Nielsen Pontoppidan Rayce 2020
Nielsen Pontoppidan Rayce 2020
Nielsen Pontoppidan Rayce 2020
The Parental Stress Scale revisited: Rasch-based construct validity for Danish
parents of children 2-18 years old with and without behavioral problems
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Background: Experiencing parental stress is common among parents of children of all ages and is elevated in
families characterized by stressors such as poverty, mental health problems, and developmental problems. The
Parental Stress Scale (PSS) is a short measure for the assessment of perceived stress resulting from being a parent.
Methods: This study examines the construct validity and psychometric properties of the Danish PSS using Rasch
and graphical loglinear Rasch models in a sample of parents of 2–18-year-old children with and without known
behavior problems. We emphasized analyses of differential item functioning, to ascertain whether the scale yields
unbiased scores for subgroups of parents.
Results: The 18-item PSS did not fit the Rasch model or a graphical loglinear Rasch model. After dichotomizing
item responses and eliminating items 2 and 11, we found the PSS to consist of two distinct subscales measuring
parental stress and lack of parental satisfaction. For the total sample, the Parental Stress subscale fit a very complex
graphical loglinear Rasch model with differential item functioning relative to parental education and whether
children had behavior problems or not. The Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscale fit a simple graphical loglinear
Rasch model with differential item functioning only relative to subsample. When dividing into subsamples of
parents of children with and without behavior problems, the Parental Stress subscale fit a simple graphical loglinear
Rasch model, though still with differential item functioning, while the Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscale fit the
Rasch model in each subsample of parents. Both subscales performed best for parents of children with behavior
Conclusions: The PSS should be used in a 16-item version and scored as two subscales. The PSS appears better
suited for use among parents of children with behavior problems than within a sample without any known
Keywords: Parental stress, Lack of parental satisfaction, Parenting, Construct validity, Rasch model
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Health, VIVE - The Danish Center for Social Science Research,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 2 of 16
structure and they did not achieve fit to this four- DIF relative to parent sample discovered by Leung
dimensional model. Leung and Tsang [30] analysed the and Tsang [30], previous research on the PSS shows
Chinese version using the rating scale model [31], which that parental stress levels differ between groups of
is simply a Rasch model with the further restriction that parents of children with and without developmental
the item parameters should be the same for all items (i.e. difficulties. Studies have found that the PSS is able to
that the probability of choosing the first response category differentiate between (1) mothers of children who re-
(and the second, third, and so on) would be the same for ceived treatment for behavioral problems compared to
all items). The study is the only one, which claim that the mothers of children not in treatment [1], (2) mothers
PSS is a single construct instrument. However, the claim of children with developmental problems and mothers
of fit to the unidimensional model is not a strong claim, as of children in a non-clinical group [1]; (3) mothers of
they also report DIF for 6 items, but do not attempt to de- children with ADHD and mothers of children without
scribe the effect of this DIF or resolve it. In summation, ADHD [30]; and (4) mothers of children with parent-
there is compelling evidence across validity studies that child relationship problems and mothers of children
item 2 (There is little or nothing I wouldn’t do for my chil- without parent-child relationship problems [28]. De-
d(ren) if it was necessary) should be eliminated, while two pending on the degree of challenges parents face in
studies find that item 11 Having child(ren) has been a fi- everyday life with their child, it may be possible that
nancial burden should be eliminated and a further two they understand or put different meanings into the
studies find that item 4 (I sometimes worry whether I am items of the PSS. Therefore, in order to study differ-
doing enough for my child(ren)), should be eliminated ences in parental stress level, it is imperative to know
(Additional file 1: Figure 1). The evidence from previous whether the PSS subscales function equally for these
validity studies also, across varying methods and measure- subgroups of parents.
ment models, point to the two-dimensional structure of Lastly, only two studies [19, 29] have investigated
the PSS (Additional file 1: Figure 1). whether PSS items were more strongly correlated that
Positive correlations with the following measures sup- could be explained by the constructs measured (i.e.
port criterion validity for the PSS: (1) the total score on items are locally dependent), and both found this not to
the Parenting Stress Index [1, 32], (2) depression symp- be the case for items 1 and 17, and one of the studies
toms measured by the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) also for items 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16 and 18 (Additional file 1:
[26, 33], (3) anxiety symptoms measured by the State- Figure 1). As unrecognized local dependence between
Trait Anxiety Inventory [26, 34], (4) the Perceived Stress items will artificially inflated reliability estimates, this is
Scale [1, 35], and (5) parental attitudes (Index of Parent- a further issue to address for the PSS.
Child Relations [28, 36]). However, as these studies use Berry and Jones [1] originally reported that the full
different language versions of the PSS with differing PSS had adequate reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .83) as
numbers of items and measurement properties, and the well as adequate reliability over time (test-retest correl-
non-unidimensional structure of at least the BDI and the ation = .81 over 6 weeks) Other studies [19, 28, 30, 37,
Perceived Stress Scale is well-documented, they should 38] have reported corresponding reliability results for
be compared cautiously. different language versions with Cronbach’s alpha ran-
Only two previous studies have tested the PSS for ging from .73 [27] to .90 [30] for the full PSS. The stud-
differential item functioning (DIF), both using Rasch ies that report reliability for the two PSS dimensions
models. Leung and Tsang [30] found that item re- separately find varying levels of reliability for both the
sponses in the total PSS scale did not fit the rating parental stress dimension (.64–.71 [29]; .76 [26]; and .79
scale version of the Rasch model (c.f. the explanation [27]) and the parental satisfaction dimension (.61 [29];
above) as six items (4, 7, 9, 13, 15, and 16) func- .77 [26]; and .69 [27]). However, as both the language
tioned differentially for parents of primary school versions, the number of items included, and the samples
children compared to parents of children with ADHD differ, there are multiple possible causes for the differ-
recruited from support groups. The study did, how- ences in reliability.
ever, not report details on the nature of the bias, nor In sum, previous validity studies demonstrate that the
did the article relay whether (or how) PSS scores PSS consists of (at least) two separate unidimensional
were adjusted to account for the differential item scales and should not be used as a single scale. In this
functioning. Pontoppidan et al. [29] discovered DIF study, we aim to investigate further the psychometric
for two items in the parental stress subscale; DIF properties of the Danish PSS using Rasch measurement
relative to age (item 3) and education (items 3 and models in a sample of parents of 2–18-year-old children
16). With the sparseness of investigations for DIF in with and without known behavior problems. We will
the PSS, further research is needed on this issue emphasize the issues of dimensionality and measurement
(Additional file 1: Figure 1). Adding to the issue of invariance across subgroups of parents and children.
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 4 of 16
models [46]. Sufficiency is desirable when wanting to categories conducted by Pontoppidan et al. [29] was also
use the summed raw score of a scale, as it is the case necessary for this sample. As this proved to be the case,
with the PSS. The choice of using the summed raw score we continued the analyses with dichotomous items,
or the estimated person parameters (sometimes referred again starting with the full 18-item PSS. The analyses
to as the Rasch scores) depends on both the purpose for rejected the fit to the RM. Therefore, we proceeded with
using the score (i.e., for statistical analysis or individual the same overall strategy as Pontoppidan et al. and ana-
assessment), the length of the scale, the targeting and lyzed each of the subscales made up by the negatively
the reliability of the scale. One additional factor to take and the reversed positively worded items in the same
into account concerning the choice of using sum scores manner (see Table 1): first, we tested fit of the item re-
or person parameters is the interpretability of these; the sponses to the RM. If this was rejected, we proceeded to
first is easily interpreted concerning item scores, while catalog the departures and subsequently test the fit of
the latter is not as it is a logit scale. These considerations the item responses to a GLLRM adjusting for the depar-
extend to the graphical loglinear Rasch models described tures from the Rasch model if these consisted only of
below. uniform LD and/or DIF. When fit to a GLLRM was not
When fit to an RM is rejected, it is possible to achieve achieved, we eliminated the most (statistically and
close to optimal measurement if the only departures content-wise) problematic item and proceeded again to
from the RM are in the form of uniform differential item test fit to the RM and so on.
functioning (uniform DIF) and/or uniform local depend- Overall tests of fit (i.e., global homogeneity by com-
ence (uniform LD) [45]. Uniform/non-uniform refers to parison of item parameters in low and high scoring
the way items depend either on other items or on ex- groups) and the overall tests of no DIF were conducted
ogenous variables. Uniform implies that this dependence using Andersen’s [50] conditional likelihood ratio test
is the same across all levels of the latent variable, while (CLR). The fit of individual items was assessed by condi-
non-uniform implies that it is not. Uniform DIF or LD tional infit and outfit statistics [51, 52] and tested by
can be adjusted for in a graphical loglinear Rasch model comparing the observed item-restscore correlations with
(GLLRM), which can be regarded as merely extensions the expected item-restscore correlations under the speci-
of the RM, allowing precisely these departures from the fied model [44]. The presence of LD and DIF in GLLR
RM. If a GLLRM is adjusted for uniform LD only, the Ms was tested using two tests [53]; conditional likeli-
sufficiency of the sum score is not affected, while the re- hood ratio test of local independence (i.e. no DIF, no
liability of the scale will be affected to some degree [43– LD), and conditional tests of independence using partial
45]. If a GLLRM is adjusted for uniform DIF, the sum Goodman-Kruskal gamma coefficients for the condi-
score is no longer a sufficient statistic for the latent tional association between item pairs (presence of LD)
score, unless the sum score is equated for DIF. The or between items and exogenous variables (presence of
equation for DIF resolves this issue in subsequent com- DIF) given the restscores [44]. Evidence of overall fit and
parisons of subgroup scores to avoid confounding by the no DIF found in the overall tests (CLR) was rejected if
DIF [49]. this was not supported by individual item fit and lack of
evidence of both LD and DIF, in line with the recom-
Item analysis mendations [54]. Unidimensionality across the PS and
The strategy of analyses was first to analyze the full 18- LPS subscales was tested by comparing the observed γ
PSS with the original five response categories, in order correlation of the subscales with the expected γ correl-
to investigate whether the collapse of response ation of the subscales under the unidimensional model,
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 6 of 16
as two subscales measuring different construct will be sig- schooling or less) and parents with long education (ter-
nificantly weaker correlated than what is expected under tiary education).
the unidimensional model [55]. We used the Benjamini-
Hochberg procedure to adjust for false discovery rate Software
(FDR) due to multiple testing, whenever appropriate [56]. All analyses were conducted using the DIGRAM soft-
As recommended by Cox et al. [57], we did not apply a ware and and item maps were created with R version
critical limit of 5% for p-values as a deterministic decision 3.5.1 [52, 60].
criterion. Instead, in line with [58], we distinguished be-
tween weak to moderate evidence against the model when Results
p-values were larger than 0.01, and stronger evidence First, we present the results of the analyses of the total
when p-values were less than 0.01. sample of parents including both parents of children
Reliability was estimated using Hamon and Mesbah’s with no known behavior issues (named ordinary sample),
[59] Monte Carlo method, as this method takes into ac- and parents of children with known/diagnosed behavior
count any LD in a GLLRM and adjusts the reliability ac- problems (named behavior sample). Second, we present
cordingly. Targeting was assessed numerically by two results about the separate subsamples.
indices as well as graphically. The calculated targeting
indices allows for numerical evaluation of targeting [51]. Preliminary analyses
The test information target index is the mean test infor- In line with the results by Pontoppidan and colleagues
mation divided by the maximum test information for [29], we were not able to conduct the analyses using
theta, and the root mean squared error (RMSE) target Masters’ [42] partial credit generalization of the RM for
index is the minimum standard error of measurement ordinal data in the ordinary sample of parents. Instead
divided by the mean standard error of measurement for of improving, the models degenerated, when trying to
theta. Both indices should preferably have a value close adjust for departures from the RM. Thus, it would not
to one. Further, we estimated the target of the observed be possible for us to run the analyses comparing the two
score and the standard error of measurement (SEM) of parent samples. This was both the main aim of the study
the observed score. For a graphical representation of tar- and necessary considering the purpose of the instru-
geting and test information, we plotted items maps with ment; to identify parents in need of attention, support,
the distribution of the item threshold locations against and intervention. We dichotomized the item responses
weighted maximum likelihood estimations of the person in the same manner as done in the study by Pontoppi-
parameter locations as well as the person parameters for dan and colleagues [29], thereby keeping the content
the population (assuming a normal distribution) and the and meaning of the response categories; 0 (strongly dis-
information function. agree and disagree) and 1 (undecided, agree and strongly
agree), and then proceeded with analyses using the di-
Exogenous variables chotomous RM [41] and GLLRM.
To examine whether DIF was an issue for the PSS, we Analysis of the full 18-item PSS showed that it did not
included five exogenous variables, which have been fit the RM for the total sample or any of the two sub-
shown to be associated with parental stress in previous samples of parents (results not shown), nor was it pos-
research (c.f. the introduction), or for which previous re- sible to obtain fit to a GLLRM with all 18 items for any
search have discovered DIF (i.e. parent age and educa- of the samples. In line with Pontoppidan and colleagues
tional level [29, 30];). The resulting five exogenous (2018), our further analysis showed that many items had
variables were: Sample, which comprised the parents to to be eliminated in order to establish fit to any model.
children without known behavior problems and parents The remaining items and the discarded items were very
to children with behavior problems (short names ordin- similar to the two subscales found in previous studies [1,
ary and behavior samples). 26, 28, 29]. To avoid discarding many items to create a
Child age, which was divided into three age groups to unidimensional measure, we proceeded with separate
obtain adequate groups for DIF-analyses: young children analyses of dichotomized items belonging to the two
(2–5 years old), children (6–10 years old), and adoles- subscales Parental Stress and Lack of Parental Satisfac-
cents (11–18 years old). Parent agewas divided into three tion (Table 1).
age categories to get a balanced division (25–35 years,
36–41 years, and 42–56 years), as it was not possible to The combined total sample (behavior and ordinary
use the cut point of 30 years, which had been used in samples together)
previous research for DIF-analysis, due to the distribu- For the total sample of parents, the proposed 10-item
tion in this sample. Parental education was divided into Parental Stress subscale (PS) did not fit the Rasch model,
two groups: parents with short education (secondary nor did the proposed 8-item Lack of Parental
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 7 of 16
Satisfaction subscale (LPS). Furthermore, it was not pos- embarrassing or stressful to me) than were parents of
sible to establish fit to a GLLRM for any of the two sub- children with no known behaviour issues, no matter
scales. After eliminating the worst fitting item in each their level of parental stress. Three other PS-items func-
subscale (i.e., LPS item 2 There is little or nothing I tioned differentially relatively to parents’ educational
wouldn’t do for my child(ren) if it was necessary and PS level. Parents with tertiary education were systematically
item 11 Having child(ren) has been a financial burden, more likely to agree with the item statements 4 (I some-
both subscales fitted GLLRMs, though of differing com- times worry whether I am doing enough for my chil-
plexity (Fig. 1). d(ren)), 15 (I feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of
Table 3 presents global tests-of-fit and DIF for the two being a parent), and 16 (Having child(ren) has meant
subscales. We present the item fit statistics in additional having too few choices and too little control over my life),
files (Additional file 1: Tables 1 and 2). than parents with secondary or less education, no matter
The 7-item LPS subscale fitted a simple GLLRM with their level of parental stress.
strong local dependence between items 17 (I am satis-
fied as a parent) and 1 (I am happy in my role as a par-
ent), and items 1 and 6 (I enjoy spending time with my The effect of DIF in the PS and LPS subscales
child(ren)). Also, item 1 was found to function differen- Five items in the PS subscale suffered from DIF; three
tially in relation to the samples, so that parents of chil- relative to the educational level of the parents and two
dren with known behavior problems were systematically relative to sample. In the LPS subscale, one item suffered
less likely to agree with the item statement, compared from DIF relative to sample. To be able to use either the
with parents of children with no known behavior issues, summed scale scores or the estimated person parameters
no matter their level of lack of parental satisfaction. in subsequent statistical analysis or for assessing the par-
The 9-item PS subscale fitted a very complex GLLRM ental stress level of individuals, the DIF must be taken
with strong and moderate local dependence between into account first by adjusting both scores accordingly.
two item pairs as well as varying degrees of DIF for five In the additional files, we provide an appendix with con-
items. The locally dependent items were: item 3 (Caring version tables for this purpose (Additional file 2). These
for my child(ren) sometimes takes more time and energy tables provide both the necessary information for con-
than I have to give) and 4 (I sometimes worry whether I verting the summed scale scores to estimated person pa-
am doing enough for my child(ren)), and item 9 (The rameters, the estimated person parameters for all the
major source of stress in my life is my child(ren)) and 12 different subgroups affected by the DIF, and DIF-
(It is difficult to balance different responsibilities because adjusted scale scores for these subgroups as well (Add-
of my child(ren)). We found that two PS items func- itional file 2: Table 1 for the PS subscale, and Additional
tioned differentially in relation to sample. Parents of file 2: Table 2 for the LPS subscale). Using the summed
children with known behaviour problems were systemat- and the DIF-equated scores it is possible to investigate
ically more likely to agree with the item statements 9 to which degree, the DIF would confound any statistical
(The major source of stress in my life is my child(ren)) analysis, or possibly lead to erroneous clinical decisions,
and 13 (The behavior of my child(ren) is often based on the subscales, if not adjusted for.
Fig. 1 The resulting Graphical loglinear Rasch models for Parental Stress and Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscales for the total sample. Note. γ-
correlations are partial Goodman and Kruskal’s rank correlations for ordinal data
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 8 of 16
Table 3 Global Tests-of-fit and differential item function for the Parental Stress and the Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscales for
the total sample
CLR Df p CLR df p CLR Df p CLR df p
Global homogeneity 13.1 8 .11 15.4 15 .43 14.6 6 .02+++ 10.3 9 .32
DIF relative to:
Child sample 106.0 8 <.0005+ 16.4 11 .16 44.2 6 <.0005+++ 22.7 7 <.01++++
+ ++ +++
Children age group 45.5 16 <.0005 47.8 30 .02 42.1 12 <.0005 33.7 18 .01++++
Parent 10.1 8 .26 18.8 15 .22 8.4 6 .21 11.0 9 .27
Parent education 73.6 8 <.0005+ 17.5 9 .04++ 17.9 6 <.01+++ 18.7 9 .03++++
Parent age group 22.1 16 .14 51.9 30 <.01++ 24.5 12 .02+++ 28.5 18 .05
Notes. PS Parental stress, LPS Lack of parental satisfaction, RM Rasch model, GLLRM Graphical loglinear Rasch model, CLR Conditional likelihood ratio, df degrees of
freedom, p p-value, DIF differential item function
Global homogeneity test compares items parameters in approximately equal-sized groups of high and low scoring parents. The critical limits for the p-values after
adjusting for false discovery rate were: + 5% limit p = .0083, 1% limit p = .0017. ++ 5% limit p = .008. +++ 5% limit unaltered, 1% limit p = .0017. ++++ 5% limit
p = .0083, 1% limit p = .0017
The GLLRM for the Parental Stress subscale assumed that some items pairs are locally dependent (items 3 and 4, and items 9 and 12), that item 9 and 13
functions differentially relative to child sample, and that item 4, 15 and 16 functions differentially relative to parent educational level
The GLLRM for the Lack of Parental Stress subscale assumed that items 1 and 6, and items 1 and 17 are locally dependent and that item 1 functions differentially
relative to child sample
Table 4 shows the observed and adjusted mean The behavior and ordinary samples separately
scores of the PS and LPS for the subgroups affected To facilitate use within the two populations represented
by DIF in the total sample, as well as the bias (con- by the two samples, for the purpose of fair assessment of
founding effect) introduced with the use of the un- individual parents in relation to the relevant child con-
adjusted scores. For the LPS scale, the significant text, we conducted a separate set of analyses for each of
difference in the scores of the two subsamples all but the samples.
disappeared, when adjusting for the DIF. Failing to
adjust the LPS score for DIF would, therefore, lead to
an erroneous claim that parents with children with Table 4 Comparison of observed and DIF-adjusted mean
known behavior issues lack parental satisfaction to a Parental Stress scores and mean Lack of Parental Satisfaction
significantly higher degree than parents of children scores in groups affected by differential item functioning in the
total sample
without known behavior issues.
For the PS subscale, the picture is more complex, DIF-groups (N) Observed scores Adjusted scores
because the scores were adjusted for DIF concerning Mean SE Mean SE Biasa
both sample and parent education (Table 4). In terms Parental stress subscale
of making the correct decision when comparing the Sampleb
parental stress scores for subgroups of parents, the Ordinary (571) 4.07 .08 4.45 .08 −.38
adjustments for DIF in both cases meant that the Behavior (234) 5.14 .14 4.77 .14 .37
strongly significant difference between the mean c
Parent education
scores of parents from each of the two samples was
reduced to being marginally significant (p = .042), Secondary or less (203) 4.90 .15 4.52 .15 .38
while the strongly significant difference between the Tertiary (602) 4.21 .08 4.55 .08 −.34
mean scores of parents with secondary or less educa- Lack of parental satisfaction subscale
tion and parents with tertiary education disappeared. Sampled
Failure to adjust for DIF would therefore also in this Ordinary (571) .69 .04 .69 .04 .00
case, lead to a wrong conclusion of differences in the
Behavior (234) .92 .09 .75 .08 .17
stress levels between parents of children with and
SE Standard error
without known behavior issues and between parents a
As the Parental Stress subscale is affected by DIF from more than once
with different educational levels. source, any reference group within a DIF-variable is adjusted to account for
These DIF results are relevant when using the PS and the other sources of DIF, and thus all groups are biased if not adjusted
Differences in observed mean scores (χ2 (1) = 45.4, p < .001)., and adjusted
LPS for comparative purposes between samples of par- mean scores (χ2 (1) = 4.1, p = .042)
ents to children with known behavior problems and par- Differences in observed mean scores (χ2 (1) = 15.7, p < .001), and adjusted
mean scores (χ2 (1) = 0.0, p = .849)
ents to children without known behavior problems (i.e., d
Differences in observed mean scores (χ2 (1) = 6.2, p = .01), and adjusted mean
research purpose). scores (χ2 (1) = 0.6, p = .442)
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 9 of 16
For the behavior sample, the PS and LPS scales each behavior sample did not include any LD between items
fitted simpler models compared to the combined total either. In the ordinary sample, the GLLRM for the PS
sample. For the ordinary sample, the PS scale likewise subscale included local dependence between items 3 and
fitted a simpler GLLRM, while the model for the LPS 4, while there was no evidence of local dependence be-
scale was identical to the model for the combined total tween items 9 and 12 as found for the combined total
sample. One reason for the simpler models was that sample. We found evidence of DIF for item 4 relative to
splitting the total sample eliminated the sample-DIF. child age for the ordinary sample so that with increased
However, the separate analyses for the behavior and or- child age the parents were more likely to agree with the
dinary samples also allowed us to ascertain the differ- item statement, no matter their level of parental stress.
ences in the functioning of the scales in the two samples The LPS subscale fitted a pure Rasch model in the be-
in more detail (Fig. 2). havior sample, and a very simple GLLRM in the ordinary
The PS subscale fitted simple GLLRMs in each of the sample; we found no evidence of DIF, and only local de-
two samples. For the behavior sample, the GLLRM in- pendence between items 17 and 1, and 1 and 6.
cluded DIF relative to the educational level of the par- Table 5 present global tests-of-fit and DIF for the final
ents for two items. Parents with tertiary education were subscale model in each of the parent samples. Item fit sta-
systematically more likely to agree on the statements of tistics are provided in the Additional file 1: Tables 3 and 4.
item 15 and 16 than were parents with secondary or less
education, no matter their level of parental stress. While The effect of within-sample DIF in the PS and LPS subscales
we found DIF in relation to item 4 for the combined Additional file 2 Tables 3-6 provide conversion tables,
total sample, we found no DIF in relation to this item in information for adjusting both sum scores and person
the behavior sample. Furthermore, the GLLRM for the parameters for the DIF in the parental stress scale for
Fig. 2 The resulting Graphical loglinear Rasch models and Rasch model for the Parental Stress subscale and the Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscale
in the behavior sample (top) and ordinary sample (bottom). Note. γ-correlations are partial Goodman and Kruskal’s rank correlations for ordinal data
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 10 of 16
Table 5 Global Tests-of-fit and differential item function for the final models of the Parental Stress and the Lack of Parental
Satisfaction subscales to the models for the separate behaviour and ordinary samples depicted in Fig. 2
Tests Behaviour sample Ordinary sample
CLR df p CLR df P CLR Df p CLR df p
Global homogeneity 5.0 10 .89 8.1 6 .23 17.2 11 .10 1.8 8 .99
DIF relative to:
Children age group 27.2 20 .13 8.5 12 .74 25.2 16 .07 26.2 16 .05
Parent 16.8 10 .08 3.3 6 .77 7.1 11 .80 4.0 8 .85
Parent education 6.6 6 .36 2.6 6 .85 23.3 11 .02+ 11.3 8 .18
Parent age groups 31.1 20 .05 14.3 12 .29 24.5 22 .32 19.1 16 .26
Notes. PS Parental stress, LPS Lack of parental satisfaction, RM Rasch model, GLLRM Graphical loglinear Rasch model, CLR Conditional likelihood ratio, df degrees of
freedom, p p-value, DIF differential item function
Global homogeneity test compares items parameters in approximately equal-sized groups of high and low scoring parents
The critical 5% limit for the p-values after adjusting for FDR was p = .0100
The GLLRM for the PS scale assumed that item 15 and 16 functions differentially relative to parent educational level
The GLLRM for the PS scale assumed that items 3 and 4 are locally dependent, and that item 4 functions differentially relative to child age
The GLLRM for the LPS subscale assumed that items 1 and 6, and item 1 and 17 are locally dependent
each sample. Adjusting the PS sum score for DIF within parental satisfaction in order to endorse the different
each of the samples did not alter the conclusion regard- items), as well as the area with most information, were
ing group differences (Table 6). located more toward the high end of the LPS scale
(Fig. 3).
Targeting and reliability of the PS and LPS subscales Targeting of the PS subscale was excellent in both the
Targeting of the PS and LPS subscales were very differ- behavior and ordinary sample (i.e., parents of children
ent (Table 7). with and without known behavior issues, respectively).
The targeting of the LPS subscale was very poor for In the behavior sample, targeting did not differ for
both the behavior and ordinary sample (38 and 25% of groups of parents with secondary or less education com-
the maximum information was achieved, respectively). pared to parent with tertiary education (with 83 and 84%
This very poor targeting is a result of the person param- of the maximum information obtained). In the ordinary
eters for the majority of the parents being located at the sample, targeting differed slightly across groups of par-
low end of the LPS scale (e.g., they did not lack parental ents defined by child age, with the absolute best target-
satisfaction), while the item parameters (e.g., the item ing for parents of children aged 6–10 years (96% of the
difficulties denoting how lacking a parent should be in maximum obtainable information). This excellent target-
ing is also illustrated by person parameters for the par-
Table 6 Comparison of observed and equated mean Parental
ents being quite symmetrically in relation to the item
Stress scores in parent education groups for the behavior
parameters along the latent PS scale, and that most per-
sample and child age groups for the ordinary sample
son parameters are within the area with the most infor-
Samples and subgroups (n) Observed scores Adjusted scores Bias
mation (Fig. 3).
Mean SE Mean SE
The reliability of the PS subscale was above .70 for
Behavior sample both the ordinary and the behavior sample. This in-
Parent educationa cludes the subgroups of parents for which the scale
Secondary or less (148) 5.10 .17 5.10 .17 .00 functioned differentially (Table 7). Thus, by conventional
Tertiary (86) 5.21 .22 5.63 .23 −.42 standards, the reliability of the PS subscale was at an ac-
Ordinary sample
ceptable level for all parents included in the study, and
the reliability of the LPS subscale was at an acceptable
Child age groupsb
level for the behavior sample (.71), but not for the ordin-
2–5 years (174) 4.75 .15 4.75 .15 .00 ary sample (.55).
6–10 years (201) 4.18 .13 4.10 .13 .09
11–18 years (196) 3.35 .14 3.14 .14 .22 Dimensionality and subscale correlation
SE Standard error. We formally tested whether the PS and the LPS sub-
Differences in observed mean scores (χ2 (1) = 0.2, p = 0.696), and adjusted scales made up a single unidimensional scale, both with
mean scores (χ2 (1) = 3.5, p = 0.062)
Differences in observed mean scores (χ2 (2) = 48.7, p < .001), and adjusted
the total sample and divided into the ordinary and be-
mean scores (χ2 (2) = 61.8, p < .001) havior samples, as amount of local dependence in the
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 11 of 16
Table 7 Targeting and reliability of the Parental Stress and Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscales in the separate behaviour and
ordinary samples
Theta Score
Subscales, Samples and Parent Target Mean TI TI TI Target RMSE RMSE RMSE target Target Mean Mean r
subgroupsa (n) mean max index mean min index SEM
Parental Stress subscale
Ordinary sample
Child age 2–5 years (174) −.95 −.03 1.318 1.465 .900 .865 .826 .955 3.45 4.75 1.14 .74
Child age 6–10 years (201) −.19 −.50 1.322 1.382 .956 .861 .851 .988 4.63 4.18 1.15 .70
Child age 11–18 years (196) .07 −.1.25 1.196 1.341 .892 .884 .863 .977 5.02 3.35 1.09 .72
Behavior sample
Secondary edu or less (148) −.30 .36 1.286 1.556 .826 .892 .802 .899 4.21 5.10 1.13 .71
Tertiary edu (86) −.58 .86 1.124 1.341 .839 .930 .864 .929 3.50 5.21 1.06 .72
Lack of Parental Satisfaction subscale
Ordinary sample (571) −.92 −3.91 .430 1.706 .252 1.320 .766 .580 3.08 .69 .60 .55
Behavior sample (234) .32 −3.14 .518 1.367 .379 1.289 .855 .663 3.85 .92 .65 .71
Notes. TI Test information, RMSE The root mean squared error of the estimated theta score, SEM The standard error of measurement of the observed score, r
reliability, Edu Education
Targeting and reliability is provided for groups defined by DIF variables
subscale models differed across the samples (Fig. 1 and presented local dependency and differential item func-
Fig. 2). In all three samples the observed correlation be- tioning but fitted a GLLRM after DIF and LD had been
tween the PS and LPS subscales was weaker than the ex- taken into account. Divided into the two parent samples,
pected correlation under a unidimensional model (total the LPS subscale fitted a pure Rasch model in the behav-
sample: γobserved = 0.306, γexpected = 0.503, SE = 0.033, ior sample and a simpler GLLRM with LD but no DIF in
p < 0.001; ordinary sample: γobserved = 0.262, γexpected = the ordinary sample. The PS subscale suffered from DIF
0.487, SE = 0.042, p < 0.001; behavior sample: γobserved = in the behavior sample and both LD and DIF in the or-
0.374, γexpected = 0.567, SE = 0.052, p < 0.001), and thus dinary sample but fitted a GLLRM in both samples after
the unidimensionality of the full PSS was rejected in all LD and DIF had been adjusted for. Finally, the two sub-
three cases. scales performed best for parents of children with behav-
In addition, the observed correlation between the PS ior problems. Measures like the PSS are constructed
and the LPS subscales was strong in the sample of par- primarily to aid identification and monitor progress in
ents to children with behavior problems (the behavior families that feel challenged and stressed as parents. The
sample), while only moderate in the sample of parent to fact that we find the psychometrically most parsimoni-
children without known behavior problems (the ordinary ous models for the behavior sample, is therefore positive.
sample). Thus, our findings support the construct validity of the
parental stress construct when operationalized as two
Discussion separate subscales (parental stress and lack of parental
In this study, we examined the psychometric properties stress).
of the 18-item PSS among parents of 2–18 year-olds The elimination of the LPS item 2 There is little or
using RM and GLLRM. We furthermore tested the psy- nothing I wouldn’t do for my child(ren) if it was necessary
chometric properties in two subsamples: a sample of is in accordance with all previous studies [1, 19, 26–30].
parents of children with known behavior problems The elimination of the PS item 11 Having child(ren) has
(named the behavior sample) and a sample of parents of been a financial burden is consistent with the original
children without known behavior problems (named the study [1] and the previous Danish study comprising
ordinary sample). After dichotomizing responses and mothers of infants [29], but is not supported in the
eliminating items 2 and 11, we found that the PSS com- remaining validity studies. As the validity studies are
prises two separate unidimensional subscales: parental conducted in countries with very different levels of eco-
stress (PS) and lack of parental satisfaction (LPS). This is nomic support for families, this item may be particularly
in accordance with findings in several other national set- prone to cultural differences, and it is essential to be
tings [1, 26–28] as well as in a the study among Danish aware of this when using the PSS in different contexts in
mothers of infants using RM and GLLRM [29]. We fur- the future. Furthermore, the various validity studies
ther found that in the total sample, both subscales eliminate between two and five items, and different ones,
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 12 of 16
thus the scores resulting from any two validity studies relative to parental educational level would lead to a
are comparable, except for the present study and the false conclusion on parents with a lower education, hav-
study by Pontoppidan and colleagues [29] on another ing an artificially higher level of parental stress. In the
Danish sample, where items were also dichotomized. behavior sample, the consequences of failing to adjust
for DIF were less pronounced. However, bearing in mind
Sample DIF the relatively small sample of parents with children with
In the total sample, we found DIF relative to parent known behavior problems, the difference of half a point
sample for both the PS and the LPS. For the LPS item 1, between the parents with a low and a high level of edu-
parents of children with known behavior problems were cation would become significant even with a modest in-
systematically less likely to agree with the item state- crease in sample size. A previous study examining the
ment, compared with parents of children with no known PSS in a sample of 3842 Portuguese parents of children
behavior issues, no matter their score, whereas the op- 3–10 years old found that mothers and fathers with
posite was found for PS items 9 and 13. For the PS sub- lower levels of education reported higher levels of paren-
scale, using the DIF-adjusted scores did not alter the tal stress measured by the PSS [19]. As they did not
conclusion that parental stress was significantly higher examine or adjust for DIF, it is possible that also these
in for parents to children with behavior problems. For differences are due to DIF and not real differences in
the LPS subscale, using the DIF-adjusted scores revealed stress levels for parents with differing educational levels.
that there was no significant difference in the lack of
parental satisfaction of parents in the two samples, as DIF relative to child age
was suggested if scores were not adjusted.. This result DIF in relation to child age was only discovered for item
highlights that failing to adjust for sample DIF may lead 4 (I sometimes worry whether I am doing enough for my
to false conclusions on differences between the sample child(ren) in the PS subscale for the ordinary sample.
subgroups of parents. Children with behavior problems Using DIF-adjusted scores parents of younger children
often show externalizing behavior and a high level of reported significantly higher levels of parental stress
conflict between parent and child. It is therefore not sur- compared to parents of older children.. Some previous
prising that parents of children with behavior problems studies find results supporting this finding [14, 15],
are systematically less likely to agree item 1 “I am happy whereas other studies do not find any association be-
in my role as a parent”, and more likely to agree on item tween parental stress and child age [16, 17]. It is, how-
9 ‘The major source of stress in my life is my child(ren)’ ever, difficult to examine the effect of child age on the
and item 13 ‘The behavior of my child(ren) is often level of parental stress as many families have more than
embarrassing or stressful to me.’ Previous studies have one child adding to the total number of stressors on the
found, that mothers of children with behavioral prob- family, but it has been found that parental stress increase
lems [1] or ADHD [30] show higher levels of parental with the number of children [19]. This is likely so, be-
stress measured by the PSS compared to mothers of cause it is costlier both economically, emotionally, and
children without behavioral problems or ADHD. As one time-wise to have more children. Future research into
study did not examine DIF, and it is unclear whether the parental stress would benefit from employing a design
other adjusted for it, these differences may be due to allowing to evaluate the effect of number of children and
DIF and not genuine differences in the stress and lack of their age levels, as well as investigating the potential
parental satisfaction of between parents to children with interaction-DIF between these.
and without know behavior problems..
Reliability and targeting
DIF relative to parental education With a single exception (the LPS subscale in the ordin-
For the total sample three items (4, 15 and 16) in the PS ary sample), the reliability of the PS and the LPS sub-
subscale showed DIF relative to the level of parental scales was at an acceptable level (above .70) for use in
education, such DIF was only present for two items (15 large scale surveys in all subgroups of parents. The low
and 16) in the behavior sample, but not in the ordinary reliability was most likely caused by less variation in this
sample. In the total sample, failing to adjust for DIF sample compared to the behavior sample. Another
Nielsen et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:281 Page 14 of 16
validity study of the Danish PSS [29], although con- social issues of the children. Another limitation is that we
ducted in a community sample of mothers to infants were not able to obtain information on the number of
aged 0–12 months, also found the LPS subscale to have children in the household for all parents.
the lowest reliability. Relatively low reliability is of less Despite the limitations of the current study, it expands
concern in large samples where the risk of type 2 errors the findings of Pontoppidan et al. [29] substantially, by
is smaller. The reliability of the PS and LPS subscales providing sound results on the validity of the PSS for
do, however, not meet the .90 that is usually recom- both mothers and fathers, parents of children aged 2–18,
mended for a screening tool in either of the samples in and parents of children with or without known behavior
this study. As reliabilities are not at the level required issues. The psychometric properties of the Danish PSS
for diagnostic tests, we foremost recommend that the are thus available for mothers of infants (aged 0–12
PSS is used in large-scale surveys. However, if the sub- months) and children (aged 2–18 years) with and with-
optimal reliability and the margin of error this causes is out known behavior issues. To facilitate a complete
kept in mind, the PS subscale and the LPS subscale (if package of conversion tables for practitioners and re-
used among parents to children with behavioral prob- searchers, we recommend that future studies are under-
lems) may also be used cautiously for screening pur- taken to fill the gaps; including mothers and fathers of
poses. This should, however, be done keeping in mind children with and without known behavior issues aged
that further research and application tools such as con- 1–2 years, as well as a study including fathers of infants.
version tables are needed. We further suggest that psychometric studies are also
The targeting of the PS subscale was excellent in both undertaken in samples of parent to children with other
samples, whereas the targeting of the LPS subscale was types of difficulties and disorders, and preferably com-
very poor. The poor targeting of the LPS subscale indi- pared to parents of children with no known difficulties,
cates that precision is not optimal when measuring lack so that unbiased comparisons are facilitated. In the
of parental satisfaction for the groups of parents used in present study, it was necessary to dichotomize the re-
this study. This finding is similar to a previous study sponse categories in order to make the PS and LPS sub-
[29] and refers to the fact that most fathers and mothers scale fit an RM or GLLRM in the ordinary sample,
find it rewarding and satisfying to be a parent – also par- thereby making a comparison between the two subsam-
ents of children with behavioral problems. We recom- ples possible. This may, however, not be necessary if PSS
mend that future studies include in families with a is administered in a more clinical sample. We therefore
broader range of challenges such as poverty, mental also suggest that further psychometric studies are con-
health issues, and substance abuse, as a targeting might ducted to test whether the PSS can be scored using the
be better for such groups. original five response categories when used in samples
that are more clinical.
Strengths and limitations
A strength of the current study is our use of graphical
loglinear Rasch model to adjust for bias caused by DIF, Conclusions
when this was found to be a cause of the lack of fit to In conclusion, we recommend that the (The Danish)
the Rasch model, rather than simply discarding such PSS is administered in the 16-item version, excluding
items. Our use of these models also allowed us to take items 2 and 11, with questions in the original order. Fur-
into account any lack of local independence between ther, in line with Pontoppidan et al. [29], we recommend
items, when calculating reliability, thereby avoiding infla- using the original response categories to meet respon-
tion of this. Another strength is the inclusion of fathers in dents need to differentiate their answer, and to apply the
our sample, as most previous studies have mostly included dichotomization of the response categories as well as the
mothers. Similarly, the large age span of the children of division into parental stress and lack of parental satisfac-
the parents is considered a strength because it allowed us tion subscales in the scoring and interpretation
to test for DIF relative to the child age. Finally, it is a procedure.
strength that we included both parents of children with
and without known behavior problems, and that we were
able to test whether the instrument functioned equally
Supplementary information
well across these parent groups. A limitation of the study Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
is that the sample is relatively small. However, as this is a 1186/s12955-020-01495-w.
first validity study including both mothers and fathers of
children with and without known behavior problems, our Additional file 1. Contains a figure with the subscale structure of the
PSS in previous validity studies and four tables with item fit statistics.
study does pave the way for studies with larger and more
Additional file 2. Appendix with conversion tables.
diverse samples in terms of psychological, physical and
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