Reference Table of Pali Literature
Reference Table of Pali Literature
Reference Table of Pali Literature
Compiled by
Bhikkhu Nyanatusita
Copyright @ Bhikkhu Ñáóatusita, 2008
References and abbreviatons................................................................................................................................6
General abbreviations............................................................................................................................................7
Abbreviations of catalogues and secondary literature ...................................................................................7
Other Literature Consulted ................................................................................................................................10
Variant Titles of Texts..........................................................................................................................................12
Classificatory components of texts......................................................................................................................12
Table of Pá¿i literature..........................................................................................................................................14
Vinaya Manuals, Saògaha..............................................................................................................................15
Unclassified Vinaya texts................................................................................................................................18
Ummagga-játaka and commentaries.......................................................................................................21
Pá¿i commentaries on other individual Játakas.....................................................................................22
Apocryphal Játaka Texts............................................................................................................................22
Semi-canonical Texts.......................................................................................................................................23
Vimutti- and Visuddhimagga........................................................................................................................23
Anthologies from the Suttantas and the commentaries, Paritta, Cosmology, Medicine, and
Unclassified anthologies, etc..........................................................................................................................26
Ánisaísa: Benefits ..........................................................................................................................................27
Bhávaná: Development of Mind...................................................................................................................28
Yogávacara manuals, Esoteric Meditation...................................................................................................28
Nìti Texts............................................................................................................................................................29
Apocryphal Suttantas......................................................................................................................................30
Abhidhamma Manuals....................................................................................................................................33
Supplementary Abhidhamma Treatises......................................................................................................35
Unclassified Abhidhamma.............................................................................................................................35
Unclassified History and Legend..................................................................................................................37
Sávaka-nibbána literature...............................................................................................................................38
Future Buddhas.................................................................................................................................................38
Unclassified Poetry..........................................................................................................................................40
Mantras & Yantras ...........................................................................................................................................43
Moggallána ..................................................................................................................................................45
14 Minor Texts..............................................................................................................................................46
Unclassified Grammars...................................................................................................................................48
Verbal Roots......................................................................................................................................................49
Dictionaries, Lexicons......................................................................................................................................49
Unclassified Metrics........................................................................................................................................50
Sandesa: Messages & Letters..........................................................................................................................51
Bible translated in Pá¿i....................................................................................................................................51
Extinct Commentaries, the Sìhalaþþhakathá, Poráóaþþhakathá................................................................51
This concise reference-table of the Pá¿i literature is primarily intended as an aid for Pá¿i scholars and students. The
references given after a listed text are not exhaustive; there are more catalogues and other works in which the
particular text is listed and described, but providing all references would make the table too large and would require
much more time for research. Further, the amount of catalogues and other secondary literature to which I have had
access has been somewhat limited due to the non-availability of some works in Sri Lanka.
Individual suttantas and játakas, often together with commentaries on them, translations of them, and word-
for-word translations (sannaya) of them are commonly found in manuscript collections. They usually have not been
listed, firstly because they are already part of other collections, and, secondly, because the table would then get too
extensive, however, exception has been made for the Satipaþþhánasutta, Vessantara-játaka, and a few other important
The table is primarily a table of Pá¿i scriptures and, to a lesser degree, of scriptures that contain a large amount
of Pá¿i quotations. Sinhalese word-for-word translations, called sannaya or sann÷, often have been included. They can
be quite old, sometimes as old as the original Pá¿i works, and therefore can be very valuable because of giving variant
readings, providing quotations from the old Sìhala-aþþhakathá (Sinh. Helaþuvá) and other lost Pá¿i texts and sannayas,
providing historical information, etc. A few important works in Sinhalese and in Sanskrit are given, especially the
ones given in the Critical Páli Dictionary (CPD), which are related to a Pá¿i text and can provide valuable information
about it. The Indochinese Pá¿i traditions have their word-for-word-translations and commentaries, called nissaya, in
their own vernaculars. Some of these nissaya have been listed, but there are so many of them that only a selection was
The numerical abbreviation scheme as given in the the CPD Epilegomena has been followed although it has its
drawbacks: there are not enough text classes in this scheme; a few works have been put in the wrong place (e.g.
=; some works listed are not Pá¿i works, but Sinhalese texts (e.g., Amávatura).
Only the data from the Vinaya, Sutta, and Anthology sections (but not the unclassified Vinaya and Anthology)
has been compared with the data from the Lankáve Pusko¿a Pot Námávaliya I and II, after that it only has been
occassionally compared. Some data from the Burmese Piþaka-samuin or Piþakatthamain (Piþ-sm) was entered by a
Burmese bhikkhu into Venerable Mettavihári thera's earlier list and, unless the Ps has been mentioned as a reference
in the CPD Epilegomena or Bode's Páli Literature of Burma, I have not been able to confirm these data as I have no access
to this work.
When referring to the author Chappaþa, the Chappaþa Saddhammajotipála who wrote in the mid 15 th century
is referred to. I follow Godakumbara, who points out in his article “Chapada and Chapada Saddhammajotipáli” that
the Chappaþa who lived in the 12–13th century probably was not an author.
For the Pá¿i works of the Leðì Sayáðo (or Ñáóadhaja) the A Directory of the Buddhist Manual written by Ledi
Sayadaw and Biography of the Venerable Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw has been followed. Most of the Leðì Sayáðo texts
mentioned by Bode in Páli Literature of Burma, pp. 97–99, are not in Pá¿i but in Burmese.
Some spellings have been regularised in the table. Alhough both forms are commonly found in titles of texts,
prefix forms with a single -p- have been consistently used instead of forms with the double -pp-, e.g., -pakaraóa instead
of –ppakaraóa, etc, but for consistency and simplicity the single form has been chosen. The same applies for vy- instead
of by- (e.g. vyákaraóa/byákaraóa), and culla- instead of cú¿a- and cúla-.
It is possible that there are some inaccuracies in this work as its scope is very wide. I offer my excuses if there
are any mistakes.
I would like to express my gratitude to those who have assisted me in various ways with this table, especially,
Ven. Mettavihári for kindly providing a rough index based on the CPD Epilogomena that he prepared; Ven. Ánandajoti
for his valuable suggestions regarding the contents and form; Dr. Jacqueline Filliozat for the many suggestions and
corrections she made especially with regards Southeast Asian Pá¿i literature and also for kindly providing her
invaluable EFEO Data; Dr. Kieffer-Pülz for her help with sorting out the various texts dealing with boundaries and
some other Vinaya texts.
Bhikkhu Nyanatusita
Forest Hermitage
August 2008
General abbreviations
beg: beginning La: Laos
B: Burma/Myanmar m: more (More MSS of this text are in this collection.)
CM: Chiang Mai/Lán2 Ná MS: manuscript
f: and following MSS: manuscripts
ff: and following (plural) S: Siam/Thailand
I: India SI: South-India, Tamil Nadu
Ic: Indochina. (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Siam, Vietnam, C: Ceylon/Sri Lanka
i.e., the wider sense given in the Oxford Dictionary.) ~: identical to the preceding
Kh: Khmer/Cambodia
BMD: Buddhist Monastic Discipline; Jotiya Dhirasekera, Colombo, 1996. (2nd digital ed.)
BnF: Catalogue des Manuscrits Pális des Collections Françaises; Jacqueline Filliozat, Jinadasa Liyanaratne, William Pruitt,
EFEO DATA Filliozat 101. (MS No.)
BL: Paritta manuscripts in Pá¿i in the British Library Oriental & India Office Collections. Jacqueline Filliozat, London, 1994.
ED 103.
BLS: Biography of the Venerable Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw, Aggamahapandita, D.Litt. In Publications folder in
BLSL. “Bodhi Literature in Sri Lanka,” Kiriwaththuduwe Pragnasara, in H.S.S. Nissanka (ed.) Maha Bodhi tree in
Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (New Delhi 1994), pp.169–84.
Bod: Survey of the Páli Manuscript Collection in the Bodleian Library. Jacqueline Filliozat, London, 1994–96. ED 103.
BP: Bodhi Púja. Compiled by K. Seelananda, Penang 2003.
Braun II: Burmese Manuscripts Part II, Braun H., Daw Tin Tin Myint, (VOHD XXIII 2), Stuttgart 1985.
BSL: Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the 17th and 18th Centuries; A.H. Mirando, Dehiwala, 1985.
CAPC: “The Commentaries to the Anágatavaísa in the Páli Manuscripts of the Paris Collections”; Jacqueline
Filliozat, JPTS XIX (1993), pp. 43–63.
CB: Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese Páli Manuscripts; C.E. Godakumbara, Royal Library, Copenhagen, 1983.
CCS: “Chapada and Chapada Saddhammajotipáli”; C.E. Godakumbara, JBRS, LII, I, pp. 1–7, June 1969.
CHL: The Chuang-Hsiung Lu Burmese Manuscript Collection kept in Taipei 1–651, Jacqueline Filliozat, Taipei, 2002. Also in
ED 112. (MS. No.)
CM: Catalogue of Ceylonese Manuscripts; C.E. Godakumbara, the Royal Library, Copenhagen, 1980.
CMA: A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma (Introduction). U Rewata Dhamma and Bhikkhu Bodhi, Kandy, 1999.
CPD: Critical Páli Dictionary, Epilegomena to Vol. I; Helmer Smith, Copenhagen, 1948. The addenda given in later
volumes of CPD and in the Handbook of Páli Literature (H) have also been incorporated.
CS: Chaþþha Saògáyana CD-ROM Version 3.0; Vipassana Research Institute, Dhammagiri, 1999.
CW: A Bibliotheca Sacra Birmanica in Taipei—The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies Manuscript Collection Summary
Catalogue. Jacqueline Filliozat & Peter Nyunt, Taipei, 2000. ED 112. (MS. No.)
DBM: A Directory of the Buddhist Manuals—Written by Ledi Sayádaw Aggamahápaóðita D.Litt. Pesala Bhikkhu.
Dham: Dhammikarama Buddhist Chanting, Burmese Temple, Penang, Malaysia. No date.
Dickson: The Pátimokkha, being the Buddhist Office of the Confession of Priests. J.F. Dickson; Journal of the Royal Asiatic
Society, New Series VIII pp. 62–130, 1876.
ED: EFEO DATA Filliozat. Database for Páli documents, studies and bibliographies of Jacqueline Filliozat. Free CD-
ROM available on request at l'École Française d'Extrème-Orient Library, 22 avenue du Président-
Wilson 75116, Paris, France, or e-mail <[email protected]>.
EP: EFEO Páli. Manuscript shelfmark number given in: Catalogue des Manuscrits en Páli. Bibliothèque de l'École
Française d'Extrème-Orient, Paris. Jacqueline Filliozat, Paris 1986–2003. Published in ED 101. (MS No.)
FEMC: Appendice Intérêt de la collection, textes inconnus ou rares, nouvelles recensions qui pourraient faire l'objet d'editio
princeps ou d'éditions critiques. Jacqueline Filliozat, ED 113. (MS No.)
FPL: Fragile Palm Leaf House Collection, Bankok, Thailand. MS number.
GB: The Great Book of Protective Blessings. Compiled by W. Sarada Thero et al., Singapore, 1999.
H: A Handbook of Páli Literature. Oskar von Hinüber; Berlin 1996. (§)
HP: Handbook of Páli Literature. Somapala Jayawardhana; Colombo, 1994.
ICI: Catalogue des Manuscrits Pális des l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne Paris, Jacqueline Filliozat, Paris, 1988, ED 101.
(MS No.)
ICP: Catalogue de Manuscrits Pális des l'Institute Catholique de Paris, Bibliothèque de Fels, Fonds Grimblot et Feer. Jacqueline
Filliozat, Paris, 1987, ED 101. (MS No.)
IO: Catalogue of Páli Manuscripts in the India Office Library. Jacqueline Filliozat, Paris, 1994, ED 103. (MS No.)
LJ: La guirlande de Joyaux. F. Bizot & O. von Hinüber, Paris 1994.
JPSA: “Játaka and Paññása-játaka in South-East Asia”; Peter Skilling, JPTS XXVIII (2006), pp. 113–173.
JPTS: Journal of the Pali Text Society.
L: Lankáv÷ Pusko¿a Pot Námávaliya I and II. K.D. Somadasa; Colombo, 1959 and 1964.
LCM: Catalogue of Palm Leaf Manuscripts in the Library of the Colombo Museum; W.A. de Silva; Colombo 1938.
LN: “Lán2 Ná as a Centre of Páli Literature”; Oskar von Hinüber, JPTS XXVI (2000), pp. 119–37.
LS: “Lìnatthapakásinì and Sáratthamañjúsá”; Primoz Pecenko, JPTS XXVII (2002), pp. 61–113.
LWA: “The literary works of the Abhayagirivihárins”; K.R. Norman, Collected Papers IV, pp. 211–17.
MA: Les Manuscrits Pális du Musée National des Arts Asiatiques-Guimet Paris. Jacqueline Filliozat, ED 101, Paris, 1986.
(MS No.)
ME: Séminaire des Missions Étrangeres de Paris, Catalogue Descriptif des Manuscrits du Fonds Páli. Jacqueline Filliozat,
EFEO DATA 101, Paris, 1988. (MS No.)
MP: Mahá Paritta; Rewata Dhamma, Birmingham, 1996.
N: Catalogue of the Hugh Nevill Collection of Sinhalese Manuscripts in the British Library, 7 vols.; K.D. Somadasa, London,
1987 - 95. (MS No.)
NA: National Archives Microfilm Collection. National Archives, Colombo. These are entries from the card-index of
the microfilms of manuscripts made by the project sponsored by the Ford Foundation in the 1980s. Most of the
microfilms are now badly damaged due to neglect and are unusable. There are no copies of them.
Náma: Námamálá; Waskaðuwe Subhúti, Colombo, 1965.
Par: Paritta—A Historical and Religious Study of the Buddhist Ceremony for Peace and Prosperity in Sri Lanka; Lily de Silva,
Colombo, 1981.
PCS: Páli Literature Transmitted in Central Siam. Peter Skilling & Santi Pakdeekham; Bangkok 2002. (§)
PGG: “Pali Grammar and Grammarians from Buddhaghosa to Vajirabuddhi—A Survey”; Ole Holten Pind;
Bukkyo Kenkyu (Buddhist Studies) Vol. XXVI, 1997.
PI: “A 15th Century Inscription and Library at Pagan, Burma”; G.H. Luce and Tin Htway, in Malalasekera
Commemoration Volume, Colombo, 1976, pp. 203–56.
PL: Páli Literature; K.R. Norman, Wiesbaden, 1983. (§ and pages.) (“Appendix I” in Norman's Collected Papers V ,
Oxford, 1994, has been consulted.)
PLB: Páli Literature of Burma, Mabel Bode, London, 1909, repr. 1966.
PLC: The Pá¿i Literature of Ceylon. G. P. Malalasekera; Colombo, 1958, repr. 1994.
PoI: Progress of Insight. Mahási Sayadaw, Kandy, 1965.
Ps: Pitakat samuin (Burmese History of the Tipiþaka); Mahasirijeyasú, 19th c.
PS: Pá¿i Sáhityaya; A.P. Buddhadatta, Colombo, 1962.
PSA: Páli Literature of South-east Asia; Ven. Dr. Hammalawa Saddhátissa, Singapore, 1992, repr. 2004.
PSC: Páli Texts Printed in Sri Lanka in Sinhalese Characters; Masahiro Kitsumo, Tokyo, 1997. (§)
PV: Piruváná Pot Vahans÷. Ariyadasa Seneviratna; Colombo, 1995. (An edition of Mahá Pirit Pota. The texts referred to
are found in an appendix that is also found in several other printed editons of the Mahá Pirit Pota.)
RAS: Survey of the Páli Manuscript Collection in the Royal Asiatic Society. Jacqueline Filliozat, Paris 1996, ED 103. (MS
RB: “Review of Bode 1909”; W.B. Bollée, Indo-Iranian Journal 11, 311–18.
RL: “The Rakåá Literature of the Ørávakayána”; Peter Skilling, JPTS XVI (1992), pp. 109–82.
RLL: “Recherches sur la litérature laotienne” L. Finot, BEFEO XIV no. 5, Hanoi, 1914, pp. 42–83.
RPA: “Une recension palie des annales d'Ayuthya; G. Coedès, BEFEO XIV no. 3, Hanoi 1914, pp. 1–31.
SA: Les manuscrits en páli de la Société Asiatique de Paris, Jacqueline Filliozat, Paris 1983, ED 101. (MS No.)
SH: Singhalesische Handschriften Teil I; Heinz Bechert and Maria Bidoli, Wiesbaden, 1969. Singhalesische Handschriften
Teil II; Heinz Bechert, Stuttgart, 1997. (MS No.)
SL: Sinhalese Literature; C.E. Godakumbara, Colombo, 1955.
SLSBT: “A Survey of Literature on the Sacred Bodhi Tree,” Somapala Jayawardhana, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
of Sri Lanka XXXV(1990–91), pp. 23–52.
SPB: “Survey of the Páli manuscript collection in the Bodleian Library”; Jacqueline Filliozat, JPTS XXIV (1998), pp. 1–
SR: Safeguard Recitals; Ánandajoti Bhikkhu, Kandy, 2004.
SSJ: “A Short Study of the Játaka-aþuvá-gätapadaya”; D.E. Hettiarachi. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic
Society, 1944. Vol. xxxvi, Part. I.
STWS: “Sáriputta’s Three Works on the Samantapásádiká”; JPTS XXVIII (2006), pp. 49–59.
SW: “Sáriputta and his works”; Primoz Pecenko, JPTS XXIII (1997), pp. 159–179.
TJM: “Textuality of the Jayamaògala Gáthá and its Liturgical Role in Modern Buddhist Marriage Ceremony”;
Mahinda Deegala, in Buddhist Studies in Honour of Professor Lily de Silva, Peradeniya, 2001, pp. 183–197.
TT: “Theravádin Literature in Tibetan translation”; Peter Skilling, JPTS XIX (1993), pp. 69–201. (§)
UOR: “Un Outil de Référence pour Déchiffrer les Mantras et Yantras dans les Manuscrits en Páli de la Péninsule
Indochinoise”; Jacqueline Filliozat, Bankok, 2003, In STVDIA ASIATICA IV (2003) - V (2004), p. 489–513.
VH: Selected Manuscripts in the Library of Vat Hong Ratanaram Rajavaravihan, Thonburi. A Summary Catalogue.
Jacqueline Filliozat & Yohei Shimizu, 2004, ED 115. (MS No.)
VP: The Páli Manuscript Collection kept in the Vat Phra Jetuphon Vimol Mangklaram (Vat Po), Jacqueline Filliozat,
Bangkok, 2002–2003. In ED 108. (MS No.)
Vs: Vesaturu-dá-sann÷; D.E. Hettiarachi, Colombo, 1950.
W: “Some Problems of the later Páli Literature”; A.K. Warder, JPTS XI (1987), pp. 198–207.
Wms: “A Survey of the Burmese and Siamese Páli Manuscript Collection in the Wellcome Institute”; Jaqueline
Filliozat, JPTS XIX (1993), pp. 1–41. (MS No.)
Sìmásaòkaravinodanì-sannaya PSC 8, L.
1.5.4 Sìmáv Sìmá-viváda-vinicchaya-kathá, Sìmá-vinicchaya (B, Ñeyyadhamma H 339, PL 172, CB 86, PSC 8, BMD p.
Saògharája, 1858.) (Letter to Amarapura Nikáya in C.) 175, L.
Sìmá-vinicchaya-sannaya (A sannaya on 1.5.4.?) L, PSC 8.
Sìmávinicchaya, Sìmávinicchaya-gaóþha (?, Mahádhammapálathera, ?. ICI 2.
Siamese Khom MS.)
Sìmá-saòkara-vinicchaya (CM, Ñáóakitti, 15th c.) PSA 62, PCS 1.53, L.
Sìmá-visodhanì (B, Ságarabuddhi, 16th c.) PCS 1.50, PSC 8, CS, L.
1.5.5 Sìmá-nayadappana (C, Dhammalaòkára, 1882. Describes one side of the case PCS 1.48, PSC 13, BMD p. 176 and n.
judged in 1.5.4.) 880.
1.5.6 Sìmá-lakkhaóadìpanì (C, Vimalasára, 1881. Describes the other side of the case PL 172, PLC 311, PSC 11, BMD p. 176
judged in 1.5.4.) and n. 880, L.
Sìmá-bandhanì, Sìmá-bandhana (Vácissara, 13th c.) (Identical with 1.5.1?) Ps 275, L.
Sìmábandhanì-þìká. (15th c) (Identical with 1.5.1,1?) PLB 39, fn. 1.
Sìmábandhana-kathá (B, Ñáóábhivaísa Saògharája, 19th c.) De Zoysa 13.
Sìmábandhanaya (Sinhalese version of aforementioned?) L.
Vinayalakkhaóa-vinicchaya-dìpaka, Vinayalakkhaóa-dìpaka, Sìmá-vicáraóa PCS 1.49, L, (cf. BMD 175.)
(= Thai title). (S, letter (sandesa) from Siam to L. Dhìrananda in C by Ráma IV
as bhikkhu, 1844.)
Sìmá-viváda (Message sent to Siam.) L.
Sìmásaòkara-vádaya (C, L. Dhìránanda, 19th c.) N 6603(216), PSC 8, 11, L.
Saòkara-vinicchaya (Ganegodäla-vihára, C, 1855) LCM 48.
Sìmá-vivaraóaya PSC 8.
Sìmá-kammaváca N 6600(126)ii, L.
Visuígámasìmá-vinicchaya (B, Visuddhácára, 1899.) PLB 97.
Udakukkhepa-sìmávinicchaya (Colombo, C, K. Indagutta, 1949) (Pá¿i with
Sinhalese, 12 p.)
Unclassified Vinaya texts
Ápatti-vinicchaya (B, Paññasámi, mid 19th c.) PLB 93.
Sìlávaha-aþþhakathá Ps.
Párisuddhi-vinaya PCS 1.20.
Satarapratyavekåá LCM 43.
Pratyavekåa-Kándaya LCM 59.
Pasvisi-avaháraya LCM 44–45.
Uposatha-vinicchaya (B, Paññasámi, mid 19th c.) PLB 44, 93.
Sikha-karanìya LCM 62, L.
Sikkhápada-uddánaya (-pá¿i, -gáthá) L.
Sikkhápada-samúhana L.
Catu-sámaóera-vatthu (Amarapura, B, Ñáóa/Ñáóabhivaísa, 18–19 c.) th
PLB 78.
Katikávata, Parákramabáhu-katikávata (Sinh.) (C, 12 c.) SH 321, PLC 213f, LCM 1298.
Suddhanta-parivása (Saòghádisesá procedures) PSA 90, LCM 1506f
Terasakhandha-þìká (C, Sáriputta.) Ps.
Vatta-vinicchaya PCS 1.33, VP.
Vinaya-kkhandhaka-niddesa PCS 1.34, VP.
Vinaya-dhara-sikkhápada PCS 1.37, VP.
Viváda-vinicchaya (B, Paññasámi thera, mid 19 c. Nissaya?) PLB 93, CW Burm 26.
Nipuóa-saògaha, Nipuóóa-saògaha, Nipuóóa-pada-saògaha PCS 1.17, VP, Ps.
th th
Anápatti-dìpanì (C, Pañcapabbata-vihára thera, 14 or 15 c.) PC 247, PCS 1.2, PSC 10, LCM 49.
Kammákamma-vinicchaya (-kathá). PCS 1.7, L.
Culla-kaþhina-mahá-kaþhina-kathá PCS 2.96.2, VP 4/151, (VH 234.20).
Kaþhinatthára-aþþhamátiká-pañcánisaísa-sannaya, Kaþhina-vibhágaya N 6600(133).
Kaþhina-dìpanì (B, Vimalácára, 1820.) CB 85f.
Kaþhina-vinicchaya (B. Nissaya) CW 104.
Adhikamása-vinicchaya (CM, 15 c.) LN 121.
Dhammagárava-dìpanì (C, M. Medhánanda, 1909) PC 312f, PSC 14.
Gáravagárava-vinicchaya (B, Leðì Sayáðo, 19–20 c.) th
PSC 14, DBM 10.
Sammohanásióì (C, K. Upasena, 1911) PC 313, PSC 14.
Sádhujanapasádanì (C, A. Devánanda, 1909) PSC 14.
Dhammasamúha, Dhammaguóa, Dhammaguóasaívaóóaná (Ic?) PCS 1.15, VP 1/38m, EP 75.31, VH.
Da¿hìkamma-vinicchayo (C, A. Devánanda, 1930) PSC 14.
Da¿hìkamma-upasampadá-kathá (C, A. Devánanda, 1930) PSC 14.
Da¿hìkammma-dìpanì (B. Leðì Sayadáw, 19–20th c.) DBM 14.
Dinacariyá, Dinacáritta-saògaha LCM 984f, N 6599(37) viii, 6601(22)v.
Dhútaògavinicchaya (B?) CW Burm 80.
Sìluddesapáþha (Recited after pátimokkha.) BC 120.
Sugata-vidattha-vidhánaya (C, A. Sìlakkhandha, 1894) PSC 14.
Dasa-sìla-gáthá, Bála-sikkhá, Sámaóera-sikkhá (C, ?) (Pá¿i, 48 gáthás.) N 6603(205).
Dasa-sikkhá-[pada]-vivaraóa-pañhá-gáthá (S?) VP 1/38.
Sámaóera-sikkhá (S.) BC 22–23.
Ovádánusásana (S, requested by Vanaratana Saògharája, ± 1720.) (Instructions PSA 90, BnF 403.
for novices and new monks. = Thai-Páli Nissaya.)
Cátu-párisuddha-sìla (S ?) PSA 89f.
Mahá-vipáka (Ic. Thai-Páli) PSA 90, 121, BnF 405, VH 243m.
Voháratthabheda (B, Paññasámi thera, mid 19th c.) PLB 93.
Saísaya-vibhedanì (B?, Sásanavaraghosa thera.) CW Burm 80.
Surávinicchaya (Taungu, B, Maháparakkama, 16th c.) PLB 46.
Surávinicchaya (B, Ñáóavara, 18th c.) PLB 67.
Sutta-piþaka H II.2, PL 3.
2.1 D Dìgha-nikáya, Dìrghágama H 52ff, PL 3.1, PCS 2.81, HP 51f, CM
7f, LCM 68, BnF 46m, CS.
2.1.1 Sv (D-a) Sumaògalavilásinì, Dìgha-nikáya-aþþhakathá (C, Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) H 226–44, PCS 2.248, HP 151f, CM 9ff,
LCM 88, EP 12, BnF 52m, CS.
2.1.11 Sv-pþ (D- Lìnattha-pakásinì (-puráóaþìká) I, Digha-nikáya-þìká (C, Dhammapála, 6th c.) H 358, PL 149, PCS 2.186, HP 52, PSC
pþ) p. 60, CS.
2.1.12 Sv-þ (D-þ) Sáratthamañjúsá I (C, Sáriputta, 12th c. Although H and HP state that this work LS 105, H 376, PLC 192f/ 324.
is extinct, it is extant see LS.)
2.1.13 Sv-nþ (D- Sádhujanavilásinì (-navaþìká), Sìlakkhandhavagga-abhinava- þìká. H 382, PLB 78, PCS 2.229, LS 70ff, Ps.
nþ) (Amarapura, B, Ñáóa/Ñáóábhivaísa, 18–19th c.)
2.2 M Majjhima-nikáya H 63f, PL 3.2, PCS 2.150, HP 83f, CM
12f, LCM 69, BnF 60m, CS.
2.2.1 Ps (M-a) Papañcasúdanì, Majjhimanikáya-aþþhakathá. (C, Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) H 226ff, LCM 89, PCS 2.109, HP 110f,
CM 16f, EP 17, BnF 67m, CS.
2.2.11 Ps-pþ (M- Majjhimanikáya-þìká, Lìnatthapakásinì II, Lìnatthavaóóaná (SI, Dhammapála, H 358, PCS 2.187, HP 192, LCM 108f,
pþ) 6th c.) CB 88f, CS, Ps.
2.2.12 Ps-þ (M-þ) Sáratthamañjúsá II (C, Sáriputta, 12th c. Although H and HP state that this LS 105, H 376, PLC 192–3/324, HP 199,
work is extinct, it is extant; see LS.) LCM 108.
2.3 S Saíyutta-nikáya H 69ff, PL 3.3, LCM 70f, CM 17ff, N
6599(40), PCS 2.253, BnF 71m, CS.
2.3.1 Spk (S-a) Sáratthapakásinì, Saíyutta-nikáya-aþþhakathá (C, Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) H 226–241, PCS 2.230, HP 143, EP 149,
LCM 90, BnF 73m, CS.
Sáratthapakásinì-saòkhepa PCS 2.230.
2.3.11 Spk-pþ (S- Lìnatthapakásinì III, Saíyutta-þìká (SI, Dhammapála, 6th c.) H 358, PCS 2.188, HP 198, LCM 110,
pþ) CS, Ps.
2.3.12 Spk-þ (S-þ) Sáratthamañjúsá III (C, Sáriputta, 12th c. Although H and HP state that this LS 105, H 376, PLC 192–3/324, LCM
work is extinct, it is extant; see LS.) 111, CPD.
2.4 A Anguttara-nikáya, Aòguttara-saògiya, Aòguttarágama H 76ff, PL 3.4, PCS 2.1, HP 11f, CB 7,
CM 22f, LCM 73, BnF 77f, CS, L.
2.4.1 Mp (A-a) Manorathapúraóì, Aòguttara-nikáya-aþþhakathá (C, Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) H 226ff, PCS 2.155, HP 89, CM 24ff,
LCM 92, BnF 87f, CS, L.
2.4.11 Mp-pþ (A- Puráóaþìká I, II, III. (SI, Dhammapála, 6th c. Although HP states in PLC 324 LS 105, Ps, PLC 324.
pþ) that this work is extinct, it is extant; see LS.)
2.4.12 Mp-þ (A-þ) Sáratthamañjúsá (IV), Aòguttara-nikáya-þìká (C, Sáriputta, 12th c.) H 376, HP 199, PLC 192f/324, LCM
111, SW, PSC p. 60, CS.
Aòguttara-anuttánadìpaná-gaóþhi PCS 2.3, VH 244.
2.5.1 Khp Khuddakapáþha H 86f, PL 3.5.1, PCS 2.35, HP 73f, LCM
74, 1697, BnF 91f, CS. Pj I Paramatthajotiká I, Khuddakapáþhaþþhakathá, Khuddakapáþha-vaóóaná (C, H 252–4, PL 129, PCS 2.110, HP 74,
Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) LCM 93, 1698, BnF 92m. Khp-þ Paramatthasúdanì, Khuddakapátha-þìká (? Ádiccavaísa) Ps.
2.5.2 Dhp Dhammapada (-pá¿i, -gáthá), Dampiyá H 88ff, PL 3.5.2, PCS 2.89, LCM 75f,
389, 1698, CB 76, CM 27f, N 6599(34 &
38) , BnF 91, CS, L. Dhp-sn Dhammapada-puráóasannaya (? 13th c.) Vs 86, SL 26, L.
Dampiyá-sannaya, Dhammapada-sannaya, Dhampiyá-gáthártha (C, 10th c.) N 6600(49)f, LCM 396, SH 51, Vs 72.
Dhammapada-sann÷ 2 N6600(52).
Dampiyá-gáthá-sannaya, Dampiyáva D 394. Dhp-a Dhammapada-aþþhakathá, Dhammapadatthavaóóaná (C, ? Buddhaghosa, 5th H 261, PL 127f, PCS 2.90, HP 47f, LCM
c.) 94, SH 52, CM 28f, EP, BnF, ME, CS, L. Dhp-þ Dhammapadattha-dìpanì (B) Ps, CPD. Dhp-nþ Dhammapadattha-navaþìká (B, Varasambodhi, 1866.) H 261, RB, Ps. Dhp-a- Dampiyá-atuvá-gätapadaya, Dampiyá-atuvá-sannaya (C, Kassapa Rája, 10th c.) LCM 395, HP 47, H 261.
gp Rt Saddharma-ratnávaliya (C, Dhammasena, 13th c. = Sinh. Based on Dhp-a.) N 6603(78), PLC 97f, H 269, HP 47, SL
81f, SH 98. Dhp-a-y Dhammapada-aþþhakathá-gáthá-yojaná (? S, Siri Sumaògala) H 262.
Dhammapada-gáthá-vivaraóa, Dhammapada-vivaraóa (?, Beg: Namatthu PCS 2.199, BnF 121.
mahámohatamonadde loke...)
Dhammapada-gaóþhi (Before 1442.) PCS 2.38, PLB 106.
Dhammapadaþþhakathá-nissaya (B.) CB 92, CW.
2.5.3 Ud Udána (-pá¿i) H 91, PL 3.5.3, PCS 2,26, HP 165f, LCM
1700, BnF 91, CS. Ud-a Paramatthadìpanì I, Udána-aþþhakathá, Vimalavilásinì (C, Dhammapála, 6th c.) H 273, 277, PL 134, PCS 2.112, HP 166,
PLC 114 (+ n 4), LCM 95, CS. Ud-þ Udána-þìká (Extinct text?) Ps.
2.5.4 It Itivuttaka (-pá¿i) H 92f, PL 3.5.4, PCS 2.24, HP 56f, LCM
78, 1700, BnF 91m, CS. It-a Paramatthadìpanì II, Itivuttaka-aþþhakathá, Vimala-vilásinì (C, Dhammapála, H 273, 277, PL 134, PCS 2,112, HP 58,
6th c.) PLC 114 (+ n 4), LCM 96, BnF 122, CS. It-þ Itivuttaka-þìká (Extant text?) Ps.
2.5.5 Sn Suttanipáta (-pá¿i) H 94f, PL 3.5.5, PCS 2.245, HP 152f,
LCM 78, 1701, BnF 123m, CS. Pj II Paramatthajotiká II, Suttanipáta-aþþhakathá (C, Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) H 255f, PL 129, PCS 2.111, HP 156, N
6601(56), LCM 97, BnF 126m, CS. Sn-þ Paramatthajotiká-dìpanì, Suttanipáta-þìká (C) H 255, Ps.
Sútranipáta-puráóa-vyákhyá, ~sannaya, ~padártha, Sútra-sannaya (C, 12–13th N 6600(140), Vs 86, SL 25f, L.
c. Partly published old sann÷ of a part of Sn and Pj.)
2.5.6 Vv Vimánavatthu, (-pá¿i, -gáthá, -pakaraóa) H 100f, PL 3.5.6, PCS 2.198, HP 174,
LCM 81, 1702, BnF 123.2, CS, L. Vv-a Paramatthadìpanì III, Vimánavatthu-aþþhakathá, ~vaóóaná, Vimala-vilásinì H 273, 280, PCS 2.118, HP 174, PLC
(SI, Dhammapála, 6th c.) 114 (+ n. 4), LCM 98, BnF 128, Bod, CS,
L. Vv-t ?? Vimánavatthu-þìká Ps, L2. Vv-pk ?? E¿u-Vimánavastu-prakaraóaya (Sinhala & Pá¿i) (C, G. Ratanapála, 1770.) SH 55, BC 105, BnF 127, L.
Vimánavatthu-sannaya L.
2.5.7 Pv Petavatthu (-pá¿i, -gáthá) H 100f, PL 3.5.7, PCS 2,132, HP 118,
LCM 82, BnF 123m, CS, L.
2 .5.7 Pv-a Paramatthadìpanì IV, Petavatthu-aþþhakathá, Petavatthu-vaóóaná, Vimala- H 273, 280f, PL 134f, CB 42, PCS 2.117,
vilásinì (SI, Dhammapála, 6th c.) HP 119, PLC 114, BnF 130m, LCM 99,
Petavatthu-[saòkhepa]-vaóóaná (C? Abridged version of 2.5.7.) BnF 129.
Petavatthu-saòkhepa-pakaraóa, Petavatthu (Ic. Apocryphal story?) PCS 2.93, BnF 256, VP 4/152, EP 75.37.
2.5.7 Pv-þ Petavatthu-þìká (Extinct text?) Ps.
Petavatthu-sannaya L.
2.5.8 Th Thera-gáthá (-pá¿i) H 103–7, PL 3.5.8, PCS 2.74, HP 160f,
LCM 1704, BnF 91, CS, L. Th-a Paramatthadìpanì V, Theragátha-aþþhakathá (SI, Dhammapála, 6th c.) H 273, 283f, PL 134f, HP 161, PCS
2.115, LCM 100, CM 31f, N 6601(80),
BnF 290ff, VH, CS. Th-þ Theragáthá þìká (Extinct text?) Ps.
2.5.9 Thì Theri-gáthá, Theri-pá¿i H 103f, PL 3.5.9, PCS 2.75, HP 162,
LCM 1705, BnF 91, VH, CS, L. Thì-a Paramatthadìpanì VI, Therìgátha-aþþhakathá (SI, Dhammapála, 6th c.) H 273, 283f, PL 134f, PCS 2.116, HP
162f, CS, L. Thì-þ Theri-gáthá-þìká (Extinct text?) Ps.
2.5.10 J Játaka-pá¿i, Játaka-gáthá HP 59, LCM 83, BnF 135f, CS, L. J-sn Játaka-gáthá-sannaya (On first 448 verses.) (C, Rájamurári, ? 13th c.) SSJ, Vs 101, L. Ja Játaka-aþþhakathá, Játakatthavaóóaná, Játaka-vaóóaná (C, ? Buddhaghosa, 5th H 260f, PL 3.5.10 & p. 128f, PCS 2.53,
c.) HP 59f, PLC 117ff, CB 8m, BnF, CM
33f, LCM 83m, N 6603(75), Vs 97ff, CS,
JPTS XXVIII (2006), 113–73. Ja-pþ Lìnatthappakásinì, Játaka-þìká, Játakaþþhakathá-puráóa-þìká (C, ? H 260f, 359, PL 150, PLC 114, PCS
Dhammapála, ? 6th c.) 2.189, Vs 109f, ME 30, FPL 2248, ED
403, Ps. Ja-þ Asammoha-vilásinì CPD.
Játaka-visodhana (Ava, B, Ariyavaísa, 15th c.) PLB 43. Ja-gp Játaka-aþuvá-gäþapadaya, Játakaþþhakathá-gaóþhi-padatthavaóóaná, Játaka- H 260, HP 62, SSJ, N 6609(11), PLC
gaóþhi-padaya (C, ?, 13th c. ?) 124, 126f, LCM 456, Vs 101, L.
Játaka-aþþhakathá-sannaya L.
Játaka-gaóþhi (Before 1442) PLB 106. Ja-pot Pansiyapanas Játaka-pota, Játaka-pot-vahanse, Sinhala Játaka Atuváva N 6603(75), PLC 127, 233, HP 63, LCM
(Sinhalese trans. of Ja by Parákramabáhu IV, 14th c.) 457, Vs 100, L.
Játaka-pújapotraya L.
Aþþha-játaka N 6603(75)
Aþa-dá-sann÷, Aþþha-játaka-sannaya (C, ? 12th c.) (Old sann÷ on the Aþþha- SSJ, Vs 101f, N 6603(75), D 419, L.
Dasa-játaka (S. Compilation of ten játakas found in Thailand and Laos.) PSA 30, N 6603(5).
Dasa-játaka (Sinhala translation.) Vs 101.
Játaka-paþuna (Index-list of titles in Ja.) (C, early 14th c.) N 6603(100).
Dema¿a-játaka-gätapadaya (Extinct Tamil sannaya quoted in the 15th c. Vs 72, 103.
Nidána-kathá, Játatthakì-nidána (Introduction to Játaka, consisting of 3 [or 4] H 111, PCS 2.87, PL 78f, HP 63, BnF
sections: [Sumedhakathá], Dúre-nidána, Avidúre- nidána, Santike-nidána.) 648, VP 4/141, ED 403, L.
(2.5.10,5 Jtn: Játatthakì-nidána, is identical with this text.)
Sumedha-kathá (-gáthá) (Ava, B, Sìlavaísa, 15th c.) (Poetical version of PLB 43.
Sumedha-kathá of the Dúre-nidána.)
Samoha-nidána (S. Compilation of Játakas.) BnF 627.
Ves-ja Vesantara-játaka (-pá¿i), Vessantara~, Mahávessantara~ (= HP 550.) Vs 98, PL 3.5.10, BnF 203m, VP, ME, L.
Vessantara-játaka-gáthá, Mahávessantara-gáthá CB 14, SPB 32, BnF 204f, VH 253, ME.
Vesantará-gìti (? B.) CS.
Vesantara-játakaya (Sinhalese translation.) Cf N 6599(24)I, 6603(194), LCM 596–
623, SH 66, 227.
Vessantara-játaka-kávyaya (Sinhalese verse.) SL 173, N 6603(192), SH 228f, LCM
Ves-a Vesantara-játaka-aþþhakathá, Mahá-vessantara-játaka (? S, ?, 1351) PCS 2.9, PSA 99, BnF 206, 418f.
Ves-sn Vesataru-dá-gäþapadaya, Vesaturu-dá-sann÷, Vesantara- játaka-gáthá-sann÷, SSJ & Vs, N 6600(112.), LCM 625, 627–
Vesaturu-gáthá-padárthaya, Vesantara-játaka-atthavaóóaná (C, 12th c.?) 8.
Lìnatthappakásinì-mahávessantara-játaka-þìká, Vessantara-játaka-þìká, Vs 109f, LCM 626, N 6599(28–9), VP.
Vesantara-játaka-lìnattha- ppakásanì. (Part of Ja-pþ.)
Gantha-sára-cintá PCS 2.36. Vess- Vessantara-játaka-dìpanì, Vessantara-dìpanì, Mahá-vessantara-dìpanì (CM, H 390, PSA 21, 62f, PCS 2.84, CB 15f,
dìp Siri Maògala, 1517) VP, VH, EP 48, 56.
Vessantara-játaka-vivaraóa, Mahájátaka-vivaraóa PCS 2.200, BnF 813, VP.
Sakábhimata PCS 2.206.
Vessantara-játaka-nissaya (Pá¿i-Burm, Pá¿i-Thai.) SPB 36, 65, BnF 205m.
Ummagga-játaka and commentaries
Ummagga-játaka, Mahá-ummagga~, Mahosatha~, Mahásatha~ (Ja 446.) BnF 173m, ME 31.14, L.
Mahosadha-játaka-vivaraóa, Ummagga-játaka-vivaraóa (Ic.) CB 13.
Umaí-dá-gäþapadaya, Ummagga-játaka-gäþapadaya (Before 15th c.) (C. Vs 72, 104.
Ummagga-játakaya, ~puráóa-piþapata Vs 101, LCM 578ff, L.
Ummagga-játaka-sannaya L.
Ummagga-játakaya (Siíhala), Umaídáva & Umandá Kavi (Sinh. verse SL 173f, LCM 577ff, L.
Ummaggajátaka-nissaya (Pá¿i-Burm, Pá¿i-Thai.) SPB 53, BnF 414f, Bod.
Pá¿i commentaries on other individual Játakas
Nárada-játaka-vivaraóa, Mahánáradakassapa-gáthá- vaóóaná (Ic.) (On Ja 544.) CB 13.
Apocryphal Játaka Texts
2.5.10 Sj-ja Sivijaya-játaka, Sìvijaya-játaka (Ic.) H 431, PSA 99, PCS 2.238, BnF 328, ED
403, EP 18, VP 4/154, BnF 328m, VH.
Sivirájánámavatthu ME 31.6.
2.5.10,4 Smn Sotatthakì-mahánidána(-nidána, -pakaraóa, -þìká), Sodattakì, Sotattagì, PCS 2.252, PSA 123PLB 104, VP4/122,
Sodattakì (C, Culla-Buddhaghosa, pre 1442 see PI and SL 91.) FPL 2248, ED 403, PI.
Sampióðita-mahánidána, Sampióði-mahánidánaya, Mahá-sampióðita-nidána, H 432f, PSA 86f, PCS 2.223, LCM 1452,
VP4/122, PSC 75, BnF 623f.
2.5.10,5 Jtn Játatthakì-nidána = Nidánakathá (See Játaka section above.) H 434, FPL 2248, PLB 104, EP 403, PI.
Paññása-ja Paññása-játaka, Zimmè/Chiengmai Paóóása, Lokipaóóása-játaka (CM, PL 177f, PSA 30, 98f, 109ff, PCS 2.102,
Sámaóera ?, 15–16th c.) (3 recensions: B, C, S.) BnF 324m, EP 54, 60 m, VP, ANL, ED
509, JPSA.
Cakkhánavutti-játaka, Cakkhánavuttipápa-sutta (La ?) PSA 118f, ED 403.
Gandhagháþaka-játaka (La ?) PSA 117, ED 403.
Nandakumára-játaka, Candakumára~ (= Khaóðahála-játaka, J 542.) PSA 109f, BnF 189f.
Pácittakumára-játaka, Arabhimba-játaka EP 31, VP 4/154.
Supinakumára-játaka ME 31.13.
Bálasaòkhyá-játaka, Varavaísa~ (S or La) PSA 114, ED 403.
Mahákappinarája-játaka, Mahákappina-vaóóaná, Mahákappina-therá (? S) EP 75.30, VP 4/141.
= Mahákappina-dhaja-súþra (? S)? PCS 2.159.
Múlakitti-játaka (La ?) PSA 118, ED 403.
Lokaneyya, Dhanañjaya-játaka, Lokavinaya See: 2.10.5 Loka-n
Lohagoóa-játaka (La ?) PSA 117, ED 403.
Vijádhára-játaka, Vijjñadhamma~ (Kh.) PSA 99, BnF 211, ED 403.
Sìla-játaka, Sìlavimaísaka~, Sìlavanága~ (Kh.) PSA 99, BnF 212f, VP 4/150.
Sirisára-játaka (S?) ME 42.3, VP 4/151.5.
Sìso-játaka (S?) VP 4/154.
Sudattayaññakamma-nidánánisaísa (S? Part of Paramattamaògala.) VP 4/150.
Suddhakamma-játaka, ~vaóóaná, Sudukamma~ (Kh.) PSA 99, BnF 412.
Suvaóóa-jìvha-játaka (La.) PSA 115.
Suvaóóa-megha-játaka (La.) PSA 115, ED 403.
Suvaóóa-haísa-játaka (La.) PSA 116, ED 403.
Súkara-játaka (S?) PCS p. 165, VP 4/147.
Sutta-niddesa, Niddesa H 116, PL 3.5.11, LCM 1707, BnF 837.
2.5.111 Nidd I Mahá-niddesa (-pá¿i) H 116f, PL 3.5.11, PCS 2.162, LCM 84,
BnF 214, CS.
2.5.112 Nidd II Culla-niddesa (-pá¿i) H 116f, PL 3.5.11, PCS 2.49, LCM 85,
CS. Nidd-a Saddhamma-pajotiká, Saddhamma-jotiká, Niddesa-aþþhakathá, Mahá- H 287f, PL 133, PCS 2.216, HP 128, 132,
I-II niddesa-aþþhakathá, Culla-niddesa-aþþhakathá, Saddhamma-þþhitiká (C, PLC 117, 322, LCM 102, BnF 781, CS,
Upasena, ? 6th or 9th c.) VP, L. Nidd-þ Mahá-niddesa-þìká (Extinct text?) Ps.
2.5.12 Paþis Paþisambhidámagga, Paþisambhidá-pakararaóa H 119f, PL 3.5.12, PCS 2,104, HP 115f,
LCM 1708, BnF 215, CS. Paþis-a Saddhamma-pakásinì, Paþisambhidámagga-aþþhakathá (C, Mahánáma, 499 or H 291ff, PL 132, PCS 2.217, HP 128f,
559.) LCM 103f, CS. Paþis- Paþisambhidámagga-gaóþhi-padatthavaóóaná, Paþisambhidámagga- PLB 104, Ps.
gp gaóþhipada, Lìnattha-dìpana. (C, Mahábhidhána thera.) PCS 2.39, L.
Lìnattha-dìpaóì, Saddhamma-pakásinì-þìká (C, Vácissara. Extinct text or HP 189, PLC 217, VP 3/93.
identical with the previous?)
2.5.13 Ap Apadána, Thera-therì-apadána (-pá¿ì) H 121f, PL 3.5.13, PCS 2.13, HP 13ff, L,
SH 69, LCM 1709, EP 46, BnF 216, CS. Ap-a Visuddhajana-vilásinì, Apadána-aþþhakathá (? SE-Asia, ?, late.) H 302, PL 146f, PCS 2.201, HP 179f, SH
70, CB 8, EP 47, CS, CW, VP, VH, L. Th-Ap- Thera-apadána-þìká CPD.
2.5.14 Bv Buddhavaísa (-pá¿i) H 124f, PL 3.5.14, PCS 2.142, HP 34,
LCM 86, BnF 123m, CS. Bv-a Madhurattha-vilásinì, Madhurattha-pakásinì, Buddhavaísa-aþþhakathá (?, H 298ff, PL 145f, PCS 2.152, HP 76,
Buddhadatta, 5th c.) PLC 109, N 6601(96), LCM 650m, BnF
131m, VH, CS, L. Bv-þ Buddhavaísa-þìká (C) CPD.
Buddhavaísa-játakaya, Buddhavaísa-gáthá, Buddhavaísa-sannaya L.
2.5.14 Cp Cariyápiþaka (-pá¿i), Buddhápadána H 126f, PL 3.5.15, PCS 2.46, HP 36,
LCM 87, 1711, BnF 124, PSA 107, CS,
L. Cp-a Paramatthadìpanì VII, Cariyápiþaka-aþþhakathá, Vimala-vilásinì (SI, H 273, 285, PL 134ff, PCS 2.113, HP 36,
Dhammapála, 6th c.) PLC 114 (+ n. 4), LCM 105, CS, L. Cp-þ Cariyápiþaka-þìká Ps.
Semi-canonical Texts H III, PL III.
2.6 Mil Milindapañhá, Milindapaóhá (Title is plural: see Mil 419: … milindapañhá H 172ff, PL 110ff, PCS. 2.176, HP 93f,
samattá … tisatapañhá honti, sabbáva milindapañhá ti saòkhaí gacchanti.) BnF 359f, LCM 1154, SH 237, CM 49,
PLB 4, ME, CS.
Milindapañha-saòkhepa PCS 2.175, VP 4/126.
Milindapañha-gaóþhipada N 6609(19), SH 237.
2.6.1 Mil-þ Madhurattha-pakásinì, Milindapañha-þìká, Milinda-pañha-vivaraóa (CM ?, H 172m, PL 150, PSA 100f, HP 75, PCS
Mahátipiþaka Cú¿ábhaya or Cullavimalabuddhi, 1474) 2.151, SH 237, VP 4/126, CB 49, EP 58,
Milindapañha-aþþhakathá (B, Thatõn Mingun Zetawun Sayáðo/Ú Nárada RB, EP 58.
Jetavana, 1949.)
2.6.01 Hìnat Sri Saddharmádásaya, Dharmádásaya, Milindapraønaya (Pá¿i-Sinh.) (C, PC 284, LCM 1155f, N 6603(79), BSL
Sumaògala, 1777–8.) 104f.
2.7.1 Peþ Peþakopadesa (I, Kaccáyana, ? B.C.) H 167ff, PL 108f, PCS 2.131,LCM 1802,
HP 117, PLB 5, N 6601(38), BnF 357,
VP 4/131, CS.
2.7.2 Nett Netti, Neti, Nettipakaraóa (-pá¿i). (I, Kaccáyana, ? B.C.) H 158ff, PL 108f, PCS 4.75, LCM 1801,
PLB 5, BnF 357m, CS, L. Nettipakaraóa-gaóþhi CPD. Nett-a Netti-aþþhakathá, Nettipakaraóa-aþþhakathá, Nettipakaraóatthasaívaóóaná (? H 362, PL 133ff, 149, PCS 4.3, HP 100,
SI, ? Dhammapála, ? 6th or 10th c.) N 6608(37), LCM 1231, BnF 720m, L. Nett-pþ Netti-puráóaþìká, Nettipakaraóa-þìká, Lìnatthavaóóaná, Lìnatthappakásinì (?, H 363, W, PSC p. 60, Ps.
Badaratittha Dhammapála or Culla-dhammapála, 6th or 8–9th c. ?) Net-þ Netti-vibhávanì (-þìká), Netti-vibhávaná (B, Saddhammapála Rájaguru, 1564. H 381, HP 194, PCS 4.76, VP, Ps.
Cf author of Saddavutti [5.4.4]: Saddhammapála/ Saddhammaguru.)
Ratana-va¿ì, Nettipakaraóá-þìká PCS 4.102. Net-mhþ Netti-þìká, Netti-maháþìká, ~navaþìká, Peþakálaòkára, H 382, PLB 78, PCS 4.45, LS 70ff, PSC
= ? Saóhatthasúdanì (Amarapura, B, Ñáóábhivaísa, 18–19th c.) p. 60, L, Ps.
Netti-ratanákaro (C, Kõdágoda Upasena, 1924) Printed edition.
Netti-atthayojana (Pá¿i-Burmese) (Ava, B, Sìlavaísa, 15th c.) PLB 43.
Vimutti- and Visuddhimagga
2.8.0 Vimu Vimuttimagga (Extinct in Pá¿i.) (I ?, Upatissa, - 5th c.) H 245ff, PL 113f, HP 175f, PLC 86, TT
Vimuttimagga (Modern Sri Lankan partial re-translation from English into SH II p. 52–4.
Pá¿i, 1963.)
2.8.1 Vism Visuddhimagga (C, Buddhaghosa, 5th c.) H 245ff, PL 120f, PCS 2.202, PLC 84ff,
HP 179f, LCM 1614f, SH 83, PSC 9, EP,
VH, CS, L. Vism-gp Visuddhimagga-gaóþhi (-pada) (B, Saddhammajotipála, 15th c.) H 245, PCS 2,41, PSC 59, BnF 356, VP,
Visuddhimagga-gaóþhipadattha (Ava, B, Sáradassì, 17th c.) PLB 56. Vism-mhþ Paramatthamañjúsá (-þìká), Visuddhi-magga-mahá-þìká, Visuddhi-magga-þìká H 245, 361, PCS 2.121, LCM 1300, HP
(C, Dhammapála, 6th of 9th c.) 11f, CS, VP.
Paramatthasára-mañjúsá (C, [? Culla-] Dhammapála, 6th or 9th c. ?) PC 113 (+ n.2), W, PSC 59, L. Vism-þ1 Visuddhimagga-saíkhepa-þìká (C) H 245, HP 180, Ps. Vism-þ2 Visuddhimagga-culla-þìká, Saòkhepattha-jotanì (? S) PCS 2.211, PSA 25, 97f, VP, VH 244.
Visuddhimagga-saòkhepa PSC 59. Vism-dì Visuddhimagga-dìpanì (CM, Uttaráráma thera, 16th c.) PSA 23, 62, PLB 97. Vism-sn Visuddhimagga-mahá-sannaya, ~vistara-padártha- vyákhyánaya, N 6601(58), LCM 1616f, HP 180, Vs 80–
Parákramabáhu-sannaya (C, Parákramabáhu II of Dambadeniya, 13th c.) 4, L. Vism-bh Visuddhimárga-(abhinava)-saíksepa-bháva-sannaya (C, M. Dharmaratna) CPD.
Visuddhimagga-púja-páthaya L.
Attha-pakásana (C, Vácissara, 12–13th c.) PC 217.
Visuddhi-magga-gaóþhi PCS 1.43, VP 4/110.
Visuddhimagga-nidánakathá (B, Chaþþha-saògìti-bhára-nittháraka-saògha- CS.
samitiya, 1950s.)
Anthologies from the Suttantas and the commentaries, Paritta, Cosmology, Medicine, and Lexicography
2.9.1 Parit Catubháóavára, Mahá-pirit-pota, Piruváná-potvahanse. (Current in an older PL 174, RL 118f, N 6599(36), H 87, HP
recension of 22 texts and a newer of 29 texts. Sinhalese printed editions often also 37f, PSC 1, PLC 75, CM 25f, L, LCM
contain an appendix with various other paritta texts and mantras and yantras. The 283, 1712, SH 128, PSA 101, BC 129–
PVV contains 48 of these.) 69, EP 2, BnF 217.
Paritta, Mahá-paritta (Burmese collection of 11 texts; see MP.) PL 173f, RL 119, PLB 3, MA.
Pirit-nava-sútra, Nava-sutta-paritta, Äóavum-piritpota (Sri Lankan collection of 9 PL 174, RL 118f.
Paritta-saòkhepa, Parittasaòkhepa-gaóþhi, ~vaóóaná (S, 17–18th c.) (Commentary on BL OR 1246 A, RL 121.
9 parittas which are the same as in the Pirit-nava-sútra.)
Pirit-navasútra-padártha, Äóavum-padártha N 6599(2)xix, (36)iv.
Dasasutta-paritta, Pirit dasa sútraya (C, 10 texts.) N 6600(113)vi.
Dasa-paritta (Siam or Khmer. Not identical with the above one.) CB 34, EP 2.11.
Vata-paritta, Vat Pirit Potha, Pirit Potha (3) N 6601(73), BC 14f.
Aþavisi-pirit, Aþþhavisa-paritta (C.) (28 texts.) CC 25f.
`Khmer' Paritta collection PSA 101.
`Arakan' Paritta collection (Arakan area in Burma/Bangladesh) BL Add 12258/B.
Paritta (Unidentified) (S) EP 39.7.
Satta-paritta, Culla-rájaparitta, Jet Tamnan (Ic) (7 texts. Abridged version of RL 120, BC 67–80, EP 2.E, BnF 771f.
Dvádasa-paritta, Mahárája-paritta, Sipsong Tamnan (Ic) (12 texts.) RL 120, 124, BC 83ff, CB 35f, EP 2.15,
ED 401.
Sìrimaògala-paritta (B, 20th c.) (31 texts, incl. the 11 of the Paritta.) RL 120f. Sáratthasamuccaya, Catubháóavára-aþþhakathá, Parittaþþhakathá. (C, Anomadassì, H n. 152, HP 143f, PCS 2.233, PSC 1,
Parit-a 13th c.) LCM 883, CB 38f, BnF 217m, L.
Saòkhepa-vivaraóa, Pirit-puráóasannaya N 6600(48).
Catubháóaváraaþþhakathá-sannaya L.
Catubháóavára-þìká, Paritta-þìká, Paritta-vaóóaná L.
Sárártha-dìpanì, Satarabaóavara-sannaya, Catubháóavára-sannaya, Pirit-sannaya. HP 143f, 199, SH 314, N 6600(151),
(C, V. Saranaòkara, 18th c.) BSL 100f, Vs 88, PSC 1, LCM 1465,
PLC 282, SL 353, L. Parittá-þìká, Paritta-vaóóaná (B, Tejodìpa thera, 1672.) PLB 57, PCS 2.122, PSC 1, Ps.
Paritta-gaóþhi PCS 2.40, ED 401.
2.9.2 Suttas Sutta-saògaha (? C, Ariyavaísa ?, ? before 12th c.) H 157, PL 172f, HP 156f, BnF 791, N
6599(19), PCS 2.246, PLB 5, PSC 2, EP
66, 146, L. Suttasaògaha-aþþhakathá, Suttasaògaha-vaóóaná H 157, HP 158f, N 6599(27), BnF
Suttas-a 626m, PCS 2.10, LCM 656, PSC 2, EP
24, 67, L.
Suttasaògaha-sannaya PSC 2, L.
Sútrasaògraha-padárthavyákhyánaya PSC 2.
Suttasaògaha-nissaya PSC 2.
(Laotian) Sutta-saògaha (La.) PSA 106.
2.9.3 Ss Sárasaògaha (Sometimes mistakenly called Sáratthasaògaha; see next entry.) (?, H 384f, PL 173, HP 141, CB 50f, CM
Siddhattha the pupil of Dakkhinárámadhipatti Buddhappiya, 13–14th c.) 60, LCM 1459, N 6601(78), PSC 3, PLC
(Encyclopedia.) 228, PLB 107, BnF 296m, EP 14, ED
302, L.
Sárasaògaha-sannaya L.
Sáratthasaògaha (Sometimes mistakenly called Sára-saògaha; see previous entry.) PCS 2.232, PLB 108, H n. 620, EP 59,
(CM, Nandácáriya/Ánandácáriya, 13 th c.) (= Encyclopedia.) PSA 63.
Sára-pióða (?, before 1442.) PLB 107.
Sárártha-saígrahaya, Ørì Saddharmasárártha- saígrahaya (Sinh. with Pá¿ì HP 140, SL 66f, PLC 282, BSL 93ff.
quotations. C, V. Saraóankara, 18th c.)
Saddharma-ratnákaraya (Sinh. C, Dhammadinna Vimalakitti, 1417) N 6603(36), SL 94f, SH 261, HP 42, H
385. Ss- Citragaóþhidìpanì, Sárasaògaha-aþþhakathá PCS 2.48, PSC 3, RLL 71, VP 4/133.
2.9.41 Upás Upasakálaòkára, Upasakálaòkáraóá, Upásakajanálaòkára (C, Sìhalácariya Ánanda, H 386f, PL 170, HP 168, L, Ps, PCS
12th c.) 2.27, LCM 1568f, PSC 71, BnF 255,
LWA, N 6601(61m), CM 54, Bod, VP.
Upásakajanálaòkáraya-vaóóaná PSC 71.
Upásakajanálaòkáraya-vyákhyáva PSC 71.
Upásakajanálaòkáraya-sannaya PSC 71.
2.9.42 Upásakavinicchaya (B, 1882) PLB 95, BnF 380f, 555f.
2.9.43 Paþipatti-saògaha, Pratipatti-saògraha, Gihi-vinaya (Before 1442) H 386, LCM 60, PLB 107, PCS 2.103, N
Paþip-s 6600(60), PSC 68, L.
2.9.5 Amáv Amávatura, Purisa-damma-sárathi-pada-varóanáva (E¿u Sinh.) H 6603(41), LCM 713, PLC 158, SL 56f,
(C, Guru¿ugomì, 12th c.) L.
2.9.6 See 4.1.3,2.
2.9.7 Buts Butsaraóa, Amºtávaha I (Sinh.) (C, Vidyácakravarti, 12th c.) SH 259, LCM 875–78, L.
2.9.8 Dhms Daham-saraóa, Amºtávaha II (Sinh.) (C, Vidyácakravarti, 12th c.) N 6603(72), LCM 903, L.
2.9.9 Saògs Sa¹ga-saraóa, Amºtávaha III (Sinh.) (C, Vidyácakravarti, 12th c.) N 6603(52), L.
2.9.10 Maògalatthadìpanì, Maògala-dìpanì, Maògaladìpanì-maògalasutta-aþþhakathá (CM, H 389, PSA 22, 62f, PCS 2.149, LCM
Maòg-d Siri Maògala, 1524) 248, 1786, LN 122, PSC 62, BnF 631,
755, ME, ED 323, EP 13m, VH, Ps.
Maògalasutta-aþþhakathá, ~vaóóaná, ~padatthavaóóaná. VP 4/140, L.
Maògalasutta-þìká (C, Sáriputta, 12th c.) HP 191, SW.
Maògalasutta-vistara-sannaya. ~sannaya. ~mátiká, ~pada-änuma. (= different texts) N 6600(87–8), L.
2.9.111 Paþhamasambodhi (S, ?, 15th c.) H 391, PSA 24, 84, 124f, BnF 300m, ED
Paþham 212, EP 9 m.
(2.9.112) Paþhamasambodhi-vitthára (S, Suvaóóaraísi, 1845) H 391, PCS 2.106, ED 212.
Ext Paþham
Paþhamasambodhi-saòkhepa (S, Suvaóóaraísi, 19th c.) PCS 2.107, ED 212.
Viváha-maògala, Vivádha~, Viváca~, Maògala-viváha (S ?) (= First chapter of PSA 86, BnF 389f, EP 143.
Paþham as a separate work.)
2.9.12 Pañcagati-dìpanì, Pañcagati-dìpana, Pañcagati-pa¿i (Ic, 11–12th c.) H 393, PL 160, PCS 2.99, PSA 96, BnF
Pañca-g 346f. Pañcagatidìpanì-aþþhakathá, Pañcagati-þìká (Ic) PCS 2.64, PSA 96, BnF 347, EP 53, ME
2.9.13 Cha- Chagati-dìpanì (Thatõn, B, ? Saddhammaghosa/Asamaghosa, ? 12–13th c.) H 394, PLB 104, Ps, (cf PCS 2.99).
g Chagati-dìpanì-þìká (B) H 394.
2.9.14 Lokapaññatti (Thatõn, B, ? Saddhammaghosa, ? 11–13th c.) H 395, PL 174, PLB 104, PCS 2.194, EP
Loka-p 112, Ps.
2.9.15 Okása-dìpanì, Okása-lokadìpanì H 398, PCS 2.28, CB 53, EP 51.3, VP
Okása-d 4/144, ICI 10, Ps.
2.9.16 Loka-dìpanì (? CM, ? Saògharája) PSA 22, PCS 2.190, FPL 3058, Ps.
2.9.17 Loka-padìpika-sára-pakaraóa, Loka-dìpaka-sára, Lokadìpasára (Martaban, B, H 397f, PLB 36, HP 190f, PCS 2.191,
Loka-d Medhaòkara Saògharája, mid 14th c.) LCM 1096, PSC 49, CM xxix n. 4, EP
(Lok-s) 49, 77, 112, VP 4/143, Ps.
2.9.18 Lokuppatti-pakásinì (B, Aggapaóðita) Ps.
Lokuppatti PCS 2.195.
2.9.19 Candasuriyagati-dìpanì (Asamaghosa) H 401, Ps.
2.9.20 Saòkhyá-pakásaka (CM, Ñáóavilása thera, 15–16th c.) H 390, PSA 23, 68, PCS 2.210, PLB 47,
Saòkh-p FPL 634, Ps.
2.9.20,1 Saòkhyápakásaka-þìká, Saòkyápakásaka-dìpanì (CM, Siri Maògala/Sumaògala, H 390, PSA 23, 62, 68, PCS 2.70, PLB
Saòkh-p-þ 1520.) 47, EP 74, Ps.
2.9.21 Vajirasárattha-saògaha (-pakaraóa), Vajirasára-saògaha, Vajirakhandána-pakaraóa PSA 20, 64, PCS 4.108, LCM 1588, ICI
(CM, Ratanapañña, 1535.) 2, L, Ps. Vajirasárasaògaha-þìká, ~vaóóaná, Vajirasáratthasaògaha-þìká (According to Ps, PCS 4.48, PSA 64, PSC 74, L, Ps.
quoted in PSA and CPD, by Ratanapañña in Ratanupura, see above.)
2.9.22 Bhesajjamañjúsá (C, Pañcapariveóa-adhipati/Atthadassi thera, 1261 or 1267) PL 163, HP 24f, PCS 2.148, PLC 215,
PSC 125, L. Bhesajjamañjúsá-þìká (C, Pañca-pariveóa-adhipati, 13th c.) PC 216. Bhesajjamañjúsá-sannaya (C, Pañca-pariveóa-adhipati in 13th c. [18 sections] & HP 23f, 140, N 6612(2), BnF 560, PLC
Välanvitta Saraóankara [who added 42 sections in] 1734.) 215, Vs 87, PSC 125, BSL 94f, L.
Yogapiþakaya (Bhesajja-mañjúsá-parivartanaya) (C, D. Dhammajoti, 18th c.) HP 25, PCS 2.181, L.
2.9.112 Jinamahánidána (S) H 392, PCS 2.58, VP 4/124.
2.9.172 Cakkavá¿a-dìpanì, Cakkavá¿atthadìpanì (CM, Siri Maògala, 1520) H 400, PL 175, EP 50, 61, 76, PSA 21,
Cakkav-d 68, HP 185, PCS 2.43, LCM 79f, PSC
76, LN, VP 4/142, VH, L.
Unclassified anthologies, etc
Aggasávaka-páíben-páramì (Maybe identical with Sávaka-nibbána.) PCS 2.17, VP 4/140, VH 250.
Anattavibhávana (B. Leðì Sayáðo, 19th–20th c.) DBM 82, BSL.
Abhisambodhi-kathá L.
Arahattamagga-vaóóaná (B) Ps.
Ariyasaccávatára (? B, before 1442.) PLB 107.
Ácariyavaísa PCS 2.21.
Upáyakathá (B, Paññásámi Saògharája, mid 19th c.) PLB 93.
(Exposition of Buddhism for the West) (B. Leðì Sayáðo, 19th–20th c.) BSL, DMB 92.
Káya-nagara, Káyanagara-sutta (S or Kh ?) PSA 95, BnF 566.
Kusaladhamma-vinicchaya-kathá (La ?) (Based on Dhammasaòganì mátiká.) PSA 124.
Gaóþhi-sára, Gandhisára, Gaóðhisára (B, Chappaþa, 15th c.) PLB 18f.
Catusacca-bhayavinásaka-dìpanì (B. Leðì Sayáðo, 19th–20th c.) DBM 69.
Cakáòka-nicchaya (B ?) (Pá¿i & Burm.) CB 121.
Culla-sìla-vimaísa LCM 887.
Jálìkaóhábhiseka PCS 2.54.
Tam Wat Chow, Tam Wat Yen (S, King Mongkut, 19th c.) (Morning and evening BC 2ff.
service chants in Pá¿i.)
Tiísa-páramì PSA 124.
Tilakkhaóa-suttasaògaha, Dhammapada-suttasaògaha- tilakkhaóa- vinicchaya- PSA 108f.
kathá (La.)
Trai-lokavinicchaya-kathá (? S) (Pá¿i-Siamese.) PSA 97, BnF 395m, VH.
Tilokavinicchaya (S, ordered by Ráma I, 1790.) (Extinct? Pá¿i original of PSA 97.
Tiloka-dìpanì, Lokadvìpa, Lokadìpaka PSA 125, EP 49, 77.
Tepiþaka-gaóþhi (C?) PCS 2.72, VP 4/138, Wms Thai 11.
Dasa-bodhisatta-vidhiya N 6601(21).
Devadhitapañhá (La ?) PSA 121.
Dhammacakka-sutta, Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta LCM 194ff, N 6599(2 & 9), SH 6ff, PLB
105, CB 35, BnF, Bod, ME 45, ED 401.
Dhammacakka-sutta-sannaya, Dhammacakka-puráóa- sannaya, ~sútrártha- LCM 180f., 198ff, N 6600(47)ii, SH 6,
vyákhyána, ~padártha. BnF 874.
Dhammacakka-saòkhepa-aþþhakathá PCS 2.6.
Dhammacakka-aþþhakathá, Saddhammavilásinì, Dhammacakkapavattana- PCS 2.118, VP 4/114.
Dhammacakka-gaóþhi PCS 2.38.
Dhammacakka-þìká PCS 2.62, PLB 105.
Dhammacakkasutta-pada-änuma. LCM 171f, 217ff, N 6600(47)ii.
Dhamma-samúha PCS 2.91.
Nandopananda-vatthu, Nandopanandanágarája (? Buddhasiri) (Part of Báhuí- BnF 320f.
Nandopanandadamanaya (Sinh. C. Extracted from another treatise that included LCM 1207, SL 354.
Namo-þìká PCS 2.63.
Nirayakathá-dìpaka (B, Paññasámi thera, mid 19th c.) PLB 93.
Niraya-varóanáva (2) (Pá¿i gáthas and Sinhala description) N 6601(71)
Niyama-dìpanì (Leðì Sayáðo, 19th–20th c.) DBM 16, BLS.
Pañcakkhara-saíkhepa PCS 2.98.
Pañca-nìvaraóaya N 6599(17).
Pañca-dussìla N 6599(39).
Pasádanìya-kathá PCS 2.123, BnF Ic 487(3), VP 4/137.
Pabbájaniya-kammavácá (B, Leðì Sayáðo, 19–20th c. A paritta for dispelling danger.) PLB 98, DBM 50a, 59a.
Pituguóakathá, Pituguóa-sutta (S?) PCS 2.128 VP 4/157.
Poráóa-saògaha (La.) PSA 106
Buddhánusati-vaóóaná ME 31.4.
Buddhapáda-maògala (Cf Poetry: Aþoráøiyak Magul-lakuóu.) PCS 2.140, VP 4/115.
Buddhánuparivatta PCS 2.143, VP 4/118.
Buddhavipáka PCS 2.141, VH 249.
Buddhavipáka-aþþhakathá PCS 2.7.
Buddhavassa-ácikkhaóa, Buddhavaråaya-kìma (Announcing the Buddhist year at N 6601(75)vi.
Bojjhaògapáþha-bhávaná (S or Kh ?) BnF 74–5, PSA 91f.
Bhikkhu-dussìla N 6601(39).
Bhumma-saògaha (?, Dhammaraísì thera) PCS 2.147.
Maògala-aþþhatthasára-aþþhakathá, Maògala-aþþharasá-aþþhakathá (? Kh or S, PSA 96, BnF 391.
Buddhapádamaògalamahádevarája, ?) (On auspicious signs on Buddha's feet.) (Cf
Buddha-páda-maògala above.)
Mahákappa-lokasaóþhána-paññatti, Mahákappa-lokasaóþhána (S ?) PCS 2.158, CB 54, BnF 717, EP 51.2.
Mátuguóa-kathá, ~sutta (S?) PCS 2.173, BnF 561, VP 4/157.
Mahá-nekkhamma-campú (Gáthá & prose. C, Widurapola Piyatissa, 1935) PSC 80, printed edition.
Mahá-buddhaguóa, Buddhaguóá, Namaskára-gáthá (S ?) (Beg: Iti pi so… or PSA 95, PCS 2.163, LCM 1175, BnF
Buddhaí jìvitaí yáva nibbánaí…) 385m, ED 401, EP 2.2m, BnF 385, MA.
Mahá-buddhaguóa-aþþhakathá, ~vaóóaná PCS 2.8, 2.164, BnF 877, EP 132, VH.
Mahá-buddhaguóa-þìká PCS 2.68.
Mo Paritta, Ngayanmin Paritta, Ñáyanmin Paritta (B. Leðì Sayadaw, 20th c. Against DBM 50a, 59b.