Smitkumar Patel: Department of Dairy Technology, Parul University, Vadodara

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A Report On
Manufacturing of Skim Milk Powder

Submitted by
Smitkumar Patel


FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF B. Tech (Dairy Technology)

Submitted to



Academic Year 2020-21

pg. 1


Sr. No Title Page No

1 Introduction of SMP
2 History
3 Definition
4 Standards
5 Composition & Nutrition value
6 Flow chart
7 Technological aspect
8 Engineering aspect
9 Chemical aspect
10 Microbial aspect
11 Economic & management aspect
12 Reference

pg. 2


 MP results from Extracting water content out of milk.

 The main purpose of converting milk into MP is to convert the liquid perishable Raw
material to a product that can be stored without substantial loss of quality, preferably for
some years.
 There are mainly two types of powder
1. skim milk powder and
2. whole milk powder
 Production of MP has become an increasingly important Segment of the dairy industry,
which is expected to grow further Because of its features such as better keeping quality, less
storage Space, and lower transportation costs, which result in attractive Economics and
convenience during industrial and domestic Formulation of composite foods.
 Skim milk powder is obtained by removing water from pasteurised skim milk through spray-
drying or drum dryer or tray dryer.
 Milk is converted into powder for main two purpose:
1. To stop and inactive microbial spoilage.
2. To reduce the volume, packaging material and transportation cost.

History and Development

 Marco Polo in the 13th century reported that soldiers of Kublai Khan carried a dried milk on
Excursions. The belief is that part of the fat was removed from the milk before drying and
Dehydration was accomplished by solar heating.
 The first usable commercial production of dried milk was invented by the Russian chemist
M. Dirchoff in 1832.
In 1855 T.S. Grimwade took a patent on a dried milk procedure, though William Newton Had
patented a vacuum drying process as early as 1837.
 In 1909, Nicholas Appert, a Frenchman, developed dried milk in tablet form by air-drying of
milk solids concentrated to a dough consistency.
 During the last half of the 19th century, attempts to produce a dried milk involved the
Addition of other dry products to concentrated milk. Sugar, cereal products, and sodas, singly
or in combinations, were added.
 In 1850, Birdseye concentrated milk with added sugar until a solid was obtained.
 A British patent was granted in 1855 to Grimwade who developed a modified dry product
from highly concentrated milk to which sodium (or potassium) carbonate and sugar were
Added. This semi-solid material was extruded into thin streams and dried in trays.
 Others who pioneered in methods of moisture removal from milk were Heine, Newton,
Horsford, Dalson, Gallois and Deauve.
 Patents and reports which emphasized processes for dry milk manufacture without the
Addition of other products began about 1898.
 In 1901, Campbell of the United States and Wimmer of Denmark dried concentrated milk on
 In 1902, Hall obtained a patent on a new system of manufacturing dry condensed milk.

pg. 3

 Today, powdered milk is usually made by spray drying non-fat skim milk, whole milk,
Buttermilk or whey. Alternatively, the milk can be dried by drum drying. Another process is
Freeze drying, which preserves many nutrients in milk, compared to drum drying.
 In 1902, Just of the USA was among the first inventors of a drum drier with two rolls.
Numerous other types of drum driers were invented ted, but most of these were used to a
limited extent. Vacuum drum driers were designed between 1889 and 1909. Among the early
invent tors of spray drying equipment were Percy of the USA (1872) and Stauf of Germany
(1901). Peebles of the USA is known for his Pioneering research to improve the Re
contestability of non-fat dry milk in water.

 According to PFA (1976) SMP is the product obtain from the skim milk of the cow or buffalo
or combination thereof, by removal of moisture (water). It may contain calcium chloride,
citric acid and sodium citrate, sodium salts of orthophosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acid,
not exceeding 0.3 percent by weight of finished product. Such addition need not be declared
on the label. SMP may not contain more than 1.5 per cent milk fat, and moisture may not
exceed 5 percent. The total acidity expressed as lactic acid should not exceed 1.5 percent. The
standard plate count should not exceed 50000/g and the coli count must not exceed 90/g. the
maximum solubility index should be 15 for a roller-dried and 2 for a spray-dried product.
(From: Sukumar De)

pg. 4

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