On The Basis, Power Amplifiers Are Classified As
On The Basis, Power Amplifiers Are Classified As
On The Basis, Power Amplifiers Are Classified As
(a) Common-base amplifier
(b) Common-emitter amplifier
(c) Common-Collector amplifier
Large signal amplifiers (power amplifiers) are classified according to the position of
the quiescent point. Transistor power amplifiers handle large signals. Power
amplifiers are also classified on the basis of biasing condition of the transistor and
amplitude of the input signal. It also gives an idea that the portion of the input cycle
for which the transistor conducts.
Class A power amplifier is one in which the operating point and the input signal are such
that the collector current in the output circuit flows for the full cycle i.e.,360 o. A class A
amplifier operates over a linear portion of the characteristic. i.e., Q-point is located
approximately at the centre on the linear portion of the characteristic.
A class B power amplifier is one in which the operating point is located at an extreme end
(cut-off) of its characteristics. The output current flows only for half cycle i.e., 180 o of the
input signal. The current will be zero for the other half cycle. Because of the small power
dissipation, efficiency is high.
A class AB amplifier is one in which the operating point is chosen so that the output current
flows for more than half the cycle and less than the full cycle of the input signal.
A class C power amplifier is one in which the operating point is chosen so that the output
current flows for less than half the input signal. The current flows in the form of pulses. The
efficiency is very high.
Class A, Class AB, Class B operations are used with untuned amplifiers for audio
frequencies, whereas Class C operation is used with tuned radio frequency amplifies.
Class F Amplifier
Class F amplifiers can boost both the efficiency and output with the help of harmonic
resonators in the output network to obtain the square waveform at the output. This class
of amplifiers attains high efficiency (above 90%) if the infinite harmonic tune is used.
Class G Amplifier
It offers the of enhancement design of basic class AB amplifier design. Class G uses
several power supply rails of different voltage and automatically switches between these
supply rails when there is a change in input signal. This continuous switching reduces the
normal power consumption. Thus power losses caused by wasted heat.
Class I Amplifier
Class I amplifier has 2 set of paired output switching device arranged in a equivalent push-
pull arrangement with both sets of switching devices sampling the identical input
Class S Amplifier
Class S amplifier operation is similar to that of Class D amplifier. It converts the analog input
signal into the square waveform with the help of delta sigma modulator, and amplifies
them to increases the output power before finally being demodulated by a band pass filter.
The digital signals of this switching amplifier are constantly either fully “ON” or “OFF”.
Class T Amplifier
Class T amplifiers are another kind of digital switching amplifiers. Now a day the Class T
amplifiers are becoming more popular as an audio amplifier design due to the existence
of digital signal processing chips and multi channel surround sound amplifiers. It
converts analogue signals into digital pulse width modulated (PWM) signals for
amplification and increasing the efficiency of amplifier. Class T amplifiers design are the
combination of both the low distortion signal levels of class AB amplifier and the power
efficiency of a class D amplifier.
CSV Jul 1, 2016
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