GX Globally Consistent Esg Reporting
GX Globally Consistent Esg Reporting
GX Globally Consistent Esg Reporting
Globally consistent ESG reporting
A global standard-setting approach based reporting. The front and back half of
Although 90% of S&P on principles of legitimacy, independence, annual reports are intrinsically linked.
companies were transparency, public accountability and
oversight, and thorough due process
There are many ESG initiatives, but the
leading standard-setters and framework
reporting ESG metrics enables the development of high-quality
sustainability reporting standards. This
providers are set out below.
• CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure
by the end of 20191, results in consistent, comprehensive, and
comparable information.
Project) runs a disclosure system on
environmental impacts that can be
according to a 2020 Global sustainability reporting standards aggregated for use in data analytics
BlackRock survey of are necessary because: • The Climate Disclosure Standards
Board (CDSB) offers a framework for
• Climate change and the SDGs require a
clients, 53% of global global approach
reporting environmental information
with the same rigor as financial
respondents cited • Businesses have global value chains,
face global risks, and access capital
• The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
“poor quality or from global investors
• Investors, companies and other
develops standards that relate to
companies’ impacts on the economy,
availability of ESG data stakeholders benefit from a common the environment, and society
language for sustainability reporting • The Task Force on Climate-related
and analytics” and standards, facilitating comparisons Financial Disclosures (TCFD), set up by
the Financial Stability Board, provides a
another 33% cited ESG considerations may also apply to framework for companies to report on
existing financial reporting requirements. the effects of climate change on their
“poor quality of Educational materials published by the business
IASB and the FASB remind preparers that
sustainability many current accounting standards
• The Value Reporting Foundation 3
brings together the Integrated
already require an entity to consider ESG
investment reporting” matters when they have a material effect
Reporting Framework, which sets out
principles for communication on how
as the two biggest on the financial statements, especially
where judgement and estimates are
value is created over time, and the
Sustainability Accounting Standards
barriers to adopting required, for example in assessing
impairment of long life assets.
Board (SASB) Standards, which offer
enterprise value-relevant sustainability
sustainable investing. 2 metrics by sector and industry
What is the landscape? Who
are the standard-setters for At the end of 2020, the ‘Group of 5’
leading sustainability bodies (CDP, CDSB,
ESG disclosure? GRI, IIRC and SASB) set out a vision for a
Traditionally, financial information has comprehensive corporate reporting
been published in corporate reports and system and made a commitment to work
sustainability information in separate together and with the International
sustainability reports. However, as it has Financial Reporting Standards Foundation
become clearer how sustainability issues (IFRSF) to achieve this. They subsequently
can affect the ability of companies to published a prototype climate-related
create enterprise value over time, users financial disclosure standard to illustrate
increasingly expect to see disclosure of how their different frameworks and
ESG information that relates to enterprise
value creation in mainstream corporate
1 Governance & Accountability Institute, Flash Report S&P 500: Trends on the sustainability reporting practices of S&P 500 Index Companies
2 BlackRock, Sustainability goes mainstream: 2020 Global Sustainable Investing Survey
3 In June 2021, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) merged to form the Value Reporting
Foundation (VRF)
Globally consistent ESG reporting
standards, together with TCFD, could form standards should go further where work to convene and accelerate moves
the basis of a global standard. 4 necessary to meet the EU's own to global standards
ambitions and be consistent with • Deloitte is a global signatory to TCFD
The landscape is now changing fast. Last the EU's legal framework and reports in line with its
year the IFRSF issued a consultation on • In the US, the SEC has recently recommendations and is directly
establishing an International Sustainability consulted on climate-related represented on the TCFD taskforce
Standards Board (ISSB) that would sit disclosures. Furthermore, the US
alongside the existing IASB. It is on track to President’s international climate
announce the creation of the ISSB by finance plan explicitly includes a What is Deloitte’s position on
COP26 in November 2021. IFRSF have commitment for the US to support ESG reporting standards?
confirmed they will use the above and shape the work being
prototype as a ‘potential basis’ for global undertaken by the IFRSF and IOSCO Deloitte supports corporations disclosing
sustainability reporting standards under towards “consistent, comparable, high-quality, transparent, relevant, and
the ISSB and have set up a Technical and reliable climate-related comparable non-financial information that is
Readiness Working Group to take this financial disclosures”. The SEC is connected to financial information within
work forward. co-chair of IOSCO’s Technical mainstream corporate reporting. This will
Expert Group charged with help direct capital to long-term sustainable
The International Organization of business, by showing how corporations are
undertaking technical work to
Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is an creating long-term value and by providing
assess the viability of the IFRSF’s
important player in global sustainability insights into their business models, the
sustainability reporting standards
reporting standards. It stands ready to broader risks they face and the impact they
play the same role it did for financial have on people, the economy and the planet.
reporting standards 20 years ago. The In addition, in 2020, The World Economic
The standards should be global. The issues at
IOSCO Board has committed to work with Forum’s (WEF) International Business
stake are global, investors and other
the IFRSF to develop an effective system Council (IBC) published 21 core ESG
stakeholders are often global, and many
architecture for setting sustainability metrics for measuring stakeholder
companies operate and source through
reporting standards under a new ISSB. It capitalism, which leverage existing
global value chains.
sees this as a route to developing standards and metrics. The project
sustainability reporting standards that can highlights that business wants to be part
Deloitte supports a baseline global reporting
serve as a “baseline for consistent and of the solution, and acts as a catalyst
standard for sustainability to be developed
comparable approaches to mandatory towards global standards. by the IFRSF, which jurisdictions can further
sustainability-related disclosures across See Appendix for a timeline and details on supplement. We, therefore, encourage the
jurisdictions”. the organizations referenced. closest collaboration between jurisdictions,
the future ISSB and other international
There are also important developments at
the jurisdictional level.
What is Deloitte’s role in the sustainability standard-setters to achieve the
4 The work of the ‘Group of 5’ has been facilitated by Deloitte, the World Economic Forum and the Impact Management Project.
ESG Reporting 101
Globally consistent ESG reporting
May EC tasks European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) to start technical work to develop draft sustainability
reporting standards consistent with the CSRD
June G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors publish a communiqué, in which they support the IFRSF’s initiative
on sustainability reporting
IIRC and SASB merge to form the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF), with three key resources: Integrated Thinking
Principles, Integrated Reporting Framework and SASB Standards. It is committed to delivering a more coherent
corporate reporting system by working closely with the IFRSF and other standard-setters
IOSCO Board publishes a report on issuers’ sustainability-related disclosures that elaborates on IOSCO's vision and
expectations for the IFRSF’s work towards a global baseline of investor-focused sustainability standards to improve
the global consistency, comparability and reliability of sustainability reporting
July G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors publish a communiqué, in which they welcome the work of the
IFRSF to develop a baseline global reporting standard under robust governance and public oversight, building upon
the TCFD framework and the work of sustainability standard-setters, involving them and consulting with a wide
range of stakeholders to foster global best practices
September IFRSF conducts stakeholder outreach on the work of the TRWG
November Expected announcement of new ISSB at COP26
Globally consistent ESG reporting
Globally consistent ESG reporting
Globally consistent ESG reporting
Globally consistent ESG reporting
Public Policy & Regulatory Audit & Assurance/Sustainability Reporting
David Barnes Veronica Poole
Public Policy & Regulatory Leader, Deloitte Global IFRS and Corporate Reporting Leader, Deloitte Global
Ph: +44 20 7303 2888 Ph: +44 20 7007 0884
Wallace Gregory
Neil Stevenson
Regulatory, Independence & Conflicts Leader, Deloitte Global
Director, Audit and Assurance, Deloitte UK
Ph: +1 203 761 3190
Ph: +44 20 7007 1602
Kyra Kaszynski
Director, Public Policy, Deloitte Global Regional Contacts
Ph:+1 646 241-8044
Kristen Sullivan
Christiane Cunningham Americas Region Sustainability Services Leader, Deloitte Global
Director, European Public Policy, Deloitte Global Ph: +1 203 708 4593
Ph: +32 2 800 70 21
Laurence Rivat
EU Corporate Reporting Policy Leader, Deloitte France
Ph: +33 1 55 61 67 60
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