ACUD Brochure
ACUD Brochure
ACUD Brochure
About ACUD
All the achievements of the human race among the history was a dream at first, an ambitious leap forward for a better life fulfilling our needs and the dream would never be true
without the disciplined and faithful work accompanying the courage and eagerness to achieve the dream.
The New Administrative Capital of Egypt was a dream induced from the Egyptian State and people needs to have a Capital City which corporates the values of development
and sustainability cutting through traffic congestion and overpopulation to enhance people’s life with a smart and sustainable city to be a proto-model for the new cities would
be built all over Egypt. Egypt’s population is now estimated to be over 100 million capita which would actually need at least 200 thousand units to be built yearly.
Here in Egypt we are aware of the urgent need to a new capital that meets the needs of the citizens, the government, and the investors built according to the highest internation-
al standards … and here we confirm that we are starting from where the others had finished.
Looking forward to construct a city not only the matter of building high towers or sophisticated buildings but also constructing a living city, which has the ability to reform with
the science and ecology paradigms.
In regard to the transfer of the Government to their new campus, there would be about (50 thousand) employee should be transferred within the middle of 2020 accompanied
by the transfer of His Excellency Mr. President to the Presidential Complex.
Concerning the culture and the Egyptian identity aspects, we put into our consideration special architectural designs that meets our Egyptian culture.
Ahmed Zaki Abdeen
Ahmed Zaki Abdeen
Strategic Location
Our Mission
Building a modern model to Egypt with a leading managerial system which plays an influential role in its renaissance
And regain its regional and international leadership and become an addition to its great civilization.
And offers the world an innovative cultural and human model.
Our 7 principles
Sustainable city
Green city
Smart city
Walkable city
Livable city
Connected city
Business city
Governmental District
Financial District
Business and Finance district includes The headquarters of
the Central Bank, the Stock Exchange, banks headquarters
and many of major companies.
Diplomatic District
The Diplomatic district with area of 1,500 acres which will include all diplomatic missions and embassies of foreign
countries and international organizations.
It’s also includes a residential districts for foreign diplomats to be close to the embassies .
City of Art and Culture
the world’s largest City for Culture and Arts, which will be part of the New Admin-
istrative Capital.
The city will feature several theaters, exhibition halls, libraries, museums, and
galleries for traditional and contemporary arts in the fields of music, painting,
sculpture and handicrafts.
Opera House: 3 main halls with a capacity of 3,300 people and an outdoor
theater as well as cinema halls, restaurants and a cultural center
Conference Center
Conference center with multiple halls of up to 5,000 people, with an
administrative building, meeting rooms, etc.
A 900-acre exhibition city with two hotels, an outdoor exhibition area
and exhibition halls of international standards.
Green river
The Green River, a central gardens and green areas throughout the
entire city with WIDE ranging from 70 meters to 124 meters. The
TOTAL area is about 25 km 2. The design of the city has also ensured
the availability of large areas of green spaces All over the city.
Smart City
The new capital is utilizing the latest technologies to become an internationally recognized smart city, The new capital is built over a connected
fiber infrastructure and shared mobile towers.
The administration and operation of the city is run from a centralized and integrated control rooms named as:
The administrative capital is a model of renewed thought through which we aim to provide a distinctive product that represents an
addition to the Egyptian real estate market. We work hard to provide distinctive architectural models and provide unprecedented
diversity in areas and heights. We are interested in the implementation of designs on a scientific basis to provide all investment activi-
ties of residential, educational, commercial, recreational and medical activities. This will meet the needs of both investors and
residents of the city. Providing promising investment opportunities and helping employers to open new markets is our ultimate goal.
Residential neighborhoods are designed to form a group integrated
urban communities and their units vary between residential buildings
– villas- town house – twin house as well as some commercial and
administrative buildings
Educational district
A number of universities and international schools will offer diverse educational programs
for students from Egypt and the Middle East.
Medical city
It is a specialized medical city providing all medical services and educational services on an
area of 540 acres.
Our vision is to apply the latest technologies matching with our dream of
creating the First Smart Sustainable 4th Generation City in Egypt and our
mission is to exert maximum efforts towards achieving an integrated city
covering its elements; i,e. urban planning, infrastructure, means of transporta-
tion, the city artistic themes… etc.
Head of Technology
The administrative capital is designed to be the first smart and sustainable
city in the Arab Republic of Egypt by building a digital city based on modern
information and communication technology infrastructure (fiber optic cables,
telecommunications equipment and sensors, data centers). To ensure the
instantaneous circulation of information with world-class standards to provide
many electronic services to citizens to facilitate living and promote welfare
and keep pace with the technological development of the cities of the fourth
generation "
Contact Us :
Administrative Capital For Urban Development.
Tolip Hotel ,5th Settlement, Cairo – Egypt
Mob: +2 01060047727
Tel : 0226190015 - 0226190014
Fax : 0226190016 [email protected] /ACUDEGY