1 - Conflict Management Style - Caselets

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THE CONTINGENCIES OF CONFLICT HANDLING A. Collanan ond David F Perri, West Chester University of Pennsylvania SE This exercise is designed to help you understand the contingencies of applying conflict- i styles in organizational settings IONS Participants will read each of the five scenarios presented below and select the most appropriate response from among the five alternatives. Each scenario has a correct response for that situation. (Optional) The instructor may ask each student to complete the Dutch Test for Conflict Handling selFassessment in this chapter (Self-Assessment 11.5) or a similar instrument. This instrument will provide an estimate of your preferred conflict-handling style As a class, participants give their feedback on the responses to each of the scenarios, with the instructor guiding discussion on the contextual factors embodied in each scenario. For each scenario, the class should identify the response selected by the majority. In addition, participants will discuss how they decided on the choices they made and the contextual factors they took into account in making their selections. [EBB 448. crgonizational sehavior - eae aay ead 4. (Optional) Students will compare their responses to the five scenarios with their resus conflict-handling self-assessment. Discussion will focus on the extent to which each preferred conflict-handling style influenced her or his alternatives in this activity and implications of this style preference for managing conflict in organizations. ScENARIO 1 Setting: You are a manager of a division in the accounting department of a large eastern US Nine exemptlevel analysts and six nonexempt clerical staff report to you. Recently, one analysts, Jane Wilson, has sought the bank’s approval for tuition reimbursement for the eo evening MBA program specializing in organizational behavior. The bank normally en employees to seek advanced degrees on a part-time basis. Indeed, through your encouragement all of the members of your staff are pursuing additional schoolwork. You consult the banks manual and discover that two approvals are necessary for reimbursement-yours and that ‘manager of training and development, Kathy Gordon. Further, the manual states that appro reimbursement will only be granted if the coursework is “reasonably job related.” Based o review of the matter, you decide to approve Jane’s request for reimbursement. However, Kathy! rejects it outright by claiming that coursework in organizational behavior is not related to an\ analyst position. She states that the bank will only reimburse the analyst for a degree in accounting or finance. In your opinion, however, the interpersonal skis and insights to be gain a degree in organizational behavior are job-related and can also benefit the employee in assignments. The analyst job requires interaction with a variety of individuals at different le ‘organization, and itis important that interpersonal and communication skills be strong. "After further discussion it becomes clear that you and Kathy Gordon have opposite views 0 matter, Since both of you are at the same organization level and have equal status, it appears th are at an impasse. Although the goal of reimbursement is important, you are faced with other p demands on your time. In addition, the conflict has diverted the attention of your work group from its primary responsibilities. Because the school term is about to begin, itis essential that you Kathy Gordon reach a timely agreement to enable Jane to pursue her coursework. Action Alternatives for Scenario 1: Please indicate your first (1) and second (2) choices ‘among the following alternatives by writing the appropriate number in the space provided. tes Ranking (1st and 1. You go along wit Kathy Gordon's view and advise Jane Wilson to select either accounting corfinance as a major for her MBA. 2. You doce to withdraw from the situation completely and tll Jane to work it outwith Kathy Gordon on her own, 28, You decide to take the matter to those in higher management levels and argue force or ‘yur point of view. You do everything in your power to ensure that a decision willbe made in your favor. 4, You decid to meet Kathy Gordon halway in order o reach an agreement. You advise ans ‘o pursue her MBA in accounting a fnance, but also recommend she minor organizational ‘behavior by taking olectves ntti 5. You decide to work more cisely witn Kathy Gordon by tempting to gota clear 2s well as fleibepaley writen that refiects both of your views, Of couse, this wil require a sigolieant ‘amount of your ime. Workplace AAP You are the vice president of a relatively large division (80 employees) in a medium-sized mer products company. Due to the recent turnover of minority staff, your division has fallen in meeting the company’s goal for equal employment opportunity (EEO) hiring. Because of city of qualified minority candidates, it appears that you may fall further behind in achieving A EEO goals ‘you are aware of the problem, you believe that the low level of minority hiring is due ed attrition in minority staff as well as the lack of viable replacement candidates. However, EO officer believes that your hiring criteria are too stringent, resulting in the rejection of candidates with the basic qualifications to do the job. You support the goals and principles however, you are concerned that the hiring of iess-qualified candidates will weaken the jrmance of your division. The EEO officer believes that your failure to hire minority employees g to the company in the short term because corporate goals will not be met, and in the because it will restrict the pool of minority candidates available for upward mobility. Both regard your concerns as important. Further, you recognize that both of you have the pany’s best interests in mind and that you have a mutual interest in resolving the conflict. on Alternatives for Scenario 2: Please indicate your first (1) and second (2) choices from ng the following alternatives by writing the appropriate number in the space provided. od eee Jernclude that the whole problem isto complex an issue for you to handle ight now. pit on the “back burner and decide to reconsider the problem at a atr dato gone Gu betove that your view outweighs the perspective of the EEO officer. You declde to arque postion more vigorously and hope tha your stance wil sway the EEO officer to agres eur viw ee decide to accept the EEO office’ view. You agree to use less stingent selection criteria tharoy nro moco minorty employees. eee gh Ino the EEO offcer somewhal by agreeing to relax your standards a ile bt This alow slighty more miner hiring (but not enough to sat the EEO goal) and could Atimely fashion. This has given you a relatively high jest tegen adhesion operating departments to supply you with financial information according to a reestablished ig schedule. Tn two days, you must make your quarterly presentation to the company’s board of directors. pever, the claims department has failed to supply you with several key pieces of information that are critical to your presentation. You check the reporting schedule and realize that you shou had the information two days ago. When you call Bill Jones, the claims department man informs you that he cannot possibly have the data to you within the next two days. le states th pressing work has a higher priority. Although you explain the critical need for these dat unwilling to change his position. You believe that your presentation is vital to the company's and explain this to Bill Jones. Although Bill has less status than you, he has been known i advantage of individuals who are unwilling or unable to push their point of view. With your pres less than two days away, itis critical that you receive information from the claims departmen the next 24 hours. Action Alternatives for Scenario 3: Please indicate your first (I) and second (2) choi ‘among the following alternatives by writing the appropriate number in the space provided. ‘Action alternative fae 1, Accept the explanation trom Bll Jones and try to oot by without the figures by using your 4 best judgment as to what they woul be. a 2, Tel Bi Jones tat unis you have the data rom his department on your desk by tomorow morning, you wil be forced o go over his head to compet hiro give you the numbers. 3, Meet Bil Jones hatway by agresing o receive part ofthe needed figures and using your ‘own judgment onthe others. 4. Try to got your presentation postponed unt a lator date, if possible, '5, Forget about the short term need for information and tro achieve a longer-term solution, ‘such as adjusting the reporting schedule to beter accommodate your mutual needs. SCENARIO 4 Setting: You are the production manager of a medium-sized building products company. control a production line that runs on a three-shift basis. Recently, Ted Smith, the materials handl ‘manager, asked you to accept a different packaging of the raw materials for the production pro than what has been customary. He states that new machinery he has installed makes it much eas provide the material in 100-pound sacks instead of the 50-pound bags that you currently receive, further explains that the provision of the material in the 50-pound bags would put an immense ‘on his operation, and he therefore has a critical need for you to accept the change. You know. ‘accepting materials in the new packaging will cause some minor disruption in your production prog ‘but should not cause long-term problems for any of the three shifts. However, you are a little anng by the proposed change because Ted did not consult with you before he installed the new equipmer In the past, you and he have been open in your communication. You do not think that this failure consult you represents a change in your relationship. Because you work closely with Ted, it is essential that you maintain the harmonious and ‘working relationship that you have built over the past few years. In addition, you may need some! from him in the future, since you already know that your operation will have special mater requirements in about two months. You also know that Ted has influence at higher levels of th organization. Action Alternatives for Scenorio 4: Please indicate your first (1) and second (2) choices fr among the following alternatives by writing the appropriate number in the space provided. Confit and Negotiation inthe Workplace 451 1. Agree to accep ho raw material inte diferent format 2. Reuse to accept the material n the new format because k would cause a disruption in your operation oe "2. Propose a solution where you accept material in the new format during the ts shit but not ‘uring the second and thi mente _ 4 Tol Ted Smith that you do not wish to dsl with he issue at this ime bu that you wil "consider his request and get ac to him at alter dat, 5. Tel Ted Smith of your concer rogarding his allure to consult with you before instaling new ‘equipment. Inform him that you wish tort longer-term solutions to the conf between | youand him. nee f ‘ScENARIO 5 Setting: You are employed as supervisor of the compensation and benefits section in the human resources department of a medium-sized pharmaceutical company. Your staff of three clerks is “sponsible for maintaining contacts with the various benefits providers and answering related "questions from the company’s employees. Your section shares secretarial, word processing, and copier sources with the training and development section of the department. Recently, a disagreement has arisen between you and Beth Hanson, the training and development supervisor, over when the ecretarial staff should take their lunches. Beth would like the secretarial staff to take their lunches an our later to coincide with the time most of her people go to lunch. You know that the secretaries do ‘not want to change their lunchtimes. Further, the current time is more convenient for your staff. _ At this time, you are hard-pressed to deal with the situation. You have an important meeting with the provider of dental insurance in two days. Itis critical that you are well prepared for this meeting, and these other tasks are a distraction. ion Alternatives for Scenario 5: Please indicate your first (1) and second (2) choices from among the following alternatives by writing the appropriate number in the space provided. == Seer “eke sometime over the nextday and propose a solution whereby thee days a week the Secretaries take ther lunch at the earl time and wo days at the late. "2 Tell Beth Hanson you wil deal wth the matter in a few day, after you have addtessed the moe pressing issues. a Let Beth Hanson have her way by agresing to lator lunch hour forthe secretarial tat, pa “4 Fat out tl Beth Hanson that you wll ot agree toa change in the secretaries’ lunchtime, ea Devote more time tothe issue, Attempt to achieve a broad-based consensus wth Beth Hanson that meets her needs as well as yous and those ofthe secretaries, eaeeeai G. A. Callanan and D. F Perri, “Teaching Conflict Management Using a Scenario Based Approach,” Journal of Education Basins, 8 (January-February 2006), pp. 131-139. Reprinted with permission of the Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foun. bon, Published by Helavef Publications, 1319 Eighteenth St, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036-1802. Copyright © 2006,

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