Condensed Milk
Condensed Milk
Condensed Milk
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kant D Kalyankar
Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University
esh Deshmukh
Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University
ndraprakash D. Khedkar
Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University
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11 References 1 Figures
Kalyankar S.D., Deshmukh M.A., Khedkar C.D., Deosarkar S.S. and Sarode A.R. (2016) Condensed Milk. In:
Caballero, B., Finglas, P., and Toldrá, F. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health vol. 2, pp. 291-295. Oxfo
Academic Press.
Condensed Milk
SD Kalyankar and MA Deshmukh, Government College of Dairy Technology, Udgir, India
CD Khedkar, SS Deosarkar, and AR Sarode, College of Dairy Technology, Pusad, India
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marco Polo (Mongolia) described the method for preparing a pasty milk concentrate, which was mixed with water
Nicolas Appert (France) described a method for preserving milk by condensing it
Gail Borden Jr. commercially developed a method of condensing milk; he is known as ‘the Father of the process of milk condensing’
Borden’s milk, sold under the Eagle Brand, gained popularity for its purity, durability, and affordability
Borden’s New York Condensed Milk Co. constructed the New York Milk Condensery, the largest and most advanced condensery, in Brewster,
New York
The vacuum pan was markedly improved due to advancements in scientific knowledge in the field of sterilization
John B. Meyenbarg (Switzerland) experimented to create the process to sterilize condensed milk using steam under pressure. He conceived the
idea of making condensed milk without the addition of sugar or other preservatives and without storing it under refrigeration
The Federal Food & Drug Act of 1906 changed the name ‘evaporated cream’ to ‘evaporated milk’
1911 Nestlé constructed the world’s largest condensed milk plant in Dennington, Victoria, Australia
Professor O. F. Hunziker, Head of the Department of Dairy at Purdue University published a book titled Condensed Milk and Milk Powder.
Professor Hunziker and others with the American Dairy Science Association standardized and improved condensery operations in the United
States and other countries
Plate-type evaporators were developed
Anand Milk Producer’s Union Ltd. (AMUL), in India, started the first ever commercial production of sweetened condensed milk in that country
reliable substitute for perishable fresh milk, and it was very Concentration of milk
popular before the invention of refrigeration. It can be easily Modern multistage falling film evaporators with energy
shipped to locations devoid of resources for safely producing efficient designs are invariably used for milk concentration.
or storaging milk. Today, households across the world use it Overconcentration should be avoided to prevent the risk of
most often to prepare desserts and in baked goods due to its lowering the milk’s heat stability. Similarly, overconcentration
characteristic flavor. also requires higher energy use and lowers the production
The Codex Alimentarius standards, which are the most capacity. Based on the continuous measurement of the refrac-
common in international trade, prescribe a minimum of tive index or density of the concentrate, the total solids (TS)
7.5% milk fat and 25% total milk solids (TMS) in EM. Simi- content is adjusted at the point where the product leaves the
larly, legislation in various nations has set limits for the com- evaporator. The final standardization of fat and TS is usually
position of EM. According to the traditional British standard, carried out between the concentrating and sterilizing processes.
EM requires a minimum of 9% milk fat and a minimum of The milk, which is concentrated by reverse osmosis (RO), can
31% TMS, while the U.S. standard prescribes a minimum of also be used to prepare unsweetened condensed milk. EM
7.9% milk fat and 25.9% TMS. Thus, the concentration of EM produced by RO has virtually the same composition and prop-
7.9% milk fat and 25.9% TMS. Thus, the concentration of EM produced by RO has virtually the same composition and prop-
ranges from 2.0 to 2.5. The Codex allows the protein content in erties as that produced by evaporation, but the industrial
the SNF to be adjusted, with a minimum of 34%, by adding application of RO for this purpose appears to be very limited.
Homogenization respectively). Mechanically sealed cans are widely used for the
The milk is homogenized as this process prevents coalescence packaging of concentrated milk products. Modern tinned plate
of fat globules and reduces the rate of creaming while the is coated with a layer of a polymer to prevent the dissolution of
product is stored. The homogenization pressures up to about the tin and iron into the product. In some Western European
MPa generally have little effect on or slightly increase heat countries, glass bottles with twist-off caps are used to package
stability, but higher pressures result in a large decrease in heat EM used as a coffee creamer. Aluminum foil-lined milk cartons
stability. The concentrated milk is homogenized immediately and single-portion cups made of aluminum or polystyrene are
after it leaves the evaporator. A higher homogenization tem- also widely used. The EM packaged in translucent (white)
perature results in a smaller fat globule size at the same pres- polystyrene single-portion cups usually develops an oxidized
sure with better heat stability. flavor due to the permeability of this material to both oxygen
and light.
Heat stability test
During preparation of EM, it is obvious that the heat stability
of the product varies from batch to batch. Stabilizers are added Sterilization not only kills all microorganisms but also inacti-
vates all microbial spores that may germinate during the stor-
to regulate the heat stability. The amount of stabilizer needed
also varies to a great extent. The quantity of stabilizers to be age of EM. The native milk enzymes are inactivated during
preheating. While selecting the milk to prepare as concentrated
added is determined by adding different amounts of the stabi-
lizers to a series of cans containing the product. The cans are milks, its excellent microbiological quality should be noted.
The enzymes produced by microorganisms (especially psy-
subsequently sterilized, and the contents are checked for heat
stability. The amount of stabilizer that results in the optimum chrotrophs) should be absent because they are thermostable,
and even sterilization is insufficient to inactivate them. Heating
properties is added to the total batch.
is carried out in continuous sterilizers. Several machines have
been designed to fill cans with concentrated milk. In a com-
Cooling and cold storage monly used system, known as ‘vent hole type,’ concentrated
After homogenization, EM is cooled and stored, and then a milk flows through a small aperture (3
predetermined quantity of stabilizer (dissolved in water) is diameter) into cans. After filling, the cans are sealed carefully
added; this quantity is determined by the results of the stability because the seal has to withstand the heat of the sterilization
test. At this stage, prolonged storage should be avoided to process. It is also essential that the cans be filled as quickly as
prevent microbial growth. Final standardization of fat and TS possible to avoid contaminating the milk. The opening in the
can be carried out at this stage, taking the amount of water that cans is usually soldered by a mechanical finger. The filled and
is added with the stabilizer into account. The cold storage of sealed cans are then tested for leaks by plunging them into a
unsterilized EM for more than 24 h considerably increases the hot water tank. If any of the cans rise or give off air bubbles,
risk of the sterilized product’s age gelation. they are discarded as unfit for sterilization. Modern sealing
EM is expected to be stored for longer period, which processes are carried out so rapidly that a large number of
requires various conditions so that the product’s quality does cans may be sealed in 1 min. In this process, open or sanitary-
not deteriorate during storage. The storage temperature is one type cans are used. The concentrated milk fills the open can,
major factor determining the shelf life of the product. one end of which is already seamed, and, after filling, the other
Condensed milk and EM are stored at about 10–15 C. Storage end of the can is seamed by an automatic seaming machine.
temperatures such as 0 C or below may lead to sugar Cans are sterilized in a horizontal rotating system with rotary
separation in the condensed milk, leading to sandiness; this air locks, while the bottles are sterilized in hydrostatic steril-
sugar separation is caused by the formation of very large lactose izers. These are highly energy-efficient systems because they
crystals. A very low storage temperature also increases the have considerable heat regeneration.
viscosity of the product, which may be beneficial up to a
certain point, but it also affects the product’s body and texture
characteristics. It has been shown that commercial EM remains Defects in Evaporated Milk
acceptable even after 2 years when stored below 15 C, but it Condensed milk and EM are products with a prolonged shelf
deteriorates rapidly when stored at 21 C or above. The humid- life. They have typical body, texture, and sensory properties by
ity of the storage space should also be kept low (below 50%) to which they are identified. These properties must be such that
check the spoilage of cans and labels. Inversion of the cans the product is fit for sale immediately after production and
during storage minimizes fat separation in EM. does not alter during a reasonable period of storage. The prod-
uct should be physically, chemically, and microbiologically fit
Packaging for human consumption until the end of the storage period.
One of the characteristic features of EM is its long shelf life at Routine examination of the product soon after its manufacture
ambient temperatures; this feature places high demands on the as well as during its storage may be carried out to judge the
packaging materials. The packaging materials should meet the quality of the product. If a defect is noted, care should be taken
criteria of mechanical resistance and permeability to water, to eliminate the defect in subsequent batches. Therefore, it is
light, gasses, and hydrophobic components. Those parts that important to know the expected defects, the probable reasons
are in direct contact with the product must be made of food- for their occurrence, and the preventive measures used to avoid
grade materials. The can is the most widely used container for these defects. The defects that may occur in condensed milk are
EM, with a standard content of 170 or 411 g (6 or 14.5 oz, classified as microbial defects and nonmicrobial defects.
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References (11)
ecombined sweetened condensed milk: the survivor. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on
nd milk products, pp. 35–40. Brussels, Belgium: IDF, IDF Spl. Issue No. 9902.
s Commission (2011) Milk and milk products, 2nd ed. Rome: Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/World Health
) Publishers.
d milk powder
Condensed milk and milk powder, 7th ed. La Grange, IL: OF Hunziker.
rated milk
Recombined evaporated milk. In: Proceedings of the of seminar an recombined milk and milk products, pp. 79-
9) Sweet-cream buttermilk powders: key functional ingredients for recombined milk products. In: Proceedings of
al symposium on recombined milk and milk products, pp. 55-60. Brussels: IDF.
ncentrated milk
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