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Hafiz Abdul Waheed Channa
Department of Basic Sciences & Related Studies,
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology,
[email protected]

Difference b/w Rasool & Nabi,
Need & Necessity of Prophethood,
Characteristics of Prophethood, &
Proves of the Finality of Prophethood.
It is the system or arrangement
through which Almighty Allah
conveyed His Message to the
It is the chain of people who
conveyed Message of Allah to the
The personality through which
Allah conveyed his Message.

The message was ONENESS or 6

towards ONENESS
Importance of Prophethood
It is narrated in the books of Ahadiths, that Almighty Allah
sent down 124,000 (approximately) prophets for the
guidance of humanity and in few books the number is
26 prophets names are mentioned in Holy Quran.
،‫ سلامین‬،‫ زکرای‬،‫ ذوالکفل‬،‫ داؤد‬،‫ الیاس‬،‫ الیسع‬،‫ ایوب‬،‫ اسامعیل‬،‫ ادریس‬،‫ ابراھمی‬،‫آدم‬
،‫ یعقوب‬،‫حییی‬
ٰ ،‫ ھود‬،‫ ھارون‬،‫ نوح‬،‫مویس‬ ٰ ،‫ عزیر‬،‫ صاحل‬،‫شعیب‬
ٰ ،‫ محمد‬،‫عییس‬
‫ احساق‬،‫ لوط‬،‫ یونس‬،‫یوسف‬
6 prophets names are the titles of surahs. 7
Prophethood in Quran
7-‫رعد‬ ‫• َّو ِل ُ ِل‬
‫ک قَ ۡو ٍم َها ٍد‬
Translation: To every nation there is a Guide.
36-‫حنل‬ ‫• َو لَ َقدۡ ب َ َعثۡنَا ِ ِۡف ُ ِ ل‬
‫ک ُا َّم ٍۃ َّر ُس ۡو ًل‬
Translation: And verily, we have sent among every
Ummah (nation, community) a messenger.
24-‫فاطر‬ ‫• َو ِا ۡن ِلم ۡن ُا َّم ٍۃ ِا َّل َخ ََل ِف ۡیہَا ن َ ِذ ۡیر‬
Translation: And there never was a nation but a Warner
has passed among them.
285-‫بقرہ‬ ‫• َل ن ُ َف ل ِر ُق ب َ ۡ َۡ َا َح ٍد ِلم ۡن ُّر ُس ِل ٖہ‬
Translation: We make no distinction between one another
of his messengers .
Difference b/w Rasool and Nabi
‫ رسول‬is from the word ‫ رساله‬which means “Message”
that is why known as messenger or message
conveyer. Ibrahim, Moosa etc.
‫ نبى‬is from the word ‫ نبا‬which means “News” that is
why known as News conveyer or apostle. Idrees,
Yuonus, Loot etc.
Rasool = New Shariah + New Scripture (s)
Nabi = No new Shariah + No Scripture, but they
preach and follow the Shariah of previous or existing
Rasool used to be “one” at a time but Nabi were 9

more than one.

Purpose of Prophethood OR
Need & Necessity of Prophethood
‫ه َُو َّ ِاَّل ۡی ب َ َع َث ِِف ۡ ُال ِلم ٖ ل َۡ َر ُس ۡو ًل ِلم ۡنہ ُۡم ی َ ۡتلُ ۡوا عَلَ ۡیہ ِۡم ٰایٰ ِتہٖ َو یُ َزکِل ۡیہ ِۡم‬
َ ِ ۡ
02-‫َو یُ َع ِل ل ُمهُ ُم ٰت َب َو الحک َۃ مجعه‬
ۡ ‫ک‬ِ ۡ
Reciting to them the verses.
Purifying them (from disbelieve and polytheism)
Teaching them the book(the Quran, Islamic Laws and
Islamic jurisprudence) and Al-Hikma (As-Sunnah: legal 10

ways, orders, acts of worship etc.)

‫‪Purpose of Prophethood‬‬
‫‪Need & Necessity of Prophethood‬‬
‫ه َُو َّ ِاَّل ۡی ب َ َع َث ِِف ۡ ُال ِلم ٖ ل َۡ َر ُس ۡو ًل ِلم ۡنہ ُۡم ی َ ۡتلُ ۡوا عَلَ ۡیہ ِۡم ٰایٰ ِتہٖ َو یُ َزکِل ۡیہ ِۡم‬
‫َو یُ َع ِل ل ُمهُ ُم ۡال ِک ٰت َب َو الۡ ِح ۡکَ َۃ مجعه‪02-‬‬
‫چار مقاصد‪:‬‬
‫ایک‪ :‬اایت قرانیہ اک پڑھنا سکھاان‬
‫دورسے‪ :‬اعامل و اخَلق و عقائد اک تزکیہ کران‬
‫تیرسے‪ :‬قران کرمی ےک معین و مفاھمی اور مطالب مسھجاان‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫چوتےھ‪ :‬رسول ہللا یک سنت یک تعلمی دینا‬

Purpose of Prophethood
Need & Necessity of Prophethood
To tell Humanity about the purpose of life.
To aware the Humanity about the Allah’s Will
and inclination.
To aware humanity about the liking and disliking
of Allah.
To eject people from the slavery of slaves to the
slavery of Allah. 12

To make people successful.

Situations in which Allah sent prophets
1. In an area / community where never ever any
prophet came.
2. To nations / areas where prophets came, they
completed their missions and passed away.
With the passage of time their teachings were
violated, corrupted and became in-applicable
so Allah sent the prophets again and again.
3. For the completion of the mission of the
martyred prophet, prophets were sent.
4. On the request / for the help of a prophet, 13

prophets were sent.

3.Gift of Allah.
4.Worthy of obedience. 14
Characteristics of Prophethood

1.Humanity ‫انسانیت‬
 Who was needy of Guidance ?
 Human  Prophets were also Human or from Humanity

‫ح ِال َ ۡیہِ ۡم‬

ۡۤ ِ ‫ن ُّۡو‬
ً‫ َو َم ۤا َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ِم ۡن قَ ۡب ِل َک ِا َّل ِر َجال‬
Translation: And we sent not before you (as messengers) any 15

but men to whom we revealed (Yusuf-109)

Humanity ‫انسانیت‬
‫َش ِ لمثۡلُ ُ ۡک یُ ۡو ٰۤح ِا َ َّل‬
ٌ َ َ ‫ قُ ۡل ِان َّ َم ۤا َا َان ب‬
Translation: Say (O Muhammad ‫“ )ﷺ‬I am only a
man like you” It has been revealed to me (111‫)کھف‬
Every aspect of prophet’s life is guidance.
How the life of an angel can be the suitable for
human to follow?
Prophets are physically human but their teaching is light.
2. Innocence ‫معصومیت‬
All prophet are innocent. Only prophets are innocent.
They are free from errors, mistake and crime.
Why we fall into mistake and crime?
ٌۡ ‫﴾ ِا ۡن ه َُو ِا َّل َو‬۳﴿‫ َو َما ی َ ۡن ِط ُق َع ِن الۡہ َٰوی‬
﴾۴﴿‫ح ی ُّ ۡو ٰح‬
Translation:He does not speak of (his own) desire. It
is only a Revelation revealed.
3. Gift of Allah
Prophethood is not achievable position.
 Our prophet is last prophet, but before our prophet none was able
to get it through any mean, say meditation, worship and prayers.
It is a gift or bounty of Allah.
(124-‫ َا ٰ ل ُّلل َا ۡع َ َُل َح ۡی ُث َ ۡی َع ُل ِر َسال َ َتہٗ )الانعام‬
 Translation: Allah knows best on whom to place / bestow Prophethood.
ُ ‫ َو ٰ ل‬
(105-‫اّلل َ َۡی َت ُّص ِب َر ۡ َۡح ِتہٖ َم ۡن ی َّ َاَشا ُ ) البقرہ‬
 Translation: Allah chooses for His mercy whom He wills.
Muhammad in Cave Hira, Jesus, Moses ?
4. Worthy of Obedience
Prophethood is worthy of obedience ?
Teaching or way of Prophethood is applicable to the life of
common people
Prophethood is “model to follow”
ِ ‫ َو َم ۤا َا ۡر َسلۡنَا ِم ۡن َّر ُس ۡو ٍل ِا َّل ِل ُی َطا َع ِ ِِب ۡذ ِن‬
64- ‫ہللا ؕ نسا‬
Translation: We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allah’s leave
80- ‫نسا‬ َ ‫ َم ۡن ی ُّ ِطع ِ َّالر ُس ۡو َل فَ َقدۡ َا َطا َع‬
Translation: He who obeys the Messenger , has indeed obeyed Allah 19
of the Finality of
Finality of Prophethood
1. Proved from Quran and Hadith
ِ ‫ َما َاک َن ُم َح َّم ٌد َا َ ِۤب َا َح ٍد ِ لم ۡن ل ِر َجا ِل ُ ۡک َو ٰل ِک ۡن َّر ُس ۡو َل ٰ ل‬
ؕ َِۡ ‫اّلل َو َخا َ َ النَّب ٖ ل‬
Translation: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the
messenger of Allah and the seal of prophets. 40-‫الاحزاب‬
(Last Sermon) ‫اان خا الن لبۡ ل نیب بعدی‬
I am the Last prophet, no prophet after me
158-‫الا عراف‬ ِ ‫قُ ۡل ٰۤ َاییُّہَا النَّ ُاس ِا ِ ل ّۡن َر ُس ۡو ُل ٰ ل‬
‫اّلل ِال َ ۡی ُ ۡک َ ِمج ۡی َعا‬
Translation: Say )O Muhammad ‫“ )ﷺ‬O mankind! Verily, I am sent to 21

you all as messenger of Allah.

1. Proved from Quran and Hadith
‫ َو َم ۤا َا ۡر َسلۡ ٰن َک ِا َّل َاکف َّ ًۃ ِ للنَّ ِاس ب َ ِاَش ۡ ًرا َّو ن َ ِذ ۡی ًرا‬
Translation: And we have sent you (O Muhammad ‫ ) ﷺ‬except
as a giver of glad tiding and a Warner to all mankind. (28-‫)س با‬
‫ َالۡ َی ۡو َم اَ ۡۡکَلۡ ُت لَ ُ ۡک ِدیۡنَ ُ ۡک َو َاتۡ َم ۡم ُت عَلَ ۡی ُ ۡک ِن ۡع َم ِ ِۡ َو َر ِِیۡ ُت لَ ُ ُک ۡ ِال ۡس ََل َم ِدیۡنًا‬
Translation: This day, I have perfected your religion for
you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion. ) 3-‫(املائدہ‬ 22
‫‪1. Proved from Quran and Hadith‬‬
‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫الـ لم ﴿‪ٰ ﴾۱‬ذ ِل َک الک ٰت ُب ل َریۡ َب ف ۡیہِ ہُدًی‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ۡ‬
‫ِ للۡ ُمتَّ ِق ۡ َۡ ﴿‪ِ َّ ﴾۲‬اَّل ۡی َن یُ ۡؤ ِمنُ ۡو َن ِِبلۡ َغ ۡی ِب َو یُ ِق ۡی ُم ۡو َن‬
‫الص ٰلو َۃ َو ِم َّما َر َز ۡق ٰنہُ ۡم یُ ۡن ِف ُق ۡو َن ﴿‪َ ﴾۳‬و َّ ِاَّل ۡی َن‬ ‫َّ‬
‫یُ ۡؤ ِمنُ ۡو َن ِب َم ۤا ُا ۡن ِز َل ِالَ ۡی َک َو َم ۤا ُا ۡن ِز َل ِم ۡن قَ ۡب ِل َک‬
‫َو ِِب ۡ ٰل ِخ َر ِۃ ُہ ۡم یُ ۡو ِقنُ ۡو َن ؕ﴿‪﴾۴‬‬ ‫‪23‬‬
2. Quran is safe from all changes

ِ‫ ِا َّان َ ۡحن ُن نَ َّزلۡنَا ل‬

‫﴾ سورۃ احلجر‬۹﴿‫اَّل ۡک َر َو ِا َّان لَہٗ ل َ ٰح ِف ُظ ۡو َن‬
Translation: Verily, we it is we who have sent down the Zikr

(Quran) surely, we will guard it (from corruption).

3.Life History of
our Prophet )‫(ﷺ‬
is completely
available and
safe 25
4. “To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
‫َولۡ َت ُک ۡن ِ لم ۡن ُ ۡک ُا َّم ٌۃ ی َّدۡ ُع ۡو َن ِا َل الۡ َخ ۡ ِر َو َ ۡای ُم ُر ۡو َن ِِبلۡ َم ۡع ُر ۡو ِف َو ی َ ۡنہَ ۡو َن َع ِن‬
(104-‫الۡ ُم ۡن َک ِر ؕ َو ُاو ٰل ِئ َک ُہ ُم الۡ ُم ۡف ِل ُح ۡو َن ( ٰال معران‬
Translation: let
there arise out of you a group of people inviting all that is good
(Islam), enjoining Al-Maroof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam
orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and all that Islam
Has forbidden) and it is they who are the successful.
‫مںی ےس ایک جامعت اییس ہوّن چاہیئے جو بھَلیئ یک طرف بَلئے اور نیک‬
‫ اور یہی لوگ فَلح و جنات پاےن‬،‫اکموں اکحک کرے اور برے اکموں ےس روےک‬ 26

‫واےل ہںی۔‬
4. “To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
‫کُ ۡن ُ ُۡت َخ ۡ َر ُا َّم ٍۃ ُا ۡخ ِر َج ۡت ِلنَّ ِاس تَ ۡ ُم ُر ۡو َن ِِبلۡ َم ۡع ُر ۡو ِف َو تَ ۡنہَ ۡو َن‬
)110-‫َع ِن الۡ ُم ۡن َک ِر َو ت ُۡؤ ِمنُ ۡو َن ِِب ِلل ( ٰال معران‬
Translation: You
are the best people ever raised up for
mankind, you enjoin Al-Maroof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism
and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbid Al-Munkar
(polytheism and all that Islam Has forbidden), and you

believe in Allah.
4. “To Convey the Message of God”
is the responsibility of every believer
ِ ‫قُ ۡل ٰھ ِذ ٖہ َس ِب ۡی ِ ۤۡل َا ۡد ُع ۤۡوا ِا َل‬
)108-‫ہللا ؕ عَ ٰل ب َ ِص ۡ َر ٍۃ َاانَ َو َم ِن ات َّ َب َع ِ ۡین (یوسف‬
Translation: Say )O Muhammad ‫“ ) ﷺ‬This is my way; I invite to

Allah with true knowledge, I and whosoever follows me

(Also must Invite others to Allah)
Caliph of Allah, Second to prophet and Inherit to Quran.
Which Methodology to be adopted for peaching ?

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