Verbs, Adjectives Nouns With Prepositions: Tlom From
Verbs, Adjectives Nouns With Prepositions: Tlom From
Verbs, Adjectives Nouns With Prepositions: Tlom From
abashedbyjatsth (adj ) advise sbagainst sth (v) (= advise apparent Injfrom sth (adj)
abide by (v) sb not to do sth) apparenttosb (adj){=elear,
abscond (with sth) tlom advise sbofsth (v) (= inform sb otMous)
somewllere (v) aboutsth) appeal tosb (v)
absent from (adj) advise sbon sth (v) (= give apply to sb for sth (v)
absorbed In (adj){+ llOunjgerund} suggestions) appreciatlveof (adj)
absorption by (n) (= action of affeetlonate towards (adj) apprehensive ofjabout (adj)
beingabsorbedbyj afftnlty with sbjsth (n) approve of (v)
absorption In sth (n) (= afJaid of+ noun (adj) (spiders, the aptitude for (n)
fascination for) darkete) argue about sth (v) (= to disagree
abstlnencefromsth (n) afraldto+verb (adj}(look,swim aboulsth)
abstainffOm sth (v) ete) argueforjagalnst sth (v) (=give
(In) abstraction (ofsth) from stt1 (n) ageof (n) reasons whyjwhynot sth should
abuseof (n) agJ'ee onsth (v)(= to reaeh a be,happenete)
acceptable to sb (adj) decision with others) arguewithsb (v)
access to sthja place (nj agJ'ee to (v) (= agree to do sth or arrest sb for sth (v)
accompanied by sb (adj) allow sb else to do sth) arrive at (v) {a fixed address, a
accord with (v) agree with sb aboutsth (v) small place, conclusion)
according to (prep) agree with sth (v) (= to approve of arrive In (v) (a large area, country)
account for (v) ,~) asllamedof (adj)
accuse sb ofsth (v) agr8eableto sbjsth (a dj) ask (sb) about (v) = {ask for
accustomed to sth (adj) (+gerund) ahead of (adj) inforrnationaboutsth)
acquaint sb with sth (v) aim (sth) at (v) ask (sb) for (v) (= say that you
a<:quaintedwith sb (adj) allergic tosth (adj) would likesth)
acquit sb of sth (v) alluslonto (n) assaulton(n)
ad for (v) (= on sb'sbehalf} amazed atjby (adj) assigned to (adj)
act of (n) (= do as advised) amenable to (adj) assoelate (sthjsb) with (v)
act on (v)(= as a result ofsth) amount ofsth (n) assure sb of (v)
addicted tosth (adj) amount to (v) astonished atjby {a dj}
addiction to (n) amusedatjby {adj) attached to (adj)
adequate for (adj) angry at sb (+ gerund) (adj) attempt on (sb's life) (n)
adhere to (v) angry with sb about sth (adj) attend to sthjsb (v)
adjaeentto {adj} animosity towards (n) attendanceat (n)
adJust to (v) annexe to (n) attitude tojtowards (n)
admission of (n) (= confession) annoyed atjaboutsth (adj) auxiliary to (adj)
admlsslontojlnto {n}(: annoyed with sb (adj) averse to (adj)
permission to enter a place, join a answerto (n) aversionto (n)
group,clubetc) antipathetic to (adj) avoldanceof (n)
admit to (v) anxious aboutjfor sth (adj) aware of (adj)
advantageoversb (n)(:better anxious for sb (adj) awkward atjwith (adj) (al dancing
posilionthansb) apologise to sb for sth (v) etcjwi\h one's hands etc)
back out of (v) bash Injup (v) begin with (+noun) (v)
bad at sth (adj) basis forjof (n) bellefln (n)
badtosb (adj) bearwithsb (v) believe In (v)
bagsof (n) (+ noun) bearer of (n) belong to sb (v)
ban on sth (n) (make a) beeline for (n) benefit from (v)
barter for (v) beg(sb) for (v) benefit 01 (n)
base sth on (v) begin by {+ gerund) (v) bet (sth) on (v)
Appendix 51
bewan of Iv) botedwlth/by {adj) IIfIlllantat (adj)
bltof (n) borrow.thfTomsb (v) bump Into (v)
IOmeabforsth (v)(but:putttle bother.bout/wIth {v) burtt Into (v)
bottomof (n)
breachof (n)
busywJth (adj)
dIlbbIe Injatsth (v) decllneln (n) demand for (n)
a.mace to In) decline to (v) demand Ith from (v)
damaging to (adj) decreaM by (v) (a certain amount) lSeparttrom (v)
danpfof (n) decreaM In (v) (size, number) depend on/upon (v)
(make.) clash ior (n) decreaHIn (n) deposit In (v) (the bank)
datlfrom(v) decllcatato(v) deposit on (v) (the groun<!)
dufln (adj) (one ear) clHpIn sth (adj) deputlse for sb (v)
deaf to (adj) (sb's arguments) (In) Oefautt of (n) derlvetrom (v)
dNI In (v) (= tlavea business deferlth (tosth) (v) descendedtrom (adj)
II'M)/yjngparticularthings) delk:lency of/In (n) deserted by (adj)
deal with (v) (manage stIl) delk:lentln (adj) desire for (n)
dearto (adj) d&layln (n) clespalr of (v)
dNthby (n) lSeUgtrt(sb)wIth/lnsth {v)(= dettlnedfor (adj)
oeclde.bout (a p!an etc) (v) entertainjamusesbwithj dettruct/veto (adj)
dec:ldeon (v)(anobject) 1Sellgtrt In (v) (take pleasure in) detennlnedabout (adj)
Heccu\:tlldeddeoo\olfld!C8I'Io~ delighted with (adj) detrimental to sth (adj)
deviatlonfTom (n) disbelieve in (v) divide 5th among (v) (more than 2
devoid of (adj) {+ noun) dischargefTom (v) peoplejthings)
devotlonto {n) discouragefTom (v) dlvidesthbetween (v)(2peoplej
die fTom (v) (a wound) discrimination against (n) things)
die of (v) (illness, hungeretc} discrimination In favour of (n) divide 5th by (v) (anothernllmber)
dlfferfTom sth (v) (= be unlike} discusslonabout (n) divide4by2
dlfferwithjffomsbonjaboutsth (vj disgruntled atjabollt (adj) divide sth Into (v) (parts)
{= have a different opinion} disgustedatji)yjwlth divide the cake into 6 parts
difference betweef1 (n) (two or oneseUjsbjsth (adj) divisible by (adj)
morethingsjpeople) dislike for 5bjsth (n) dosth abolltsth (v)
difference of (n) {amount, opinion) dismiss sbfTom (v) doubtfulabolltjof (adj)
different from (adj) di5p1easedwltl1sbjsth (adj) dream about (v)
difficulty In (n){+ gerund) dispose ofsthjsb (v) dream of (v) (= imagine)
dlfflcultywtth {n}(+noun} disqualify sb fTom sth (v) drivelntojfTomjtojatjinjwlthj
diffident about {adj} disregard forjofsbjsth (n) agalnstjlnjabolltjforetc (v)
diligence in (n) dlssatlsfledwlthjatsbjsth {adj) duefor (adj)(=deservingsth)
direct (5th) atjtowards (v} dlstasteforsbjsth (n} due to (adj) (= because of)
disadvarrtage In (n){situation) distinguish between (v) dlletobadweaf/ler
disadvarrtageof(n) (+ gerund or distracted by (adj) {a disturbance) dust (sth) off (v)
noun-weakness,povertyetc) dlstractedfTom (adj) (what one is dwell Injat {v} (= live in/at a place}
disagree with sbonjabollt 5th (v) doing) dwell uponjon (v) (= thinkabollt,
disappointed wltl1jbyjln (adj) dither abollt sthjdoing sth (v) usu sth unpleasant)
disapprove of (v)
(at the) expense of {n) entitle (sb) to (v) excuse for (n)
eager for (adj) entranced byjwith (adj) excuse sb for sth (v)(= forgive sb
economise on (v) entrrintojtosth (n) forsth)
efftcient atjln (adj) entwine (sbj5th) wlthjlnjround excuse sb from sth (v) (= free sb
eJect (sbjsth) from (v) 5th (v) fromadllty,(~uirement,
elatedatjby{adj) envious of sbjsth (adj) punishment}
eligible for (adj) envyofsb-atjofsth{n) exemptfTomsth(adj)
elope wltl1 sb(v) equaltosbjsth {adj) expel sbjsthfrom (a place) (v)
emanatefTom sthjsb (v) equivalent to sth (adj) experienced In (adj) (activity)
embarkonjupon(v} escape fTom 5th (v) experienced with (adj) (tools,
embroil (sb) In 5th (v) euentlal tojfor (adj) weapons)
emergefTom(v) establish oneseUas sth{v) experiment on (v) (animals ete)
emphasis on (v) (=takepositionjofflce) experiment wtth (v) (methods ete)
emptystholltofjlntojontosth (v) establish oneseU In (v) (place) expert Injatjon (adj) (activity)
encounter with sbjsth (n) evacuation of (n) (+ nOlln) expert with (adj) {tool,weapon
encourage5b In 5th (v) evocatlveofsth(adj) ete)
end sth wtth 5th (v) excellent at {adj} (cooking etc) explain sthto sb (v)
engaged in (adj) (= busy with) excellent with (adj) (a sword ete) exposed to (adj)
engaged to sb {adj} (= promised exception to (n)(+ nOlln} expressive of (adj) (one's mood)
tomarrysb) exclt&d aboutjby (adj) expressive wltl1 (adj) (one's
engagement to (n) exclalmatjabout (v) hands,\IOiceetc)
engrossed In sth (adj) exclude (sbjsth) fTom (a place or exultatjln sth (v)
eniist(sb}asjlnjforsth (v) activity) (v)
entice sb;rw;ry fTom sth (v) exclusion of sb fTom sth (n)
fabOc of (sth) (n) falthlnsbjsth (n) fallln (n)(priceS'~PUlarity)
faced wtth (adj) falthfultosbjsth (adj) famed fTom 5th (adj)
failure In (n)
I fall fTom (n) (a height) familiar to sb {adj}
Appendix si
IIMouI for (adj) {one's actions) fine sb for Ith/doIng sth (v) forget about (v)
IImousIn (adj)(a countryetc) flnllh(IthJoIf {v) forgIve.b for sth (v)
IiItaI to/for sb/sth (adj) IInllhby (v)(+gerund) Iortunate In (at1) (+gerund)
lItten{sth/. b) up (v) IInllh with (v) (+ noun) Iratemlll with sb (v}
llwurable for/to sb/sth (adj) firm (Ith) up (v) Ir.ugllt with (v) (problem, risks)
iaarol {+nO\Jn){n) IIsh tor . th (v)
feature It (v) (the cinema) lit for/to (adj) Ireedomlrom{n) (cllains, problems}
luture In (v) {a magazine) fttln/lnto (v) (be cOQ)fortablewTt/1 Ireedomol(n)(speech, action)
feature on (v) (TVJ a particular group of peoPle etc) fresllen (Ith) up (v)
letth Ith for sb (v) ftt Into (v) (:go into the right place) (v)
feud wItb,b overlth (v) lIxatlon on/with iO/lth (n) IrIendlytosth (adj) (: not harmful
Iddlewltb , th (v) IIaIrfor Ith (v) to 5th)
Iddle.round/about{v) llake oIf/..,.,from (v) IrIencfIywtth (iO) (adj)
Ildeltty toiO/.th {n) lleefrom sb/ lth (v) frI&Ittened M/by Ith + gerund (adj)
I'IdfIt.boutjaround (v) flirt with 10 (v) Irownat.b/. th (v) flockol (n) Irown with (v) (anger, confusion etc)
Ith (v) flow from/out oI/into (v) lull 01 (adj)
IIlIed with {adj} {+ llOun) flowol (n) Iurlou. with Ib about sth (adj)
IIlmol{n) fond 01 (adJ)
{be a) genius at (n) (subject) &1beat/aboutsb/sth (v) graduate from (v) (university)
{be a} lenlus wfth (n) (tools etc} &If&Ie at (v) graduate In (v) (subject)
(hawe')fIIIlusforlth/doInglth glanc:eat (v) grapple with sb/sth (V)
i'l glafeat (v) gratelulto Ibforlth (adj)
pin by/from (+ gerund) (v) (n) gr\efat/over(n)
pp between (n) (2 things) (v) er/eV.n<:eapinstjwlth (n)
ppe at.b/.th (v) &litter with Ith (v) gr!evelt./ (v}
Pr&le with Ith (v) g!oatabout/over (v) grud&eagainstsb(n)
pml.llwltll'th(v} glower It. Ib/lth (v) crumbleto/at.b.bout/oversth
",lIln/on,tll(n) goodat.tll{adj} M
pther round Ib/lth (v) lood for Ib (adj) {: good infjuence gu.ranteed against (adj)
pzeat/upon (v) onsb} guaranteed for (a!Ij) (breallage etc)
generotltyto/towanls (n) loodtoiO (adj} (: kind to sb) gueult. (v} (adj) pious to sb (adj) (= kind to sb) gulttyol (adj)
(be In tile) habit of (n) harmonIM with (v) hesitate at (v) (the door etcj
hagIe with 10 .bout/over Ith (v) hazanlto (n) hkIder sb/tth from sth/doiC 5th M
h.ndon/over (v) /ce Isa hazard to mOforists hi.. at sb/lth (v)
h.ndyforlth/dolnglth (adj) up (v) hone.tabout Itll(adj}
lIanker after/ (v) hear.bout/oIsth (v)(= receive hope for sth (v)
h.ppen to/upon (v) {"'come information about) hopeleuat (adj) (maths etc)
across by chance) he.r from sb (v) (= receive a letter, hopeleuwlth (adj) (a gun etc)
h.ppy .bout(adj){situation) a telephone call from sb) huddle up to Ib/lth (v)
h.ppy In (adi) (a new house etc) heat.thup {v) hunthup (v)
happy with sth/sb (adj) helrtosth (n)
harmful to (adj) hesitate about/over (v) (ooing sthj
~ I
ldentk:.lwlth/tosb/sth {adj) (h ....ean) Impact onsb/sth (n) sthto l\appen)
Ignorant of (adj) Impatient (adj) (= eager for lmpatIent>MthiO (<Kt)(=i'1toIeraltot}
Impolite to (adj) Indignant atjaboutjoversth (adj) Interest In (n)
Impressed by/wltIl (adj) indulge In sth (v) Interested In/about (adj)
Impresslonofsthjdolngsth (n) inferior to sbjsth (adj) Interfere with (v)
Improvement In (n)(conditiOll, injurious to sbjsth (a dj) Investsthln (v)
situation health) Innoeentof (adj) Investment in (n)
Incapable ofsthjdolng sth (adj) inoeulatesb agalnststh (v) Invitation to (n)
Incluclesbjsth Insth (v) Inseparable Irom (adj) Invite sb to sth (v)
Increase In (n) (size, number, level) insist on (v) Involvesb In (v)
Increasesthby (v)(amount, Inspired by (adj) Involved Injwltl1 sth (adj)
percentage} insure sthjsbagalnst (v) Irrelevant to sth (adj)
Indebted to sb for sth (adj) Intent on sthjdolngsth (adj) Irritatedbyjwlthsb,byjatsth
Independentofjtrom (adj) Intention on 5thjdolngsth (adj) (adj)
Indifferent to sthjsb (adj) Intentionol (n) Isolate sb trom sbjsth (v)
jam sthjsblnjbetween sth (v) join up (v}(=beeomea member of judgement about (n) (action, crime
j8lft1l8Ckedwltbsth (adj)(informal) esparmyjattach sth to sth else) ete)
jealous 01 (adj) jolnupwltl1sbjsth (v)(=i)ecome judgement of (n) (court, judge etc}
jest with sb about sth (v) partners with} judgement on sb {n} (punishment
jinx onsbjsth (n) Joke with sb about sth (v) forsb}
join Insbjsth (n) jostle against sbjforsth (v) juggle with sth (v)
join sth onto sth (v) (= attach one Judge sbjsth byjtrom sth (v) justif\eationfor (n)(+nounorgerund)
th ing to another)
(In the) mood forsth (n) mean to sbjwlth sth (adj) mistake sbjsth forsbjsth (v)
mad atjwlth sb (adj) meddle In sth (v) mistaken aboutsbjsth (adj)
makeofsth (n) mediate between (v) (= wrOllg in opinion)
mlllevolenttojtowllrds (adj) mention to (v) mistaken for (adj) (= believed to
married to (adj) militate agalnststh (v) be sb/stll else)
marvelatjabout {v) mingle with sth{v) mistru5tof {n}
masteryofsth (n) mlslnformsb about (v) mock at sbjsth (v)
Appendix 51
muddle (ath/sb) up (v)
I mutiny BglIMtsbj sth (v)
,.a ...'.
nq: al (v) Ithj. b after/for sb (v)
neCl1lilent of (adj) (one 's duties,
nice to (adj)
nIC&l'aboutjover (vj
(= give a name tosth/sbj lleiotlate (l th) with s b (v) nod to/ at . b (v)
name Iblorjaslth (v) nervous 01 (adj) nominate I b at (v) (president)
(cnominatesbfora (+noun/gerund) nomlnate . blor (v)(aposition)
position) _to {adj)(anarea,or.e's notedfor (adj)
rmurallM , b/lt!! in (v) experience) (take) notlee of (n)
rteeeWlryforj to (adj) newt 01 (n) notify Ib of l thj lth to sb (>I)
lMICeultyforj to (n) nento (adj) notOf\old; .. (adj) (criminaJ etcj
Medlor (n) nibble 8t ' th (v) IlOtorloulfor (adj)(crimeetc)
,.a ....
pelewlth (v) placue( , b/.th) w!th (v) prey to (v)
pert with (v) Plague me with a lot more prey to I b for I th (v)
~by (v}(:gopast)
pLenfor (n)
preachtolb.bout/ agalnststh
Olristmaspassed byqvieW pked with Ib to do sth (v) ~.utIon",lnlt sth {n)
~on (v)( .. togoonfTomone pIeaed wlth/.bout (adj) ~onceptlon.bout5b/.th ln)
thing to another} pleasure In/of (n) predl' posltlonto/ towards 5th (n)
lel\passoolothenexrquesl/orJ pIedJe ath to (v) (an organisation prefer . th/.b to sth/ sb M
patlentwltt1 (adj) activity} prejudlellllto/ agaInstjtowards
pay by (v) (cheque) point at/ to (v) ' th (a<l))
p8)'lor M(sI'lopping) ponderon/oYer sth M prelude to , th (n)
pay in (v) (cash) popul.rwlth (a dj) prepere (sb/. th) Ior/to M (v) portent of sth (n) prepered by (adj) (+ gerund)
pecllll.rto (a<li) poM Ior . b/.th (v) (be) preperedfor (adj}{=readylor M po_slYe wlth/ ebout (adj) sth to happen)
peeved ebout sth (adj) ponlbllltyof sth/ doIngsth (n) preperedwltt1/ lTom (cq)
pelt Ib/lth wtth (v) postscrlpttosth (n) (ingredients,components)
pemleloustoab/ sth (adj) (lm)poIlteto (adj) preMnt at (adi) (eYent, ceremony,
perslltln stll/ doIngsth (v)
pile (. th) up (v)
pltylor , b/ ltI'I (n)
potentiel .. (n)(+noun)
potenti.lfor (n)(tnoun)
prelH Iblor ' th (v)
pMent for (adj) (eYent)
Present fOf the parade
present In {adj} {place, court} prevloustosb (adj) proof of (n}(wtJat has been
present $l)wlth 5th (v) prh;lelnsbjsth (n} claimed)
prevail against (v) (= to work prllle onesell on sth/dolngsth (v) propensltyfor/tojtowardssth (n)
against) proellvltytojtowards (n) protectsb/st h agalnstjfrom(v)
prevail Injamong (v) (= toexisl Sudden violenr rages protectlonagalnst (n)
inj among people, places etc) proficient atjln 5th {adj} protestaboutjagalnstjat(v)
prevail over (v) (" to be more prohibit sbfrom doingsth (v) proud of (adj)
powerful over) prone to 5th (adj) (illness, provide (sth) for sb (v)
prevallupon (v}(:pe rsuadesbto infection} pull atjon sth (v)
dosth) proof against (n) (= which denies punish sb for 5th (v)
preventsbjsth from doing sth (v) claim/secure against) puzzledaboutjby {adj)
qualify (sb) asjfor(v) (have/give I quality of (n) quick as (adj) (: comparison)
reqUiredabilitieS,qUalificati.'ons quarrel with sb aboutjoversth (v) quick at (adj) (+ gerund or noun)
etc) quest for sth {n} (truth,happiness) quiet sbjsthdown (v)
qualify {sb} for (v) (have/give right} queue up (for) (v)
I quote (sth) from 5bjsth (v)
race against sbjsth (n) reduction of(n) (amount by which resignation from (n)
radiate from (v) (" originalefrom) sth is reduced) resort to (v)
radiate with (v) (happinessetc) reterto (v) respected for (adj)
rage atjagainst sbjsth (v) referencetosbjsth (n) lespltefromsth (n)
raid on 5th (n) refrain from sthjdolng 5th (v) respond to (v) (question, stimulus
rally round (v) refugefromsbjstll {n) elc)
rant at sb about sth (v) regardtojfor(n} respandwlth (v) (= reply by doing
rave atjagalnst (v) (: acl opposite regardless of (prep) ,~)
sad about (adjJ sneer at sbjsth (v) sub]ect to 5th (ad) (alteration,
safe from sthjsb (adj) snipe atsbjsth (v) approval)
safeguard(sbjstfl)agalllSt/from snoop aboutjaround (v) submit (5th) to sb (v)
sthjsb(v) snuggle up to sbjsth (v) subsist onsth (v)
sated with sth {adj) solace sb with 5th (v) substltutefor (n)
satisfted with (adj) solicitous Iorjabout (adj) subversive of (adj)
save sbjsthfrom (v) $OIubleIn (adj) succeed In sth (v)
scared 01 (a dj) sorry about 5th (adj) succee<l sbto sth (v) (the throne,
schooled Insth (adj) SOJrylorsb(adj) a post)
seomforsth/sb (n) spattersthonjover (v) suctHsfullnjat (adj)
scowl atsbJsth (v) SpatterpaintonthewaJl sucteSsorto (n)
search for (v) spatter 5th with (v) succumb to sth (v) {an illness, an
secretfromsb(adj) Spatter/he wall witll paint attack)
secretfrom (n) speak to sb about sb(sth (v) suf1erfromjwlth (v)
sensible about (adj) speciallstin (n) sufftclentfor (adj)
sensttive to (adj) (sb's needs) spend (money) on (v) sufflclentforjto (adj)
sentence sb to sth (v) spend (time) on 5th M suitable for (adj)
separate from (adj) spend (time) In/at (v) (place) suited for/to (adj)
separate sb/sthfrom (v) splltsthlnto (v)(pieces) Supplicate for 5th (v)
sequel to sth (n) spilt 5th up (v) (= break sth up) support for (n)
sertousabolrtsth(adj} sprtgofsth (n) (usu plant) The fans showed their support for
setof {n) spy on sb/sth (v) fheream.
seversthfromsth M squabble with sb about/oversth support of (n)
share (sth) with sb (v) M Money was coJlecred in supporl of
share In 5th (v) squint at/throtlgh (V) Greenpeace.
shelter (sb/sth) from sth (v) squirt (sth) out of/Into/around support sb In (v) (a plan. decision
shl'lerwith sth (V) etcfrom sth M etc)
shocked at/by (adj) stack (5th) up (v) support sth with (v) (money)
short of (adj) stamp about/around (v) sure of (adj)
(have a) shot at sth{n) (have a} stare at (v) surge In (n}(rise in)
shout at sb (v) (from anger) stash (sth)/lWay (v) (informal) surge of (n) (people, the sea,etc}
shout for sb (v) (indirectly) steal (sth) from (v) surprised at/by (adj)
shout to sb (v) (to attract stimulus to/forsth (n) surrender (sbjsth) to sb {v}
attention) stock of (n) surrogateforsb/sth (n)
shriek (v) (obscenities, a warning) storyabolrt/of (n) suspect sb/sth of 5th/doing sth
shriek with (v) (fear,etc) straighten (sthj up/out (V) ('I
shy of sth/dolng sth (adj) strain of (n) {= quality) suspicious of/about (adj)
sick about/over (adj) (srtuation) There is a strain of unKindness in swill (sthj out/down (adj)
sick with (adj) (emotion) him swipe (out) atsth (V)
SicKwirhfear strain on {n) (= exertion on sth) swoop down on sb/sth (v)
sidle up/o¥erto sb/somewhere Buying thal car wi!l be a slrain on sympathetic to/towards/with sb
('I ourresoutteS. (adj)
sigh with sth (v) streakofsth (n) sympathise with sb aboutjforsth
similar to sb/sth-Insth (adj) stricken with/by sth (adj) ('I
sklllful at/in (adj) fjob) strtp (sth) off/down (v) sympathyfor/towardssbjsth (n)
sklllful/skllledwlth/ln (adj) (tool, strtve for/afterjtowards (v) sympathy with (n) (sb 's ideas =
weapon,etc) struggle for sb/sth (vj {= fight for) agreement with them)
skilled at/In (adj) fjob) SrruggJe for brealh.
slow at (adj) struggle with sbjsth {vj (= fight
smile at sb (v) .... ,th)
smitten with/by sb/sth (adj) stnmon sth (v)
sneer about (v) (situation) subforsb (... )
talent for (n) throw . that . b (v) blp (.b) upjoYef(v)
tllkto.baboutlttl (v) throw.thto.b (v) trip (v)
tlmperwlth.tll {v) tlncelth (v) triumpl! (v)
talte In (n) (clothes,etc) (make) trouble for Ib (n)
tI.te of (n) (food,etc) tln!terltjwtth sth (v) (h ....e/beln)troubl.wlthjfor(n) tired of (adj) He was In troubiewith the police
telm upwlth.b (v) tolellntof (adj){different forstea/lngaClr.
team sI:Ij.thwlth Ibjsth (v) opinions,particularconditions) trustln (n)
terrttled (adj) ttadeln .thfor sth (v) tuck . thlnto .th {v)
think (v) (n) tIC ltjon (v) (adJl t,..ltIonfromlthtolth (n) tum(lthjlb)lroundjov.r (v) (v) tfInIIatelthfromlthlntosth{Y) tUlllewitt\Ib (v)
thirsty (adj) (rain, success) treatmentfor (n)(shock.,lung tutor.b In Ith(V)
thouCJttleMofsb (adj) cancer) typeof (n)
thmten (v) tribut.tolthj.b {n) typlealollbjsth (adj)
vllldfor(adj)(use) vlewofjto{n) void of Ith (adj)
vllld In (adj) (a place) visible from (adj) (somewhere) votlryof . bjlth (n)
valued atjfor(adj ) (a price/a vlllbleto(adj)(sl» vote forjaplnst (n)
purpose) vIIlbIe with (adj)(an instrumemetc) vot. forj....lnst (v)
varlatJonlnjofsth (n) J1lemoonls visible toourpianet vouch for abjlth (v)
vllyln(v) wlththenakea~. vulnerabietolthjlb(adj)
Vlult (v) ..... ltItIonofjfromlbjsth (n)
Ylxedatjwlthsl:ljlth {adj) ..... Itor to (n)
Appendix 51
~ .....
It ... km per hour
at. dlndvantage
at hand (= close)
at lleart (= in one's real nature)
(have . bj. th) at lleart (= be
at the of
at.dltcount concerned about sbjsth) at the beglnnlng (= when sth
ot.""", .....
. ....
at the end (.. when 5th finishes)
ot ......
... Iou . ....,. at the IXpenM of
at the front of (=inttlemost
at a moment', notice
ata profit/ loss
at any rata
. -
at liberty
Itn~ (note:jnthenight)
at odd. with
atone'. request (= because stl
at the latest (=time)
at the mornent (= lime)
at the point of (= at that particular
at breakfast/lunch wishesi!) at the present time
at church/school
ot_ ........
.. ,,""""'"
at the ume tlnM
atthetlme (;ala particular time)
_flratslaM ......
at times (= sometimes)
by accident by ....rt (=frommemoryl by ...........
byall llCCOllnU bylendj_j alr by requett (= asa response to
byall mNnI by" sb'swish)
by appointment by luck (_luckily) by . I(ht (= re<:ognise sb when you
by auction bymam. see them but have never
by."" by mean. of met;talkedtottlem) (but: in by ml.take bylUrpriIe
~OWf1car,onthe8o'clocktrain) (= using the name(s) of bythedoz.n
bycllance sb/sth) by the end (= before sth finishes)
by,- by nature bythelldeof
byday/ nl&ht by- bythetlme (=befOfereacllinga
by ....... by one'l IIde certalnpoint)
by'" by ....., bytMwrJ ("' incidentally)
by""" by orOer of byYlrtueof
by h.nd (: using the hands) bypoatj.lrm.,1
for.cllallie for fOOd (=foreverj for . hort
for. moment (= for a short time) for lFlnted for the moment (= for now, for the
for.ylslt/hoIlday for hire time being)
for. walk
for. while
for .... (itlformal)
forloYe (_outoflove,without
paymenl or other reward)
for the like of
I APpendiX5
In any case {= iir?tW8YJ
In arrears
In hand (= being dealt with)
tnink/ pencll
in the beglnnln, {= OIiginally)
in the ease of (= in the event)
" ....
In C8M(+ clau se)
Incaseo! (+nounj
In length/ width etc
Inlengths ofl0m.
In love (with)
In moderation
In the end (= finalty)
in the IuIbIt of
In the meantime
I" cash Inmoumlng(for) In the mood for (: wanting to do 5th)
In chalge (of) In neme only (= not realty) In the momlnC
In code in no time (=very quickJy) Inthemountailll
Incomfort In OIIe'S free time In the name of (= on sb's behalf)
In common (with) inotherwordl In the newl
Incomparlaonwlth In pain In the nude
In compensation for '"particular In the right/ wrong
In eonttoI (of)
In pieces
In place of
In time (00 earlyeoough)
In tmeli (=dlI:'i1!;lparticulwti'ne)
tndalller In posaesslon of (_ owning) In town
In debt In practice/theory In tune (wtth)
In detail In principle (=theoreticalty) Intum
Indlfllculty 1np!1I011/ jall Intwo/ 1ul1f
IndllorOer ,,-
In private/ public In uniform
In doubt
In exchange lor
In exlstenee
In l b'llnterest
In vain
In view of (= because of, tak ing
into account)
,,"" In I b'l opinion
" .....
ona .••day onbalanee on leave
011 a journey
on.trIp/ crulsej excurslon
on behalf of
"'on condition
"'" that
on loan
on no eccount (= under no
on a(n) afternoon/ evening
on account 01 (= because of}
on an expedttlon on fire onpeper
on an istand
onapprovel "'''''
on,ood/ badterrnl with
on p!1nclple (= according to a
particular belief)
onlY. rage
on bail "' ......
on IIIe (00 reduced in price)
out of breath out of pity out of the ordinary
out of control (= ullCOntrolled) out of place out of the question
out of danger out of practice out of town
out of date outofprtnt out of use
out of debt out 01 reach out of work
outofcloors out of respeet for
outoflashlon oot .. ~
out of hand out 01 sight (= beyond one's range
out of luck 01 vi sion)
out 01 order outofstoc:k
offeolour offschool/work I off the road
"'orty I offtherecom
to one's 8stonlshment tosb'sface
to one'ssurprtse to this day