VMERGAL-HUman Physiology Online Course Syllabus
VMERGAL-HUman Physiology Online Course Syllabus
VMERGAL-HUman Physiology Online Course Syllabus
The work of education and work of redemption are one: to restore in humanity the lost image of God through the
harmonious development of the mental, physical, social and spiritual faculties.
The Adventist University of the Philippines is committed to provide quality Bible-based education, nurturing
students for academic excellence, Christlike character, and exemplary service.
Adventist University of the Philippines envisions to be a leading Adventist educational institution in the Asia-Pacific
region by 2022.
As faculty and staff of the Adventist University of the Philippines, we value:
Accountability and Integrity. We hold ourselves responsible for our professional and personal actions to
God, to one another, and to our stakeholders. We shall therefore live and serve with integrity—with
wholeness of character, consistency of lifestyle; faithfully adhering to the spiritual truths and values
taught in the Word of God.
Committed Service. We shall serve our students and all whom we encounter, dedicating our time, personal skills,
professional expertise, and resources as we realize the high academic and spiritual expectations of Adventist
education, in turn spending our lives in serving others.
Excellence in Work. We continually strive to be among the best in all we do: in teaching, and in delivering
consistently high quality services.
As a result of their educational experience at AUP, graduates will exemplify:
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Advanced Human Physiology
Rev 0 | July 28, 2021
A study of the gross and microscopic anatomy of the human body and the normal physiologic functions of the
body at the organ and systems level, homeostatic and regulatory mechanisms for maintaining optimum conditions
in the internal environment of the cells. The course introduces the student to pathophysiology. Students enrolled in
this course shall analyze and present articles published in primary journals.
No. Learning Outcomes Program Outcomes (PO)
Understand the fundamental mechanism of the different structures and
1 1,2,3
organs of the body.
Develop a thorough working knowledge on the basic concepts on how
2 1,2,3
regulatory system of the body control functions to maintain homeostasis.
Analyze and incorporate critical thinking activities to help students apply
3 1,2,3
their knowledge both in the community and in the country.
1.Class Participation - Students are expected to participate in class discussions. Pertinent comments that reflect
critical thinking is encouraged
2. Examination. There will be 2 examinations namely midterm and finals.
3. A research in the form of a literature review is part of the terminal requirement
4. Oral Report: Students will prepare an oral presentation on specific topics assigned to them.
5. Quizzes. It will be both announced and unannounced
6. Assignments. Assignments will be in the form of a reflection paper. They are important to help gauge how
much learning is done from the lessons that were read and learned. One reflection paper to be submitted on
or before the midterm exam and one on or before the final exam. Use Font Times New Roman, 12.
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Advanced Human Physiology
Rev 0 | July 28, 2021
A 98 – 100 4.00
A– 95 – 97 3.75
B+ 92 – 94 3.50
B 89 – 91 3.25
B– 86 – 88 3.00
C+ 83 – 85 2.75
C 80 – 82 2.50
C– 77 – 79 2.25
D 75 – 76 2.00
F 74 and below0.00
CONTINGENCY P LAN FOR MISSED CLASSES : make-up classes, library work, assignments, advanced reading
1. Netiquette. Since most of the activities will be online, students are expected to practice netiquette in all
situations and be guided with the following:
a. During video conferences (Zoom, MS Teams), make sure that microphones are muted when not
needed, and unmute when being asked to talk.
b. Avoid placing unacceptable photos in the profile picture, including in the iStudy profile.
c. Address teacher and classmates properly during online forums and video conferences.
d. Send messages in a professional, courteous manner in chatrooms and in e-mails.
e. Use sentence cases rather than all capitals when communicating.
f. Ask permission before recording video conferences.
2. Proactivity. Students are expected to be proactive while engaging in both synchronous and asynchronous
modes of learning online. Engagement and participation in the online portal, or activities in MS Teams, will
be regularly checked. Communicate through e-mail, text, Messenger, or other means at least once a week.
Be ready for discussions and questions when engaging in video conferencing by studying and having read
assigned topics ahead of time.
3. Punctuality. Students are expected to send in requirements promptly through the iStudy portal or MS
Teams. Reasonable time will be given for work.
4. Consultations. Students are expected to consult with the teacher in multiple modalities. (See information
about the teacher) When doing SMS, make sure to introduce yourself in ALL introductory messages.
Concerns will be addressed through Messenger Group Chat, or personal messaging, whichever applies.
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Advanced Human Physiology
Rev 0 | July 28, 2021
Mckinley, Michael P. (2019). Anatomy and physiology: An Integrative Approach (GL 612 M2152)
Longenbaker, Susannah Nelson (2017). Mader’s understanding of human anatomy and physiology COD 612 L857
Patton, Kevin (2019). Anthony’s textbook of anatomy and physiology (GL 612 P2786)
Saladin, Kenneth S. (2018). Anatomy and physiology: The unity of form and function 612 Sa312
Sherwood, Lauralee (2016). Human physiology: From cells to systems 612 Sh 586
Shier, David (2016). Hole’s human anatomy and physiology 612 Sh 614
Van Putte, Cinnamon L, (2019) Seeley’s essentials of anatomy and physiology 612 V349
Widmaier, Eric P. (2016). Vander’s human physiology: The mechanisms of body functions 612 W6341
1. Journal Of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, And Environmental Physiology [J Comp Physiol B]
NLMUID: 8413200
Bibliographic Records:MEDLINE (Full) V155n1, 1984 - Current
Full Text:01/01/2000 To Present
2. European Journal Of Applied Physiology [Eur J Appl Physiol] NLMUID: 100954790
Bibliographic Records:MEDLINE (Full) V81n1-2, Jan. 2000 - Current
Full Text:01/01/2000 To Present
3. BMC Physiology [BMC Physiol] NLMUID: 101088687
Bibliographic Records:MEDLINE (Full) V1, 2001-V19, 2019 - Ceased Publication
Full Text:01/01/2001 To Present
1. Hall, J. E., & Hall, M. E. (2021). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology.
2. In Barrett, K. E., In Barman, S. M., In Yuan, J. X.-J., & In Brooks, H. (2019). Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 26e.
New York, N.Y: McGraw-Hill Education LLC.
3. Rahimah Zakaria, & Asma Hayati Ahmad. (2018). Lecture Notes on Medical Physiology. Penerbit USM.
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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§ Abnormalities of formation
Micturition SKILL
§ Urine Formation § Try to control one’s micturition
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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Advanced Human Physiology
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