#Cartography 2 - Centers - Ra
#Cartography 2 - Centers - Ra
#Cartography 2 - Centers - Ra
When you think of centers you think of the nine geometric shapes in the bodygraph.
Sometimes they are colored in, other times they are not. They connect to each other via
channels. But you probably don't think of MUTATION. Yes, the centers are a deeply
mutative and mutating element.
The first thing to understand is that the centers are an evolving process and that the human
species is mutating through the evolution of the centers. We have evolved from the 7 to 9
centered being. And the 9 centered being is currently evolving through the mutation of the
solar plexus.
Secondly, the centers act as mutative hubs that redistribute energy in the context of its specific
qualities. Through this redirection and collection of energy they are constantly mutating and
being mutated by their surroundings.
In the Uranian Cycle this time frame has been greatly expanded. In fact you are still a young
man or woman until after 30. You aren't considered old until your late sixties (if that), and the
date is being pushed back more and more.
Humans have always been different from the rest of the animal kingdom due to the extended
length of time we depend on mothers for nourishment and protection. The time of
helplessness and vulnerability for human children is much longer than any other animal. With
the new Uranian Cycle, this time is even longer.
Unfortunately we still have remnants of the Saturnian belief system of when we should
become grown up and self sufficient, which results in people who aren't ready being put under
pressure to "get their act together". The truth is that children and young adults today aren't
designed to come into adulthood into well after their thirties or even into their forties.
So this transformation from 7 centers to 9 centers has created a deep mutation in what it
means to live, not only within our bodies but also in the way we actually live out our lives.
The Rave
In human design the 9 centered human is called a "Rave". But this is misleading. We actually
haven't fully developed into a Rave yet. Even though we have 9 centers we are still in a
midpoint between the 7 centered being and a fully developed 9 centered being. For the full
mutation to happen our Solar Plexus has to fully mutate into an "aware" awareness center.
Right now it is an awareness center but it isn't fully developed.
Fully mutated Raves will not begin to come until 2027 with the transformation of the solar
plexus. It is possible to see glimpses of what these Raves will be like, but any examples we
see today are only transitional elements and we have no idea what a Rave will really be like.
People with autism, people with prostrate cancer and "Indigo Children" are part of this
Our current situation is similar to the juxtaposition profile in that we are carrying a little bit of
the previous stage as well as a little bit of the next stage. Our new form is new to us and it
won't be until well after 2027 that we fully understand how to use our bodies to their new
Genetic Imperative
If you don‟t make more, you die out. Every living thing does everything in its power to make
more and it‟s never personal. The genes recognize that sameness is a dead end street and we
have worked sameness out of our biological system over millions of years because it is
proven to be detrimental. The narrower the gene pool; the more negative mutations take
place. So the genes become attracted to diversity. Culturally we seek similarity, as in Jews
only marrying Jews for example, but this is just another survival technique. Within that
structure there is always an allowance for diversity, the most basic one being that it's not cool
to marry your direct genetic gene pool (like for example your sister!).
So this genetic imperative can be a problem, since on a genetic level opposites attract but on
another level it is very hard living with somebody who is totally opposite to you. This is what
we call love/hate. What you really like about somebody half of the time you hate about them
the rest of the time. Your genes are saying "Yes!", your mother is saying "He's not one of
us!". And you are just plain confused.
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What does this have to do with centers? Well, Genetic Imperative is lived out through our
open centers.
Every one of our open centers is attracted to what is different, regardless of the consequences.
And all the while our mind is making up all sorts of reasons why or why not we should be
doing what we are doing, which can really get confusing.
For example, if you have one emotional person with one non-emotional person there can be
this deep love/hate interaction on the emotional level that causes all sorts of chaos and
heartache. Yet the genetics are loving it.
Strategy as Key
The term Not-Self stands for unhealthy behavior resulting from the genetic imperative.
Genetics don't care so long as they reproduce. You could live your whole life incorrectly, in
the Not-Self, and still satisfy genetic imperative.
The True-Self stands for healthy behavior resulting from living your strategy. With True-Self
behavior your open centers aren't just blind genetic imperatives but places to be wise. Our
potential wisdom via these open centers represents our outer authority, but it can never
become our decision-making process. That is always our inner strategy.
To honor Type, Strategy and Inner authority is the only way towards Self; it is the mechanical
conversion of what we really are. In this way we will not avoid conditioning, but we will find
the conditioning that is correct for us. The mutation will happen no matter what, but it will be
a much more harmonious experience.
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Now that we have covered some of the overall concepts, let's look at the Biology of the
Biology of Centers
The centers and their corresponding physical attribute:
Head Pineal Gland
Ajna Anterior/Posterior Pituitary Glands
Throat Thyroid, Parathyroid
G Liver, Blood
Ego Stomach, Heart, Gall Bladder, Thymus Gland
Sacral Ovaries, Testes
Spleen Lymphatic System, Spleen, B-Cells
Solar Kidney, Prostate, Pancreas, solar plex Neuron Network, Nervous
Plexus System, Lungs
Root Adrenal Glands
As you know the nine centers represent psychological elements (such as emotions, for
example) but you probably aren't as aware that they are deeply rooted in the physical body.
This distinction between psychology and physical body is of course irrelevant since the two
are inseparable. But scientifically, especially in western science, we are very ignorant as to
how the physical and psychological meet, let alone the spiritual. Human Design clearly shows
the connection.
Biologically the majority of centers belong to the endocrine and nervous system or are closely
connected to them. The nervous and endocrine systems act together to regulate physiology.
The endocrine system is a collection of glands scattered throughout the body that secrete
chemical messages in the form of hormones. These signals are passed through the blood to
arrive at a target organ, which has cells possessing the appropriate receptor.
In addition to the classical endocrine organs, many other cells in the body secrete hormones.
Myocytes in the atria of the heart and scattered epithelial cells in the stomach and small
intestine are examples of what is sometimes called the "diffuse" endocrine system. If the term
hormone is defined broadly to include all secreted chemical messengers, then virtually all
cells can be considered part of the endocrine system, which means that the physical parts of
the body associated with the centers are deeply influencing every part of our body through the
constant relay of messages.
Key Points:
Just because the head center has a relationship with the Pineal Gland does not mean you need
to tell people that. It is probably a good idea you don't go into the biology when you are
showing somebody their chart, regardless of the temptation to impress them with how much
cool (and basically useless) info you have crammed in your brain.
Knowing the biological relationship has very little impact on whether a person will live their
strategy and honor their authority, which is the only important thing. In fact, if you go into
great detail about the biology of the centers, it will probably distract and confuse them. Don't
do it. KISS - keep it simple.
The goal in this course of showing you the biology is just to give you an idea of the
background behind centers so that you understand how they concretely connect to the body.
The biology gives useful insights into the psychological characteristics of the centers, which
can be very useful when looking at a chart.
Head Center
Defined: 30%
Undefined: 70%
Biological correlation: pineal gland
Type of Center: Pressure
Function: Mental Inspiration, creates a pressure on the Ajna to think
Defined: inspiration comes in a fixed way; mental pressure to resolve one‟s
own questions, is here to be mentally inspiring to other people.
Open: Inspiration comes from external conditioning, if correct can be free
of mental pressure, are able to see those who are inspiring and who are
Not Self Strategy of open head: they feel responsible for getting rid of the
mental pressure that they take in from others, usually by trying to find
answers to questions that are not important.
Pineal Gland
(According to Funk & Wagnall's (Cheesy)
Desk Dictionary):
"Pineal Gland - A small, reddish gray,
vascular, conical body of rudimentary
glandular structure found in the brain and
having no known function."
The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave
behind and above the pituitary gland which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is
located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle.
Through the flow of seratonin the pineal gland allows the neo-cortex
to access the deep gray areas of the brain, acting as a gate keeper. In
this way the Head Center is the door to things deep inside of us. It
allows the information in the gray area to pass to the neo cortex where it can be processed. If
you don‟t encode the storage area, you don‟t know what you actually have in there.
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Head Center Chart Example
If you have an open head center like 70% of people
on the planet, then other people are filling up your
gray area. You have an open door that allows
conditioning from others in that center. The pressure
is there to pass it on to the neo-cortex for processing.
The moment you allow the mind to be the authority for your life you bring on this anxiety.
The mental anxiety can be reconstructed in so many ways, endlessly - over your whole life.
When you're afraid of something mentally and allow it to control you, then you cannot get rid
of it because you can never confront it. Since it's just mental you can change into any shape
and color.
This does not mean that if you live your design and honor your authority that the pressure will
go away or the anxiety will subside. It will always be there. It serves a purpose. But it won't
control your actions and that is a huge difference. Your life will unfold not based on the
anxiety of your mind but based on the correctness of your actions. What is inside your mind
will not become reality outside. It will remain a pressure, sometimes an anxiety, but it will
never become a concrete reality.
Because you want to get rid of that pressure as fast as possible, on the logical side (63-4) you
are going to come up with solutions that blow up in your face. Meanwhile, on the abstract
side (64-47) something nags at you from the past and until you make some kind of sense of it,
it will stay there as a pressure bothering you. The individual channel in the middle (61-24)
can simply drive you crazy with a mystery that keeps coming back to torment you.
The outer authority of the mind can be extraordinary, but the mind is absolutely useless as an
inner authority. An open center will always be attracted to what it is not and the open head
center will always try to answer or resolve mental pressures that aren't theirs. So the trick is to
appreciate the question without feeling the responsibility of solving it. A riddle for riddle's
sake. And all the while you are living your strategy so externally your life is really fine,
despite all the confusion, mystery and doubts passing through your head. By the sheer power
of your living your design those anxieties will become less and less powerful.
The Head Center and the Root Center are both pressure centers, But they're different. The
Root Center is a motor, so its fuel is different than the Head Center. The Head Center is just a
mental pressure without the motor to back it up. The mind is caught in an intellectual
sandwich, and it's a non-motor sandwich: Head Center above creating the pressure to think
and Throat Center below to externalize the thoughts.
Because the head center is not there to give the mind motorized pressure, the mind itself is not
designed to do anything active. It's designed to manifest communication through language,
not action. The authority for action is always some place else in your design.
This is different to the root center. Adrenaline pressure is very different from conceptual
pressure. If the root center says move, you better move fast! And the adrenaline is there to
help you. If the head center says move there is no motor to jump you into action, so don't get
fooled into thinking you need to do anything. If you follow your real authority and strategy it
will all work out ok.
Ajna Center
Defined: 51%
Undefined: 49%
Biological correlation: Anterior/Posterior Pituitary Glands
Type of Center: Awareness
Function: to categorize, analyze, and investigate life
Defined: has a fixed way of thinking, enjoys research
Open: no consistent way of thinking, always feels uncertain in thought and
compensates by being overly fixed, takes in info like a sponge
Not Self Strategy of open ajna : trying to convince others and themselves
that you are certain and intellectually consistent
Pituitary Gland
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We already know that all the centers are directly related biologically to the nervous and
endocrine systems. And just like the pituitary gland is a "Master Gland" in relation to these
systems, the ajna also plays a central role within the other centers, acting as a central hub.
However, the fact that your mind is deeply connected biochemically to the rest of you gives a
false sense of power to the mind. The importance given to the mind in our society is very
obvious but less acknowledged is the chaos this can create.
Don't let this talk about the Pituitary Gland being a master gland fool you into thinking the
ajna center is a Master Center. Just because it plays a huge role in recording what is going on
does not mean it is all powerful and the boss. It is an observer, the scribe of the castle. It is not
driving the car. And because of it's inseparable connection to all the other centers it can cause
all sorts of problems when not used correctly. It is the main hub of Not self strategy. In many
ways the ajna center can easily be the enemy.
The connection of the pituitary gland to the rest of the body is why the mind can express the
characteristics of the other centers. It can seem emotional, splenic, egoic, or an expression of
our identity. We experience our bodies and the interaction of our bodies with the rest of the
world largely through the "mind's eye". But this does not mean the ajna center is the boss. Our
boss is always our strategy and inner authority, which is unique to your design.
It is a scientific fact that whatever you think, say and do is initiated long before the neo
cortex and self reflected consciousness has anything to do with it. All awareness of our
thoughts happen in the deep gray areas of the brain milliseconds BEFORE we are even aware
of the thought, let alone have decided to act on it.
Ajna Awareness (what we call mind) is not a creative event; it is a reactive one. The
awareness comes AFTER a long chain of biochemical processes that take place before one is
consciously aware of anything. Through the pituitary the neo-cortex gives you updates to
what is happening in your physical life. But it is not creating or guiding that life.
For example, your body might make a liquid check to see how much water you have inside
you. After checking it sees it is low and decides to go get some water. As a courtesy to your
you it lets you know almost immediately after it decides. But be very clear: When you say to
yourself, "I'm going to get up and get a glass of water" you are kidding yourself. You didn't
decide anything. You were informed. The decision was made way before you even knew you
were thirsty!
Thus Human beings are not creative; we are reactive. It is not that we can't create wonderful
things, but that creation is actually a reaction to something. Whether we are creative directly
or creative in reaction to something might seem like an irrelevant point, but it is important in
showing that the mind isn't running the show.
Understanding the correct role of the ajna is the key to waking up. The pituitaries give us the
illusion of being in control because they give us intense awareness of our physical body and
it's interaction with the world. The ajna works so quickly in passing us information that we
think it is the one actually making the decision. But being able to associate with what is going
on does not mean you are controlling what is going on. We only have the illusion of being in
Imagine you are driving a car on a racetrack. You are enjoying taking the turns. The engine is
revving under you. You can see the turns and the car appears to turn when you move the
steering wheel. You are in control. Now what if you were told that the steering wheel was
disconnected and the car was really being driven by remote control?
You only thought you were in control. It sounded and felt like you were driving the car but it
only felt that way. Just because you can see what is happening from the driver's seat does not
mean you are the driver. That is what the mind does. It allows you to look through the driver's
eyes. But be very clear: Let your strategy guide you and honor your authority. They drive
your vehicle. And they are not your mind.
Fixed and Open Minds
The result is not easy. You can turn left by following Audio
your strategy and your mind can be giving you a
million reasons why it is better to turn right. And they
might all make sense. But your mind is a back seat
driver. It is here to tell you the million reasons. Let it. But
follow your strategy. The more you do it the more you will be
ok with the endless stream of information your mind gives
you, all the while not letting it upset you or control what
Albert Einstein has an direction you take in life.
undefined ajna. He is
designed to be flexible in how So now do you See?
he processes information.
There is a major transition that took place in humans that is
very different from other creatures, including other other mammals. That mutation was the
development of the human neo-cortex and its capacity for self-reflective consciousness. But
more than that, the mutation that took place in the larynx would allow humans to
communicate at a very sophisticated level - the more sophisticated the sounds, the more
memory necessary, the more conceptualizing taking place. Just like with your computer
(we're not computers, but we do compute).
We have already gotten under control the splenic, animal, need for survival of the form.
Humans are doing pretty good at proliferating our form, as our population explosion shows.
We are now in the second stage of building the visual Maya. Our Ajna-related sense is rooted
in the eyes. The mind is visual - hence lies the trap. Biologically, the Pineal and Pituitary
Glands work very closely with light, and in terms of the centers, the mind is here to establish
the visual Maya, which cannot exist in darkness. Until we establish the visual Maya there's no
way to get to the third stage, which is emotional spirit consciousness, rooted in the solar
plexus. But that is another story.
The way in which we perceive the world and give the world its name and attributes is through
the eyes. We have a spectrum that is available to us visually - but it is very limited. We do not
see radio waves; we do not see electromagnetic waves. Most of the wavelength information
that exists in the universe we don't see. Our capacity to see is physically limited, which means
that the conceptualization of the Maya is limited. Because of that, the mind alone has no way
to be able to guide us in our physical life. It's too limited, which of course is yet another way
of saying, follow your strategy and authority, which is never the mind.
There's nothing more joyful, more painful, more useless, and more powerful than the mind.
And following your strategy won't make that change. But it will allow you to enjoy the mind
for what it is good at: processing information, telling the story as it sees the landscape go by,
being a good passenger, just like you.
Throat Center
Defined: 71%
Undefined: 29%
Biological correlation: thyroid, parathyroid
Type of Center: Gearbox
Function: manifestation and communication with words or action in order
to metamorphose and transform
Defined: fixed style of speaking and/or acting
Open: under pressure to manifest and communicate, transformation
(metamorphosis) does not happen consistently but in spurts, action and
expression is conditioned by surroundings; good at seeing who speaks the
Not Self Strategy of open throat: trying to attract attention with words or
actions, being a manifestor
Thyroid Gland
Throat Center Duality
(a) communication
(b) manifestation.
We'll see this in more depth when looking at the gates (see
When looking at the Ajna center we saw how it was biologically connected to all other body
functions. But we also saw that it's role was to watch what was going on only and not make
the decisions. It was an Awareness Center. The throat center on the other hand, does
influence the rest of the body. As can be clearly seen in the role of the Thyroid Gland, the
throat center is a Gearbox, a regulator. It isn't the fuel since it is not a motor, but it regulates
the speed at which the fuel is burned.
Also notice in the bodygraph another interesting visual cue: the positioning of the ajna to the
throat. It gives you insight into how the bodygraph works. Really you have two parts to the
bodygraph: everything above the throat and
everything below.
The throat, despite it's ability to harness many input streams, is focused on one simple thing:
regulating the flow of energy. Remember how the thyroid regulates our body's temperature.
To do that is must be in constant communication with the outside energy levels and the inside
energy levels.
The sacral center also regulates energy, but as any pure generator knows, it can easily get
stuck. This is not the case with the throat. The throat is a master at finding the perfect energy
level. We all need to go through a metamorphic process. That is what it mean to be alive.
Without the metamorphic energy (via action or voice) all generators would perpetually be
stuck and all the other types would simply be lifeless.
Getting Attention
For example, if you are looking for an animal in the forest you might not notice it until it
moves. Or in the classroom the child who grows slower or faster than the other children is
noticed. In terms of noise it is obvious that it gets attention. If you are sitting in a movie
theatre full of people, the only person you'll really notice is the one who is talking. And there
is a good chance that they have an open throat that is being pumped up by all the defined
throats around them!
A defined throat is designed to get attention (good or bad) in their fixed way. An undefined
throat is here to be flexible in how they get attention. Both need to follow their strategy. Only
then will they get the attention that is correct.
People with open throats can become obsessed with attracting attention, just like people with
defined throats can spend a lifetime trying to stay out of the way. This is a distortion of their
natural talents. The moment you are conditioned by attracting attention is the moment you
don‟t see the possibilities on either side of the coin.
Open throats can attract attention but they can't control when or how. Defined throats can
attract attention but it can be lots of the wrong attention if they don't act correctly.
Defined or undefined, the only important thing lies in whether you take decision making away
from the mind. With an open throat if your life is focused on getting attention, then you get
sick. However, if you are correct with an open throat and attract people then it‟s beautiful.
With a defined throat if you are correct then you will get attention that won't hit you over the
Bob Dylan Cher
The singer Bob Dylan has a fixed way of The singer Cher has a inconsistent way of
getting attention and his signature voice getting attention. One journalist said, "Cher
reflects that. One radio broadcaster said, jumped on to each new musical fad looking
"Dylan's voice is as annoying as the sound of for an audience." This is an open throat way.
an espresso machine." Love it or hate it, he She can easily change her voice style and has
can't change it. For him he'll get recognized by successfully done many cover songs.
sticking to his way of expressing.
Even though the throat connects directly to more centers than any other center, there are two
centers it does not directly connect to: Head and Root. This means no direct access to
pressure! When we looked at the head center we saw that we're living in a pressure sandwich
- the mental pressure above, the adrenaline pressure below. But the throat is not directly
connected to that.
What does that mean? It means that manifestation is oblivious to pressure. Otherwise, we
would all run ourselves to death from the pressure, like a balloon letting its air out.The head
and root pressures stimulate the other centers, which then find their outlet via the throat. But
the act of metamorphosis does not happen under pressure. Imagine pressuring a flower to
blossom! And the joke is? That so many of us are running around under great pressure to
manifest. It is a sad joke.
Your Voice(s)
The primary nature of the Throat Center is to speak, not manifest. Out of the 11 gates only 3
are manifesting gates (35, 12, 45). We have 11 tongues. Articulation began in the 12th gate.
The ten other gates represent the primary tongues of humanity where all the languages that
ever existed fit into one of those ten gates. There are very few gates that are Gates of Primary
Action. Then you have gates of Secondary Action.
If you have a gate in the Throat, and it doesn't matter if the Throat is defined or undefined
since that's just about consistency, that gate is your voice. It's the only voice that you can rely
on. It doesn't mean that that voice isn't going to be conditioned if it's an active gate in an
undefined Throat. Obviously, somebody else or some planet is going to have to hook up that
Throat. Looking at a Rave chart is about seeing the Self and the Not-Self. Everything about
looking at the Throat is seeing your voice and the not-voices.
If you don't have the 45th gate, every time you say, "I have," it's not your voice. You're not
here to talk in terms of what you have and what you don't have. That belongs to somebody
who has that voice and they are probably sitting right next to you! If you don't have the 56th
gate and you're saying, "I believe," you're being conditioned by somebody.
If you're living a conditioned life, you get the problems of that conditioned being. The same
thing is true that if you live out a conditioned voice, you have to deal with all the
consequences of that voice and you may not be equipped to do so. If you're constantly
speaking in a voice that doesn't belong to you, it ultimately is going to do damage to your
The only people who are free of that are those who have absolutely no activation whatsoever
in the Throat - a true rarity, by the way. It is not possible for them to have any voice of their
own and they live under a different condition.
G or Self Center
Defined: 46%
Undefined: 54%
Biological correlation: Liver, Blood
Type of Center: the compass
Function: Love, Direction, and Identity
Defined: fixed love, direction and identity
Open: inconsistent love, direction and identity.
Not Self Strategy of open G: Tries to control or fix love, direction and
identity instead of letting their strategy guide them through it.
The liver helps the body digest food and break down toxins by producing
a substance called bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. Other
important functions of the liver include processing hemoglobin and
producing blood-clotting factors. A healthy liver filters blood smoothly.
The liver can be damaged by a number of different factors, including excessive alcohol
intake, cancer, genetic liver disorders, or infections such as hepatitis C.
When the liver cells are damaged, they cannot function well and may die. Some of these cells
may grow back, but if the injury is severe, scar tissue may form. A buildup of scar tissue on
the liver, called fibrosis, slows down the liver's ability to circulate blood and remove toxins.
Magnetic Monopole
Monopole Song
The magnetic monopole resides in the G center and is similar
(To the tune Toplady,
to a magnet with only one pole, and all that pole does is
usually for the hymn Rock of
attract. It creates a reference point around which all else
revolves. Without this internal pull we would have no sense of
differentiation.; my body versus your body. Without it we
As the day requires the night,
could feel totally connected to the universe. We would feel at
As the left requires the right,
one with the totality.
So are north and south
The monopole creates the illusion that each cell is separate
Then be sure to bear in mind
from each other, even though each cell is a tiny fragment of
the greater pattern. Just like the liver is constantly filtering the
As you strive for physics
blood and separating what is not us (the toxins) from what is
goals --
us (vitamins and minerals), the magnetic monopole separates
No magnetic monopoles!
us from the totality.
It is not about saying the toxins are bad and the vitamins are
good. Those toxins are actually very good for other creatures in the world. And the vitamins
would kill them. That is the beauty of differentiation. There is no blame or shame. It is just
about saying, "This is me, that is you." To know the difference and to honor it is a wonderful
Differentiation. allows for love. There is love of humanity, self, inanimate objects, the
universes, the body - and all these aspects are regulated by the magnetic monopole and the G
center. Of course the opposite is true too. There are many forms of hate. Without
differentiation. there would be no room for this duality. Me and you, up and down, it only
works when there is a monopole pulling you to you and me to me. Without that, there would
be one universal love but nobody (NO BODY) to experience it. The vast ocean of love needs
creatures to swim in it :)
If there is no differentiation. then there is no direction. If all is one then there is nowhere to
go. With differentiation. there is a reference point. "I am going straight in relation to that."
The G center acts as a compass. It creates left, right, up, down through the differentiation. of
the self.
This is the easiest to understand. If we are all one then there is no "you" and "me." There isn't
even a "we." There is just the "itness" of being. No mind, no identity, no body. Just existence
without any distinction between you and the totality. That might sound appealing to you if
you are into meditation and enlightenment, but our bodies are built to have differentiation.
You can't have both. Either you exist as a human in the body or you evaporate into the "one-
ness", in which case there is no "you" to experience that anyway.
Sigmond Freud has a defined
G. He is designed to have a
fixed direction through the
channel of the creative and
mutative role model. This is
especially powerful for him
since he also has the cross of
the Sphinx.
For an open G center, however, place is exceptionally important because it will condition
them more than a person with defined G (internal consistency in love, direction and self).
First of all it is not easy to find your place if you have an open G, yet to find the right place(s)
is crucial because it will determine the quality of love, direction and identity.
The first thing to understand is that the right place isn‟t one place since there are different
places for different things. The open G is not fixed. They can have different variations of love,
direction and identity. To understand that is to see it as a strength and not a weakness. They
shouldn't try to be consistent like people with a defined G.
Secondly, finding the right place usually is a process of elimination through finding the wrong
places. It always comes down to living your strategy. When you truly give up trying to control
the process the place finds you. And places you never would have considered turn out to be
actually very good for you. Likewise, places you thought were good turn out to be horrible.
Therefore by using your strategy you will find those places that will allow you to express a
consistent identity within the situation. It is important to understand that the identity is fixed
only within the situation. There needs to be a flexibility for the open G.
A lot of people feel uncomfortable with having an undefined G Center. There is a stigma
attached to that because they think they don't have a 'Self'. Remember that to live in the world
means no center. remains undefined for too long. It's always getting hooked up by people and
transiting planets. And an open G does not mean you don't have a magnetic monopole holding
you together either.
The difference between defined and undefined is that one is fixed and the other is
inconsistent. The inconsistency makes them wise about the other. For example, if you have an
undefined Splenic system or undefined Ajna, you have no fixed awareness, but because those
centers are open you are here to be aware of awareness. Somebody with an undefined Self is
here to be aware of Self, to be able to identify Self, because it gets to experience Self in all of
its possibilities through its openness. In this case Self means identity. The same is true for
love and direction.
All an open G means is that direction and love is inconsistent - not absent. The defined Self
has very little recognition of the nature of Self at all. What you are, you live. It is the
undefined Self that has this capacity to recognize the nature of Self. What is the right
direction? What is the healthiest identity? The open G center be wise in that.
One of the ways for the undefined Self to recognize the nature of its life is to see clearly that
everything for it must be initiated by others. Because something is initiated by others does not
mean that you owe them or you are bound to them. If you go to a restaurant with somebody
and don't like the restaurant, you're with the wrong people because they will take you to the
wrong places.
If somebody takes you to a place you like, you don't have to hold onto them for dear life
because you hope that they will take you to other places that are good. You can always go
back to that place yourself the second time. And there are many people in life who can take
you to places.
The burden of the undefined Self is the burden that "I do not know where I am going and I do
not know if I can hold onto love." Yet, everybody in the world is here to offer them all those
things. Everybody is here to offer the undefined Self a direction, a form of love, and because
of that they have a real gift. They've got all the flavors. They're a unifying force. All
undefined centers, when wisdom emerges out of them, they become unifying forces. They
help the other to understand. An open G center reflects the defined G center and this can be
very helpful for everyone.
The eight gates in the G center make up two crosses: the Cross
of the Sphinx and the Cross of the Vessel of Love. In the wheel
these gates are equal in distance to each other. The G Center. is
magical because it pulls the entire wheel together into a core, just
like the monopole pulls us together into a core.
The G center gates play key roles in the wheel. The eight G gates
are the leading gates of the eight houses of the I Ching. These
lead gates provide the basic foundation, the lower trigram, that the following seven gates
along the wheel share in common. These eight gates also touch all 12 zodiacal signs. As seen
in the Vessel of Love, all of the gates are cusp hexagrams that cross zodiacal lines.
If you look at the arrangement of the Sphinx gates in the G center you can see Shiva's three
pronged staff. This is the Neptunian symbol or a pitchfork. Because of the Sun/Earth
configuration there are 4 times a year when people are born with this cross. These people
maintain our direction in the world. Without them we'd be lost. Also, every 165 years we get a
very special generation who are born with Neptune in the Cross. This time it was in the late
1967 until mid1970 when the planet Neptune was in the 46th gate. The planet Neptune rules
the Sphinx and thus our direction. The people born between 1967 and 1970 who had the
Cross of the Sphinx are empowered by Neptune out of the Sacral to generate mutative
The 15th gate is the outside of the urn or the Vessel. It is the outer surface and what you have
contact with. It is love of Humanity. The 46th gate is the Gate of the Flesh that creates the
internal walls of the Vessel. It is love of the body. The 25th gate is the Gate of Blood and this
is what fills the Vessel up. It is universal love. The 10th gate is the Gate of the Behavior of
the Self or the Gate of Nature, and this is the lip of the Vessel out of which the life is poured.
This is love of the self.
The Sphinx cross connects three centers but the Vessel of love involves five different centers
and brings in awareness and the Ego. This means that love has a much more extensive
network within us than direction does. The real difference is being generated by the 10th gate
because it opens up in several different ways, opening up into Integration. It all pours out
from the love of the self.
G Center Conclusion
Hopefully you see now that the main function of the G center is to orient us in space, whether
that be in relation to Love, Direction or Self. The G center draws a circle in the huge universe
and says, "Everything within this circle is me and everything outside this circle is not me." It
is the creation of place. Every time the liver removes a toxin from the body it is saying "You
do not belong in this circle."
The ego is unique in that it is the only center with an actual circuit named after it and
surrounding it, and thus the Ego Circuit and the ego center are completely entwined. As you
know it is all about financial security for the tribe (i.e. family, business, community, etc). The
ego allows us to prove our worth on the material plane to the tribe.
So if you have an open ego center ask yourself: in what ways are you trying to prove yourself
on the material plane to the tribe (i.e. your family, your job, your community). Is it with your
car? Is it with your body? Is it with the long hours you work? Is it with the diplomas you hang
on the wall? How are you wasting your energy trying to prove (or improve) yourself for the
If you have a defined ego center you can ask yourself the same questions, although the
pressure is not as strong as somebody with an undefined ego. But we all feel the pressure. It is
built into us with the Channel of the Materialist (21-45). Regardless of whether you have the
channel, it is a tribal energy that we all feel and are exposed to.
Once you ask yourself what you are trying to prove, you can then ask yourself if you got into
it correctly. Did you live your strategy? More importantly, this will make you aware the next
time you feel the pressure so that you live your strategy.
The Ego has four different biological affiliations, much more than any other center. In spite of
it having the second fewest gates after the head center, it has a massive biological role. It is
the exact opposite of the throat center, which has many gates but only one biology. Here we
have few gates but several biologies.
What does this mean? Basically, the throat performs one biological function to many areas,
namely, metamorphosis of our whole being. The biology is metamorphosis and the area is
everywhere via the many gates.
The heart center on the other hand performs several biological functions in an isolated area,
namely, the material plane. The biology is varied (which we will look at below) but the area is
focused on material well being. For the throat center the metamorphosis of material well
being is only one of 11 of it's gates (gate 45). It is also focused on the metamorphosis of ideas
(gate 56), the metamorphosis of emotional experiences (gate 35) and so on. For the ego center
the only focus and output is via the 45th gate and it is about saying, "I have." Or "I don't
The ego center focuses it's energy (it is a motor) on the improvement and accumulation on the
material plane, and this involves a large part of our day, using a large amount of our energy.
The throat center via the 45th gate then plays the role of expressing that and metamorphosing
it into sound and movement.
Let's look at the ego center gate by gate to get an overall understanding of the ego qualities.
21 - The Gate of Control
The function of the heart is to pump blood around the body. The heart's ability to contract is
due to the presence of cardiac muscle in its wall which can work continuously without
fatigue. The cardiac muscle is self-exciting. This is in contrast with skeletal muscle, which
requires either conscious or reflex nervous stimuli. The heart's rhythmic contractions occur
spontaneously, although the frequency or heart rate can be changed by nervous or hormonal
influences such as exercise or the perception of danger.
That's why the mantra of the 21 is to be in control. If they can't control their lives then on a
very basic level they lose control over how their heart pumps, which obviously can cause
major problems. If people with the 21 are in control of what they eat, what they wear and
where they live, they keep their heart healthy.
Bringing it back to the ego center overall, control is a major element of the ego center.
Undefined egos can feel they aren't in control of their material direction. Defined egos can
feel they need to control the material direction of others. Both can cause problems if not
entered into correctly. Control issues are rampant in the world and they have a lot to do with
people not understanding the mechanics of the ego center.
This gland creates a direct connection between the Ego and the Splenic system, both via the
Channel of the Transmitter (26-44) and biologically, and is one of the most essential health
In the development of the foetus, the
ego related biologies develop before the
splenic related biologies. Basically,
there is an ego in a foetus before there is
a spleen. The ego thymus designs the
immune system and keeps on working
on that immune system until the child is
three years old. Then the thymus gland
takes up the responsibility of defending the immune system. From the 44th gate we have the
release of B-cells. From the 26th gate we have the release of T-cells. These are killer cells -
their job is to kill things that invade the system.
The 26th gate is the Gate of Memory. It is the completion of the instinctive memory process
and its completion within the ego. In other words, this is ego memory. But ego memory can
be manipulated: "The fish was this big!" There may indeed have been a fish, but it's size,
given the nature of the 26th gate, is open to over-exaggeration.
This process, don't forget, is about our immune system. It's sometimes good for your health to
be an egoist. It is like the T-cells. When they see a health problem they bombard the threat
with complete exaggeration until it is annihilated. Nothing is held back. The person buying
that car willingly recognizes that they are being exaggerated to. But they like the idea of
buying the best car. It is good for you and your family to have the best car. It duplicates what
your T-cells are doing all the time: keeping your and your family alive in the best possible
way. The car owner can then turn to their friends next door and say, "This is the best car, and
the salesman gave me the best deal." And if the car breaks, don't worry, they've got the best
mechanic in town to take care of it.
Bringing it back to the ego center overall, the ego loves the feeling of getting ahead, that they
are doing well and their family is doing well. And if it involves a little bit of exaggeration
(ego inflation), then so be it. The ego likes to feel good about itself. The defined ego knows
this and in the ideal world they can even make others feel good. But the flip side often
happens: the defined ego makes others feel bad.
The undefined ego does not consistently have this energy to boost their ego, which can result
in lack of feeling good about themselves - loss of self worth, the feeling that their car is less
than adequate etc.
51 - Gate of Shock
The 51st gate is associated with the gallbladder, a pear-shaped organ that stores bile (or
"gall") until the body needs it for digestion. The bile is released when food containing fat
enters the digestive tract.
This is the gate of shock because it is the gall of a fool to leap into the void. The 51 is part of
the only non-tribal channel in the ego center - the Channel of Initiation (51-25). It is the way
in which the ego empowers the Universal Love of the 25th gate. Without Universal Love, the
heart turns to stone (gall bladder stones).
Imagine someone having the gall to jump from the 51st gate out of the tribal element into the
unknown and finding their self (G center) on the other side. This is part of the Individual
Centering Circuit. This Channel of Initiation is a very grounding channel. And on this side it
is fueled by the gall
energy of the ego
Bringing it back to
the ego center overall,
the ego is not an
awareness center, nor
is it particularly subtle.
It is full of gall, which
is powerful enough on
the biological level to
digest almost anything
you put in your mouth.
On another level, the ego is able to get you through pretty much anything. It has the gall to do
The undefined ego is always uncertain whether they have the ego to accomplish something
and this creates insecurity and lack of worth. They are always trying to prove they can
accomplish what they set out to do, putting great pressure on their heart, stomach and gall
bladder. Think heartburn, ulcers and heart attacks.
The defined ego knows their strength better than the undefined ego, but they can be reluctant
to use it. Or they overdo it and become overly competitive, which causes problems too.
40 - The Gate of Aloneness
The 40th gate is related to the stomach. Generally, the stomach's primary function is not the
absorption of nutrients from digested food; this task is usually performed by the intestine. The
main job of the stomach is to break down large food molecules into smaller ones, so that they
can be absorbed into the blood more easily.
The 40th gate is part of the Channel of Community. This is where church potlucks and
community fundraisers happen. It is all about food and making sure the tribe has enough of it.
Like all ego gates, it is also about the bargain. Nothing is free with the ego center. This gate
says, "I'll work to get money if you buy the food and cook it." And if the bargain is not
fulfilled then there will be consequences, regardless of whether that is taking out the garbage
or helping build the community church.
Take for example the true story of an air force bomber pilot in the German Air Force. During
the second world war he got shot down over the Ukraine and broke his hip when he hit the
ground. He walked, sometimes dragging himself, across the 1,700 miles of enemy territory to
get himself back to his village in Germany. By the time he arrived the war was over and the
Germans had lost. Upon arrival at his village the villagers stoned him because he didn't win.
"How dare you come back. You did not win," the villagers yelled. This is the harsh retribution
of the ego circuit.
The 'I' comes out of the contraction and the process of releasing the acids in the stomach to
break down the food. The more food in the belly, the more bile needed and the bigger the ego.
When there is no food, the acid sits there and gets expressed in other ways. When you don't
come through on the bargain it is like not giving food to the stomach. What is essential to the
tribe is that the belly gets filled.
Bringing it back to the ego center overall, nothing is a free ride with the ego. If you get a
present from a person with a defined ego, they expect something in return, no matter what
they tell you. Overall the ego is not subtle. It is like the acid in the stomach. The ego is
concerned with very basic biological needs like food and a strong immune system. It can't
afford to be subtle. The ego is here to assert its motor power to accomplish this.
Open egos feel a lot of pressure to fulfil the bargain. If they made a promise incorrectly they
will not have the will power to fulfil the promise, resulting in problems to do with the heart,
stomach and ultimately overall health. The defined ego can put others under pressure to prove
themselves, which can also result is problems.
The ego has a very specific biological association with each of the four gates: heart, stomach,
thymus, gall bladder. It's out of these four biological variations that the sum total the ego
possessiveness of 'I' is expressed. This particular 'I' is a tribal identity - it's the ego identity
that says, "I am the hunter (21). I am the fool (51). I am the egoist (26). I am the provider
We know that the throat center has only one gate for the tribe and community to express itself
- with the possessive "I have" or "I don't have" of the 45th gate. The 45 is a Primary Gate of
Action since the channel has a motor connected to a throat. It is the manifestation of the heart
in the world. To have heart is something very different from love - it is a sense of communal
concern. The needs of the tribe are dictated by the needs of these biological elements to keep
the heart beating.
The tribe screams, "My child is sick. Don't tell me about your health programs for the future."
Real caring and healing is nurtured in the tribe. This is the nature of its heart - to be concerned
about the well-being of the tribe, and the well-being of the tribe is a possessive well-being.
We have difficulty with the ego because our mind is not comfortable with it (notice the tribe
has no mental channels or gates). The ego is very blunt, almost crude from the perspective of
the mind. Nor is the ego an awareness center, another thing that can make it appear
The ego is here to hold our societies together so we feed each other and support each other.
There is no ego in the knowing circuit, or logic and abstract collective circuit. Logic doesn't
build communities and the abstract is always running away from them. The individual only
cares about itself. Thus the ego process of feeding the tribe is not logical or collective. You do
what you have to do to feed your family and community, regardless of whether it makes sense
mentally, logically or ethically. The ego is here to care about humanity on the grass roots
The ego is a motor to make sure that our communities stay alive, that our bonds stay alive,
that our products are sold, that there childcare, and there is protection, etc. People with
defined egos need to feel secure and involved in these areas. People with undefined egos need
to realize that they will never feel as secure as someone with the defined ego in these areas.
Both need to live their strategy in order for it to unfold correctly.
Sacral Center
Defined: 70%
Undefined: 30%
Biological correlation: ovaries, testes
Type of Center: Motor
Function: vitality, sexuality, fertility, persistence
Defined: can respond with the Sacral voice, consistent access to vitality,
reliable access to energy and sexual identity, pure creative potential waiting
to put into action through response, life is about finding healthy ways to
work of sacral energy, needs to learn to be patient.
Open: does not need to build anything. does not fall under the pressure to be
as productive as others and simply enjoys life. works more as a specialist
for short periods of time, usually guiding others in how to work.
Not Self Strategy of defined sacral : doesn't wait to respond but initiates
and depletes their energy and gets stuck.
Not Self Strategy of open sacral : easily enslaved to overdoing things,
never knows when enough is enough, no fixed sexual identity, about
experiencing life and ”lifestyle;” not about work, cannot sustain a consistent
workload, exhausted by other people's energy, gets carried away (sex, sleep,
food, work, anything).
A woman's gonads, the ovaries, are located in her pelvis. They produce eggs and secrete the
female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen levels determine when a girl begins
puberty and also has an impact on breast growth and accumulation of pubescent body fat
around the hips and thighs (often much to her horror!). Estrogen and progesterone are also
involved in the regulation the menstrual cycle and fertility. Also, hormones related to our
sexual organs play important roles. Testosterone is responsible for muscular strength. Female
hormones allows us to feed our young and care for them for a protracted time.
Because the sacral center is related directly to reproduction it is literally the power to
impregnate things with fertility. This can be specifically about the fertilization that will result
in human life but most of the time this theme of procreation is much broader than simply
making babies.
For example the Channel of Mating (59-6) is a design of intimacy that of course can create a
baby, but if you have this channel it doesn't guarantee you'll spend your life making babies.
Having this channel actually has little bearing on how many children you will have. Nor does
a defined or undefined sacral center determine how much sex you have in life.
The fertility is a much broader theme that effects everything in life. It allows a new business
partnership to flourish, it gives the lively buzz to a diner party, or it simply provides an energy
of abundance to your day to day life.
The fertility of the sacral is the ability to create the energy you
need to live. Without our ovaries and testes we would not
reproduce and die out. Without our sacral center we would stop
generating life force and we would also die.
Genetic Role
Sacral Center has a quality that it shares only with the g center,
namely they are the two centers that house the six role gates (can
you remember them?).
In terms of the role of the Self, we have four gates in the g center
- The three Sphinx gates that bring out roles of direction (the 7th
gate of a logical role of Leadership, the 13th gate of an abstract
role of being a Witness, the 1st gate of the individual role of
being an Example), and the one gate from the Cross of the Vessel
of Love (the 10th gate of the role of Behavior in the World).
These are about how we move through the world in our body as
unique vehicles separate from each other.
In the Sacral Center we have the other two role gates, but these
are not roles of the Self in the world but rather they are genetic
roles: the 59th gate generates who we bond and mate with, and
the 27th generates how we take care of that bonding. Thus the sacral center determines the
basic roles for the foundation of our communities, influencing the quality of our sexual
relationships and the nature of why and how we bond with others.
The sacral center is the only center in the whole chart that is tied to a Type. The generator and
the sacral center are one and the same. Since 70% of people have a defined sacral, you can
automatically deduce that 70% of the world are also generators. This is a special relationship.
It is further evidence of the importance of the sacral center. Most of us are here to generate
life. Most of us are only here to find power through response.
Sacral Voice
The sacral center is similar to the throat in that it has it's own voice. The sacral voice is the
"Uh-uh", the "Mmmm", the "Arrgg!", and the "Hmm..". The sounds are very primal and don't
give much room for explanation. People are afraid sometimes to use them because they are so
crude. If your partner asks you if you love them and you respond from your sacral, "Uh-Uh"
(no), it is brutal. There is no beating around the bush. It is not mental so there is no room for
reason or intellectualization. The mind can say all sorts of crap like, "How can I love you if I
don't know what love is."
But not the sacral voice. It is a trinary of yes or no and there is no explanation. Often a
generator will respond with the sacral and then people will go, "But why? Explain yourself.
That doesn't make sense." If the generator falls into the trap of trying to explain themselves
they will do it from the mind and who knows what will come out. It won't be the sacral truth.
Sometimes there is no response, either with the sacral voice or otherwise. This is because the
sacral is not ready. It is simply a time to wait.
Energy Vortex
This creates a powerful vortex of energy the literally vibrates from the moment a generator is
born until their last breath.
Likewise, this is the vortex that all non-generators are surrounded by and conditioned to be. It
is a deep pull and if they do not live their strategy they will get into situations where the
energy burns them up. It is like putting rocket fuel into a moped. It goes really fast, but
eventually the cylinder (throat center) burns out.
The sacral center can't be discussed without tying it in to the generator. It is a generator world
because so many people have a defined sacral center. The sacral is similar to the throat in that
it has it's own voice.
The Sacral Center is a center of availability. Each gate carries a theme of availability except
for the 34th Gate, which is the gate that is busy sampling what the other sacral gates are
available to. Each of the 8 gates responds to a basic need of the homo-sapiens for survival and
evolution. It starts with us being available to pro-creation and nurturing (59th and 27th gates)
and goes out from the tribe into the collective via the format gates and the tantric gates.
Our response is our selectivity. It is an economical quality. It doesn't‟t have us squander any
energy, except for what we have availability and capacity to respond to. The sacral is
powerful. Enough said.
Root Center
Defined: 68%
Undefined: 32%
Biological correlation: adrenaline gland
Type of Center: motor, pressure
Function: pressure, drive, stress, kundalini
Defined: is here to have a consistent internal way of processing pressure. is
not here to let others pressure them into anything.
Open: can allow themselves to be conditioned by other people's pressure
but need to be very careful that they follow their strategy to get the correct
Not Self Strategy of defined root : is hard on others who can't deal with
stress, puts others under unnecessary stress.
Not Self Strategy of open root : lets stress rule their life, either by being
addicted to the adrenaline rush or by constantly shying away from it and
working hard to get rid of it (usually in a state of stress!).
Adrenal Gland
The adrenal, or suprarenal, gland is paired with one gland
located near the upper portion of each kidney. Each gland is
divided into an outer cortex and an inner medulla. The
cortex and medulla of the adrenal gland, like the anterior
and posterior lobes of the pituitary, develop from different
embryonic tissues and secrete different hormones. The
adrenal cortex is essential to life, but the medulla may be
removed with no life-threatening effects (that we know of).
The first maintain electrolyte balance, i.e. salt
and water levels in the body (this is why you
pee your pants when scared!).
The inner part, the adrenal medulla, produces catecholamines, such as the well known
adrenaline (a.k.a. epinephrine). Adrenaline increases blood pressure and heart rate when the
body experiences stress.
Fight or Flight
This process is very useful in short bursts to remove you from immediate danger. But
increased levels of stress over long periods of time can be harmful because of the extra work
this heightened state puts on the body.
In the section on the head center we talk about mental pressure. Now we are looking at the
other side: physical pressure. This is yet another duality of being alive. The human body is
where the duality comes to meet. In this case the duality is between two pressures, and that's
what keeps us moving along. This pressure sandwich is a stress-anxiety sandwich, stress from
below and anxiety from above.
To understand this is very important. It means that all stress in your life will never last
forever. It is not designed to. The person with the open root center can easily forget this. And
then they stress themselves out trying to get rid of the stress! The mantra of the open root is
"Are you in a hurry to be free of the stress?"
The open root center thinks that if they don't do something to get rid of it then it will never
leave. Instead they should remain aware of the pressure and even use positively, but never let
it control them. And even if you have a defined you, if you are not living your strategy you
are always taking on stress that is not right for you.
If you don't interfere with it, it isn't going to disturb you. Stress and anxiety are not bad. They
are essential fuels for our whole living process. The things we don't like the most - fear, stress,
pain - this is what makes us human. It's what drives our consciousness and body. The mental
anxiety is not bad nor is it good, it's both - always. It's just another this and that, but it's a fuel
for awareness.
Likewise, stress is not good or bad, it is simply a pressure. That pressure can make you jump
to it when needed or it can stop you from ever feeling relaxed. The difference is in how we
are interact with it. If you don't hold onto it ("I'm so stressed out, I need to finish this report or
the world will end..." vs. "I'm following my strategy and that's that") then it has a very useful
place in our lives.
The Caffeine of Life
The Root Centrex is a big time motor with one and only
purpose: to pump out stress (the adrenaline gland literally
produces stress hormones). And these get pumped up to three
places: Spleen, Sacral, and Solar Plexus. We can easily see the
correlation with the three types of hormones discussed above:
Clearly the Root Centrex has an extraordinary impact as a Too much adrenaline or
fueling station for these processes. And they're all fueled with caffeine can really rub you
stress energy. This is where the juice is for our health (spleen), the wrong way.
our sex (sacral) and our emotions (stored in our body's water). The root center is like caffeine.
It can get you going in the morning, but it can also be addictive and destabilizing if abused.
Format Energies
The format energies are the three channels connecting the root to the
sacral. They are very powerful. The mere fact that they are connecting to
motors makes this easy to see. Any time there is a format channel in a
person's chart, that energy will govern the frequency that person has. Even
if you see a gate activated in the format structure, you know that this aspect
These three different energy formats represent the three different ways in which we operate in
the world as energy systems.
Format Frequencies
Every gate out of the Root Centrex can be a place for depression, just like one of the major
side effects of stress is depression. This is especially true for the format energies, the three
channels going from the root to the sacral. These are three archetypes of potential depression.
This is a physical phenomena, so the depression is deeply rooted in the body (lethargy, low
sex drive, body weight, sickness), although of course it effects the mind too.
Therefore, the formats are the three different ways in which stress and the resulting depression
Both pressure centers (head, root) work the same way: they have two collective gates and one
individual gate that connects them to another center. The two pressure centers are linked to
each other through the column that passes through the centrex of the body. Therefore, any
activation in the formats has a connection to the mental process. This is partly why depression
can happen so easily.
For example, somebody with the 53rd gate is under great pressure to start things. The stress in
their life revolves around what they start, don't start, how it is started etc. These people need
variety, they need to feel like they are starting things that lead to maturation. ANd if that
doesn't happen because they can't start anything or it starts wrong, then they can get
depressed. Of course the only way they will start anything correctly is by living their strategy.
All the open channels and gates (and even the open center) is a place where the stress of the
world can get to you. If you don;t live your strategy you will attempt to deal with the stress in
unhealthy ways. You might try to get it over and done with (in a stressful way). You might
drug yourself up with coffee to keep up, or drug yourself down with alcohol to artificially
reduce the feeling of stress. There are many ways that aren't healthy. There is nothing wrong
with the coffee or alcohol, but it needs to be in accordance with the strategy.
The root center is very much about speed. Of course your type, authority and definition plays
a large part in how fast you move. A triple split emotional projector should work slower than
a single definition splenic manifestor. But the root center will have an impact on how much
pressure they are under to get something done.
If you have a defined root center then the pressure is consistent and thus your speed at getting
things done will be more consistent. If you have an open root center then the pressure is
inconsistent and therefore you won't always feel the same pressure to do something.
Of course life is full of different levels of external pressure. The pressure to change a baby's
diapers is different than the pressure to get a new pair of shoes. But internally, the defined
root center will have a less erratic pressure field. The open root center in general will feel
under more pressure, especially if they are not aware of the ability for the open root to take on
the pressure conditioning from others.
In general, the defined root is designed to deal with more pressure than the undefined root.
But in the end it always comes down to living your strategy, which will always give the right
amount of pressure for your design.
Splenic Center
Defined: 53%
Undefined: 47%
Biological correlation: lymphatic system, spleen, B-Cells
Type of Center: awareness
Function: body consciousness, intuition, instinct, taste, survival, fears
about survival that keep us healthy.
Defined: fixed way of body consciousness to stay healthy, can be
spontaneous, can trust gut feeling, gives sense of well-being (“feel-good”)
to others, fixed way of processing fear, leads to a sense of security. best
treated with allopathic medicine (conventional western medicine).
Open: open to unspecific fears that can result in not feeling good, can
become addicted to the “feel good” that others may bring; the fear is never
theirs - it comes from outside. Spontaneity can kill them, must pay
attention to health, must give the immune system a chance to learn, can be
a wonderful diagnosis tool because it picks up on disease patterns of others,
as long as it learns not to hold on to them (makes a great doctor but a
terrible nurse). best treated with alternative (non chemical) medicine.
Not Self Strategy of defined spleen : ignore their instincts in the moment,
let their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm their instincts.
Not Self Strategy of open spleen : are you still holding on to things that
are not good for you? Can become dependent on relationships or habits to
get the feel good splenic connection.
Lymphatic vessels form a The major parts of the lymphatic system are the bone
circulatory system that operates in marrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and the
close partnership with blood tonsils. Other organs, including the heart, lungs,
circulation. intestines, liver, and skin also contain lymphatic tissue.
The lymphatic system circulates a watery clear fluid called lymph. This fluid distributes
immune cells through the body. The word "lymph" in Greek means a pure, clear stream - an
appropriate description considering its appearance and purpose.
While the lymph nodes filter the lymph, the spleen, at the upper left of the abdomen, filters
blood. Together they create a constant screening network that few harmful foreign microbes
can escape.
Killer Cells
The splenic center is what literally keeps us from being eaten up by the millions of harmful
bacteria, fungus, and microbes floating around. The spleen is the body's washing machine and
watch dog combined.
The effectiveness of keeping harmful microbes out is based on how aware the spleen can
remain. If it misses a second, it opens the door for millions of harmful elements to take hold
of the body. That is why the spleen is an existential awareness - awareness in the now.
B cells become plasma cells, Splenic authority needs to be honored no matter what! If you
which produce antibodies are splenic you need to accept that right now. And now. And
when a foreign antigen now, and now...
triggers the immune response.
Every gate in the spleen is associated with a specific fear. A defined spleen is attuned to all of
the fears of each splenic gate, with the gates of the defined channel(s) being the most
dominant. Also, all the fears are basically a fear of not surviving.
50 – Fear of Responsibility
48 – Fear of Inadequacy
57 – Fear of the Future
44 – Fear of the Past
32 – Fear of Failure
28 – Fear of Death, risk taking
18 – Fear of Authority
A person with a defined splenic center is not healthier than an undefined splenic center. As we
have seen with the other centers, your health can be impacted by many things and in many
areas, regardless of definition. It is all about following strategy and authority.
Defined or not, the spleen keeps all the other centers healthy and free of harmful external
elements. If it is undefined it might do it less regularly, but it will still do it as much as you
need. Of course, living your strategy is the deciding factor.
What can happen to somebody with an undefined spleen is that they might come into contact
with a defined spleen and all of a sudden feel a little sick. The undefined spleen's washing
machine gets turned on and the body starts it's cleansing process, which initially might release
the dirt from the cells into the lymphatic system, much like dirt from clothes going into the
Likewise, the undefined spleen might pick up the aspects of the other person that are not
healthy, which could also make them mirror the symptoms. The open spleen can be wise in
this way.
Splenic Gates in the wheel
On the patient side, open spleen people can use homeopathic and holistic forms of medicine
more effectively because of their sensitivity. Defined spleens might need something more
If you have a defined spleen, you have a strong immune system that's working, provided you
live your strategy. The moment that illness really comes to the surface, your immune system
is already overloaded. These are people who carry things around inside of them for a long
time before it comes to the surface. And when it does it hits hard.
Also, the child with the open spleen needs more time to recover from minor colds etc if they
are to be become healthy adults. Children with defined spleens can get very ill quickly or run
very high temperatures, scaring the hell out of their parents. Of course, they recover quicker
If you've got an undefined splenic system you don't have an internal feel good mechanism that
is consistent. Since the 'feel-good' hormones are pumped by the defined spleen, there's this
sense of not quite feeling right when the spleen is not activated. The lymph fluid isn't draining
consistently and thus you feel more prone to threats. There are many fears connected to the
spleen because of this instinctual awareness of ill health possibilities.
With the open spleen, because you don't feel good you're a sucker for anybody that's going to
hook up your splenic system. Undefined splenic people should not get lost in the need to have
their spleen connected, despite the temptations. That knee-jerk need for the feel-good is
dangerous unless they're really aware.
Who you take in in your life is dependent on where your authority is, not dependent on how
you connect mechanically to someone. In order to accept somebody in your life there is a
place of authority within you that says that this is correct or not - that's the criterion - not
simply getting the definition. For the open spleen there will be a mechanical attraction to the
defined spleen regardless of whether that person is good for you. Living your strategy will
guide the mechanics, not the other way around.
Three Awareness Centers
The spleen (awareness in the now) can
be overpowered by the mind (awareness
over all time). The mind in turn can be
overpowered by the solar plexus
(awareness in a wave)
Defined: 50%
Undefined: 50%
Biological correlation: kidney, prostate, pancreas, complex neuron
network of the solar plexus, nervous system, lungs
Type of Center: motor, awareness
Function: seeing our fears through nervousness, experiencing the gamut of
emotions: moods, desires, sensitivity.
Defined: no truth in the now, spontaneity can kill you, clarity comes over
time, waiting out the wave is always the inner authority, the emotional
wave is part of your life you can never get rid of it. Depth and perspective
as qualities of emotional wisdom.
Open: avoids conflict, ‚don‟t rock the boat‟, tries to lead a „secret life‟,
takes in lots of emotions until it bursts, empathic, avoids all emotional
decisions, emotions always are conditioned by its surroundings, doesn‟t
identify with the emotions, can be a loose cannon, lies to itself about its
secret life, seeks the high end of the wave and avoids the low.
Defined Not Self Strategy: try to live in the moment and ignore their
emotions over time, let their mind or other people's emotions overwhelm
their own emotions.
Undefined Not Self Strategy: Are you still doing whatever it takes to avoid
truth and confrontation?
Second Brain
There is a vast network of nerves surrounding
the esophagus, stomach and intestines of such
complexity that it is called the "second brain."
It's real name is the enteric nervous system and
it has more neurotransmitters than anywhere
else in the entire nervous system.
Sensory nerves send messages to the brain through the spinal cord in
the backbone, motor nerves carry messages from the brain to the
muscles and glands.
The chemical trigger is one of the reasons why the solar plexus is such a biochemical entity,
going up and down in it's wave, not for any particular reason but merely due to the body's
The pancreas produces enzymes that break down
food and secretes hormones that affect carbohydrate
metabolism. The emotional process is very
connected to our eating. When not following your
strategy this can create stomach problems and
eating disorders
The word emotion (e-motion) means to move things forward so they can be eliminated in the
end. If the motor for some reason is not allowed to run this way it no longer gets things out
and the waste builds up in the body.
A defined solar plexus center processes these elements more regularly than an undefined solar
plexus. The open solar plexus might not always have access to the motor's energy, but if they
live their strategy they will be able to process it eventually.
This concept of the emotions as a forward moving motor is important. If you are not able to
let go of the past due to some emotional block, the solar plexus motor can not do it's job
correctly. Things get blocked and your system becomes toxic.
The open solar plexus people usually end up doing two general things:
1. They do whatever they can to avoid the emotional wave. This means not speaking what
they really think or avoiding dealing with a situation that could cause an emotional reaction. It
leads to all sorts of compromise, miscommunication and eventually leads to even more
emotional problems. As we saw above, to avoid emotions can cause blockage of the body.
2. They amplify the emotional wave from the people around them. This results in emotional
outbursts and issues. But the emotions aren't theirs. It is like taking somebody else's medicine.
Not a good idea.
Usually the open emotional people bounce between these two extremes. The clear open solar
plexus person is able to feel the emotions within them and be able to see who is giving them
those emotions. They do not run away from the emotions, nor do they let the emotions push
them into making decisions or saying things. They simply watch and share what the other
person is feeling, giving them the time and space to ride through the whole wave. This is
The defined solar plexus people tend to live in a world of shame and blame. They are
ashamed of their emotional outbursts and they blame others for their emotions. "It's your fault
I'm sad." When ashamed, they try to hold their emotions in and stifle the feelings, resulting in
health issues. The emotions usually come out anyway but in a more distorted and destructive
Or the defined solar plexus person acts immediately on the first feeling that hits them. This
spontaneous action creates emotional chaos when the feeling moves into another point in the
wave. If they are happy they marry you, if they are sad they diverse you.
A Wave
The emotional center goes up and down in a biochemical wave. This wave can be a few
seconds long or several years. A defined solar plexus will have millions of waves intertwined.
Each circuit has a distinct wave style. The three streams are the tribal, individual and
collective, with the keynotes Need/Passion/Desire respectively. Furthermore, each channel
has minor emotional keynotes:
19/49 NEED
30/36 DESIRE
The tribal wave slowly builds and crashes quickly . Imagine a family that works hard to build
a good life. Things are going good, life is getting better. And then one day somebody is hit by
a car. From one moment to the next the emotions crash.
The 59/6, although tribal, is an exception. It works as an idle/stall stall energy. In this case the
crash is a stall. For example, since this is the channel of intimacy, stalling creates the pleasure
of orgasm. It is the reopening and the returning on of the motor that floods the being with
pleasure after a slow build up to climax. This channel is an exception becuase the 6th gate
actually embodies all three of the other wave energies.
The individual (55/22) passion is vastly different from need. Need is need in the basic sense.
If you want to see what human being really need in this life then go to the source of need (19)
and you‟ll see the need for proper resources, shelter, god, food, and partner is all there. If you
do not have this it immediately creates problems in the tribe.
But passion is not about need. Passion is rubbing two sticks together and building a fire that‟s
so hot, it cracks the rocks underneath. Passion does not burn like an immediate fire like desire.
Passion often starts very cool. This is a channel of emoting and putting the emotion out. The
39-55 is born theatrics like Marlon Brando. It is about getting the
emotions out.
The passion and its connection to the lock are at the very mystery of romantic love. The
passion can build to such a point that one is locked into that passion. This is where you have
the tradition of unrequited love. You spend a lifetime enthralled and adoring somebody you
can never have and yet not feeling unfulfilled.
When you are dealing with individuality and mutation, there is a deep potential for
depression. This is a deeply creative process leading up to the 12th gate. It is possible for
individuals to be locked into deep spikes and never recover. There are many examples of
creative beings who get locked into deep melancholies and depressions.
Desire (30/36) is not passion and doesn‟t have a chance to grow. Desire must never be
confused with need. It is one of the mysteries of the human experiential way that beneath the
motor there is no consciousness. It is just a motor and part of the magnificence of the
choicelessness of being.
The collective way shows us that we have no choice but to go from inexperience to
experience, driven by desire. There is no choice at all. What is so dynamic in the nature of
desire is that this is the crash and explode wave. There is nothing like the explosion at the end
of a crash wave.
Not all of this has to be so dramatic. Many emotional beings regardless of their level of
awareness begin to recognize the impact of their emotional field one way or the other. Many
of these beings feel guilty for being emotional. The solar plexus center is one of the great
binaries. It has horror and the absolute of the pleasure that it can bring. Unfortunately there is
so much not-self emotional, no truth in the now blundering on the planet and we all have to
live with the aftermath of it.
The process of desire is never about satisfaction. It can never be satisfied. Satisfaction is
logical. It‟s in the 18-58. You can never be satisfied if you are ruled by desire. It can only
bring you more desire. Without it we would still be hunter/gathers. The desire drives us
forward at a great pace.
Emotional Mastery
Those that have gone through a seven year de-conditioning process have a level of
smoothness in the vibration of the wave they put out into the consciousness field. An open
emotional being encountering this wave recognizes this is a wave that doesn‟t have to be
avoided. It doesn‟t trigger that. It is where every emotional being has a right to be.
Emotional beings are here to know the pain and pleasure of need, passion and desire. To be
correct when you ratchet, snap, spike, lock, crash and explode. Then it‟s not just right for the
individual, but for all those that have to deal with that being. Emotional beings are told in any
analysis of their design to only trust what you feel. It is important to recognize that the awake
emotional being transforms the planet we live on and changes the frequency.
Half the generators are emotional. This is the emotionalization of frustration. It is a thick soup
that we can barely get through. All you can do is follow your line of geometry and see where
it takes you. It‟s one by one. One emotional person at a time coming to grips with what it
means to be an emotional being.
This is an enormous transformation that is not selfish because every emotional being that
transforms themselves transforms a piece of the environment. Anyone that comes into their
aura is affected. All it takes is a slow acceptance of the time it takes for de-conditioning.
It's Time
Emotional beings have a different type of potential awareness then anyone else because of the
nature of the frequency. A splenic being grasps everything in the moment. A mental being is
stuck with everything forever. The emotional person goes through the wave process. The
focus remains the same, but the focus goes through a complete spectrum and nobody grasps
circumstances and the other better than an emotional being. It is what they are made for if
they wait.
The emotional system has the ability to communicate on a deep level. We are not at that point
of solar plexus development just yet. We feel emotions from others but it is still a fuzzy
communication. The rave children who will be born after and around the year 2027 will
literally be able to communicate through the solar plexus.
Any emotional being moving through the spectrum with the same focus can grasp things at a
profound level that may not be able to be articulated as a concept (yet). But that understanding
is still powerful. They don't sense the spontaneity of a splenic hunch, which can also be gone
in an instant. It is a depth of feeling unlike any other quality that human beings can have. It is
profound clarity.
The magic of clarity is the joke. Clarity is not the same as the truth and clarity can never be
100%. It can only be 99% clear. The magic of emotional awareness and the potential of spirit
consciousness is to understand that there is a potential at any moment for the game to change
entirely. With the emotional process you can't be 100% sure of anything since the wave is a
moving energy.
When an emotionally defined person to understands this and lives it, they are truly powerful,
deep beings. The people with open solar plexus can partake in that depth if they also
understand the emotional mechanic and where it is coming from.
A person with with splenic authority has a defined spleen and is designed to be spontaneous.
Their not self, however, is always punishing themselves for their inability to make plans in
the future, all the while ignoring their instincts in the now.
The open centers have very powerful not self energies that can destabilize us and make us
unhappy. This audio will cover the not self elements of open centers, focusing on the specific
insecurities of each open center.
Below you can see the questions to ask yourself. They address the core issues that the not self
open centers face. A good exercise is to try living the extremes of these to see how it effects
For example, if you have an open solar plexus, watch what happens when you avoid all truth
and confrontation. Then try the other way: watch what happens when you face all truth and
confrontation. It helps to find the balance and dispel fears.
An example of splenic authority: