INDCO Case Study Training and Development

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Anannaya Chatterjee




1. What factors do training managers need to consider when assessing the training needs
of internal customers?

The approval of the key decision maker, in this case Anand, as well as his traits and
reaction to the suggestions presented, are important variables for training managers to
consider when assessing the needs of internal consumers. Because the trainees are
familiar with technical abilities, the need for strategic and managerial training is
stronger in this instance. It's also important to figure out what the organization's needs
are, as well as the perspectives of the trainers. The decision maker's thoughts must
coincide with the perspectives of the trainers, which fortunately does in the given

2. What are the decisions, activities and tasks that a Training manager must plan and
execute when conceptualizing design and implementation of an effective training

Before developing, designing, and implementing an effective training programme, the

training manager must be aware of and comprehend the demands of their customer.
Training managers must be aware of their clients' expectations. It's time to figure out
how long the training will last, what the learning objectives will be, and how it will be
delivered. Existing requirements and expectations must be mapped out so that training
can empower people in their weaker areas. To demonstrate equal proficiency for
exclusive training, all engaging in training must have a fundamental understanding of
the personalised training. Finally, the training programme must be constantly

3. When deciding whether to complete a training program in house/out house what

factors and perspectives should training managers consider?

When determining whether to complete a training programme in-house or out-house,

training managers must evaluate the cost of the programme, as well as the availability
Anannaya Chatterjee

of resources and programme timings. When a training programme is outsourced, the

cost becomes the most essential aspect because it requires clearance from the
organization's key decision makers. Anand, the department head of Indco's MRD
department, had informed the training manager that the cost would be covered by
him. In case of an in-house training, the training manager need to take into account
how to identify the right person/persons for imparting the training and also he/she
needs to take into account the time factor.

4. What is your assessment of MRD requirements? Based on the information available

do you think it meets their requirements?

Pathak's plan consisted of a 2 day programme into 8 sessions of 90 minutes each

where they would work on the strategic approach of participants on various aspects
followed by the summarization after a stipulated time by himself. There would be
various case discussions to work on key strategy frameworks, analysis methods and a
customised Lego activity to drive some concepts followed by the participants' inputs
in MRD’s initiative making. This would improve the concept of team development as
well as the concept of confronting organisations.
Because Pathak's proposal satisfies all of MRD's standards and Anand is pleased with
it, the plan would be ideal for IndCo.

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