Idioms and Fixed Phrases

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Appendix 21
catchsbrecH\anded =beCllChtWhile~aame
chip off tile old block " sbwho is very like one of hiS
c:leartMalr.removesu~cion/b&dleeling parents
all alonl = lrom the beginning until now cost a bomb _ veryexpensiYe
all but .. nearly,almost deal a blow to = damage one's hopes
all In -exhausted don't hold your breath -don't wait for sb/sth anxiously
all In all _ when eIIerything is considered drive a hard bargain "be a tough businessman
all tile u me -ret, however drop a brick = saysth tactiessly
all told . altogether, in total feeJlnone '$bOIIes .. 1eellnssthinstinctively
be the apple ofsb'l eye = be very precious to sb; be get your own back -take/get revenge
sb'sfavourite llaYea bee In one .. bonnat _haYeanobsessionaboutsth
be up in afTM "beveryangry have butler1'lles In one'$stomach = be very nefYOUS
forall _lnspiteof
foralllca,. _ldon'tcare
in black and whit, . Inwritinc
for all I know .. as far as I know in the balance _uncertain
In the act of z while performing the act kick the bucket _die
In the air _uncertain lay bare = make public
make aUowances for = take special circumstances make a clean brealtof"confess
IntoeonSio'eration makeone'"bloodboll -c8u~sbtobecomeveryangry
make amends for = try to compensate fora past action on the spur of the moment .. without thinking about sth
of all people _usedto eXjlfess annoyance/surprise out of the blue _soddenlyand unexpecledly
on account of .. because 01 ring a bell = remind sb olsth
on no account = under/in no circumstances seethe backof _begladto see sb leave
on tile air .. broadcastire(opp: off the airj takethebulbythahoms _dealMthsthboldly<n:ldWectly
on the a..rt = watchful and prepared/on the IookouV wet bIanket: dJlI person who spoils people's happiness
expecting 5th
on this/that account : /o(thls/that rea$Ol'l
wllet Ib's appetite = make sb eager to h8Ye/ a piece of cake .. s!h very easy to do
experience more aretHetterday= avefylmportantday
up In tile air _existing, but notlalked about awild-gooMchaM =ahopelesssearch
:;:;:ugtrt recHlanded " be caught while committing a

be on the cards .. be likely to happen

aboveboant _honest be over the moon -beelated
bark up the wronc tree = have a false Idea about 5th callsb names = insult sb
be broke = h8Ye no/very little money chair a meetirll = preside over a meeting
be lull of beaM = be very lively crocodlleteal"l:fal~tears
be In sb's black books = out 01 favour crossone'$mlnd .. thinkofsth
beat about/around the busII:8¥Oid sayingwtlat one clltsbdead "'ignore sb
means directly dtfferentaschalkandcMeu_totallydifferent
belllndbara _inprison clown In the dum.--depressedjmiserable
bif.fleaded -cooeetted ; boastful clown the drain = wasted; lost
black and blue all ovar : covered with bruises get a bit hot under the collar = get angry, upset or
blesll",In dlSlUlse = sth which appears bad at first embarrassed
but then turns oul favourably get a problem offone'$ chHt_tell sb else about
blue-eyedboy/goldenboy =afavouredperson yoo rprob lem
bolt from the blue = slKldenly gotothedop _WOI'sen
bralnWlVe -suddencleario'eajlllought hav,thecheek -daretodo sth
breakeven _shownei!her!ossnorproflt keepone'$ chin up _not bedlsoouraged
browned ort= 1ed up; bored let sleeping dogI J.. .. avoid mentionirea subject
butter sb up = flatter sb which could cause trouble
by and large "generaJlyspeaking lost cause = I!opeless situation or case
I APpendiX2

off colour = look/be slightly unwell break the Ice = ease the tension when one first meets
on the dole = receiving unemployment oonefit/social people
security eat one's heart out = feel jealous/sad about sth
play one's cards r\ght= act cleverly flog a dead horse = waste lime doingsth useless
show one's true colours = reveal one's real character fty off the handle = quickly become very angry
with ftylng eolOllrs = with great success get out of hand = become out of control
not count one's chickens before they're hatched = get the hang 01 It = get in the habit of doing sth
not assume sth before it happens go to one's head = make conceited
grey matter = brains; intelligence
hand In glove with sb= be in very close contact with sb
llaYe a]ob to do sth = find sth difficult to do
be dying for sth= really want sth have many Irons In the flre = have lots of
befttlor= begooo enough for plans/possibilities in progress at Ihe same time
bewom out = be very tired haYe one's heart in one's mouth = be extremely anxious
begreet1=beinexperienced ,boot""
cook one's goose =end one's plans abruptly have time on one's hands = have free time
fair and square = within the rules hold one's horses = wait, be patient
fall head over hHls= fall in love quickly III at ease = embarrassed; uncomfortable
feel one's ears buming= have a fee ling that sb is keej)sth under one's hat = keep sth secrel
talking about you keep up with the Joneses = compete with others in
gatecrasher = sb attending a party,event etc without status/material goods
anirwitation lend sba hand = give help to sb
get off on the wrong foot = argue or disagree at the llkethebackofone'shand=beveryfamiliarwithsth
beginningofarelationship lose heart = become discouraged
give and take = compromise make head nor tail of= understand sth
haveafToglnone'sth~=inabilitytospeakdueto off the cuff = without preparation
neMusness stew in one's own Juice = suffer the consequences of
ha't'ethe gift of the gab = be able to talk v.ell,persuasively one's own actions
hear It throughjon the grapevine = find out straight fTom the horse's mouth = fiom the most
information indirectly direct source
In a flasll = very quickly llave sb's llandsfllll = be very busy with sth
it's all Greek to me = sth new or foreign; not easily sth comes In handy = be very usefuljpractical
understood strtkegold = come across sth useful
keep a straight face = manage to look serious under take stllto heart = take personally/be innuenced by
difficult circumstances take to one's heels = runaway
keep an eye on sth =guard/pmtect sth the ins andouts = the details of an activity
meet behind closed doors = meet secretly the tip of the Iceberg = small evident partofa much
one's flesll and blood = family member larger, concealed situation
plenty more flsh In the sea = many more
opportunities in life for love
put one's foot down = insist on sth
put one'S foot In it= make a tactless comment at large = free, not caught
take It easy = not worll too hard/relax be In the koow = be well-informed
take sb for granted = not appredate sb bring to one's knees = destroy. humble
bury one's head in the sand = avoid or ignore reality/
come to a head = reach a critical point
a bit of a dark horse = person with hidden abilities dropsba line = send sb a letter
beforthe high jump = about to be repl1mandedjpunished flne kettleofflsh = confused state of affairs
be in two minds about sth = not be able to decide get rtd olsth = give sth unwanted (JIIMoj
what to do go to any lengths = 00 anything necessary to get sth
be sound asleep = sleep deeply you want
be the perfe<:t lmageofsb = look ex.actly likesb haveklttens =benervous/anxiousaboutsth
before one can say Jack Roblnson = extremely quickly keep one's flngers crossed= hope that sth will turn
out well
Appendix 21
keeponeselftoonese/f= liYequietly,private/y be OIl!: ofpqctk:e = lacking practice
make 1 k1llinC = have a sudden,great success/ profit come to the point = reach the main point in a diSCtJssion
make II&ht of = treat sth as unimportant fall into place = become clear
make/elm l/one'l IlYIng = earn money get the sack = be dismissed from one's job
on the IeYtI = I\onesV sincere get the wrong end ofthe . tlck = misunderstand
puli one's leg =teaseor tricksb completely what has been said
shed IIgtrt upon = give new/ further information golden opportuntty = the best chance to gain sth
sleep like 1 log = be SO\Jnd asleep greasesb's palm " bribe sb
the IIfe.ndsoul of sth = the most lively and amusing C:row OIl!: ofsth = become too bigforsth
person present somewhere ha'Ye no option but = must; haVe no choice
the lion'l wre = the biggest parVportion Inpubllc =inthepresenceofotherpeople
turnOYer. new leaf = make a new start In the offtng = likely to happen
wIttIlYlewtoOokCsth= withtheintentionorhopeof off the point = irrelevant
doir,«sth once and for.11 = fo(the last time
out-and-out = complete, total
OIl!: in the Op&r1 " (of secrets) revealed, known
out of print = (efbooks) not available anymore
a night owl = pe rson who enjoys stayinglJP late out of the ftylng pan Into the fire = from a situation
be second to none = be the be st to a worse/similarone
crou OIIfI'. mind = occur to one, haVe a sudden kiea, part Ind parcel of = basic part of
recalisth pastone's prime = growing old/not at one's besl
cr, CMr sp/tt milk = grieve over sth that can't be put pop the question = make a proposal of marriage
right short and lwee! = brief but p/easant(usu irooic)
_,nook and cranny = everywtlere status symbol = property/ possession thal shows sb's
feel/ be down In the mouth = feel high social rankweaith etc
discouraged/depressed take things to piecn = dismantJe things
pta lI'IOYe on = hurry up throw a party = haVe/ hoida party
ptonone'l netveI = irritate/anl'l(7jsb white elephant = useless/ unwanted possession
haYean elrl, night =gotobed early
hit the nail on the head = say exactly the right thing
in a nutshell = briefly; in a few words
IOH one'. ner.... = !ose courage an unkl'lown quantlt,= person or thing that one has
make a name Ior oneself = become no experienceef
famous/respectedfor sth as a last mort = when all else has failed
make hay while the sun shines= take aavantage of et close quartell = from a short distance
fi!M)I,nablecirclJmstances be In 1 quanclary a beconfllsed; undecided
make IIIOM)' hand over fist = make a lot of money begtne question = makes peopie want to ask a
QUickly and easily particular question
makeone'l pt.away = escape call tt quits = give up/ stop
moon atOUnd = look miserable cut sb to the quick = deeply hurt sb's feelings
nuli.nd void = irrvalid; not legally binding hit the roof = get very angry
once In 1 biue moon = very rarely In a rut = be stuck in a monotonOlJs rou\ine
put sb's namelorward = nominate sb In the long run = after a long period of time
put wordl into one's mouth = pretend that sbhas tt stands to reason = it Is logical
said sth that they haven't actually said keep sth quiet .. keep sth secret
lIip one'l mind = forget abolll sth krlowthe ropes = know all the details of 5th
work 1 miracle = make sth almost impossible happen off the record = unofficia~ly)
pthecreen light to Ith = give pem1issionto on the qu!et = secre!iy
proceedwithsth open to debate = notdecided/settled
OIl!: of the question = impossible
put down roots = settle down
,.:ljO@ifi"a wortItotule = adhere strictly to therulesasa form of
1 bitter pill to swallow = a difficult fact to accept prolest
acalnst.11 odc!s = c!espi!e the difflculties rack one'l brains "thinkveryhard aboul sth

paint the town red = have a great time
I 1ong.1Iot =a wild guess/a risk permission
I memory like I sieve" a poor merTlOfy put~andtwotocether=8rriYeatthetMhby
be III attea:: be in a state ofconfusiOll looking at facts

be In sb's shoes "00 in sb'spositiOl1
same boat = be in the same (usu bad)
redtlpe = unnecessary bureaucracy
tlke one's time = not to hurry
throuih thick and thin = whatever happens
be tile spitting Image 01 sb = look exactly like sb touch and go = with uncertain result
be/get soaked to the 'kln :: be/get very wet
be/h..... lcloseshave~barelyavoldanaccidenva
behind thesc-s = in secret : all verrwell = appear saUstactory but In tact not
come outolO/M"shell = gain personal cOIlfidence
does ttsllow? = is it otMous? be on the up and up = imprOW! steadily
give sb the slip = escape from sb be up and about = have reeovered from an illness
golorlaong= be soldveryclleapiy drive (,bJ up the wall = make sb angry/annoysl:l
go without saylng = bea foregOlle conclusion ITostywelcome = unfriendly reception
hit the aack=goto bed getoutofbedonthewrongllde=beinabadmood
IIveOllt ofl suitcase = travel often/not have a let wind of = receive information abotrt sth indirectly
permanent home give vent to '" e~press sth freely

make quite a scene = become angry in a dramatic CIve way to = give inj)'ield
not hold water:a not seem reasonable or in
0111 shoe Strin(=OI1 a very smaJI budget accordance with the facts
pull a few,trlngs = use influential contacts In order make anylne mlt = make a quick trip
tOobtainanaa.antage mike waves = cause trouble
pull one's socks up= make a greater effort no/little wonder '" not surprising
sleep on It::thlnkaboutsth qulck/llowon tile uptlke = quick/slow to
,mell I rat = suspec1that sth is wrong
splllthebelns "revealasecreVthefacts
seI: in OI'Ie'sW/lY' = fixed in one's habits/routines
standlnsb'sW/lY=preventsbfromdoi~Sth .pe~k yolumes 2< be strong evidence of $b's feelings,
tlke ... with a pinch of salt = not believe sth metltsetc
completely under the weather = depressed/unwell
the last,traw = the last and worst episode in a chain lip and coming = 'ike/y to be successful
of bad experiences :sand downl 11 good things alternating with bad
thlck ..klnned= insensitive
wet behind the ears = ine~perienced

(by) trlal Ind error = leaming from one's mistakes

be ahead of one', time = have modern ideas In old wlYes'tale:: false belief (usually abovt heatth)
be(as)thlck{8Slbrick)=bestUpid be bom yesterday = be easily dewived/naive
be tickled pink = be really pleased ~sbblack~blue="itsbrepeatedlyuntH
come to. ,tandstlll = not progress/stop brUised
come to t.rms with = accept a difficult situation go back onone's word = not fulfil a promise{opp:
for the time belna: = temporarily keep one's word)
In Itlck:::shortly,soon have a yellow streak = be a coward
In the nlckoftlme = just in time not have It both W/lYI = refuse to make a de<:ision
klll tlme::: pass time while waitine for sb/sth between two pleasant things (usu in expression "You
lay the table = prepare/set the table for a meal can't have it both ways'")
not be one'. cup of tea = oot suit one's taste In the red = owe money to a bank {opp: in the black)
on second thoughtl = having changed cne's mind ,.. red = suddenly become very angry
outoftum = not in the correct order/time green belt = the area on the outskirts of a town
Appendix 21
pitch black = very dark jUyeatand rnouse with sb= keepsb In a state of
blaektle:fonnalclothing uncertain eJ,peCtation treating them allernatively
greenwltl'lenvy=Yeryjealous cruelly and kindly
green (rMtterjlssue) = CQncemed with ewlogy put the cat among the plg_ = cause
llaVe words wfth ab = have an argument trouble/controversy
havejkeep one', wits about one = be alen and able rain cats anddogt = rain heavily
10 deal with difficutties swim like aftlh = swim very well
In deep WlItef = in troob fe/d ifficulty talk the hind legs otra donkey = talk for a long time,
make Ib'.Uy = make sb very t1appy uninterrupted
_/IookIlt.ththroughros&eOlouredspedacln= the rat race :: the competitive nature of modem urban
see 5th from an unrealistically positive point of view life
tht black Iheep of the family = a disgraced family until the _ come home:: fora Ior«time

the pot taM1nc:the kettle black = accusing sb ofa
mutton dreued 81 18mb :: dress in Cl style
than/inappropriate to)'OUr age

faultooehasoneself sour grapes = say unpleasant comments because of

tM yNr dot = a longtime ago jealousy
until one la blue In the face =as hardjlongas one seet: tooth = enjoy eatlng sweet thlngs
possibly can (usu without success) get nowhere last : make no/little progress
led herrtnl:: 5th which distracts you from 5th pay ab's way : contribute your shareofa bill/budget
important whlte-eollarjob := office/clerical work
ftyon thewall : see/hear sth in a situation which
does notinvoiYe you
Achilles ,,"I := weakest point of sb'scharacter
(ftght) like eat and dog = (disagree) 'MIent/y wash sO's handsofsb : reluse to be involYedwith sb
(11keJ a bull In a tlllna shop= behaYe ina

~~r:.S)':;:~ (of stilI : {makel a mess (of sth) ,,""WMf:iiL•

a bear with a sore head:= irritated/in a bad mood a pain In the nec:k= annoytngpersonfthing
a different kettle of fllh : a totally different situation be all fingers and thumbs " be awkward, clumsy
ete from the one just mentioned pt cold fMt : lose courage to do sth
a cIoC'l life =a difficult, hard life give sb the cold Ihoulder = ignore/shun sb
a fIIh out of water: sb who feels uncomfortable/In have a chMk/nerve = acVspeak boldly or impudently
unfamiliar surroundings ilave alllarptongue :tendto say unkind or hurtful
a Nd rat: to a bull = action, comment etc liable to things
prO't'Okesb llaveaneyefoJ =beagoodjudgeofsth
a IIttlnc duck = an easy target look down one's nose atstll/sO: feel/act superior to sb
aabusyaaa bee/ a busy bee = (sb) very busy ioMone's head = lose self-control
aa thecrow"les = in a direct line/by a direct roote put one's heart ancIaoul Intolth = be deYoted to sth
belnthe~=beoutoff<M>\.ll'.introuble toncue in chMk = not serious, ironic
dogeatdoC =ruthlesscompetltion,rtvalry tooth and nail = fiercely
cIof4:aNd "(of books) with tile comers bent and tum a blind eye to I th : ignore
turned down through use not lose any liMP over I th '"' not worry about sth
donkey work : boring, monotonous work Jack of all tradet = sbwtlo Is able to do a variely of jobs
donkey'lyears =alongtime ast onnln ateacup aalotoffussabout sththalis
kill two birds with one stone = achieve two things nolimportanl
with one action bring sth home to ab. make sb ur.Oerstand how
let the cat out of the bag: reveal a secret importanVserioussthis
like watetoffaduck's back = having no elfect bite off more tnan sbcan ctlew: try to do sthwhich
make a fool 01 oneself: make oneself look stupid/ is too difficult
embarrassed/ridiculous In cloYer '" living a luxurious/comfortable life
make a mountakl out of a molehill : cause a fuss face the music = be criticised/punished for sth)OO
about a trMal matter Ilavedone
no room to lwinc a cat = no room at all


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