Exp 4 - Class B Amplifier

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Aim: To design and implement class B Power amplifier.

Components Required

S.No Name of The Component/ Specifications Qty


1 DC regulated power supply

2 AC power supply
3 Resistors (designed values)
4 Capacitors
5 NPN Transistor
6 PNP Transistor

Tool Used : Multisim Software

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Class B amplifier is a type of power amplifier where the active device (transistor) conducts
only for one half cycle of the input signal. That means the conduction angle is 180° for a Class
B amplifier. Since the active device is switched off for half the input cycle, the active device
dissipates less power and hence the efficiency is improved. Theoretical maximum efficiency of
Class B power amplifier is 78.5%..
Circuit Diagram

Fig. 1 Class B Power Amplifier

Advantages of class B Power Amplifier

 High efficiency when compared to the Class A configurations.

 Push-pull mechanism avoids even harmonics.

 No DC components in the output (in ideal case).

Disadvantages of class B Power Amplifier

 The major disadvantage is the cross-over distortion.

 Coupling transformers increases the cost and size.

 It is difficult to find ideal transformers.

 Transformer coupling causes hum in the output and also affects the low frequency

 Transformer coupling is not practical in case of huge loads

Applications of Class B power Amplifier

 The class B amplifiers are used in low-cost design.

 This amplifier is more significant than the class A amplifier.

 The class B amplifier suffers from the bad distortion if the signal level is low.
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram Fig. 1.
2. Apply the supply voltage
3. Feed the AC signal at input.
4. Measure the input and output signal.

5. Draw a graph of input and output waveform.


Input Output

Amplitude Time Frequency Amplitude Time Frequency

(mv) Period (K (mv) Period (KHZ)
(ms) HZ) (ms)

Model graph:

Simulated screens:
1. Circuit Diagram
2. Graph

Viva Questions

1. What is the main difference between general amplifier and power amplifier?
2. What are the advantages of class B power Amplifier?
3. What is the period of conduction in class B power amplifier?
4. How is the cross over distortion eliminated?

5. Where can we use Class B amplifier?

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