Science: 【Physics, Chemistry, Biology】

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Question Booklet

2017 Examination for Japanese University Admission

for International Students

Science(80 min.)
【Physics, Chemistry, Biology】
※ Choose and answer two subjects.
※ Answer the questions using the front side of the answer sheet for one
subject, and the reverse side for the other subject.

Ⅰ Rules of Examination
 1.Do not leave the room without the proctor s permission.
 2.Do not take this question booklet out of the room.

Ⅱ Rules and Information Concerning the Question Booklet

 1.Do not open this question booklet until instructed.
 2.After instruction, write your name and examination registration number
in the space provided below, as printed on your examination voucher.
3. The pages of each subject are as in the following table.

Subject Pages
Physics 1−21
Chemistry 23−35
Biology 37−50
 4.If your question booklet is missing any pages, raise your hand.
 5.You may write notes and calculations in the question booklet.

Ⅲ Rules and Information Concerning the Answer Sheet

 1.You must mark your answers on the answer sheet with an HB pencil.
 2.Each question is identified by one of the row numbers , , , ….
Follow the instruction in the question and completely black out your answer
in the corresponding row of the answer sheet(mark‒sheet).
 3.Make sure also to read the instructions on the answer sheet.

※ Once you are instructed to start the examination, fill in your examination
registration number and name.

Examination registration number * *


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Marking Your Choice of Subject on the Answer Sheet

Choose and answer two subjects from Physics, Chemistry, and

Biology. Use the front side of the answer sheet for one subject,
and the reverse side for the other subject.
ゎ⟅⛉┠ Subject
As shown in the example on the right, if you answer the
≀ ⌮ ໬ Ꮫ ⏕ ≀
Chemistry questions, circle “Chemistry” and completely fill in the Physics Chemistry Biology

oval under the subject name.

If you do not correctly fill in the appropriate oval, your
answers will not be graded.

Use the following values for calculation. The unit of volume “liter” is represented by “L”.

Standard state: 0 Υ㸪1.01™10 5 Pa (= 1.00 atm)

  The molar volume of an ideal gas at the standard state: 22.4 L/mol

Gas constant: 5 = 8.31™10 3 Pa㺃L/(K㺃mol)

Avogadro constant: 1 A = 6.02™10 23 /mol

Faraday constant: ) = 9.65™10 4 C/mol

Atomic weight: H : 1.0 C : 12 N : 14 O : 16 

Mg : 24 S : 32 Pb : 207

The relation between the group and the period used in this examination is indicated in the

following periodic table. Atomic symbols other than H are omitted.



ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q1 The following figures indicate the electron configurations of atom X and atom Y.

 X   Y

        atomic nucleus


From ձն in the following table choose the correct combination of the ion formula

of X when it forms a stable ion, and the compositional formula of a compound formed

between X and Y by ionic bonds. ᴾ ᵏᴾ ᴾ

Ion formula Compositional formula

ձ X2㸩 XY

ղ X2㸩 XY2

ճ X2㸩 X2Y

մ X2㸫 YX

յ X2㸫 Y2X

ն X2㸫 YX2

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q2 From the following statements ձյ on the chemical bond choose the one in which

the underlined part is not correct. ᴾ ᵐᴾ ᴾ

ձ In metallic iron (Fe), iron atoms are connected to each other by metallic bonds.

ղ In ice, water molecules (H2 O) are connected to each other by hydrogen bonds.

ճ In dry ice, carbon dioxide molecules (CO2) are connected to each other by covalent bonds.

մ In an ammonium ion (NH4 +), an ammonia molecule (NH3 ) is bonded to a hydrogen

ion (H +) by a coordinate bond.

յ In sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl  ) are connected

to each other by ionic bonds.

Q3 From the following combinations of molecules ձյ choose the one in which both are

polar molecules. ᴾ ᵑᴾ ᴾ

ձ  CH4 㸪CCl4  ղ  H2 O㸪CO 2  ճ  N2 㸪NH3  մ  HCl㸪CH3 Cl   յ  F2 㸪Cl 2

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q4 There is a gas mixture of nitrogen (N2 ) and hydrogen (H 2 ), and its average molecular

weight is 8.5. From the following ձյ  choose the closest value for the molar ratio of

nitrogen to hydrogen (N2 : H2 ) of the gas mixture. ᴾ ᵒᴾ ᴾ

ձ 1㸸1   ղ 1㸸2   ճ 1㸸3   մ 1㸸4   յ 1㸸5

Q5 At the standard state, 1.0 L of propane (C3 H8 ) and 10.0 L of oxygen (O 2 ) were placed

in an airtight container, and the propane was completely combusted. After the water

formed during the reaction was removed, the temperature and the pressure were returned

to the standard state. Calculate the volume of the gas in L. From ձն below choose the

closest value. ᴾ ᵓᴾ ᴾ L

ձ 3.0   ղ 4.0   ճ 5.0   մ 6.0   յ 7.0   ն 8.0

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q6 The following figure indicates the crystal structure of copper (Cu).

Among the following statements (a )-( d ) on this crystal, two are correct. From ձն

below choose the correct combination. ᴾ ᾅᴾ ᴾ

( a )  This crystal structure is one of the close-packed structures.

( b )  The number of atoms contained in one unit cell is 14.

( c )  When the radius of a copper atom is U, the length of a side of the unit cell is given

by ʹξʹ U. 

( d )  Each atom has 8 nearest neighbor atoms.

ձ  a㸪b   ղ  a㸪c   ճ  a㸪d    մ  b㸪c    յ  b㸪d   ն  c㸪d

Q7 From 0.01 mol/L aqueous solutions of the following compounds ձն, choose the one

that has the lowest pH. ᴾ ᵕᴾ ᴾ

ձ H2 S   ղ HNO3    ճ (COOH) 2    մ CH3 COOH   յ H3 PO4    ն H2 SO4

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q8 A lead storage battery was discharged to flow 0.4 mol of electrons. From the following

ձն choose the statement that correctly describes the change of the mass of the cathode.

ᴾ ᾇᴾ ᴾ

ձ It increased by 12.8 g.

ղ It increased by 19.2 g.

ճ It increased by 25.6 g.

մ It decreased by 12.8 g.

յ It decreased by 19.2 g.

ն It decreased by 25.6 g.

Q9 The heat of formation of gaseous dinitrogen tetraoxide (N2 O 4 ) is 㹏 1 kJ/mol and that

of gaseous nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) is 㹏 2 kJ/mol. From ձ-ն below choose the correct

equation representing the value of 㹏  in the following thermochemical equation. ᴾ ᵗᴾ ᴾ

N2 O4 (gas) 㸻 2NO2 (gas) 㸩 㹏 kJ

ձ  㹏  㸻 㹏 1 㸩 㹏 2     ղ 㹏  㸻 㹏 1 㸫 㹏 2    ճ 㹏  㸻 㸫 㹏 1 㸩 㹏 2

մ  㹏  㸻 㹏 1 㸩 2㹏 2   յ 㹏  㸻 㹏 1 㸫 2 㹏 2    ն 㹏  㸻 㸫 㹏 1 㸩 2 㹏 2

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q10 When 1.0 mol of dinitrogen tetraoxide (N2 O4 ) was placed in a 10 L container at a

constant temperature, the pressure of the gas was 1.0™105 Pa. Keeping the temperature

constant, nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) was formed and the following equilibrium was

established. The total pressure was changed to 1.1™10 5 Pa.            

     N2O4  ĺ  2NO2

From the following ձն choose the closest value for the concentration equilibrium

constant at this temperature. Assume that all substances in the container are ideal gases.

ᴾ ᵏᵎ ᴾ ᴾ mol/L

ձ  0.0011   ղ  0.0022   ճ  0.0044  մ  0.011   յ  0.022  ն  0.044

Q11 From the following metals ձյ choose the one that dissolves in aqueous sodium

hydroxide (NaOH) but does not dissolve in concentrated nitric acid (conc. HNO3 ).

 ᴾ ᵏᵏ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ Ag   ղ Al   ճ Fe   մ Zn   յ Pb


ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q12 Among the acidic oxides listed in column A of the following table, two of them yield

the acids listed in column B when reacted with a sufficient amount of water. From ձն

below choose the correct combination. ᴾ ᵏᵐ ᴾ ᴾ


a nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) nitric acid (HNO 3 )

b tetraphosphorus decaoxide (P 4 O10 ) phosphoric acid (H3 PO 4 )

c sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 )

d dichlorine heptaoxide (Cl2 O7 ) hydrochloric acid (HCl)

ձ  a㸪b   ղ  a㸪c   ճ  a㸪d    մ  b㸪c   յ  b㸪d    ն  c㸪d

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q13 Among the following reactions (a)-(e), there are two in which the underlined substances

are oxidized. From ձշ below choose the correct combination. ᴾ ᵏᵑ ᴾ ᴾ

(a) 2Cu 㸩 O2  ĺ 2CuO   

(b) 2CuO 㸩 C ĺ 2Cu 㸩 CO2

(c) 2H2  㸩 O2  ĺ 2H2 O

(d) 2Al 㸩 6HCl ĺ 2AlCl 3  㸩 3H2

(e) 3Cu 㸩 8HNO3  ĺ 3Cu(NO3 ) 2  㸩 4H2 O 㸩 2NO

ձ  a㸪b   ղ  a㸪d    ճ  a㸪e    մ  b㸪d    յ  b㸪e    ն  c㸪d    շ  d㸪e

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q14 0.10 mol of hydrogen (H2 ) was generated when dilute hydrochloric acid (dil. HCl) was

added to 3.0 g of magnesium (Mg) powder containing some impurities. Calculate the

purity of this magnesium in mass percent (%). From the following ձյ choose the

closest value. Assume that the impurities do not react with dilute hydrochloric acid.

ᴾ ᵏᵒ ᴾ ᴾ %    

ձ 20   ղ 40   ճ 50   մ 80   յ 96

Q15 Column A of the following table lists anions and column B lists reagents used to detect

the anions as their precipitates. From ձյ below choose the one in which the reagent

in column B is not correct. ᴾ ᵏᵓ ᴾ ᴾ


ձ Cl – AgNO3

ղ SO4 2– Mg(NO 3 ) 2

ճ CO3 2– Ba(NO3 ) 2

մ CrO4 2– Pb(NO3 ) 2

յ [Fe(CN) 6 ]4– FeCl 3

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q16 When 29 mg of a hydrocarbon was completely combusted, 88 mg of carbon dioxide

(CO2 ) was obtained. From the following ձն choose the correct one for the molecular

formula of this hydrocarbon. ᴾ ᵏᵔ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ  C2 H5   ղ  C2 H 6   ճ  C 3 H6   մ  C3 H7   յ  C4 H10   ն  C4 H 12

Q17 From the following ձշ choose the number of aliphatic compounds with the molecular

formula C4 H10 O which react with metallic sodium (Na) to generate hydrogen (H2 ).  

When stereoisomers are involved, they are to be counted separately. ᴾ ᵏᵕ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ 1  ղ 2  ճ 3  մ 4  յ 5  ն 6  շ 7

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q18 Two compounds listed in column A of the following table are to be distinguished with

the aid of the reagents listed in column B. From ձ  մbelow choose the one in which the

reagent in column B is not correct. ᴾ ᵏᵖ


solution of bleaching powder

ձ nitrobenzene㸪aniline
(CaCl(ClO) aq)

ղ phenol㸪toluene aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate

ճ salicylic acid㸪acetylsalicylic acid
(NaHCO3 )

մ benzoic acid㸪methyl salicylate aqueous iron(III) chloride (FeCl 3 )

Q19 Among the following polymer compounds (a)-(d) two are synthesized by condensation

polymerization. From ձն below choose the correct combination. ᴾ ᵏᵗ

(a) poly(ethylene terephthalate)

(b) poly(vinyl acetate)

(c) poly(methyl methacrylate)

(d) nylon 6,6

ձ a㸪b ղ a㸪c ճ a㸪d մ b㸪c յ b㸪d ն c㸪d

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Q20 From the following statements ձյ on the protein of egg whites choose the one in

which  underlined part is not correct. ᴾ ᵐᵎ ᴾ ᴾ

ձ It dissolves in a dilute solution of table salt.

ղ It solidifies when heated.

ճ It is denatured when it is added to hydrochloric acid (HCl aq).

մ It turns reddish purple when aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and aqueous

copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4 ) are added.

յ It turns yellow when ninhydrin solution is added and the mixture is heated.

End of Chemistry questions. Leave the answer spaces ᾁᾀ 㹼 ᾆᾄᴾ blank.

Please check once more that you have properly marked the name of your

subject as “Chemistry” on your answer sheet.


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Marking Your Choice of Subject on the Answer Sheet

㻌 Choose and answer two subjects from Physics, Chemistry, and

Biology. Use the front side of the answer sheet for one subject, and 䠘Example䠚
the reverse side for the other subject. ゎ⟅⛉┠ Subject
As shown in the example on the right, if you answer the Biology ≀ ⌮ ໬ Ꮫ ⏕ ≀
Physics Chemistry Biology
questions, circle “Biology” and completely fill in the oval under the
subject name.

Q1 From ձ – յ below choose the statement that correctly describes nucleic acids. 

ձ Both DNA and RNA have the same four types of bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.

ղ DNA has the following four types of bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil.

ճ Both DNA and RNA have ribose as their sugar.

մ The base sequence of an mRNA is the same as that of its DNA template.

յ In protein synthesis, tRNAs transport amino acids to the ribosome.


ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q2 Catalase is an enzyme found in the cytoplasm of plants and animals.

In order to examine the catalytic activity of catalase and manganese (ϫ) oxide, eight test tubes A –

H were prepared with the combinations of substances as shown in the following table, kept at 37Υ and

observed for the formation of bubbles. In which of test tubes A – H were bubbles observed, and what

kind of gas was formed? From ձ – ո below choose the correct combination. 

Test tube A B C D E F G H
3% hydrogen peroxide 3 mL — 3 mL — 3 mL — 3 mL —
Distilled water — 3 mL — 3 mL — 3 mL — 3 mL

Pieces of raw liver 0.1 g 0.1 g — — — — — —

Pieces of boiled liver — — 0.1 g 0.1 g — — — —

Manganese (ϫ) oxide — — — — 0.1 g 0.1 g — —

Boiled manganese (ϫ) oxide — — — — — — 0.1 g 0.1 g

Test tubes in which
Gas formed
bubbles were observed
ձ A, B, E, F oxygen (O2)

ղ A, B, E, F hydrogen (H2)

ճ B, D, F, H oxygen (O2)

մ B, D, F, H hydrogen (H2)

յ A, E, G oxygen (O2)

ն A, E, G hydrogen (H2)

շ C, E, G oxygen (O2)

ո C, E, G hydrogen (H2)

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q3 Cells in the mitotic phase of the cell cycle can be classified into the four phases: prophase, metaphase,

anaphase, and telophase.

The following photo shows somatic cell division taking place in an onion root tip, with regions A –

D each depicting a cell in a different phase of mitosis. Among the cells A – D, which cells are in prophase,

metaphase, or anaphase? From 䐟 – 䐦 below choose the correct combination. 

 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase

ձ A C D

ղ A D B

ճ B A C

մ B D C

յ C A D

ն C D A

շ D A B

ո D C A

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q4 Nitrogen (N) mainly exists as 14N, but a heavier isotope 15N also exists. It is possible to determine which

isotope is present in DNA by centrifuging DNA extracted from cells and examining the position of the


(VFKHULFKLDFROL were cultured in a medium containing 14N only or in a medium containing 15N only.

Figures a and b below show the DNA bands that formed for the samples extracted from cells grown in

the media described above.

Next, (FROL cultured in a 15N-only medium were transferred to a 14N-only medium. Figures c and d

below show the DNA bands of the samples taken from the cells immediately after the first and second

divisions following the transfer, respectively. When (FROL DNA is represented with model figures x –

z on the following page, which model figure represents the DNA of the (FROL after the first division,

and which represents the DNA of the (FROL after the second division? From ձ – ն on the following

page choose the correct answer. 

Cesium chloride solution

a㸸DNA of (FROL cultured in

14N-only medium

DNA containing 14N

b㸸DNA of (FROL cultured in
15N-only medium

Heavier DNA containing 15N

c㸸 DNA of (FROL transferred from
15N-only medium to 14N-only medium;

following the first division

d㸸 DNA of (FROL transferred from

15N-only medium to 14N-only medium;

following the second division

Direction of precipitation (centrifugal force)

Positions of the bands of DNA molecules following centrifugal separation

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

DNA containing DNA containing DNA containing

14N only 15N only 14N and 15N

x y z
DNA model figures

(FROLDNA following (FROLDNA following

the first division the second division
ձ x x, y

ղ x y, z

ճ y x, y

մ y x, z

յ z x, z

ն z y, z

Q5 From ձ – մ below choose the combination indicating the two statements in the following a – d that

correctly describe splicing in eukaryotic cells. 

a Splicing takes place in the nucleus.

b Splicing takes place in the cytoplasmic matrix.

c mRNA is formed through removal of the regions corresponding to exons from precursor mRNA

(the RNA immediately after transcription).

d mRNA is formed through removal of the regions corresponding to introns from precursor mRNA.

䐟 a䠈c 䐠 a䠈d 䐡 b䠈c 䐢 b䠈d

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q6 Read the following paragraphs, and from ձ – ո below, choose the combination of terms that best fills

blanks  a –  c in the last paragraph. 

(VFKHULFKLDFROL produce lactase and related enzymes in a medium that contains lactose but lacks

glucose; however, those enzymes are not produced in the absence of lactose.

The following figure schematically represents a cluster of the (FROL genes for lactase and the other

enzymes, and the regions of DNA that are involved in the regulation of the expression of these genes.

regulator gene promoter operator cluster of enzyme genes


In (FROLgrown in a medium that contains lactose but lacks glucose, a lactose metabolite binds to a

regulatory protein ( a ), altering its conformation. As a result, the regulatory protein can no longer

bind to the b region, and thus the inhibition of transcription by c is removed.

㻌 a b c
ձ histone operator DNA polymerase
ղ histone operator RNA polymerase
ճ histone promoter DNA polymerase
մ histone promoter RNA polymerase
յ repressor operator DNA polymerase
ն repressor operator RNA polymerase
շ repressor promoter DNA polymerase
ո repressor promoter RNA polymerase

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q7 Meiosis consists of two divisions, meiosis Ϩ and meiosis ϩ. From ձ – ն below choose the

combination that correctly indicates the nuclear phases (Q or 2Q) of the mother cell, prophase䊠,

prophase䊡, and the daughter cell in the process of meiosis. 

Mother cell Prophase䊠 Prophase䊡 Daughter cell

ձ 2Q 2Q 2Q Q

ղ 2Q 2Q Q Q

ճ 2Q Q Q Q

մ Q 2Q 2Q 2Q

յ Q Q 2Q 2Q

ն Q Q Q 2Q

Q8 From ձ – 䐣 below choose the statement that does not correctly describe gametogenesis and genes.

䐟 Genes that are located on the same chromosome are said to be linked.

䐠 Genes that are not linked segregate independently of each other.

䐡 Chromosomal crossing-over takes place during metaphase䊡.

䐢 Genetic recombination contributes to diverse combinations of genes in gametes.

䐣 Meiosis results in a production of gametes inheriting various combinations of parental

chromosomes. This is one of the mechanisms that confer genetic diversity.

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q9 From ձ – մ below choose the statement that does not correctly describe gametogenesis in


ձ Through meiosis, a pollen mother cell gives rise to a pollen tetrad consisting of four cells.

ղ Through meiosis, a megaspore mother cell gives rise to four cells; three of those cells degenerate

while the remaining cell is called the egg cell.

ճ The nuclei of the pollen tube cell and the generative cell that are found in a pollen grain have

identical genomes.

մ In an embryo sac, the nuclei of the antipodal cells, the synergids, and the egg cell, and the polar

nuclei of the central cell all have identical genomes.

Q10 The following paragraph describes blood coagulation. From ձ – 䐦 below choose the combination of

terms that correctly fills blanks  a –  c in the paragraph. 

A sample of blood left standing in a test tube will eventually coagulate, resulting in the formation of

a a .A a is a deposit of cellular elements of blood, such as blood cells, that are trapped with

thread-like proteins called b . The yellowish fluid above the deposit in the test tube is called c .

a b c

ձ platelet globulin blood plasma

ղ platelet globulin serum

ճ platelet fibrin blood plasma

մ platelet fibrin serum

յ blood clot globulin blood plasma

ն blood clot globulin serum

շ blood clot fibrin blood plasma

ո blood clot fibrin serum

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q11 The following figure schematically represents the mechanism by which the blood glucose level is

increased, that involves the adrenal gland. From ձ – ն below choose the combination that correctly

indicates the hormones A and B in the figure. 

Adrenal gland
Cortex Medulla


Protein *OXFRVH Glycogen


ձ glucagon adrenaline

ղ glucagon glucocorticoid

ճ adrenaline glucagon

մ adrenaline glucocorticoid

յ glucocorticoid adrenaline

ն glucocorticoid glucagon

Q12 Statements 䐟 – 䐣 below describe B cells and T cells, which are involved in immunity. Choose the

statement that applies to both B cells and T cells. 

䐟 Some of the activated cells remain as memory cells.

䐠 The activated cells differentiate into antibody-forming cells (plasma cells).

䐡 These cells originate in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus.

䐢 These cells become activated directly through antigen presentation by a dendritic cell.

䐣 These cells can become infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q13 An experiment for examining dark adaptation of the human eye was performed by acclimatizing the

eyes of the subject to a brightly lit room and then suddenly turning off all lights in the room. The

following graph shows the relationship between the time spent in darkness and the minimum intensity

of perceptible light.

From ձ – ն below choose the combination that best indicates the cells which act as main

functioning cells at the conditions represented by the curves A and B in the graph, respectively. 
Minimum intensity of perceptible light


0 10 20 30 40 50
Time spent in darkness (min)

 Curve A Curve B

ձ rod cells cone cells

ղ rod cells glia cells

ճ cone cells rod cells

մ cone cells glia cells

յ glia cells rod cells

ն glia cells cone cells

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q14 The following figure schematically represents a cross section of a barley seed. The arrows in the figure

indicate the movement of substances after the seed absorbs water and begins germinating. From ձ–

ն below choose the combination that best indicates substances A – C in the figure. 

Embryo A

Aleurone layer

C Starch
down Endosperm


ձ gibberellin amylase sugar

ղ gibberellin sugar amylase

ճ amylase sugar gibberellin

մ amylase gibberellin sugar

յ sugar amylase gibberellin

ն sugar gibberellin amylase

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q15 The following paragraph describes the relationship between light and the mechanism by which stomata

open and close. The figure below schematically represents the structure of the region surrounding a

stoma. Referring to the figure, from ձ – 䐦 below choose the combination of terms that best fills

blanks  a –  c in the paragraph. 

When the photoreceptors in the guard cells absorb a light, the osmotic pressure in the guard

cells b . As a result, water moves into the guard cells and the turgor pressure in the guard cells

c , which causes the cells to change the shape, thus opening the stoma.

Guard cells



a b c

䐟 blue increases increases

䐠 blue increases decreases

䐡 blue decreases increases

䐢 blue decreases decreases

䐣 red increases increases

䐤 red increases decreases

䐥 red decreases increases

䐦 red decreases decreases

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q16 The following figure schematically shows inputs and outputs of the organic matter at the various trophic

levels of an ecosystem.

From ձ – ն below choose the combination of terms that correctly indicates what A – C represent

in the figure. 


Secondary consumers Feeding ABC

Initial Feeding A B C
Primary consumers

Producers Feeding A B

Net primary production


䐟 respiration death䠈dead plant tissue excretion

䐠 respiration excretion death䠈dead plant tissue

䐡 death䠈dead plant tissue respiration excretion

䐢 death䠈dead plant tissue excretion respiration

䐣 excretion respiration death䠈dead plant tissue

䐤 excretion death䠈dead plant tissue respiration

ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

Q17 The following statements a – e below describe organelles of eukaryotic cells. From ձ – ն below

choose the combination indicating the two statements that best represent the evidence supporting the

endosymbiotic theory. 

a Chloroplasts have a double membrane: an inner membrane and an outer membrane.

b There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum: rough endoplasmic reticulum, to which ribosomes

are attached, and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which is not associated with ribosomes.

c The Golgi body is composed of a single membrane and it consists of a stack of flattened sac-like


d Vacuoles develop in plant cells, some of which may contain pigments.

e Mitochondria have their own DNA, which is different from that of the nucleus.

ձ a, b ղ a, e ճ b, c մ b, e յ c, d ն d, e

Q18 From ձ – 䐣 below choose the statement that does not correctly describe the evolution of living


䐟 Cyanobacteria emerged during the Precambrian.

䐠 Reptiles flourished during the Mesozoic era.

䐡 Colonization of land by plants began in the Paleozoic era.

䐢 Gymnosperms flourished during the Mesozoic era.

䐣 Birds emerged during the Cenozoic era.

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ⓒ 2017 Japan Student Services Organization

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