Atish PHD Thesis NEW

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in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of



Norman, Oklahoma




Dr. Kurt J. Marfurt, Chair

Dr. Roger M. Slatt

Dr. G. Randy Keller

Dr. Deepak Devegowda

Dr. Vikram Jayaram
© Copyright by ATISH ROY 2013
All Rights Reserved.
To my beloved late dida

To earn a PhD in Geophysics is like a dream come true for me. It has been an

eventful three and half years of my life at University of Oklahoma. I have reached this

goal with the support and guidance of a lot of people.

I received a lot of guidance, knowledge and encouragement on my research

from my supervisor Dr. Kurt Marfurt. Initially when I started under Dr. Marfurt I was

not very comfortable in computer programming. However, once he wrote the PCA

program, wrote my name as the author of the program, and made everybody

understand that I was the author of the program. This gave me tremendous

encouragement to understand how the code works and it was how I started to write

programs for my research. I think my self very lucky to be his student. He was never

strict with me and always encouraged me visit home frequently and spend time with

my family back in India. This gave me further encouragement to work hard when I

returned. Dr. Marfurt is one of the most wonderful persons I have ever met in my life.

I also want to express my gratitude to Dr. Vikram Jayram who is one of my

committee members. In his busy schedule he used guided me how to proceed in my

research, and gave new ideas to my research. He helped me to understand the

complicated part of my research (the GTM technique), and because of this quick

understanding of the GTM theory, formulation of GTM into AASPI took me just a

couple of months. He also sat with me for long to make my research writings more

scientific and easy to read.

I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. J. Tim Kwiatkowski. He

helped whenever I faced problems in the codes that I was unable to solve. He has been

very helpful to me. He gave me some most important new ideas on how to explore the

probabilistic GTM technique, which is one of the important parts of my PhD research.

Also, I want to thank Marcilio Matos who was one of my initial mentors to

understand the SOM algorithm. My PhD research is based on his initial works.

I would also like to thank Dr. Roger Slatt who is also one of my committee

members for his important comments and feedbacks on my research. I learnt a lot of

reservoir characterization from his courses. I also thank my other committee members

Dr. Deepak Devegowda for giving me the chance to work with his dataset and provide

me the opportunity to present my works to one of his industry sponsor. I would also

like to thank Dr. Randy Keller for being one my committee member. He is always nice

to me and encouraged my research.

I would like to thank the entire staff of ConocoPhillips School of Geology and

Geophysics: Donna S. Mullins, Nancy Leonard, Adrianne Fox, Teresa Hackney and

Jocelyn Cook for their help and support.

I also want to thank the AASPI Consortium sponsors, all the student members

at the AASPI consortium and my fellow graduate students at the ConocoPhillips

School of Geology and Geophysics for their help and support. I also like to thank my

friends: Roderick, Ben, Alfredo, Toan, Oswaldo, Brad, and Araceli at who helped me

in various ways in my research. I would also like to thank my close friends Avinash

who has been here since I came to OU, helped me in different ways and is my very

good partner for computer games. I also like to thank Sumit for his bhokali help in

various ways. I would like to acknowledge the support of some of my other friends

Supratikda, Nabanitadi and Bijit.

I will not be able to express in few words how the love, affections and support

of my ma and baba. Constant prayer and never-ending love of ma for me helped me to

get success in my life.

I would also like to thank deeply my love Tora for staying beside me and have

faith in me always. We had several ups and downs in our relationship, however we

endured everything together and hopefully we will be together in the coming years.

Her sweet smile and love gives me constant encouragement for my works.

I also want to express my love to all my family members, Tintin, bhaiti,

chotomoni, bondhu, puchke, bonti, mejomoni and meso for their everyday wish, love

and blessings of dadubati and thama, that made me succeed and feel that I am never

alone. Finally, I would like to thank my late dida without whose love and blessings I

think I would not have progressed so far in my life.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................... iv

LISTS OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... xi

LISTS OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................. xxxii

CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................... 1

MOTIVATION AND OBJECTIVE ......................................................................... 1

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................... 5

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 5

DISSERTATION STRUCTURE ............................................................................. 6

CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................... 10

Application of 3D clustering analysis for deep marine seismic facies

classification – an example from deep water northern Gulf of Mexico ..................... 10

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ 10

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 12

The Kohonen Self-Organizing Map ....................................................................... 14

SOM Clustering Analysis ....................................................................................... 15

APPLICATION ...................................................................................................... 19

Application of SOM on synthetic data ................................................................... 19

Application of SOM to generate 3D seismic facies volume ................................... 20

SOM on a 3D seismic dataset from the Northern Gulf of Mexico ......................... 22

DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................................... 23

CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 27

ACKOWLEDGEMENTS....................................................................................... 29

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ 30

RFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 43

CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................... 46

Characterizing a Mississippian Tripolitic Chert Reservoir using 3D

Unsupervised and Supervised Multi-attribute Seismic Facies Analysis: An

example from Osage County, Oklahoma ...................................................................... 46

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ 46

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 47

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 51

Kohonen SOM Clustering Analysis ....................................................................... 52

APPLICATION ...................................................................................................... 56

The Mississippi “Lime” – Tight Limestone, Tight layered Chert and lime, Porous
Tripolite, and Fractured chert ................................................................................. 56

Multiattribute seismic Facies Analysis ................................................................... 58

Attribute Selection and Unsupervised Classification ............................................. 59

Structural Attributes ................................................................................................ 59

Texture Attributes ................................................................................................... 60

Supervised Classification ........................................................................................ 61

DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................................... 63

CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 66
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ 68

CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................... 87

Seismic facies classification of unconventional reservoirs using Generative

Topographic Mapping .................................................................................................... 87

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ 87

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 88

The GTM Algorithm ............................................................................................... 89

GTM Theory ........................................................................................................... 91

Data Visualization in GTM..................................................................................... 96

Summary of the GTM workflow for facies classification ...................................... 97

APPLICATIONS .................................................................................................... 99

GTM example 1: a reservoir engineering application ............................................ 99

GTM example 2: Probabilistic Multi-attribute seismic facies analysis of the Barnett

Shale from the Fort Worth Basin .......................................................................... 104

GTM Workflow for Seismic Facies Estimation ................................................... 105

Discussions of Seismic Facies Analysis on Barnett Shale ................................... 107

CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 111

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. 113

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 131

CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................................................. 133

Mulitattribute Generative Topographic Mapping for facies estimation of a

carbonate wash, Veracruz Basin, Southern Mexico .................................................. 133

ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................... 133

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 134

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 136

The GTM Algorithm ............................................................................................. 136

GTM Initialization and Parameter Selection ........................................................ 137

GTM cluster visualization .................................................................................... 138

Summary of the GTM workflow .......................................................................... 139

APPLICATION .................................................................................................... 141

Geological setting of Veracruz Basin ................................................................... 141

GTM workflow for multi-attribute seismic facies classification .......................... 142

Unsupervised facies model of the EOC-10 and EOC-30 reservoir units ............. 144

Correlating the production data with the seismic facies the facies model ............ 146

Supervised GTM Classification based on Bhattacharya measure ........................ 147

DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 150

CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 152

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. 154

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 171

CHAPTER 7 .................................................................................................................. 175

CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 175

RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 179

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 182

APPENDIX 1: Geometrical attribute Workflow GUI .......................................... 182

APPENDIX 2: 2D Kohonen SOM GUI ............................................................... 188

APPENDIX 3: 3D Multi-attribute Kohonen SOM GUI....................................... 195

APPENDIX 4: Probabilistic 3D seismic facies classification GTM GUI ............ 204


Table 1. Summary of 3D attribute assisted cluster analysis for deep-water

deposits ........................................................................................................................ 24

Table 2. Best Choice of Attributes .......................................................................... 181


Figure 3.1. (A) A plot of samples corresponding to three normal Gaussian

distributions with the same standard deviation but different means. The red plus signs
represents the original data points and the blue dots the Prototype Vectors in 3D; (B)
the initial PVs with the same dimensionality as the input is plotted in the latent space
by Principal Component Analysis. ............................................................................... 30

Figure 3.2. Analogy of classification of different fruits illustrating unsupervised SOM

clustering analysis. (a) The unorganized fruits before training; (b) Clustering of the
fruits after training using three attributes (color, aspect ratio and Vitamin C content of
the individual fruits). .................................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.3. 2D map of the PVs in latent space (A) before and (B) after the training.
Around the “Winner PV” the larger green circle represents a neighborhood at an early
iteration while the smaller green circle represents a neighborhood at a later iteration.
After the training the PVs form three clusters, thus classifying the three different types
of input data properly. .................................................................................................. 32

Figure 3.4. Interpreter-driven clustering by mapping a 2D latent space against a 2D

colorbar. (A) PVs in the 2D latent space before assigning colors, (B) colored by the
2D HSV color table using the Equations 5 and 6 for Hue and Saturation. .................. 32

Figure 3.5. A synthetic data volume 30ms (16 – 2ms samples) having four different
waveforms consisting of 50 inlines by 26 crosslines. Noise level is 0.1 of the RMS
amplitude of the signal. (A) Map view and (B) Vertical slice along line QQ’. (C) The
four noise-free waveforms used to generate the synthetic volume. ............................. 33

Figure 3.6. (A) Initial set of PVs. (B) Training and HSV coloring of the projected
Prototype Vectors (PVs) in latent space. Although more than 300 prototype vectors
were used, the resulting facies map clusters into four different colors corresponding to
the four different waveforms in the input dataset. Arrows indicate the location of each
of the noise-free synthetic waveforms A, B, C, and D. Almost all of the clusters fall on
top of each other. Scatter away from the clusters such as the dark blue ‘cluster’ are
associated with stretch in the latent space. After clustering, the PVs are colored with
the HSV colorscale (left) described by Equations 5 and 6........................................... 34

Figure 3.7. (A) The seismic facies map showing four different colors corresponding to
the four different waveforms that constitute the synthetic dataset. (B) The waveforms
are superposed on the 2D colormap showing the color assignment to the different
waveforms. (C) These four different waveforms are explicitly shown with
corresponding colors assigned to it. Note the transitional waveforms along the
boundaries which do not represent any data, but provide a continuum in the latent
space. Rather than choosing the final number of clusters (in this case, four) as
described by Matos et al. (2007), we simply let the interpreter visually cluster
according to their color perception (Matos et al, 2009). .............................................. 35

Figure 3.8. (A) The location of the study area within the northern salt minibasin
province of Gulf of Mexico (Okuma et al, 2000). (B) Regional sedimentary fairway
map with the survey location. (C) Some of the deepwater depositional features
highlighted from Posamentier et al, 2003. ................................................................... 36

Figure 3.9. An arbitrary seismic section across the survey showing the different zones
(identified by Ferrero, 2007) used for analysis with the SOM clustering. Zone 1 has
Mass transport complex (MTC) flow-A. A more chaotic MTC flow-B is in zone 2. A
Basin floor fan sequence is highlighted in the zone 3. Zone 4 is also a regional MTC
with some submarine channel complex visible............................................................ 37

Figure 3.10. An arbitrary unsupervised seismic facies section co-rendered with the
seismic amplitude section across AA’. The four zones are analyzed independently.
The MTC flow in the zone 1 is more continuous (blue facies). The zone 2 consists of
chaotic MTC (magenta), shale (yellowish green) and buried sand bodies (dark blue
facies). Zone 3 is a basin floor sequence formed by a complex set of distributaries.
Zone 4 is another regional MTC with some submarine channel complex visible in the
north east corner of the survey. .................................................................................... 38

Figure 3.11. Unsupervised seismic facies horizon probe showing different stratal
slices in the four different zones starting from the lowest sequence. In the below
corner the location of the stratal slice is marked on the vertical section. (A) The strata
in zone 1 showing a relatively continuous Flow-A (blue facies) from north east of
debris and MTC being encroached by a more chaotic flow-B (magenta) in the north
and south. The flow-B is more erosive in nature and is more related to slope failure to
salt tectonics. (B) The strata in zone 2 within the chaotic MTC flow-B. The chaotic
nature of the MTC can be seen in this zone. (C) The chaotic MTC in zone 2 caused
due to slope failure and salt tectonics have eroded large sand bodies within itself as
shown by the dark blue colored facies. With their confined nature and high seismic
amplitude these sand bodies may have hydrocarbon charged. (D) Higher up in the
zone there is relatively some less chaotic MTC flow. (E) In the zone 3 the basin floor
fan sequence can be properly visualized from this facies volume. The strata shows a
complex set of distributaries and basin fans in the west (blue facies) with pale green
background of pelagic shale. (F) Moving up in the zone 3 the later deposited basin
floor fan sequence and other set of distributaries are interpreted in the east. .............. 40

Figure 3.12. The zone 4 forms another MTC complex but is more regional in nature.
A younger feeder channel in the north east corner can be easily interpreted in this
strata from the unsupervised classified volume. AA’ is a vertical section of the
unsupervised volume overlayed on the seismic amplitude. The feeder distributary
channel complex is highlighted in this vertical section with a blue arrow. ................. 41

Figure 3.13. Extracting geobodies from the unsupervised classified volume. Although
coloring of the unsupervised classified volume was done in the SOM grid space using
a 2D colorbar, the coloring in most of the interpretation software is done by a 1D
colorscale. Modifying the transparency we can highlight certain seismic facies. The
blue facies from the Figure 3.11E showing mostly the BFF and other similar
depositional seismic facies. (A) The blue facies is made opaque and the rest
transparent in the 1D colorbar shown below. (B) With this single colored facies an
automatic geobody extraction is done to create different geobodies which can be
quantified as highlighted in the table. .......................................................................... 42

Figure 4.1. Kohonen Self-organizing maps training algorithm and 2D gradational

HSV coloring. (a) Three distinct Gaussian distribution with same standard deviations
but different means (blue circles). To begin with we choose a representation of the
data-vectors (called the prototype vectors) having same three dimensions as the data-
vectors. A PV in the input space (black dots in (a)) is assigned to each grid point in the
2D SOM grid space. (b) The initial projections of the PVs in the 2D SOM grid space.
(c) Final projection of the trained PVs in the 2D SOM grid space forming three classes
as present in the input dataset. The trained PVs are plotted in the 3D data-space (black
dots). (d) A 2D gradational HSV color scaling of the trained PVs are done for better
visualization (after Matos, 2009). ................................................................................ 68

Figure 4.2. Workflow for the unsupervised SOM classification of the multi-attribute
dataset. .......................................................................................................................... 69

Figure 4.3. (a) The general stratigraphic column with the Mississippian tripolitic chert
interval is present at the unconformity between the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian
age. (b) The location of the seismic survey from Osage County, Oklahoma, within the
Cherokee Platform province. The Cherokee Platform is bounded on the west by the
Nemaha Uplift and to the east by the Ozark Uplift. Matson (2013) subdivides the
Mississippian in this study area into the tight St. Joe limestone, and the Osage A and
Osage B levels. ............................................................................................................. 70

Figure 4.4. Two different models for the diagenesis the Mississippian Chert
developed from weathered and/or eroded limestone (after Rogers, 2001 using
nomenclature of Matson, 2013). In the reef model the chert formation at the reef
margin. In the Breccia model the chert forms as sub-aerially exposed breccia deposits.
(a) Stage-one for both the settings is the silica replacement of calcite in a submarine
environment. The siliceous limestone and the layered chert and limestone
(corresponding to Osage B formation) are formed in this environment. (b): Stage-two
digenesis is a result of erosion and uplift, infiltration by meteoric water. This results in
flushing of the rock and dissolution of the remaining calcite by low-pH fluid and
absence of no new silica precipitation. This results in moldic porosity and vuggy
porosity (yellow arrows) that is common in the low-density high-porosity tripolitic
chert (corresponding to Osage A). ............................................................................... 72

Figure 4.5. Structural attributes used in unsupervised analysis (workflow 1). (a)
Coherent energy, (b) Coherence, (c) dip magnitude and (d) reflector convergence.
Blue arrows indicate discontinuities and structural features that will form their own
clusters in Figure 4.6. ................................................................................................... 73

Figure 4.6. (a) The result of multi-attribute unsupervised seismic facies classification
(workflow 1) within the Mississippi lime using the four “structural” attribute volumes
shown in Figure 4.5 as input. (b) The projections of the 256 prototype vectors
(clusters) plotted in the 2D SOM grid space clump into four main clusters
magenta/dark pink, red/orange, yellow/green or cyan in color. The blue cluster is one
of the outliers. A posteriori analysis from the borehole image log and fracture density
diagram of Well A shows magenta or dark pink color correlate to the tight limestone
facies (St. Joe Limestone) (indicated by the magenta arrows) while orange and red
correlate to the dense layered chert and limestone facies (Osage B) (indicated by the
red arrows). Similar a posteriori analysis from Well B shows that light green and
yellow correlate to tripolitic chert facies (Osage A) (indicated by the yellow arrow).
The forth cluster blue and cyan correlates to areas of low coherence and high dip
magnitude, which we interpret to be areas of faults, fractures and karst (blue arrows as
in Figure 4.5). ............................................................................................................... 74

Figure 4.7. The input attribute volumes used in workflow 2: (a) coherent energy, (b)
spectral bandwidth, (c) GLCM energy, (d) The GLCM entropy, and (e) GLCM
homogeneity. Our implementation of GLCM measures lateral variations of reflectivity
along structure. In contrast we use bandwidth over spectral attributes to measure the
vertical variations in texture. The GLCM energy is a measure of the GLCM matrix
energy, not the square of the seismic amplitude. GLCM energy increases if amplitude
values repeat (e.g. as a homogeneous, striped, or checkerboard pattern). GLCM
entropy is high if the amplitude values are random. GLCM homogeneity is high if
amplitude values are smoothly varying........................................................................ 75

Figure 4.8. The result of multi-attribute unsupervised seismic facies classification
from workflow 2 within the Mississippian lime zone using the “texture” attribute
volumes shown in Figure 4.7. (b) The projections of the 256 prototype vectors
(clusters) plotted in the 2D SOM grid space clump into mainly into four different
clusters. The dark red/brown projection of the PV (as an outlier) forms the fifth facies
type. A posteriori analysis from the borehole image log and fracture density diagram
of Well A shows dark red and brown correlate to the tight cherty St. Joe’s limestone
facies (indicated by the brown arrows) while light pink and violet correlate to the
layered chert and lime facies (Osage B formation) (indicated by the pink arrows).
Similar a posteriori analysis from Well B shows that light green and yellow correlate
to tripolitic chert facies (Osage A formation) (indicated by the yellow arrow). .......... 76

Figure 4.9. Subvolumes used to extract three average data-vectors, which will be used
in supervised multi-attribute seismic facies classification. The three sub-volumes have
been chosen on the basis of the image log interpretation from White (2013). Hot colors
indicate high fracture densities based on the two wells. (a) Two sub-volumes are
considered around Well A. The blue-violet Facies 1 corresponds to the tight/non-
porous limestone (St Joe’s Limestone). The yellow Facies 2 corresponds to the
fractured dense chert (Osage B). (b) The sub-volume considered around Well B. The
light green facies 3 corresponds to tripolitic chert facies and the region having the
highest fracture density (Osage A). (c) Map view of the location of the two wells in
the survey. .................................................................................................................... 77

Figure 4.10. The three average waveforms extracted from the three sub-volumes
around the wells with the images of the borehole image logs for each of the facies
type. (a) The borehole image log of Well A corresponds to the tight St. Joe limestone
formation. The corresponding facies type is defined to be Facies-1 (violet color) (b)
The borehole image log within the Osage B formation shows many natural fractures
and interbeded chert and lime. The corresponding facies type is defined to be Facies-2
(yellow color). The average data-vectors selected from the Well A have similar
patterns with high coherent energy, high energy and high GLCM homogeneity, narrow
bandwidth and low GLCM entropy. However, the amplitude values of the attributes
are less in Facies-2 indicating that this facies is fractured and layered chert not as tight
and dense as the Facies 1. (c) The image log shows the presence of low density
diagenetically altered tripolitic chert (corresponding to the Osage A formation). The
average multi-attribute data-vectors selected from the Well B (Facies 3) has low
coherent energy, spectral amplitude, GLCM homogeneity and GLCM energy values
and high GLCM entropy value, which is a seismic signature of the low density, high
porous tripolitic chert. .................................................................................................. 79

Figure 4.11. The multi-attribute supervised seismic facies volume, with the facies
defined in Figure 4.10. The violet seismic facies (Facies-1) corresponds to the tight St.
Joe’s limestone, the yellow seismic facies (Facies 2) corresponds to fractured chert
with interbeded chert and lime regions and the green seismic facies (Facies 3)
corresponds to the tripolitic chert rich zones. The facies, which are not similar to these
three facies, are color-coded gray. ............................................................................... 80

Figure 4.12. The results of post-stack P-impedance inversion. (a) The less dense
highly porous tripolitic chert regions have low impedance (red and yellow colors). The
green areas correspond to the fractured or layered dense chert and lime regions. The
high impedance regions (cyan-blue violet) correspond to the dense chert and cherty
limestone. This result when compared with unsupervised seismic facies analysis
workflow 2 shows that the dense limestone and chert rich zones correspond to high
impedance regions and the low impedance corresponds to the tripolitic chert rich
areas. Similarly, for the fractured layered chert and lime corresponds to the regions
with medium to low impedance. (b) The P-impedance volume is co-rendered with the
positive principal curvature k1. When compared with the multi-attribute analysis with
the structural attributes (workflow 1) it shows similar discontinuities/fractures, faults
and karst features accompanied with the different chert facies. .................................. 81

Figure 5.1. Non-linear mapping of the latent space to the data space. The prior
distribution consists of latent space variables ordered on a regular grid (blue circles)
residing in an L-dimensional latent space. In this figure L=2. consists of a regular
array of J non-linear basis functions. With the linear combination of these basis
functions the latent space (blue circles) are mapped to the data-space (blue spheres)
where they form a 2D non-Euclidean manifold, S, such that each node uk is mapped to
a corresponding vector mk in data-space ................................................................... 113

Figure 5.2. Generating Gaussian probability density functions (PDF) to represent the
data vectors. The Gaussians are centered about mk lying in the 2D non-Euclidean
manifold S. In general vectors are scattered about S. We assume the misfit represented
by a suite of PDFs. Specially we assume an isotropic Gaussian noise distribution
centered at mk and having a variance of 1/β (equation 3), defines each data-vector xn.
The final probability density function in the data space is obtained by integrating the
Gaussian PDFs for all mk where k=1, 2, ….K grid points, where P(k) is the prior
distribution at each node in the latent space............................................................... 114
Figure 5.3. Workflow for data visualization in GTM. After training the new estimated
parameters Wnew and βnew, the new posterior probabilities representing the data-
vectors can be obtained using Bayes’ theorem and is given by .
These posterior distribution “responsibility” values can be plotted for all the grid
points, in the 2D latent space. The mean location will assign the value
to be the weighted average of the posterior distribution values and will in general fall
between neighboring values of . The mode will assign the value to be
the location of the greatest posterior distribution value in the 2D latent space and will
always correspond to a discrete gridded value of . ................................................ 115

Figure 5.4. The flow chart for generative topographic mapping workflow. ............. 116

Figure 5.5. The Well Locations for the unconventional shale play of an area roughly
1000 km2. Colors correlate to scaled EUR ranging between 0 and 1. 137 wells are used
to train and eight wells used to validate the GTM. In general the reservoir properties of
the shale are laterally smoothly varying. However near the center of the survey note
the proximity of high- and low-EUR wells. We attribute these variations to difference
in completion practices, including stimulations of geohazard. .................................. 116

Figure 5.6. The mean posterior distribution map of the “responsibilities” of the data in
the 2D Latent space. The mean location of a data-vector is the weighted average of the
posterior distribution values and will in general fall in between neighboring values of
. (a) Initial and (b) final distribution of the posterior mean projections of all 137
well data onto the latent space after 100 iterations. (c) The PDF of a representative
well vector projected onto the latent space. While only the mean value is plotted in (a)
and (b), the full distribution can be used to better quantify risk. The plot is color-coded
by the scaled EURs. Note the two different clusters corresponding to the good (red)
and the bad EURs (blue) in the final mean distribution map. .................................... 117

Figure 5.7. The same GTM classification shown in Figure 6, but now using the mode
of the posterior probability projections of the data. (a) Initial and (b) final distribution
of the posterior mode projections of all 137 well data onto the latent space after 100
iterations. (c) The data-vectors are projected onto the most likely grid points (grid
points with the most posterior probability value) and will always correspond to a
discrete gridded value of . Note that in this mode projection the posterior
probability values are assigned only to the grid locations. The plot is color-coded from
low to high EUR values. The latent space shows a more orderly separation between
the good, moderate and the bad EURs for the final iteration in the mode distribution
map. ............................................................................................................................ 118

Figure 5.8. (a) Some of the wells from the mean posterior probability distribution map
are analyzed as highlighted. The upper corner corresponds to wells with high EUR and
the bottom corner corresponds to wells with low EUR. (b) The 15 normalized well
parameters for each of the two set of wells are averaged and are plotted forming two
sets of averaged data-vectors. The red corresponds to the average data-vector for wells
with good EURs and blue is the average data-vector for wells with low EURs. Note
that mostly the well parameters differ radically for the two cases. The wells with good
EURs have higher proppant, sand volume, less cluster spacing, higher fracture stages,
more perforations, and higher porosity, whereas the wells with bad EURs have
opposite characters (highlighted with arrows). .......................................................... 119

Figure 5.9. EUR prediction through GTM modeling. (a) The posterior probability of
the data-vector from the nth well. (b) The EUR for the nth well, En is multiplied with
the posterior projection values onto 2D latent space in (a). The result gives an EUR
map for 1 well (Figure 5.9b). Then, we can formulate a weighted sum of the EUR at
each grid point k in the latent space for all the wells (given by Equation 9) and form
the EUR “map” over the latent space. Note the high correlation of the latent space
with the EURs. (b) Plot showing the predicted EUR from the EUR property map in (a)
vs. the true EUR for the 8 validation wells not used in training the GTM. The least
square fit shows and excellent correlation. ................................................................ 120
Figure 5.10. (a) The map of Texas highlighting the Ft. Worth basin and other major
basins and uplifts. The Ft. Worth basin is bounded by the Muenster Arch to the
northeast, the Ouachita Thrust Front to the east, the Bend Arch to the west, the Red
River Arch to the north, and the Llano Uplift to the south. (b) Stratigraphic section
including the gamma ray and resistivity logs showing the major units. The Barnett
Shale sits on an angular unconformity above the Cambrian to upper-Ordovician-age
carbonates of the Ellenburger Group and Viola Formation and is overlain by the
Pennsylvanian-age Marble Falls Limestone, and is divided into Upper and Lower units
by the Forestburg Limestone (c) Cross-section of the stratigraphy of Ft. Worth basin
from Montgomery et al. (2005). ................................................................................. 121

Figure 5.11. 2D histogram obtained by cross-plotting the mu-rho vs. lambda-rho

volumes. The cross-plot shows a single cluster for (a) the Upper Barnett Shale (b)
Lower Barnett Shale. A small cluster (marked with an arrow) at the edge of the two
plots corresponds to a no permit zone of the data. ..................................................... 122

Figure 5.12. QC of the GTM analysis after performing 100 iterations. (a) The plot of
the inverse variance (β), stabilizing as the number of iterations increases. (b) A 2D
histogram of the mean projections of posterior probability of the dataset defined above
and below by the Lower Marble Falls and the Viola limestone respectively. ........... 123

Figure 5.13. Well-probes for Well A generated by cross-plotting the two GTM
projection volumes. (a) The 2D histogram generated from the cross-plot of the two
GTM projection volumes. (b) Eight user-defined polygons drawn around the clusters
seen in (a). (c) Well-probe data colored by the clusters selected in (b). The Upper
Barnett, the Lower Barnett exhibit a different cluster composition and are in turn
different from the intervening Forestburg Limestone (in gray). (d) The microseismic
events from this well are plotted along with the well-probe. Note the microseismic
events are more localized in the red and light green facies and misses the brown facies,
thus the red and light green facies are interpreted as brittle and brown facies to be
ductile. The results are consistent with the 2nd order brittle-ductile couplets proposed
by Slatt et al, (2011). .................................................................................................. 124

Figure 5.14. Well-probes generated for a suite of horizontal wells B1, B2, B3, and B4,
generated cross-plotting the two GTM projection volumes. (a) The 2D histogram
generated from the cross-plot of the two GTM projection volumes. (b) Nine user-
defined polygons drawn about clusters seen in (a). (c) The well-probe data colored by
the nine clusters. The Forestburg Limestone appears as gray and divides the Upper
Barnett from the Lower Barnett Shale. (d) The microseismic events from these wells
are plotted along with the well-probe. Similar to Well A the microseismic events are
more localized in the red, pink, and the light green facies and are interpreted as brittle
facies and the brown facies has less microseismic events and are interpreted as ductile
facies. Here also the results are consistent with the 2nd order brittle-ductile couplets
(Slatt et al., 2011). ...................................................................................................... 125

Figure 5.15. (a) Four different zones within the Barnett Shale selected using a gamma
ray log from a well within the survey. The corresponding 2D histograms of the mean
posterior probability projections for (b) the Upper Barnett (zone B), (c) the top of the
Lower Barnett (zone C), (d) the middle of the Lower Barnett (zone D) and (e) the
bottom of the Lower Barnett Shale (zone E) are shown. ........................................... 126

Figure 5.16. (a) 2d histogram of zone B defined above and below by stratal slices
corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are
created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)
The facies volume probe of the Upper Barnett Shale zone B visualized along with the
well-probes. The seismic dataset is colored accordingly to the clusters selected. Most
of the facies of the Upper Barnett Shale falls into the blue, cyan and the yellow
clusters........................................................................................................................ 127

Figure 5.17. (a) 2d histogram of zone C defined above and below by stratal slices
corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are
created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)
The facies volume probe of top section of the Lower Barnett Shale zone C visualized
along with the well-probes. The seismic dataset is colored accordingly to these clusters
selected. The yellow and blue facies is common in the Upper Barnett Shale is also
found abundantly in this zone. ................................................................................... 128

Figure 5.18. (a) 2d histogram of zone D defined above and below by stratal slices
corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are
created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)
The facies volume probe of middle section of the Lower Barnett Shale zone D
visualized along with the well-probes with the colors selected according to the clusters
in (b). Note that this zone has least similarity to the Upper Barnett Shale. With more of
the microseismic events concentrated in the pink, light green and red facies as seen in
the well-probes, and the dominance of siliceous non-calcareous shale lithofacies
(Singh, 2008), this zone 3 is interpreted as brittle with results consistent with Perez
(2013). ........................................................................................................................ 129

Figure 5.19. (a) 2d histogram of zone E defined above and below by stratal slices
corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are
created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)
The facies volume probe of bottom section of the Lower Barnett Shale zone E
visualized along with the well-probes with the colors selected according to the clusters
in (b). This zone corresponds to the hot gamma ray zone (Pollastro et al., 2007). Six
clusters are also identified from the mean posterior probability projections (in the top
inset) are polygons are drawn and are colored consistent with the well-probes. With
very few of the microseismic events in the brown colored facies we interpret from
(Singh, 2008 and Perez 2013) the brown colored rock to be ductile and high in TOC
content. The pink, light green and red facies are the regions with brittle shale. ........ 130

Figure 6.1. Non-linear mapping of the latent space to the data space. The prior
distribution consists of latent space variables (K) ordered on a regular grid (blue
circles) residing in an 2-dimensional latent space. consists of a regular array of J
non-linear basis functions. With the linear combination of these basis functions the
latent space (blue circles) are mapped to the data-space (blue spheres) where they form
a 2D non-Euclidean manifold, S, such that each node uk is mapped to a corresponding
vector mk in data-space. In general data-vectors are scattered about S. Specially we
assume an isotropic Gaussian noise distribution centered at mk and having a variance
of 1/β. The final probability density function in the data space is obtained by
integrating the Gaussian PDFs for all mk where k=1, 2, ….K grid points. ................ 154

Figure 6.2. Workflow for data visualization in GTM. After training the new estimated
parameters Wnew and βnew, the new posterior probabilities representing the data-
vectors can be obtained using Bayes’ theorem and is given by .
These posterior distribution “responsibility” values can be plotted for all the grid
points, in the 2D latent space. The mean location will assign the value
to be the weighted average of the posterior distribution values and will in general fall
between neighboring values of . The mode will assign the value to be
the location of the greatest posterior distribution value in the 2D latent space and will
always correspond to a discrete gridded value of . ................................................ 155

Figure 6.3. The flow chart for generative topographic mapping workflow. ............. 156

Figure 6.4. (a) Detail of the Veracruz Basin showing its boundaries and its two
geological subdivisions: The Plataforma de Córdoba, which is the buried tectonic front
of the Sierra de Zongolica, and the Veracruz Tertiary Basin. The field of study
(indicated by the red arrow) is located in the western margin of the buried tectonic
front in Upper and Middle Eocene age Tertiary sediments. (Map courtesy of PEMEX
E&P based on previous work by Prost and Aranda, 2001; Romero, 2012). (b)
Structural cross section through the field. EOC–10 and EOC–20 produce in the
western portion of the structure; EOC–40 is water bearing and is distributed over the
western portion of the anticline; EOC–30 and EOC–50 produce in the eastern flank
(Hernández-Martínez, 2009). EOC-10 and EOC-30 are the reservoir units, which we
analyzed through GTM clustering. (Image is courtesy of PEMEX E & P). .............. 157

Figure 6.5. 2D histogram plot generated from cross-plotting the different volumes
taken as input to GTM of the EOC-30 zone. (a) Cross-plot from seismic volumes
Vp/Vs vs. P-impedance. (b) Cross-plot from seismic: Mu-Rho vs. Lambda –Rho. Note
that the crossplot generated forms a single cluster and does not help in distinguishing
different facies ............................................................................................................ 158

Figure 6.6. QC of the GTM analysis after performing 50 iterations. (a) The plot of the
inverse variance (β), stabilizing as the number of iterations increases. (b) A 2D
histogram of the mean projections of posterior probability of the dataset within the
reservoir zone between EOC-50 and EOC-5 (from Figure 6.4b). ............................. 158

Figure 6.7. The 2D cross- plot of the mean posterior distribution map of the
“responsibilities” of the data onto the 2D Latent space for the reservoir units EOC-30
and EOC-10. The cross plot is generated by cross plotting to GTM projection
volumes. (a) The projection of the mean “responsibilities” of EOC-30 unit. The 2D
histogram is on the right and the scatter crossplot is on the left. Seven clusters are
visible on the latent pace corresponding to the high-density points. These clusters are
delineated by polygons with different colors and in the subsequent figure will help to
visualize the different classes in the seismic data. (b) The projection of the mean
“responsibilities” of EOC-10 unit. The mineralogy content and porosity distribution
for the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units being similar the clusters for both
these reservoir units lie on the same location in the 2D latent space. They are also
color-coded similarly since both reservoir units have similar rock type. (c) Regional
conceptual sedimentary model (Courtesy of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) E & P.
Hernández-Martínez, 2009) ....................................................................................... 159

Figure 6.8. Generating the seismic facies volume (geobodies) from GTM clustering
within the reservoir units EOC-10 and EOC-30, considering the input seismic volumes
- lambda-rho (λρ) vs. mu-rho (μρ) and P-wave impedance (Zp) vs. Vp to Vs ratio
(Vp/Vs). Different polygons around classes signify rock types for reservoir units (a)
EOC-10 and (b) EOC-30. Seven different facies class have been identified from the
clusters in the latent space and are delineated by polygons of different colors. (c) The
horizon probe generated for the EOC -10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units after the
unsupervised GTM analysis. The white arrows highlight the faults. The most abundant
facies are the orange facies. ....................................................................................... 160

Figure 6.9. Horizon phantom slice 10ms below the top of EOC-10 and the EOC-30
reservoir units, through (a) clay volume, (b) effective porosity predicted from
supervised probabilistic neural networks (PNN), and (c) unsupervised seismic facies
volume from GTM for the of EOC-10 reservoir unit. (d) The clay volume and (e)
effective porosity predicted from supervised probabilistic neural network (PNN), and
(f) seismic facies volume from GTM of EOC-30 reservoir unit. ............................... 161

Figure 6.10. (a) The GTM seismic facies volume with the well locations for the EOC-
10 reservoir unit. The red wells are the producing wells and the blue the injector well.
The well X is a dry well and falls within the brown facies region. These brown colored
faces are probably bad reservoir quality rocks making X a dry well. In this unit also
the wells are located at the structural highs. Most of the producing wells are along the
greyish-green and light green facies. Correlating with the clay volume the pink-purple
colored facies corresponds to the high clay content facies from. (b) Map view of the
top of the EOC-10 reservoir unit. The pie charts at the well locations show the average
production of the well for a seven-month period. In the pie chart green is for oil, red
for gas and blue for water. Structural high is in the North. The green facies in the north
are good producers (Wells J and I). Well H in orange facies is a moderate producer.
Well G in the west lies in the structural low making it a moderate producer. In the
south the well K lying in the light green facies is the most productive whereas the
wells in the greyish facies are moderate-low producers. Note the pink and purple
facies correlates with clay-rich areas. ........................................................................ 162

Figure 6.11. (a) The GTM seismic facies volume with the well locations for the EOC-
30 reservoir unit. The red wells are the producing wells and the blue the injector well.
The wells are mostly situated at the structural highs. The most abundant rock type
within this zone is the one with the orange color. Comparing with the well information
and with the clay and effective porosity volumes from probabilistic neural network
(PNN) these corresponds to the conglomerate sandstones with moderate porosity. The
brown and pink color facies are mostly along the faults and probably shows the
depositions close to normal faults along hanging walls. These regions also correspond
low porosity and relatively rich in clay. The dark green corresponds the highest
impedance regions, with moderate effective porosity, which is interpreted as the hard
conglomerate deposits having least clay content. (b) The map view of the top of the
EOC-30 reservoir unit. The pie charts at the well locations show the average
production of the well for a seven-month period. In the pie chart green is for oil, red
for gas and blue for water. Structural high is in the North. Wells A, B, C, D and E are
low-moderate producing wells. Thus the orange rock is a moderate quality reservoir
rock with moderate production. The water productivity increases as we go south (wells
E and F). The well F is having the largest production in terms of both oil and water is
situated in the mixed grey/light green and pink facies. The grey/light green facies are
better reservoir quality rocks. ..................................................................................... 164

Figure 6.12. A schematic representation of the supervised GTM analysis workflow:

(a) The PDF representing a data vector computed from the seismic attributes about any
well. (b) The PDF of a data vector corresponding to voxel n in the seismic attribute
volume. (c) The joint PDF of the average well data vector and the data vector.
Bhattacharya measure is the measure of the similarity (overlap) between the two
PDFs. .......................................................................................................................... 166

Figure 6.13. The average of the data-vectors calculated from a sub-volume (displayed
as small cubes) around the each well location. Each input attribute has been previously
normalized using a Z-score algorithm. These three average (target) vector around the
wells are used to train the GTM, resulting in a supervised analysis. ......................... 167
Figure 6.14. The results of the most likely occurrence of the seismic facies
corresponding to dry well X within the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units. The
regions, which are most similar to Well X facies appears as hot colors. The least
similar regions appear in cold colors. Note the occurrence of Well X Facies is
confined mostly along the faults and around Well X. ................................................ 168

Figure 6.15. A geobody within the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units which
shows the most likely occurrence of the facies type corresponding to good producer
well K. The regions, which are most similar to the facies type at Well K, appear in hot
colors. The least similar regions appears in cold colors. Note that this facies is not so
abundant in the reservoir units and the likelihood of occurrence ranges from 40-70%.
.................................................................................................................................... 169

Figure 6.16. A geobody within the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units which
shows the most likely occurrence of the facies type corresponding to moderate
producer well E. The regions, which are most similar to the facies type at Well E,
appear as hot colors and the least similar regions appear as cold colors. Note that this
type of facies is very abundant in the reservoir units and the likelihood of occurrence
mostly ranges from 75-100%. .................................................................................... 170


Supervised and unsupervised seismic facies classification methods are slowly

gaining popularity in hydrocarbon exploration and production workflows.

Unsupervised clustering is data driven, unbiased by the interpreter beyond the choice

of input data and brings out the natural clusters present in the data. There are several

competing unsupervised clustering techniques, each with advantages and

disadvantages. In this dissertation, I demonstrate the use of various classification

techniques on real 3D seismic data from various depositional environments. Initially, I

use the popular unsupervised Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOMs) algorithms and

apply it to a deep-water Gulf of Mexico 3D dataset to identify various deep-water

depositional facies including basin floor fans, mass transport complexes and feeder

channels. I then extend this algorithm to characterize a heterogeneous Mississippian

Chert reservoir from Oklahoma and map the locations of the tight/non-porous chert

and limestone vs. more prospective porous tripolitic chert and fractured chert zones.

The tight chert and dense limestone can be highly fractured, giving rise to an

additional seismic facies. In both the case studies, a large number of potential classes

are fed into the SOM algorithm. These “prototype vectors” are clustered and colors are

assigned to them using a 2D gradational RGB color-scale for visual aid in


Kohonen SOM suffers from the absence of any proper convergence criterion

and rules for parameter selection. These shortcomings are addressed by the more

recent development of generative topographic mapping (GTM) algorithm. GTM is

based on a probabilistic unsupervised classification technique and “generates” a PDF

to map the data about a lower dimensional “topographic” surface residing in high

dimensional attribute space. GTM predicts not only which cluster best represents the

data, but also how well it is predicted by all other clusters. For this reason, GTM

interfaces neatly with modern risk analysis workflows. I apply the GTM technique to

classify 15 sets of horizontal well parameters in one of the recent unconventional shale

plays, correlating the results with normalized estimated ultimate recovery (EURs),

allowing an estimation of EUR based on the most relevant parameters.

I extend the GTM workflow to consider multi-attribute inversion volumes and

do seismic facies classification for a Barnett shale survey. With the aid of

microseismic data, the clusters from GTM analysis are interpreted as brittle or ductile.

I also apply the GTM technique to the P-impedance (ZP), lambda-rho (λρ), mu-rho

(μρ) and the VP/VS volumes from a Veracruz Basin survey in Southern Mexico that

was acquired over a heterogeneous conglomerate reservoir.

Finally, I introduce limited supervision into both the SOM and GTM

algorithms. The target vectors for both SOM and GTM are the average attribute vector

about the different facies identified from the well logs. This supervision introduced

user-defined clusters. In the preliminary supervision, I use multiattribute minimum

Euclidean distance measures, comparing the results with the unsupervised SOM

results. For GTM, I calculate the probability of occurrence of the well facies in the


Given the appropriate 3D seismic attribute volumes, SOM and GTM

workflows will not only accelerate seismic facies identification, but also with GTM,

quantify the identification of different petrotypes or heterogeneities present in the

reservoir zone. The final product of my dissertation is a suite of algorithms,

workflows, user interfaces and user documentation allowing others to build upon and

extend this research.



Seismic facies classification is a critical step in understanding the depositional

history and properties of a reservoir and therefore extremely useful in hydrocarbon

exploration and development. Traditionally skilled interpreters delineate seismic facies

on 2D lines by visually scanning the waveforms, frequency, amplitude, phase and

geometric relationship to their neighbors on the vertical sections, producing a 2D

output map of seismic facies. Seismic attributes provide quantitative estimates of these

properties including not only frequency, amplitude and phase, but also dip magnitude,

dip azimuth, similarity, curvature and reflector convergence. With the adoption of 3D

technology and increasing survey size, such manual techniques became extremely

time consuming. The number of seismic attributes has also increased dramatically,

providing increasingly accurate measurements of reflector morphology, but also

greatly expanding the amount of data to be analyzed.

For these reasons, considerable effort has been devoted to more efficient 3D

volume based seismic facies estimation, resulting in two types of algorithms and

workflows. In supervised seismic facies classification the interpreter provides picks or

target vectors around wells or interesting features in the seismic dataset and the dataset

is classified accordingly. In the unsupervised classification the interpreter feeds in

multi-attribute or seismic amplitude volume and the classification is data driven.

Supervised interpretation is well established in the exploration industry with

several commercial products available. However, unsupervised classification is less

mature, with external advances being pushed by applications in consumer purchasing,

public health and national security needs. This dissertation focuses on hybrid

algorithms with both unsupervised and supervised classification for seismic facies

exploration. There are several such unsupervised seismic facies analysis techniques

based on K-means clustering, principal component analysis (PCA), neural networks

and Kohonen Self-organizing Maps (SOM). K-means clustering requires a priori

knowledge of the number of clusters before classification. However with the noisy

seismic data, with their continuity and low dimensionality does not hold the perquisite

for a good K-means clustering (Coleou et al., 2003). Principal component analysis is

widely used to reduce the redundancy and excess dimension of the data. The PCA is

commonly used to reduce the data-dimensionality to make the classification more

accurate and efficient. Each of the techniques solves different objective functions to

form the classification, with each having their merits and demerits.

Kohonen SOM (Kohonen, 1982) originally developed for gene pattern

recognition, is one of the most popular classification techniques, and it has been

implemented in at least three commercial software packages for seismic facies

classification. Mathematically the major advantage SOM has over K-means

classification techniques is that the clusters in the SOM grid space are ‘topologically”

related to the input dataset through the means of an intermediate latent space. 2D and

3D SOM grid spaces can be mapped to 2D and 3D colorbars to show the data classes

(Matos 2006). I applied SOM technique on various dataset for multi-attribute


Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) is a more recent unsupervised

classification innovation, providing a probabilistic representation of the data-vectors in

the latent space (Bishop et al, 1998). There has been very little work on the application

of GTM technique to seismic data and exploration problems. Apart from general

seismic facies classification, GTM can be used to predict the probability of occurrence

of a particular seismic facies. The GTM can also be used for estimating physical

parameters such as porosity, permeability and EUR estimations from the training

parameters. For this reason, GTM not only can be used for seismic facies classification

but also applied into modern risk analysis and used in decision making.

In this dissertation, I implement and apply Kohonen SOM and GTM to real 3D

multi-attribute seismic datasets. I also introduce supervision to SOM and GTM using

well control, resulting in a hybrid algorithm that finds user-defined clusters and uses

the data alone to generate the remaining clusters.

Further, with the supervised GTM I output the probabilistic estimation of a

seismic facies which can be included in the modern risk analysis workflow.


Bishop, C. M., M. Svensen, and C. K. I. Williams, 1998, The generative topographic

mapping: Neural Computation, 10, No. 1, 215-234.

Coleou, T., M. Poupon, , and K. Azbel,, 2003, Unsupervised seismic facies

classification: A review and comparison of techniques and implementation:

The Leading Edge, v. 22, p. 942-953.

Matos, M. C., P. L. Osorio, and P. Johann, 2007, Unsupervised seismic facies analysis
using wavelet transform and self-organizing maps: Geophysics, v. 72, p. P9-

Kohonen, T. ,1982 Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps:

Biological Cybernetics, v. 43 p. 59-69.



Classification is the arrangement of a dataset according to their observed

similarities. Designing of a perfect classifier is often impossible; designing the

probability of occurrence for each category make more sense (Duda and Hart, 2001).

A seismic facies volume represents the variability in lithology, rock-properties and/or

other physical properties of the reservoir rocks, and is an important part of seismic

exploration workflow. Originally, highly skilled interpreters generated the seismic

facies map. However, with the ever-increasing 3D seismic data volumes and the

requirement to have fast and accurate results, we need to automate the process of

seismic facies classification.

K-means and PCA were some of the earliest attempts at computer assisted

seismic facies analysis. Supervised neural networks based on the back-propagation

method have been proven much more effective allowing the computer to imitate the

interpreter. The back-propagation method is a supervised classification that requires

vectors of input attributes and a suite of user defined seismic facies target vectors

(picks). Such supervised analysis in seismic add user insight and/or bias to the

classification. When the geology is unknown or when there are very few wells in a

large seismic survey, a supervised classification may reveal only a subset of the

natural classes present in the data. In this situation, unsupervised classification

techniques should be utilized.


This dissertation consists of seven chapters, including motivation/objectives

(chapter 1), introduction (chapter 2) and a conclusion (chapter 7). Chapters 3-6 are in

the form of scientific papers and have been presented at international conferences or

submitted to peer review journals.

Chapter 3 applies Kohonen SOM on a deep-water 3D seismic survey in the

northern Gulf of Mexico. The objective of the paper is to show how this unsupervised

seismic facies analysis can be used to distinguish different deep-water depositional

features including basin floor fans, mass transport complexes, debris flows and feeder

channels. Proper selection of the input seismic attribute volumes is the key to effective

classification differentiate the different depositional features. After the SOM training

is complete, the trained prototype vectors are color-coded by using a 2D gradational

colorscale. Those traces with similar seismic nature are assigned the same colors,

resulting in a 3D seismic facies volume. This chapter was published and presented in

the Gulf Coast Section SEPM Annual Convention and Exhibition in Houston in 2011.

Chapter 4 applies SOM unsupervised workflow to characterize heterogeneous

Mississippian chert reservoirs in Osage County Oklahoma. The heterogeneity in the

Mississippian cherty limestone is formed by different stages of diagenesis of the

Mississippian limestone. There are two major types of chert: tight/non-porous chert

and the highly porous tripolitic chert. The dense chert and the dense limestone facies

can be highly fractured, giving rise to two additional seismic facies. I evaluate two

workflows – one based on structural attributes (coherency, dip magnitude, reflector

convergence and coherent energy) and a second with the texture, frequency and

amplitude attributes (GLCM energy, GLCM entropy, GLCM homogeneity, spectral

bandwidth and coherent energy). A third workflow based on supervised facies

classification was also done where the facies similarity was based upon the minimum

Euclidean distance measures (MED). Three average wavelets, based on the borehole

image logs from two horizontal wells in the survey, formed the target vectors in this

supervised analysis. Further the results are compared with the post-stack P-impedance

results within the chert reservoir. The works from this chapter has been submitted to

“Interpretation” jointly published by the SEG and AAPG.

Chapter 5 is an introduction to the generative topographic mapping (GTM)

algorithm, which takes care of the limitations of the Kohonen SOM process. This is

more of a tutorial paper on GTM. In the first application GTM technique is applied to

classify 15 sets of horizontal well parameters in an unconventional shale survey,

correlating the results with normalized EURs, allowing an estimation of EUR based on

the most relevant parameters. In addition, I have re-coded GTM to handle a much
larger seismic dataset as input and generated a new workflow for unsupervised seismic

facies analysis. I have considered multiattribute seismic inversion volumes (P-

impedance, lambda-rho and mu-rho) from a Barnett shale survey as input to the GTM

algorithm. The output GTM projections volumes are cross-plotted in interpretation

software. By this method, the posterior probability values of the data are projected

onto the 2D latent space forming different clusters. These clusters are interpreted and

different user-defined lithofacies are defined. These lithofacies within the Barnett

Shale are first correlated with the microseismic events at the well locations. Based on

the concentration of the microseismic events the lithofacies are interpreted as brittle or

ductile. Four zones within the Barnett Shale formation are identified and the seismic in

each of the zones are then colored consistent with the different facies types interpreted

from the microseismic events. This study does a 3D regional mapping of the

“fracable” and ductile shale. The works from this chapter will submitted in the

“Geophysics” journal.

Chapter 6 applies the unsupervised multi-attribute GTM algorithm to a

carbonate conglomerate oil field in the Veracruz Basin of southern Mexico. The multi-

attribute analysis is done with the different seismic inversion volumes (P-impedance,

lambda-rho (μρ), mu-rho (λρ) and Vp/Vs). After GTM modeling the dataset is

projected as a mean posterior probability on a 2D latent space. Different clusters

formed in the 2D latent space are color-coded by the user to identify different seismic

facies present in the dataset. The average EURs are plotted with the unsupervised

seismic facies volume to classify the good reservoir and the bad reservoir facies. In the
next stage the average multi-attribute waveforms are calculated from three different

wells in the survey and a PDF is created for each of the three well data vector. Then

each of these three PDF is compared with all the data vectors to quantitative estimate

probability of occurrence of a well vector within the reservoir units. This study helps

to understand the reservoir compartmentalization, which will provide insight to the

variable production. The probabilistic facies distribution from supervised GTM

analysis can be used to study the geologic risk analysis related to this reservoir. The

woks from this chapter will be submitted to “Interpretation” jointly published by the


Each of the above papers is followed by the appropriate references. Chapter 7

includes my conclusions and recommendations based on my research. The appendix

includes the documentation for running geometric attribute as a batch mode, 2D SOM,

3D SOM and the GTM at the, allowing the reader to replicate my unsupervised and

supervised classification workflows using my software.


Application of 3D clustering analysis for deep marine seismic facies

classification – an example from deep water northern Gulf of Mexico

Atish Roy ^*, Marcilio M. Matos# and Kurt J. Marfurt^

^ The University of Oklahoma
#Independent Consultant


The most popular seismic attributes fall into three broad categories – those that

are sensitive to lateral changes in waveform and structure such as coherence and

curvature, those sensitive to thin bed tuning and stratigraphy, such as spectral

components, and those sensitive to lithology and fluid properties – such as AVO and

impedance inversion. We present a workflow that mimics multiattribute clustering

routinely done by human interpreters that can differentiate depositional packages

characterized by subtle changes in the stratigraphic column as well as lateral changes

in texture. The best input attributes are those that are mathematically independent and

rotationally invariant sensitive to the seismic facies of interest.

Supervised and artificial neural networks form the popular clustering algorithms

in the seismic industry. Among the artificial neural network techniques Kohonen self-

organizing maps form a popular clustering technique. The clusters in unsupervised

data analysis are defined by the data themselves, without any a priori information. In

supervised training, a subset of clusters is pre-defined by the interpreter. The input

data volumes are compared to these clusters; some are assigned to the predefined

clusters, while others form clusters outside the area of supervision. The self-

organizing map (SOM) is one of the most effective unsupervised pattern recognition

techniques, because it identifies natural clusters in the dataset and the SOM grid points

are topographically attached.

To avoid guessing at the number of clusters necessary to represent the data, We

have over-defined the number of initial clusters through the use of a large number of

“prototype vectors” (PVs), which after subsequent iterations tend to converge to the

lesser number of “natural clusters” using a Kohonen SOM neighborhood training rule.

After the training is complete the modified PVs are then color-coded by using a 2D

gradational colorscale. Those traces with similar seismic nature are assigned the same

colors, resulting in a 3D seismic facies volume. Calibration is done a posteriori by co-

rendering the colored PVs with the original seismic amplitude data, input attributes,

and well control. We apply this clustering workflow to a deep-water 3D seismic

survey in the northern Gulf of Mexico and calibrate it to a previous interpretation

made using traditional methods.


Seismic facies are groups of different seismic reflections based on the

amplitude, frequency, reflection, geometry and reflection continuity. In the past,

seismic facies mapping and classification required time-consuming manual

interpretation by a skilled interpreter. The interpreter examines successive vertical

sections through seismic volumes to determine the seismic character, which is then

correlated to a seismic facies using well data. Given large 3D seismic data volumes,

there is a need for robust automated seismic facies classification algorithms which can

help segment the large data volume into seismic facies components. Through

visualization the interpreter links different architectural elements through the

understanding of depositional processes, resulting in an integrated image of the

depositional environment and reservoir heterogeneity.

Our work is built upon that done by many others who have worked on

volumetric seismic facies mapping. Coleou et al. (2003) showed how by treating

seismic amplitude samples within a vertical analysis window as “attributes”, one could

generate a 2D map of seismic facies having similar waveforms. Each waveform was

plotted against a 1D latent space and a corresponding 1D color bar giving rise to the

popular algorithm known as “waveform classification”. A latent space is a lower-

dimensional manifold embedded in attribute space that approximately contains the

vast majority of the probability mass (Wallet et al., 2009). In an ideal situation,

virtually all the waveforms (or alteratively, suite of attributes at a given voxel) should

be mapped onto a 1D, 2D or 3D subspace. Strecker and Uden (2002) were perhaps

the first to use 2D latent spaces with geophysical data, using multidimensional

attribute volumes to form N-dimensional vectors at each voxel. Typical attributes

included envelope, bandwidth, impedance, AVO slope and intercept, dip magnitude,

and coherence. These attributes were projected onto a 2D latent space and their results

plotted against a 2D color table. Gao (2007) used GLCM texture attributes, principal

component analysis and SOM using a 1D latent space to map seismic facies offshore

Angola. Using supervised artificial neural networks rather than unsupervised

classification using SOM to cluster GLCM texture attributes, Corradi et al., (2009)

mapped sand and sealing vs. non-sealing shale facies offshore west Africa. There are

many different supervised and unsupervised clustering algorithms. K-means clustering

works well where the data are noise free and have a relatively high dimensionality

(Coleou et al, 2003). Statistically, seismic data have high continuity, and therefore a

relatively low dimensionality. Coleou et al., (2003) found that the addition of noise

further violates the assumptions of K-means clustering, at least for trace-shape


Another commonly used commercial product is based on Kohonen self-

organizing maps (SOM). Coleou et al., (2003) were among the first to apply

Kohonen’s SOMs to seismic waveform classification using a 1D latent space. More

recently Matos et al. (2009) and Roy and Marfurt (2010) built on work by Strecker

and Uden (2002) to show the advantage of extending the SOM grid space to 2D and
3D, with corresponding 2D and 3D colorbars used to delineate the subsurface

depositional environment. In this study, we show the value of automated seismic

facies classification to the study of a shallow sedimentary column within a salt

minibasin in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.

The Kohonen Self-Organizing Map

Kohonen (1982) presented his clustering and dimensionality reduction

methods as a “self-organizing process” whereby a “simple network of adaptive

physical elements” is made to resonate in a particular way with externally provided

signals (a “primary event space”) and tried to link these ideas with the functionality of

the human brain (Murtagh, 1995). This popular neural network method was initially

used in biology and computer science for data mining purposes, has since been used in

speech recognition, and automated pattern-recognition in seismic exploration.

SOM (Kohonen, 2001) clusters data such that the statistical relationship

between multidimensional data is converted into a much lower dimensional SOM grid

space that preserves the geometrical relationship among the data points.

Mathematically each SOM unit within the SOM grid space preserves the metric

relationships and topologies of the multidimensional input data. SOM prototype

vectors (PVs) or neurons have the same dimension as the input data (e.g. 12

dimensions for 12 input attribute values). These PVs are arranged in a regular low-

dimensional grid or map (2D or 3D for our work), thereby topologically connecting it
to its neighbors. By construction, SOM preserves the original topological structure

within this N-dimensional attribute space, making it amenable for seismic facies


SOM Clustering Analysis

SOM is closely related to vector quantization methods (Haykin, 1999). Initially

We assume that the input are represented by J vectors in a N-dimensional vector space

Rn, xj= [xj1, xj2, xj3 …. xjN] where N is the number of input attributes (or amplitude

samples for “waveform” classification) and j=1,2,…,J is the number of vectors

analyzed. The objective of the algorithm is to organize the dataset of input seismic

attributes into a geometric structure called the SOM. SOM consists of neurons or

prototype vectors (PVs) organized by a lower-dimension grid, usually 2D, which are

representative of the input data that lies in the same N-dimensional space as the input

seismic attributes. PVs are also termed as SOM units and typically arranged in 2D

hexagonal or rectangular structure maps that preserve the neighborhood relationship

among the PVs. In this manner PVs close to each other are associated with input

seismic attribute vectors that are similar to each other. The number of these PVs in the

2D map determines the effectiveness and generalization of the algorithm.

Let’s consider a 2D SOM represented by P prototype vectors mi, mi= [mi1,

mi2…. miN], where i=1, 2, …, P and N is the dimension of these vectors defined by the

number of input attributes (or samples for waveform classification). The 2D SOM can

be understood as a 2D sheet upon which the interconnected PVs are imbedded. After

assigning the initial location of the PVs to form either a hexagonal (Figure 3.1B) or

rectangular grid, we “train” them (i.e., changing their direction and moving them

around laterally in their SOM grid space) to best represent the input data. After SOM

neighborhood training these PVs become cluster centers representing the different

classes of the input dataset.

To illustrate this somewhat complicated algorithm let us imagine a fanciful

example from Matos et al. (2009). Figure 3.2A show some fruits that have different

properties. Let us consider two of their properties: their aspect ratio (fruit shape), peak

frequency (fruit color), and vitamin C content of each fruit. After training, the fruits

are arranged into three major groups as shown in Figure 3.2B. Now if we draw an

analogy with a 2D SOM grid map, the PVs represent the fruits, the shape and the color

of the fruits are the attributes of the PVs and these different attributes helps to arrange

them into different groups or clusters. Figure 3.1A shows 300 samples belonging to

three distinct Gaussian distributions having the same standard deviation but different

means. These 300 input vectors have three attributes or dimensions (N=3). Each

sample vector in 3D space is cross-correlated with itself and all other vectors, resulting

in a 3 by 3 covariance matrix. To begin, we choose three times the square root of each

of the first two eigenvalues (three standard deviations) of this covariance matrix to

define our initial 2D SOM grid space, which we sample with an 11x7 regular

hexagonal grid (Figure 3.1B). This definition results in the SOM grid space

representing approximately 99.7% of the input dataset. Thus the total PVs or the

number of over-defined classes is 77 (P=77). Each of these individual PVs is denoted

by a vector mi of dimensionality 3 (the same dimensionality as the input data vectors).

The weight of the PVs associated with each lattice element i lying inside the

neighborhood radius of the 2D map is updated with successive training.

During the SOM training process, an input vector is initialized and is compared

with all N-dimensional PVs on the 2D grid, or latent space. The prototype vector with

the best match (the winning PV) will be updated as a part of SOM neighborhood

training. A small neighborhood of PVs around the “winner” prototype vector are also

updated (Figure 3.3A) such that the PVs lying within a distance of “ ” is excited

and updated. With successive iteration, this neighborhood radius decreases. Thus,

in each iteration, the winning prototype vector is brought closer to the input vectors.

Given this background, Kohonen (2001) defines the SOM training algorithm

using the following five steps:

Step 1: Consider an input vector, which is randomly chosen from the set of input


Step 2: Compute the Euclidean distance between this vector and all PVs ,i=1,

2,…p. The prototype vector , which has the minimum distance to the input

vector , is defined to be the “winner” or the Best Matching Unit, :

|| || {|| ||} ……………………. (1)

Step 3: Update the “winner” prototype vector and its neighbors. The updating rule for

the weight of the ith PV inside and outside the neighborhood radius is given by

[ ] || || (2a)

|| || , (2b)

where the neighborhood radius defined as is predefined for a problem and

decreases with each iteration and are the position vectors of the winner PV

and the ith PV respectively. We also define as the neighborhood

function, as the exponential learning function and T as the length of training.

and decrease with each iteration in the learning process and they are

defined as

|| ||
, and …………………………. (3)

. …………………………. (4)

The training of the PVs for the above dataset is illustrated in Figure 3.3. The

green hexagon represents a neighborhood at an early iteration, while the smaller

blue hexagon represents a neighborhood at a later stage. Although 77 prototype

vectors are used, after training they group themselves into three separate clusters in the

2D latent space.

Step 4: Iterate through each learning step (steps 1-3) until the convergence criterion

(which depends on the predefined lowest neighborhood radius and the minimum

distance between the PVs in the SOM grid space) is reached.

Step 5: Color-code the trained PVs using 2D or 3D gradational colors (Matos et al.

2009). We will use an HSV model with for 2D spaces will be defined as hue, ,

( ) …………………………. (5)

and saturation, as

[( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) ] …………………………. (6)

where and are the projected components onto the 2D SOM grid space defined by

the eigenvectors and The input data in this example visually contain three

separate classes which gives rise to three separate clusters in this 2D SOM grid space

(Figure 3.4A). These new set of PVs are colored using the 2D HSV color palette with

equations 5 and 6 (Figure 3.4B). This coloring scheme will be used for generating the

seismic facies volumes discussed in the remainder of the paper.


Application of SOM on synthetic data

To verify the effectiveness of the above workflow for waveform classification,

we apply it to the 3D synthetic model shown in Figure 3.5. The 3D volume is

composed of four different “waveforms” shown in Figure 3.5C. These 16-sample

waveforms can represent seismic amplitude samples or impedance values. The

location of the different waveforms A, B, C and D are highlighted both on the map

view and crossline view of the synthetic model (Figures 3.5A and B). The data are

sampled at 2ms, and consist of 50 inline by 26 crossline 30ms (16 sample) long traces.

The 2D SOM grid space containing the prototype vectors is defined as before

by considering three standard deviations of the variability (square root of the

eigenvalues λ1 and λ2) along the two principal component directions (eigenvectors v(1)

and v(2)). Thus this SOM grid space represents approximately 99.7% of the input

dataset. We sample this SOM grid space using a regular grid of more than 300, 16-

dimensional prototype vectors similar to that in Figure 3.3A. The minimum Euclidean

distance between the 16-dimensional input data with the prototype vectors, defines a

winner for each data vector as part of the SOM training algorithm (Steps 2 and 3).

Although more than 300 prototype vectors were used, the resulting facies map

clusters into four different colors corresponding to the four different waveforms in the

input dataset (Figure 3.6). The waveforms are superposed on the 2D map (Figure

3.7B) to show how the different colors are assigned to the different waveforms. The

synthetic seismic is colored based on the similarity of the waveform (Figure 3.7A).

The waveforms with their respective colors are explicitly shown in Figure 3.7C.

Application of SOM to generate 3D seismic facies volume

Our 3D SOM algorithm is an extension of the 2D SOM algorithm described

above. The input consists of several mathematically independent volumetric attributes

where the number of input attributes determines the mathematical dimensionality of

the data. Due to the limitation of our visualization software which provides only 256

colors, we have limited our over-defined prototype vectors to a maximum of J=256. In

this application, we normalize our input data vectors using a Z-score algorithm. Thus

our input data has a vector assigned to each of the (x, y, z) location in our volume

(which are actually the normalized input attribute values at that location). We call this

new volume the normalized multi-attribute volume and project it onto a 2D SOM grid

space by Principal Component Analysis. The 2D SOM grid space is defined as

explained earlier. If there are five input attribute volumes, each of the PVs in the 2D

SOM grid space is 5-dimensional. This 2D SOM grid space is sampled uniformly by

256 PVs. The PVs are trained in the 2D SOM grid space and their positions updated

after each iteration, resulting in the new updated position of the PVs. When the

updating slows down the training process stops. With an increasing number of

iterations, the PVs move closer to each other and to the data points within the SOM

grid space. The HSV colors are assigned to the PVs according to their distance from

their center of mass and their azimuth (equations 5 and 6). Once trained, the distance

is computed between each PV, pi′, and the multiattribute data vector, x, at each voxel


|| || {|| ||} ……………………. (7)

where is the nearest trained PV to the input data sample vector . Each voxel is

then assigned the color of . In this manner, two dissimilar neighboring samples in

the seismic volume will be far apart in the SOM grid space and have different colors.

Conversely, two similar samples in the seismic volume will have nearly the same

color. Each color represents a seismic facies, most of which are geologic facies, but

some which may be seismic ‘noise’ facies.

SOM on a 3D seismic dataset from the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Our study area is within the tabular salt mini-basin, tectono-stratigraphic

province (Diegel et al, 1995) of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) margin (Figure

3.8A). There are primarily four depositional environments for deep water systems:

channels, thin bed-levees, basin floor fan lobes or sheets and mass transport

complexes (MTCs) (Figure 3.8C). The sediments in the salt minibasins follow a “fill

and spill” depositional process (e.g., Winker, 1996) preserving the basin floor fan and

channel-levee sediments.

A 100 km2 prestack depth-migrated 3D seismic data volume (Figure 3.8D)

covers almost this entire salt minibasin. Sarkar et al., (2010) describes a suite of

different mass transport complexes (MTCs) preserving the basin floor fan in the

system. They co-render strata-slices of coherent energy and inline amplitude gradient

to highlight the basin floor fans and their feeder channels.

To illustrate the effectiveness of this new workflow, we consider zones

identified by Ferrero, (2007) and Sarkar et al.’s (2010), which highlights the MTCs

and Basin floor fan (BFF). They did the interpretation with the well logs and sparse

biostratigraphic data. We considered four zones for analysis, highlighted in an

arbitrary vertical section across the survey (Figure 3.9). Zone 1 is the deepest MTC

with a less chaotic flow A. Above it zone 2 has the second MTC flow B which is more

erosive in nature and is more related to salt tectonics. This mass transport complex

contains some small slump bocks along with some debrites and undifferentiated MTC

deposits. The MTC deposits are also characterized by the presence of a buried

channel-submarine fan unit within the chaotic sediments. The depositional patterns of
the upper and the lower MTCs are quite random (Sarkar et al., 2010). Overlying this is

the zone 3 having strong continuous seismic amplitude, which forms the basin floor

fan sequence. Zone 4 is the uppermost zone in our analysis, which is a lower energy

MTC and is a basin wide depositional feature. Some of the submarine channel systems

are also identified in this zone.

The input to our clustering algorithm consists of five volumetric attributes,

which help discriminate different seismic facies distribution: the coherent energy,

eigenstructure coherence, two GLCM texture attributes (entropy and variance) and the

magnitude of reflector convergence. Table 1 summarizes the seismic characteristics in

different deep-water depositional environment, which determined the subsequent

choice of seismic attributes. Note that these attributes are not sensitive to the direction

of the survey or rotation of the sediments with compaction. We note that attributes

such as phase and azimuth are inappropriate for this cluster analysis since they are

mathematically discontinuous. These five attribute values are first normalized using a

z-score algorithm for each sample to remove any bias prior to clustering with the

Kohonen SOM algorithm.


Table 1, summarizes different seismic amplitude and attribute patterns

associated with different deep water deposits. Figure 3.10 shows an arbitrary vertical

section through the facies volume co-rendered with the seismic amplitude section. The

interpretation is done in a top-down sequence and the zones from 1-4 are interpreted

independently. The continuous high amplitude depositional features are colored light

to dark blue. The random chaotic MTCs are colored in magenta. The background

marine pelagic shale is colored in lighter yellowish green color. Figures 3.11A to E

show different phantom horizon slices through the data volumes and highlights

different depositional features. The location of the phantom horizon slice is marked in

the seismic section below each of the figures.

Table 1. Summary of 3D attribute assisted cluster analysis for deep-water


Deep water Seismic amplitude Attribute Facies color in

deposits pattern and anomalies our
internal analysis

Low coherence,
Moderate to high high energy.
amplitude, Rotated blocks and
Mass discontinuous, pinch out patterns Different hues of
Transport chaotic, resulting in high blue and cyan
Complexes hummocky, rotated reflector
blocks convergence.
Irregular bed
thickness gives rise
to non-uniform
tuning frequencies.
High values of
GLCM entropy and

High coherence,
High amplitude, high energy. Yellowish green
Basin Floor continuous, Subparallel and green
Fans isolated or bedding resulting
connected features in low reflector
within the fan. convergence.
Sub-parallel Thicker bedding
reflectors. gives rise to lower
tuning frequencies.
Moderate values of
GLCM entropy and

Moderate to low coherence, lower Pink to cyan
Marine amplitude, energy. Subparallel
Pelagic Shale continuous, very bedding resulting
thin in low reflector
and separated from convergence. Thin
the bedding gives rise
MTC to higher tuning
Moderate values of
GLCM entropy and

Figure 3.11A is a phantom horizon slice through the MTC complex in zone 1.

The blue color facies highlights the relatively continuous flow A. It flows from the

northeast and the more chaotic, incoherent flow B (magenta facies) encroaches the

flow A from the north and south. Figure 3.11B is another phantom slice, which

highlights the chaotic flow B from zone 2. The flow is mostly from the northeast

marked by a yellow dotted line. The Figure 3.11C shows some confined high

amplitude sand bodies (dark blue) with strong seismic amplitude, which may be gas

charged. The flow B being chaotic has more characteristic of a MTC caused by slope

failure due to regional salt-tectonics.

The basin floor fan sequence identified in Ferrero, (2008) and Sarkar et al,

2010 is properly highlighted with this facies classification volume. Figure 3.11D

shows the complex depositional features causing a fan deposit (blue color facies) in

zone 3. The lighter green color forms a thin deposit of marine pelagic background

shale. A stratal slice above this basin fan sequence in Figure 3.11E highlights number

of channels which feeds the fan deposits. As we go above the zone other basin floor

fan can interpreted across the survey. The continuous high amplitude in the west and

in the east of the survey is interpreted as fan deposits (Figure 3.11F). Some feeder

channels are also highlighted in this zone.

The last zone analyzed is the zone 4, which is also a MTC but is more regional

in nature. Figure 3.12 shows a stratal slice in the middle of the zone. The younger

submarine channel systems are interpreted in the north east of the survey. It forms a

distributary system as this channel (highlighted in blue arrow) moves south and forms

fan deposits at the mouth. The edges of this feeder channel system are defined by the

magenta color highlighted in the zone 4 across the vertical seismic section AA’.

Figures 3.13a and b show the geobodies formed corresponding to the basin

floor fan. Although we are using a 2D SOM grid space, plotted against hue and

lightness to color SOM unsupervised seismic volume, most commercial seismic

interpretation packages allow only a 1D color bar. To the strata shown in Figure

3.11E, we apply transparency to the desired blue facies, which is easily achieved using

the 1D opacity table below where the blue facies are set to be opaque and all others to
be transparent. Figure 3.13A shows the volume probe with only the blue facies.

Automatic geobodies can be extracted in most of the commercial software. With this

opaque blue facies an automatic extraction of geobodies forms the different geo-blob

(Figure 3.13B). However in order to properly generate a geobody, we need to apply

opacity directly to the colorbar in two dimensions by defining a polygon, painting, or

some other process.


Seismic stratigraphy forms an integral part of many if not most seismic

interpretation workflows. Seismic attributes provide a means of quantitatively

measuring amplitude and morphologic features such as onlap, coherence, and

reflection strength. SOM is a well-established tool in seismic facies mapping, typically

applied to a window of seismic amplitude data about a given horizon, giving rise to

“waveform classification” algorithms. Waveform classifications have several

disadvantages. Waveforms are not sensitive to the behavior of adjacent traces, unlike

attributes such as dip magnitude and coherence. Waveforms are also quite sensitive to

the source wavelet and thus cannot readily be applied to stratal slices. Our research is

in very early stages, and we do not claim to have used the ‘best attributes’ for our

analysis. Other attributes such as impedance inversion at different angles, spectral

components, and anisotropy may further help us discriminate between different

seismic packages. Barnes and Laughlin (2002) found using mathematically

independent attributes is critical to classification. We feel intuitively that the attributes

should be azimuthally invariant unless there are strong reasons to prefer given


The linkage of seismic facies classification to the generation and extraction of

geobodies is obvious, but difficult given today’s commercial visualization software

based on 1D colorbars rather than 2D or 3D color tables. The use of pastel vs. dark

colors allows co-rendering the seismic facies classifications with seismic amplitude on

vertical slices and coherence and other edge-sensitive attributes on time and horizon

slices plotted against a gray scale.

This initial application is unsupervised. In this workflow, the results should be

validated against well logs and conventional seismic stratigraphic interpretation.

Supervision can be introduced by explicitly defining, and then fixing prototype vectors

to represent interpreter-defined clusters, either of a classic facies seen on a vertical

slice, or of a less well-defined facies centered about a producing well or dry hole.

More sophisticated supervision will form a continuum between SOM as shown here

and traditional applied neural network technologies, blurring the differences between

the two methods.

By using a large number of PVs and colors, we avoid the need to know the

number of clusters in the data. Instead, the interpreter lumps PVs of similar colors into

clusters and associates them with a particular facies as part of the interpretation

process. As with multiattribute blending, 24-bit color will provide much greater depth

and detail in images than the current 8-bit color limitations on many interpretation

workstations. A limitation to this 2D color mapping is the folding of the PVs when
plotted in the 2D SOM grid space, such that multiple PVs of different nature can have

the same color. A partial solution is to project the data in a 3D SOM grid space and

apply a 3D gradational colorbar to the PVs.

Our initial attempts at supervision are limited to predefining a suite of

prototype vectors formed by averaging the input data vectors within a user-defined



We acknowledge Hess Inc. for the use of its deepwater GOM data volume for

research and Schlumberger for providing the Petrel software, in which interpretation

and visualization was done. The interpretation was done based on earlier studies by

Ferrero in her MS thesis and discussions with Dr. Roger M. Slatt of OU. We would

also like to thank the financial support of the industry members for our Attribute-

Assisted Seismic Processing and Interpretation (AASPI) consortium at the University

of Oklahoma.


Figure 3.1. (A) A plot of samples corresponding to three normal Gaussian

distributions with the same standard deviation but different means. The red plus signs

represents the original data points and the blue dots the Prototype Vectors in 3D; (B)

the initial PVs with the same dimensionality as the input is plotted in the latent space

by Principal Component Analysis.

Figure 3.2. Analogy of classification of different fruits illustrating unsupervised SOM

clustering analysis. (a) The unorganized fruits before training; (b) Clustering of the

fruits after training using three attributes (color, aspect ratio and Vitamin C content of

the individual fruits).

Figure 3.3. 2D map of the PVs in latent space (A) before and (B) after the training.

Around the “Winner PV” the larger green circle represents a neighborhood at an early

iteration while the smaller green circle represents a neighborhood at a later iteration.

After the training the PVs form three clusters, thus classifying the three different types

of input data properly.

Figure 3.4. Interpreter-driven clustering by mapping a 2D latent space against a 2D

colorbar. (A) PVs in the 2D latent space before assigning colors, (B) colored by the

2D HSV color table using the Equations 5 and 6 for Hue and Saturation.

Figure 3.5. A synthetic data volume 30ms (16 – 2ms samples) having four different
waveforms consisting of 50 inlines by 26 crosslines. Noise level is 0.1 of the RMS
amplitude of the signal. (A) Map view and (B) Vertical slice along line QQ’. (C) The
four noise-free waveforms used to generate the synthetic volume.

Figure 3.6. (A) Initial set of PVs. (B) Training and HSV coloring of the projected

Prototype Vectors (PVs) in latent space. Although more than 300 prototype vectors

were used, the resulting facies map clusters into four different colors corresponding to

the four different waveforms in the input dataset. Arrows indicate the location of each

of the noise-free synthetic waveforms A, B, C, and D. Almost all of the clusters fall on

top of each other. Scatter away from the clusters such as the dark blue ‘cluster’ are

associated with stretch in the latent space. After clustering, the PVs are colored with

the HSV colorscale (left) described by Equations 5 and 6.

Figure 3.7. (A) The seismic facies map showing four different colors corresponding to

the four different waveforms that constitute the synthetic dataset. (B) The waveforms

are superposed on the 2D colormap showing the color assignment to the different

waveforms. (C) These four different waveforms are explicitly shown with

corresponding colors assigned to it. Note the transitional waveforms along the

boundaries which do not represent any data, but provide a continuum in the latent

space. Rather than choosing the final number of clusters (in this case, four) as

described by Matos et al. (2007), we simply let the interpreter visually cluster

according to their color perception (Matos et al, 2009).

Figure 3.8. (A) The location of the study area within the northern salt minibasin

province of Gulf of Mexico (Okuma et al, 2000). (B) Regional sedimentary fairway

map with the survey location. (C) Some of the deep-water depositional features

highlighted from Posamentier et al, 2003.

Figure 3.9. An arbitrary seismic section across the survey showing the different zones

(identified by Ferrero, 2007) used for analysis with the SOM clustering. Zone 1 has

Mass transport complex (MTC) flow-A. A more chaotic MTC flow-B is in zone 2. A

Basin floor fan sequence is highlighted in the zone 3. Zone 4 is also a regional MTC

with some submarine channel complex visible.

Figure 3.10. An arbitrary unsupervised seismic facies section co-rendered with the

seismic amplitude section across AA’. The four zones are analyzed independently.

The MTC flow in the zone 1 is more continuous (blue facies). The zone 2 consists of

chaotic MTC (magenta), shale (yellowish green) and buried sand bodies (dark blue

facies). Zone 3 is a basin floor sequence formed by a complex set of distributaries.

Zone 4 is another regional MTC with some submarine channel complex visible in the

north east corner of the survey.

Figure 3.11. Unsupervised seismic facies horizon probe showing different stratal

slices in the four different zones starting from the lowest sequence. In the below

corner the location of the stratal slice is marked on the vertical section. (A) The strata

in zone 1 showing a relatively continuous Flow-A (blue facies) from north east of

debris and MTC being encroached by a more chaotic flow-B (magenta) in the north

and south. The flow-B is more erosive in nature and is more related to slope failure to

salt tectonics. (B) The strata in zone 2 within the chaotic MTC flow-B. The chaotic

nature of the MTC can be seen in this zone. (C) The chaotic MTC in zone 2 caused

due to slope failure and salt tectonics have eroded large sand bodies within itself as

shown by the dark blue colored facies. With their confined nature and high seismic

amplitude these sand bodies may have hydrocarbon charged. (D) Higher up in the

zone there is relatively some less chaotic MTC flow. (E) In the zone 3 the basin floor

fan sequence can be properly visualized from this facies volume. The strata shows a

complex set of distributaries and basin fans in the west (blue facies) with pale green

background of pelagic shale. (F) Moving up in the zone 3 the later deposited basin

floor fan sequence and other set of distributaries are interpreted in the east.

Figure 3.12. The zone 4 forms another MTC complex but is more regional in nature.

A younger feeder channel in the north east corner can be easily interpreted in this

strata from the unsupervised classified volume. AA’ is a vertical section of the

unsupervised volume overlayed on the seismic amplitude. The feeder distributary

channel complex is highlighted in this vertical section with a blue arrow.

Figure 3.13. Extracting geobodies from the unsupervised classified volume. Although

coloring of the unsupervised classified volume was done in the SOM grid space using

a 2D colorbar, the coloring in most of the interpretation software is done by a 1D

colorscale. Modifying the transparency we can highlight certain seismic facies. The

blue facies from the Figure 3.11E showing mostly the BFF and other similar

depositional seismic facies. (A) The blue facies is made opaque and the rest

transparent in the 1D colorbar shown below. (B) With this single colored facies an

automatic geobody extraction is done to create different geobodies which can be

quantified as highlighted in the table.


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Characterizing a Mississippian Tripolitic Chert Reservoir using 3D

Unsupervised and Supervised Multi-attribute Seismic Facies

Analysis: An example from Osage County, Oklahoma

Atish Roy *, Benjamin L. Dowell and Kurt J. Marfurt, The University of Oklahoma


Seismic stratigraphy is based on reflector configuration, with coherent reflectors

having a distinct amplitude, frequency, and phase. Typically, reflector configurations

described as parallel, converging, truncated, hummocky, will be interpreted within a

sequence stratigraphic framework. Skilled interpreters use their expertise to identify

stratigraphic packages separated by erosional unconformities, maximum flooding

surfaces, and other surfaces. In principal, a given pattern can be explicitly defined as a

combination of waveform and reflector configuration properties, although such

“clustering” is often done subconsciously.

Computer-assisted classification of seismic attribute volumes builds on the same

concepts. Seismic attributes quantify characteristics not only of the seismic reflection

events, but also measure aspects of reflector configurations.

The Mississippi Lime resource play of northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas

provides a particularly challenging problem. Here the seismic facies are diagenetic
(tight limestone, stratified limestone and non-porous chert, and highly porous tripolitic

chert) or structural (fractured vs. not-fractured chert and limestone) rather than

stratigraphic. Skilled interpreters can recognize the different facies even though they

may not able to accurately define the exact diagenetic or tectonic history. During the

past several years, over 4700 wells have been drilled in the Mississippi Lime play.

Such dense drilling provides means of calibrating the computer-generated “natural”

clusters that represent the data. Using a 3D seismic survey acquired in Osage County

Oklahoma, we use Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM) classification technique to

represent different diagenetically altered facies of the Mississippi Lime play. The 256

prototype vectors (potential clusters) reduce to only three or four distinct “natural”

clusters. We use ground truth of seismic facies seen on horizontal image logs to fix

three average attribute data-vectors near the well locations, resulting in three “known”

facies, and do a minimum Euclidean distance (MED) supervised classification. The

predicted clusters correlate well to the post-stack impedance inversion result.


Seismic interpreters are experts at pattern recognition and as fast as an eight-

year old in finding Waldo (Handford, 2012). Older, experienced interpreters are

usually more proficient at such pattern recognition than younger, perhaps more

technically savvy interpreters. Nevertheless, 3D seismic surveys are not only growing

larger, but also are being acquired by small companies and even smaller partnerships

in resource plays like the Mississippi Lime of Oklahoma and Kansas, companies that
often do not have seismic stratigraphers on their staff. Our workflow will help seismic

interpreters with an easy and quick way to estimate the variation of seismic facies in

the survey with the help of various multiattribute data as input.

Seismic attributes quantify not only reflector amplitude, frequency, and phase

but also through estimates of dip magnitude, dip azimuth, reflector convergence,

reflector rotation, and coherence, they also quantify reflector configurations, which

forms the basis of seismic stratigraphy. These physically independent (but statistically

correlating) attribute volumes add a “dimension” to our analysis. Two or three

attributes (corresponding to two or three dimensions) are effectively analyzed by

interactive crossplot tool. The analyses of more than three attributes require a different

workflow along with higher computational complexity.

There are competing techniques for coping with the classification of data with

excessive dimensionality. One of the approaches is to reduce the data dimension by

combining features. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a classical approach to

reduce dimensionality and provides an orderly suite of projections that best represents

the data in a least-squares sense. We use Kohonen SOM classification technique to

classify our multi-attribute dataset. Before SOM training, we need to reduce the data

dimension into a low dimensional space through PCA analysis of the data. This lower

dimensional space represents the majority probability mass of the data (Wallet et al.,

2009). The vector components of the latent space are hidden and the SOM algorithm

clusters these vectors with information from the data-vectors.

Barnes and Laughlin (2002) reviewed several unsupervised clustering

techniques, including K-means, fuzzy clustering, and SOM. Their primary finding was
that the clustering algorithm used was less important than the choice of attributes used.

Among the clustering algorithms, they favored SOM since there is ordered mapping of

the clusters (topologically ordered); with similar clusters lying adjacent to each other

in the latent space. Coleou et al.’s (2003) seismic “waveform classification” algorithm

is implemented using SOM, where the “attributes” are seismic amplitudes on a suite of

16 phantom horizon slices, where the mean in 16-dimensional space when plotted one

element after the other can be envisioned to be a waveform. Plotting each cluster

against a 1D color bar results in a 2D map of seismic facies having similar waveforms.

They generalize their algorithm to attributes other than seismic amplitude,

constructing vectors of dip magnitude, coherence, and reflector parallelism. Strecker

and Uden (2002) were perhaps the first to use 2D latent spaces with geophysical data,

using multidimensional attribute volumes to form N-dimensional vectors at each

voxel. Typical attributes included envelope, bandwidth, impedance, AVO slope and

intercept, dip magnitude, and coherence. These attributes were projected onto a 2D

latent space and their results plotted against a 2D color table. Gao (2007) clustered

GLCM texture attributes based on their Euclidean distance in the texture attribute

space and 1D SOM to map seismic facies offshore Angola. He used 256 prototype

vectors to map the “natural” clusters. These natural clusters were then calibrated using

well control, giving rise to what is called a posteriori supervision. Roy et al. (2011)

built on these concepts and developed a classification workflow of multi-seismic

attributes computed over a deep-water depositional system, using SOM. They

calibrated the clusters a posteriori using classical principles of seismic stratigraphy on

a subset of vertical slices through the seismic amplitude. A simple but very important
innovation was to project the clusters onto a 2D non-linear Sammon space (Sammon,

1969). This projection was then colored using a gradational 2D colorscale like that of

Matos, (2008) thus facilitating the interpretation.

The other classification technique is supervised classification. When there is

significant well control or when the interpreter has significant expertise, one can

perform supervised classification. The most popular means of supervised classification

are based on artificial neural networks (ANN). Meldahl et al. (1999) used seismic

energy and coherence attributes coupled with interpreter control (picked locations) to

train a neural network to identify hydrocarbon chimneys. West et al. (2002) used a

similar workflow but where the objective was seismic facies analysis and the input

attributes were textures. Corradi et al. (2009) used GLCM textures and ANN, with

controls based on wells and skilled interpretation of some key 2D vertical slices and

mapped sand and sealing vs. non-sealing shale facies offshore west Africa.

In this paper we utilize Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM) for unsupervised

classification of seismic facies. We further incorporate supervision by use of minimum

Euclidean distance (MED) measure. We begin with an overview of SOM. Next, we

introduce the Mississippi Lime play and how it is expressed by seismic attributes. We

then cluster our data in an unsupervised manner, finding the natural clusters. We then

extracted three average attribute data-vectors from two horizontal wells in our survey

based on the fracture density calculated by White (2013) with the borehole image logs.

This a posteriori supervision is simple – clusters (seismic facies) that correspond to

those penetrated by the poor well are considered to be higher risk, and should be

avoided, while seismic facies that correspond to those penetrated by the good well
serve as higher priority targets. We conclude with a comparison of our clusters against

a more conventional post-stack inversion volume.


Kohonen’s (1982) original SOM algorithm is based on localized

(neighborhood) training of prototype vectors (e.g a seismic waveform or a vector of

attributes) on a 2D SOM grid. While the vectors can move to better represent the

nearby data, the spatial relationship between the prototype vectors and its neighbors on

the SOM grid is preserved, or topologically ordered. In our case, we will use multi-

attribute data vectors as input into the SOM clustering algorithm.

To avoid guessing at the number of clusters necessary to represent the data, we

over-define the number of initial clusters through the use of a large number of

“prototype vectors” (PVs). As experienced by Gao (2007), subsequent iterations using

a Kohonen SOM neighborhood training function results in the large number of PVs

“clumping” into a smaller number of actual clusters that represent the true variability

in the data. After the training is complete, the modified PVs are then color-coded by

using a 2D gradational colorscale. Clumped prototype vectors have nearly identical

colors. Each N-dimensional data vector of attributes is compared to these 256 trained

prototype vectors. The data voxel is then assigned the color associated with the

prototype vector that most closely matches the corresponding data vector, resulting in

a 3D seismic facies volume.

Kohonen SOM Clustering Analysis

The SOM was first developed by Kohonen in the biological sciences, but is

now commonly used in speech recognition, economics, and of course, geophysical

data analysis. Excellent implementations of SOM can be found in Matlab and in at

least two commercial interpretation packages (one of which was used by Coleou et al.,

2002, and Gao, 2007). However, the commercial packages today appear to use a 1D

latent space, while the Matlab implementations are not amenable to handling large 3D

seismic data volumes. An early implementation described by Strecker and Uden

(2002) does use a 2D latent space but may no longer be commercially available. We

describe the algorithm as we have implemented it so that others can duplicate or

improve upon our effort.

The Kohonen SOM algorithm assumes that the input is represented by J

vectors in an N-dimensional vector space Rn, xj= [xj1, xj2, xj3 …. xjN] where N is the

number of input attributes (or amplitude samples for “waveform” classification) and

j=1,2,…,J is the number of vectors (one vector per voxel in 3D, one vector for map

location in 2D). The input attributes have different units of measurements, resulting in

radically different numerical ranges. We chose a simpler approach of choosing

physically independent attributes and computing their Z-score.

Our SOM implementation defines mapping from the Rn, input data space to a

2D SOM grid space where the PVs assigned to each grid point are topologically

ordered. The 2D SOM grid space can be understood as a 2D sheet upon which the

interconnected imbedded PVs lie. The prototype vectors are represented by mi, mi=

[mi1, mi2…. miN], where i=1, 2, …, P where P is the number of PVs. We project the

PVs onto a rectangular structure map that preserves the neighborhood relationship

among the PVs. A projected PV in the 2D SOM grid space occupies a single grid

point. We initialize the PVs using PCA with the 2D SOM being defined by the first

two eigenvectors with amplitudes ranging between  3 1 and  3 2 (three standard

deviations of the variability in the data as defined by the eigenvalues λ1 and λ2.

After training, these PVs deform and move out of the 2D plane to move closer to the

data-vector such that the 2D SOM grid better represents the natural clusters present in

the input data. After several iterations, the PVs continue to move (organize), clumping

into subsets. PVs that are close in the SOM grid space will represent attribute vectors

that are similar to each other. The number of these clumped PVs determines the

effectiveness and generalization of the algorithm.

For example Figure 4.1a shows 300 samples belonging to three distinct

Gaussian distributions having the same standard deviation but different means. These

300 input vectors have three attributes or dimensions (N=3). Each sample vector in 3D

space is cross-correlated with itself and all other vectors, resulting in a 3 by 3

covariance matrix. To begin, we choose three times the square root of each of the first

two eigenvalues (three standard deviations) of this covariance matrix to define our

initial 2D SOM grid space, which we sample with an 11x7 regular hexagonal grid

(Figure 4.1b). This definition results in the SOM grid space representing

approximately 99.7% variance of the input dataset. There are 77 PVs, much more than

needed to represent the three natural clusters. Each of these individual PVs is denoted

by a vector mi of dimensionality three (the same dimensionality as the input data


During the SOM training process, an input vector is initialized and is compared

with all N-dimensional PVs. The prototype vector with the best match “winner” and

its surrounding PVs will be updated, thereby “training” that neighborhood of the

SOM. A Gaussian neighborhood function is defined with about the “winner” PV as its

center and as its variance. With each subsequent iteration, the neighborhood

radius (variance) decreases. Thus, in each iteration, the winning prototype vector

is brought closer to the data vectors in the input data space while its corresponding

node organizes (or clumps) into one of the clusters formed in the 2D SOM space.

After 100 iterations, the node SOM grid space clumps into the 3 classes present in the

input data (Figure 4.1c). The trained PVs are color-coded using 2D gradational colors

(Matos et al. 2009). We will use an HSV model with for 2D spaces defined as hue, ,

( ) …………………………. (1)

and saturation, as

[( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ ) ] …………………………. (2)

where and are the projected components onto the 2D SOM grid space The input

data in this example visually contain three separate classes which gives rise to three

separate clusters and they are color-coded using the 2D HSV color palette with

equations 1 and 2 (Figure 4.1d). This coloring scheme will be used for generating the

seismic facies volumes discussed in the remainder of the paper. A more mathematical

explanation of all the above steps are given in Kohonen (2001) and Roy et al. (2011).

We start the training by first projecting this normalized multi-attribute data onto

a 2D SOM grid space defined by using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors obtained

from PCA. The SOM grid space is thus uniformly sampled with grid points that are

projections of PVs having the same dimensions as the number of attribute volumes

taken as input. Due to the limitation of our visualization software, which provides only

256 colors, we have limited our over-defined PVs to be 256. We apply the SOM

training rule to cluster these vectors in the SOM grid space. The PVs are updated after

each iteration and they slowly move towards the data-vector in the input space,

resulting in an updated projection of the PVs onto the SOM grid space. As the

updating slows down, the training process stops. The SOM manifold can be far from

planar and can even unfold itself, linearly projecting the multi-dimensional PVs onto a

2D SOM grid space causes some overlap in the projections. Thus after the final

iteration we do a non-linear projection of the PVs using a Sammon projection

(Sammon, 1969). This algorithm is based upon a point mapping of a set of N-

dimensional vectors to a lower dimensional space such that the inherent structure of

the data is approximately preserved. Sammon mapping helps in reducing some of the

overlap of the projection of the PVs (nodes), by maintaining inter-PV distance

measures corresponding to inter-grid point distance measures in the 2D SOM grid

space. We use a 2D HSV color model to assign continuous color to the PVs according

to the distance from the center of mass and the azimuth of their projections. Once

trained, the Euclidean distance is computed between each trained PV, mi′ and the
multi-attribute input data vector, xn at each voxel using

|| || || ||

where, mb′ is the nearest trained PV to the input data sample vector xn. Each voxel in

the 3D data space is then assigned the color corresponding to mb′. In this manner, two

dissimilar neighboring samples in the seismic volume that are far apart in the SOM

grid space will have different colors (Roy et al., 2011). Conversely, two similar

samples in the seismic volume will have nearly the same color. Each color represents a

seismic facies, most of which are geologic facies, but some which may be seismic

‘noise’ facies. Figure 4.2 shows a flowchart explaining the multi-attribute SOM



The Mississippi “Lime” – Tight Limestone, Tight layered Chert and lime, Porous

Tripolite, and Fractured chert

The general stratigraphic column (Figure 4.3a) shows the Mississippian tripolitic

chert interval is below the Mississippian - Pennsylvanian unconformity. Other tripolite

targets are within the Mississippian limestone. These weathered and/or detrital

intervals of highly porous rock are present in north-central Oklahoma and south-

central Kansas. The Mississippi Lime and tripolitic chert reservoirs have been

producing hydrocarbons for more than 50 years. Although the tripolite is widespread

across the region, it is not continuous and is highly heterogeneous (Rogers, 2001). Our
dataset is from Osage County, Oklahoma, (Figure 4.3b) which sits within the

Cherokee Platform which is bounded to the west by the Nemaha Uplift and to the east

by the Ozark Uplift (Johnson, 2008).

Matson (2013) subdivides the Mississippian in this study area into the tight St.

Joe limestone, and the Osage A and Osage B levels. Osage B consists of alternating

thinly layered limestone and nonporous chert which does not undergo subsequent

diagenetic alteration (but often shattered chert). Osage A can be diagenetically altered

through meteoric processes and consists of siliceous limestone and high porosity

tripolitic chert.

Rogers (2001) suggested most Mississippian tripolitic chert developed primarily

from weathered or eroded Mississippian Lime that was deposited as muddy debris

flows. Figures 4.4a and b show the two schematic depositional models for the chert

and the formation of high-porosity and low-density chert.

In the reef model, the reef is eroded by wave action and material is deposited

downslope as debris flows. Silica then replaces some of the limestone (stage-one

diagenesis) to form high-density, low-porosity chert. Later, sea level drops and

meteoric water dissolves much of the remaining calcite (stage-two diagenesis) to form

low-density, high-porosity tripolite. In the breccia model, karst breccias formed in a

subaerial environment are submerged and the silica replaces some of the limestone

(stage-one diagenesis) to form chert. When the sea level drops the meteoric water

dissolves the remaining calcite (stage-two diagenesis) to form tripolite.

The tripolitic chert is widespread, but unlike the limestone, it is discontinuous

throughout the Mississippian section (Rogers, 2001). Much of the limestone has also
been altered to a dense, non-porous chert that exhibits fractures due to shrinkage and

subsequent tectonic activities. The tripolitic chert reservoirs are heterogeneous and

have high-porosity and low-permeability forming sweet spots in the reservoir. The

limestone and non-porous chert are highly fractured. Ideally, horizontal wells are

drilled perpendicular to the fractures in the limestone and tight chert parts of the

formation, hydraulically fractured and/or acidized. This provides the necessary

plumbing to produce multiple sweet spots. The log responses of tripolitic chert zones

show low-resistivity, low-density and high porosity (25-30%). With the proposed

seismic facies analysis, we try to visualize and map the heterogeneous chert reservoirs

to optimize the well locations to economically exploit the sweet spots.

Multiattribute seismic Facies Analysis

In our 3D SOM algorithm, the input consists of several physically independent

volumetric attributes where the number of input attributes determines the intrinsic

dimensionality of the data. In this application, we normalize our input data vectors

using a Z-score algorithm. Thus our input data consists of a vector assigned at each

voxel or (x, y, z) location in our 3D survey. We evaluate three different workflows to

estimate seismic facies. The first workflow applies unsupervised Kohonen SOM

analysis to structural attributes, while the second workflow applies the same

unsupervised Kohonen SOM analysis to texture attributes. The third workflow we

derived a supervised multi-attribute seismic facies analysis in which three average

multi-attribute wavelets near the wells are compared to the multi-attribute dataset,

based on the MED measure. The case studies based on the three workflows provide a

qualitative analysis of the heterogeneous chert reservoir in the survey.

Attribute Selection and Unsupervised Classification

We evaluated two different hypotheses corresponding to two different sets of

input volumetric attributes to our clustering algorithm. This is done in order to find the

‘best attribute’ and to do a proper analysis of the heterogeneous chert reservoir.

Structural Attributes

Our first hypothesis (workflow 1) assumes that the magnitude of reflector

convergence, coherence, coherent energy, and dip magnitude (Figure 4.5) better map

the structural heterogeneity of the chert layers. Coherent energy will bring out

amplitude changes associated with tripolitic and tight limestone. Coherence will

highlight the discontinuities within the reservoir. Dip magnitude will capture

deformation, while reflector convergence will map unconformities. The shattered chert

and the Tripolitic chert will be more discontinuous compared to the tight limestone

regions. Using these attributes as input data to SOM algorithm will result in a

“structural” classification that emphasizes differences in reflector orientation,

continuity and configuration in the data volume. Figure 4.6 show different features in

the 3D seismic facies volumes generated as output after the first analysis.

Texture Attributes

Our second hypothesis (workflow 2) assumes that the tripolitic chert, silica-rich

limestone and the St. Joe tight limestone have different textures (Figure 4.7). Coherent

energy, the spectral bandwidth computed from spectral decomposition (Zhang et al.,

2008), and three GLCM (Gray level co-occurrence matrix) texture attributes are used

in the analysis. A common everyday example of textures is the association of the grain

seen on furniture and the tree from which it was made. Matos et al. (2011) used

texture to identify Osage-age channel features in a different Osage Co. seismic survey.

For GLCM analysis an ensemble of traces are examined as an image and the

distribution of pixel values within a sub-region of data are described mathematically,

effectively quantifying the spatial organization of seismic reflection (West et al.,

2002). The GLCM energy is the sum of the squared values of the pixels defined this

Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix, the GLCM entropy is a statistical measure of

randomness of the seismic amplitude and the GLCM homogeneity highlights regions

having strict stationary statistics (invariant mean and variance). Dense cherty

limestone and tight chert exhibit high coherent energy, thicker continuous reflectors,

higher amplitude, more homogeneous and exhibit less entropy (Figure 4.7). Layered

chert and lime will exhibit comparatively less coherent energy, thin reflectors, less

homogeneity and more entropy. Tripolitic chert with high porosity and low-density,

will have lower amplitude, be most discontinuous, least homogeneous and exhibit high

entropy (be more disorganized) (Figure 4.7). We use these differences to classifying

the dataset on the basis of amplitude and texture variations. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 show
different features in the 3D seismic facies volumes generated as output after

unsupervised classification.

Supervised Classification

Waveform similarity based on distance metrics have long been used in seismic

interpretation. Typically the interpreter compares a vector of samples (e.g. Johnson,

2000) or attributes (e.g. Michelena et al., 1998) extracted from productive or non-

productive wells to every trace along the horizon. Here we perform a similar exercise

but do the comparison volumetrically. Furthermore if the MED between the vector at a

given well lies beyond a user-defined threshold distance the voxel is assigned to an

unclassified cluster. This workflow was introduced by Poupon et al. (1999) in

correlating wells to seismic waveforms, where the supervision was not only the actual

seismic about the well but also a suite of synthetic seismic traces generated through

petrophysical modeling and fluid substitution.

The supervised seismic facies classification techniques described in this paper is

based upon distance metrics similarity characteristics. These metrics compare two

multi-attribute data vectors and return a scalar value based on some notion of

similarity. We begin by training some of the dataset near the wells and turned their

average into target vectors into target or training vectors. These are then compared

with the rest of the data vectors. The MED is measured between the training vectors

and the data vectors. This measure is utilized for providing quantitative measures of

similarity between two seismic facies.

In our supervised classification workflow, three facies are selected based on

the borehole image log interpretation from White, (2013) (Figure 4.10). Three small

zones are taken, two along Well-A and one along Well-B to perform a supervised

classification about the Mississippian chert reservoir zone (Figure 4.9). The texture

attributes used in unsupervised workflow 2 are also utilized in the supervised

classification. Three sets of average waveform are calculated from the three zones and

are these training data-vectors called facies-1, facies-2, and facies-3 as shown in

Figure 4.9.

Well A was drilled in the north east corner of the survey and encountered

mostly the St. Joe limestone and dense cherty limestone. However the dense chert and

the dense limestone facies can be highly fractured, giving rise to two additional

seismic facies. It is observed from the fracture density calculations along the well bore

(White, 2013) that there are some natural fractures in the dense chert of the Well-A

(Figure 4.9a). Thus two zones are identified, one in the region of dense cherty

limestone and the other in the region of dense chert with natural fractures (layered

chert and limestone). The average data-vector of the facies-1 (light blue-violet color)

is extracted from Well A around the vertical and horizontal zone, having the tight,

least fractured cherty limestone. The average data-vector of facies-2 (yellow color) is

extracted from the horizontal section of Well A, in which tight fractured chert are

observed. The average data-vector of both facies-1 and facies-2 have similar nature

with high homogeneity, high energy and low entropy (measure of disorder). However,

these two facies type have different amplitudes for each attribute value as observed in

Figures 4.10a and b.

Well B was drilled in the southern edge of the survey. It is a producing well

and has been drilled mostly in the tripolitic chert formation. Facies-3 (light green

color) is the average data-vector extracted from the horizontal section of the Well B

that has more tripolitic chert facies present (Figure 4.9b). The average data-vector

from facies-3 shows less coherent energy, lower bandwidth spectrum, higher disorder

(entropy), low homogeneity and moderate energy (Figure 4.10c). These average data-

vectors are compared to the same z-score normalized dataset. We measure the

Euclidean distance between the facies vectors and each data-vector, where the most

similar data-vector to the facies vector will have the least distance. The confidence

values of the well data-vectors are fixed to 80%. The data-vector in the reservoir zone

is identified and the corresponding data voxel is color-coded according to its closest

facies type. A cutoff value is defined which controls the unclassified class facies-4

(gray color) that does not fall in either of the above three groups.


Although we started our analysis with an over-defined number of 256 PVs, the

unsupervised SOM clumps (clusters) them into a smaller number of “natural clusters”

present in the multi-attribute dataset. From Figures 4.6b and 4.8b we see that the

projections of these PVs form four/five clusters after the final iteration.

The unsupervised seismic facies analysis from the structural attributes

(workflow 1) helps to map the discontinuity and the overall distribution of rock types

within the Mississippian chert reservoir (Figure 4.6a). The harder higher-density chert

will have greater amplitude and a higher coherence compared to either the fractured or

the low-density tripolitic cherts. Analyzing Well A, we find the magenta, pink and

orange facies correlates to tight limestone and fractured tight chert (corresponds to St

Joes Limestone and Osage B) as shown in Figure 4.6a. From a posteriori analysis of

Well B we interpret the yellow and green colors correlates to the tripolitic chert rich

facies (corresponding to Osage A formation) also shown in Figure 4.6a. In addition,

the combined effects of the dip-magnitude, coherency and the reflector convergence

attributes helps in distinguishing and the subtle variations, fractures, faults and karst

features which corresponds to the blue and cyan color. Some of the structural features

are concentrated in the fractured chert zones but most of the structural features are

concentrated in the tripolitic chert rich zones

The second workflow using unsupervised seismic facies analysis from the

texture attributes (workflow 2) appears to define a greater number of seismic facies in

the survey area (Figure 4.8a). After the final iteration five major clusters are formed

which are interpreted by analyzing Wells A and B. The dark red zones correspond to

the dark red cluster formed in the outliers, interpreted as tight cherty limestone (St. Joe

limestone). Figure 4.9a shows the horizontal well overlayed on the vertical section of

the seismic facies volume. Overlaying the vertical section with the fracture density

plot (White, 2013) we correlate, that the lighter red areas with high-density fractured

chert rich or the layered chert and limestone. From Figure 4.9b we infer that the lighter

colored (light green and yellow) facies are tripolitic chert rich zones (Osage A).

The supervised seismic facies volume (Figure 4.11) is quite similar to the

previous unsupervised SOM classified volumes. The blue-violet facies corresponds to

St Joe’s limestone rich areas. The high-density fractured cherts corresponding to

layered chert and limestone (Osage B formation) and corresponds to yellow facies

(facies-2). The tripolitic chert rich areas corresponding to Osage A formation, (facies-

3) and are in green. These green areas correspond to the diagenetically altered chert

with low-density and high-porosity values. The tripolitic chert facies is not uniform

across the survey and occur in patches. The remaining data those does not fall in either

of the above three groups are color-coded gray.

Using Wells A and B, a post-stack P-impedance was done (Dowdell, 2012),

and the results are compared with the multi-attribute unsupervised seismic facies

analysis (Figure 4.12). High impedance (purple) corresponds to the regions interpreted

in the facies volumes as the high-density chert or having St. Joe’s limestone.

Intermediate (green) impedance occurs in the regions having fractured non-porous

chert or layered chert. Finally, low-impedance regions (yellow and red) correspond to

the rocks of low density and high porosity and correspond to the tripolitic chert-rich

zones (Figure 4.12a). The unsupervised seismic facies volume from the texture

attributes (Workflow 2) is similar to Figure 4.12a. The zones interpreted as dense

limestone correspond to the regions having high impedance values. Similarly, the low-

impedance zones are interpreted as tripolitic chert-rich zones in the unsupervised

facies volume from the “texture” attributes. In this case we can replace coherent

energy in workflow 2 with acoustic impedance resulting in the improved

classification. The impedance volume co-rendered with the k1 principal curvature

(Figure 4.12b) suggests that there are more fractures in the low-impedance regions

compared to the limestone-rich areas (White, 2013). The unsupervised seismic facies

volume from the structural attributes (Workflow 1) shows structural features in blue

and shows similar distribution pattern of the k1 principal curvature as in Figure 4.12b.


Seismic stratigraphy and seismic facies analysis is routinely used in both

clastic, and carbonate sedimentary deposits. However, facies analysis of different

diagenetic altered rocks like chert is not a common workflow. Proper selection of the

input seismic attribute volumes is the key to effective classification to differentiate the

various diagenetically altered rocks. The proposed unsupervised SOM algorithm

generates natural clusters that are formed from the overdefined classes. We have used

two different sets of attribute volumes to identify different expressions of diagenesis

and structural deformation present in the Mississippi chert reservoir.

The three facies (St. Joe’s tight limestone, fractured and layered Osage B chert,

and high-porosity Osage A tripolitic chert) are identified from the borehole image logs

and are used as training vectors for supervised classification. This supervised

classification produced results consistent with the unsupervised classification. While

identifying porous tripolitic chert as the sweet spots, the tight layered cherts with the

natural fractures are identified as areas that may be more effectively stimulated by

hydraulic fracturing. The post stack inversion result combined with the different

seismic facies volumes helps understanding the prospective zones of this

Mississippian chert reservoir.

With all the three workflows, we infer the “best” attributes for classifying the

heterogeneous Mississippi Chert reservoir can be GLCM entropy, GLCM

homogeneity, spectral bandwidth, coherence and P-impedance.

This technique is less well established in mapping diagenetically altered strata

like the Mississippi Lime. More conventional techniques like P-impedance inversion

requires better well control for the area and good well ties that require much effort

from geophysicists and is a time consuming job. The proposed unsupervised multi-

attribute workflow requires comparatively much less effort and can be done before the

wells are available. This analysis can be done as a preliminary workflow to understand

the reservoir. This classification is a step forward where we choose the best attributes

that can represent the reservoir and perform our clustering on the chosen set of multi-

attribute volumes. For our study, we show that SOM multi-attribute clustering

successfully maps the various chert facies within the reservoir zone. These results are

consistent with the multi-attribute supervised classification volume, P-impedance

volume and the borehole image logs. Thus the proposed workflow can be confidently

and easily performed when there is not much well information available in the survey.


Figure 4.1. Kohonen Self-organizing maps training algorithm and 2D gradational

HSV coloring. (a) Three distinct Gaussian distribution with same standard deviations

but different means (blue circles). To begin with we choose a representation of the

data-vectors (called the prototype vectors) having same three dimensions as the data-

vectors. A PV in the input space (black dots in (a)) is assigned to each grid point in the

2D SOM grid space. (b) The initial projections of the PVs in the 2D SOM grid space.

(c) Final projection of the trained PVs in the 2D SOM grid space forming three classes

as present in the input dataset. The trained PVs are plotted in the 3D data-space (black

dots). (d) A 2D gradational HSV color scaling of the trained PVs are done for better

visualization (after Matos, 2009).

Figure 4.2. Workflow for the unsupervised SOM classification of the multi-attribute


Figure 4.3. (a) The general stratigraphic column with the Mississippian tripolitic

chert interval is present at the unconformity between the Pennsylvanian and

Mississippian age. (b) The location of the seismic survey from Osage County,

Oklahoma, within the Cherokee Platform province. The Cherokee Platform is bounded

on the west by the Nemaha Uplift and to the east by the Ozark Uplift. Matson (2013)

subdivides the Mississippian in this study area into the tight St. Joe limestone, and the

Osage A and Osage B levels.

Figure 4.4. Two different models for the diagenesis the Mississippian Chert

developed from weathered and/or eroded limestone (after Rogers, 2001 using

nomenclature of Matson, 2013). In the reef model the chert formation at the reef

margin. In the Breccia model the chert forms as sub-aerially exposed breccia deposits.

(a) Stage-one for both the settings is the silica replacement of calcite in a submarine

environment. The siliceous limestone and the layered chert and limestone

(corresponding to Osage B formation) are formed in this environment. (b): Stage-two

digenesis is a result of erosion and uplift, infiltration by meteoric water. This results in

flushing of the rock and dissolution of the remaining calcite by low-pH fluid and

absence of no new silica precipitation. This results in moldic porosity and vuggy

porosity (yellow arrows) that is common in the low-density high-porosity tripolitic

chert (corresponding to Osage A).

Figure 4.5. Structural attributes used in unsupervised analysis (workflow 1). (a)

Coherent energy, (b) Coherence, (c) dip magnitude and (d) reflector convergence.

Blue arrows indicate discontinuities and structural features that will form their own

clusters in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6. (a) The result of multi-attribute unsupervised seismic facies classification

(workflow 1) within the Mississippi lime using the four “structural” attribute volumes

shown in Figure 4.5 as input. (b) The projections of the 256 prototype vectors

(clusters) plotted in the 2D SOM grid space clump into four main clusters

magenta/dark pink, red/orange, yellow/green or cyan in color. The blue cluster is one

of the outliers. A posteriori analysis from the borehole image log and fracture density

diagram of Well A shows magenta or dark pink color correlate to the tight limestone

facies (St. Joe Limestone) (indicated by the magenta arrows) while orange and red

correlate to the dense layered chert and limestone facies (Osage B) (indicated by the

red arrows). Similar a posteriori analysis from Well B shows that light green and

yellow correlate to tripolitic chert facies (Osage A) (indicated by the yellow arrow).

The forth cluster blue and cyan correlates to areas of low coherence and high dip

magnitude, which we interpret to be areas of faults, fractures and karst (blue arrows as

in Figure 4.5).

Figure 4.7. The input attribute volumes used in workflow 2: (a) coherent energy, (b)

spectral bandwidth, (c) GLCM energy, (d) The GLCM entropy, and (e) GLCM

homogeneity. Our implementation of GLCM measures lateral variations of reflectivity

along structure. In contrast we use bandwidth over spectral attributes to measure the

vertical variations in texture. The GLCM energy is a measure of the GLCM matrix

energy, not the square of the seismic amplitude. GLCM energy increases if amplitude

values repeat (e.g. as a homogeneous, striped, or checkerboard pattern). GLCM

entropy is high if the amplitude values are random. GLCM homogeneity is high if

amplitude values are smoothly varying.

Figure 4.8. The result of multi-attribute unsupervised seismic facies classification

from workflow 2 within the Mississippian lime zone using the “texture” attribute

volumes shown in Figure 4.7. (b) The projections of the 256 prototype vectors

(clusters) plotted in the 2D SOM grid space clump into mainly into four different

clusters. The dark red/brown projection of the PV (as an outlier) forms the fifth facies

type. A posteriori analysis from the borehole image log and fracture density diagram

of Well A shows dark red and brown correlate to the tight cherty St. Joe’s limestone

facies (indicated by the brown arrows) while light pink and violet correlate to the

layered chert and lime facies (Osage B formation) (indicated by the pink arrows).

Similar a posteriori analysis from Well B shows that light green and yellow correlate

to tripolitic chert facies (Osage A formation) (indicated by the yellow arrow).

Figure 4.9. Subvolumes used to extract three average data-vectors, which will be used

in supervised multi-attribute seismic facies classification. The three sub-volumes have

been chosen on the basis of the image log interpretation from White (2013). Hot colors

indicate high fracture densities based on the two wells. (a) Two sub-volumes are

considered around Well A. The blue-violet Facies 1 corresponds to the tight/non-

porous limestone (St Joe’s Limestone). The yellow Facies 2 corresponds to the

fractured dense chert (Osage B). (b) The sub-volume considered around Well B. The

light green facies 3 corresponds to tripolitic chert facies and the region having the

highest fracture density (Osage A). (c) Map view of the location of the two wells in

the survey.

Figure 4.10. The three average waveforms extracted from the three sub-volumes

around the wells with the images of the borehole image logs for each of the facies

type. (a) The borehole image log of Well A corresponds to the tight St. Joe limestone

formation. The corresponding facies type is defined to be Facies-1 (violet color) (b)

The borehole image log within the Osage B formation shows many natural fractures

and interbeded chert and lime. The corresponding facies type is defined to be Facies-2

(yellow color). The average data-vectors selected from the Well A have similar

patterns with high coherent energy, high energy and high GLCM homogeneity, narrow

bandwidth and low GLCM entropy. However, the amplitude values of the attributes

are less in Facies-2 indicating that this facies is fractured and layered chert not as tight

and dense as the Facies 1. (c) The image log shows the presence of low density

diagenetically altered tripolitic chert (corresponding to the Osage A formation). The

average multi-attribute data-vectors selected from the Well B (Facies 3) has low

coherent energy, spectral amplitude, GLCM homogeneity and GLCM energy values

and high GLCM entropy value, which is a seismic signature of the low density, high

porous tripolitic chert.

Figure 4.11. The multi-attribute supervised seismic facies volume, with the facies

defined in Figure 4.10. The violet seismic facies (Facies-1) corresponds to the tight St.

Joe’s limestone, the yellow seismic facies (Facies 2) corresponds to fractured chert

with interbeded chert and lime regions and the green seismic facies (Facies 3)

corresponds to the tripolitic chert rich zones. The facies, which are not similar to these

three facies, are color-coded gray.

Figure 4.12. The results of post-stack P-impedance inversion. (a) The less dense

highly porous tripolitic chert regions have low impedance (red and yellow colors). The

green areas correspond to the fractured or layered dense chert and lime regions. The

high impedance regions (cyan-blue violet) correspond to the dense chert and cherty

limestone. This result when compared with unsupervised seismic facies analysis

workflow 2 shows that the dense limestone and chert rich zones correspond to high

impedance regions and the low impedance corresponds to the tripolitic chert rich

areas. Similarly, for the fractured layered chert and lime corresponds to the regions

with medium to low impedance. (b) The P-impedance volume is co-rendered with the

positive principal curvature k1. When compared with the multi-attribute analysis with

the structural attributes (workflow 1) it shows similar discontinuities/fractures, faults

and karst features accompanied with the different chert facies.


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Seismic facies classification of unconventional reservoirs using

Generative Topographic Mapping


Classification methods fall into two major classes, the supervised and

unsupervised classification. An ideal unsupervised classification method is one which

does not require direct human intervention and subdivides the data volume into its

“natural clusters”. However classification in the actual higher dimensional data space

is difficult. Principal component analysis, self-organizing maps, and generative

topographic mapping provide dimensionality reduction from a higher-dimensional

input data-space to a lower dimensional model space. Among these techniques neural

net and Kohonen self-organizing maps (a sub-group of artificial neural network) are

the most popular classification methods routinely done for Generally well log

prediction or analysis and seismic facies modeling. Although they have been

successful in many hydrocarbon exploration projects, they have some inherent

limitations. Here we explore one of the recent techniques known as the Generative

Topographic Maps (GTM), which takes care of the shortcomings of the Kohonen Self

organizing maps. We explore the formulation of this technique and applied it on two

different datasets to demonstrate probabilistic clustering. Firstly, we applied the GTM

technique to classify 15 sets of horizontal well parameters in a one of the new shale

plays, correlating the results with normalized EURs, allowing an estimation of EUR

based on the most relevant parameters.

Secondly we applied GTM on the inverted 3D seismic volumes of a Barnett

shale dataset for a multi-attribute unsupervised clustering. The final seismic facies

volume was a result of user defined a posteriori supervision to classify the higher

probability density of the data in the 2D latent space. Different clusters formed from

the GTM analysis of the Barnett shale survey are interpreted from different horizontal

wells with micro-seismic data. The study shows the effectiveness of GTM technique

as an unsupervised probabilistic approach for data classification.


In the past, due to computational inefficiency, the dimensionality reduction

from a higher-dimensional input data-space to a lower dimensional model space were

only linear structures (hyper-planes) in the data space. The technique described in this

paper illustrates a non-linear relationship between D-dimensional data-space and a

lesser L-dimensional model (D>L). Generally the L-dimensional model is called a

latent space, which is a lower-dimensional manifold embedded in attribute space that

approximately contains the vast majority of the probability mass of the data

(Sevensen, 1998). It is assumed that a smaller number of hidden or latent variables in

this latent space generate the large number of input dataset. Every latent variable is

mapped to a corresponding point in the data space to form L-dimensional manifold in

the D-dimensional data-space. Therefore, a distribution defined in the latent space

corresponds to a distribution in the data-space thus establishing a probabilistic

relationship between the two spaces (Sevensen, 1998). After proper parameter

estimation, we can relate the points in the D-dimensional data-space to grid points in

L-dimensional curved manifold, which in turn relates to points in L-dimensional latent

space. Thus for data points in the high dimensional space one can find some

representation in the lower dimensional latent space. The above technique formulates

a generative model where vectors in the data space are generated by grid points in the

latent/model space. Bishop et al, 1998 proposed such a generative model called the

Generative Topographic Model (GTM). Data visualization after GTM modeling is the

key for using GTM as a probabilistic classifier.

This GTM classification algorithm has been rarely used in hydrocarbon

exploration. Wallet et al., (2009) were the first to apply the GTM technique to a suite

of phantom horizon slices through a seismic volume generating a “waveform

classification”. We have implemented GTM efficiently to handle much larger seismic

dataset as input and generated a new workflow for unsupervised seismic facies


The GTM Algorithm

The GTM is a non-linear dimensional reduction technique that provides a

probabilistic representation of the data-vectors in a corresponding latent space. In this

paper our input data will consists of D-dimensional data vectors. In our first example

the data are multiple engineering measurements forming vectors corresponding to

discrete wells. In our second example, the data are a suite of seismic attributes forming

a vector at each 3D voxel. A set of non-linear continuous and differentiable basis

functions are used to map points u = u1,u2,…,uL in the L-dimensional latent space into

corresponding points in the data space. This mapping generates points defining L-

dimensional non-Euclidean manifold S embedded within the data-space (Figure 5.1).

A Gaussian noise model (PDF) for a data-vector xn is then defined centered on the

mapped grid points on the non-Euclidean manifold S. This Gaussian noise model

defines the space in which the data vector lies. In this manner, the probability

distribution of a data-vector xn is obtained by summing the individual PDFs associated

with each of the mapped grid points. This initial stage is called a constrained Gaussian

mixture because the Gaussian centers are constrained by the grid points in the latent

space. As we iterate each component of the mixture model is moved towards the data-

vector that it best represents. For each iteration the mapping parameters are

determined using an Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempstar et al,

1977). Since the points on the manifold S relates to the points on the latent space by a

probability distribution, a posterior probability projection is then found for each of the

data-vectors in the L-dimensional latent space. This posterior probability projection of

the data onto the latent space is used for data visualization. Detailed implementation of

this algorithm is given below.

GTM Theory

In our implementation of GTM, we have fixed the latent space to be 2-

dimensional (L=2) to facilitate subsequent analysis using a 2-component commercial

cross-plotting tool, which will be later used for visualization. An array of regularly

spaced latent space variable points (nodes) is arranged in this 2D latent space, labeled

k=1,2,3….,K and are denoted by uk. In addition, a set of j =1,2,3…., J non-linear basis

functions are introduced in the mapping function (Figure 5.1). Following Bishop et al.,

(1998) we use Gaussian functions as non-linear basis functions, with their

centers j also uniformly arranged in regular grid spacing. These Gaussian basis

functions are defined as

( )


where, is the position vector of the center of the jth basis function, is the position

vector of the kth node, and is the common width (standard deviation) of these

Gaussian basis functions.

In order to determine the PDF in the data-space, we need to map the pre-

defined latent space variables uk onto the D-dimensional data space to a corresponding

set of reference vectors, mk. These reference vectors mk lie on the 2D non-Euclidean

manifold S. This non-linear transformation is given by,

∑ (2)

where, k=1,2,3….,K are the indices for latent space variables, and J is the set of non-

linear Gaussian basis functions. W is a D x J matrix that denotes the weights of the

mapping function. Figure 5.1 depicts an overview of the GTM mapping from the

latent space to the data space. Specifically, nine (K=9) latent space variables are

mapped to nine reference vectors in the 2D non-Euclidean manifold with four (J=4)

non-linear Gaussian basis functions.

It is highly improbable that the data lies only on the 2D manifold S in the data-

space. We assume these deviations are normally distributed and can be represented by

a weighted sum of N-dimensional Gaussian probability density functions (PDF).

For simplicity, the variance =1/β is assumed to be same for all nodes,

however, these nodes can move, such that the noise model is defined for a data-vector

xn with a radially symmetric Gaussian functions with centers at mk (Figure 5.2) is

given by

|| ||

Since the centers of the Gaussian mixture components are dependent on points in the

latent space (given by equation 2) the distribution | corresponds to a

constrained Gaussian mixture model (Hinton et al, 1992). The probability distribution

in the data-space for the GTM model is obtained by summing over all K Gaussian

components for a given W and β:

|| ||
| ∑ | ∑

To make the above problem mathematically tractable, we require that the latent space

points are constrained to a grid. Thus the prior probabilities P(k) of each of these latent

space variables are given by the sum of delta functions centered on the nodes uk,

where the indices of the nodes runs from k=1,2,….., K. We initialize P(k)=1/K factor

is the normalization factor such that the total probability sums to unity.

The parameterization of the GTM model W (weight matrix) and β (inverse of

the noise variance) is done by maximum likelihood estimation. This maximization is

well suited for solution using an Expectation Maximum (EM) algorithm (Dempstar et

al, 1977). The EM algorithm consists of two major steps. The first or expectation step

is to find the expected value for a data-vector using the current estimated parameters.

The second, or maximization step uses the expectation value to provide a new estimate

of the parameters. The EM algorithm is a good choice for estimation problems like

GTM because of its generality and guaranteed convergence (Bishop, 1995).

Consider for a certain iteration the weight matrix is given by Wold and the

inverse of the noise variance given by βold. In the “E-step” of the EM algorithm we

calculate the posterior probability or responsibility, for each of the K

components in latent space for every data-vector xn using these GTM model

parameters Wold and βold. Using Bayes’ theorem we obtain the posterior probability as,
|| ||

|| ||

where the dataset are represented by X = x1, x2, x3…….xN. However the value of

|| ||
becomes very small for most of the values of K causing a numerical

underflow in the calculation which results in the denominator of equation 5 becoming

zero. This is avoided by subtracting a constant factor from the argument of the

|| ||
exponential, which is equivalent to multiplying the numerator and

denominator of equation 5 by a constant. Next, in the Maximization or “M-step”, we

use these responsibilities to update the model to compute a new weight matrix W new

by solving a set of linear equations

where G is a K x K diagonal matrix with elements ∑ , is a K x J

Matrix with elements and Rold is a K x N matrix with elements

given by equation (5). The updated value of the inverse of the noise variance is given

by βnew where

∑∑ || ||

To regularize the matrix inversion we add a constant and rewrite the equation (6) to


where I is the J x J identity matrix and , being a real constant parameter.

This constant makes a prior distribution over W and scales the 2D manifold.

After GTM training the 2D manifold S is stretched to represent regions of lower data

density and is squeezed to represent regions with greater data density. To construct a

GTM model we require choosing a number of parameters which is discussed next.

Initialization and Parameter selection in GTM

The selection of the input data vector (e.g. which seismic attributes best

represent the desired facies) is the most critical parameter selection of GTM and to

clustering in general (Barnes and Laughlin, 2002). Parameter selection specific to

GTM defines facies resolution/discrimination and runtime. The number of points in

the grid points (nodes) K in the latent space should be such that it is dense enough to

approximate a continuous distribution of the data. By construction, the number of grid

points is equal to the number of Gaussian mixtures in the data-space. Also to note,

choosing a very large number of grid points increases the computation time and

memory usage. Thus a trade-off should be maintained between selecting the number

of grid points and computational time.

We also define a set of non-linear Gaussian basis function centers J, on this 2D

latent space grid and take care to set J < K to avoid rank deficiency of the matrix.

The common width of these basis functions is also set prior to the training.

controls the smoothness of the 2D manifold. A smooth manifold in the data space

facilitates fitting the data-vectors during training. This parameter remains constant

for the whole process. The matrix consisting of the non-linear basis functions

(Gaussian functions in our case) is calculated at initialization and

remains constant for all the subsequent iterations.

We initialize the weight matrix W such that the initial GTM model

approximates the principal component of the dataset. The common value of the

inverse variance of the Gaussian PDFs β is initialized to be the inverse of the (L+1)th

eigenvalue from PCA where L is the dimension of the latent space. Since in our case

L=2 we initialize β to be the inverse of the third eigenvalue.

Data Visualization in GTM

Visualization is key to effective clustering. After we have estimated the

parameters Wnew and βnew, we are able to define a new posterior probability

distribution of the data by the latent space grid points:

|| ||

|| ||

These posterior probabilities or the “responsibility”, values in equation 9

can be mapped to the entire grid points uk (Figure 5.3). Such an explicit projection for

all the data-vectors will in general results in too much redundant information in the

latent space. For this reason Bishop et al., (1998) proposed projecting the mean or the

mode posterior probability projections onto the latent space.

The mean of the posterior probability distribution of a data-vector xn is

obtained by projecting onto all the grid points (nodes) the responsibilities of each

node, thus computing the average location in u:

The mode of the posterior probability distribution is similar:

Figure 5.3 illustrates such a calculation of the posterior probability for one data-vector.

The mode of the discrete K nodes occurs at the the magenta point. The mean of the

posterior probability projection of the same data-vector xn occurs at the green point

and in general falls between the grid points.

Summary of the GTM workflow for facies classification

The GTM workflow is summarized in the following steps (Figure 5.4):


 Choose an appropriate suite of attributes to differentiate the different reservoir

performance results or seismic facies.

 Define the number of latent variables K, the basis function J, the relative width

of the basis functions, and the scaling factor, ,

 Generate the latent space grid uk, where k=1,2,….., K,

 Generate the grid for the Gaussian basis function centers rj, where j=1,2,….., J,

 Compute the set of Gaussian basis function (from equation 1),

 Initialization of W and β from PCA analysis of the data X,

 Compute the reference vectors, mk (from equation 2),

 Compute || || for the Gaussian PDFs (equation 3), and

 Calculate the responsibility (equation 5).


 Update the weight matrix Wnew (equations 6 or 8),

 Update mk and calculate the new || || ,

 Update the inverse variance βnew (equation 7),

 Calculate the new responsibility ), and

 Compute posterior mean or mode projection for QC.

Training continues until the model converges (i.e. the value of the inverse

variance βnew stabilizes)


GTM example 1: a reservoir engineering application

In our first example we wish to determine which combination of completion

process and reservoir properties are correlated with high and low expected ultimate

recovery (EUR). The test dataset consists of 137 horizontal wells from shale survey

displayed in the map view in Figure 5.5. Each well is color-coded by its scaled EURs.

In contrast, the rapidly varying EUR in the center of the map is less likely to be a

reservoir property and more dependent on the specific engineering parameters. Geo-

hazards such as faults will also exhibit anomalous engineering behaviors.

Our input data consists of 15 horizontal well parameters, which we hypothesize to

affect the EUR of the wells. We train on 137 and validate with 8 wells. The 15

horizontal well parameters considered for analysis are:

 Total clean volume of sand,

 Total proppant volume,

 Total 100 mesh sand,

 Total non-100 mesh sand,

 Daily peak rate,

 Cluster spacing,

 Number of fracture stages,

 Total perforations,

 Total perforation cluster,

 Total perforation length,

 Contour permeability,

 Average treating rate,

 Formation thickness,

 Porosity,

 Average proppant concentration,

All the variables are normalized using a z-score algorithm to minimize any

bias due to units of measure. The 2D latent space is uniformly sampled using 144

points and forming a square grid of 12 x 12 points. These 144 latent space variables

are mapped into the N=15 dimensional data-space using four Gaussian basis functions

with equal variance. After GTM training the manifold in the data space will be

stretched in regions of low-data density and compressed in the region of high data

density. With the trained GTM model parameters, the posterior probabilities

of the data-vectors are calculated using Bayes’ theorem (equation

9). We then use these posterior probabilities and project them onto the 2D latent space

to form either a mean and or a mode distribution map using equations 10 and 11.

Finally projected points are colored by the scaled EUR values. Once trained we

validate the clustering using the estimated EURs from the GTM property map and

compare with the true EURs for the 8 wells not used in training.

The mean (Figure 5.6) or the mode (Figure 5.7) of the posterior probability

(responsibilities) distribution map of every data-vector is plotted in the 2D latent space

before and after 100 iterations. The color bar represents scaled EURs. Note that the

data-vectors from wells with high EUR projection map onto the upper right corner of

the latent space.

Some of the wells from the mean posterior probability distribution map are

analyzed as highlighted in Figure 5.8a. The upper set correspond to the set of wells

having high EURs and the below set corresponds to the wells having low EURs. The

average of the normalized well parameters for these two set of wells are plotted in

Figure 5.8b. The average data-vector from wells with high EURs (in red) are having

different characteristics compared to the wells with low EURs. The wells with good

EURs have higher proppant, sand volume, less cluster spacing, higher fracture stages,

more perforations, and higher porosity, whereas the wells with bad EURs have

opposite characters.

These posterior probabilities are crucial to our application of the GTM for

EUR predictions. To begin, we assume that we have a property En (which is nothing

but the EURs) that is associated with the nth well. We can multiply this En to the

posterior probabilities of the nth well data-vector which are projected on the 2D latent

space (Figure 5.9a). From this we get the EUR map for 1 well (Figure 5.9b). Then, we

can formulate a weighted sum of the EUR at each grid point k in the latent space for

all the N wells given by Equation (9).



This will give us a most likely EUR map from all the wells over the latent space

(Figure 5.9c). We first should analyze this EUR map to qualitatively determine if there

is significant correlation between the latent space and the physical property. Notice for

our EUR map, the latent space highly correlates with the EUR values. In addition, we

can also use this new ̃ to predict the EUR at another location in the latent space ̂ ,

which is not present in the training data set. This is done by calculating the posterior

probability of the new mth data-vector and multiplying the posterior probability

value at each grid point k with the weighted sum of the EUR values. Thus, for

predicting the EURs ̂ we use,

̂ ∑ ̃

where, the indices m representing a validating well.

Figure 5.9d is the plot of the predicted EURs from the GTM model vs. the true given

EURs for the validating sets of 8 wells with a very good linear least-square fit.

This study shows how different horizontal well parameters affect the average

EUR for horizontal wells. The horizontal well parameters like the sand used for

fracturing, the proppant volume, the number of perforations, their cluster spacing, the

porosity mostly affects which wells have the good or bad EURs. The model

parameters used in our GTM model fit the dataset properly and correlates the latent

space to the EURs of each well. A very good least square fit of the predicted EURs to

the actual EURs gives confidence to our model. This workflow can be conveniently

extended to estimate which of the parameters most affects the EURs of the horizontal

wells in a shale play.

Next, we will apply this GTM algorithm to do multi-attribute seismic facies

classification for the Mississippian Barnett Shale of the Fort Worth Basin in Texas.

GTM example 2: Probabilistic Multi-attribute seismic facies analysis of the

Barnett Shale from the Fort Worth Basin

The Fort Worth Basin is a foreland basin, located in north-central Texas and is

associated with the late Paleozoic Ouachita orogeny. This basin is bounded by the

Muenster Arch to the northeast, the Ouachita Thrust Front to the east, the Bend Arch

to the west, the Red River Arch to the north, and the Llano Uplift to the south (Figure

5.10a). In this study area the Barnett sits on an angular unconformity above the

Cambrian to upper-Ordovician-age carbonates of the Ellenberger Group and Viola

Formation and overlying Pennsylvanian-age Marble Falls Limestone (Figure 5.10b).

In between, the Forestburg Limestone divides the Barnett formation into Upper and

Lower Barnett zone (Figure 5.10c). The Barnett Shale is not homogeneous, but rather

can be subdivided into siliceous shale, argillaceous shale, calcareous shale, and

limestone layers, with minor amounts of dolomite (Singh, 2008).

The Fort Worth Barnett shale gas play is traditionally more of an engineering

driven play. It requires hydraulic fracturing for gas production. Our 3D seismic survey

consists of a 200 square mile survey in the North East Fort Worth Basin. The data are

sampled at 110ft by 110ft by 2ms. However, the above survey was acquired after

numerous vertical and horizontal wells have been drilled and hydraulically fractured.

For effective well placement within the survey in future drilling, care should be taken

to identify the brittle zones by mapping the geomechanical rock type of the Barnett


GTM Workflow for Seismic Facies Estimation

The inputs to our GTM algorithm are different seismic inversion volumes (P-

impedance, lambda-rho, mu-rho) which help in understanding the highly

heterogeneous nature of the Barnett shale. For the above attribute generations the

seismic data between the Marble faults horizon and the Viola limestone is considered.

The impedance volumes better reflect a heterogeneous shale reservoir based rock type.

The Lamé parameters of seismic inversion such as lambda-rho (λρ) and mu-rho (μρ)

correlates to "fracability" and different elastic properties of rocks. Simple cross-plot

between two such elastic properties from the wells sometimes help in segregating

different rock types. However, it is very difficult to separate between classes when we

cross-plot any of these two seismic volumes. Figure 5.11 shows the cross-plot of the

lambda-rho (λρ) vs. mu-Rho (μρ) for the Upper Barnett shale (Figure 5.11a) and

Lower Barnett shale (Figure 5.11b). Both the cross-plots form one single cluster of

data-points and we are unable differentiate this cluster. The same is true when we

cross-plot with the P-impedance volume. Thus it is not possible to identify the

heterogeneity in shale just by simple cross-plot.

The above three volumes: P-impedance, μρ and λρ, between the Lower Marble

Falls and the Viola limestone, are considered as input for the GTM unsupervised

clustering analysis. Thus our data become 3-dimensional. However this data with

different amplitude values needs to be normalized first, which is done by subtracting

off the mean and then dividing it by the standard deviation for each of the three

volumes (z-score algorithm).

Initially a 2D latent space is uniformly sampled with K = 1600 number of

regular grid points (nodes) and square grid is defined with 40 grid points in each side.

An additional square grid of J = 144 defined the centers of the non-linear basis

functions in the same 2D space as the mapping function. These non-linear Gaussians

basis functions have the same standard deviation equals to half the separation of the

neighboring basis function centers. A multi-attribute PCA analysis is done to initialize

the weight matrix W and the inverse of the noise variance β of the GTM model. The

training dataset to the GTM consists of the decimated P-impedance, μρ and λρ

volumes. W and β, are updated with each iteration through expectation-maximization

(EM) algorithm. The EM algorithm is guaranteed to converge to local maxima and

possibly a global maxima (Dempstar et al, 1977).

We stopped the training after 100 iterations when the value of the inverse

variance β stabilized (Figure 5.12a). After training the latent space the final GTM

model is applied to the original normalized dataset, which is then projected onto this

2D latent space (Figure 5.12b). This projected mean posterior probability distribution
in the 2D latent is then typically used for user defined cluster analysis. An innovative

and easy workflow to do this is to store the values of the posterior probability

projections for each of the 2D latent space axis into two separate volumes, which we

call as GTM projection volumes. Thus, the GTM output consists of two separate

volumes. Four different zones are identified in the gamma-ray log from a well within

the survey. The GTM projection volumes constrained in the four zones within the

Barnett formation are cross-plotted in commercial interpretation software. The mean

posterior projections of these four zones form separate clusters onto the latent space

(Figure 5.15). These different clusters formed are then interpreted by qualitatively by

visualization and the micro-seismic dataset from the wells separated them into

“fracable” or ductile lithofacies. Finally, we came up with 9 clusters within the Barnett


Discussions of Seismic Facies Analysis on Barnett Shale

For identifying different clusters, we have analyzed several well-probes within

the Barnett shale interval combining them with the microseismic dataset.

Microseismic is one of the most important fracture diagnostic techniques to map the

effectiveness of fractures due to hydraulic fracturing. Microseismic records the

slippage events that accompany a hydraulic fracturing and then locates the origin of

the events in the subsurface.

The well locations are given in Figure 5.16. Microseismic events from Well A

and a suite of Wells B (B1, B2, B3, and B4) are discussed in this study (Figures 5.13

and 5.14). Well-probes are created by cross plotting the two projection volumes from

GTM. Next, we identify, draw polygons around the clusters and assign them with

different colors. Figure 5.13 shows the well-probe for well A. The 2D histogram

(Figure 5.13a) shows the occurrence of various clusters over which eight user-defined

polygons as shown (Figure 5.13b). The well-probe in Figure 5.13d is colored

accordingly. The Upper and the Lower Barnett Shale exhibit different cluster

composition and in turn different from the intervening Forestburg limestone in gray

color. The Upper Barnett is mostly identified in three clusters which are colored blue,

cyan and yellow. The most variability is found in the Lower Barnett Shale with 4.5

different clusters formed in the 2D latent space. Figure 5.13d shows the well-probe

overlaid with the microseismic events. Slatt et al, (2011) identified 1st order, 2nd order

and 3rd order ductile-brittle couplets within the Barnett Shale (Figure 5.13c). It is

observed that more microseismic events are confined in the light green and the red

lithofacies of the Lower Barnett Shale and less microseismic events penetrate into the

brown facies. The well-probe corresponds to the 2nd order brittle ductile couplets. The

arrow highlights the ductile and brittle zone in the well probe and in the 2D histogram


The suite of Wells B forms similar well-probe after we do a posteriori coloring

of the 2D latent space consistent with Well A. The Upper Barnett consists of the

similar three facies as before and the Forestburg limestone is colored gray. Analyzing

the 2D histogram (Figure 5.14a) we can add one more class (pink) as shown in Figure
5.14b. The well-probe (Figure 5.14c) is colored with these nine user-defined clusters.

The microseismic data are added for all the four wells (Figure 5.14d) and it shows the

presence of most of the microseismic events confined in the light green, red and pink

colored lithofacies. Again, it is observed the microseismic events miss the brown

lithofacies. Thus light green, red and pink lithofacies are brittle in nature compared to

the brown colored facies, which is more ductile. This is consistent with the 2nd order

brittle ductile couplets (Slatt, et al, 2011) and the studies done by Perez (2013).

Similarly the arrow highlights the ductile and brittle zone in the well probe and in the

2D histogram plot.

After analyzing the well-probes we extend our interpreted clusters to the seismic

volume. The GTM projection volumes are cross-plotted for four different zones with

their boundaries defined above and below by stratal slices corresponding to the zones

defined in the gamma-ray log from Figure 5.15a. Figure 5.15 b, c, d and e show the

mean posterior probability projections of these four zones (B, C, D, and E) within the

Barnett shale formation. Different clusters are recognized in the cross-plot and are

colored, consistent with the clusters and colors of the well-probes.

A horizon-probe within the upper Barnett shale (zone B) shown in Figure 5.16c.

The 2D histogram and the user defined clusters of the data from zone B are given in

Figure 5.16a and b. Three clusters are formed in the upper half of the 2D latent space.

Which are then colored consistent with the well-probes. Most of the facies of the

Upper Barnett Shale falls into the blue, green and the yellow clusters.

For the Lower Barnett Shale three different horizon-probes (Figure 5.17, 5.18

and 5.19) are created based on the different zones C, D and E identified in the gamma
ray signature of the lower Barnett shale (Figure 5.15 a). Figure 5.17c shows the top

section of the Lower Barnett Shale (zone C). It is observed in the mean posterior

probability projections (Figure 5.15c and Figure 5.17a) that it has some similar nature

as the Upper Barnett Shale but also have different rock type since a group of clusters

are identified in the lower part of the latent space.

Figure 5.18c is the horizon-probe for the middle zone D of the Lower Barnett

Shale. The cluster occurs mostly in the lower half of the latent space (Figure 5.15d and

Figure 5.18a). User-defined polygons are drawn around these clusters (Figure 5.18b)

to color the seismic horizon-probe. Earlier we discussed from the well-probes that the

microseismic events are mostly concentrated in the pink, light green and the red color

facies. Also this zone mostly has siliceous non-calcareous shale lithofacies (Singh,

2008). Thus we infer that zone D with mostly pink, light green and the red color

lithofacies indicates good fracturing brittle shale.

The lowermost zone (zone E) of the Lower Barnett Shale is the zone of hot shale

(Pollastro et al, 2007) with very high gamma ray (Figure 5.15a). Figure 5.19c is a

horizon-probe from the lower most zones. The brown facies is the most abundant

facies in this zone. From the high gamma values in the well logs and the fewer

occurrences of the microseismic events we interpret the brown facies as the most

ductile shale which may be due to high TOC concentration in this zone (Singh, 2008

and Perez, 2013).


The two case studies, first on the horizontal well dataset in an unconventional

shale survey and the second on the 3D seismic data from Barnett shale discusses the

various workflows for clustering with the GTM algorithm. For the reservoir

engineering problem we had a high correlation of the latent space model with the

horizontal well parameters. The horizontal well parameters like the sand used for

fracturing, the proppant volume, the number of perforations, their cluster spacing, and

the porosity mostly affects EURs of the wells. Finally we got a very good prediction

model predicting EURs for our blind test wells. This unsupervised clustering

workflow can be conveniently extended for analyzing horizontal well parameters in

other shale plays.

Secondly the GTM application in the Barnett shale with the P-impedance, λρ

and μρ, well characterizes the brittle and the ductile zones present in the shale. Each of

the shale lithofacies is tied to the microseismic data set from the wells of the survey.

From these microseismic events we can interpret clusters and differentiate between the

more “fracable” and ductile shale. Nine set of lithofacies have been identified within

the Barnett formation from the GTM unsupervised cluster analysis. Within the

four/five lithofacies identified in the Lower Barnett Shale we conclude that the brown

facies is more ductile in nature and probably more TOC rich. With larger

concentration of the microseismic events the red, light green and the pink lithofacies

are identified as more brittle in nature. This study will help in identifying the sweet

spots within the survey to identify zones for placing new horizontal well effectively.
Because the GTM theory is deep rooted in probability, other than seismic

facies classification it can also be applied into modern risk analysis and used in

decision making. We can extend the GTM application in seismic exploration by

projecting the mean posterior probabilities of a target data in the 2D latent space and

then calculate the probability estimates of the data falling in the category of the target

vector. We thus have a probabilistic estimate of the facies type and allows add another

dimension to the geologic risk analysis workflow using probabilistic facies

classification output.


Figure 5.1. Non-linear mapping of the latent space to the data space. The prior

distribution consists of latent space variables (K) ordered on a regular grid (blue

circles) residing in an L-dimensional latent space. In this figure L=2. consists of a

regular array of J non-linear basis functions. With the linear combination of these

basis functions the latent space (blue circles) are mapped to the data-space (blue

spheres) where they form a 2D non-Euclidean manifold, S, such that each node uk is

mapped to a corresponding vector mk in data-space, given by ∑

(equation 2).

Figure 5.2. Generating Gaussian probability density functions (PDF) to represent the

data vectors. In general data-vectors are scattered about S. We assume the misfit

represented by a suite of PDFs. Specially we assume an isotropic Gaussian noise

distribution | centered at mk and having a variance of 1/β (equation 3),

defines each data-vector xn. The final probability density function in the data space is

obtained by integrating the Gaussian PDFs for all mk where k=1, 2, ….K grid points

∑ | (equation 4), where P(k) is the prior distribution at each

node in the latent space.

Figure 5.3. Workflow for data visualization in GTM. After training the new estimated

parameters Wnew and βnew, the new posterior probabilities representing the data-vectors

can be obtained using Bayes’ theorem and is given by . These

posterior distribution “responsibility” values can be plotted for all the grid points,

in the 2D latent space. The mean location will assign the value to be the

weighted average of the posterior distribution values and will in general fall between

neighboring values of . The mode will assign the value to be the

location of the greatest posterior distribution value in the 2D latent space and will

always correspond to a discrete gridded value of .

Figure 5.4. The flow chart for generative topographic mapping workflow.

Figure 5.5. The Well Locations for the unconventional shale play of an area roughly

1000 km2. Colors correlate to scaled EUR ranging between 0 and 1. 137 wells are used

to train and eight wells used to validate the GTM. In general, the reservoir properties

of the shale are smoothly varying laterally. However, near the center of the survey

note the proximity of high- and low-EUR wells. We attribute these variations to

difference in completion practices, including stimulations of geohazard.

Figure 5.6. The mean posterior distribution map of the “responsibilities” of the data in

the 2D Latent space. The mean location of a data-vector is the weighted average of the

posterior distribution values and will in general fall in between neighboring values of

. (a) Initial and (b) final distribution of the posterior mean projections of all 137

well data onto the latent space after 100 iterations. (c) The PDF of a representative

well vector projected onto the latent space. While only the mean value is plotted in (a)

and (b), the full distribution can be used to better quantify risk. The plot is color-coded

by the scaled EURs. Note the two different clusters corresponding to the good (red)

and the bad EURs (blue) in the final mean distribution map.

Figure 5.7. The same GTM classification shown in Figure 5.6, but now using the

mode of the posterior probability projections of the data. (a) Initial and (b) final

distribution of the posterior mode projections of all 137 well data onto the latent space

after 100 iterations. (c) The data-vectors are projected onto the most likely grid points

(grid points with the most posterior probability value) and will always correspond to a

discrete gridded value of . Note that in this mode projection the posterior

probability values are assigned only to the grid locations. The plot is color-coded from

low to high EUR values. The latent space shows a more orderly separation between

the good, moderate and the bad EURs for the final iteration in the mode distribution


Figure 5.8. (a) Some of the wells from the mean posterior probability distribution map

are analyzed as highlighted. The upper corner corresponds to wells with high EUR and

the bottom corner corresponds to wells with low EUR. (b) The 15 normalized well

parameters for each of the two set of wells are averaged and are plotted forming two

sets of averaged data-vectors. The red corresponds to the average data-vector for wells

with good EURs and blue is the average data-vector for wells with low EURs. Note

that mostly the well parameters differ radically for the two cases. The wells with good

EURs have higher proppant, sand volume, less cluster spacing, higher fracture stages,

more perforations, and higher porosity, whereas the wells with bad EURs have

opposite characters (highlighted with arrows).

Figure 5.9. EUR prediction through GTM modeling. (a) The posterior probability of

the data-vector from the nth well. (b) The EUR for the nth well, En is multiplied with

the posterior projection values onto 2D latent space in (a). The result gives an EUR

map for 1 well (Figure 5.9b). Then, we can formulate a weighted sum of the EUR at

each grid point k in the latent space for all the wells (given by Equation 9) and form

the EUR “map” over the latent space. Note the high correlation of the latent space

with the EURs. (b) Plot showing the predicted EUR from the EUR property map in (a)

vs. the true EUR for the 8 validation wells not used in training the GTM. The least

square fit shows and excellent correlation.

Figure 5.10. (a) The map of Texas highlighting the Ft. Worth basin and other major

basins and uplifts. The Ft. Worth basin is bounded by the Muenster Arch to the

northeast, the Ouachita Thrust Front to the east, the Bend Arch to the west, the Red

River Arch to the north, and the Llano Uplift to the south. (b) Stratigraphic section

including the gamma ray and resistivity logs showing the major units. The Barnett

Shale sits on an angular unconformity above the Cambrian to upper-Ordovician-age

carbonates of the Ellenburger Group and Viola Formation and is overlain by the

Pennsylvanian-age Marble Falls Limestone, and is divided into Upper and Lower units

by the Forestburg Limestone (c) Cross-section of the stratigraphy of Ft. Worth basin

from Montgomery et al. (2005).

Figure 5.11. 2D histogram obtained by cross-plotting the mu-rho vs. lambda-rho

volumes. The cross-plot shows a single cluster for (a) the Upper Barnett Shale (b)

Lower Barnett Shale. A small cluster (marked with an arrow) at the edge of the two

plots corresponds to a no permit zone of the data.

Figure 5.12. QC of the GTM analysis after performing 100 iterations. (a) The plot of

the inverse variance (β), stabilizing as the number of iterations increases. (b) A 2D

histogram of the mean projections of posterior probability of the dataset defined above

and below by the Lower Marble Falls and the Viola limestone respectively

Figure 5.13. Well-probes for Well A generated by cross-plotting the two GTM

projection volumes. (a) The 2D histogram generated from the cross-plot of the two

GTM projection volumes. (b) Eight user-defined polygons drawn around the clusters

seen in (a). (c) Brittle-ductile couplets proposed by Slatt et al, (2011). (d) Well-probe

data colored by the clusters selected in (b). The Upper Barnett, the Lower Barnett

exhibit a different cluster composition and are in turn different from the intervening

Forestburg Limestone (in gray). (e) The microseismic events from this well are plotted

along with the well-probe. Note the microseismic events are more localized in the red

and light green facies and misses the brown facies, thus the red and light green facies

are interpreted as brittle and brown facies to be ductile. The results are consistent with

the 2nd order brittle-ductile couplets proposed by Slatt et al, (2011).

Figure 5.14. Well-probes generated for a suite of horizontal wells B1, B2, B3, and B4,

generated cross-plotting the two GTM projection volumes. (a) The 2D histogram

generated from the cross-plot of the two GTM projection volumes. (b) Nine user-

defined polygons drawn about clusters seen in (a). (c) The well-probe data colored by

the nine clusters. The Forestburg Limestone appears as gray and divides the Upper

Barnett from the Lower Barnett Shale. (d) The microseismic events from these wells

are plotted along with the well-probe. Similar to Well A the microseismic events are

more localized in the red, pink, and the light green facies and are interpreted as brittle
facies and the brown facies has less microseismic events and are interpreted as ductile

facies. Here also the results are consistent with the 2nd order brittle-ductile couplets

(Slatt et al., 2011).

Figure 5.15. (a) Four different zones within the Barnett Shale selected using a gamma

ray log from a well within the survey. The corresponding 2D histograms of the mean

posterior probability projections for (b) the Upper Barnett (zone B), (c) the top of the

Lower Barnett (zone C), (d) the middle of the Lower Barnett (zone D) and (e) the

bottom of the Lower Barnett Shale (zone E) are shown.

Figure 5.16. (a) 2d histogram of zone B defined above and below by stratal slices

corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are

created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)

The facies volume probe of the Upper Barnett Shale zone B visualized along with the

well-probes. The seismic dataset is colored accordingly to the clusters selected. Most

of the facies of the Upper Barnett Shale falls into the blue, cyan and the yellow


Figure 5.17. (a) 2d histogram of zone C defined above and below by stratal slices

corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are

created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)

The facies volume probe of top section of the Lower Barnett Shale zone C visualized

along with the well-probes. The seismic dataset is colored accordingly to these clusters

selected. The yellow and blue facies is common in the Upper Barnett Shale is also

found abundantly in this zone.

Figure 5.18. (a) 2d histogram of zone D defined above and below by stratal slices

corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are

created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)

The facies volume probe of middle section of the Lower Barnett Shale zone D

visualized along with the well-probes with the colors selected according to the clusters

in (b). Note that this zone has least similarity to the Upper Barnett Shale. With more of

the microseismic events concentrated in the pink, light green and red facies as seen in

the well-probes, and the dominance of siliceous non-calcareous shale lithofacies

(Singh, 2008), this zone 3 is interpreted as brittle with results consistent with Perez


Figure 5.19. (a) 2d histogram of zone E defined above and below by stratal slices

corresponding to the well log picks in Figure 5.15a. (b) User defined polygons are

created and are colored consistent with the well-probes in Figures 5.13 and 5.14. (c)

The facies volume probe of bottom section of the Lower Barnett Shale zone E

visualized along with the well-probes with the colors selected according to the clusters

in (b). This zone corresponds to the hot gamma ray zone (Pollastro et al., 2007). Six

clusters are also identified from the mean posterior probability projections (in the top

inset) are polygons are drawn and are colored consistent with the well-probes. With

very few of the microseismic events in the brown colored facies we interpret from

(Singh, 2008 and Perez 2013) the brown colored rock to be ductile and high in TOC

content. The pink, light green and red facies are the regions with brittle shale.

Barnes, A. E., and K. J. Laughlin, 2002, Investigation of methods for unsupervised

classification of seismic data: 73rd Annual International Meeting Society of

Exploration Geophysicists, Expanded Abstracts, p. 2221-2224.

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mapping: Neural Computation, 10, No. 1, 215-234.

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generative topographic mapping: Neurocomputing, 21, No. 1, 203-224.

Dempster, A.P., N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin, 1977, Maximum likelihood from

incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, B,

39 no. 1:1 38.

Duda, R.O., P. E. Hart, and D. G. Stork, Pattern Classification, 2001, 2nd Edition,

Wiley Publications.

Loucks, G. R, and C. S. Ruppel, 2007, Mississippian Barnett Shale: Lithofacies and

depositional setting of a deep-water shale-gas succession in the Fort Worth

Basin, Texas, AAPG Bulletin; 91; 579-601.

Montgomery, S. L., D. M. Jarvie., A. K. Bowker, and M. R. Pollastro, 2005,

Mississippian Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, north central Texas: Gas-shale

play with multi-trillion cubic foot potential, AAPG Bulletin; February 2005;

89; 155-175.

The GTM Matlab Toolbox v1.0 beta, M. Svensen, 1996.

Perez, Altamar, R., 2013, Correlation of surface seismic measurements to completion

quality: Application to the Barnett Shale, PhD dissertation.

Pollastro, R. M., D. M. Jarvie., R. J. Hill, and C. W. Adams, 2007, Geologic

framework of the Mississippian Barnett Shale, Barnett-Paleozoic total

petroleum system, Bend Arch-Fort Worth Basin, Texas: AAPG Bulletin, 91,


Slatt, M. R., and Y. Abousleiman, 2011, Merging sequence stratigraphy and

geomechanics for unconventional gas shales. The Leading Edge, 274-282.

Singh, P., 2008, Lithofacies and Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of the Barnett

Shale, Northeast Texas: Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oklahoma.

Svensen, M., 1998, GTM: The Generative Topographic Mapping: PhD Dissertation,

Aston University.

Wallet, B. C., M. C. de Matos, J. T. Kwiatkowski, and Y. Suarez, 2009, Latent space

modeling of seismic data: An overview: The Leading Edge, 28, 1454-1459.


Mulitattribute Generative Topographic Mapping for facies

estimation of a carbonate wash, Veracruz Basin, Southern Mexico

Atish Roy*, Araceli S. Romero, Tim J. Kwiatkowski, and Kurt J. Marfurt


Seismic facies estimation is a critical component in understanding the

stratigraphy and lithology of hydrocarbon reservoirs. With the adoption of 3D

technology and increasing survey size, manual techniques of facies classification have

become increasingly time consuming. Besides, the numbers of seismic attributes have

also increased dramatically, providing increasingly accurate measurements of reflector

morphology, but also greatly expanding the amount of data to be analyzed. This in

turn leads to add a “dimension” to the data. Principal component analysis, self-

organizing maps, and Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) reduce such

dimensionality by projecting the data onto a lower order space in which clusters can

be more readily identified and interpreted.

In our case study we apply GTM to perform multi-attribute seismic facies

classification of a carbonate conglomerate oil field in the Veracruz Basin of southern

Mexico. The presence of conglomerate carbonates makes the reservoirs both laterally

and vertically highly heterogeneous, which is observed at well log, core slab and thin

section scales. We apply unsupervised GTM classification to determine the “natural”

clusters in the dataset. Finally we introduce supervision into GTM and calculate the

probability of occurrence of seismic facies seen at the wells over the reservoir units. In

this manner, we are able to assign a level of confidence (or risk) to encountering facies

that correspond to good and poor production.


Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOM) is currently the most popular

unsupervised clustering technique in seismic exploration. Unlike K-means, SOM

clusters are ordered, with similar clusters adjacent to each other. This similarity is

visualized by mapping the clusters against 1D (Poupon et al. 1999, Coleou et al. 2003)

or 2D (Strecker et al. 2002) color bars. However, there are several limitations to the

SOM algorithm. First, there is no definite rule for selecting the neighborhood function,

training radius, and learning rate because these parameters are data dependent.

Second, there is no quantitative measure of “confidence” in the final clustering results

because of the absence of any defined cost function to indicate the convergence in the

final iteration.

For these reasons, Bishop et al. (1998) developed the generative topographic

mapping (GTM) algorithm as an alternative to SOM. GTM finds a model based on a

probability density function (PDF) that describes the distribution of the D-dimensional

data in terms of a smaller number of latent variables, or cluster nodes that approximate

the vast majority of the probability mass of the data (Sevensen, 1998). After iterative

parameter estimation, this manifold (curved surface in the data space) allows us to

relate the points in the D-dimensional data-space to grid points in the lower L-

dimensional latent space. In general, GTM estimates the probability that any given

data vector is represented by each and every cluster node, providing a direct link to

risk analysis. To visualize the PDFs of large 3D seismic data volumes for

interpretation, we can approximate each data vector by the mean or the mode of the

PDF projected onto the latent space.

Wallet et al. (2009) were the first to apply the GTM technique to seismic data,

using a suite of phantom horizon slices through a seismic amplitude volume

generating a “waveform classification”. Roy et al. (2013) later expanded GTM

implementation to cluster reservoir engineering completion parameters from a set of

137 horizontal wells from the Haynesville Shale. In this study mapping EUR in the

latent space shows the correlation of good vs. poor wells to variability in proppant

used, fluid injected, and porosity. These original MATLAB codes were

computationally demanding in terms of memory and processing requirements (Wallet

et al, 2009). For this reason Roy et al. (2013) re-implemented GTM to handle much

larger input data volumes including P-impedance, lambda-rho (λρ), mu-rho (μρ) and

other volumes as input. Using a 2D latent space, we define polygons around the

clusters to classify different lithofacies found within the Barnett Shale. Using the

location of microseismic events, we classified the different lithofacies as being brittle

or ductile shale (Slatt et al, 2011).

We begin with an overview of the GTM algorithm, parameterization and

visualization. We then apply GTM in an unsupervised manner to map the natural

(inherent) clusters in two variable producing reservoir units within a heterogeneous

“carbonate wash” reservoir in the Veracruz Basin of Mexico and correlate them to

production. Then we incorporate supervision into the GTM algorithm by using the

wells to define attribute vectors that represent good and poor production. Finally, we

use Bhattacharya (1943) measure to derive similarity between the probability density

function to produce mapped regions corresponding to low and high risk of production.


The GTM Algorithm

GTM is a non-linear dimensional reduction technique that provides a

probabilistic representation of the data-vectors in a corresponding latent space. A set

of non-linear continuous and differentiable basis functions is used to map points u =

u1,u2,…,uL in the L-dimensional latent space into an L-dimensional non-Euclidean

manifold S embedded within the D-dimensional data-space (Figure 6.1). Data vectors

xn are modelled by a suite of Gaussian PDFs centered on the mapped grid points on

the non-Euclidean manifold S, thereby defining the space in which the data vector

lies. The initial stage is called a constrained Gaussian mixture because the Gaussian

centers are constrained by the grid points in the latent space. As we iterate each

component of the mixture model is moved towards the data-vectors that it best

represents. For each iteration the mapping parameters are determined using an

Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempstar et al, 1977). Relating the points

on the manifold S relates to the points on the latent space by a probability distribution

provides a posterior probability projection for each data-vector in the L-dimensional

latent space. This posterior probability projection of the data onto the latent space is

used not only for data visualization but also to estimate the confidence in which each

data point belongs to a given cluster. Detailed implementation of this algorithm is

given in Chapter 5.

GTM Initialization and Parameter Selection

The selection of the input data vector (e.g. which seismic attributes best

represent the desired facies) is the most critical parameter selection of GTM and to

clustering in general (Barnes and Laughlin, 2002). Parameter selection specific to

GTM defines facies resolution/discrimination and runtime. The number of points, K,

forming the grid in the latent space should be dense enough to approximate a

continuous distribution of the data and differentiate the target facies. By construction,

the number of grid points is equal to the number of Gaussian mixtures in the data-

space. Choosing a very large number of grid points increases the computation time

and memory usage.

We also define a set of non-linear Gaussian basis function centers J, on this 2D

latent space grid and take care to set J < K to avoid rank deficiency of the matrix.
The common width of these basis functions is also set prior to the training.

controls the smoothness of the 2D manifold. A smooth manifold in the data space

facilitates fitting the data-vectors during training. The parameter remains constant

for the whole process. The matrix consisting of the non-linear basis functions

(Gaussian functions in our case) is calculated at initialization and

remains constant for all subsequent iterations.

We initialize the weight matrix W such that the initial GTM model

approximates the principal component analysis (PCA) of the dataset. The common

value of the inverse variance of the Gaussian PDFs β is initialized to be the inverse of

the (L+1)th eigenvalue from PCA where L is the dimension of the latent space. Since

in our case L=2 we initialize β to be the inverse of the third eigenvalue.

GTM cluster visualization

Visualization is key to effective clustering. After we have estimated the

parameters Wnew and βnew, we are able to define a new posterior probability

distribution of the data by the latent space grid points. Using Bayes’ theorem we


|| ||

|| ||

These posterior probabilities or the “responsibility”, , values in equation 1

can be mapped to the latent space grid points uk (Figure 6.2). We will use such an

explicit projection of average data vectors about good and bad wells when we

introduce supervision. However, such an explicit projection for 100s of millions of

seismic attribute data vectors (one per voxel) in general results in too much

information in the latent space. We therefore follow Bishop et al. (1998) and project

the mean or the mode posterior probability projections onto the latent space.

The mean of the posterior probability distribution of a data-vector xn is

obtained by projecting onto all the grid points (nodes) the responsibilities of each

node, thereby computing the average location in u

This mean projection of the posterior probability of the data vector is used in

generating the clusters in the 2D latent space.

Summary of the GTM workflow

The GTM workflow is summarized in the following steps (Figure 6.3):


 Choose an appropriate suite of attributes to differentiate the different reservoir

performance results or seismic facies.

 Define the number of latent variables K, the basis function J, the relative width

of the basis functions, and the scaling factor, ,

 Generate the latent space grid uk, where k=1,2,….., K,

 Generate the grid for the Gaussian basis function centers rj, where j=1,2,….., J,

 Compute the set of Gaussian basis function ,

 Initialization of W and β from PCA analysis of the data X,

 Compute the reference vectors, mk,

 Compute || || for the Gaussian PDFs, and

 Calculate the responsibility .


 Update the weight matrix Wnew,

 Update mk and calculate the new || || ,

 Update the inverse variance βnew ,

 Calculate the new responsibility ) (equation 1), and

 Compute posterior mean projection for QC (equation 2).

Training continues until the model converges (i.e. the value of the inverse

variance βnew stabilizes)


Geological setting of Veracruz Basin

The Veracruz Tertiary Basin (VTB) (Figure 6.4a) is a foreland basin (Prost and

Aranda, 2001) developed at the foothills of the buried tectonic front, filled with

sequences of sandstone, shale and conglomerates deposited from Paleocene through

recent (Cruz-Helu et al., 1977). The sediments come from a variety of sources:

igneous complexes (such as the Santa Anna high), metamorphic complexes (La

Mixtequita, the Sierra de Juarez and Macizo de Chiapas), and carbonates from the

Plataforma de Córdoba (PEMEX, 2010; Cruz-Helú et al., 1977).

The field is composed of five reservoirs vertically separated by impermeable

shale layers, of which the older are Middle Eocene in age (EOC–3, EOC–10, EOC–20

and EOC–30) that produce an average 22⁰ API oil. EOC–10, EOC–20 and EOC–3

produce in the top of the structure (Figure 6.4b). In contrast, EOC–30 and EOC–50 are

present only in the eastern flank of the anticline, where they produce 500 m down dip

with respect to the crest of the structure (Figure 6.4b).

The seismic survey consists of a 100 km2 of high quality prestack time

migrated gathers and a stacked volume cut out from the much larger mega-merge

survey over the Tertiary Veracruz Basin. The prestack impedance inversion volumes

used in the classification algorithm are derived from this seismic dataset.

GTM workflow for multi-attribute seismic facies classification

The presence of conglomerate carbonates makes the reservoirs both laterally

and vertically highly heterogeneous. This heterogeneity is observed at well log, core

slab and thin section scales (Romero-Pelaez, 2012). The facies varies from breccias to

conglomerates interbedded with poorly sorted calcareous sandstones and shale re-

deposited in slope and basin-floor environments. The conglomerates and sandstone are

rich in carbonate grains. These carbonate conglomerates are diagenetically altered

providing secondary porosity, which is much more prevalent than the primary

porosity. The porosity for the pay zones ranges from 11 to 17%. However, the

reservoir may be under-sampled, such that the recovered samples may not be fully

representative of all reservoir facies. Thus through our unsupervised clustering

workflow we have tried to understand this heterogeneity present in the reservoir. A

seismic facies model of the EOC-30 and the EOC-10 reservoir units were created and

the results were then correlated with the productivity of the wells.

The inputs to our unsupervised GTM algorithm are different seismic inversion

volumes (P-impedance, lambda-rho, mu-rho and Vp/Vs), which help in understanding

the highly heterogeneous conglomerate reservoir of the Veracruz Basin. The

impedance volumes better reflect a heterogeneous reservoir based on the variation of

the porosity and the rock type. They also help to determine the relationship between

the desired rock property such as lithology, porosity or clay volume. The other

products of seismic inversion such as VP to VS ratio (VP/VS), Lambda-Rho (λρ) and

Mu-Rho (μρ) helps in understanding the rock-type and different elastic properties of

rocks. Cross plotting between two such elastic properties from the wells sometimes

helps in segregating different rock types. However, for this reservoir, two-component

crossplots do not separate the classes. Figure 6.5 shows the crossplot of the seismic

volumes λρ vs. μρ (Figure 6.5a) and P-wave impedance (Zp) vs. VP to VS ratio (VP/VS)

(Figure 6.5b).

With the above four volumes (VP/VS, ZP, λρ and μρ) our input data dimension

becomes 4-dimensional, that is, each voxel in 3D physical space is associated with an

associated 4-attribute or 4-dimensional vector. PCA and GTM both attempt to

minimize the error between a projected space and the data. Without normalization,

small errors in fitting ZP or ZS impedances (with values on the order of 109 Pa) would

overwhelm the signal in VP/VS (with dimensionless values ranging between 1.5 and 3).

Data vectors are therefore normalized by subtracting off the mean and dividing by the

standard deviation for each attribute component or dimension using a z-score


Initially a 2D latent space is uniformly sampled with K = 30x30=900 square

grid of nodes (the blue circles in Figure 6.1a). A slightly coarser square grid of J =

16x16=256 nodes define the centers of the non-linear Gaussian basis functions in the

same 2D space (the green circles in Figure 6.1a). The separation between the

neighboring Gaussian Basis function centers is set to half the standard deviation of the

Basis function centers and the grid points on the 2D latent space. A multi-attribute

PCA analysis initializes the weight matrix W and the inverse of the Gaussian (noise)

variance β of the GTM model. We randomly select 0.1% of the data vectors to train
the latent space, updating W and β with each iteration using an expectation-

maximization (EM) algorithm. The EM algorithm is guaranteed to converge to

possible local maxima onto the likelihood surface. We stop the iteration when the

value of the inverse variance, β, stabilizes (Figure 6.6a). After training the latent

space, the final GTM model parameters are applied to all 100% of the data vectors,

which are then projected onto the 2D latent space (Figure 6.6b). The interpreter then

interactively analyzes, or “clusters” the projected posterior probability distributions in

the 2D latent space and visualizes the results in 3D as geobodies.

Unsupervised facies model of the EOC-10 and EOC-30 reservoir units

We focused our analysis on the resulting GTM seismic facies volume of the

EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units. Both reservoir units are dated as Middle

Eocene, produce 220 API oil, are composed of similar mineralogy content, and exhibit

a similar porosity distribution. Figures 6.7a and b show the mean projection after

GTM training of the dataset for reservoir units lying only within EOC-10 and EOC-30

unit respectively. The posterior probability values of the data vectors from each of the

voxel locations of the probe are projected onto all the grid locations and their mean

locations calculated and projected onto the 2D latent space forming a 2D histogram.

Hernández-Martínez (2009) proposed the regional conceptual sedimentary model

(Figure 6.7c) to be a slope and basin-floor fan, with distributary channels oriented

northwest-southeast, very similar to the coarse-grained, sand-rich turbidite system

described by Bouma (2000). We define clusters in this histogram by interactively

drawing polygons about the high-density areas of the plot, thereby hypothesizing

similar seismic facies for reservoir units EOC-30 and EOC-10. The mineralogy

content, the porosity and reservoir type of these two reservoir units are similar, which

appear as similar location of the clusters onto the 2D latent space (Figure 6.7). The

dataset falling within these polygons are highlighted for these two reservoir units. This

creates the 3D seismic facies volumes (or geobodies) of the two reservoir units shown

in Figure 6.8.

Romero-Paleaz (2012) analyzed these same reservoir units using a commercial

implementation probabilistic neural network (PNN) in order to predict effective

porosity and clay volumes. To validate our clustering, we performed an independent

facies estimation of the GTM seismic facies volume and visually correlated with

reservoir property volumes calculated by supervised probabilistic neural network

(PNN). Figure 6.9 compares predicted effective porosity and clay volume to seismic

classes obtained from GTM for reservoir unit EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units.

The orange- and green-colored GTM facies approximately correlate to the

conglomerate sandstone with minimum clay content. The pink- and purple-facies

GTM volumes approximately correlate to the low effective porosity clay-rich facies

seen in the EOC-30 reservoir unit and along the normal faults.

Correlating the production data with the seismic facies the facies model

The unsupervised GTM classified volume is correlated visually to the seven-

month average well production. The wells in these two zones are along the structural


Figure 6.10a shows the volume probe within the EOC-10 reservoir unit with

the well locations. Figure 6.10b shows a phantom horizon 10ms below the EOC-10

top. In general the light green and the orange color facies are better reservoir rock. The

green facies in the north are good producers (Wells J and I). Well W on the left tested

brine water and falls into the orange GTM-facies, which we associate with good

reservoir quality, but lies in the structural lows. Well X is a dry well with logs and

core showing hard-cemented facies and falls in the brown-colored GTM facies making

it a poor reservoir quality rock. The pink- and purple- facies correspond to facies rich

in clay content.

A similar analysis was done for the EOC-30 reservoir unit. Figure 6.11a shows

the GTM facies volume and the well locations in this reservoir unit. Figure 6.11b

shows productivity pie charts of the wells on a phantom slice 10ms below the EOC-30

top. Wells A, B, C, D and E exhibit mediocre production and lie in the orange facies.

Well F exhibits the highest oil production, although for a short term before producing

water. Inspecting the GTM facies volume (Figure 6.11a) Well F is located adjacent to

the light green-GTM facies. In general, the orange facies, and light green facies are

associated with good reservoir quality rock for this reservoir unit. However since the

structure is dipping south, water productivity of the wells increases southwards.

Now we take average seismic attribute data-vector around three of the well

locations, calculate the PDF of each well data-vector and compare the overlap of the

PDF with other seismic attribute data-vectors. This will give the most likely facies

volume corresponding to a Well facies.

Supervised GTM Classification based on Bhattacharya measure

Since GTM is based on probability measures and statistics, we can use the

probability distribution functions to measure similarities or dissimilarities between two

PDFs. Let Rwk be the posterior probability distribution corresponding to a well data-

vector as shown in Figure 6.12a. Let Rnk be the posterior probability of any other

seismic attribute data-vector, n as shown in Figure 6.12b. Then by Bhattacharya

(1943) measure, we can find the similarities (Figure 6.12c) between the two PDFs by

∑ √ ……………………. (3)

where, k are the grid points of the 2D latent space. Thus when two distributions are

identical (Rnk = Rwk), we have a coefficient of 1 ∑ . In contrast when

there is no overlap between the PDFs . Thus, this coefficient ranges from

In this manner, one computes the value of dn for all the data-vectors in the

survey resulting in a supervised facies “similarity” volume, quantitatively comparing

each voxel to good and poor wells.

The average data-vectors around three wells are calculated: poor producer Well

X, good producer Well K and moderate producer Well E. The same four inversion

“attribute” volumes (VP/VS, ZP, λρ and μρ) are used as input, with the average vectors

calculated for sub-volumes around each of the three well locations. Figure 6.13 shows

the average vector for each of the three well locations. The following three well data-

vectors have the following characteristics. The average vector for the dry Well X has a

lower μρ value, which is different from rest of the two wells. The average data-vector

for Well K shows a larger μρ value. The average data-vector for Well E shows a

higher λρ, μρ and VP/VS value compared to the rest. Finally, we calculate the overlap of

the posterior probability distribution of each of these well data-vectors and the

remaining data-vectors by calculating the coefficient from the Bhattacharya (1943)

measure, for each of the data-vectors. The output “similarity” volumes for each well

type are shown in Figures 6.14 to 6.16.

Probabilistic estimation of facies for the EOC-10 and EOC-30 reservoir units

Three volumes are created after the similarities between the PDF of the well-

vector and the data-vectors are calculated with Bhattacharya measure. Each volume

highlights the likelihood that a given voxel corresponds to those about a target well.

Figure 6.14 shows a geobody within the EOC-10 and EOC-30 reservoir unit through

Bhattacharya measure showing the likelihood of facies corresponding to the dry Well

X. The most probable regions appear as hot colors and the least probable regions

appear as cold colors. The regions surrounding well X show the occurrence of bad

reservoir rock. This facies type is also present along the faults mapped using

conventional interpretation techniques.

Figure 6.15 shows the geobody after PDF similarity is calculated between the

data and the good producer Well K. Hot areas correspond to regions with high likely

that the facies is similar to Well K. Note that there is only limited zones in the two

reservoir units similar to Well K. Most of the reservoir exhibits a low probability of

occurrence (blue and cyan regions) of Well K facies.

Figure 6.16 is the geobody through the Bhattacharya measure between the

moderate producer Well E data-vector and all the data-vectors. Most of the regions

within the EOC-10 and EOC-30 reservoir units have high likelihood of facies being

similar to well E. Note that this facies is least likely to occur around well X and

around the faults.


GTM facies generated from input VP/VS, P-impedance, μρ and λρ volumes

provide similar facies to those generated using a supervised PNN to estimate Vclay, and

helps in identifying the different rock-types of the reservoir units. Geobodies can be

conveniently calculated for each facies, which will quantify the amount of good or bad

reservoir rock present.

Analysis of the clusters was done from the regional geological information and

from the unsupervised GTM facies analysis results. Figure 6.18 summarizes the results

of unsupervised and supervised GTM cluster analysis. In the unsupervised case

different clusters are identified by their separation in latent space. The meanings of

these clusters are evaluated a posteriori through the use of well logs, core, production

data, the ANN-generated Vclay volume, and the original impedance volumes. The

violet and the pink facies along the faults are clay- rich, the brown facies

corresponding to the dry well X is tight, the orange and the light green facies comprise

good reservoir rocks made up of porous limestone conglomerate “wash”. The dark-

green facies in the unsupervised analysis corresponds to moderate reservoir rocks

made up of lower porosity, harder limestone conglomerate.

The three PDF similarity volumes, shown in Figures 6.14 to 6.16, give the

most likely occurrence of the facies type within the reservoir units. Around Well X

and along the faults (Figure 6.14) GTM predicts bad reservoir rocks. Thus for the

arrow marked in Figure 6.14 it is 90-100% more likely that the facies is similar to that

of Well X. The moderate reservoir rock corresponding to Well E (Figure 6.16) is

abundant and most likely facies type to be found in the reservoir units. Thus this

probabilistic estimate of the reservoir facies can add a factor in the modern day risk

analysis workflows. However, the most of the productive wells are in the north with

water production increasing southward. Faults running north-west to south-east the

structure also play an important role in the well production (Romero-Paleaz, 2012).


In contrast to Kohonen SOM which is based on heuristics and empirical

arguments, GTM is based on probability and statistics (Sevensen, 1998). GTM

provides a method for modeling continuous, low-dimensional, non-linear structures in

high dimensional data space. In this paper, where each dimension corresponds to an

input seismic attribute volume, we successfully model a 4D attribute space with a 2D

manifold S which in turn is constrained by the K grid points defined in the 2D latent

space. This latent space contains the mean locations representing probability density

of the data-vectors.

We chose our lower dimensional space to be 2D since the results take the form

of a histogram, allowing us to directly link the GTM results to the 2D crossplot

utilities found in most commercial software. Within the commercial crossplot

software, the interpreter recognizes (or hypothesizes) clusters, defines them with

colored polygons, and displays the corresponding data vectors by coloring their voxel

locations as geobodies. Thus, unlike K-means and SOM, the proposed unsupervised

GTM workflow facilitates a posteriori supervision to interactively define and color the

seismic clusters/facies.

Since GTM is rooted in probability theory, it provides a direct link to

supervised classification. In this limestone conglomerate/wash oil field, we provide a

very simple, but versatile workflow by assigning each data vector to the well data

vector that it best represents. Unlike earlier similarity workflows used by Johnson et
al. (2001) and Michelena et al. (1998), all well data are used simultaneously to define

the latent space distribution. Therefore, we know not only which well-vector matches

a data-vector but also a probabilistic estimate as to how well each attribute data-vector

represents a given well. This capability allows us to develop and apply a supervised

GTM workflow that generates a suite of seismic “similarity” volumes with the

probabilistic estimates of the facies types being similar to the well vectors used to train

the GTM model. This provides an estimate of how likely we should find a facies if we

drill in a certain location. We anticipate that such probabilistic estimates will fall

neatly into modern risk analysis evaluation of drill locations and reservoir valuation.


Figure 6.1. Non-linear mapping of the latent space to the data space. The prior

distribution consists of latent space variables (K) ordered on a regular grid (blue

circles) residing in an 2-dimensional latent space. consists of a regular array of J

non-linear basis functions. With the linear combination of these basis functions the

latent space (blue circles) are mapped to the data-space (blue spheres) where they form

a 2D non-Euclidean manifold, S, such that each node uk is mapped to a corresponding

vector mk in data-space, given by ∑ . In general data-vectors

are scattered about S. Specially we assume an isotropic Gaussian noise distribution

| centered at mk and having a variance of 1/β. The final probability

density function in the data space is obtained by integrating the Gaussian PDFs for all

mk where k=1, 2, ….K grid points.

Figure 6.2. Workflow for data visualization in GTM. After training the new estimated

parameters Wnew and βnew, the new posterior probabilities representing the data-vectors

can be obtained using Bayes’ theorem and is given by . These

posterior distribution “responsibility” values can be plotted for all the grid points,

in the 2D latent space. The mean location will assign the value to be the

weighted average of the posterior distribution values and will in general fall between

neighboring values of . The mode will assign the value to be the

location of the greatest posterior distribution value in the 2D latent space and will

always correspond to a discrete gridded value of .

Figure 6.3. The flow chart for generative topographic mapping workflow.

Figure 6.4. (a) Detail of the Veracruz Basin showing its boundaries and its two

geological subdivisions: The Plataforma de Córdoba, which is the buried tectonic front

of the Sierra de Zongolica, and the Veracruz Tertiary Basin. The field of study

(indicated by the red arrow) is located in the western margin of the buried tectonic

front in Upper and Middle Eocene age Tertiary sediments. (Map courtesy of PEMEX

E&P based on previous work by Prost and Aranda, 2001; Romero, 2012). (b)

Structural cross section through the field. EOC–10 and EOC–20 produce in the

western portion of the structure; EOC–40 is water bearing and is distributed over the

western portion of the anticline; EOC–30 and EOC–50 produce in the eastern flank

(Hernández-Martínez, 2009). EOC-10 and EOC-30 are the reservoir units, which we

analyzed through GTM clustering. (Image is courtesy of PEMEX E & P).

Figure 6.5. 2D histogram plot generated from cross-plotting the different volumes

taken as input to GTM of the EOC-30 zone. (a) Cross-plot from seismic volumes

Vp/Vs vs. P-impedance. (b) Cross-plot from seismic: Mu-Rho vs. Lambda –Rho. Note

that the crossplot generated forms a single cluster and does not help in distinguishing

different facies

Figure 6.6. QC of the GTM analysis after performing 50 iterations. (a) The plot of the

inverse variance (β), stabilizing as the number of iterations increases. (b) A 2D

histogram of the mean projections of posterior probability of the dataset within the

reservoir zone between EOC-50 and EOC-5 (from Figure 6.4b).

Figure 6.7. The 2D cross- plot of the mean posterior distribution map of the

“responsibilities” of the data onto the 2D Latent space for the reservoir units EOC-30

and EOC-10. The cross plot is generated by cross plotting to GTM projection

volumes. (a) The projection of the mean “responsibilities” of EOC-30 unit. The 2D

histogram is on the right and the scatter crossplot is on the left. Seven clusters are

visible on the latent pace corresponding to the high-density points. These clusters are

delineated by polygons with different colors and in the subsequent figure will help to

visualize the different classes in the seismic data. (b) The projection of the mean

“responsibilities” of EOC-10 unit. The mineralogy content and porosity distribution

for the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units being similar the clusters for both

these reservoir units lie on the same location in the 2D latent space. They are also

color-coded similarly since both reservoir units have similar rock type. (c) Regional

conceptual sedimentary model (Courtesy of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) E & P.

Hernández-Martínez, 2009)

Figure 6.8. Generating the seismic facies volume (geobodies) from GTM clustering

within the reservoir units EOC-10 and EOC-30, considering the input seismic volumes

- lambda-rho (λρ) vs. mu-rho (μρ) and P-wave impedance (Zp) vs. Vp to Vs ratio

(Vp/Vs). Different polygons around classes signify rock types for reservoir units (a)

EOC-10 and (b) EOC-30. Seven different facies class have been identified from the

clusters in the latent space and are delineated by polygons of different colors. (c) The

horizon probe generated for the EOC -10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units after the

unsupervised GTM analysis. The white arrows highlight the faults. The most abundant

facies are the orange facies.

Figure 6.9. Horizon phantom slice 10ms below the top of EOC-10 and the EOC-30

reservoir units, through (a) clay volume, (b) effective porosity predicted from

supervised probabilistic neural networks (PNN), and (c) unsupervised seismic facies

volume from GTM for the of EOC-10 reservoir unit. (d) The clay volume and (e)

effective porosity predicted from supervised probabilistic neural network (PNN), and

(f) seismic facies volume from GTM of EOC-30 reservoir unit.

Figure 6.10. (a) The GTM seismic facies volume with the well locations for the EOC-

10 reservoir unit. The red wells are the producing wells and the blue the injector well.

The well X is a dry well and falls within the brown facies region. These brown colored

faces are probably bad reservoir quality rocks making X a dry well. In this unit also

the wells are located at the structural highs. Most of the producing wells are along the

greyish-green and light green facies. Correlating with the clay volume the pink-purple

colored facies corresponds to the high clay content facies from. (b) Map view of the

top of the EOC-10 reservoir unit. The pie charts at the well locations show the average

production of the well for a seven-month period. In the pie chart green is for oil, red

for gas and blue for water. Structural high is in the North. The green facies in the north

are good producers (Wells J and I). Well H in orange facies is a moderate producer.

Well G in the west lies in the structural low making it a moderate producer. In the

south the well K lying in the light green facies is the most productive whereas the

wells in the greyish facies are moderate-low producers. Note the pink and purple

facies correlates with clay-rich areas.

Figure 6.11. (a) The GTM seismic facies volume with the well locations for the EOC-

30 reservoir unit. The red wells are the producing wells and the blue the injector well.

The wells are mostly situated at the structural highs. The most abundant rock type
within this zone is the one with the orange color. Comparing with the well information

and with the clay and effective porosity volumes from probabilistic neural network

(PNN) these corresponds to the conglomerate sandstones with moderate porosity. The

brown and pink color facies are mostly along the faults and probably shows the

depositions close to normal faults along hanging walls. These regions also correspond

low porosity and relatively rich in clay. The dark green corresponds the highest

impedance regions, with moderate effective porosity, which is interpreted as the hard

conglomerate deposits having least clay content. (b) The map view of the top of the

EOC-30 reservoir unit. The pie charts at the well locations show the average

production of the well for a seven-month period. In the pie chart green is for oil, red

for gas and blue for water. Structural high is in the North. Wells A, B, C, D and E are

low-moderate producing wells. Thus the orange rock is a moderate quality reservoir

rock with moderate production. The water productivity increases as we go south (wells

E and F). The well F is having the largest production in terms of both oil and water is

situated in the mixed grey/light green and pink facies. The grey/light green facies are

better reservoir quality rocks.

Figure 6.12. A schematic representation of the supervised GTM analysis workflow:

(a) The PDF representing a data vector computed from the seismic attributes about any

well. (b) The PDF of a data vector corresponding to voxel n in the seismic attribute

volume. (c) The joint PDF of the average well data vector and the data vector. The

coefficient dn from the Bhattacharya measure is the measure of the similarity (overlap)

between the two PDFs.

Figure 6.13. The average of the data-vectors calculated from a sub-volume (displayed

as small cubes) around the each well location. Each input attribute has been previously

normalized using a Z-score algorithm. These three average (target) vector around the

wells are used to train the GTM, resulting in a supervised analysis.

Figure 6.14. The results of the most likely occurrence of the seismic facies

corresponding to dry well X within the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units. The

regions, which are most similar to Well X facies appears as hot colors. The least

similar regions appear in cold colors. Note the occurrence of Well X Facies is

confined mostly along the faults and around Well X.

Figure 6.15. A geobody within the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units which

shows the most likely occurrence of the facies type corresponding to good producer

well K. The regions, which are most similar to the facies type at Well K, appear in hot

colors. The least similar regions appear in cold colors. Note that this facies is not so

abundant in the reservoir units and the likelihood of occurrence ranges from 40-70%.

Figure 6.16. A geobody within the EOC-10 and the EOC-30 reservoir units which

shows the most likely occurrence of the facies type corresponding to moderate

producer well E. The regions, which are most similar to the facies type at Well E,

appear as hot colors and the least similar regions appear as cold colors. Note that this

type of facies is very abundant in the reservoir units and the likelihood of occurrence

mostly ranges from 75-100%.


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In this dissertation I have implemented and evaluated two latent-space clustering

algorithms: Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Generative Topographic

Mapping (GTM). Implemented in LINUX, these algorithms are able to handle multiple

large 3D attribute volumes representative of modern seismic surveys. Most published

work shows application of SOM to either fluvial or deep water systems. I have applied

these algorithms and developed workflows not only to a deep water/mass transport

complex/fan system, but to a gas shale reservoir, a diagenetically altered siliceous

limestone reservoir, and to a heterogeneous carbonate wash reservoir.

SOM clustering is empirical, assigning each data vector to the “closest”

prototype vector which is then displayed in color. Traditional implementations,

including my own, do not provide a measure of “how close” a given data vector lies to

the best matching prototype vector, or whether it can be estimated almost as well by

other prototype vectors. In contrast, GTM is based on sound probabilistic and statistical

theories. GTM predicts not only which cluster best represents the data, but how well it

is predicted by all other clusters. Thus GTM interfaces neatly with the modern risk

analysis workflows. By plotting the cluster results as 2D latent space components, I link

the GTM clusters to interactive crossplotting tools, thereby providing additional a

posteriori user control and hypothesis testing. While GTM is computationally more

demanding than SOM cluster analysis, it is easily parallelized, while the “sequential”

SOM implementation presented here does not. For these reasons, I prefer GTM

clustering over SOM clustering.

Chapter 3 shows how SOM can be used for seismic stratigraphy, by applying it

on the multi-attribute dataset from deep water Gulf of Mexico. After testing alternative

input attribute volumes, I conclude that coherent energy, eigenstructure coherence,

GLCM entropy and variance texture attributes and the magnitude of reflector

convergence, confirm and extend a more traditional manual-implemented seismic

stratigraphy interpretation to the full 3D data volume. Although I do not claim this suite

of attribute volumes to be the “best”, they provide clear differentiations of MTCs,

channel deposits, and basin floor fans. This new workflow shows how over-defined

classes clump together after training and how 2D gradational HSV color bars aid in

visual interpretation.

Chapter 4 applies SOM to a very different geologic environment – the

diagenetically altered Mississippi Lime play of Oklahoma and Kansas. The Mississippi

Lime has undergone significant wrench faulting and erosion, suggesting the use of

“structural” attributes to differentiate the lithologies. The Mississippi Lime has also

undergone significant diagenetic alteration, suggesting the use of “texture” attributes to

differentiate the lithologies. In both cases, the input 256 prototype vectors clumped into

four or five “natural” clusters. A posteriori analysis using image logs acquired in two

horizontal wells shows the three major clusters correlate to the tripolitic chert, the
interbedded lime-chert and the tight St. Joe’s Limestone within the reservoir zone.

Given these observations, I used the borehole image logs from two wells, to define

average attribute vectors about these three facies and implemented a supervised

workflow based on minimum Euclidean distance (MED) similarity. All three workflows

gave consistent results with each other and with a P-impedance result generated by

Dowdell et al. (2012).

Chapter 5 introduces GTM which is a more recently introduced development

that addresses the shortcomings of the Kohonen SOM algorithm. Other than initial work

by colleagues Wallet et al. (2010), it does not appear that GTM has been used for

seismic data analysis. My first workflow predicts EUR and a suite of completion and

reservoir properties made in a suite of horizontal well parameters in one of the recent

shale plays. In what I believe to be an innovative implementation of GTM, the trained

clusters are projected onto the 2D latent space and stored as two separate components.

These two projection volumes form a cross-plot histogram, allowing the interpreter to

interactively construct polygons about hypothesized clusters and visualize the resulting

clusters as 3D geobodies. I apply this workflow to a Barnett Shale survey, map clusters,

and then classify the clusters as brittle vs. ductile geobodies using microseismic events

as control.

Chapter 6 applies GTM to analyze a laterally and vertically highly

heterogeneous carbonate conglomerate oil field in the Veracruz Basin of southern

Mexico. Unsupervised analysis of reservoir units EOC-10 and EOC-30 shows a

heterogeneous probabilistic distribution of different facies that with a posteriori well

control correspond to good and bad reservoir rocks. I then use these wells in a

supervised workflow to quantify the likelihood of finding similar well production

(facies) for locations away from the wells within the survey, providing a preliminary

risk analysis for the two reservoir units.

In summary, both SOM and GTM provide clusters that are ordered on a 1D, 2D,

or 3D latent space. Such ordering and mapping to 1D, 2D, or 3D color bars eliminates

the need to know a priori how many clusters exist in the data. If the number of clusters

are over-specified to be 256 or 4092, both algorithms and human color perception will

result in clumping into a much smaller number of natural clusters. Echoing

observations by Barnes and Laughlin (2002), the power of clustering is strongly

dependent on the choice of input attributes. Attributes such as P and S impedances are

direct measurements of lithology. In contrast attributes such as spectral components,

reflector convergence vs. parallelism, edge detectors, and textures are direct measures

of the depositional and diagenetic history, which are in turn indirectly related to

lithology. Given the appropriate 3D attribute volumes, SOM and GTM workflows will

not only accelerate, but with GTM, quantify the identification of different lithofacies,

petrotypes or heterogeneity present in the reservoir zone. As more wells are drilled

within the survey the confidence of the unsupervised seismic facies clustered volume

will increase.


The major hurdle in classification lies in selecting the appropriate attribute

volumes to bring out the geology of the reservoir correctly. Based on my research I

postulate the “best” combination of attribute volumes for the different depositional

environments studied in Table 2.

However more work needs to be done on sensitivity analysis and to find out the

most and the least contributing attributes during multi-attribute clustering. Such

sensitivity analysis is commonly done in nonlinear seismic inversion, whereby the

(linearized) Jacobian at the last iteration shows which model parameter influences

which measurements, while the eigenvectors of the Hessian show which linear

combination of model parameters are well (or not well) resolved. Since GTM is based

on probability, it is reasonable to think that a similar sensitivity analysis could be

applied to the input attributes and output clusters.

There are also improvements to my algorithmic implementation. At present, the

GTM code runs sequentially but could be programmed to run in parallel under MPI. I

attempted an implementation of the “batch” vs. “sequential” implementation of SOM,

with the idea that the batch process could be parallelized, while the sequential could not.

Unfortunately, I found the convergence of the batch implementation for my seismic

attribute volumes to be very slow.

Another software improvement would be to allow interactive definition of

clusters for supervised classification directly in my “AASPI” implementation. At

present, I identify the zones around the wells in Petrel, manually specify the inlines, the

crosslines and the start and end times as input in AASPI, and then form vectors out of

them, which is not only tedious, but allows for possible user errors.

My implementations were done on target zones, constrained by the start and end

time for the input volumes or with flattened volumes. A further software improvement

would be to modify the SOM and the GTM code to limit the multi-attribute volume

analysis to lie within a given user-defined target formation constrained by the top and

below surfaces, thereby removing redundant data affecting the model while training.

Table 2. Best Choice of Attributes

Reservoir Type “Best” Attribute Volumes

Fluvial Depositional System/ Deep GLCM energy, GLCM entropy, GLCM

water depositional system homogeneity, dip magnitude, reflector
convergence, coherence
Unconventional Shale plays P-impedance, λρ, μρ and may be some
anisotropy volumes
Mississippian Chert plays GLCM texture attribute volumes, spectral
bandwidth and the Impedance volume (if
Laterally and vertically P-impedance, λρ, μρ, Vp/Vs, anisotropy
heterogeneous conglomerate volumes
carbonate reservoirs


As a part of my research, I wrote all my programs and subroutines in

FORTRAN90 using out AASPI I/O. In addition, I have generated interactive Graphic
User Interfaces (GUIs), shell script and documentation so that OU students, staffs as
well as AASPI sponsors find it easy to use my software. Below I discuss the GUIs,
which are directly related to my research.

APPENDIX 1: Geometrical attribute Workflow GUI

Attribute computation of a very large data volumes can take considerable time.
Experienced interpreters may already have familiarity with other data volumes from the
same basin. Alternatively, they may need to have multi-attribute dataset to do some
unsupervised of probabilistic seismic facies analysis. In this situation it may be useful to
set up a workflow that will run a suite of attribute programs in the background, perhaps

The AASPI Geometrical Attribute Workflow GUI can be invoked from the main
aaspi_util as shown above or by typing in aaspi_geom_attr_workflow separately in the
terminal window. The following workflow GUI will then pop up.

Step 1: Save the workflow environment parameters

In step 1 we need to input the seismic amplitude file and set up the project name
and the MPI parameters which will be used for all the MPI processes. The seismic
amplitude file is selected first (Arrow 1). Enter the project name and the suffix (Arrow
2). Verbose can be selected if required (Arrow 3). It is recommended to use MPI
because except euler_curvature all the other processes run on MPIs (Arrow 4). Mention
the processors per nodes and the node list. Each of our machines and have 12 processors in it. Thus in the processors per node 12 is
mentioned (Arrow 5) and in the node list tripolite and hematite is mentioned (Arrow 6).

After entering out all the parameters these parameters are saved (Green Arrow)
which will be subsequently used for all the processes. Note that initially all the attribute
buttons will be disabled. When the “Save Environment parameters” is clicked the dip3d
and the spec_cmp buttons will be highlighted as shown. These two takes in only the
seismic amplitude as inputs and are thus activated. The subsequent attribute buttons will
be activated after their input file criterions are met.

Step 2: Save the parameters for the volumetric attributes

In this step each of the attribute program is opened and their parameters are
saved. The buttons are activated only when their input criterion are met. For example
the imagefilt3d gets activated only after we open and save the dip3d parameters. The
next figure shows the GUIs for dip3d and imagefilt3d. The parameters are mentioned
and the Save and Exit button (green arrow) is pressed.

Step 3: Execute the geometric attribute workflow

After saving all the *.parms (parameter) files they show up in the terminal
window. We can do cat aaspi_env.parms to see the file contents. The other *.parms
contents the saved parameters from all saved programs. After that, press the “Execute
Geometrical Attribute Workflow” button. The reset selection button can be pressed if
one wants to reset the program selections.

A typical workflow for structural geometrical attributes will be


A typical workflow for amplitude geometrical attributes will be

At any time, the terminal window will show the progress of the workflow. The
text file aaspi_geom_attr_workflow.out can be checked to see the completion status of
the workflow or whether there is any error in the execution of the program.


Computation flow chart

This 2D Facies classification analysis is comprised of three separate modules;

real_pca_waveform, som2d and plot_clusters. The real_pca_waveform preconditions
the different input attribute volume, which goes into as input to the som2d. It calculates
the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from input dataset which will be used to project the
input data vector into the latent space. The som2d program trains the data based on
Kohonen Self-organizing Maps. The last module - plot_cluster assigns colors to the
different trained facies into a 2D RGB gradational scale and plots the output seismic
facies map (Matos et al., 2009, Roy et al., 2011). Below is the flowchart showing the
workflow of 2D seismic facies analysis.

This Program 2D Facies Analysis is launched from the Formation Attributes in the
main aaspi_util GUI.

Computing real_pca_waveform module

This is the first step of analysis. The input attribute volume is selected on which
the waveform classification is to be done. Only the first two eigenvectors are used for
som2d, thus it has been fixed at 2 (yellow arrow 2). The start time and the end time
(arrows 3 and 4 respectively) are used to define the window of data used for the

Step 1: Choose the input attribute
volume. Mention the start and
end time of the data. This module
outputs the eigenvalues,
eigenvectors, the standard
deviation, mean and the average
waveform of the input data

To QC the outputs from the real_pca_waveform program we can plot the

eigenvectors, the eigenvalues and the means in the simple graph utility as shown above.

The eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, which form the initial set or a priori training

vectors, are shown below. The horizontal axis represents the samples of the waveform

used in the analysis. The plot of the eigenvectors is the plot of the first two


Computing som2d module

The som2D-clustering is the second step for analysis step and appears in the
next tab (Tab 2). The input for the real_pca_waveform should remain the same for this
som2D analysis. The output from the previous real_pca_waveform serves as input for
som3D (shown in yellow arrows). The maximum number of classes should be <= 256,
because most visualization software can only display 256 colors. The eigenvalues are
used to scale the dimension of the latent space. The eigenvectors serve as the first
approximation to the latent space forming the initial set of untrained vectors. The
maximum number of iterations is required. The rate of convergence is printed in the
output file and can be use guide subsequent jobs. The start time should be same as the

Step 2: The input attribute volume should remain the same as
real_pca_waveform. The eigenvectors, the eigenvalues and mean values are
selected as input (marked with yellow arrows 5,6,7). The number of classes
has a maximum limit of 256 because of the display limitations of the most
visualization software which has a max of 256 colors that can be imported into
it. Select the number of iterations (arrow10). Keep the start and end time same
as before. This program outputs the 2D clustered data set for each iteration and
the projected Trained Vectors (Prototype vectors). It also outputs the final
trained 2D dataset, which can be exported as a SEGY file into other
visualization software.

Plotting: plot_clusters module

The 3rd step is to color the trained 2D seismic dataset and highlight the variation
in seismic facies. Go to Tab3 for the SOM 2D viewer. Different facies are represented
by different colors. The outputs from the SOM2D serve as input to this module (shown
in yellow arrows). This module helps in QC the facies volume after each training. This
also generates a suite of color files which can be taken as input in visualization software
like Petrel.

Step 3: This step creates the

various color-files and colors the
projected trained vectors and the
2D trained dataset. The cluster
file (cluster2d*) and the
projection file (project2d*) are
taken as input (arrows 13 and
14). The Minimum lightness and
the maximum lightness values
help in changing the minimum
and maximum saturation value
of the 2D gradational colorbar
(arrows 18 and 19). The *.alut
file generated by this module
can be imported into Petrel
(shown in the later section) for
seismic facies map visualization.

Below shows the output of a seismic facies map considering the coherent energy as the
input volume after 10 iterations.

APPENDIX 3: 3D Multi-attribute Kohonen SOM GUI

Computation flow chart

This 3D Facies classification analysis is comprised of two separate modules;

som3d, plot_clusters. Also there is a wavelet supervision program included within the
som3d code which compares the dataset near the wells with the multi-attribute input
volume. The last module - plot_cluster assigns colors to the different trained facies into
a 2D RGB gradational scale and plots the output seismic facies volume. Below is the
flowchart showing the workflow of 3D seismic facies analysis.

This Program 3D Facies Analysis is launched from the Formation Attributes in the
main aaspi_util GUI

Computing som3d module

The som3D-clustering is the first step of analysis. Use the browser on the first
eight lines to choose the input seismic data file (Arrow 1). It is not mandatory to take in
eight inputs. The number of inputs can vary from two – eight. Specify the number of
input attributes in the field labeled “Number of attributes to use” (Arrow 2). The
maximum number of classes can be any large number (Arrow 3). Most of the
commercial visualization software can only display 256 colors thus generally is <= 256.
However the more the uniform sampling of the latent space takes place we generally
have more confidence in clustering. Thus, in this case we take a 4096 classes which
later can be represented by a 64 – by – 64 colorscale. The initial neighborhood radius
can be specified as the constant factor of the initial SOM 2D grid spacing of the PVs
(Arrow 5). The number of iteration is mentioned next (Arrow 6). Select the decimation
factor for using a subset of dataset used for training (Arrow 7). For example the value
100 means every 100th data-vector is used for training. The start time and the end time
are automatically read in from the input files (Arrow 8 and 9).However it is better to
mention them to focus the analysis only within the reservoir zone. The GUI for the
SOM3D is shown in the next page.

The 2nd step is to color the trained 3D seismic dataset and highlight the variation
in seismic facies. Different facies are represented by different colors. The SOM3D
Viewer in the next tab. The outputs from the SOM3D serve as input to this module
(Arrow 12 and 13). This module helps in QC the facies volume after each training. This
also generates a suite of color files, which can be taken as input in visualization
software like Petrel.

Output generated from the SOM3D facies clustering module with 4096 number
of initial classes. Note that clusters starts forming for iteration 4 and the overdefined
4096 classes have actually represents 4-5 colors. In the visualization software like Petrel
only a max of 256 colors can be imported. Thus we can use a lesser number of initial
classes (256).

Supervised classification can be done based on either the Minimum Euclidean

Distance (MED) or Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). When Supervised (Arrow 3B) is

pressed the well parameter window appears where we can define a cube specifying the

inline, crossline, neighboring radius and start and end time. An average attribute data-

vector is calculated from this cube, which becomes the training data-vector. A cutoff

can be given for MED (Arrow 4B) and for SAM (Arrow 5B). The MED parameter is

the similarity ratio and the SAM parameter is the cutoff angle.

The results of the MED and the SAM classifier can be visualized by clicking on

the checkbox (Arrow 10B). The number of facies used for the classification is equal to

the number of wells used (Arrow 11B). All the other parameters are not required until

one wants to visualize the SOM facies classification outputs too. The results of the

MED and the SAM classifier are given in the next page.

APPENDIX 4: Probabilistic 3D seismic facies classification GTM GUI

In the AASPI software, the GUI for GTM can be invoked by typing
aaspi_gtm_pf or from the main aaspi_util window by selecting the Formation
Attributes drop down menu (3D GTM Facies Analysis):

The following GUI will pop up:

As with SOM, the input consists of a suite of (1) seismic attribute volumes that
the interpreter has chosen to differentiate different seismic facies, rock types,
lithologies, or other clusters. For example, a mass transport complex may be
characterized by relatively low coherence, strongly converging reflectors, and high
entropy (measured by the GLCM algorithm). Surrounding marine shales may be
characterized by moderate coherence, low reflector convergence (i.e. parallel reflectors)
and low GLCM entropy. Next, (2) enter the number of input volumes represents the
dimensionality of the dataset (automatically updated). Then (3) select the number of
grid points to span the 2D latent space, K, (GTM theory Chapter 5). These points are
mapped to the data-space. Then (4) select the number of non-linear basis functions, J,
that form a regular array of Gaussian functions. A linear combination of these basis
functions is used to map the points in the latent space to the data space. Both the latent
space samples and the basis functions should be squared integers value, (e.g.
(256…400…625…900 etc.….). They can be automatically selected from some pre-
defined values in dropdown menu. Care should be taken so that the number of basis
functions (J) should be less than the number of grid points in the 2D latent space (K).
Next, (5) Enter the width of the basis functions relative to the distance between two
neighboring basis function centers. This width is used to define the standard deviation
of the non-linear basis functions, which is constant for a GTM model. If ε=2 the basis
functions will have widths (std. dev) equals to two times the distance between two
neighboring basis function centers. Initially the code runs a multiattribute PCA to
initialize the starting values of W and β (see GTM theory Chapter 5). Next, (6) enter the
regularization factor, used to stabilizing the linear equation for solving the new W.
This prevents any division by zero. Next, (7), enter the number of iterations to run
GTM. To minimize run times, only a fraction of the input dataset is used for training.
Therefore (8) enter the decimation factor for using a subset of dataset used for training
(yellow arrow 8). For example the value 100 means every 100th data-vector is used for
training. Different training percentage of the data can be selected from the dropdown
menu. It is recommended to run GTM only in the prospective zone because it is a
computation intensive job. Finally, enter the (9) start time and the (10) end time of the

data for GTM seismic facies classification. The “Save GTM Parameters” is an optional
feature to create a parameter file, which can be used for a batch workflow (not included
in this release). After providing all these parameters click “Execute GTM” program
(green arrow).

After the GTM model building is done, click on “GTM QC Train Utility” to QC
the mean distribution of the posterior probability (responsibility) projections of the
training data on the 2D latent space (presently this utility uses gnuplot). Otherwise the
ASCII files mean_train_proj_${train} (shown below) generated can be viewed in any
other graph utility manually.

The output files will be created from the GTM analysis is shown below. The
gtm_proj1_${project_name}_${suffix}.H and the
gtm_proj2_${project_name}_${suffix}.H are final projection files which stores the
mean posterior probabilities along two axis. These two files should be imported into any
visualization software for interactive picking the clusters (as discussed in the theory).

The crossplot, hsplot and the hlplot utility GUIs can be invoked by clicking on the
“GTM Plot Menu” as shown in the GUI.

For a better analysis of the how likely one type of facies occurs we need to input
some average wavelets around the wells within the survey or areas of interest. This is
done by clicking the “supervision” button (red arrow). The well supervision GUI pops
up and the inline, crossline, start-time, end-time and the neighborhood radius
information are given (Arrow 1B).

With this supervised case the number of latent space variables (Arrow 2B) and
the number of basis functions (Arrow 3B) should be reduced. The number of wells used
for supervision is mentioned (Arrow 6B). Thus the new GTM model will be applied on
the whole dataset to find the most likely facies corresponding to the wells. The reset
button (Arrow 7B) can be used to start over unsupervised GTM analysis.

Three different facies types are given in the well information panels. Bhattacharya
measure is used to calculate the overlap value between two PDFs (see chapter 6).

The above two figures show the most likely occurrence of facies Type 1 and Type 2.
The magenta color highlights regions with the highest probability (90-100 %) of
occurrence of the facies similar to the input well. The blue regions have very low likely
that the facies is similar to the input well facies. And the black regions have no
similarity to the facies type of the input well.


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