Smile Esthetics in Othtodontics - Review of Literature
Smile Esthetics in Othtodontics - Review of Literature
Smile Esthetics in Othtodontics - Review of Literature
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
Abstract: The goal of modern orthodontics is to establish the best possible occlusal relationship between the maxillary and
mandibular dentition while maintaining or enhancing facial esthetics. Patient interest in improving facial esthetics is, in part,
responsible for the increased growth of the orthodontic practice.One of the most important facial features in predicting attractiveness is
smile.As the field and available technologies have continued to evolve, a gradual shift towards an increased emphasis on dental
esthetics in treatment planning has occurred, and now an esthetically pleasing smile is a key desired outcome of orthodontic treatment.
This review article emphysis on components of macro, micro esthetics components in orthodontics.
2) Horizontal Division
An ideally proportional can be divided into central, medial,
and lateral equal fifths. The separation of the eyes and the
width of the eyes, which should be equal, determine the
central and medial fifths. The nose and chin should be
centered within the central fifth, with the width of the nose
the same as or slightly wider than the central fifth. C) Facial Profile
This step requires placing the patient in the physiologic
natural head position, the head position the individual adopts
in the absence of other cues. This can be done with the
patient either sitting upright or standing, but not reclining in
a dental chair, and looking at the horizon or a distant object.
With the head in this position, note the relationship between
two lines, one dropped from the bridge of the nose to the
base of the upper lip, and a second one extending from that
point downward to the chin. These line segments should
form a nearly straight line. An angle between them indicates
either profile convexity (upper jaw prominent relative to
chin) or profile concavity (upper jaw behind chin).
B) Balance and Symmetry If the profile is approximately straight, it does not matter
Facial symmetry is defined by the facial midline. The whether it slopes either anteriorly (anterior divergence) or
midline runs through the center of the face and a philtrum of posteriorly (posterior divergence). Divergence of the face
the lip (cupid’s bow), dividing it into right and left sides. (the term was coined by the eminent orthodontist-
The more symmetric and identical the sides, the closer they anthropologist Milo Hellman) is influenced by the patient's
come to bilateral duplication or mirror images, the more racial and ethnic background.
inherently harmonious and beautiful the face (horizontal
symmetry). This is the opposite of the dental midline, which
seeks beauty through diversity (radiating symmetry).
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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR201005223148 DOI: 10.21275/SR201005223148 370
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2019): 7.583
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