Intl. HRM MBA Lesson Plan

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Date: 10/08/2017
(Course outlines)
Name of the Department: Business Administration
Name of the Course with Code: International HRM, HRM-606
Name of the Faculty Member: Mansura Nusrat
Semester: Summer 2017
Total Credit: 03
i) Course Description: This course provides an understanding of the role of human resource
management (HRM) in international contexts. The course is divided into three areas of study: the
context of international HRM, strategic and functional HRM in international contexts, and
comparative international contexts. Specific topics include globalization, work and labor regulation;
strategic HRM issues in international contexts; issues related to host, home and third country
nationals; recruitment, selection, training, development and compensation in international contexts,
expatriation and repatriation. Studies of the HR context of selected countries are also included.
ii) Objective of the Course: By the end of this course it is expected that students will be
able to:
1.Understand issues, opportunities and challenges pertaining to international HRM
2. Develop competency in dealing with cross cultural situations
3.Understand the strategic and functional roles of HRM in various international contexts,
especially in areas such as recruitment and selection, performance management, training, learning
and development, career management, compensation, motivation and repatriation;
4.Understand external forces (e.g. globalization, sociocultural changes, political and economic
changes) that have the potential to shape international HRM.
Reference Books:
1. International Human Resource Management, by Harzing and Pinnington
2. International Human Resource Management - Monir H. Tayeb, Oxford University
3. International Human Resource Management - Peter J. Dowling, Denice E. Welch,
4. Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions:

Lecture plan / Lesson plan:

Serial Lectures
1. Lecture 01:
i)Name of the Chapter: Introduction to IHRM
ii) Name of the topics: Definition, The drivers of internationalization of business. The different
setting ofInternational Human Resource Management. Development of IHRM. Difference between
IHRM and Domestic HRM.
2. Lecture 02:
i)Name of the Chapter: Introduction to IHRM
ii) Name of the topics: Models of IHRM-Matching model, Harvard Model, Contextual Model,
5P Model European Model. SHRM: Evolution of MNEs, Businessstrategies, IHRM Strategies,
SIHRM. Barriers in effective global HRM. Sociocultural context,Organizational dynamics and

3. Lecture 03:
i)Name of the Chapter: Introduction to IHRM
ii) Name of the topics: Role of culture in International HRM, Country andRegional Cultures,
Country Culture versus MNE Culture. Culture and employee managementissues/ impact of
Country culture on IHRM.

4. Lecture 04:
i)Name of the Chapter: Strategies for International Growth
ii) Name of the topics: Exploiting global integration-The logic of global integration,
differentiation, Mastering expatriation, beyond the traditional expatriate model, the
limits of global integration.

5. Lecture 05:
i)Name of the Chapter: Strategies for International Growth
ii) Name of the topics: The roots of responsiveness, understanding diversity, responding to
diversity, the challenges of localization. Managing alliances and joint ventures - IHRM
and International Alliances, IHRM and International Joint Ventures.

6. Lecture 06:
i)Name of the Chapter: International Workforce planning and staffing
ii) Name of the topics: International labor market, International Recruitment function; head-
hunters, cross-national advertising, e-recruitment; International staffing choice
7. Lecture 07:
i)Name of the Chapter: International Workforce planning and staffing
ii) Name of the topics: different approaches to multinational staffing decisions, Types of
international assignments, Selection criteria and techniques, use of selection tests, interviews
for international selection

8. Lecture 08:
i)Name of the Chapter: International Workforce planning and staffing
ii) Name of the topics: international staffing issues, Successful expatriation, role of an
expatriate, female Expatriation, repatriation, re-entry and career issues.

9. Lecture 09:
i)Name of the Chapter: Developing Global Mindset
ii) Name of the topics: Global Leadership, Cross cultural context and internationalassignees,
Current scenario in international training and development, training & development of
international staff.

10. Lecture 10:

i)Name of the Chapter: Developing Global Mindset
ii) Name of the topics: types of expatriate training, sensitivity training, Career
Development,repatriate training, developing international staff and multinational teams,
knowledge transfer in multinational companies.

11. Lecture 11: Tutorial/Presentation

12. Lecture 12: Problem solution for the midterm exam.

13. Lecture 13:

i)Name of the Chapter: Performance Management
ii) Name of the topics: Performance Management and MNE, Constraints in goal attainment,
performance management cycle, Performance Management of International Assignees

14. Lecture 14:

i)Name of the Chapter: Performance Management
ii) Name of the topics: third and host country employees, issues and challenges in
international performance management, country specific performance management practices.

15. Lecture 15:

i)Name of the Chapter: International Compensation
ii) Name of the topics: International compensation and international assignees, Forms of
compensation, key components of international compensation.

16. Lecture 16:

i)Name of the Chapter: International Compensation
ii) Name of the topics: Approaches to international compensation, compensation practices across
the countries, emerging issues in compensationmanagement.

17. Lecture 17:

i)Name of the Chapter: International Employment Laws
ii) Name of the topics: Establishment of labor standards by International Institutions, The
global legal and regulatory context of MNE, The International framework of Ethics and
Labor standards

18. Lecture 18:

i)Name of the Chapter: International Employment Laws
ii) Name of the topics: Key issues in International Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and
MNEs, Response of Trade Unions to MNEs, Non-Union worker representation.

19. Lecture 19:

i)Name of the Chapter: International Workforce
ii) Name of the topics: Working with multicultural and ethnic groups, Health and safety and
International Assignees, Crisis Management, Global HR Shared Services, Managing HR in
virtual organization

20. Lecture 20:

i)Name of the Chapter: International HRIS
ii) Name of the topics: HRIS: Meaning, Role of IT in HR, Designing of HRIS, Applications of
HRIS in Employee Management, Limitation of HRIS.

21. Lecture 21: Tutorial/Presentation

22. Lecture 22: Problem solution for the Final term exam

Grading Scheme:
Class attendance and participation..10

Assignment, Presentation/ Class test/ Quiz/ Surprise test...10

Mid-Term Examination...30

Final Examination50


` Total: 100

Grade Assignment:

Letter grades will be assigned based on performance in the course. General rules are as follows:

Marks Letter Grades Grade point

80 and above A+ 4.00

75 79 A 3.75
70 74 A- 3.50
65 69 B+ 3.25

60 54 B 3.00
55 59 B- 2.75
50 54 C+ 2.50
45 49 C 2.25
40 44 D 2.00
Below 40 Fail 0.00

Remarks: Course teacher holds the right to bring any kind of changes in the course policy and outline if it
is necessary

Thank you.


Signature with date: 10/08/2017

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