This Study Resource Was: Dilmah (Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC)
This Study Resource Was: Dilmah (Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC)
This Study Resource Was: Dilmah (Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company PLC)
Merrill J. Fernando dedicated his life to tea when in the 1950s, he saw
the concentration of ownership in the tea industry in the hands of a few
large corporations. This was leading to the commoditization of tea. He
decided that in the interest of tea drinkers around the world, and the crop
that his country produced with so much care and artistry, he would fight
this process of commoditization.
It took him nearly four decades and in 1988 he launched his own
brand – Dilmah. Dilmah tea company was the first producer owned tea
brand, and offered tea ‘picked, perfected and packed’ at origin. Unlike the
multi-origin blends that monopolized supermarket shelves, Dilmah
brought tea that is freshly packed at source and therefore rich in flavor
and natural goodness making it one of the finest teas of the world.
Dilmah is unique; a brand that is founded on a passionate
commitment to quality and authenticity in tea, it is also a part of a
philosophy that goes beyond commerce in seeing business as a matter of
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human service. This is what makes Dilmah the first ethically produced tea.
In 2005, Merrill and his sons Dilhan and Malik, pledged to follow the
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principles dictated by the 12 Principles of Dilmah in every aspect of their
business and in the conduct of their workers, staff and management.
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(Annual report, Dilmah, 2018-19)
attitudes and skills have to be sharpened from time to time optimize the
effectiveness of human resources and to enable them to meet greater
challenges. This is where HRM plays a crucial role. Corporate, Professional,
Social and National are the four levels of significant Human Resources
Objectives of HRM
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HRM is to ensure a stable work environment with data at one place and
efficient operations.
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effectively that is to utilize human resources effectively for the
achievement of organizational goals.
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• To enhance job satisfaction and self actualization of employees, by
encouraging and assisting every employee to realize full potential.
• To provides facility and condition of work and creation of favorable
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atmosphere for maintaining stability of employment.
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• To develop and maintain a quality of work life which makes
employment in the organization a desirable and social situation.
Functions of HRM
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mission, goals, and strategic plan.
2. Recruitment and Selection- Recruitment refers to the process where
potential applicants are searched for, and then encouraged to apply
for an actual or anticipated vacancy. Selection is the process
of hiring employees among the shortlisted candidates and providing
them a job in the organization.
3. Training & Development- This function allows employees to acquire
new skills and knowledge to perform their job effectively. Training
and development also prepares employees for higher level
4. Performance management- Performance management is the
process of ensuring that a set of activities and outputs meets an
organization's goals in an effective and efficient manner.
5. Rewarding system- The reward system is a group of neural
structures responsible for incentive salience, associative learning,
and positively valanced emotions, particularly ones which involve
pleasure as a core component.
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Recruitment refers to the overall process of identifying, attracting,
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screening, shortlisting, and interviewing, suitable candidates for jobs
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within an organization. Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in
choosing individuals for unpaid roles. These are the ways Dilmah approach
on recruitment internally and externally.
Approaches to recruitment
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Internal Recruitment
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already part of your workplace, so the time you need to find and engage
those candidates is much less.
Cost less - Research has shown that external hiring may cost 1.7 times
more than internal hiring. This is because when hiring from within, you
usually don’t need to post ads on job boards, subscribe to resume
databases and pay for backgrounds checks.
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Disadvantages of internal recruitment,
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Create resentment among employees and managers - Employees who
were considered for a role could feel resentful if a colleague or external
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candidate is eventually hired. Also, managers are often uncomfortable
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losing good team members and may even go so far as to hinder the
transfer or promotion process.
series of moves and promotions may ensue that could disrupt your
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Limit your pool of applicants - While your company may have a lot of
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qualified candidates for specific positions, this isn’t necessarily true for
every open role. For example, if a role is fairly new to your business, your
employees will have other specialties and may not be able to fill this skills
gap. Relying solely on internal hiring means you could miss the chance to
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Result in inflexible culture - Doing most of your hiring from inside your
business may result in a stagnant culture. This is because employees can
get too comfortable with the ‘way things are done’ and struggle to spot
inefficiencies and experiment with new ways of working. An inflexible
culture will be more problematic in leadership positions where employees
may need to advocate for change and improvements instead of relying on
established, inefficient practices. External hires are essential in shaking up
culture and offering a fresh perspective on existing problems.
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