Programming 10
Programming 10
Programming 10
Takeaway System
E S P > Software Programming>
Level A1.1 Pre - Starter
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• Let’s Start! • Let’s Explore! • Let’s Practice! • Extension Activity • Target Words • Learning Points
Let’s Start!
Exchange information about logic, its • I can say how to understand the
principles, and methods in simple decimal number system.
spoken and written situations. • I can say how to understand the
Describe the development and software binary number system.
programming in simple spoken and • I can answer some questions about
written situations. the binary number system in
Ask your partner:
• Why do you think the decimal and
binary number systems are important
in programming?
• In which contexts do you need to use
them? Why?
The Binary Number
Takeaway System
E S P > Software Programming>
Level A1.1 Pre - Starter
Let’s Explore!
Teacher: Great! But, why do you think these topics are important in programming?
Paula: Well, you use the binary system to express data for computer programming!
With this system you can execute a lot of operations in computing as solving
software engineering problems, extracting information from bit fields and
reading raw data.
The Binary Number
Takeaway System
E S P > Software Programming>
Level A1.1 Pre - Starter
Let’s Practice!
1. We can start with the decimal system, 4. _____ tell me about the binary and
it works with units of ten is called decimal number systems?
_____. a. Can you what
a. “Base 10” b. What can you
b. “Base 1” c. What you can
c. “Base 2”
5. _____ from the decimal system in
2. To represent numbers, this system some ways.
needs the digits _____. a. Binary can differs
a. by 0 to 9. b. Binary can differ
b. from 0 to 9. c. Binary can differed
c. To 0 from 9.
Let’s Practice!
1. Can you mentioned an example of a decimal number system? Yes! The number 165 is
1-hundreds plus 6-tens, plus 5-ones.
2. Must you gave me an example of a binary number system? Yes! The number 10100
represents one “group” of 16, 0 groups of 8, 1 group of 4, 0 groups of 2 and the
value 0.
3. Can you telling my about the binary number system of “Binary Digit”? Yes, it is bit.
The Binary Number
Takeaway System
E S P > Software Programming>
Level A1.1 Pre - Starter
Extension Activity
Target Words
• raw data (noun): primary data that • differ from (verb): to be different
comes from one source from something
e.g. You can execute a lot of e.g. Binary system differs from the
operations in computing as solving decimal system in some ways.
software engineering problems,
extracting information from bit fields • depict (verb): to represent
and reading raw data. e.g. How can you depict that number in
the corresponding equation?
• digit (noun): a number
e.g. Decimal system needs the digits • extract (verb): to remove, to collect
from 0 to 9. e.g. you can execute a lot of operations
in computing as solving software
• equation (noun): a mathematic engineering problems, extracting
symbolic representation. information from bit fields and reading
e.g. How can you depict that number raw data.
in the corresponding equation?
The Binary Number
Takeaway System
E S P > Software Programming>
Level A1.1 Pre - Starter
Learning Points
You formulate questions with can and the simple present tense to get information
about present facts; in this case, to collect information about programming.
Use the modal verb can to express permission, possibility or ability. To formulate
questions, have in mind the following structure:
Use the simple present to ask questions about present facts. Don't forget the auxiliary
verb Do / Does when formulating the question:
The Binary Number
Takeaway System
E S P > Software Programming>
Level A1.1 Pre - Starter
Learning Points
Binary and decimal systems are widely used in computing science. Some aspects of this
one requires the knowledge of these systems, which is why it is crucial to understand
how they work.
In the following chart, you'll see the representation of these two number systems:
… … …
1 group of 64, 1 group of 32, 0 groups of
100 1100100 16, 0 groups of 8, 1 group of 4, 0 groups of
2 and 0
… … …
1 group of 64, 1 group of 32, 1 group of 16,
125 1111101 1 group of 8, 1 group of 4, 0 groups of 2 and