit Functions as simple as left-clicking in the
uppermost and leftmost position you
The following is a quick overview of some of the other editing want to select and then dragging the
buttons you did not use in the creation of your first sample outline box around the controls you
screen. want selected before releasing the
mouse button.
Once you release the button, the
selected text will be gray and the fields
will be surrounded by dashed lines.

Now you can align all three boxes to the Placing a Jump Field
left or right, space them equally, or even
drag all three to a new location if you Let’s say you have built a custom screen of space temperatures
click and hold inside the original outline from several zone controllers and you would like to jump to
you made to select these three fields. another floor plan or maybe to an Air Handler Screen for the unit
that services these zones.

NOTE: The program always aligns items with the top left most Click the <Place Jump> button to place a jump box
item no matter which alignment option you choose. in your custom screen. Left-click on the jump box and
then click the <Edit Text> button to select the jump
field filename in the Style Selection Window.
Once you have finished aligning, sizing, or moving these
controls, you can deselect them by clicking anywhere on the
outside of the original box you outlined to select the fields. In the example that follows, a Jump button was created called
AHU, and whenever it is selected, the program will jump to a
file called SampleScreen.CUS. In this manner, you can link floor
plans or campuses or equipment in logical groups and access
them with a single button click instead of manually selecting the
filename from the File Open Window.

In the SampleScreen.CUS screen and each preceding screen, you

would want to create a Jump button to jump back to the first
screen and so on.
centered on the screen resolution you are currently using.

To edit the graphic, click the <Edit Bitmap> button

to launch the Windows® Paint program or use your
Placing an Image own graphics program and then reload the graphic
when you are finished.
If you want graphics displayed along with the data
and text, click the <Place Image> button to open a The sample screen that follows shows a bitmap in the
File Open Window and load a graphic onto the form. background with three data fields, three text fields, and one
The file format is limited to BMPs, GIFs, TIFFs, Jump button <First Floor> placed so that you can jump back
JPEGs, and PNGs. to the custom screen that you originated from.
Prism 2 always places the graphic in the upper left corner of the
custom screen, so if you have a small graphic, you may want to
edit it and make it larger so that the graphic appears more
Placing an Image

Main Screen Image Hot Spot

To immediately access different job sites or custom screens, an
Easy Access Hot Spot can be created for each job-site on Prism
2’s Main Screen image.

You can associate a custom screen with a job-site in the Job

Sites Window’s Custom Screen field and then you can create a
link or hot spot on the Prism 2 Main Screen to automatically
access that job-site’s custom screen.

From the Prism 2 Main Screen, right-click anywhere inside the

main screen area. In our example, we have a map of Kansas City
as our Main Screen Image.

The message, “Drag an Area on the Graphic to create a HOT

SPOT Selection Window” will appear in red in the Lower

To select the whole image, position the mouse in the upper left
corner of the image, hold the left mouse button down, and drag
the selection box to the lower right corner. In our example, we
will select a small area surrounding the star that indicates a job-
site location on the map.

As you can see, the dashed lines

create a border around the star,
making this the only area on the map
currently selected as the Easy Access
Hot Spot. Once you release the left
mouse button, the Hot Spot Job
Selection Window will appear:
Hot Spots

Click on the job-site you wish to be

associated with this hot spot. As
soon as you click the job-site, the
window will close.

Multiple Hot Spots can be created

on the Main Screen Image, and each
hot spot can be associated with any
defined job-site listed in the Hot
Spot Job Selection Window.

In the future, all you need to do to

access your job-site is to click where
you placed its hot spot on the Main
Screen Image.

To clear a Hot Spot associated with a job-site, open the Job Sites
Window for that job-site and click the <Clear> button in the Hot
Spots for Main Screen Picture field.
Status and Setpoint Screen Examples

Zone Controller Status Screen: VCCX2 Controller Status Screen:

Zone Controller Setpoints Screen:

VCCX2 Controller Temperature Setpoints:

Zone ControllerAlarm Status and Configuration


VCCX2 ControllerAlarm Status and Configuration Screen:

Prism 2 Technical Guide 39

Status and Setpoint Screen Examples

VCCX2 Controller Staging Delays and Timeouts

VCCX2 Controller Configuration Setpoints - Page 1:

VCCX2 Controller Miscellaneous Setpoints: VCCX2 Controller Configuration Setpoints - Page 2:

VCCX2 Controller Relay Configurations:

VCCX2 Controller Configuration Setpoints - Page 3:
DEMOMODE Setup and
Downloaded DEMOMODE Setup and
Operation Custom DEMOMODE Setup
DEMOMODE is a set of files that allow you to view samples of and Operation
controller status and setpoint screens without having to connect
to a live system. You may want to be able to demo the Prism 2 The following is the process for creating your own demo screens
program to a customer, for example. for any type of controller. The screens will automatically be
added to the DEMOMODE files.
The DEMOMODE files are available for download from all of
our WattMaster Controls websites under Software. Step 1: Login with the Administrator or Level 4 username and
DEMOMODE is individualized for each of our control systems. passcode. Connect Prism 2 to the desired type of controller you
You can access all of our websites from our main website— need a demo screen for. Select <Communications>, <Monitor
www.wattmaster.com. Parablocks>. The example below shows connection to a VCC-
X Controller screen ID 187 as shown in the red circle under Para
Step 1: When you download the DEMOMODE files, make sure
Block #1 Index #1.
you copy the files into the Configuration subfolder in your main
Prism 2 directory. Step 2: Select the <Save to File> menu as shown in the red
circle. There is now a demo screen for that unit controller.
Step 2: To run DEMOMODE, simply select an empty job-
site location in your Prism 2’s Job Sites Window and type in
DEMOMODE just as it is - one word, all caps - in the Selected
Location field and press <ENTER>.

The DEMOMODE files will automatically configure one of each

type of controller included for viewing. No communications will
occur, but all status and setpoint screens related to that unit will
be available for viewing.
Step 3: To run DEMOMODE, simply select an empty job-
Step 3: Exit the Job Sites site location in your Prism 2’s Job Sites Window and type in
Window and click on DEMOMODE, just as it is - one word, all caps - in the Selected
DEMOMODE in the Site Location field and press <ENTER>.
Selection Window of the Prism 2
Step 4: Exit the Job Sites Window and click on DEMOMODE
Main Screen. Once you do this,
the controllers available for in the Site Selection Window of the Prism 2 Main Screen. Once
viewing will appear in the Unit you do this, the controller demo screen will appear in the Unit
Selection Window. Selection Window.

NOTE: Unless you are using

your computer strictly for
DEMOMODE, you should not
use the first job-site location for
DEMOMODE unless you don’t
mind the inconvenience of
having to manually select a
different job- site location each
time you start Prism 2.

Prism 2 Technical Guide 41

Prism 2 Technical Guide
Setting Up Alarm Polling for the System Manager TS

Setting Up Alarm Polling for the

System Manager TS
NOTE: This section applies to System Manager Touch Screen
Alarm Polling only. For Prism 2 Alarm Polling, see Section 9.

Using Prism 2 to set up Alarm Polling for the System Manager

TS, you must have a CommLink and MiniLink Polling Device
installed on your system. The following procedure must be done
for the MiniLink Polling Device on each loop.

In the Loop Selection Window of the Prism

2 Main Screen, select the loop where your
MiniLink Polling Device is located. Then,
in the Unit Selection Window scroll down
to Address 60 - MiniLink PD and click Click the <Alarm Polling> option at the top far right of the
once on your selection. Polling Device Setpoints Window. The Alarm / Override Polling
Window will appear.

The Polling Device Window will appear.

In the Alarm / Override Polling Window, click the box to the left
of each controller to choose alarm polling and push-button
overrides for that controller. A check mark in the box designates
alarm polling/push-button override.

Click <Setpoints> at the top of the screen. The Polling Device

Setpoints Window will appear.
Updating Controllers, E-BUS Modules, and Other Devices’ Software

Updating Internal Software

with Prism 2 Version 4.5.0
and higher
You can use Prism 2 version 4.5.0 and higher to update the
internal software of the following Unit Controllers, E-BUS
Modules, and Devices:
• VCCX2 Controller
• VCC-X Controller
• VCB-X Controller
• PT-Link II BACnet3®
• PT-Link II BACnet4®
• PT-Link II LON-3®
• PT-Link II N2-3®
• PT-Link II N2-4®
• Modular Service Tool SD
• Modular System Manager SD
• MiniLink PD 5
• MODGAS-X 10:1

You can find complete instructions and the most recent software
for updating internal software with Prism 2 on the WattMaster
Controls Technical Support website - www.wattmaster.com/

Prism 2 Technical Guide 43


A Align Left......33
Align Right......33
Access Level......6, 7 Align Tops......33
ACK Button......28 Background Color......34
Acknowledging Alarms......28 Begin Processing......30
Addresses Blue ALARM......28
59 & 60.......20 Cancel Dialout......18
Node IP......10 Cancel Override......26
Alarm Cancel Search......20
Acknowledging......28 Clear Hot Spot......38
Callout Cell / Pager Number......19 Clear Screen......34
Date and Time......28 Custom......6, 33
Display......28 Custom Screens......7
E-Mail Notification......12 Cut or Delete Item......34
Indicator......28 Delete......28
Log......28 Delete Job-Site......14
Maintenance......28 Dial-Out......7, 11, 18
Polling......12, 27, 28 Edit Bitmap......34, 37
Printing......28 Edit Data......34
Status......27 Edit Text......36
Alarm Button......6, 7, 27 Edit Text/Jump......34
Controller Status Screen......23 Equal Height......33
Main Screen......28 Equal Horizontal Space......33
Alarm Polling......42 Equal Vertical Space......33
Alarm Polling Enabled......11, 27, 28 Equal Width......33
Align Bottoms Button......33 Erase Holidays......24
Align Left Button......33 Erase Schedules Button......23
Align Right Button......33 Export Daily......30
Align Tops Button......33 Export Monthly......30
Analog Override......26 Graph......30
Auto-Logging......14, 29 Hang Up......18
Auto-Log Retrieve Times Window......14 Holidays......23
Auto Re-Start After Power Failure......16 Holiday Schedule......24
Auto Scheduling......23 Job-Site......6, 10
Auto-Zone Setpoint Verification......11 List......6, 7, 21
Auxiliary CommLink......12 Load......19
Available Unit Types Window.....26 Load Log......29, 31
Logging......6, 7, 29
B Login......6, 7, 8
Log Times......14
Background Color Button......34 Log Units......15
Background Tasks......7 No Alarms......27
Baud Rate......19 On Line/Off Line......5, 6, 7, 18
Begin Processing Button......30 Override......23
Bitmaps......37 Place Data......33
Blue ALARM Button......28 Place Image......34, 37
BMP......17, 37 Place Jump......34, 36
Bottom Status Bar......6, 7 Placement Toolbar......33
Broadcast Time to Keep Controllers Synchronized......16 Place Text......33
Buttons/Icons Print......22
ACK......28 Refresh......6, 7, 26
Alarm......6, 7 Restore......19
Controller Status Screen......23 Restore Schedule......23, 24
ALARM......27, 28 Restore Setpoints......22, 25
Align Bottoms......33 Save Holidays......24

Save Schedule......23 Controllers......22

Save Setpoints......22, 25 Custom Screens......33
Schedule......23 Prism 2......16
Select Log......29 Setpoints......22
Select Unit......29 Unit Alarms......27
Setpoints......22 Zone Controllers......22
Start Search......20 Configuring Prism 2......16
Tenant Logging......32 Configuring Units......22
Trendlogs......22, 29 Configuring Units Off-Line......26
UNIT ALARM......27 Configuring Zone Controllers......22
Weather......6 Connection......6, 7
C Modem......11, 18
Remote Job-Site......18
Calculating TCP/IP......18
Log Times......14 Constant Volume Controller
Cancel Alarm Status and Configuration Screen......39
Cancel Override Button......26 Configuration Setpoints......40
Cancel Search Button......20 Sensor Calibration Setpoints......40
Dialout......18 Staging Delays and Timeouts Setpoints......40
Cell Phone......19 Temperature Setpoints......39
Check Unit Maps......20 Controllers
Clear Hot Spot Button......38 Alarms, Configuring......27
Clear Screen Button......34 Alarm Status Button......23
CommLink Configuring......22
Auxiliary......12 Configuring Off-Line......26
IP Web Settings......18 Holiday Setting......23
IV w/IP......11, 15 Off-Line......26
Multiple......11 Override......23
Multiple Loop......12 Renaming......21
Saving Settings......19 Schedule......23
Settings Window......18 Selecting......21
Setup......18 Setpoints......24
Single Loop......12 Start and Stop Time......23
CommLink 5......11 Weekly Time Schedules......23
CommLink 5 Technical Guide......10 Copy Setpoints
Communications WARNING.......25
Set Up......18 Crossover Cable......11
Communications Menu......6 CSV File......30
CommLink IP Web Settings......18 Current Date......6, 7
Search For Units......20 Current Unit
Setup CommLink......18 Search For Units Screen......20
Start AutoLog......14 Custom Button......6, 33
Communications Port......18 Custom Screens
COM Port #9......10 Align Bottoms......33
Computer Align Left......33
Hard drive......3 Align Right......33
Monitor......3 Align Tops......33
Network Card......3 Background Color......34
Pentium 2 GHz Processor......3 Button......7
Pentium 4 2 GHz Processor......3 Clear Screen......34
Software License......3 Creating......33
Configuration Dialog Box......16 Cut or Delete Item......34
Configuring Display Picture......13
Controller Alarms......27 Edit Bitmap......34, 37

Prism 2 Technical Guide 45


Custom Screens, cont.

Edit Data......34
Edit Text......36 Edit User Passcodes Window......9
Edit Text/Jump......34 E-mail Account
Equal Height......33 Standard......12
Equal Horizontal Space......33 E-mail Address......12
Equal Vertical Space......33 Edit Passcodes......9, 31
Equal Width......33 Encryption......31
File Menu......33 Enter Key......4
Jump Field......36 Enter Passcode......7
Linking......36 Enter Passcode Window......7
Live Data......35 Equal Height Button......33
Miscellaneous Edit......36 Equal Horizontal Space Button......33
Place Data......33 Equal Vertical Space Button......33
Place Image......34 Equal Width Button......33
Place Jump......34, 36 Erase Holidays Button......24
Place Text......33 Erase Schedules......23
View Live......35 Erase Schedules Button......23
Window......33 Export Daily Logs......30
Cut or Delete Item Button......34 Export/Import Files......14
Cycle Power......19 Export/Import to Selected Job-Site......14
Exporting Data......14
D Export Monthly Logs......30

Damper Override Window......22 F

Data 1 Field Factory Defaults......25
Custom Screens......34 Factory Level Access......8
Exporting......14 Fan Only Mode......23
Importing......14 Fields
Date and Time Access Level......7
Alarm......28 Alarm Callout Cell / Pager Number......19
Default Printer Selection Dialog Box......29 Alarm E-Mail Notification......12
Delete Button......28 Alarm Polling Enabled......11, 27, 28
Delete Job-Site......14 Auto-Logging......14
Deleting Alarms......28 Auto Re-Start After Power Failure......16
DEMOMODE......41 Auto Scheduling......23
DHCP......11 Auto-Zone Setpoint Verification......11
Diagnostics......8 Background Tasks......7
Force Damper......22 Baud Rate......19
Dialing Status and Connection Window......18 Broadcast Time to Keep Controllers Synchronized......16
Dial-Out......11, 20 Cell Phone......19
Button......6, 7, 11, 18 Check Unit Maps......20
Cancel......18 CommLink IP Web Settings......18
Hang Up......18 Configure......16
Procedure for Remote Job-Site......18 Connection......7
Current Date......7
E Current Unit......20
Custom Screen Display Picture......13
Edit Default Printer Selection Dialog Box......29
Edit Bitmap Button......34, 37 Export/Import to Selected Job-Site......14
Edit Data Button......34 Fan Only Mode......23
Edit Text Button......36 Force Schedule ON/OFF......23
Edit Text/Jump button......34 Hot Spots from Main Screen Picture......13
Text......34 Job-Site List #......10
Job-Site Name......10 Loop Selection......20


Main Screen Picture......17 H

Modem Init String......19
Network Configuration......12 Hang Up......18
Node IP Address......11 Hard Drive Space......3
Node Name......11 Help Menu......6
Pager......19 History Logs
Phone Number......11, 19 Screen......31
Print All Alarms......28 Viewing......31
Print Today’s Alarms......28 Holidays
Program Status......7 Button......23
Restore Unit Names......21 Controllers......23
Search For Units......20 Erase......24
Search ONLY the Select Loop......20 Programming......24
Select Alarms to Delete......28 Save......24
Selected Loop......7 Schedule......24
Selected Month......30 Holiday Schedule Button......24
Selected Name for Loop Box......21 Holiday Schedule Window......24
Selected Name for Unit Box......21 Hot Spot Job Selection Window......37
Selected Unit......7 Hot Spot Selection......37
Selected Year......30 Hot Spots from Main Screen Picture......13
Serial Port......10
Setup CommLink......18 I
Setup Units Offline......26
SMPT Server......13 Image Placement......37
Socket......7 Importing Data......14
Start AutoLog......14 Indicators
Tenant Logging Enabled......11 Alarm Indicator......28
Type of CommLink......12 Installed Units......20
Unit ID#......7 Searching for......20
File Internet......11
Time and Date Stamped......14 IP Address......7, 11
File Menu......6, 31 Static......11
Custom Screen......33 IT Professional......3
Edit Passcodes......9, 31
Print Unit Descriptions......31 J
View History Log......31
View Tenant Logs......31 Job-Site
Files Button......6, 7, 10
Alarm Log......28 Job-Site Selection Window......10
CSV......30 List #......10
Encrypted......31 Name......10
Export/Import......14 Remote......11
File Save Window......33 Selection......7
Firewalls......3 Setting Up......10
Floor Plans......36 Job Sites Window......7, 10, 27, 28, 41
Force Damper......22 Custom Screen field......37
Force Schedule ON/OFF......23 JPEG......17, 37
Forcing Outputs......26 Jump Field......36

GIF......17, 37 Keys
Graph Button......30 Enter......4
Graphics Editor......33

L Menus
Levels 0-4 Access......8 File......6, 31
Line Graph......30 Help......6
Linking Maintenance......6
Custom Screens......36 Printer Selection......28
Floor Plans......36 Setup......6
List Button......6, 7, 21 MiniLink Polling Device......11, 32, 42
List of Units Screen......21 MiniLink Polling Device Window......32, 42
Live Data......35 Modem......11
Load Button......19 Connection......18
Load Logs Button......29, 31 Init String......19
Load Tenant Logs......31 Remote Link......19, 20
Logging......29, 32 Monitor......3
Button......6, 7, 29 Mozilla Thunderbird......12
Interval, Described......14 Multiple Loop......18
Log Times......14 Defined......12
Log Units......15
Multiple Nodes......15
Button......6, 7, 8 Network Card......3
Log Off......8 Network Configuration......12
Log Selection Window......29 New Alarms......28
Log Times......14 New Screen......33
Log Units......15 No Alarms Button......27
Loop Node
Name......6 IP Address......10, 11
Renaming......21 Name......11
Selection List Box......15 Selection Window......6
Selection, Search For Units Screen......20
Selection Window......6, 7, 21
Lower Toolbar......6
Described......7 Off Line......5, 18
Configuring Units......26
M Restore Setpoints......26
Saving Setpoints......26
Main Screen On Line......5, 18
Bottom Status Bar......6, 7 On Line/Off Line Button......6, 7, 18
Display Picture......17 Outlook Express......12
Hot Spot......37 Output Overrides......26
Image......17, 37 Override
Lower Toolbar......6, 7 Analog......26
Picture Dialog Box......17 Button......23
Top Toolbar......6, 7 Controllers......23
Maintenance Relay, Manually......26
Alarms......28 Voltage Box......26
Maintenance Menu......6 Overrides
Restore Unit Names......21 Auto Scheduling......23
Setup Units Offline......26 Fan Only Mode......23
Manual Force Schedule OFF......23
Terms and Conventions......4 Force Schedule ON......23
Manual Override......26 Output......26
Mask......11 Relay......26
P Pager......19
Passcode Levels.........8 P-S
Passcode Level for Scheduling Access......16
Passcode Level for Space Setpoint Access......16
Controller Setpoints......24
System Manager Level......8
Windows Paint......37
Pentium 2 GHz Processor......3
Program Status......6, 7
Phone Number......11, 19
Place Data......34
Place Data Button......33 R
Place Image Button......34, 37
Place Jump Button......34, 36
Button......6, 7, 26
Placement Toolbar......33
Status Screen......26
Place Text......34
Place Text Button......33
Placing an Image......37
Remote Connection
Poll for Trendlogs......16
CommLink Setup......18
Polling Device Window......32, 42
Remote Job-Site......11
Polling for Alarms......11, 27, 28
Remote Link......19, 20
Remote Link II Technical Guide......10
Number, Maximum......10
Power Outage......16, 21
Trend Log Report......29
All Alarms......28
Restore Schedules Button......23, 24
Print Preview Screen......31
Restore Setpoints Button......25
Print Preview Window......28
Schedule......23, 24
Tenant Logs......31
Today’s Alarms......28
Trend Logs......29
Unit Names......21
Unit Descriptions......31
Restore Factory Defaults......25
Print Configurations......26
Selection......28 S
Sample Screen, Custom......34
Prism 2
Save Holidays Button......24
Save Schedule Button......23
Save Setpoints Button......25
System Requirements......3
Program Features......3
Schedules Window......23

Alarm Display......28
Constant Volume Controller
Job Sites......10
Alarm Status and Configuration......39
Setup Menu......6
Configuration Setpoints......40
Sensor Calibration Setpoints......40
Main Screen Picture......17
Staging Delays and Timeouts Setpoints......40
Setup Units Off-Line......26
Temperature Setpoints......39
Single Loop......18
History Logs Screen......31
List of Units Screen......21
Site Selection Window......6, 41
Log Selection......29
SMPT Server......13
Print Preview Screen......31
Socket......6, 7, 18
Search For Units Screen......20
Software License......3
Trendlog Graph Screen......30
Start and Stop Time......23
Trend Logs Screen......29
Start AutoLog......14
Unit Alarm Screen......27
Start Search Button......20
Unit Alarm Status & Configuration Screen......27
Static IP Address......11
Zone Controller Alarm Status and Configuration......39
Zone Controller Setpoints......39
Background Tasks......7
Zone Controller Status......39
Unit Alarms......27
Search For Units Screen......20
Status Screen
Current Unit......20
Zone Controller......22
Loop Selection......20
Step 11: Tenant Override Logging.......32
Search ONLY the Select Loop......20
Style Selection Window......34, 36
Support Information......3
Select Alarms To Delete......28
Logging Off......8
Selected Location......10
Selected Loop Field......7
System Manager Passcode......8
Selected Loop Name......6
System Manager TS......42
Selected Month......30
Selected Name for Loop Box......21
Selected Name for Unit Box......21 T
Selected Unit......6
TCP/IP......3, 10
Selected Unit Field......7
Selected Year......30
Technical Guides
CommLink IV w/IP......18
Tenant Logging
Select Log Button......29
Tenant Logging Enabled......11
Select Unit Button......29
Tenant Logs......31
Select Unit Dialog Box......29
Serial Port......10
Terms and Conventions......4
Text Edit......34
Text Message......19
Time and Date Stamped File......14
Saving Off-Line......26
Zone Controller......22
Placement Toolbar......33
Setpoints Button......22
Top......6, 7
Set Up
Trend Logging......29

Button......22, 29
Weather Button......6
Graph Screen......30
Weekly Time Schedules......23
Trend Logs
Alarm Display......28
Auto-Log Retrieve Times Window......14
Trend Logs Screen......29
Available Unit Types Window......26
CommLink Settings Window......18
Force Damper......22
Configuration Dialog Box......16
Type of CommLink......12, 18
Custom Screens......33
Type of CommLink Selection Box......12
Damper Override Window......22
Default Printer Selection Dialog Box......29
U Dialing Status and Connection Window......18
Edit User Passcodes......9
Uninterruptible Power Supply......16
Enter Passcode......7
UNIT ALARM Button......27
File Save......33
Unit Alarms
History Logs Screen......31
Holiday Schedule Window......24
Unit Alarm Screen......27
Hot Spot Job Selection......37
Unit Alarm Status & Configuration Screen......27
Job-Site Selection......10
Unit ID #......6, 7
Job Sites Window......7, 10, 27, 28, 41
Unit Names
List of Units Screen......21
Log Selection Window......29
Loop Selection List Box......15
Loop Selection Window......6, 7, 21
Configuring Off-Line......26
Main Screen Picture Dialog Box......17
Node Selection......6
Overrides Window......23
Unit Search......20
Override Voltage Box......26
Unit Selection Window......6, 7, 21, 26, 41
Print Preview Screen......28, 31
Unit Select Window
Schedules Window......23
Custom Screens......35
Search For Units Screen......20
UPS Device......16
Select Unit Dialog Box......29
Site Selection......6, 41
USB-Link......12, 20
Style Selection......34, 36
Trendlog Graph......30
Stand Alone......12
Trend Logs Screen......29
USB Port......10
Type of CommLink Selection......12
Unit Alarm Screen......27
V Unit Alarm Status & Configuration Screen......27
Unit Select......35
VCM-X/VCC-X Controllers
Unit Selection Window......7, 21, 41
Windows Paint......37
View History Log......31
View Live......35
View Status Only......8 Z
View Tenant Logs......31
Zone Controller
Voltage, Override......26
Alarm Status and Configuration Screen......39
W Setpoints......22
Setpoints Screen......39
Status Screen......22, 39
Copying Setpoints......25
Form: WM-PRISM2-TGD-01R Printed in the USA March 2018
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2018
WattMaster Controls, Inc. • 8500 NW River Park Drive • Parkville, MO • 64152
Phone (816) 505-1100Fax (816) 505-1101

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