University of Lincoln Assessment Framework Assessment Briefing Template 2022-2023
University of Lincoln Assessment Framework Assessment Briefing Template 2022-2023
University of Lincoln Assessment Framework Assessment Briefing Template 2022-2023
This is an individually assessed piece of work. However, you can work in a group adopting Agile
methodology to develop a banking software system which provides, at minimum, the following
basic functionalities:
1) create an account; 2) withdraw cash; 3) deposit cash; 4) transfer from different accounts; 5)
view account detail.
Key requirements:
1) Your team is expected to follow the Agile method and apply some of the XP engineering
practices introduced in the lectures (e.g., user stories, planning, simple design, pair
programming, testing, etc) to implement the required system. In a group, each of you could have
multiple roles (i.e., customer, tester, programmer, etc). Save the group’s discussions in an MS
Word document, or any suitable tool, containing:
▪ Planning discussion, i.e., possible user stories, iterations, etc.
▪ Choose one or two user stories, then break them into implementable tasks.
▪ Discussion of the test cases for the selected tasks.
4) Version control using git. You are encouraged to use code control to maintain versions of all
source files.
5) Pair programming. You are encouraged to use any OOP language to develop the required
system. OOP principles must be demonstrated, such as Encapsulation, Polymorphism,
Inheritance, etc.
6) Implementation: At the minimum, the system must include the following functionalities:
a) create an account; b) withdraw cash; c) deposit; d) transfer from different accounts;
f) view account detail (i.e., personal ID, account type, balance, etc)
For this assignment, as a deliverable, you are required to provide a report which shall include
four main pieces of work:
1) Your roles and contributions to the development process
2) Prototype design: description of the system and interface designs.
3) A critical evaluation of the software engineering tools and techniques used to develop the
banking system. Be specific in your report by mentioning the tool or principle and presenting
the evidence in relation to the case study. The topics to be covered in your report may
a. Advances in Software Processes
i. Methodologies
ii. Agile Processes
b. Software Engineering Techniques
i. Project Management
ii. Prototype Design
iii. Version Control
c. How advanced Software Systems and Software Engineering have changed how we
interact as a society with your system considering the following:
i. Social impact
ii. Ethical impact
iii. Entrepreneurial impact
4) References from the above journals
This is an individually assessed piece of work. You must provide a report of up to six pages.
You may refer to the Criterion Reference Grid (CRG) for details of how the work will be graded
to help achieve high grades.