Personal-Care Cosmetic Practices in Pakistan: Current Perspectives and Management
Personal-Care Cosmetic Practices in Pakistan: Current Perspectives and Management
Personal-Care Cosmetic Practices in Pakistan: Current Perspectives and Management
Nazeer Hussain Khan 1,2 Abstract: To look superior and acceptable in society, people from all over the world use
Faiz Ullah 3 various types of cosmetic products to enhance or alter their facial appearance and body
Taskin Aman Khan 4 texture. In recent times, an exponential surge in cosmetic use has been observed in Pakistan,
Ujala Zafar 5 and hence spending money on personal-care products is high. However, there are many
reported facts about high loads of lead, mercury, copper, and others hazardous and cancerous
Muhammad Farhan Ali Khan6
elements in local Pakistani cosmetic brands. Consumers of these brands are at high risk of
Muhammad Mustaqeem7
many clinical issues, including cancer. As such, it is a necessity to make people aware of the
Syed Sakhawat Shah3
devastating harmful effects related to cosmetic use. The aim of this study was to provide
Dong-Dong Wu 1,8 information for stakeholders and raise awareness in the general public about the use of these
Xin-Ying Ji 1 local unauthorized personal-care cosmetic products, along with government strategies to stop
1 this cosmetic blight on human health.
Henan International Joint Laboratory for
Nuclear Protein Regulation, Henan Keywords: cosmetics, cancer, health issues, mercury, Pakistan
University, Henan 475001, People’s
Republic of China; 2School of Life
Sciences, Henan University, Kaifeng,
Henan, 475004, People’s Republic of
China; 3Department of Chemistry, Introduction
Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad
Cosmetics are products that are applied on external parts of the body to clean and
44000, Pakistan; 4Department of
Chemistry, University of Sargodha, protect, thus altering one’s appearance or keeping those parts in good condition.
Sargodha 40100, Pakistan; 5School of
Natural Sciences, National University of
Our external look plays a significant role in our daily social interactions, as a white
Science and Technology, Islamabad, complexion in many cultures is considered a mark of beauty in both men and
44000, Pakistan; 6Department of
Pharmacy, Quaid-I-Azam University,
women. General ingredients of cosmetics are formaldehyde, quaternium-15, heavy
Islamabad 44000, Pakistan; 7Department metals, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone, parabens, lanolin,
of Chemistry, University of Sargodha Sub-
Campus, Bhakkar 30000, Pakistan;
colophonium, and p-phenylenediamine (PPD). Many of these ingredients are recog
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Henan nized as being safe or having a low toxicological contour, but others have
University College of Medicine, Henan
475001, People’s Republic of China concentrations of noxious chemicals that pose a significant risk of causing adverse
reactions.1 Adverse effects of cosmetics are mostly reactions of the skin, such as
contact dermatitis (allergic and irritant), phototoxic and photoallergic reactions,
contact urticaria, and hypo/hyperpigmentation. However, possible adverse systemic
effects have also been reported, eg, intoxication, lung dysfunction, and carcinogenic
effects.2 For example, cosmetics with high level of lead and aluminum harm can
result in juvenile delinquency and behavioral problems in children, while adulthood
exposure to aluminum induces cholinotoxicity.3,4 Researchers have also confirmed
that excessive use of these cosmetic items can disturb the hormones and lead to
risks in pregnancy, with short gestational time in women and low sperm count in
Correspondence: Dong-Dong Wu
Email men.5–7 Due to greater practice, women are at more risk of acquiring hypersensi
tivity to ingredients of cosmetics than men. Whitening products used by women to
Xin-Ying Ji
Email keep their skin toned and beautiful contain hazardous substances for bleaching
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purposes, ie, hydroquinone, mercury, kojic acid, and vita creams, containing chemicals (hydroquinone, mercury, or cor
min C, which can affect their health, and more danger ticosteroids) as core ingredients.23 In this study, we highlight
ously these products are easily available in markets.8,9 the use of these cheaper and locally manufactured nonstandard
Nowadays, toiletries and skin lightening (bleaching) are cosmetics and the associated health risks by summarizing the
widely used all over the world especially in African and Asian available data from different sources, including scientific and
countries, but there is a lack of public awareness about the right government publications, newspaper articles, and other com
use of cutaneous creams in recommended quantities and their parison studies on the commonest-used cosmetic items. We
adverse effects on skin.10 Many quality-oriented cosmetic also report on some international brands that exceed hazard
brands are positively regarded and favored by customers, but levels of noxious ingredients.
at the same time due to financial issues, most of the population
is unable to afford those costly branded cosmetics. As such,
they depend on local markets selling cheap, low-quality cos
Skin-Whitening Creams and
metic items with such active ingredients as mercury, corticos Lotions
teroids, and hydroquinone, which pose serious risks.11 It has Pakistan has been named among countries with high
been reported that impaired wound healing, fish-odor syn levels of mercury (third–most hazardous chemical) in var
drome, steroid-addiction syndrome (exogenous), a broad spec ious cosmetic products, in which skin-whitening creams
trum of cutaneous wound infections, and endocrinological come out on top of famous brands with highest sales.19
issues with corticosteroids (suppression of hypothalamic– The use of skin-whitening creams for fair complexion
pituitary–adrenal axis) are associated with the use of these was considered effective by a majority of women (59%)
products.12 Although the skin provides a protective barrier, in one study conducted in Pakistan, and they also
but certain ingredients and contaminants have the ability to agreed that a lighter skin tone was more beautiful and
penetrate the face, lips, or eyes and produce adverse local or the use of skin-lightening products strongly associated
systemic effects.13,14 Recently in Pakistan, an exponential with achieving a fair complexion.24 A Sustainable
surge in cosmetic products has been observed, where Development Policy Institute report has revealed the pre
a person wears cosmetics to look superior and to be acceptable sence of high quantities of mercury and other heavy metals
in society. Cosmetic-manufacturing units in Pakistan prompt in skin-whitening creams found in Karachi, Lahore,
the public to buy their products through electronic and print Islamabad, Peshawar and other big cities of
media. Pakistani women spend much money on purchasing Pakistan.25 Most Pakistani cosmetic companies have high
personal-care grooming products and support the industry to levels of mercury in their creams, facial lotions, and other
grow more.15,16 According to one survey, Pakistanis spend skin-whitening products, which may pose a serious health
Rs101 billion per year on personal-care products, ie, 4% of risk to innocent customers. Tables 1 and 2 list both
all household expenditure in the country.17 Unfortunately, in national and international brands of skin-whitening creams
Pakistan these products are easily available at local stores, in Pakistan with high loads of deadly toxic chemicals.20
instead of only at pharmacies or at regular medical stores.
The majority of manufacturing units are unauthorized and
working illegally on a large scale. According to a 2018 reports
Mehndi (Henna) and Black Mehndi
by a joint effort of the Ministry of Climate Change and the Pakistani Brands
Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, Henna and black mehndi are widely used Pakistani products.
Pakistan, assessment of the quality of 59 local and international There are 30–40 mehndi brands in Pakistani markets for
brand products revealed only three manufacturers were using which the details of the contained ingredients are totally
standard mercury quantities, while the remaining 56 included absent. According to research from Karachi University,
excessive amounts (0.74–44,292ppm) in their products com these products contain toxic chemicals (such as oxalic acid,
pared to the permissible 1ppm limit.18–21 A report by the sodium picramate, and titanium dioxide), textile dyes, carci
European Environmental Bureau indicated that Pakistan nogenic substances, highly volatile organic solvents (camphor
exports many mercury-loaded toxic skin-whitening creams to and terpineol), and other heavy metals, including PPD, lead,
countries like Bangladesh and the Philippines.22 According to chromium, and nickel which not only cause allergic
a published report by the BBC, trading centers had recently reactions but also penetrate blood vessels and damage body
cracked on down many Pakistan brands, especially beauty organs.26 Figure 1 illustrates PPD action on skin.
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Dovepress Khan et al
Table 1 List of local skin-whitening creams containing high doses Table 1 (Continued).
of mercury in Pakistan
Number Cream name Sample Hg Hg more
Number Cream name Sample Hg Hg more
ID (ppm) than
ID (ppm) than
19 Alpha white C0016 3,923 3.922×105
1 Skin White milk IC-35 0.8 ˂ 20
beauty cream
and haldi cream
20 Biocos emergency C0021 5,129 5.128×105
2 Hemani Advance C0017 2.59 159
whitening cream
herbal whitening
cream 21 Dermolite C0019 6,035 6.03×105
whitening cream
3 Goree beauty C0012 4.39 339
cream 22 Pure White I.C-23 7,862 7.861×105
beauty whitening
4 Fair & Lovely C001 5.02 402
multivitamin 23 Look Fresh beauty IC-41 7,912 7.911×105
(Pakistani) cream
5 Current Fairness C0015 8.45 745 24 Forever skin- C0014 8,181 8.18×105
cream whitening cream
6 Hitone whitening C0023 9.11 811 25 Denso beauty C009 9,681 9.68×105
cream cream
7 Skin White gold LC-21 13.49 1.249×10 26 White Secret C004 10,369 1.03×106
beauty cream beauty cream
8 Face Fresh LC-28 19 1.8×10 27 Sandal whitening LC-27 12,044 1.2043×106
cleanser cream Beauty Cream
14 White Touch C0013 1257 1.2×105 33 White Gold LC-22 15,795 1.5794×106
whitening cream whitening
cream with
15 Face Tonic P-42 1,405 1.4×105
whitening formula
16 CinciBrido KC-37 1,479 1.479×105
34 Zuni beauty cream C0010 15,973 1.5972×106
whitening cream
17 Nine Herbs C006 2,420 2.41×105
35 Maxdif skin- C0022 16,004 1.6×106
whitening cream
brightening cream
18 Era beauty cream C007 2,458 2.458×105
40 Delicate whitening IC-39 23,780 2.3779×106 8 Olive whitening cream C0024 8.31
beauty cream
9 Garnier Skin Naturals White LC-24 15.52
41 Parley herbal LC-29 40,131 4.013×106 Complete
whitening cream
10 Eveline Cosmetics White C0032 9.27
Notes: From a joint project of the Ministry of Climate Change and Sustainable Extreme, 3D
Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan. Results showed that most SWC
brands had the potential to cause mercury toxicity effecting the general public health.
11 Stillman’s skin bleach cream IC-36 44,292
Techniques used for mercury analysis were HGASS and ICP.19,25
12 Fair and Lovely P-43 40
Black Stone (Kala Pathar) 13 Vince skin lightening night cream C0028 21.35
Due to low cost and easy availability, many Pakistani
14 Fair and Lovely Max Fairness IC-40 21
women opt to color their hair with black stone. Black Multi Expert face cream
stone’s ingredients are very harmful and used as a poison
15 Ponds Flawless White C0031 0.74
for suicide. Major components of its composition are PPD,
sodium, EDTA, and propylene glycol, which contribute to 16 YC whitening pearl cream C0025 0.93
multiorgan failure.27 Excessive use of black stone may 17 Fair & Lovely advanced C0026 1.43
cause liver, respiratory system, and kidney problems.28 multivitamin
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Dovepress Khan et al
Figure 1 Mutagenic effects of the henna plant and PPD action on skin. Leaves of the henna plant contain a red-orange dye (lawsone, also known as hennotannic acid) and
PDD, which causes allergic and inflammatory reactions that develop carcinogenic effects.92,93.
quantity of toluene, which can be adsorbed into the skin thioglycolate are present in hair-removal products. Such cosmetic
through the nail beds, resulting in dizziness, headache, and items contain heavy metals that make the skin red and cause
fatigue.35 Arterial oxygen saturation level (SpO2) in the rashes on sensitive parts of the body, sexual and allergic pro
blood is important for normal body physiology. Different blems, bed smell, and increase the risk of cancer.39
nail polishes of different colors decrease SpO2 in the body
and cause respiratory disorders, hypothermia, and other Lipsticks
dysfunction.36 A Pakistani hair and skin cancer expert said A commonly cited aphorism is that “women accidentally eat
that excessive use of nail polish can lead to dryness and about 4 lb of lipsticks in a lifetime”. Other than skin-whitening
weakening of nails, even discoloration.37 creams and lotions, lip cosmetics are more dangerous, as lips
are more susceptible to absorption and present an oral route of
Facial Hair and Cosmetics exposure to chemicals. During drinking, eating, and kissing,
Having facial hair is a common and distressing problem for one can ingest harmful ingredients of lipsticks. These products
women. Laser therapy is a permanent solution to this. This also increase levels of heavy metals, eg, lead, in the body.
treatment demands well-qualified, experienced, and skillful elec Lipsticks that contain high amounts of lead are very dangerous
trologists, but unfortunately unqualified and unscrupulous people for pregnant women, because it can simply pass through the
in the country are using this methodology only for the sake of placenta.40 It has been found that some cosmetics markets in
money.38 Many side effects have been reported with local facial Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan are selling lipsticks with high
creams to remove facial hair. Calcium hydroxide and potassium concentrations of Fe, Zn, Pb, and Cu. Prolonged use of such
Table 3 Commonly used cosmetic items and their adverse consequences on consumer health
Number Cosmetics Ingredients Use Side effects
1 Lipsticks Manganese, lead, cadmium, Volatile white and yellow colors Carcinogenic, renal failure, coughing,
titanium dioxide, aluminum, and hazards in pregnancy40,41,43–45
formaldehyde, and parabens
2 Kohl (surma) Lead sulfide Darkening of eyelids Increased lead levels in blood and
damage to the liver30–34,46
3 Nail polish Formaldehyde, nitrocellulose, Ticking agent, coloring agent, Nausea, respiratory problems,
plasticizers, iron oxides, and nonbrittle film to stop cognitive and neurological symptoms,
manganese, benzophenone 1 bacterial or fungal infections in uncontrollable muscle
cosmetics contraction.35–37,47,48
4 Eye and facial Diazolidinyl urea, DMDM, Cleanser, killing bacteria, slowing Headaches, allergic reactions, burning
makeup, baby methylisothiazolinone, and preventing spoilage, facial of skin, carcinogenic49–51
wipes, and phenoxyethanol, mercury, copper, expression
household titanium, tretinoin
5 Hair care, Parabens, salicylate, coloring Preventing bacterial growth, Skin irritation, blotches,
moisturizers, agents ultraviolet-light absorbance blemishes39,52
shaving products
8 Shampoo, body Sodium sulfate and laureth sulfate, Cleansing and emulsifying agent Hair loss, breast cancer, skin
soap, toothpaste fluoride, triclosan, irritation, possible impurity
diethanolamine, triethanolamine contamination53
9 Aging and skin-care Beta-hydroxy-acids, Improving skin texture, reducing Effects in pregnancy, skin burning,
products dihydroxyacetone, phthalates, signs of aging, stopping harmful allergic reactions54
salicylic acid ultraviolet radiation
10 Face makeup, hair Diethanolamine, polyethylene pH adjuster, foaming agent Skin irritation, contamination
products glycol concerns52
products containing these elements may pose a threat to human Topical Steroids and Bleaching
health and the environment.33 Lipsticks containing toxic heavy Creams
metals can be ingested along with other cosmetics containing In Pakistan, different strategies and cosmetic materials are
heavy metals through the oral pathway.41 used for treatment and prevention of aging and to keep the
skin toned. Most cosmetic items contain hydroquinone, mer
cury, and vitamin C as functional ingredients for bleaching and
Skin-Whitening Soaps: Pakistani antiaging purposes.8 According to a study on the magnitude of
Brands both topical steroid and whitening-cream abuse in steroidal
Soaps and creams are skin-lightening products. Pakistan has rosacea patients, 33% were using potent topical steroids and
many brands producing low quality soaps containing about 17% patients whitening creams exclusively, while the other
31 mg/kg and 33,000 mg/kg mercury and ammonium, respec 50% were using topical steroids in combination with various
tively, that have serious effects on skin.42 There have been whitening creams that base the steroidal dermatitis.55
many reports about the lack of rules and regulation for
manufacturers of cosmetic items in Pakistan, yet the public Cosmetics and Cancer
continues to expose themselves to carcinogenic ingredients in Cosmetic products and increased cancer risk are subjects
personal-care products like shampoo, soaps, surma, and lip of controversy nowadays, eg, associations between para
stick. Table 3 summarizes commonly used cosmetic items and bens and breast cancer, hair dyes and hematologic malig
their adverse consequence on consumer health. nancies, and talc powders and ovarian cancer. According
14 submit your manuscript | Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2021:14
Dovepress Khan et al
to the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition malignancies.65–67 Figure 2 shows the association of hair-
Adverse Event Reporting System database, there are nine coloring products with different cancers.
unique cancers associated with hair products, of which Research has revealed that there is an increased chance
only chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lung cancer, and of cancer after exposure to genotoxic metals, such as
breast cancer have been reported in the literature.56 Due chromium VI, cobalt, and nickel, in cosmetic
to their chemical similarity to asbestos, talc products cause products.68–73 In other studies, heavy metals, such as
ovarian cancer in occupational settings and through migra lead, cadmium, and chromium, in pigments of lipstick,
tion of talc to the ovaries through the vagina. It is esti eye shadow, lip makeup, and face powder may lead to
mated that 14% of women with ovarian cancer have some cancerous and noncancerous effects on human health.70,74
talc exposure, while skin moisturizers make up only 10.5% Use of commercially available moisturizing creams
of total cancer cases.57 Many studies have proved the role increases the chances of tumor formation when applied
of parabens, used as preservatives in cosmetics, in breast topically to UVB-pretreated high-risk mice.75 It has been
cancer.58–60 Exposure to hair dyes increases the chances of found that cosmetic and fragranced products pose high
leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, and bladder risks of breast cancer and other illnesses.76 Due to body-
cancer.60–63 In another study, it has been reported that care cosmetics’ role in breast cancer incidence, consumers
personal use of darker hair dyes and relaxants are involved should adopt precautionary principles about these products
in estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen-receptor breast (including moisturizers, creams, sprays, or lotions applied
cancer.64 Moreover, the use of other hair products has to axilla, chest, or breast areas). Oncologists have great
a significant correlation with cancer risk factors. In 2011, concern for consumers of such toxin-contaminated perso
the FDA issued warning letters to designers of a certain nal-care items, and they are trying to uncover possible
heated hair treatment, Brazilian Blowout, due to the mechanisms involved in the carcinogenic effects of cos
release of formaldehyde with heat. Formaldehyde is metics. To deal with this association of cancer risks and
a known carcinogen associated with lung and hematologic personal-care products, there must be better and broader
Hair dyes exposure increased the Use of darker hair dyes and relaxants
chances of leukemia, non-Hodgkin are involved in estrogen receptor–
lymphomas and bladder cancer positive (ERþ) and ER- breast cancer
Figure 2 Associations between hair-coloring products and cancer risks. The Hair-dye ingredients increase the risks of different cancer types, such as leukemia, lung, breast,
and skin.
data collection that can highlight the emerging concerns necessary steps toward regulation of cosmetic
and direct scarce regulatory resources toward promoting products in the country. As a signatory to the
public safety and relieving consumer fears. Minamata Convention on Mercury and with
a growing network of unauthorized, illegally marketed
Cosmetics and the Environment cosmetic products, the government of Pakistan is work
Detrimental ingredients in cosmetics not only affect consumer ing hard to achieve objectives to streamline authoriza
health but are also a burden on the environment and conse tion of a pure-cosmetic supply chain in the market.
quently all life. Most lethal ingredients, ie, parabens are used Pakistan is trying to strengthen relevant institutes like
to increase the shelf life and quality of cosmetics. There is the Pakistan National Accreditation Council, Pakistan
great concern about the presence of these parabens released Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA),
from cosmetic vials in the open environment and their postuse Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan to implement
processing by the plastics industry into drinking water and the a quality-management system for regulation of the
air (dust).77–79 The major source of this ubiquitous occurrence manufacture, import, sale, and distribution of all cos
of parabens in the environment is wastewater-treatment metic products. The Ministry of Science and
plants.80 This postuse mixing of cosmetic ingredients is very Technology has issued a law to regulate skin creams
alarming, as they pose potential problems to aquatic life and all over Pakistan through the PSQCA, whereby
human after being deposited in bodies of water.81 Cosmetics a special task force will check manufacturing units,
with high mercury content are eventually discharged into markets, and stores to highlight substandard cosmetics
wastewater after usage, and mercury becomes methylated and take strict legal action.86 Authorities have started
and enters the food chain in the form of methylmercury, the cancellation of licenses and sealing manufacturing
which is highly toxic to fish. Pregnant woman who consume unit whose products do not meet the standards of the
fish containing methylmercury transfer the mercury to
PSQCA.87 Furthermore, the Punjab government has
their fetuses, which leads to neurodevelopmental and other
approved a Drug and Cosmetics Amendment Act by
illnesses in the children.82,83 Due to its undegradable nature,
which all cosmetic-sale points will need to be
plastic packaging of cosmetics also plays a substantial role in
licensed for the provision of genuine products through
poisoning our ecosystem. According to recent estimates,
the original supply chain.88
600 million plastic bags, including cosmetic plastics, are
used each hour in the world.84 According to research from With some amendments as necessary to take account of
Karachi University, commonly used nonstandard cosmetic regulations as per the requirements of the country,
products comprise such chemicals as oxalic acid, sodium Pakistan is in in urgent need of adopting the most reliable
picramate, and titanium dioxide, textile dyes, carcinogenic model on regulation — that of Cosmetics Europe. This
substances, highly volatile organic solvents (camphor and represents the European cosmetic industry, and has devel
terpineol) and other heavy metals, eg, lead, chromium and oped new requirements and guidelines to promote consis
nickel. Excessive use of these products has the potential to tent procedures for the management of reporting serious
damage consumer health and cause accretion of toxic undesirable effects from the use of personal-care cosmetic
metals in the environment.85 products to competent authorities.89,90 These guidelines
are mutual outcomes of discussions with international
Cosmetic Regulation in Pakistan competent authorities, industry, and other interested parties
Pakistan is one of several countries that needs to mod in the market-surveillance sector.91 Following these guide
ernizing its drugs and cosmetic products in this climate lines, an appropriate management system will be set up to
of global change. Presently, there do not seem to be phase out all illegal brands from the market and and thus
effective checks and balances in place, and specific fulfill legal obligations under cosmetics regulations, take
regulations on standards for chemicals (like mercury) responsibility for cosmetic products, and ensure that
in consumer products, including cosmetics and skin- appropriate action can be taken. At present, these guide
whitening creams, are much needed. Many official lines are an evolution of earlier industry guidelines on the
government-institute reports and scientific papers have management of cosmetic-industry products to become free
appealed to the government of Pakistan to take the of harmful ingredients.
16 submit your manuscript | Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2021:14
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