Honda Civic EG PHFM Wiring Diagram v1pt1 Apr2010
Honda Civic EG PHFM Wiring Diagram v1pt1 Apr2010
Honda Civic EG PHFM Wiring Diagram v1pt1 Apr2010
Version: 1.1
Last Modified: Apr/2010
Custom wiring diagram created by “DeSchlong”, based on Helms Every reasonable effort has been made to make this diagram as complete and accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.
manuals for EDM 1992-1995 Honda Civic & CDM / USDM 1991-1995 Acura The information is provided on an “as is” basis. The author(s) and the website/publisher(s) shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
Legend, and original PFM diagram posted on by user person or entity with respect to any loss or damages or inconvenience arising from the information contained herein, nor due to any omissions.