Ansi - Iesna Rp-7 (2001)

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ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 . Recommended Practice for Lichtin lpelasra = ae ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 Recommended Practice for Lighting Industrial Facilities Publication of this Committee Report has been approved by the IESNA. Suggestions for revisions should be directed to the IESNA. Prepared by: The IESNA Industrial Lighting Committee Cover photo courtesy of Keane Wdeite Division of Canto ANSI / IESNA RP-7-01 Copyright 2001 by the Muminating Engineering Society of North America. Approved by the IESNA Board of Directors, August 4, 2001, as a Transaction of the illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Approved July 26, 2001 by the American National Standards Institute, Inc. All ights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in any electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the IESNA. Published by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 120 Wall Street, New York, New York 10005. IESNA Standards and Guides are developed through committee consensus and produced by the IESNA Office in New York. Careful attention is given to style and accuracy. If any errors are noted in this document, please for- ward them to Rita Harrold, Director Educational and Technical Development, at the above address for verification and correction. The IESNA welcomes and urges feedback and comments. ISBN #0-87995-176-1 Printed in the United States of America. ANSI /IESNA RP-7-01 ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 Recommended Practice on Industrial Lighting Prepared by the IESNA Industrial Lighting Committee RP Task Force: Diarmuid McSweeney, FIES Chair C. Amick D. DeGrazio R. Knott 'S. Mishky D. Paulie M. Rhodes G. Schaefer Industrial Lighting Committee Willan Busch, Chair 1994-99 Diammuid McSweeney, FIES Chair 2000 - C. Amick, FIES R. Knott® P. Belding W. Lane* W. Busch P. Lanphere* K. Chen* 'S. Mishky D. DeGrazio M. Packer* E Dickey D. Paulin D. Duzyk* M. Rhodes J. Engle* G. Schaefer J. Fetters* W. Smelser* D. Finch 8. Thomas Fischer R. Topalova J. Huebner J. Viah* G. Irvine* R. Weber* V. Jones, “Advisory ‘Special recognition to F. Dickey for his work on the first draft of the revision of this, standard and to P. Boyce, FIES and R. Mistrick, FIES for their contributions. DEDICATION The IESNA Industrial fighting Committee ‘would like it noted that Charles Amick contributed greatly to the development of this document. The committee, therefore, dedicates this recommended practice to the late Charles Amick. ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 CONTENTS Forward 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 LIGHTING THE INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT. 2.1 General Design Considerations for Lighting Industrial Areas 22 JESNA Lighting Design Guide 3.0 QUALITY OF LIGHTING IN INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES. 3.1 Luminance and Luminance Ratios... 3.6 Source/Task/Eye 3.7 Task Visibility-Flicker and Strobe ... 38 Color Rendering (CRI) 3.8.1 Color Rendering Index. 4.0 QUANTITY OF LIGHTING IN INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES 4.1 Illuminance — Horizontal, Vertical and intermediate Planes. 4.1.1 Horizontal illuminance 4.1.2 Vertical Illuminance 42 Initial and Maintained illum 43 Lighting System Maintenance... 5.0 GENERAL LIGHTING EQUIPMENT .. 5.1 Fluorescent Systems.. 5.1.1 Source Characteristics 5.1.2 Fluorescent Luminaire Characteristics/Performance. 52 High Intensity Discharge Lighting Systems. 5.2.1 Metal Halide Lamps Pulse-Start and Ceramic Metal-Halide Lamp: 5.2.2 High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Lamps 5.2.3 Luminaire Selection High-Bay Luminaries Low-Bay Luminaries 5.23.3 Other Luminaire Types 6.0 BALLAST ISSUES-GENERAL. 6.1 Fluorescent Ballast Issues 6.1.1 Ballast Circuitry. 6.1.2 Electromagnetic Ballasts. 6.1.3 Electronic Ballasts... 6.1.4 Instant Start Ballasts 6.1.5 Rapid Start Ballasts 6.1.6 Compact Fluorescent Ballasts. 6.1.7 Dimming and Two-Level Switching Ballasts. 6.1.8 General Ballast Requirements... . ANSI / IESNA RP-7-01 82 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Ballast Issues 6.2.1 Ignitor... 6.2.2 Metal-Halide Ballasts 6.2.3 High Pressure Sodium Ballasts... Magnetic Regulator or Constant-Wattage Autotransformer (CWA) Ballast.. Lag or Reactor Ballast. Lead Circuit Ballast. 6.2.4 Other HID Ballasts .. RRBBRBBS 7.0 DISTRIBUTION MODES. 7.4 General Luminaire Characteristics and Performance 7.2 Operating Considerations.. 7.2.1 Electrical. 7.3 Luminaire Classifications 8.0 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FEATURES THAT INFLUENCE LUMINAIRE SELECTION AND LUMINAIRE PLACEMENT 9.0 LIGHTING SYSTEM ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ... 10.0 SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FACTORS. 10.1 Lighting and Space Conditioning 10.2 Classified Areas . 10.3 High Humidity or Corrosive Atmospheres. 104 High Ambient Temperatures. 10.5 Low Ambient Temperatures. 10.6 Clean Rooms 10.7 Food and Drug Processing. 28sssysze g 11.0 GENERAL LIGHTING .. 12.0 SUPPLEMENTARY TASK LIGHTING 424 Luminaries for Supplementary Task Lighting 12.2 Portable Luminaries .... 123 Classification of Visual Tasks and Lighting Techniques. 13.0 SPECIAL EFFECTS AND TECHNIQUES ... 13.1 Color Contrast 13.2 Inspection Techniques 14.0 EMERGENCY, SAFETY AND SECURITY LIGHTING .. S888 888 BRE 15.0 LIGHTING FOR SPECIFIC TASKS ... 15.1 Molding of Metal and Plastic Parts: Discussion of Lighting and Equipment Choices. 18.1.1 Foundry Molding (Sand Casting). 15.1.2 Molding Parts of Die-Cast Aluminum and Injection Molded Plasti 15.1.3 Inspection of Sand Castings: 18.1.4 Inspection of Die-Castings an 15.2 Parts Manutacturing and Assembl 15.3 Machining Metal Parts.. SS8S8B8BS ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 16.0 LIGHTING FOR SPECIFIC VISUAL TASKS .. 16.1 Convex Surfaces 16.2 Flat Surtaces. 16.3 Scribed Marks.. aaas Been 16.6 Flat Specular Surfaces .. 16.7 Convex Specular Surfaces . 16.8 Lighting and Visibility for Specific Sheet Metal Fabricatior 16.8.1 Punch Press .. 16.8.2 Shear... 16.9 Lighting for Large Component Sub- and Final Assembly 1610 Control Rooms . 1611 Warehouse and Lig 16.11.1 Types of Warehouse Area and Storage Systems. 16.11.2 Warehouse liluminance ... 16.11.3 Warehouse Lighting Design Considerations aa 17.0 OUTDOOR AREA LIGHTING 17.1 Projected Lighting Systems 1722 Distributed Lighting Systems .. 17.3 Outdoor Tower Platforms, Stairways: 17.4 Special Equipment .. 175 Low liluminance and Visual Acuity Outdoors S8SRS BRERBRBRK a g References. Annex At The Basis for Deviating from Recommended llluminances, Annex A2 Recommended llluminance Values (target maintained) for Industrial Lighting Design Annex B Predictive Methods for Determining Visual Comfort Probability (VCP) ‘and Unified Glare Rating (UGA) .. Annex ¢ ‘Average illuminance Calculation: The Lumen Method FOREWORD (This Foreword is not part of the American National ‘Standard and Practice ANSVIESNA RP.7-01.) While the objectives of this Recommended Practice are to give a comprehensive treatment of ighting in the industrial environment, there are many spaces in a modem industrial complex that are used for purposes. ‘other than manufacturing. These include offices, meet: jing, conference and reference spaces. It is suggested that the reader refer to the most recent version of these ‘other IESNA Recommended Practices and Design ‘Guides for the appropriate lighting recommendations for spaces not covered in this pubiication: ANSVIESNA RP-1, Recommended Practice on Office Lighting IESNA RP-5, Recommended Practice of Daylighting IESNA RP-20, Recommended Practice on Lighting for Parking Facilities ANSUNECAIIESNA 502, Recommended Practice for Installing Industrial Lighting Systems IESNA DG-2, Design Guide for Warehouse Lighting 1.0 INTRODUCTION ‘Awel-designed lighting system can make an impor- tant contribution to the success of an industrial facility. Unfortunately, to often the lighting is treated as an afterthought during the planning and construction of these facilities. Great attention is paid to the physical dimensions of the building, to the flow of the process and materials, and to production equipment, tis common that only horizontal illuminance is con- sidered in providing an environment in which to per- form industrial tasks. However, many industrial tasks do not occur in a horizontal plane. There are many features of the lighting system, other than quantity of light, which make a significant contribution to the aff ciency of the industrial worker. Placement of the lumi- naries is critical to providing light of the proper quali- ty, as well as quantity and direction, to allow fast, ‘easy recognition of operations, which may be taking place at high speeds in portions of production machinery where ambient light cannot easily pene- trate. Selection of the luminaire distribution can be important to rendering the visual task properly when that task is multidimensional rather than flat, and when the task occurs in a plane other than horizon- tal, The operation of the light sources must be under- stood to ensure that the proper lamps are selected. Improper ight source choice can result in difficult and potentially dangerous conditions caused by long ANSI /IESNA RP-7-01 warm-up periods or stroboscopic effects created where rotating parts are present. The ablity of the lamps to render colors accurately may have an effect ‘on the recognition of colors or prodkict components and safety colors used 10 protect the workers from dangerous conditions within the work place, Many industrial operations take place in hostile environ- ments, and the hardware used in these locations must be designed and manufactured to survive these conditions. For these reasons, and many others, great care is required to provide an effective, efficient and readily maintainable lighting system to help mod- ‘em industrial workers produce at the peak of their ability in a safe environment, 2.0 LIGHTING THE INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT Providing @ successful lighting design for a modem industrial faciity is a complex task. In the last three ‘decades of the 20th century, much has been leamed about lighting and tts positive effects on the well being of people. The goal of providing an efficient, relable and ‘easily maintainable lighting system, making use of all of the knowledge available to the designer today, isa task that requires experience and considerable planning. 2.1 General Design Considerations for Lighting Industrial Areas “The designer of an industrial lighting system should carefully consider all of the following design criteria since any single issue, or combination of several, could be important in planning a successful industri al lighting installation. (These criteria are not neces- sarily arranged in order of importance since priorities. will vary for different industries or different locations within an industrial complex.) 11, Determine the quailty of illumination for the manu- facturing processes involved. (See the Industial Lighting Design Guide in Figure 1 (a) and Section 3.0.) 2. Determine the quantity of illumination for the manu- facturing processes involved. (See the Industral Lighting Design Guide in Figure 1 (a) and (b), ‘Section 4.0 and Annex C.) 3. Determine the lighting required for safety and ‘ensure all three conditions (quality, quantity and safety) are properly weighed and addressed in the final design. 4. Select listed or approved lighting equipment that wil provide the requirements of quality and quan- tity, including photometric characteristics, as well as the mechanical performance required to meet installation and operating conditions. 5. Arrange equipment so that it will be safe, easy and 1 ANSI / IESNA RP-7-01 practical to maintain, Evaluate operating conditions that may cre- ‘ate dangerous or unacceptable risks to people, plant or equipment. 6. Consider the energy, economic and operating characteristics of the selected lighting system and be sure all factors have been proper- ly weighed and balanced against the five considerations above before finally accepting the design. 22 The IESNA Lighting Design Guide and Industrial Lighting Design Recommen- dations: In the past, the IESNA has always recommended iluminances for specit- {c applications or visual tasks. Such recommendations were often mistak- en as the primary or even sole criteri- ‘on for lighting design. Beginning with the publication of the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition,’ the Society has introduced a new, formal system for considering a wide range of light- ing design criteria important for a high- quality visual environment. This new system emphasizes quality factors as wall as illuminance. Central to the new system is the IESNA Lighting Design Guide. The Figure 1(b) Determination of illuminance Categories. Orientation and simple visual tasks. Visual performance is largely unimportant. These tasks are found in public spaces where reading and visual inspection are only occasionally performed. Higher levels are recommended for tasks where visual performance is ‘occasionally important. ‘A_ | Public Spaces Bik G fe) B_ | Simple orientation for short visits 50 ix (5 fe) 100 Ix (10 fe) C | Working spaces where simple visual tasks are ‘Common visual tasks. Visual performance is important. These tasks are found in commercial, industrial and residential applications. Recommended illuminance levels differ because of the characteristics of the visual task being illuminated, Higher levels are recommended for tasks with critical elements of low contrast or small size, D E Performance of visual tasks of high contrast and | 300 Ix (30 fe) large size Performance of visual tasks of high contrast and small size, or visual tasks of low contrast and large size Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and small size Eo ‘Special visual tasks. Visual performance is of critical importance. These tasks are very specialized, including those with very small or very low ‘contrast critical elements, Recommended illuminance levels should be achieved with supplementary task lighting. Higher recommended levels are often achieved by moving the light source closer to the task. G_| Performance of visual tasks near threshold '3000-10,000 Ix (300-1000 fe) + To ezcount for both uncertain In pholomeltle meesurements nd uncetenty in 9pece reflections, meesured luminance should be within = 10 perce ofthe recommended value should be noted, however that the final luminance may devite trom these rec- ‘ommended values due to other lighting design crtera, 500 Ix (50 fe) 1000 Ix (100) = ‘columns of the Design Guide list multiple criteria impor- tant for a high quality visual environment, while the rows list specific locations and tasks alphabetically. At each row/column intersection, a shaded block indicates the level of importance for each criterion as it relates to the associated location or task: very important = solid shading, important = medium shading; somewhat important = light shading; and not important or not appiicable = no shading (blank), Those portions of the Design Guide that apply to industrial applications are presented in Figure 1 (a), (page 9.) (See Chapter 10 in the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Ecition, for the com- plete Guide for all other applications.) 3.0 QUALITY OF LIGHTING IN INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES Apleasant and comfortable environment is desirable and will generally resutt in a happier and more pro- ductive worker. There are various factors to consider in determining the quality of the visual environment. ‘They appear in the column headers in the Design 2 Guide in Figure 1 (a). These include luminances of room surfaces, modeling of objects, glare, shadows, sourcetask/eye geometry, flicker and strobe, color appearance ard color contrast, and daylight integra- tion and control, 3.1 Luminance and Luminance Ratios ‘The ability to see detail is strongly influenced by the contrast between the task detail and its background. ‘The greater the contrast, or differenca in luminance, the more readily the task is seen. However, the eyes function more comfortably and efficiently when the juminances within the total visual environment are fairly uniform, Therefore, all luminances in the field of view should be carefully controled. In manufacturing, there are many areas where it is not practical to achieve the desirable luminance relationships as those more easily echieved in areas such as offices. But between the extremes of heavy manufacturing and office spaces lie the bulk of industrial areas. ‘Therefore, Figure 2 (see page 6 has been developed «as a practical guide to recommended maximum lumi- ‘nance ratios for industrial areas. ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 Figure 1(a). Lighting Design Guide for industrial Applications. {s)ardeyo soussey Luopoes Jo pus o0s — ‘enieA 20 ofojwju} jaloje) folwlu) (etude Uo OUT ‘Blank = Not important or not applicable ‘suoneseprsucn jepeds vo i ‘SuoWBEPISUOD Is: ‘eno aiajp paDaNe! ‘sHEIO 10 S808. 10 Buje} ‘BeaBying Woy 76 BSOUEUN Coiiionany eusig ¥e8L Wo onnauTSIC WEF ‘seo8png vo voRRaUsIC WEY | ~ SSpSueReIEUS leueTeN OIsUIAU (eqns pub) 26%. important IN Somewhat important | | | ered ~FaawOD PUB uoReLBa}U| BunuOH (GseNUOD 20105 PUB) eauBsBEddy 10} ‘Very Important Saneuun pue eoeds 10 ‘sensay ul ‘manufactur ‘Raw material processing (leaning, ‘andial in Loeding, inside trucks end freight cars: ‘Medium Fine fine ‘Materials handli Picking stock. cl INDUSTRIAL |LOCATIONS AND TASKS" Medium Fine [Basic Industrial Tasks ‘cutting, Coarse ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 HOM @URPEU 30 YOUNG BUILT i) @RFEA 20. t9PUBle YSBL UO ueIdeyO Lvotioes 40 pus eos — ‘SuORBePISUOD jepeds UO SeION| _sigeaudde you 20 weyodus} ON = UeIE suoneiepisued teed: 8 ‘eID 810 ‘speI90 4 ‘SeOBLNG WidOy Jo SeoUBUN ‘BeoepNS Uo VORGINSIC 1 2 | (auionun) outa ¥s01 uo Uonnqinsa 3 : | “SONSHOPRIEUD ELON osURUT | Teqang pul ~Januog pus woRssBonu | ‘(88.1009 40100 pus) eouEzeeddy 1) ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 "Y XeuLy UF SEIGE) 0 9)04 7 Sse Sit pet meer re ns ‘olwjulo} | Ten ‘Bas8OD IppOMpoom “Bujysiiod ‘BumiL ‘Busted “Buryno “Cupoys ‘Bunured "Buiaies Buyrei6ve) aa Tenuew lolwlojo| lala) ‘oni 30 (eaang pus) 20791 oD endo uoppes Jo pus 09s — ssion| ‘qPURid YE vO eouCURA ‘BROIIO 10 #008 3 10 BuNOF ‘SEDER WOO 10 86D Come BEE “Se0BUNg UO VoRNGUISIG 4B ‘suogeseprsuco lepeds uo SSRs RISES levereHi orsUIRUY yequeD pue uonesBequ Bun (iseNIU05 10100 pus) eouRLeEddy 49) _oiqeaytddie you Jo wepoduul ON = yueta [~]_ Henoduy eymowog BRT wepodiui MM juepoduiy Aion, mSNSVL ONY SNOLLVOOT] ‘WRUSNON ‘H ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 Figure 2. Recommended Maximum Luminance Ratios. Environmental Classification’ 1. Between tasks and adjacent darker surroundings 2. Between tasks and adjacent lighter surroundings 3. Between tasks and more remote darker surfaces 4. Between tasks and more remote lighter surfaces 5. Between luminaries (or windows, skylights, etc.) ‘and surfaces adjacent to them 6. Anywhere within normal field of view A B c 3tot 3to4 tot 1to3 1to3 1to5 10to1 20101 . 11010 11020 + 20to1 . . 40 tot + . 7 Classifications are: ‘Interior areas where reflectances of space can be contriled in ine with recommendations for optimum visual conciions, B. Areas whore reflectances of immediate work area can be controlled, but contol of remote surround is limited ‘C- Areas (indoor and outdoor) where itis completely impractical to convo reflectances and dificult to alter environmental conditions. + Luminance ratio contol not practical Workers may experience eye adaptation changes in shifting their gaze away from a task if the new prino- pal luminances in a changed viewing direction are sig- nificantly different from those in the task surround. This is sometimes called transient adaptation. In cer- tain industrial operations, workers may experience “transient adaptations” continuously during a normal workday. Problems caused by luminance differences, in the environment can be reduced or avoided by pro- viding the recommended luminance ratios. To achieve the recommended luminance relation- ships, it is necessary to carefully select the reflectance values of all room surface and equipment finishes, as well as control the candela distribution of the lighting equipment. Figure 3 lists the recom- mended reflectance values for industrial interiors and equipment. High refiectance surfaces are generally desirable to provide the recommended luminance relationships and maximize the utilization of light. They also improve the appearance of the workspace. Alarge industrial room with dark surfaces can elicit a “cave-like” sensation. At the same time, there may be visibility consequences from improper luminance ratios for tasks located adjacent to dark walls or where the wall forms a significant part of the task background. if low-reflectance walls and ceilings ‘exist, a major improvement in lighting system porfor- mance can be achieved by refinishing those surfaces to the reflectances recommended in Figure 3. In many industries, machines are painted to presenta completely harmonious color environment. A slightly darker background than the task detail is usually pre- ferred. Stationary and moving parts of machines should be finished with contrasting colors standard- ized within the facility to reduce accident hazard. When color combinations are selected for the build- 1g and machinery parts, the color rendering charac- 6 Surfaces Reflectance (%)" Ceiling 50% - 70% Walls 40% - 60% Desk & Bench Tops, Machines & Equipment 25% - 45% Floors 20% “Retectance should bo mainained as near as practeal to recom ronded vekine Figure 3, Recommended Reflectance Values (Applying to Environmental Classifications A and B In Figure 2) teristics of the lamps being used in the space must also be considered. Failure to do this could produce ‘a color appearance completely diferent from the one anticipated. Paint samples should always be reviewed under samples of the actual lamps to be installed to avoid annoying surprises after the project is completed. 8.2 Modeling of Objects: Lighting will reveal the depth, shape and texture of an ‘object. In industrial applications, modeling of the visu- al task can be ertical to assessing quality of raw materials, quality of finished goods and degree of ‘consistency in manufacturing processes. Appropriate direction and distribution of light may vary depending ‘on material and task. Diffuse ambient lighting is often inadequate for assessing fine texture; task lighting may be used to provide the required direction, distrib- ution and intensity of light. (See Section 12.0, ‘Supplementary Task Lighting.) 3.3 Glare and Visual Comfort Glare is the sensation produced by luminance within the visual field that is sufficiently greater than that to En TTR: SITES UO which the eyes are adapted. Glare may cause annoy- ance, discomfort or loss of visual performance and visibility, Direct glare results from high luminances or from unshielded light sources. Glare can be reduced by decreasing the luminance or area of the glare source, by raising the glare sources turther above the line of sight, and by boosting the ambient illuminance. Reflected glare results trom high luminance sources. or from luminous difference reflected from specular (shiny) surfaces. “Veiling reflections” are contrast reducing reflections from semi-speculer surfaces that may reduce task visibility. Disability glare is caused by a veiling luminance superimposed on the retinal image within the eye, Which reduces visual performance or visibilty, and is often accompanied by discomfort. Reducing ilumi- nance at workers’ eyes and/or raising the source of the disability glare can alleviate the problem. Discomfort glare produces visual discomfort without necessarily interfering with visual performance or vis- ibility. it occurs when luminous objects (or reflections of luminous objects) have significantly higher lumi- nance than the balance of the person's fieid of view. ‘Size, luminance and angular displacement from the line of sight are all factors, Even a source thal is directly overhead, if bright enough, can cause dis- comfort glare. Individual tolerances vary, but visual evaluations of dis- comfort glare have resulted in numerical systems of rating the discomfort glare, based on luminaire lumi- ‘nance, luminaire size, luminaire positions, room dimen- sions, surface reflectances and average illuminance. ‘There are two methods used for predicting glare; an empirical prediction system used in North America called the Visual Comfon Probabilty (VCP) system, and a Unified Giare Rating System (UGR) used pri- marily in Europe. See Annex B for a discussion of each. Note that VCP is used for direct distribution fluorescent luminaries only. The glare sensation from an industrial system can be reduced by decreasing the iuminance of the light sources or the luminance of the luminaries; for exam- Ple, choosing a luminaire with a larger refractor. So- called “high-bay” high intensity discharge (HID) sys- tems, where luminaries are mounted 7.6 m (25 ft) or more abave the floor, are considered satistactory with respect 0 glare. High-bay luminaries, however, often provide a variety of socket positions, which may place lamps so tow in the reflector that they have litle or no cutoft. For such situations, luminaire accessories, such as louvers, may be considered. ANSI/IESNA AP-7-01 ‘Specific glare ratings for lighting in actual rooms may be calculated using the methods described in Annex B. Reflected glare can be minimized or eliminated by using light sources of low luminance or by orienting the work so that reflections are directed away from the normal sight line to the task. Itis often desirable to use large-area luminaries of low luminance located over the work. See Section 12.0, Supplementary Task Lighting for possible solutions to such problems. Unshaded factory windows frequently contribute to glare sensations among production personnel attrib- ttable to a direct view of the sun. bright portions of the ‘sky of even light surfaces of adjacent buildings. Direct sunlight entering the work area may cause glare when reflected off interior surfaces. 3.4 Material Characteristics. Lighting designers must pay attention to material Characteristics of visual tasks, such as texture, spec- arty transparency and translucency. These provide Visual cues and are often a functional par of task con- trast. They can also impact important process consid- erations such as degree of finish or completeness, ‘material quality or correctness as well as other pro- duction issues. Modeling the principal tasks with a test installation will help determine the optimum fight- ing system and geometry. Such a test should include the actual task and a minimum of 4 luminaries at an Appropriate mounting height and spacing. Task specuilarity may present many problems in the form of veiling reflections. These are contrast-reduc- ing reflections from semi-specular surfaces that reduce task visibility. Most surfaces display some degree of specularity. For tasks in the horizontal plane, the biggest problem is from lighting equipment located in the “offending zone.” in Figure 4 (a) the offending zone occurs where the incident and refiect- ing angles aro equal. : Angieot | Angie ot Source reflection | intiemce é 8 Normal Figure 4 (a). Angle of incidence equals angle of reflection, ANSI /IESNA RP-7-01 Bright images reflected from computer screens are fre- quently the cause of veiling reflections. (See Figure 4 (b),) Screen reflections may be caused by overhead luminaries, light colored clothing wom by employees, and unshielded windows or skylights. Means of control include total cutoff of light source images, changing VDT orientation and position, using better contrast screens, adding shields to the monitor, and blocking the view of luminous surfaces in the offending zone. (See Figure 4 (c).) For more detailed information on lighting for VDT workstations see latest version of IESNA RP- 1, Recommended Practice on Office Lighting. Figure 4 (c). Velling reflections are minimized to ‘enable the operator to clearly see the drawing on the screen, (Photo courtesy of Ruud Lighting.) Veiling reflections also occur in manufacturing areas ‘of an industrial facility. For example, in the electronics industry, solder used in the manufacture of printed cir- cuit boards has specular characteristics. Glare refiect- €ed from the solder will hinder the abiity of the worker to See the detail of the circuitry on the board. Not ail specular reflections on tasks reduce visibilty. Incised markings on micrometers and other calibrating instrumenis are more easly seen when the angie of the light source creates a bright edge against a shadow to enhance the detail of the task, (See Section 16.1.) 8 3.5 Shadows ‘Shadows can interfere with task visibility by placing detail in darkness (e.g., a body shadow on a ‘machine task), or they can enhance definition of three-dimensional details (e.g., imperfections in tex- tiles). Point sources (e,g., incandescent or high intensity discharge lamps) create more defined shadows than fluorescent lamps, which produce dit- fuse shadows, Generally, a large area of shadow, covering the whole task area, will simply lower the task illumi- nance. Shadows cast by the structure of the task may reveal detail, or may mask what needs to be seen. High reflectance surroundings help fill in and modify shadows, as do luminaries with 10 percent or more uplight when the cailing cavity reflectance is ‘over 50 percent. A combination of supplementary task lighting and general itumination Is often the best approach, if care is taken to minimize glare. The presence of shadows may be desirable, and the interplay of highlight and shadow helps to define the form of many visual tasks. Lighting vertical surfaces to at least half the horizontal illuminance level often brings the ratio of highlight to shadow into a tolera- ble range for three-dimensional tasks. Some shad- ‘ow will still be present, which helps to model the task and reveal form. Since each visual task has an opti- mum range of modeling, a careful evaluation of crit- ical visual tasks should be made to determine the effects of various ratios of horizontal vs. vertical ilu- minance on visibility Obstructions below the lu mounting plan such as pipes and ducts, and the location and orien- tation of the task, affect the availabilty of vertical ilu minance. Obstructions can also produce shadows, ‘as can an operator positioned between the task and the luminaries. When a task is close to a wall, and the operator is facing the wall, relatively few lumi- naries are likely to contribute to task illuminance. In these cases, high wall reflectances (greater thah 60 percent) can improve task visibility. 3.6 Source/Task/Eye Geometry ‘The angular relationships between the viewer, the task and the luminaire are frequently critical to task visibility. Industrial tasks are often three-dimensional, and they often move. Because viewing angles are dynamic, the sourcertask/eye geometric relationships must be understood for individual work areas. The geometry can enhance contrast (e.g.. scribed marks ‘on a micrometer) or reduce it (e.9., viewing a meter dial through glass). 3.7 Task Visibility — Flicker and Strobe Flicker is the rapid variation in light source intensity, usually most noticeable in peripheral vision. The output of lighting systems that operate on altemating current power varies in output at a rate that is twice the cyclic frequency of the input power. Sometimes this “strobe effect” appears to slow or even stop the movement of objects. This can be annoying or dangerous for opera- tors of rotating or other rapidly cycling equipment. ‘The “ticker index’ has been established as a reliable relative measure of the cyclic Variation in output of various light sources at a given power frequency and takes into aocount the waveform of the light output as well as its amplitude. The flicker index assumes val- ues from 0 to 1,0 with zero for steady light output. Higher values indicate increased possibility of notice- able stroboscopic effect as well as lamp flicker. ‘Most fluorescent lamps have fow flicker indices, and typically do not cause problems when operating on a 60-Hz power supply. Their visible flicker is vitualy elim- ANSI/ IESNA RP-7-01 inated when operated at high frequency on electronic ballasts. Sensitivity to ficker varies among individuals, varies across the visual field and often will be unno- ‘iced. Designers are cautioned to consult with a lamp manufacturer about the ficker index of a particular ‘fluorescent lamp/ballast combination before tis used! in ‘an area where flicker or strobe could be a problem. ‘The flicker in HID lamps depends on the lamp type and the ballast circuit. Figure 5 illustrates the varia- tion in flicker index for mercury (used infrequently today), metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps for several ballast types operated at 60-Hz. The fick- er index is considerably higher in 50-Hz power sys- tems. Using electronic ballasts having high-frequen- ‘y or rectangular wave characteristics can be effec- tive in reducing the flicker effect. Operating tluores- ‘cent or HID lamps on altemate phases of a three- phase power supply will reduce cbserved flicker when the light from luminaries connected to alt three phases is well mixed before it reaches the workplane. ‘This is accomplished by using luminaries with a wider spacing criterion, designing for 50 percent light pat- Figure 5. Flicker Index for HID Lamps Operated on Ditferent Ballast Types. Lamp Type Batiast Flicker Index ‘Mercury 250W Warm Deluxe Reactor 6.127 250W Cool Deluxe Reactor 0.137 250W Deluxe White Reactor 0.131 250W Deluxe White ‘CWA (M-H type) T 0.172 100W Deluxe White (CW-Premium 0142 TOOW Deluxe White 0.183, 400W Deluxe White Reactor 0.121 400W Deluxe White CWA (M-H type) | 0.144 igh Pressure Sodium { 250W Deluxe Reactor or CWA 0.131 250W Standard Reactor or CWA 0.200 ‘Metal halide ‘ 250W High Color Quality Reactor 0.080 250W High Color Quality HPS-CWA 0.162 175W Coated CWA. 0.083 17SW Clear- Vertical CWA, 0.078 175W Clear-Horizontal CWA 0.092 175W (200K) CWA 0.090 250W Coated (A) CWA 0.070 250W Clear-Vertical CWA 0.102, 250W Clear-Horizontal CWA 0.121 250W Coated (B) CWA 0.092 250W Clear- Vertical CWA-Premium 0.088 250W Clear-Horizontal CWA-Premium 0.097 400W Clear-Vertical CWA 0.086 400W Clear-Horizomtal CWA 0.095 1000W Clear (vert.) CWA 0.067, ANSI/ IESNA RP-7-01 tem overlap, and powering adjacent luminaries from alternate phases. 3.8 Color Rendering The selection of a lamp color for an industrial facility requires consideration of at least two factors, color appearance and the color rendering ability of the source, The color appearance is important to create a pleasant and attractive atmosphere in which to work ‘and a space that will promote high productivity. Color rendering is the general expression for the effect of a light source on the color appearance of an object compared to the color appearance under a ref- erence light source. Daylight and incandescent light sources are generally thought of as having "good" color rendering properties beeause objects look the way we expect them to look under those sources. Fluorescent and HID lamps may have a wide range of color rendering properties depending on the composi- tion of the arc tube gases and the materials coating the inside of the lamp envelope. 3.8.1 Color Rendering Index, (CRI) ‘The Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a system recom- mended by the Intemational Commission on llumination (Commission Intemationale de IEclairage (C1E)) for measuring and specifying the ability of a ight source to render colors. The system rates a lamp's CRI in terms that represent the degree of color shift of an object under a test lamp in comparison with its color under a standard lamp of the same correlated color temperature. Note that CAI is only useful when com- paring two or more lamps of the same correlated color temperature. Lamp CRis used where color rendering is unimportant may be as low as 20. When color ren- dering is important, the CRI should exceed 70. Where color rendering is critical, the CRI should exceed 85. ‘The color rendering index of the lamps selected for the lighting system design should permit the workers to eff- ciently and safely perform their tasks. Many industrial operations now require color discrimination during the manufacturing process. Instances have arisen where an HID source with a relatively low color rendering index has been used in a space where color coding was employed in production control and scheduling. ‘The colors of the codes were not readily identifiable Under the low color rendering HID source. The solution was to provide supplementary lighting with fluorescent lamps having a higher color rendering index, permitting the workers to direct the oparations with the necessary speed and efficiency. Color discrimination can be nec- essary during assembly and “parts picking.” For exam- ple, in the lighting industry, the parts selection task might involve disceming between gold, champagne 10 {90\d, straw and wheat downlight reflectors or selecting among various screw or wire insulation colors. ‘The need for high color rendering sources varies wide- ly throughout industrial facilities. In warehouse areas, the task may be reading black printing against the color of a cardboard package. In this example, a lamp with the very low color rendering index may not only suffice, but also actuaily enhance the visibility of the printing by increasing the contrast of the visual task. On the other hand, where color comparison or color discrimination is critical, it will be necessary to select a source with a high color rendering index to provide the color quality necessary to perform those visual tasks. 3.8.2 Safety Colors Safety colors are used to indicate the presence of a safety hazard, such as an open pit ora lift truck traffic lane, of a safety facility, such as a first aid station, ‘These are carefully developed colors, which are spec- ified in American National Standard 2595.1-1998, Safety Color Code. The background around these colors should be kept as free of competing colors as possible, and the number of other colors in the area should be kept to a minimum. Ilumination in the area of safety color markings should permit positive identi fication of the color, hazard or situation without distor- tion or obscuration of the message to be conveyed, ‘The specification of these colors is given in Figure 6. Designers must be aware that these specifications have been developed based on CIE standard ilumi- rant “C" (a laboratory simulation of the spectral power distribution of average daylight). Therefore, the colors will be recognizable under daylight, conventional incan- ‘descent and fluorescent sources, which have a broad spectrum, Note that high intensity discharge sources render some colors differently than these other source types. This may cause some confusion in recognition of safety colors at iluminances of 5 lux (0.5 fc) and lower. 3.9 Daylight Integration and Control ‘A view of the outdoors is believed to be important for human psychological and physiological reasons. While daylight can be used to help light a space, extra care should be taken in industrial environments to control the quantity and distribution of the light and its associ- ated heat gain, It should be noted that more illuminance is sometimes needed on interior surfaces near win- dows to reduce the contrasts between those surfaces and the windows, Daylighting is most effective for many interior spaces when used as ambient illuminance, but it is t00 variable to be considered a reliable source for task illuminance in industrial applications. (For informa tion on the subject of daylighting see IESNA RP-5-99, Recommended Practice of Daylighting.) ANSI / IESNA RP-7-01 Figure 6. Spectfication of ANSI Safety Colors Viewed under CIE Standard iluminant C. ‘Color Name ‘Munsell Notation ‘CIE Specification TSCC-NBS Name x Y ¥ Safety Red TSR AOE 0.5959 03269 12.00 Vivid Red ‘Safety Orange 5.0YR 6.0/15 0.5510 0.42i4 30.05 Vivid Orange Highway Brown _5.0R 2.75/35 0.4766 0.3816 3.52 Moderate Brown, Safety Yellow 5.0Y 8.0/12, 0.4562 0.4788 39:10 Vivid Yellow Safety Green 7564.09 02110 0.4120. 12.00 Strong Green. Safety Blue 2.5PB 35/10 0.1690 0.1744 ‘9.00 Strong Blue Safety Purple ____10.0P 4.5/10 0.3307 0.2245 15.57 __ Strong Reddish Purple Safety White _N9.07 0.3101 0.3162 78.70 White Safety Gray NS.07 0.3101 0.3162 19.80 Medium Gra Safety Black NLS 03101 0.3162 2.02 Black 4.0 QUANTITY OF LIGHTING IN INDUSTRIAL, FACILITIES “The recommended iluminances provided in the Lighting Design Guide (Figure 1 (a)) are based on the Society's ‘consensus judgement of best practice for “typical” appli ‘cations. Typical conditions, however, may not be appro- piiate for a specific application. As a professional, the lighting designer should have a better understanding of the particular space and the needs of occupants/clients ‘than that which can be represented by a recommended iluminance value for a typical space. The lighting needs ‘and requirements of an individual industrial facility will depend on many factors. Certain facilities may include "mutiple lighting needs within the same production area, resulting in the deliberate use of non-uniform lighting. Beginning in 1979, the IESNA established nine illumi- nance categories (A through |), and these were used in previous editions of this recommended practice. Each category had general descriptions of the visual task, irespective of the application. This system has now been modified in the following significant ways: ‘The recommended illuminances on industrial task planes are now provided with reference to a spe- clic application. The tasks may be horizontal, inclined or vertical. The nine original illuminance selection categories have been reduced to seven categories and orga- nized into three sets of visual tasks [orientation and simple (A, B, C), common (0, E, F) and special (G)]. The seven new letter categories are present- ed and described in Figure 1 (b). They also appear inthe “luminance” columns of Figure 1 (a). Guided by scientific iterature and practical experi- ence, IESNA's recommended illuminance values now increase roughly logarithmically with increas- ing task difficulty. Occasionally the visual task in a specific space is ‘not typical. The information in Annex A1 should be ‘used to adjust the illuminance for that task. In addi- tion, illuminance recommendations for tasks/ Spaces/industries not covered in Figure 1(a) are contained in Annex A2. 41 Ulluminance: Horizontal, Vertical and Inter- mediate Planes. For the first part of the 20° Century, when “lighting levels” were discussed, it was usually understood that the reference was toiluminance on the horizontal sur- face. As more has been leamed, itis now known that ‘a horizontal plane is not the only plane that is impor- ‘ant, particularly in an industrial facility. For that rea- ‘son, note that when determining illuminance, the ori- entation of the task (horizontal, vertical or intermedi- ate inclined plane) should be known, 4.1.1 Horizontal illuminance Horizontal illuminance is important and should not be ignored. This is the light that allows us to predict how clearly tasks and items will be seen when they are on a flat work surface, shelf or on the floor. Horizontal ll- minance is important for task visibility, material han- dling and general circulation. Uniform horizontal illu- minance (where the maximum level is not more than one-sixth above the average level, and the minimum, not more than one-sixth below) is frequently appropri- ate for specific industrial interiors where tasks are closely spaced and where there are similar tasks requiring the same amount of light. In such instances, uniformity permits flexibility of functions and equip- ‘ment locations, Neighboring areas with extreme lumi- nance differences are undesirable because continu- ously adapting between two significantly different luminance levels physically adjacent to each other can be visually fatiguing to the worker. Uniformity may be more important in industrial lighting than in some ther applications. White non-uniform lighting can add interest in applications that are of a more aesthetic "1 ANSI/IESNA RP-7-01 nature, industrial spaces can benefit from high-quality tunitorm lighting when the location of the task cannot always be accurately predicted. Uniform lighting also allows repositioning of task locations or production machinery without needing 1o relocate luminaries. This can be particularly beneficial in high-bay industr- al facies where the cost and inconvenience of mov- ing luminaries located 9 m (30 feet) or more above the production floor can be substantial. There are instances where non-uniform lighting is appropriate. Maintaining uniformity between adjacent areas, which have significantly different visibility (and illuminance) requirements, may be wasteful of energy + for example, a storage area adjacent to a machine shop. In such instances, different lighting levels are required, according to the needs of the space. This may be accomplished by using similar luminaries with different lamp wattages or distributions, cifferent num- bers of lamps per luminaire ot by adjusting the num- ber of luminaries per unit area, making sure the other requirements of the lighting design are met. 4.1.2 Vertical iiiuminance. In an industrial setting, vertical luminance, and the illuminance at other planes between horizontal and vertical, is very important. in many large-parts assem- bly areas, work takes place on the underside of a ‘major component, such as the wing or fuselage of an aircraft. Work performed deep within the recesses of Production equipment such as presses, breaks or molding machines requires that the light penetrate into the machine to the location of the task for eff ciency and safety. This may be accomplished by using wide-cistribution general lighting equipment (with a majority of the light output 40° to 70° from the vertica). Light is reflected at high angles and high reflectance surfaces are provided in the work area. ‘The use of supplementary lighting also helps to put the light directly on the task Diffuse light, including up-light components, from tumi- naries with very wide distribution (such as “low bay" HID luminaties) can have additional benefits in an industrial environment. The wide distribution can miti- gate the effects of lamp outages in a single luminaire and may allow production to continue in a normal man- nner without having to spot-replace lamps as they fail. ‘Wide-distribution luminaries also tend to produce a higher level of vertical luminance (and wall luminance), at some sacrifice in horizontal luminance. This can be a definite advantage where the seeing task is in a plane other than horizontal and there is a need to increase the vertical component of the lighting for task visibly. Care must be exercised, however, to ensure that the wider light distribution does not produce discomfort or disability glare beyond workers’ tolerances. 12 Industrial tasks come in all shapes and sizes. Flat tasks may be viewed in a horizontal plane or in planes at any number of other angles. The visual task asso- ciated with solid parts can be made more visible by a umber of means including supplemental ighting and shadowing to emphasize the shape of the object. Harsh shadows should be avoided, but some shadow effect may be desirable to accentuate the depth and form of objects. There are a few specific visual tasks where clearly defined shadows improve visibility, and such effects should be provided by supplementary lighting equipment arranged for the particular task. Refer fo the material in Section 12.0, Supplementary Lighting for more information. Industrial lighting design requires a great deal of infor- ‘mation about the tasks to be performed in the space. Because of this, the lighting designer should carefully discuss the manufacturing process with the facility personnel to obtain sufficient background information for proper evaluation of all of the design requirements. Personal visits to similar operations can be invaluable and are recommended whenever practical. Interviews with workers. can also reveal information that might otherwise not be seen directly. 4.2 Initial and Maintained Illuminance The quantity of light (luminance) required depends primarily upon the seeing task, the time to perform the task, the worker, and the importance of the various task parameters in performing the work. The illuminance wil determine the worker's adaptation to the visual environment. In today’s industial facities, there may be hazards, such as cranes, forclift trucks, conveyors and rotating machinery, which can affect the iltuminance requirements. in locations where dirt accu- mulates rapidly and adheres readily to luminaire and room surfaces, and where maintenance is inadequate to keep lighting systems operating at design levels, the “light loss factor” used in calculating the required iturni- nance must be reduced, thereby increasing the initial illuminance, to compensate for the poor maintenance. This practice is not necessarily energy efficient, but may be justified to assure the worker has adequate fight to safely and efficiently pertonm the required visual tasks. Other measures are available to compensate for tha loss of light normally experienced through the ife of alighting system. Automatic control systems can offset the degradation of the lighting system due to age. ‘Automatic switching systems can tum lights off when they are not needed, or switch them into a power-sav- ing mode, provided that occupancy sensors are used {or retuming the lights to operating levels. ‘The number of luminaries required to meet the rec- ‘ommended illuminance can be calculated using a

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