Laboratory 4 Output Interfacing: Pamantasan NG Cabuyao College of Computing and Engineering
Laboratory 4 Output Interfacing: Pamantasan NG Cabuyao College of Computing and Engineering
Laboratory 4 Output Interfacing: Pamantasan NG Cabuyao College of Computing and Engineering
Instruction: Follow the procedure carefully and answer the following questions. Use Multisim for
simulation of this exercise.
Output Interfacing
I. Objectives:
II. Introduction:
Interfacing is the method of connecting or linking together one device, especially a computer or micro-
controller with another allowing us to design or adapt the output and input configurations of the two electronic
devices so that they can work together.
But interfacing is more than just using the software program of computers and processors to control
something. While computer interfacing uses the unidirectional and bidirectional input and output ports to drive
various peripheral devices, many simple electronic circuits can be used to interface to the real world either using
mechanical switches as inputs, or individual LEDs as outputs.
As we saw in the input interfacing circuit, an interface circuit allows one type of circuit to be connected
to another type of circuit that may be of a different voltage or current rating.
But as well as interfacing input devices such as switches and sensors, we can also interface output devices
such as relays, magnetic solenoids and lights. Then interfacing output devices to electronic circuits is known
commonly as: Output Interfacing.
III. Activity
Reading Result:
Discussion of Results:
Output interfacing circuits can also be used to switch things ON or OFF, such as indicators or
lights. In this laboratory we used the LED as an output. We used two different value of power supply
which is the 5V and the 12 V. At each power supply we adjust the percentage of the variable resistor (R2)
form 0% up to 100% with 5% increment. And we measure XMM1 for every change of percentage. As
you can see in every increment in 5 V DC power supply the LED does not light up starting from 65 % up
to 100 %. Which is when the value of DC power supply get lower than 5 V DC power supply the LED
will not light up. But in the 12 V DC power supply even we adjust the percentage of it from 0 % to 100
% all the LEDs from these percentage lights up. It means that it has enough value of power supply to make
the LED lights up.
In conducting this activity, we used red LED. An LED has indeed a greater forward voltage drop
than the common signal diode. But when forward biasing is applied, it produces visible light. LED can
operate only with forward current values 5mA and 25 mA. As we can see on the tabulated results of the
simulation, at 5V DC supply, when we reached the 65% of variable resistor, the LED did not work
anymore. It's because the forward current when it reached the 65% variable resistor is 4.994 mA which
clearly did not meet the forward current requirement of the LED. While on the other hand, when the 12V
DC is used, the LED lighted all through any value of the variable resistor because the forward current it
produces is in between 5 mA to 25 mA all throughout the simulation. Giving some key tips we learned
during the simulation is that an LED being connected in series circuit doesn't care which way around the
resistor is connected with it. But, the LED being unidirectional means that it must be connected in a correct
way because if not, it won't illuminate but it will no be damaged. Luckily, we didn't encounter any
confusion or problem doing this activity because the instructions are clearly stated in the laboratory
Reading Result:
1. What happen to the red LED with 5V DC power supply? At 0%, what happen?
The red LED during the simulation doesn’t on with 5 voltages start at the 0% increment. This
means that the value of ohm of the resistor from 0% increment which has no ohm to oppose the current
but the red LED doesn’t on that implies the voltage source or current source has not able to turn the
LED on even there is a current reading from multi meter that shows the circuit are working. Also, with
the increasing its increment every 5% up to 100% it doesn’t able to turn on the red LED.
2. What happen to the red LED with 12V DC power supply? At 0%, what happen? And at what
R2 percentage does the LED stop working?
Changing the 5V to 12V and 1kΩ to 1.5kΩ resistor that change the output of the red LED in this
turn by making it turn on. It seems during the simulation with 0% increment the red LED has finally
turn on by these variations of value each component. Increasing its increment that be able to turn on
red LED up to 85%, but when it reaches it to the 90% suddenly the red LED turn off means that
value of resistor reaches its requirement to oppose the current that can’t be able to supple the LED
current requirement.
Discussion of Results:
During the simulation for the first attempt of the actual circuit with the 5V at 1kΩ resistor, it seems
the red LED doesn’t turn on from 0% to 100% increment. By this speculation, it shows the voltage and
current supply from the source are not enough to enable the three LED to turn on. Connecting the three
red LED in series form, requires three times value of current and voltage to input in order from these three
to turn on. Although there is a multi-meter as a proof that our circuit works normally without error, the
red LED doesn’t on from first at the end of increment.
The second simulation by varying the value or voltage and resistor of 5V to 12V 1kΩ to 1.5kΩ,
seems the situation has finally change by turning these three red LED on. The 12V is huge enough to
supple these three LED to meets its requirement of voltage and current even our resistor has increased its
value. Increasing its increment, the three red LED turn on but doesn’t mean that the maximum increment
allows the three red LED on. The three LED turn off when it reaches into 90% means the 90% of the value
of ohms from original resistor allows to oppose the current that unable to supply these three LED.
For the figure 2 of this laboratory activity, we conclude that the connecting three components such
LED are significant in terms of computing its current and voltage requirement in order to utilize it. The
three LED are simply combined that show it needed to add to require voltage in order them to turn on
because it was series that the series has something to do in voltage manipulation. It gives us an idea on
how we can manipulate the expected output of the signal and component with every variation needed with
the source and resistor. This variation can be serves as the switch that can make it turn on and off the
circuit aside the basic concept of switches like SPST, SPDT, and others.