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Special Article

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical

Ctia Cardoso Abdo Quinto*, Ione Helena Vieira Portella Brunharo**


The wide range of orthodontic wires available in the market can raise doubts about the best
choice for different clinical situations. Thus, knowledge of their mechanical properties can
facilitate the choice of wire required to achieve a given orthodontic movement based on the
treatment phase. The evolution of wire manufacturing technology and the development of
new orthodontic techniques have led to the search for better quality alloys, more biologically
effective for the teeth and supporting tissues. This article summarizes the main characteristics
of the wires used in orthodontics, their history, mechanical properties and clinical application,
according to specific treatment phases.
Keywords: Orthodontic wires. Mechanical properties. Shape memory effect. Orthodontics.

and distribution of forces. An optimal control

of tooth movement requires the application of
a system of special forces which is properly supported by accessories, such as orthodontic wires.
Despite the considerable number of brands
available in the market and their powerful commercial appeal the most widely used consist of
four groups of alloys, namely:
Stainless steel; a variety of nickel-titanium
(NiTi) alloys (superelastic, thermodynamic and
with the addition of copper); beta-titanium alloys and aesthetic composites, recently launched
in the market . It is therefore essential that orthodontists acquire some knowledge of the mechanical properties and composition of wires so
they can make the best informed choice for clinical use.

To be competent, orthodontists should have
the manual skills of a craftsman and an in-depth
knowledge of orthodontic science. Professionals,
however, might wonder, Would learning about
orthodontic wires improve my skills or expand
my customer base? If manual skills alone were
sufficient then great craftsmen would make excellent orthodontists. Therefore, knowledge of
orthodontic wires allows the professional to perform more efficient movements and avoid damage to teeth and supporting tissues.
Orthodontic mechanics is based on the principle of elastic energy storage and its conversion
into mechanical work through tooth movement.
Each time the orthodontic appliance is adjusted
it stores and controls the transfer mechanism

* Doctor of Orthodontics from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Coordinator of the doctorate course (Area of Concentration: Orthodontics), Universidade do Estado do Rio
de Janeiro (UERJ). Visiting Professor, UFJF School of Dentistry and Universidad Mayor San Marcos Lima/Peru.
** Doctor of Orthodontics from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Visiting Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Universidade do Estado do Rio De Janeiro (UERJ).

Dental Press J. Orthod.


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Quinto, C. C. A.; Brunharo, I. H. V. P.

The advent of stainless steel

Stainless steel was introduced into orthodontic
practice in 1929, when Renfert, a North American company, began selling wires made from these
alloys, which were produced by a German company named Krupp2.
In the 1931 AAO Conference, Norris Taylor and
George Paffenbarger introduced steel as a substitute for gold claiming it featured greater resilience
and was less likely to break under stress. In 1933,
the founder of Rocky Mountain Orthodontics, Archie Brusse, suggested for the first time the clinical
application of stainless steel in orthodontics during
the meeting of the American Orthodontic Society
in Oklahoma City. Since then, the rivalry between
gold and steel formally began. Economic factors
undoubtedly helped to determine the worldwide
acceptance of steel over gold18.
In Brazil, stainless steel began to be utilized
in the manufacture of orthodontic accessories in
the late 1940s. Until then, fixed orthodontic appliances were still made of gold. The first course
of orthodontics as a specialty in Brazil was spearheaded by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) as an outgrowth of the discipline
of orthodontics taught in the regular graduate
dentistry course. In 2008, the course celebrated
its 50-year anniversary. Its founder was Professor
Dr. Jos dimo Soares Martin - patron of Brazilian


When gold was king
Since the old days, when the first professionals
glimpsed the possibility of moving teeth they employed wires. Edward Angle was undoubtedly the
patron of Orthodontics worldwide. The specialty
was the first to be recognized by the science of
Dentistry and celebrated its 100 years anniversary
during the American Association of Orthodontists
(AAO) conference of Chicago, USA, in 2000.
Initially, in 1887, Edward Angle used nickelsilver alloys in his orthodontic accessories. Subsequently he replaced them with copper, nickel
and silver-free zinc alloys. Eventually, gold alloys
became his favorite choice18.
Until the early 1930s, type IV gold alloys were
the most widely employed in the manufacture
of orthodontic accessories. In those days, 14 to
18-carat gold was routinely used for wires, bands,
hooks and ligatures as well as iridium-platinum
bands and wires. The advantage of using gold alloys lay in the fact that since they can be heat
treated their stiffness can be altered by about
30%, in addition to their excellent resistance to
In Brazil, gold alloys were used by the pioneers
of Brazilian Orthodontics, then professors at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, until the early
1950s (Fig. 1).

FigurE 1 - A) Package of gold brackets. B) Glass containing eyelets, used to correct tooth rotations; dental tungsten needle to aid in welding eyelets;
gold band with welded eyelets C) Bracket welded to a band, both in gold (Source: material obtained from the files of UFRJ professors, Drs Antonio Carlos
Peixoto da Silva and Hlio de Oliveira Fernandes - both members of the group of Brazilian Orthodontics pioneers).

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Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical optimization

Cobalt-chromium alloys
In the 1940s the Elgin Watch Company developed cobalt-chromium alloy, composed of cobalt
(40%), chromium (20%), silver (16%) and nickel (15%), primarily used in the manufacture of
springs for watches. In the 1960s, cobalt-chromium alloys were found their way into Orthodontic
practice and were patented as Elgiloy by Rocky
Mountain Orthodontics18.
These alloys have mechanical properties that
are similar to stainless steel and compared with
wires of the same dimensions they produce forces
of similar magnitude18. However, in order to use
their full response potential some heat treatment
should be applied after preparing the bend and
prior to tying the brackets with the wire. Most orthodontists never reaped the full benefit offered
by these alloys and often cannot even distinguish
them from stainless steel given their physical similarities.

Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) alloys

Nickel-titanium alloys were developed by the
U.S. Naval Laboratory in Silver Spring, Maryland,
by researcher William Buehler. He was the first
to observe the so-called shape memory effect
typical of this material. This alloy had hitherto
not yet been applied in Orthodontics11,23.
In 1972, Unitek Corporation produced the
NiTi alloy for clinical use under the trade name
Nitinol, composed of 55% nickel and 45% of
titanium, in an equiatomic structure3. However,
at that time, the alloy had no shape memory effect or superelasticity. Still, it was seen as a step
forward towards achieving light forces in large
activations. In 1976, several brands of nickel-titanium wires were launched in the orthodontic
market and were characterized as materials of
high elastic recovery and low stiffness, garnering widespread clinical acceptance due to these
properties. These wires, however, featured no
thermal activation or superelasticity.

A few years later, new alloys emerged

Beta-titanium alloy
Beta-titanium alloys are made from titanium.
When subjected to heat treatment these alloys
undergo changes in the structural rearrangement
of their atoms, aka beta phase11 titanium alloys.
Beta-titanium alloys have been used as structural material since 1952. Until 1979, however,
wire drawing technology did not allow the manufacture of wires of orthodontically compatible
cross-sections. In 1977, the beta phase of titanium
was stabilized at room temperature18.
The first clinical applications of this alloy in
orthodontics occurred in the 1980s when a different form of titanium called high temperature
was introduced. Since then, this titanium gained
wide clinical acceptance and popularity. It is commercially available as TMA (titanium molybdenum alloy) and, for many years, one company
owned its sole manufacturing rights. Currently,
the market offers a wider variety of commercial

Dental Press J. Orthod.

The evolution of nickel-titanium alloys

Nickel-titanium superelastic alloys
In 1985 the clinical and laboratory use of a
new superelastic nickel-titanium alloy was reported. It was called Chinese NiTi and was developed especially for application in orthodontics. The term superelasticity had not been used
until that time. The Chinese nickel-titanium
wire was the first to show superelastic potential.
It was originally developed in China and after
having its properties improved it was reported
that this wire had greater elastic recovery and
less stiffness than conventional nickel-titanium
wires of the same cross section as well as less
permanent deformation after deflection. Since
then, a number of studies have been conducted
in an attempt to produce orthodontic wires with
similar properties, a goal achieved only in 1986
with the introduction of the Japanese NiTi.
These alloys were produced by the GAC Company (GAC Int., NY, USA) under the trade name


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Quinto, C. C. A.; Brunharo, I. H. V. P.



Since orthodontic treatments extend over a
number of months the aesthetic appearance of
the appliance is rated by patients as a significant
factor worthy of consideration. The demand
for aesthetics led several companies to begin
production, in the late 1970s, of non-metallic
brackets made from polycarbonate or ceramics. Currently, aesthetic brackets have become
an inescapable reality of the orthodontic clinic,
offering an alternative to metal brackets. However, the same is not true of aesthetic wires,
which were seldom reported in the orthodontic
literature until the mid-2000s13.
Different types of aesthetic orthodontic
wires have been launched on the market, such
as: Teflon coated stainless steel wires, stainless
steel wires coated with epoxy resin, orthodontic wires comprising a nylon-based matrix reinforced with silicone fibers, and orthodontic
wires made from polymer composite material
reinforced with glass fiber (Fig. 2).
Table 1 shows the development of orthodontic arch wires components throughout the history of orthodontics.

Thermodynamic nickel-titanium alloys

The commercial use of thermodynamic
nickel-titanium alloys began in the 1990s. In
addition to the properties of elastic recovery
and resilience provided by superelastic wires,
thermodynamic nickel titanium wires boast the
additional feature of being activated by oral
Gradually thermodynamic nickel-titanium
The 1990s saw the emergence of gradually
thermodynamic nickel-titanium wires since
there is a consensus that the tooths response to
the application of force and the amount of tooth
movement achieved are dependent on the periodontal surface area. This means that an ideal
arch wire should not only generate constant and
light forces but should also be able to vary the
force magnitude according to the periodontal
area involved. Thus, a range of different forces
should be generated by the same arch wire in its
different segments. The magnitude of force applied is graded across the entire arch wire length
according to the size of the patients teeth18.
Copper, nickel and titanium alloy (CuNiTi)
In the mid-1990s, nickel-titanium wires with
the addition of copper (CuNiTi) first became
available on the market. They consist basically
of nickel, titanium, copper and chromium. Due
to the incorporation of copper these wires feature better defined thermal properties than
NiTi superelastic wires while yielding an outstanding system of forces with increased control
over tooth movement. These wires were first
marketed by Ormco Corporation with three
transition temperatures (27 C, 35 C and 40
C), enabling clinicians to quantify and apply
loads that are appropriate to the orthodontic
treatment goals27.

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FigurE 2 - Orthodontic appliance with aesthetic brackets. Composite

wire reinforced with glass fiber on the upper arch and NiTi on the lower.


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical optimization


Many orthodontists choose their orthodontic
wires based on clinical impressions. Ideally, however, the choice of arch wires should go hand in
hand with knowledge of their mechanical properties. In the days when most orthodontists used
only stainless steel arch wires with nearly identical moduli of elasticity for one and the same
diameter, the tool most commonly used to gauge
the amount of applied force was arch wire cross
section variation. With the introduction of new
alloys featuring different mechanical properties
as well as nickel-titanium and beta-titanium alloys, orthodontists now have additional variables
to control the magnitude of applied force4.
The traditional arch wire sequence, given
the same material, provided progressively larger
load/deflection rates as arch wire cross section
increased. However, the variation in wire diameter also produced variation in the slack between
the wire and bracket slot. When using small sized
cross section arch wires the resulting excessive
slack could lead to lack of control over the movement of the tooth crowns and roots. When using
materials that have different moduli of elasticity, orthodontists can determine the amount of
slack between the arch wire and the bracket slot
thereby reducing the number of arch wires required for alignment4.
The ability to use rectangular cross-section
arch wires with moduli of elasticity that are suited for the dental alignment and leveling phase
enables orthodontists to maintain control over
root position even during the early stages of
Nevertheless, there are situations in which
round cross-section arch wires are the best
choice, such as when the orthodontist desires
first and second order movements or friction reduction4.
The elastic properties of arch wires serve as

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from the turn of the century to the early 1940s

Stainless Steel

From the 1940s onward

stable NiTi

From the 1970s onward


Decade of the 1980s


Superelastic NiTi
(active austenitic)



Thermodynamic NiTi
(active martensitic)

Decade of the 1990s


Gradually dynamic NiTi

Decade of the 1990s


Metal wires with aesthetic coating

Decade of the 1990s


Polymer composite
wires lined with glass

Researched in labs
since 1994, launched on
the market in 2008

TABLE 1 - Development stages of orthodontic wires.

a parameter to indicate the most recommended

treatment phase for each arch wire. No single
arch wire is best for all phases. There is no such
thing as an ideal arch wire17.
Tooth alignment and leveling comprise the
most important preliminary clinical phase in
the fixed orthodontics procedure. Authors agree
unanimously that continuous light forces are desirable to produce efficient, controlled and physiological tooth movement with minimal impact
to the teeth and supporting tissues15,23.
In the initial phase of treatment, resilience
is an important mechanical property worthy of
consideration by the orthodontist. Resilience is a
property of arch wires whereby they store energy when deformed elastically, and release energy
when unloaded25. It represents the stored energy
available in the wire to move teeth during deactivation.


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Quinto, C. C. A.; Brunharo, I. H. V. P.


Modulus of elasticity (rigidity) is another variable that influences the success of any given treatment phase. It can be defined as a measure of the
rigidity of the material. It is determined by the
binding forces that operate between atoms. Since
these forces are constant for each metal structure,
the modulus is one of the most constant properties of metals29. Clinically, it represents the magnitude of the force required to deflect or bend a
wire. In an attempt to improve the biological environment for tooth movement and minimize the
patients discomfort the initiation of treatment
requires low stiffness wires capable of producing
lighter, constant forces during arch wire deactivation. However, during the finishing phase, stiffer
arch wires - with a higher modulus of elasticity - should be used to contain the movements
achieved in the earlier treatment phases27.


Due to the fact that orthodontic wires are positioned close to the oral mucosa for long time periods they should be resistant to corrosion, should
not allow the release of ions in the oral cavity
or cause allergic responses. In other words, orthodontic wires must be biocompatible with oral
In conventional materials, when the elastic
limit is exceeded and the load is removed, the
material will show a permanent deformation of
its crystalline structure represented by the macrostructural aspects of the shape (Fig. 3). However, alloys with shape memory effect undergo
a reversal to the initial dimensions after deformation and reheating. It is as if the material remembered its original shape. This effect is called
Shape Memory Effect and any alloy featuring
this property is called shape memory effect alloy.
This phenomenon is characterized by a steady accumulation of force in the wire to the point of deformation. Similarly, when the wire is deactivated
and returns to its original configuration the forces
remain constant over a long period of time, which
is clinically required to ensure physiological tooth
Nickel-titanium alloys feature such property,
which is applicable in Orthodontics.
There is a well known relation between shape
memory effect and so-called martensitic transformation, which can be defined as a change in
the crystalline structure of nickel-titanium wires
when tied to brackets. However, these wires show
a tendency to return to the same original crystalline structure, which causes the return to the original wire shape as if they had never been deflected28. If the martensitic transformation is caused
by the load applied to the wire, it can be called
superelastic. If such return to the original crystalline structure is induced by oral temperature the
wire displays a thermal activation property.


Elastic limit refers to the maximum workload
allowed. It is the maximum amount of stress that
can be applied to a wire before it undergoes permanent deformation. It is the stress beyond which
plastic deformation occurs and the material can
no longer return to its original shape. A high elastic limit is desirable to prevent chewing forces
from inducing plastic deformation or fracture28.
Formability refers to the ability of wires to be
bent into desirable shapes without fracturing or
deforming permanently while weldability relates
to a wires ability to have other materials, including accessories, welded to it. Stainless steel alloys
are easily weldable10.
To achieve lower resistance to tooth movements and an improved response to the commands given through bends on the wires or preadjusted brackets, there should be no friction between wires and brackets7.

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Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical optimization

FigurE 3 - A) Schematic representation of the compact hexagonal crystal structure of nickel-titanium alloys (martensitic phase). B) Schematic representation of the cubic crystal structure of face-centered nickel-titanium alloys (austenite phase).

in the interbracket space and distribute the forces. Therefore, straight stainless steel arch wires
would not be recommended in the initial stages
of treatment without the use of loops6.
Stainless steel wires boast excellent resistance
to corrosion16 and exhibit higher elastic limits
and modulus of elasticity, which makes them
more convenient than other alloys, especially in
cases where more rigid wires are required, such
as during the space closure and finishing phases
(Fig. 6). These recommendations apply to both
the Standard Edgewise and Straight Wire techniques.
Stainless steel wires feature excellent weldability and formability and - compared with all
other alloys used in orthodontics - exhibit a lower friction coefficient.
The advantage of using stainless steel arch
wires at the start of treatment, even with loops,
lies in the fact that they allow greater control over
the arch wire shape while preventing undesirable
tooth expansions and projections. Besides, stainless steel arch wires are extremely affordable.


When to use stainless steel alloys
Types 302 and 304 of 18-8 stainless austenitic
wires are used in Orthodontics9.
For the tooth alignment and leveling phase
even steel wires with a smaller cross-section result in high loads, which are not consistent with
physiological forces. At this stage of the orthodontic treatment the use of steel wires is possible through the incorporation of loops that increase the wires activation range and disguise,
as it were, the low resilience and high stiffness
of the wire. The disadvantage of using loops lies
in the fact that as these loops lose their original
shape they change the direction of force vectors.
Loops can also hinder hygiene by entrapping
food particles. If not positioned properly, loops
can damage adjacent soft tissues (Fig. 4, 5).
Thus, to offset their relatively low resilience
(compared with other alloys), stainless steel
wires need to be bent during the alignment
phase in order to increase the amount of wire

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Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Quinto, C. C. A.; Brunharo, I. H. V. P.

FigurE 4 - A) Impaction of tooth 35 after removal of a dentigerous cyst in the region and misalignment of
tooth 34. B) 0.014 Multiloop stainless steel arch wire for the alignment of an impacted second premolar and
misalignment of the first premolar. C) Drawing of the loops made on the arch that is installed in the malocclusion shown in Figure A.

FigurE 5 - A) Second premolar alignment and leveling continued (Fig. 4A) with 0.016 stainless steel wire and
a box loop. B) Finished case (note gingival contour after removal of orthodontic appliance). C) Drawing of box
loop in Figure A.

FigurE 6 - 0.019 x 0.025 stainless steel arch wire for upper incisor retraction: A) Drop-shaped loop and B)
Reverse drop-shaped loop (reverse loop).

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Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical optimization

projection. By resorting to this option the wire

properties are optimized.

When to use multi-stranded stainless steel

arch wires
By using multi-stranded stainless steel arch
wires one can employ stainless steel arch wires in
the initial stage of tooth alignment and leveling
without the need for loops. These wires feature
mechanical properties that differ considerably
from conventional single-strand stainless steel
wires even when similar diameters are compared19.
Multi-stranded wires can be braided, twisted
or coaxial. All have similar properties and great
potential for use in the early stages of orthodontic
The elastic recovery of multi-stranded wires is
25% higher than that of a conventional stainless
steel wire of identical diameter19. The rigidity of
interbracket segments is much lower than that of
conventional stainless steel wires of identical diameter16.
When comparing conventional stainless steel
wires with multi-stranded wires of similar diameter it is safe to state that the latter have one fifth
the modulus of elasticity of the former, and an activation range 150 to 200 times greater than the
Stainless steel multi-stranded wires share some
mechanical properties with nickel-titanium alloys27.
The resilience of multi-stranded wires is considered high. However, their low elastic limit
makes them susceptible to plastic deformation by
external forces, such as chewing16,20.
When subjected to identical stress these wires
exhibit a much higher degree of permanent deformation than nickel-titanium24.
With the purpose of saving chair time professionals often neglect to contour multi-stranded
arch wires according to intercanine and intermolar widths as well as the shape and width of
the patients arch. Although less formable than
conventional steel wires multi-stranded wires are
responsive to contours and bends, such as omega
loops for posterior tying, thus preventing tooth

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Beta-titanium alloys have greater resilience
than stainless steel wires of identical cross-section
and approximately twice the stiffness of nickeltitanium wires. These wires, however, have less
than half the modulus of elasticity and weldability of stainless steel wires. Therefore, similarly to
stainless steel wires beta-titanium alloys can have
hooks and other accessories welded to them, albeit with a certain amount of difficulty. Besides,
the boast excellent formability11. Thus, loops can
be fashioned to close spaces or move specific
teeth while producing much smaller loads than
similar loop designs made with stainless steel
(Fig. 7). These wires generate more friction than
stainless steel wires but less friction than NiTi
wires. Their clinical application would be best
suited in situations where load distribution is
lighter than what stainless steel alloys typically
generate. Also in situations that require stiffness and formability, e.g., intermediate stages of
treatment, such as space closure. Moreover, these
wires have proven an ideal solution for patients
with hypersensitivity to chromium and nickel,
which are components of all other orthodontic
For the tooth alignment and leveling phase
nickel-titanium (NiTi) alloys feature extremely
interesting properties. The unique properties inherent in these alloys are a high elasticity limit,
low modulus of elasticity (low rigidity) and high
resilience. These alloys can sustain a very wide deflection and return to their original shape while
generating moderate and uniform forces. Both superelastic NiTi wires and thermally active wires as
well as those to which copper has been added are
more resilient and less rigid than other alloys. This
means that these wires are the best choice15 when


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Quinto, C. C. A.; Brunharo, I. H. V. P.

FigurE 7 - Burstone-type incisor intrusion arch made of beta-titanium alloy and positioned on a utility arch: A) front view and B) side view

FigurE 8 - Superelastic NiTi wire used in dental arch alignment given its adequate resilience and lower rigidity than other alloys while producing light
and continuous forces.

boast excellent elastic properties and generate

continuous forces when subjected to loading,
even in the presence of increased deflection. This
feature has made these wires extremely popular
for use in the leveling and alignment of teeth23.
In addition to the properties of elastic recovery and resilience of superelastic wires, thermodynamic nickel-titanium wires exhibit an additional characteristic, i.e., heat activation. Thermally activated NiTi wires feature thermally induced shape memory effect in addition to being
pliable at lower temperatures and returning to
their initial configuration - with increased rigidity - when heated to approximately oral temperature26.
On the other hand, since CuNiTi are manufactured for use under three transition temperatures (27 C, 35 C and 40 C) they can be used
for different treatment26 purposes, as described
in Table 2.
With the launch of CuNiTi alloys on the
market, orthodontic treatment protocols that

it comes to producing light and continuous forces,

even in the face of extensive deflections (Fig. 8).
NiTi wires can save professionals chair time
since they do not require leveling and alignment
loops or bends and can remain active in the oral
cavity for a long period of time. These alloys feature low formability and bends can cause them
to fracture. Thus, additional resources should be
used for stops in the posterior region to prevent
tooth projection. Since these alloys cannot be
reshaped they are sold in pre-contoured forms.
Professionals should therefore pay close attention to the original width of the patients arches
and always stock different arch forms to meet
the needs of each particular case. Given the fact
that these alloys will not respond to first, second
and third order bends they should be used primarily in the Straight-Wire technique.
NiTi alloys are not weldable and have a higher friction coefficient with brackets when compared with stainless steel. In vitro studies have
shown that nickel-titanium superelastic alloys

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Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical optimization

combine these wires with the use of self-ligating brackets have emerged. These protocols aim
to achieve more biologically compatible treatments thanks to the deployment of physiological
forces as well as shorter treatment time.
Currently, the Damon System is the most
popular brand of self-ligating brackets on the
market. Unlike conventional mechanics, the designers of this system advocate that it is possible
to move teeth without bone loss. In such cases,
biological dynamics would purportedly enable a
physiological adaptation of the alveolar bone in
response to the orthodontic treatment. This issue, however, is still fraught with controversy in
the literature.


When a higher force magnitude is required

to be constantly and rapidly conveyed to the
teeth during deactivation,

at 27C

due to the fact that these wires are activated

at lower than body temperatures their shape
memory effect shows up immediately after
tying, promoting fast alignment and leveling of
malpositioned teeth.
It is recommended that these wires be cooled
(in a freezer or by applying Endo-ice) at
least one hour prior to insertion in the bracket
slot to prevent premature activation when
When moderate and constant forces are
desired to align, level and rotate malpositioned
teeth these wires are subject to deformation
at temperatures lower that 20C and would
return to their original shape when exposed to
oral temperature.


Teflon coated stainless steel arch wires
Teflon coating imparts to the wire a hue which
is similar to that of natural teeth. The coating is
applied by an atomic process that forms a layer
of about 20-25m thickness on the wire. This
layer then undergoes a heating process and acquires a surface with excellent sliding properties
and substrate adhesion14. Materials used for wire
coating should fulfill the requirements of being
easily applied in thin layers, resistant and having
a low friction coefficient. They should also be
biocompatible, pleasantly aesthetic and consistent with the translucency of aesthetic brackets
and the different hues of the teeth17.
Manufacturers of orthodontic materials are
currently investing in the search for the ideal
wire coating, one that would combine aesthetics
and mechanical efficiency. The different types of
coatings can change some wire properties, such
as friction. It should also be noted that Teflon
coating protects the underlying wire from the
corrosion process. However, since this coating is
subject to flaws that may occur during clinical
use, corrosion of the underlying wire is likely to
take place after its prolonged use in the oral cavity.

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at 35C

Due to the fact that these wires are activated

at body temperature they do not initiate
reverse phase transformation as fast as wires
manufactured at 27C.
Since only moderate forces are generated,
rectangular arch wires can be used during the
initial treatment phases. These wires should
be cooled prior to insertion. Their efficacy
can be noted within approximately one month
after insertion.

at 40C

When light, intermittent forces are required,

40C CuNiTi arch wires are the best choice.
Their use is recommended as the first arch
wires for pain hypersensitive patients
presenting with severely malpositioned teeth
for whom rigid arch wires would be contraindicated either because of ligature issues or
due to the generation of biologically incompatible forces. Since these wires are activated
at 40C patients should be instructed to use
warm mouth rinse several times a day to
further enhance the activation.

Table 2 - Aplicaes clnicas dos fios de CuNiTi fabricados com diferentes temperaturas de ativao.

Stainless steel wires coated with epoxy resin

The coating process is performed through
deposition by incrustation at the base of the
wire using epoxy resin of about 0.002 thickness. With this procedure, a strong adhesion


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Quinto, C. C. A.; Brunharo, I. H. V. P.

ical properties motivated the manufacture of

orthodontic arch wires from a fiber-reinforced
unidirectional polymer. This arch wire has the
advantage of blending in with tooth color and
being as rigid as metal arch wires. The elastic
recovery of the composite wire should be sufficient to promote proper tooth movement, i.e.,
the wire should recover its original shape after
being tied to the teeth.
Research with composite wire prototypes
suggest that these arch wires could work well
during the early and intermediate stages of
orthodontic treatment. Research results show
that composite arch wires have a stable modulus of elasticity. Since 1997 scholars have predicted that with the introduction of aesthetic
composite materials metal wires will likely be
replaced in most orthodontic applications, just
as metal alloys were replaced by aerospace industry composites17.
In 2003, Huang et al.13 compared composite
wire with metal Ni-Ti wire (Reflex, TP Orthodontics Inc.). The results showed that the
mechanical performance of the prototype was
comparable to that of metal wire.
However, some contraindications regarding
the of aesthetic wires should be highlighted,
such as: Transverse fractures, stress fractures
with fiber detachment, fractures flush with the
surface of the polymer/fiber interface, compression fractures originating in bends located in the
fibers and fractures flush with the intralaminar
The use of arch wires whose size can remain
constant while their mechanical properties are
undergoing changes that facilitate in achieving
the goals of each treatment phase, could theoretically lead to fewer arch wire replacements.
In order to play this role satisfactorily the arch
wire in question needs to have the necessary endurance to remain in the oral cavity for a time
period equal to or greater than is usually the
case with other arch wires.

between the coating and the internal wireless

develops, thus preventing the wire from sliding
underneath the coating layer.
The authors assessed the mechanical properties of aesthetic wires by comparing metal NiTi
wires with aesthetically coated wires of the
same diameter. The results of the comparison
were as follows: Aesthetic wires fractured under
lighter loads than non-coated; the three groups
of wires tested in this study showed the widest
thresholds, indicating that they were superior to
non-coated wires;
The working limit of non-coated wires
(GAC, Masel and TP brands), and the GAC
and Masel aesthetic wires accumulated higher
amounts of similar energy during activation.
The non-coated TP wires accumulated a higher
amount of energy during activation than could
be endured by their resilience properties with
variations between groups due to different activation loads. Aesthetic wires exhibited significantly higher activation thresholds than noncoated wires, demonstrating superior properties
insofar as this feature is concerned. The deactivation thresholds of aesthetic wires were lower
than those of non-coated wires, which demonstrates their superior performance regarding
these properties21.
Orthodontic wires consisting of a nylonbased matrix and reinforced with silicone
This wire was launched in 2000. Known
commercially as Optiflex (Ormco Corp.), it
was not recommended for clinical use and its
mechanical properties were inferior to metal
Orthodontic wires made of polymeric composite reinforced with glass fiber
Polymer composites are routinely used as
dental restorative materials mainly due to their
biocompatibility and aesthetic qualities. This
combination of favorable aesthetic and mechan-

Dental Press J. Orthod.


Maring, v. 14, n. 6, p. 144-157, nov./dez. 2009

Orthodontic wires: knowledge ensures clinical optimization

Acquiring scientific knowledge of orthodontic wires can be a daunting task. Ultimately,
however, it becomes fascinating insofar as it
enables professionals to choose the best possible treatment protocol for the patient thereby
rendering treatment more effective, faster, less
costly and less likely to cause damage to teeth
and supporting tissues. Most importantly, however, a comprehensive knowledge of wires allows the orthodontist to make an informed and therefore safer - choice of arch wires free
from media manipulation.

We would like to extend our gratitude to
Dr. Telma Martins de Araujo, full professor of
orthodontic at Universidade Federal da Bahia
(UFBA), who honored us with the invitation to
address the topic of this article. We do appreciate the opportunity.
We are also grateful to the editors of Revista
Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial,
especially to Professor Dr. Jorge Faber for his
outstanding contribution to the Journal.
Posted on: April 2009
Revised and accepted: September 2009


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