USMLE Step 1 Journal
USMLE Step 1 Journal
USMLE Step 1 Journal
Only Naked + single stranded RNA molecules are infectious acts directly as an
Only +sense single RNA’s act like an mRNA. –ssDNA or –ssRNA do not.
HMP shunt liver, adrenal cortex, gonads, adipose tissue, and erythrocytes.
Folate deficiency inhibits formation of dTMP, which limits DNA synthesis and
Promotes megaloblastosis and erythroid apoptosis.
o Thymidine supplementation can moderately increase dTMP levels, which
decrease erythroid apoptosis.
SMX (sulfonamides) Dihydropteroate synthetase inhibitor
Drugs that inhibit folate synthesis, Methotrexate, Trimethoprim,
pyrimethamine. Inhibit dihydrofolate reductase
5-fluorouracil (5-FU), inhibits thymidylate synthase, also decrease
Methotrexate treated with severe RA, SE: stomatitis, bone
marrow suppression, and liver function abnormalities.
Delta G= -RTInkeq,
^G (-) negative (pretty much doesn’t use energy, so goes down to make more
products)= favors products,
^G (+)positive (pretty much uses energy so the substrates are more favored so
less energy is used)= favors substrates
o ^G-, keq = >1 (concentration of products increased compared to
o ^G+, keq = <1 (concentration of substrates increased compared to
Lysine + leucine exclusively ketogenic, would not increase blood lactate levels
in patients suffering pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Amino Acids with 3 Titrable acids histadine, arginine, lysine, aspartic acid,
glutamic acid, cysteine, and tyrosine.
o Mnemonic Hot Allergic Llamas Ameliorate Gorgeous Conditioned Toes
o Proteasomes degrade Intracellular proteins.
o Lysosomes degrade Extracellular proteins.
Vision problems
o Frontal eye fields lesions eye deviates toward the lesion, loss of
conjugate gaze movement.
Normally the right eye field generates conjugate gaze movement
to the left
The left eye field generates conjugate gaze movement to the right
o Lesions: (pupillary light reflex normal) hemianopia’s must occur
before the lateral geniculate nucleus
Lateral geniculate nucleus contralateral homonymous
Dorsal Optic radiation (right parietal lobe MCA) inferior
quadrantonopia (pie on the floor)
Meyers loop (temporal lobe MCA) contralateral upper
quadrantonopia (pie in the sky)
Visual cortex (occipital lobe PCA) contralateral homonymous
hemianopia with macular sparing
o Lesions (pupillary light reflex problems)
Retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract all this leads to
normal pupillary light reflex, anything after (lateral geniculate this
results in pupillary light reflex problems.
o The pupillary light flex assessed by shinning light in one eye and
observing both eyes.
Optic nerve responsible for afferent limp of pupillary reflex
Oculomotor nerve responsible for efferent limp of pupillary reflex.
o Scala vestibule and Scala tempani Na+ fluid filled
o Scala media K+ fluid filled
Low frequency sounds detected at the apex of the cochlea at the
High frequency sounds detected at the base of the cochlea near
oval & round window
Prolonged exposure to loud noises causes hearing loss due to
damage to the stereociliated hair cells of the organ of corti.
Colchicine cytoskeleton
Uric acid precipitation in the renal tubules in the collecting duct of the
nephron, because of its low urine ph. Tumor lysis syndrome usually results
massive uric acid crystals in the serum
o Uric acid acidic crystals.
Blunt trauma to the orbit in a blowout fracture orbital contents herniate into
the maxillary sinus (mainly, orbital floor, inferior wall) or Ethmoid sinuses
(medial wall).
o Arteriovenous malformation m/c cause of intracranial hemorrhage in
Autosomal recessive => 25% chance of unborn child getting the disease
Autosomal dominant => 50% change of unborn child getting the disease,
because they only need 1 allele affected to get disease.
o Achondroplasia Endochondral ossification affected short-limbed
dwarfism Point mutation in FGFR3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
inhibits chondrocytes proliferation leading to prevention of
endochondral ossification. 80% increased paternal age, 15% sporadic
o 2 copies of the mutant allele lead to death shortly after birth. Normal
sized head and trunk because no problem with membranous ossification
o Stomach ulcers
Deep peptic ulcer localized proximally on the lesser curvature of
the stomach, at the border of acid secreting and gastrin secreting
mucosa. Most gastric ulcers arise along the lesser curvature of the
Ulcer penetrated the left gastric artery. (proximal lesser
Distal lesser curvature right gastric artery.
The right and left gastric arteries perfuse the lesser curvature of
the stomach. Likely to be penetrated by an ulcer, leading
Gastric ulcers DO NOT commonly occur in the greater curvature.
o Duodenal ulcers
Gastroduodenal artery supplies the blood to the pylorus and
proximal part of the duodenum.
Ulcers in the duodenal bulb can erode into the
gastroduodenal artery and case hemorrhage/bleeding.
A perforated ulcer would cause the acidic juice to hit the
gastroduodenal artery, portal vein, and the inferior vena
cava, and the common bile duct.
Posterior duodenal ulcers is hemorrhage secondary to
gastroduodenal artery damage.
o 3rd part of the duodenum courses horizontally across the abdominal aorta
and inferior vena cava at the level of the third lumbar vertebra.
Superior mesenteric vessels lie anterior to the 3rd part of the
duodenum at this location.
So anterior tumor invasion could compromise the SMV,
o 1st part of the duodenum is the only part that is not retroperitoneal
o 2nd part of duodenum head of pancreas, ampulla of vater where
pancreatic and common bile duct secretions are released
o 4th part becomes jejunum
Bleeding problems:
o Factor VIII deficiency, Hemophilia A deep-tissue bleeding (bleeding
into joints/muscles, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria)
o Factor IX deficiency, Hemophilia B Christmas Disease AR, clot
instability. Delayed recurrent bleeding after trauma, or surgery. Also deep
tissue bleeding.
For both hemophilia A and B leads to failure of to convert
prothrombin into thrombin and deficient thrombus formation.
Adding thrombin to the blood of a patient with hemophilia
results in clotting when in emergency situations.
o vWD mutation in vWF qualitative defect in platelet binding, and
aggregation. Bleeding in skin and mucosal sites (mucocutaneous
bleeding), vWF normally binds to collagen with cross linked platelet
glycoproteins GpIb. Ristocetin aggregation test will show decreased
aggregation of platelets.
gingivae, nasal mucosa, gastrointestinal and endometrium
heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), epistaxis, Anemia
Severe forms of vWD can result in factor VIII deficiency, because
factor VIII is protected from degradation by vWF.
o Protein C or S deficiency natural anticoagulant protein
Procoagulant state, recurrent deep venous thrombosis.
o Immune thrombocytopenia purpura produces isolated
thrombocytopenia with episodic bleeding mucocutaneously.
Petechiae, purpura, epistaxis.
Pulmonary embolism: Respiratory CO2 decreased, and increased pH, and normal
HCO3-, which means its Respiratory alkalosis yet not compensated with
metabolic metabolism.
Antihyperlipidemic agents:
o Bile acid-binding resins inhibit enterohepatic circulation of bile acids by
binding bile acids in the GIT, inhibiting enterohepatic circulation
increased LDL cholesterol uptake.
SE: GI upset, impaired absorption of nutrients and drugs, and
increase production in triglycerides and release of VLDL particles
into the circulation hypertriglyceridemia.
o Statins LDL decreases and triglycerides by inhibition of rate limiting
step of cholesterol enzyme HMG-CoA reductase. SE: myopathy (myalgia,
elevated creatine kinase). Increased LDL density
o Ezetimibe inhibits intestinal absorption of cholesterol and lowers LDL
levels at the brush border of the small intestine Lowers triglyceride
o Fibrates inhibit cholesterol 7a-hydroxlyase enzyme (rate limiting step
in synthesis of bile acids), lowers triglycerides and is first line treatment
for hypertriglyceridemia.
o Niacin reduces blood triglycerides, raises HDL and lowers VLDL
conversion to LDL.
SE skin flushing and warmth caused by mediation of
o Simvastatin decreases hepatic cholesterol synthesis, cholestyramine
increases hepatic cholesterol synthesis.
MCA left stroke have expressive and receptive aphasia due to infarction of the
broca and Wernicke areas, respectively.
MCA right stroke have contralateral hemiparesis, hemisensory loss involving
face and upper limps due to infarction, spatial neglect of the contralateral side
due to damage of the nondominant right parietal love.
Pharm resistance
Great saphenous vein originates in the medial side of the foot, courses
anterior to the medial malleolus and travels up the medial aspect of the leg and
o Drain into the femoral vein within the region of the femoral triangle, few
centimeters inferolateral to the pubic tubercle.
Aortic valve stenosis due to aging cell necrosis, with normal Ca2+ levels.
o Dystrophic calcification damaged or necrotic tissue.
BRCA1 and BRCA2 involved in double-stranded DNA breaks, they are tumor
suppressor genes, AD,
o High risk of breast and ovarian cancers.
Gastric bypass surgery can cause small intestinal bacterial overgrowth due to
excessive bacterial proliferation in the blind-ended gastroduodenal segment.
SIBO results in deficiency of most vitamins, (B12, A, D, and E) and iron, but
increased production of folic acid and vitamin K are observed.
Paradoxical embolism occurs when a thrombus form the venous system crosses
into the arterial circulation via an abnormal connection between the right and
left cardiac chambers (patent foramen ovale, ASD, or VSD). Atrial left –to-right
shunts (ASD) cause wide fixed splitting of S2 and can facilitate paradoxical
embolism due to periods of transient shunt reversal (during straining or
Wide splitting of S1 accentuated by inspiration sign of delayed closure of the
tricuspid valve.
mRNA transcription
o 5’-capping, poly A tail addition, and intron splicing all take part in the
o In the cytoplasm mRNA’s associate with P bodies, which play an
important role in mRNA translation regulation and mRNA degradation
and storage.
o Poly-A tail is not transcribed from DNA, instead it is added as a post-
transcriptional modification downstream of the consensus sequence
(AAUAAA) near the 3’ end of the mRNA molecule.
This tail protects mRNA from degradation within the cytoplasm
after it exits the nucleus.
Most likely to bind latex beads of the adenine residues on the tail
would form complementary base pairs with the repeated
deoxythymine (double stranded thymines) residues fixed to the
Gonadal artery arises from abdominal aorta twisting of the testis around
the spermatic cord ischemia Testicular torsion
Obstructive sleep apnea with loud snoring and gasping respirations is due to
o Electrical stimulation of the hypoglossal nerve increases the diameter of
the oropharyngeal airway and decreases the frequency of apneic events.
o Increases risk for pulmonary HTN and right heart failure if not treated.
Pilocytic astrocytoma primary child brain tumor, have both solid and cystic
components, good prognosis, pilocytic astrocytes and Rosenthal fibers are seen
on histology.
Medulloblastoma second most child brain tumor, have only solid component,
most malignant and poor prognosis cerebellum, sheets of small blue cells. Bad
Rheumatoid arthritis MTP, PIP, writs, elbow, knees, and ankles. Cervical spine
is involved which may lead to severe disability due to pain and spinal
instability and potential to radiculopathy and cord compression.
Osteoarthritis lumbar spine involvement, progressive erosion of articular
cartilage, often due to repeated biochemical trauma over time. Relative
overactivity of metalloproteases in the joint space also appears to contribute,
joint space narrowing, subchondral bony sclerosis, and osteophyte formation.
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies Ankylosing spondylitis, reactive
arthritis, arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic
arthritis HLA-B27 human leukocyte antigen class I to CD8+ cytotoxic T cells.
involve sacroiliac joints
o Psoriasis hyperparakeratosis, acanthosis, rete ridge elongation, mitotic
activity above basal cell layer and reduced or absent stratum granulosum.
TNF-a, IL-12, IFN-g, IL-23, IL017 and keratinocyte growth factors.
Treatment includes topical vitamin D analogs (calcipotriene,
calcitriol, and tacalcitol) binds to vit D receptors and inhibit
keratinocyte proliferation and stimulate differentiation.
o Ankylosing spondylitis stiffness and fusion of axial joints (ankylosis)
and inflammation at the site of insertion of tendons into bone (enthesitis).
Thoracic spine and costoverterbral and costosternal junctions can
limit chest wall expansion, leading to hypoventilation.
Q# 11795, Gastric Varices Short gastric veins drain blood from the gastric
fundus into the splenic vein. Pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis, pancreatic
cancer) can cause a blood clot within the splenic vein, which can increase
pressure in the short gastric veins and lead to gastric varices only in the fundus
of the stomach.
Esophageal varices portal hypertension collateral drainage from the portal
venous system to the azygos system.
Left gastric vein drains blood from upper stomach, lower esophagus into the
portal vein from portal hypertension causes both esophagus and gastric
Superior mesenteric veins (SMV) blockage could lead to variceal formation in
the lower stomach, but not the upper regions. So pancreaticoduodenal vein
drains the pancreas and duodenum into the SMV. SMV drains lower stomach
from right gastroepiploic vein and small intestine.
Lung transplantation chronic rejection months to years, immune reaction
affects the small airways, causing bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.
o Dyspnea and wheezing
o Acute rejection pulmonary and bronchial vessels are the main targets
pervascular infiltration with lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma
cells, diffuse lymphocytic infiltration
Renal allograft rejection chronic rejection months to years, worsening
hypertension and slowly progressive rise in serum creatinine.
o Obliterative intimal thickening, tubular atrophy, and interstitial vascular
DNA polymerase 1 has both 5’-3’ exonuclease activity and 3’-5’ exonuclease
activity can remove RNA primers by using the 5’-3’ exonuclease activity that
DNA polymerase 3 lacks.
Chest tube for drainage of pleural effusion is placed through the skin and
subcutaneous fat into the 4th and 5th intercostal space in the anterior axillary or
midaxillary line.
o Tube traverses through serratus anterior muscle, intercoastal muslces,
and parietal pleura.
Peau d’orange is an erythematous, itchy breast rash with skin texture changes
analogous to an orange peel.
o Inflammatory breast cancer is caused by cancerous cells obstructing
lymphatic drainage due to spread of the dermal lymphatic spaces.
Hepatic metabolism and clearance desired then the drug needs to have a high
lipophilicity. (high Vd, good penetration into CNS).
A Kegels exercise targets the lavetor ani to improve support around the urethra
and bladder. Lavetor ani muscle is part of the pelvic floor muscles.
A patient with hyperthyroidism (graves disease) taking antithyroid drugs
(methimazole, propylthiouracil) presenting with sudden onset fever and sore
o Should raise suspicion of agranulocytosis with the SE of the drugs.
o Completely discontinue and drugs and do a CBC count to confirm
o Both these drugs inhibit thyroid peroxidase, but PPU also decreases
peripheral conversion of T4/T3.
So give to patients with life=threatening thyroid storm
Thyroid peroxidase responsible for the oxidation of iodide to
iodine, the iodination of thyroglobulin tyrosine residues, and
the iodotyrosine coupling reaction that forms T3 and T4.
Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase are present in more than
90% of patients with autoimmune (hashimoto’s) thyroiditis.s
Neck of the fibula or trauma to the lateral aspect of leg injury to the common
peroneal nerve as it courses superficially and laterally to this structure.
o Weakness in foot dorsiflexion and eversion
o Impaired sensation over the lateral leg and dorsal foot (top of the foot)
and lateral shin, “PED” peroneal, everts, dorsiflex
Tibial nerve injury, knee trauma courses through the popliteal fossa
o Impaired planter flexion and inversion, and decreased sensation at the
sole (bottom of the foot). “TIP” Tibial, inverts, Planterflex
Diabetes medications
Thiazolidinediones pioglitazone and rosiglitazone Intracellular nuclear
o Activates transcription regulator (modulation) PPAR-gamma, decreasing
insulin resistance, and increases adiponectin levels so insulin secretion
can increase.
o SE Fluid retention/heart failure precipitation and weight gain & edema.
o Check liver function tests.
o This drug is dependent on alteration of gene expression and subsequent
protein synthesis; there can be a delay in action of several days to few
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors Canagliflozin,
dapagliflozin oral anti-diabetic agents that work by decreasing proximal
tubular reabsorption of glucose therapy promoting urinary glucose loss.
o SE urinary tract and genital mycotic infections due to glucosuria,
symptomatic hypotension.
o Avoided in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment due to lack
of efficacy and increased risk of adverse effects.
Sulfonylyureas increase insulin release from pancreatic beta cells long-
acting meds causes hypoglycemia (glyburide, glimepridie)
Meglitinides short acting glucose-lowering meds that act by closing the
ATP=dependent K+ channels in the pancreatic beta cell membrane induces
depolarization and stimulating insulin release. Give with meals for postprandial
glucose control
o Works by membrane ion channels.
Metformin noncompetitive inhibitor of mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase, an enzyme important for maintaining the hepatocellular redox
o Molecular target: Intracellular mitochondrial enzymes.
Acarbose, miglitol decrease enzyme activity of disaccharidases found on the
plasma membranes of the intestinal brush border.
o Surface membrane-bound enzymes
ADH acts on the medullary segment of the collecting duct to increase urea
and water reabsorption
Candida infections
o Local defense against Candida is performed by T cells, whereas
systemic infection is prevented by neutrophils.
Common in patients who are HIV positive
o Neutropenic individuals are more likely to have the systemic form of
the disease.
Disseminated candidiasis
Lower extremeties
o Superficial lymphatic system
Medial tracks runs up to the superficial inguinal lymph
nodes, bypassing the popliteal nodes.
Lateral tracks superficial nodes and popliteal nodes.
o Lesions from the medial foot cause inguinal lymphadenopathy,
whereas, lateral lesions are more likely to cause lymphadenopathy in
both the popliteal and inguinal areas.
Mothers who are positive for HBsAg and HBeAg have a high risk of
transmitting hepatitis B virus during delivery. Infected neonates experience
high levels of HBV replication, demonstrate mildly elevated liver enzymes,
and are at high risk for chronic infection >90%.
Coronary sinus communicates freely with the right atrium and will become
dilated secondary to any factor that causes increased right atrial pressure.
The most common cause is pulmonary hypertension leading to elevated right
heart pressures.
o It’s a venous drainage from the myocardium traverses that delivers
deoxygenated blood to the right atrium
Only Muscarinic blockade leads to flushed skin and mydriasis even when
using an anti-histamine, so not H1 blockade, but a muscarinic blockade.
Patients with heart failure CHF exacerbation and significant fluid overload
should be treated with intravenous loops diuretics most potent type of
diuretic and provide the maximum amount of diuresis in shortest period of
o Compensatory activation of RAAS and Sympathetic nervous system
results in increased afterload from excessive vasoconstriction, excess
fluid retention, and deleterious cardiac remodeling.
Attributable risk percent (ARP) in exposed represents the excess risk in the
exposed population that can be attributed to the risk factor. Easily derived
from the relative risk RR.
o ARP exposed = 100 x [(RR-1)/RR]
pO2 in the left atrium and ventricle is lower than that in pulmonary
capillaries due to mixing of oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins with
deoxygenated blood arising from the bronchial arteries and thebesian veins.
Accessory nipples are the most common congenital breast anomaly resulting
from failed regression of the mammary ridge in utero. They are usually
asymptomatic but can become tender along with breast tissue during times
of hormonal fluctuations.
HPV 16 and 18 are strongly associated with anal and cervical squamous cell
carcinoma. HIV infection increases the prevalence of HPV infection and risk
of anal carcinoma.
o Risk is augmented with homosexual men.
o Condyloma acuminatum itchy, few, small, red weeping and painless
bumps on the shaft of the penis, after applying 5% acetic acid the
lesions turn white (cauliflower-like appearance).
Wide fixed splitting of S2 ASD creates a left-to right shunt cuz of high
pressure in left atrium increased blood flow through pulmonary artery.
o Laminated medial hypertrophy
o Shunt can reverse Eisenmenger syndrome
TCA’s tricyclic antidepressant overdose cardiac arrhythmias and
refractory hypotension inhibition of fast sodium channels in cardiac
myocytes is thought to be the major underlying cellular event.
Takayasu arteritis Pulseless disease in lower extremites typically affects
the aortic arch, coronary, and renal arteries (large vessels). Occurs in females
of Asian decent less than 40 years of age. Medial granuloma is seen
o GCA and Takayasu artritis have similar presentation
Giant cell arteritis or Temporal arteritis Large vessels granuloma
inflammation of the media, develops in patients older than 50. Jaw
claudication, headache, facial pain, and vision loss.
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis microscopic polyangiitis, microscopic
polyarteritis, hypersensitivity vasculitis segmental fibrinoid necrosis of
the small vessels
o Microscopic polyangiitis and polyarteritis nodosa PAN have similar
PAN segmental transmural necrotizing inflammation of medium to small-
sized arteries. Smudgy eosinophilic deposit (fibrinoid necrosis) immune
complex vasculitis.
o Renal artery involvement is prominent, heart,liver and GIT are
involved, but the lung is very rarely involved.
Thromboangiitis obliterans or Buerger’s disease (segmental thrombosing
vasculitis small and medium sized arteries tibial and radial arteries
seen among heavy smokers onset prior to age of 35 hypersensitive to
intradermal injections of tobacco extracts.
Cushing syndrome
o Exogenous glucocorticoids
o ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas, ^ACTH
Suppresses with high dose dexamethasone
o Ectopic production of ACTH (paraneoplastic), ^ACTH
Does not suppress with any dose of dexamethasone
o Primary adrenocortical hyperplasia, malignancy -> low ACTH
cushing syndrome
Hydrogen bonds are the principal stabilizing force for the secondary
structure of proteins
Intermittent muscle pain reproducibly caused by exercise and relieved by
brief period of rest defines claudication.
o It is almost always the result of atherosclerosis of larger, named
arteries. Fixed stenotic lesions produced by atheromas, lipidp-filled
intimal plaques stenosis prevents sufficient increases in blood flow
to exercising muscles, resulting in ischemic muscle pain.
HBV surface antigen must coat the HDV antigen before it can infect
hepatocytes and multiply.
Urachus is a remnanat of the allantois that connects the bladder with the yolk
sac during fetal development. Failure of the urachus to obliterate at birth
results in a patent urachus discharge of urine from the umbilicus
Straw-colored discharge from umbilicus.
Hearing loss
Normal hearing Rinne’s test Air conduction better than bone conduction
o Tuning fork weber’s test lateralizes to the midline of both ears
Sensorineural hearing loss Rinnes test Air conduction is better than
bone conduction
o Weber’s test lateralizes to the unaffected ear.
o R AC>BC, W unaffected ear
Conduction hearing loss Rinne’s test in affected ear bone conduction is
better, in unaffected ear air conduction is better
o Weber’s test lateralizes to the affected ear.
TCA cycle
GTP synthesized by succinyl-CoA synthetase succinyl-CoA to succinate
in TCA cycle.
o In gluconeogenesis phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase uses GTP
to synthesize phosphoenolpyruvate from oxaloacetate. Gets its GTP
from succinyl-CoA synthetase
NADH synthesized by a-ketogluterate dehydrogenase a-ketogluterate
to succinyl-CoA
Isocitrate dehydrogenase isocitrate to a-ketogluterate
Malate dehydrodenase malate to oxaloacetate
During anaerobic conditons, NADH transfers electrons to pyruvate to
form lactate and regenerate NAD+. NAD+ is required to convert
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1-3-bisphosphoglycerate in glycolysis. So
NAD+ is regenerated when pyruvate is converted to lactate via LDH. So in
patients with LDH deficiency, glycolysis is inhibited in strenuously
exercising muscle as muscle cells cannot regenerate NAD+ muscle
breakdown, pain, and fatigue.
FADH2 synthesized by succinate dehydrogenase succinate to fumarate
COPD increased TLC and Residual volume which is the lung volume
remaining after maximal exhalation, everything else is decreased so a curve
would show that at the end which is the exhalation is larger than the normal
when everything else is not too off.
IVC courses through the abdomen and inferior thorax in a location anterior
to the right half of the vertebral bodies. Renal veins join the IVC at the level of
L1/L2 and common iliac veins merge to become the IVC at the level of L4.
o IVC filters are placed in patients with deep venous thrombosis or
pulmonary embolism who have bleeding problems and
anticoagulations are contraindicated for them.
Renal cell carcinoma’s or clear cell carcinomas originate from the epithelial
cells of the proximal renal tubules.
o Macroscopically golden-yellow due to its high glycogen and lipid
content. High glycogen or lipid content that dissolves during routine
tissue preparation and makes it into a clear cell.
o Microscopically large rounded polygonal cells clear cells with
abundant cytoplasm and eccentric nuclei.
o Hematuria, flank pain and palpable mass occur in minority of people.
Nonspecific symptoms and paraneoplastic (polycythemia from
erythropoietin production by the tumor) syndromes are more
common. Lung metastatsis is m/c site for metastasis.
Renal pelvis lining tumors 90% transitional cell carcinomas papillary
tumors of urothelium supported by a thin fibrobascular stalk.
o Bacterial vaginosis off-white discharge with fishy odor, no
Clue cells with bacteria around it, pH>4.5
Metronidazole or clindamyacin
o Trichomoniasis yellow-green malodorous, frothy discharge,
Motile trichomonads pH >4.5
Metronidazole treat partner
o Candida white cottage cheese like discharge, inflammation
Normal pH, pseudohyphae
When a person gets in contact with TB the first time what happens is that the
small droplets of bacterial organisms deposit in the alveoli of the lower lung
fields. Then they get engulfed by alveolar macrophages , which allow for
the bacteria to proliferate intracellularly.
o After 2-4 weeks, ingested organisms by macrophages are presented to
specific Th1 lymphocytes.
Enveloped viruses sensitive to ether and other organic solvents, and they
lose their infectivity after ether exposure
Non-enveloped viruses are resistant to action of ether.
HPV 6 & 11 small DNA virus verrucous genital warts has a predilection
for stratified squamous epithelium so it infects the true vocal cords the
only ones in the respiratory tract that’s stratified squamous epithelium.
o Infants born to mothers with warts can get respiratory papillomatosis
via passage from the birth canal grow warts on the true vocal cords
which leads to weak cry, hoarseness, and stridor.
Infraspinatus and teres minor (adducts also) laterally rotates the arm
Subscapularis medially rotates and adducts arm
Wegener polyangiitis granulomatosis perforation of nasal septum, chronic
sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, hemoptysis, cough, dyspnea, hematuria,
red cell casts
o Necrotizing granulomas in the lung and upper airway. C-ANCA post
Goodpastures syndrome type 2 HSR antibodies to GBM and alveolar
basement membrane hematuria/hemoptysis emergent plasmapheresis.
o IgG and C3 in glomerular capillary loops
Ghrelin hunghre stimulates hunger, after the consumption of food, its
levels will start to drop
Leptin stimulates fullness, keeps you thin without leads to obesity, cuz
you will eat and not know when you are full…
Radical prostatectomy greatest risk of injury during removal of the
prostate is pelvic parasympathetic nerves (mediate pupil dilation and eyelid
elevation and retraction) due to pudendal nerve damage.
Due to exposure to smoking animals/humans have increased mucus
production and secretion but low ciliary clearance which results in mucus
plugs with no clearance and the macrophages function in the alveoli decrease
because macrophages exprese VEGF receptors and blockade of these
receptors drastically reduces the ability of macrophages to phagocytize
apoptotic cells which results in less clearance and more build up and plugs
which leads to COPD.
o Mucus production increased
o Ciliary activity decreased
o Macrophage function in alveoli decreased
End of Review for NBME 16 –
Krukenberg tumor gastric signet ring cell tumor that metastasizes to the
o Unintentional weight loss, epigastric pain, adnexal masses, and
anemia, unlike clear cell carcinoma which results in increased with
o Large amounts of mucin with displaced nuclei (signet ring)
Mutations that decrease positive charge of binding sites of 2,3-BPG increases
hemoglobin oxygen affinity normally 2,3BPG binds positive sites and
decreases hemoglobin oxygen affinity to increase oxygen loading to tissues
o This mutation resembles hemoglobin F rather than hemoglobin A
Normally hgbF binds oxygen higher to extract more oxygen
from the mother to have adequate supply of oxygen and
Decreased oxygen loading more oxygen extracting
from mother.
Spleen blood filter for removing circulating pathogens and major site of
opsonizing antibody synthesis. Splenectomy increased infections with
encapsulated bacteria.
Milrinone selective phosphodiesterase-3 enzyme inhibitor (PDE-3)
inotrophic agent in patient with refractory heart failure due to left
ventricular systolic dysfunction
o Decrease the rate of degradation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) in cardiac tissues. So increased levels of cAMP promotes
calcium influx into the cardiac myocytes, which in turn increases
myocardial contractility.
o Also inhibits PDE-3 in vascular smooth muscle cells systemic
arterial and venous dilation decreased BP
o This drug is limited in patients with severe hypotension as it
decreases the blood pressure even more.
High mutability of HIV-1 allows for the evasion of host humoral and cellular
immune responses and the development of resistance to anti-retroviral
drugs. In HIV replication cycle, polyprotein precursors are encoded by the
structural genes, (gag, pol, env). Only the env gene polyprotein product is
glycosylated to gp160 and proteolytically cleaved within the ER and Golgi
apparatus to form the envelop glycoprotein gp120 and gp41.
o Pol gene mutations responsible for acquired resistance of HIV
reverse transcriptase inhibitors and HIV protease inhibitors.
o Env gene mutations enable escape from host neutralizing
PrP normal cellular protein found in neuron and has a-helical structure
undergoes conformational change to ß-pleated sheet and accumulation
results and makes it resistant to proteases prion disease Cruetzfeldt-
jakob disease vacuoles in gray matter spongiform encephalopathy.
CD8+ interacts with MHC class 1 proteins which are consistent of heavy
chain and ß2-microglobulin.
o MHC class 2 is consistent of alpha and beta polypeptide chains
Transplantation of organs:
Graft vs. host donor T cells attacks recipients organs (skin, liver, GI)
develops diffuse maculopapular eruption that begins with palms, soles, back
and neck.
Immediate type 1 HSR vasodilation, vascular leakage, and edema
Hyperacute min to hours type 2 HSR/preformed antibodies against
graft in recipient circulation gross mottling and cyanosis and thrombotic
o Acute hemolytic transfusion reactions is a antibody-mediated (type II)
HSR caused by pre-existing anti-ABO antibodies that bind antigens on
transfused donor RBC’s. Subsequent complement activation results in
red cell lysis, vasodilation, symptoms of shock. Common findings
include fever, hypotension, chest & back pain, and hemoglobinuria.
Acute months <6 immune cells type 3 HSR humoral and cellular
deposition either neutrophil infiltration or lymp infiltration
Chronic month-years T cells delayed vascular wall thickening and
luminal narrowing, interstitial fibrosis & parenchyma atrophy.
The liver is the second most common site of metastatic spread after the
lymph nodes because of its large size, dual blood supply, high perfusion rate,
and the filtration function of Kupffer cells.
o Multiple nodules throughout liver, and may replace more than 80% of
the hepatic parenchyma often resulting in marked hepatomegaly.
Prior history of attempted suicide is the strongest single factor predictive for
suicide, 5-6 more likely to make another attempt.
As sample size n increases, the standard error SE decreases, so the
confidence interval becomes narrower and more precise.
o SD – reflects spread of individual values in a normal distribution
o SE of mean – reflects the variability of means and helps estimate the
true mean of underlying population.
o 95% CI mean +/- 1.96*SE = mean +/- 1.96*SD/^n
o 99% CI mean +/- 2.58*SE= mean +/- 2.58*SD/^n
o 68% 1 SD, 95% 2 SD, and 99.7% 3 SD’s.
Removal of excess cholesterol form the body occurs via excretion of free
cholesterol into bile and conversion of cholesterol into bile acids.
o When there is > cholesterol that can be made soluble then it
precipitates into crystals that form gallstones.
o High level of bile salts and phosphatidylcholine increases cholesterol
solubility and decreases risk of gallstones.
o Someone with gallstones has:
High cholesterol content, low bile salts, and low
Alanine is the major amino acid responsible for transferring nitrogen to the
liver for disposal. It is transaminated by alanine aminotransferase to
pyruvate with the amino group being transferred to a-ketogluterate to form
o Almost all aminotransferase anzymes use a-ketogluterate as the
amino group acceptor.
o Glutamine is then processed in the liver to form urea primary
disposal form of nitrogen in humans.
Arsenic inhibits lipoic acid vomiting, rice water stools, garlic breath and
QTc prolongation which can progress to torsades de pointes and it also
causes glycolysis to produce zero net ATP. It impairs cellular respiration.
Insecticides and contaminated water are common sources of arsenic.
Dimercaprol is the chelating agent of choice the sulfhydryl group of this
drug combines with arsenic and displaces the ions form the sulfhydryl
groups of enzymes involved in cellular respiration. Arsenic binds to
sulfhydryl groups, impairing cellular respiration via inhibition of pyruvate
Lead poisoning EDTA, Deferoxamine iron overdoses, Cyanide poisoning
hydroxycobalamin, metheglobinemia methylene blue, TCA’s sodium
bicarbonate which works by increasing serum pH and extracellular sodium.
Northern blot mRNA, Southern blot DNA, Western blot protein, DNA-
bound protein southern blot
Biceps & brachioradialis reflex done at the mid elbow innervated C5, C6
C7,C8 triceps reflex
LV free wall rupture usually occurs within 5-14 days after an initial
myocardial infarction and presents with sudden onset of chest pain,
profound shock, and rapid progression to death.
o Slit-like tear in the infarcted myocardium, with a preference for the
left ventricle due to higher systolic pressures.
Creatinine and inulin are freely filtered and completely excreted in the urine
regardless of its serum concentration.
PAH filtered and actively secreted into the tubular lumen so even at low
serum concentration, urinary excretion exceeds total filtered amount.
o PAH is primarily secreted into the nephron by the PCT, but some is
also freely filtered by the glomerulus. Any portion of the nephron
does not reabsorb it; therefore, Bowman’s space has the lowest PAH
Glucose is filtered and reabsorbed entirely as its below the maximum tubular
reabsorption, TmG, but at higher plasma concentrations, glucose is excreted
into the urine when filtered amount exceeds the TmG.
o Incases of inhibition of sodium-coupled, carrier mediated transport of
glucose by the proximal tubule would cause the glucose clearance to
approach the value of the GFR, which is typically estimated by
calculating the clearance of inulin.
Foramen cecum is usually in the anterior tongue in the median sulcus, the
part where taste is innervated by facial nerve VII, and sensation is innervate
by mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve V3.
Rabies binds Ach receptors after the virus stays in the local for a period of
days or weeks then binds it and travels retrograde to the CNS. In the US bats
are the source of rabies, prophylactic vaccination is recommended for
individuals at high risk for exposure to rabid animals or their tissues. Vaccine
is inactivated vaccine consists of various rhabdovirus strains grown in tissue
cell culture and then inactivated. Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions (negri
bodies) in the hippocampal neurons which are consistent of nucleocapsid
material from the rabies virus.
Breast pathology
Intraductal papilloma papillary cells with fibrovascular core, focal atypia,
cyst wall/dut
o Most common cause of bloody nipple discharge
Fibroadenomas small, firm, mobile breast masses due to proliferation of
breast stroma and ducts due to slits, cellular or myxoid stroma that encircles
and sometimes compresses epithelium-lined glandular and cystic spaces.
Fat necrosis trauma irregular breast mass, no nipple discharge.
o Liquefactive necrosis of adipocytes with hemorrhage.
Fibrocystic change diffuse small cysts with/without metaplasia, cyclic
breast pain, no nipple discharge
Paget disease of the nipple eczematous exudate over nipple & areola and is
due to ductal spread of malignant cells to the nipple surface. Bloody nipple
discharge may be present
Invasive breast carcinoma typically presents as an irregularly shaped
adherent breast mass, m/c in the upper outer quadrant. Malignant
infiltration of the suspensory ligaments of the breast causes dimpling of the
overlying kin.
The liver makes ketone bodies, but it lacks the enzymes to use the ketones
for fuel.
Highly lipophilic drug will be rapidly distributed to organs with high blood
flow (brain, liver, kidneys, and lungs) then this drug is slowly
redistributed to the tissues with relatively lower blood flow (skeletal muscle,
fat, and bone) short duration of action such as propofol.
Zone 1 of lungs = Palv > Part > Pv arterial pressure is low in this region as
the heart must pump blood uphill against the force of gravity because this
zone of the lungs is higher in the chest than the heart. So pulmonary
capillaries are collapsed and there is no blood flow in this zone.
Zone 2 = Part> Palv> Pv because alveolar pressure is greater than venous
pressure, the pulmonary are obstructed near the venous end of the capillary
bed. Blood flow here is pulsatile fashion.
Zone 3 = Part> Pv> Palv blood flows continuously through the pulmonary
In a supine person, lung is entirely composed of zone 3 blood flow. For this
reason the ventilation/perfusion ratio decreases in the lung from apex to the
MCL medial collateral ligament resists force that pushes the knew medially
increased laxity of the knew with the valgus stress test Knee extended
by placing one hand along the lateral thigh pressing inward while other hand
is placed on medial aspect of ankle and pushed outward.
The optimal site for obtaining vascular access in the lower extremity during
cardiac catheterization is the common femoral artery below the inguinal
ligament. Cannulation (penetration) above the inguinal ligament can
significantly increase the risk of retroperitoneal hemorrhage.
Strep Viridans produce dextrans that aid them in colonizing host surfaces
such as enamel and heart valves subacute bacterial endocarditis.
o This bacteria can adhere to fibrin-platelet aggregates and establish
In the lungs the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin drives the release of H+ and
CO2 from hemoglobin, in peripheral tissues, high concentrations of CO2 and
H+ facilitate oxygen unloading from hemoglobin.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) causes both upper and lower motor
neuron lesions loss of anterior horns of the spinal cord LMN lesions causes
muscle weakness and atrophy. Demylination of lateral corticospinal tract
(UMN lesion) leads to spasticity and hyperreflexia. Loss of motor nuclei of
Roseola infantum age less than 2 years old, 2-5 days of high fevers with
seizures followed by blanching maculopapular rash, treatment is supportive
care, usually in infants. Caused by HHV-6 and rash starts on the trunk and
spreads to the face and extremeties.
MRSA anterior nares are the most common site of colonization for both
Insulin decreases glucagon secretion, but in type 1 diabetes mellitus that fact
that insulin is deficient there will not be a decrease in glucagon secretion
leading to an increase glucose
IL-10 anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory roles and
pathogenesis in inflammatory bowel disease. IL-10 attenuates the immune
response through inhibition of Th1 cytokines, reduction of MHC-II
expression, and suppression of activated macrophages and dendritic cells.
ACA, MCA, PCA are large vessels arising from the circle of willis ischemic
stroke due to thrombotic or embolic vessel occlusion
Penetrating branches of these major arteries cause hypertensive
vasculopathy and affect basal ganglia putamen, cerebellar nuclei, thalamus,
and pons. Basal ganglia are supplied by lenticulostriate arteries and are small
branches off of MCA.
Injury to the intercoastal vein, artery, and nerve all lie in the lower border of
the rib not the upper part of the rib.
Thoracentesis should be performed
o Between 6th -8th ribs along the midclavicular line
o Between 8th-10th ribs along the midaxillary line risk of injuring right
hepatic lobe.
o Between 10-12th ribs along the paravertebral line.
If needle is inserted higher there is a risk of lung injury and inserted at these
levels, there is a risk of penetrating abdominal structures like the liver.
In multiple sclerosis causes optic neuritis in usually one optic nerve. The
afferent limp of the light reflex is pathway is the optic nerve, efferent limp is
parasympathetic fibers of CN3. When one optic nerve is damaged, light in
that eye will cause neither pupil to constrict (nerve can’t sense the light).
However, light in the contralateral eye will cause both pupils to constrict the
motor pathways are intact.
Bacillus and Clostridium bacteria are commonly found in soil and are able to
survive high temperatures, desiccation, and chemical agents by forming
spores, can be killed only by autoclaving.
Probenecid (uric acid drug inhibits reabsorption of uric acid in PCT) inhibits
secretion of penicillin, by blocking the anion transporters on renal tubular
cells to inhibit tubular secretion of certain antibiotics (eg, penicillin) in cases
of penicillin resistance gonorrhea, neurosyphilis.
Methacholine challenge test negative can help exclude and rule out
diagnosis of asthma. It is a muscarinic cholinergic agonist, which induces
bronchial smooth muscle contraction and increased bronchial mucus
production. Can induce bronchoconstriction and airway obstruction on
If undescended testes are not surgically moved to the scrotal sac, the
seminiferous tubules which are temperature sensitive and prone to heat-
induced damage, will become atrophic and hyalinized over time, which
results in low sperm count and decrease levels of inhibin and increased FSH
levels. Cryptorchidism should be corrected surgically early in life to prevent
damage to seminiferous tubules and decrease pts risk of testicular cancer.
Infront of the esophagus and can even cause compression of the esophagus is
left atrium posterior to the esophagus is descending aorta. The esophagus
passes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm at the level of the T10
vertebra. This opening also contains the anterior and posterior trunks of the
vagus nerve, so dissection in this right crus/esophageal hiatus can cause
damage to the vagus nerve.
D1 direct pathway = inhibit the Gpi, then the GPi can no longer inhibit the
thalamus (- - = +) so excites the thalamus
On the homunculus the legs are medial, hands are in the middle and face is
most lateral. ACA/MCA junction mediates the proximal arm and leg = man in
a barrel syndrome arms and legs dangle but are able to walk. PCA/MCA
junction = mediates occipital lobe = visual agnosia can’t recognize common
ACA and MCA from internal carotid artery, PCA basilary artery
Gastric adenocarcinoma intestinal type solid mass that projects into the
stomach lumen and composed of glandular-forming cuboidal or columnar
cells. Diffuse carcinoma Linitis plastic infiltrates the stomach wall and
displays signet-ring cells on light microscopy =infiltrative growth within the
stomach wall.
Patients with Crohn disease affecting the terminal ileum are prone to
developing gallstones. Decreased bile acid reabsorption and wasting
promote supersaturation of bile with cholesterol, resulting in gallstone
formation. Oxalate kidney stones by impaired bile acid absorption in
terminal ileum.
Power (1-ß) is the probability of rejecting null hypothesis when it’s truly
false. Depends on sample size and difference between outcomes.
Ventral posterior lateral nucleus receives input from the spinothalamic tract
and dorsal columns and ventral posterior medial nucleus receives input from
the trigeminal pathway of the thalamus send somatosensory projections to
the cortex via thalamocortical fibers. Damage to these nuclei results in
complete contralateral sensory loss of the face and lower and upper limbs.
Hemoglobin O2 dissociation-curve
o Left shift Decreased CO2, temperature, 2,3-BPG, H+ (increased pH),
and increased O2 affinity less loading. Examples : hypothermia,
o Right shift increased CO2, temp., 2,3BPG, H+ (decreased pH), and
decreased O2 more oxygen loading to peripheral tissues. Examples:
High attitude (elevated 2,3BPG), Anemia, hypoventilation, exercise
(increased CO2, more O2 released so more available to tissues).
Q# 395, HFE protein mutations are the most common cause of primary
hemochromatosis, HFE protein is on the basolateral surface of hepatocytes
and enterocytes interacts with transferrin receptor, decreased expression
reduced endocytosis of the iron-transferrin complex. Primary
hemochromatosis inactivation of this protein results in decreased
hepcidin synthesis by hepatocytes and increased DMT1 expression by
enterocytes iron overload. increased risk of cirrhosis and
hepatocellular carcinoma.
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo no ICP but a hole in the brain that gets filled with
CSF and the whole is usually a damage/atrophy from a brain damage, for ex:
Alzhiemers, HIV, Picks disease
Internal hemorrhoids drains into the middle & superior rectal veins
communicate with internal iliac and inferior mesenteric veins, respectively.
Loss of sensation with anesthetics A-delta (fast) lost first, C fiber (slow),
than A-gamma, than A-beta.
Absolute risk reduction = event rate in the control group – event rate in the
treatment group 4%=6%- trt grp, = 2% in this case 24/0.02 = 1200
NK cells recognize and kill cells with decreased MHC class 1 antigen cell
surface expression, such as virus-infected cells and tumors.
Q#1730, Valsalva maneuver increases vagal tone and can be used to abolish
paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. The rectus abdominis is the most
important muscle in achieving the increased intraabdominal and
intrathoracic pressure of the valsalva maneuver.
o Forcibly exhaling against a closed glottis taking a full inhalation,
holding ones breath, and bearing down-without exhaling as one
would during a bowel movement.
The superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery are the 2 main
vessels supplying the small and large intestines. They are connected by a pair
of anastomoses; the marginal artery of Drummond (marginal artery), which
is the principal anastomosis, and the inconsistently present arc of Riolan
(mesenteric meandering artery).
Mitral stenosis best and most reliable auscultatory indicator of the degree
of mitral stenosis is the (S2) A2-OS interval, OS= opening snap. A short
interval indicates more severe stenosis.
o Diastolic rumbling murmur with presystolic accentuation due to left-
atrial contraction can also occur.
Gardos channel blockers hinder efflux of K+ and water from the cell,
preventing dehydration of rbc’s and reducing polymerization of Hb S.
Wernicke mammillary body usually under the thalamus off to the left side
(my left) a little bulb is the mammillary body.
Myxomatous changes with pooling of proteoglycans in the media layer of
large arteries are found in cystic medial degeneration, which predisposes to
the development of aortic dissection and aortic aneurysms. Medical
degeneration is frequently seen in younger individuals with marfan
Pressure-volume loops
o normal saline infusion increases preload and causes rightward
widening of the pressure-volume loop
o decreased contractility narrow loop with a shift from the left
indicating smaller ejection fraction.
o Dobutamine infusion increase contractility increased volume of
ejection and widening of the loop.
o Clamping the abdominal aorta increase afterload narrowing and
upward shift of the ventricular ejection phase.
Isolated mitral stenosis elevates left atrial diastolic pressure and can
therefore cause elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, pulmonary
HTN, decreased pulmonary vascular compliance, RV dilatation and functional
tricuspid regurgitation. Diastolic pressure in left is usually decreased or near
o However, when there’s both mitral valve and aortic valve problems
then it will show increased LV diastolic pressure.
Glycine most abundant amino acid in collagen, occupies every 3rd amino
acid position (gly-X-Y).
CCR5 enables HIV virus to enter cells. Deletion of both these genes
resistance to HIV infection, deletion of one allele delayed manifestation of
the disease in infected individuals.
A scotoma visual field defect that occurs due to pathologic process that
involves parts of the retina of the optic nerve resulting in a discrete area of
altered vision surrounded by zones of normal vision. Lesions of the macula
cause central scotomas.
ALL type T or B, ALL subtype T cell (CD4, CD3, CD5, CD7, and CD*) 15-17%
of all cases of ALL, it presents with fever, malaise, bleeding, bone pain and
hepatosplenomeglay and mediastinal mass that can cause compression and
lead to SVC syndrome, esophagus compression, and trachea leading to
dyspnea and stridor. They both have TdT positive
o B-cell ALL (CD10, CD19, CD20) 70-80% of all ALL fever, malaise,
bleeding, bone pain, and hepatosplenomegaly. No symptoms of
mediastinal compression.
3’CCA tail of tRNA serves as the amino acid binding site by aminoacyl tRNA
Rivaroxaban and Apixaban both direct and Fondaparinux indirect are factor
Xa inhibitors. These drugs are used in long-term treatments DVT and stroke
prophylaxis in patients with atrial fibrillation who are at risk for embolic
At age 2, children should have a vocab of 50-200 words and be using 2-word
phrases. Parents concerns about delayed milestones should be validated;
they should be reassured that children often catch up but may need help.
Further evaluation and regular monitoring are essential.
A drug that binds to and activate GABA-A receptors (or enhances their
activity) will increase the conductance of chloride ions, leading to increased
passive transport of chloride into the cell interior. This causes the membrane
potential to become hyperpolarized (more negative than resting membrane
potential) by approaching or reaching the equilibrium potential for chloride.
Common cardinal veins of the developing embryo drain directly into the
sinus venosus. These cardinal veins ultimately give rise to SVC and other
constituents of the systemic venous circulation. In the embryo the umbilical
vein degenerates and vitelline veins becomes the portal system.
Clinicians have legal and ethical obligation to report elder abuse, neglect, and
exploitation. If there is reason to suspect abuse or neglect, the patient should
be interviewed alone to avoid intimidation by possible abusers.
Varicose veins are dilated; tortuous veins resulting form impairment of the
venous valves and reflux of venous blood. This leads to venous
stasis/congestion, edema, and increased incidence of superficial venous
thrombosis. Thromboembolism is a very infrequent complication of varicose
veins, while venous stasis ulcers are very common and often occur over the
medial malleolus. Complication are skin ulcerations, poor wound healing and
superficial infections.
Damage to the brainstem at/below the level of the red nucleus e.g (midbrain
tegmentum, pons) typically results in decerebrate (extensor) posturing
loss of descending excitation to the upper limb flexors (via the rubrospinal
tract) and predominance of the extensors (controlled by the vestibulospinal
tract). Limps are flat and off to the side of the body.
Damage to neural structures above the red nucleus (cerebral hemispheres)
decorticate flexor posturing due to loss of descending inhibition of the red
nucleus and subsequent hyperactivity of upper-extremity flexor muscles, so
tight fist with arms on top of the body.
Ethanol inhibits citric acid cycle TCA and inhibits gluconeogenesis and can
cause hypoglycemia once hepatic glycogen stores are depleted.
Conduct disorder like PDD but behaviors are more severe and aggressive,
physical aggression or cruelty towards people or animals, destruction of
property, stealing or deceit which can lead to antisocial disorder if older than
18 year of age.
Resting membrane potassium (-70), than sodium (+60), then Cl- (-90),
ARF migratory arthritis, new onset mitral regurgitation, fever, and anti-
streptolysin O titer. Acute morbidity is most likely due to pancarditis
(inflammation of the endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium). Mitral
stenosis develops years or decades after the original illness.
Sertoli-leydig cell tumors of the ovary arise from the sex cord stroma and
secrete testosterone. Typical features include a large ovarian mass and signs
of virilization. Tubular structures lined by round sertoli cells and surrounded
by a fibrous stroma are seen on pathology.
Maturing erythrocytes lose their ability to synthesize heme when they lose
their mitochondira, which are necessary for the first and final 3 steps of
heme synthesis.
Neisseria gonorrhea IgA protease which cleaves IgA at its hinge region,
rendering it ineffective IgA exits on mucosal surfaces and bind and inhibits
the action of pili and other cell surface antigens that normally mediate
mucosal adherence and subsequent penetration. Neisseria meningitides,
strep pneumo, and haemophilus influenza all have IgA protease.
Cleavage of pro-insulin in the islet cell secretory granules yields insulin and
C-peptide, which are stored in the granule until they are secreted in
equimolar amounts.
PAD peripheral arterial disease -> give cilostazol reduces platelet
activation by inhibiting platelet phosphodiesterase, the enzyme responsible
for the breakdown of cAMP. It is also a direct arterial vasodilator decreases
claudication symptoms and increase in pain-free walking distance. These
patients should also be initiated on a graded exercise program, which has
also been shown to improve symptoms.
Abciximab, heparin, and tPA are all not used for long-term management.
Aspirin antiplatelet agent for CAD not useful for PAD.
Renal cortical cells sense hypoxia and respond by synthesizing and releasing
erythropoietin which stimulates production of erythrocytes in bone marrow.
Stretch injury of the pudendal nerve due to stress placed on pelvic floor
during labor weakness of the perineal musculature causing fecal and
urinary incontinence, perineal pain, and sexual dysfunction.
Lepromin skin test + in pts with tuberculoid leprosy strong CD+ T cells
immune response increase IL-2 and IFN-gamma in skin lesions
o Lepromatous leprosy Negative to their weak Th1 cell-mediated
immune response so no reaction.
Phrenic nerve C3-C5 intrathoracic spread of lung cancer may affect the
phrenic nerve hiccups, diaphragmatic paralysis with dyspnea. Brachial
plexus pain in distribution of C8-T1, T2 nerve roots. Involvement of
recurrent laryngeal nerve may cause hoarseness.
The facial nerve (CN VII) exits the stylomastoid foramen and courses through
the substance of the parotid gland, where it divides into its 5 terminal
branches that innervate the muscles of facial expression.
o Malignant tumors of the parotid gland often compresses and disrupts
the facial nerve and its branches, causing ipsilateral facial droop.
The ions that will flow out of the cell after opening their respective ion
channels are potassium only.
Prostatic plexus lies within the fascia of the prostate and innervates the
corpus cavernosa of the penis, which facilitates penile erection. As a result,
prostatectomy or injury to the prostatic plexus can cause erectile
Emphysema/COPD increased TLC, RV and FRC (functional residual
capacity = RV + ERV (expiratory reserve volume). All increased!
Prepatellar bursitis causes anterior knee pain and is usually due to repetitive
or prolonged kneeling. A bursa fluid filled synovial sac that serves to
alleviate pressure from bony prominences and reduce friction between
muscles and tendons.
Chronic kidney disease with mineral bone disease usually presents with
hyperphosphatemia. Secondary hyperparathyroidism and decreased
calcitriol levels. Patients can be asymptomatic or develop weakness, bone
pain, and fractures. ^PTH, PO4, and decreased calcitriol.
Duodenal ulcers not associated with increased risk of carcinoma in the same
location in contrast, esophageal, gastric, colorectal cancers are frequently
identified as ulcerative lesions on endoscopy.
Atrial Myxoma m/c primary cardiac neoplasm and 80% arises at the left
atrium. A mid-diastolic rumbling murmur head best at apex (MS), positional
cardiovascular symptoms (dyspnea and syncope), embolic symptoms, and a
large pedunculated mass in the left atrium. Scattered cells within
mucopolysaccharide stroma, abnormal blood vessels, and hemorrhaging.
Hamartomas m/c benign lung tumors coin lesion in pts 50-60 years old
composed of disorganized cartilage, fibrous and adipose tissue.
3 variables that affect the total oxygen content of blood are hemoglobin
concentration, oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SaO2), and the partial
pressure of oxygen dissolved in blood (PaO2). Anemia decreased
hemoglobin concentration in the setting of normal SaO2 and PaO2.
The aedes aegypti mosquitoes can transmit the viruses that cause dengue
fever and chikungunya. Classic dengue fever presents as an acute febrile
illness with headache, retro-orbital pain, and joint and muscle pain.
Chikungunya is a febrile illness with flulike symptoms, prominent
polyarthralgias, and diffuse macular rash.
Cardiac Leads in MI
1. Leads I and aVL lateral aspect of LV occlusion of left circumflex
artery acute lateral myocardial infarction.
2. Leads V1-V4 LAD anterior aspect of the LV and interventricular
a. Leads V1-V2 anteroseptal LAD occlusion
b. Leads V3-V4 Anteroapical distal LAD occlusion
3. Left main coronary artery give rise to LAD (anterior) and left
circumflex arteries (lateral) occlusion here anterolateral
infarction ST elevation in anterior V1-V4, and lateral V5-V6, I, and aVL
4. Right coronary artery RV and inferior aspect of LV inferior MI
ST elevation in lead II, III, and aVF.
Kaposi’s sarcoma (HHV-8) involves the skin and GI tract and is common in
HIV patients not on antiretroviral therapy. Endoscopy reveals characteristic
lesions, which range from reddish/violet flat maculopapular lesions to raised
hemorrhagic nodules or polypoid masses. Biopsy can show spindle cells,
neovascularization, and extravasated red blood cells.
Major depressive disorder consists of a >2 week period with >5 of the
following symptoms: depressed mood, loss of interest, sleep disturbance,
appetite disturbance, loss of energy, psychomotor agitation or retardation,
impaired concentration, guilt, and suicidal thoughts.
Left intercostal space of left midclavicular line injury to the left lung.
Tocar and cannula will penetrate the bladder wall and anterior abdominal
Coxiella burnetii farm workers waste from cattle and sheep. Myalgia’s,
retroorbital headache, fatigue, and fever, thrombocytopenia increased liver
enzymes acute Q fever.
Myocardial oxygen extraction exceeds that of any other tissue or organ in the
body. Due to the high degree of oxygen extraction, increases in myocardial
oxygen demand (during exercise) are met by a nearly proportionate increase
in coronary blood flow/coronary sinus.
Rhino Virus naked SS+ sense RNA has a purified RNA molecule to induce
viral protein synthesis in a host cell; it must be able to act directly as mRNA
using the host’s intracellular machinery for translation. Therefore, in general,
purified single-stranded positive-sense RNA can be infectious; single-
stranded negative sense or double-stranded RNA is not.
Adult patients with capacity have the authority to refuse any form of
treatment, including life-saving therapies. In an emergency situation in which
the patient does not have capacity, consent is not required to provide life-
saving treatment. In an emergency, the physician should always provide
potentially life-saving therapy to a minor.
An elderly patient with nutrient deficiency most likely with normal blood
counts with decreased light touch, vibration sense in the feet, decreased knee
and ankle reflexes bilaterally thiamine B1 deficient dry beriberi is
symmetrical peripheral neuropathy; wet beriberi includes the addition of
high-output congestive heart failure.
Pressure in the left renal vein may become elevated due to compression
where the vein crosses the aorta beneath the superior mesenteric artery.
This “nutcracker effect” can cause hematuria and flank pain. Pressure can
also be elevated in the left gonadal vein, leading to formation of varicocele.
Most of the K+ absorbed in the PCT and loop of henle 100% in Bowman’s
capsule, 35% in PCT, 10% in loop of henle, and 110% in collecting ducts.
Orthopnea (shortness of breath when lying flat, person has to sit up or prop
up on pillows to feel better) a specific sign of left-sided heart failure. Bilateral
lower extremity edema and congestive hepatomegaly are more specific for
right-sided heart failure. Left-sided heart failure may also produce a
productive cough and exertional wheezing or chest tightness, but these are
nonspecific signs seen in a variety of disorder.
Ureter can be injured during hysterectomy due to its close proximity to the
uterine structures. Distal ureter may be severed during ligation of the uterine
vessels because the ureter passes inferior and lateral to the uterine artery at
the level of the internal cervical os prior to entering the bladder (water under
the bridge).
The change in the body of neuron after axons has been severed are called
axonal reaction. Increased protein synthesis that facilitates axon repair.
Results in enlarged, rounded cells with peripherally located nuclei and
dispersed finely granular Nissl substance are seen.
Cirrhosis diffuse hepatic fibrosis with replacement of normal lobular
architecture by fibrous-lined parenchymal nodules composed of proliferating
Iron is absorbed in the duodenum, folate in the jejunum and B12 in the ileum
Medullary respiratory center controls the depth and rate of respiration based
on the input from central and peripheral chemoreceptors and airway
The celiac trunk is the first main branch of the abdominal aorta; it provides
oxygenated blood to the spleen, stomach, liver, abdominal esophagus, and
parts of the duodenum and pancreas. The proper hepatic artery is a distal
branch of the celiac trunk that supplies arterial blood to the liver; it also runs
with the portal vein and common bile duct to form the portal triad in the
Regular insulin and neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) are the only human
recombinant insulin’s. And usually curve point B, and ends in about 5-7
hours. The rest of the insulin’s given are usually referred to as insulin
analogs. When given NPH insulin starts working within 30 mins, peaks 2-4
hours and lasts 5-8 hours. Human form insulin should be used in patients
with DKA as they are usually volume depleted and have erratic subcutaneous
Acute erosive gastropathy NSAID, head trauma, severe burns, acute stress,
and alcohol/tobacco use. Erosions are mucosal defects that do not fully
extend through the muscularis mucosa. Acute erosive gastropathy can cause
upper GI hemorrhage that leads to melena. Gastric ulcers extend into the
submucosal layer and muscularis propria but in erosion do not fully
penetrate the muscularis mucosa.
Reed-Sternberg cells are large binucleated cell with “owls’ eyes” appearance
that appear on a background of lymphocytic infiltrates. Reed-Sternberg cells
must be present histopathologically in order to make the diagnosis of
hodkins lymphoma. Abnormality is in the lymphoid tissue.
Q#2130 Blunt Aortic Injury traumatic aortic rupture is most often caused
by the rapid deceleration that occurs in motor vehicle collision and the most
common site of injury is the aortic isthmus because it is tethered or held firm
by the ligamentum arteriosum and is relatively fixec and immobile compared
to the adjacent descending aorta.
Perfusion greatly increases from the apex of the lung to the base; ventilation
increases slightly from the apex to the base. For this reason,
ventilation/perfusion ratio decreases from 2.5 to 0.6 in the lungs from the
apex to the base.
Regurgitant flow into the left atrium in acute mitral regurgitations leads to
increased left atrial pressure and increased left ventricular end-diastolic
volume (preload). The low-resistance regurgitant pathway also decreases
left ventricular afterload, end-systolic volume, and forward stroke volume.
Increased left atrial pressure and decreased cardiac output result in
pulmonary congestion and severe hypotension, respectively.
Bowel epithelial stem cells are in the crypts of liberkuhn which are
responsible for regeneration of mucosal epithelium.
Venous drainage of the rectum above the dentate line occurs through the
superior rectal vein, which drains into the portal venous system via the
inferior mesenteric vein. As a result cancers arising in the proximal rectum
typically metastasize to the liver first due to hematogenous dissemination
through the portal system. Structures below the dentate line drain into the
middle and inferior rectal veins, which drain into the systemic circulation
(drain into the caval system) via the internal iliac veins, as a result cancers
arising below the dentate line metastasize to the lungs.
Premature ovarian insufficiency occurs in women age <40 and presents with
amenorrhea and an elevated FSH level. It may result from follicular depletion
through accelerated atresia, and apoptotic process.
Paclitaxel-Eluting stent Q#6689, both Paclitaxel and sirolimus are used both
as a coat drug-eluting stents, for myocardial ischemia due to stenosis of his
right coronary artery done by angiography. Paclitaxel is an antineoplastic
agent that function by binding b-tubulin and preventing microtubule
breakdown so it prevents stent restenosis by preventing intimal hyperplasia.
Eye problems:
o Iris iris Hamartomas (lisch nodules) in neurofibromatosis type I.
o Conjunctivae inflamed in conjunctivitis by infectious organisms,
allergies, and traumatic insult.
o Sclerae bluish tinge in patients with osteogenesis imperfect or
nevus of Ota.
o Retina numerous pathologic conditions diabetic retinopathy,
HTN (retinal hemorrhage), and pseudoxyanthoma elasticum (angioid
streaks) and tays-sachs disease (cherry red macular spot).
o Cornea kayser-fleischer rings wilsons disease
Supply of blood to the cerebellum and brain stem is the vertebral artery’s
and basilar artery.
Renal calculi occur due to an imbalance of the factors that facilitate and
prevent stone formation. Increased urinary concentration of calcium, oxalate,
and uric acid promote salt crystallization whereas, increased urinary citrate
concentration and high fluid intake prevent calculi formation.
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a rare form of marrow failure characterized by
severe hypoplasia of marrow erythroid element in the setting of normal
granulopoiesis and thrombopoiesis. Pure red cell aplasia is associated with
thymoma, lymphocytic leukemias, and parvovirus B19 infection.
Galactocele is a mass filled with breast milk and can occur with
hyperprolactinemia but is more often associated with pregnancy and
Friedreich ataxia AR, mutation of frataxin (FXN) gene which codes for an
essential mitochondrial protein involved in the assembly of iron-sulfur
enzymes, increased number of trinucleotide repeats (GAA) causing
decreased FXN expression. This leads to decreased mitochondrial energy
production and increased oxidative stress, resulting in degeneration of
neural tracts and peripheral nerves.
o Spinocerebellar and lateral corticospinal tract degeneration leading to
gait ataxia and spastic muscle weakness.
o Degeneration of dorsal columns and dorsal root ganglia loss of
position and vibration.
o Kyposcholiosis and foot abnormalities (pes cavus) skeletal
o Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure and
diabetes mellitus develop in about 10% of patients with friedreich
After gallstones, alcohol abuse is the second most common cause of acute
pancreatitis. Macrocytosis and an AST:ALT ratio>2 are indirect indicators of
chronic alcohol consumption. Alcohol-related macrocytosis can occur
independently of folate deficiency.
Dress syndrome Q# 508, Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic dress
syndrome typically occurs 2-8 weeks after exposure to high-risk drugs such
as anticonvulsants (eg, phenytoin, carbamazepine), allopurinol, sulfonamides
(eg Sulfasalazaline), and antibiotics (eg, minocycline, vancomycin). Patients
typically develop fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, facial edema, diffuse
skin rash, eosinophilia, and internal organ dysfunction.
Diuretics taken for a long time can lead to hypotention and hypovolemia.
TrkA Tropomyosin receptor kinase A has high affinity nerve growth factor
receptor encodes a member of the neurotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor is a
membrane bound receptor that upon neurotrophin binding, phosphorylates
itself and members of the MAPK pathway.
Round ligament maintains the anteflexion of the uterus from the uterus to
the inguinal ring to the labia majora, and that uterosacral ligaments connect
the posterior aspect of the uterus to the anterior portion of the sacrum and
hold the uterus in an anteverted or retroverted position and loss of this
support contributes to uterine prolapse into the vagina.
Short gastric veins drain the fundus of the stomach into the splenic vein,
splenic vein thrombosis can increase pressure in the short gastric veins and
cause gastric varices only in the fundus.
Left gastric vein drains blood from the upper stomach and lower esophagus
into the portal vein. Portal HTN can increase pressure here and usually
causes both gastric and esophageal varices.
Evidence has long accumulated to point toward a pivitol role for E-cadherin and
the catenin complex in the control of cancer cell dissociation and spread. Tumor
invasion and metastasis, both hallmarks of tumor malignancy, frequently coincide
with the loss of E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion. Expression of E-cadherin,
the most abundant adhesion molecule in adherens junctions of epithelia, is
downregulated in most, if not all, epithelial cancers.39 Several studies have shown
that reconstitution of a functional E-cadherin adhesion complex suppresses the
invasive phenotype of many different tumor cell types.40-42 In the context of cancer,
E-cadherin has been categorized as a tumor suppressor, given its essential role in
the formation of proper intercellular junctions, and its downregulation in the
process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in epithelial tumor
Sialoliths can form both in the submandibular or parotid, but parotid is more
common and the pain would be reproduced if lemon juice is squirted into the
oral cavity, but for submandibular, the patient would have pain under the
tongue at the base of the frenulum.
Digoxin toxicity can result with the use of Quinidine, Amiodarone, and
verapamil, and spironolactone. Can result in confusion, hallucination, blurred
vision and seizures, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting.