Mod 8 L1 Maxillary 1st Molars
Mod 8 L1 Maxillary 1st Molars
Mod 8 L1 Maxillary 1st Molars
● Have large crowns with four well-formed cusps. ● Root is broader at the base in all
directions and is trifurcated into 3 well-
● Outlines & curvatures of all max molars are similar developed roots.
Maxillary First Molar Maxillary First Molars
● Usually emerge/erupt when child is 6 year old
● Largest tooth in the maxillary arch
– Deciduous teeth are still intact and functioning ● Crown is wider BL than MD (varies)
– Facial bones develop downward and forward, ● Development rarely deviates from accepted normal.
providing sufficient space at age 6 yr. to
accommodate first molar.
● Develops from four lobes; 2 buccal & 2 lingual ● Three well-developed, separated roots
– MB lobe , DB lobe , ML lobe , DL lobe ● (MB, DB, Lingual)
● Lingual root is the longest
-crown is trapezoidal
Lingual root
*longer than MB root but -crown taper distally on the
narrower buccal surface
* extends lingually and is
banana in shaped -BL measurement of
* apex is rounded, however, crown mesially is greater than
it appears more pointed than distally
MB root.
-DMR dips sharply toward
Note: two bifurcation areas are cervix exposing more of the
visible, one more apical than triangular ridges, no tubercles
the other
Max. Left First Molar
Distal Aspect Max. Right First Molar
Distal Aspect
-DLc and DBc are visible
-cusp tips within the confines
of the root trunk
MMR is more occlusal
-crown surface is convex DMR is more cervical,
exposing more of the
triangular ridges
-DB root is narrower than MB
Pits Pits
central pit central pit
mesial pit mesial pit
distal pit distal pit
Max. Right First Molar
Occusal Aspect Maxillary Second Molar
OCCLUSAL ANATOMY ● Supplement max first molar in function
CUSPS ● -shorter than max first molar cervico-
occlusally, narrower mesiodistally
MARGINAL RIDGES ● -DB cusp is not as large or as well-
OBLIQUE RIDGE ● -DL cusp is smaller
● No fifth cusp