3AS Education Tests - Doc Version 1
3AS Education Tests - Doc Version 1
3AS Education Tests - Doc Version 1
Today, there are some 43 million pupils and students in public schools at the elementary and secondary levels,
and another 6 million in private schools throughout America. In other words, 88 percent of American children
attend public schools and 12 percent go to private schools. United Nations figures show that in the amount spent
on education per capital, the U.S. is in ninth place in the world (behind Qatar, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands,
Luxembourg, Denmark, Switzerland, and Canada).
Most historians agree that a great deal of the economic, political, scientific, and cultural progress America has
made in its relatively short history is due to its commitment to the ideal of equal opportunity. This is the ideal of
educating as many Americans as possible, to the best of their abilities. From the early times on, especially in the
northern and western states, the public policy was to produce an educated people.
American education has encouraged more Americans than ever before to study for advanced degrees and to
become involved in specialized research. The belief that the future of society depends on the quantity and quality
of its educated citizens is widely held. It explains why a great many Americans are still willing to give more money
to education, even during times of economic difficulty.
Text Exploration
5. Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following :
a. miss (§1)
b.illiterate (§2)
c.ease (§3)
6. Complete the following chart as shown in the example.
C. a) If you dont ameliorate your level in languages, you will not be able to follow your studies abroad.
b) Unless
9. Fill in the gaps with only four (04) words from the list :
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the
they need
for such
activities as reading a newspaper or
their money. It also gives
them the specialized training to
for a job or career.
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ArdjounMaamerSecondarySchool 2017 / 2016
Level: 3rdYear Literary & Philosophy Stream Date :27 / 04 / 2017
Full Name :
Class :
Today, there are some 43 million pupils and students in public schools at the elementary and secondary levels,
and another 6 million in private schools throughout America. In other words, 88 percent of American children
attend public schools and 12 percent go to private schools. United Nations figures show that in the amount spent
on education per capita, the U.S. is ninth place in the world (behind Qatar, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands,
Luxembourg, Denmark, Switzerland, and Canada).
Most historians agree that a great deal of the economic, political, scientific, and cultural progress America has
made in its relatively short history, is due to its commitment to the ideal of equal opportunity. This is the ideal of
educating as many Americans as possible to produce an educated people.
American education has encouraged more Americans than ever before to study for advanced degrees and to
become involved in specialized researches. The belief that the future of society depends on the quantity and
quality of its educated citizens is widely held. It explains why a great many Americans are still willing to give more
money to education, even during times of economic difficulty.
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10. Fill in the gaps withonly four (04) wordsfrom the list :
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the
they need
for such
activities as reading a newspaper or
their money. It also gives
them the specialized training to
for a job or career.
Good Luck
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Importance of Education
Education isvery important for ourlives. Withouteducation people wouldn t have theirhigh-developed machine
and wouldbelievethat the Earthis a planetaroundthat all anotherplanets are moving. Why do people want to
have theirhigheducation? As for me I have myreasonswhy I want to gethigheducation.
First reason I want to gethigheducationis for careerpurpose. From the earlyage, parents veryoften tell to
theirchildrenthateducationisvery important to find a good job. And thisistruebecause if youwant to be a
doctor or a lawyer, or an engineeryou must have an education. Amongmyfriends in Russiawhen I
wasaskingthemwhytheywanted to gettheirhigheducationveryoftentheyweretelling me thatitisnecessary to get
a good job and to make a good career. I agreewiththembecause I thinkthatitiseasier to beginmycareer not
fromnothing, but with the experience and all educationthat I would gain in the University.
Anotherreasonwhy I want to gethigheducationisbecause all members in myfamily have
alreadyreceivedtheirhigheducation. Myfather has finished the Institute of Technology, and mymother has
finishedMedical Institute. All my life I waslisteningfromthemthatitisvery important to gethigheducation. When I
wastrying to passmy exams for the University in Russiamyfamilywasverynervous. It lookedlikethatitwasn t me
whowanted to get to the university, but the wholefamilyweretryingwith me to pass all exams. I thinkthatfamily s
support in gettingeducationisvery important. At least itwasso for me.
--from : http://www.echeat.com/free-essay
2. Say whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.
a. Withouteducation, humanitywould have passed over manyscientifictruths.
b. The Russianauthoris not showingenthusiasm to pursue a higheducationalcareer.
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Good Luck
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Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Generally, at the start of a very young age, children learn to develop and use their mental, moral and
physical powers, which they acquire through various types of education. Education is commonly referred to as the
process of learning and obtaining knowledge at school, in a form of formal education. However, the process
of education does not only start when a child first attends school. Education begins at home. One does not only
acquire knowledge from a teacher; one can learn and receive knowledge from a parent, family member and even
an acquaintance. In almost all societies, attending school and receiving an education is extremely vital and
necessary if one wants to achieve success.
However, unfortunately we have places in the world, where not everyone has an opportunity to receive this
formal type of education. Furthermore because parents need their children to help them work in factories, have
odd jobs, or just do farm work.
Learning subjects in school is not enough. One can learn history, math, science in school, and be
"book-smart". In addition, one can learn how to live life by knowing what to say when, acting a certain way
in certain situations and be "street-smart". These two types of knowledge are extremely essential to be successful
in life. For example, you can have all the "book" knowledge in the world about a certain profession, but if you don't
know how to behave with your co-workers and or your superiors, having "book" knowledge won't get you too far.
But no matter what, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and
ultimately succeed in life. Education is very important, and no one should be deprived of it.
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text and correct the false ones.
a. Education starts only at school.
b. Teachers are the only source for getting knowledge.
c. If any one has book knowledge, he will sure succeed.
d. Education is an important mean to get a good job.
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B/Text Exploration:
1. Find in the text:
a. a word whose definition is: a series of things that are done to achieve a particular result: (§ 1)
b. a word which means : important (§ 3)
c. an opposite to: worse (§ 4)
3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as the one given.
A. a . Do all people have the chance to get education? he asked.
b . He wanted to know
B .a . You listen to your teacher's advice or you won't know what to do in your exam.
b . Unless
C. a. He was often punished for his misbehavior. He had good marks in most subjects.
b. Although
D. a. He says : I have searched for knowledge with a great passion .
b. He says that
One of the benefits of being scientifically
is that you can ask and answer to
derived from curiosity about everyday
. Scientifically literate students are
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Secondary schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of eleven and sixteen in
England and Wales. Children may stay on at school until the age of eighteen in order to pursue further studies,
however this is not compulsory.
Grammar Schools are selective; they offer academically oriented general education. Entrance is based on a
test of ability, usually at 11 (11+). Grammar schools are single sexed schools i.e. children either go to a boys
Grammar Schools or a girls Grammar School.
Comprehensive Schools are non-selective; they don't select pupils on grounds of ability. They are mixed
sexed schools.
High Schools are also non-selective. Children of all abilities attend these schools. High Schools are single
sexed schools.
7٪of the children in Britain go to Independent Schools which are Private and Public Schools. Parents pay for
their children to attend these schools.
A public school is an independent secondary school. Public schools in England are not run by the government.
The entrance exams used by most public schools are known as Common Entrance exams and are taken at the age
of 11 (girls) or 13 (boys). The most famous public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester.
1. Say whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.
a. Further studies are compulsory until the age of 18.
b. Only children of specific abilities can attend Grammar Schools.
c. Public Schools are independent schools that don't require entrance exams.
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7. Fill in the gaps with only four (4) words from the list below:
Education in Algeria is
and compulsory until the age of 16. Arabic is the official
during the first nine years of education. At the lycées there are two programs: general and technical. At
the end of the third year of lycée, students
an examination to qualify
general or technical baccalaureate. Passing the baccalaureate, allows students to go on the higher education.
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