Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

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Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

This model is designed to value the equity in a firm, with two stages of growth, an initial
period of higher growth and a subsequent period of stable growth.


1. The firm is expected to grow at a higher growth rate in the first period.
2. The growth rate will drop at the end of the first period to the stable growth rate.
3. The free cashflow to equity is the correct measure of expected cashflows to stockholders.

The user has to define the following inputs:

1. Length of high growth period

2. Expected growth rate in earnings during the high growth period.

3. Capital Spending, Depreciation and Working Capital needs during the high growth period.

4. Expected growth rate in earnings during the stable growth period.

5. Inputs for the cost of equity.

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Inputs to the model

Current Earnings per share = $4.00 (in currency)
Current Dividends per share = $0.25 (in currency)

Current Capital Spending/sh = $3.70 (in currency)

Current Depreciation / share = $1.70 (in currency)

Current Revenues/ share = $20.00

Working Capital/ share = $8.00 (in currency)

Chg. Working Capital/share = $1.00

Enter length of extraordinary growth period = 5 (in years)

Do you want to enter cost of equity directly? No (Yes or No)

If yes, enter the cost of equity = (in percent)

If no, enter the inputs to the cost of equity

Beta of the stock = 1.3

Riskfree rate= 7.00% (in percent)
Risk Premium= 5.50% (in percent)

Earnings Inputs

Do you want to use the historical growth rate? Yes (Yes or No)
If yes, enter EPS from five years ago = $0.49 (in currency)

Do you have an outside estimate of growth ? Yes (Yes or No)

If yes, enter the estimated growth: 19.00% (in percent)

Do you want to calculate the growth rate from fundamentals? Yes (Yes or No)
If yes, enter the following inputs:

Net Income Currently = $1,077.00 (in currency)

Interest Expense Currently = $53.85 Last year (in currency)
Book Value of Debt = $600.00 $550.00 (in currency)
Book Value of Equity = $5,445.00 $5,130.00 (in currency)
Tax Rate on Income= 36.00% (in percent)

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

The following will be the inputs to the fundamental growth formulation:

ROC = 19.57% D/E = 11.02% (in percent)
Retention = 93.75% Interest Rate= 8.98% (in percent)

Do you want to change any of these inputs for the high growth No (Yes or No)

If yes, specify the values for these inputs (Please enter all variables)
ROC = 19.57% D/E = 11.02% (in percent)

Retention = 93.75% Interest Rate= 8.98% (in percent)

Specify weights to be assigned to each of these growth rates:

Historical Growth Rate = 10.00% (in percent)

Outside Prediction of Growth = 40.00% (in percent)

Fundamental Estimate of Growth = 50.00% (in percent)

Enter growth rate in stable growth period? 6.00% (in percent)

Will the beta to change in the stable period? Yes (Yes or No)

If yes, enter the beta for stable period = 1.1

Capital Spending, Depreciation & Working Capital

Do you want all these items to grow at the same rate as earning No (Yes or No)
If not, enter the growth rates for each of the following items:

Capital Spending Depreciation Revenues

High Growth 20% 20% 18% (in percent)

Stable Growth Do not enter Do not enter 6% (in percent)

Do you want to keep the current fraction of working capital to Yes (Yes or No)

Specify working capital as a percent of revenue 40% (in percent)

Do you want to use the current debt ratio as your desired mix? Yes (Yes or No)
If no, enter the following inputs for financing mix,
Desired debt financing proportion - Capital Spending (in percent)

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Desired debt financing proportion - Working Capital (in percent)

Capital spending and Depreciation during Stable Growth Aswath Damodaran:

If you are going to
Is capital spending to be offset by depreciation in stable period No (Yes
Aswathor No)
Yes youIfshould
or No. yes, enter
Do you want to compute your reinvestment rate from fundamen Yes answer
the no on
return here and
that surefirm
cap ex
Return on equity in stable growth period 12% is higher
have than
in perpetuity
below. If no, in
enter cap
If no, enter capital expenditures as % of depreciation in stable 150% (in percent)
ex as a percentyear.

If you are going to
assume perpetual
Aswath Damodaran:
Yes youIfshould
or No. yes, enter
the no on
return here and
Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model makeyour
that surefirm
cap ex
is higher
have than
in perpetuity
below. If no, in
enter cap
ex as a percentyear.

Output from the program

Cost of Equity = 14.15%

Proportion of Debt: Capital Spending (DR)= 9.93%

Proportion of Debt: Working Capital (DR)= 9.93%

Current Earnings per share= $4.00

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

(Capital Spending - Depreciation)*(1-DR) $1.80

Change in Working Capital * (1-DR) $0.90
Current FCFE $1.30

Growth Rate in Earnings per share

Growth Rate Weight

Historical Growth = 52.19% 10.00%

Outside Estimates = 19.00% 40.00%
Fundamental Growth = 19.77% 50.00%

Weighted Average 22.71%

Growth Rate in capital spending, depreciation and working capital

High Growth Stable Growth

Growth rate in capital spending 20.00% Do not enter

Growth rate in depreciation = 20.00% Do not enter

Growth rate in revenues = 18.00% 6.00%

Working Capital as percent of revenues = 40.00% (in percent)

The FCFE for the high growth phase are shown below (upto 6 years)

1 2 3 4 5
Earnings $4.91 $6.02 $7.39 $9.07 $11.13
- (CapEx-Depreciation)*(1-DR $2.16 $2.59 $3.11 $3.74 $4.48

-Chg. Working Capital*(1-DR $1.30 $1.53 $1.81 $2.13 $2.51

Free Cashflow to Equity $1.45 $1.90 $2.47 $3.20 $4.13

Present Value $1.27 $1.46 $1.66 $1.89 $2.13

Growth Rate in Stable Phase = 6.00%

FCFE in Stable Phase = $5.90

Cost of Equity in Stable Phase = 13.05%
Price at the end of growth phase = $83.65

Present Value of FCFE in high growth phase = $8.40

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Present Value of Terminal Price = $43.16

Value of the stock = $51.56

Estimating the value of growth

Value of assets in place = $9.94

Value of stable growth = $9.57

Value of extraordinary growth = $32.05
Value of the stock = $51.56

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

of growth, an initial

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Two-Stage FCFE Discount Model

Terminal Year




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