The research work on this assignment explains the importance and the impact of
marketing strategies on its sales, turnover and other aspects of Dawlance Group
Ltd Pakistan. Dawlance Group Ltd is one of the popular brands in Pakistan
manufacturing different electrical appliances.
The selection of Dawlance Corporation Ltd Pakistan for this particular group work
is purely made on the basis of two reasons.
* Being part of this organization in the past and accessibility towards some
important data required for this plan.
Marketing strategies have been set for Dawlance Group and a complete marketing
plan is proposed to analyze different aspects and to provide them a system more
profitable and thus to increase company popularity and demand. The company
manufactures different products and sends to most parts of the country.
We have made efforts to study and analyse both the micro and macro environments
for to find out the hurdles in our way. Every aspect is analyzed in context to
Pakistan and planning is designed in a way that is applicable within the country
The company mission and vision statement is clearly made and it’s political,
environmental, social, technological and economical issues are brought in front
that in short is named as PESTLE analysis.
Along all the above external factors the company is also analysed by clearly
pointing out its strengths, weakness and opportunities which give us a broad
spectrum on designing our marketing plan for the company mentioned.
The company Dawlance sells its products through its main warehouses and shops
within the country and have almost negligible sale online when we characterise it
as B2C or direct to customer sale.
We have tried to design a plan that attracts most customers from all over the
country ranging low medium to upper class families.
The strategy here is low price and good quality and extra facilities to capture the
market and take a competitor lead.
The customers are mainly middles and rich class people within the country and the
company endeavour to provide stuff on easy instalments and cheap prices so
everyone can be benefited. The company recently has 1550 employees. The
company has a large setup and is has got the service of talented team, HR and
Marketing team.
Dawlance Group has been passed through the stages of continuous improvements
and innovation to achieve its position in Pakistan Market and take lead to its
competitors. It its imports its raw material mainly from China, Germany, Italy,
Taiwan and some other countries.
* Refrigerators
* Air conditioner
* Roaster
* Toaster
* Juicer
* Televisions
* Washing Machines
* Dryers
* Irons
* Deep Freezer
* Small Appliances
Head Office:
Dawlance Centre 7/4 Civil Line-9
Chapter No 2:
The company is more established in urban areas having big ware houses and retail
shop which the customers buy directly.
The products range from small appliances like Switches, Irons to Air Conditioned
and Refrigerators all of which has good demand within the country.
The company have segmented its products in to daily use electronic stuff to
seasonal appliances like heaters in winters and Air Conditions.
The company have normally targeted the middle lower, middle-middle to upper
class families. Some products with a low price and are also bought by poor class
The wide spread of china market in Pakistan has enormous impact on sale and
growth strategy of the company.
More than 70% of Pakistan population is below £3 a day making it very difficult
for them even to meet to their both time meal. Most of the families have a very low
income and huge burden and difficult for them to go for luxury and even necessary
stuff like Refrigerators and heaters.
Over the past one year the due the global crisis the country is in economic crisis
resulting the downfall of many manufacturing companies. Dawlance is also the
victim of this economic disease. The company is also facing political and security
problems all over the world affecting its marketing strategies very badly.
However the brand can’t bring its quality down because of diluted market
Political condition is getting worst day by day in Pakistan. The country is passing
through the dark stage of the history facing security and instability problems.
Government is not in position to provide funding for the company growth and is
not in the position to go for international legislations. International trading policies
are worst and corruption is very high.
Due to recent global economic crisis the company is facing a lot of problems. Tax
rate is high and the retail market seems to be going down.
Most of the people of the country are living in rural areas, unaware of the products
and its benefits. These people don’t like products TVs because of religious
concern. The people in these rural areas like manual work and don’t like
machinery. Female normally don’t visit shops and don’t work. Most of the people
can’t afford to buy.
Technology is growing day by day. The company has latest machinery and have
highly qualified engineers and professionals. The cheap technology of china has
brought a new revolution not only in Pakistan but in the whole world.
* The brand is so popular within Pakistan and has sixteen distributions centre all
over the country.
* The company is located in main city Karachi, more near to big markets.
* The company is losing a lot of money due to extra labours and manual work.
* The company hire graduates but the associated staffs not train them properly that
result in lack of communication, incompetence and very less company knowledge.
* The Managers of different departments not showing their full and motivation for
the company.
* The company can take a lead of Pakistan market by excellent marketing and
customer service.
* The company has the ability to grow and can increase its turn over by Online
sale, marketing and shopping.
* The company has a major threat to security. It is located in main city and has no
scanning and proper security system.
* It is in competition in market with china and some other companies like Singer
So on the basis of the above SWOT analysis we can conclude that the company
needs new marketing strategies and online sale opportunity. We are going to
design a new relationship of the company with its suppliers and customers. Detail
work and analysis is carried out.
The company seems not to have enough online competitors, so a better opportunity
to invest money on latest online internet technology.
This in other words means if we can divide the market in to following segments.
The segmentation is entirly done on the basis of average monthly income and
normal living standard.
We will extend on Dawlance image of innovation, quality, and value and has to
make it more competitive in market.
Bringing in front all the aspects, the company is keen to re design a robust system
that has the facility for online shopping, marketing, procurement, purchasing,
customer service, excellent operational efficiency and extra security so that the
extra cost incurred can be controlled.
This plan is based totally on the incorporation of new marketing plan that will give
full prove more fruitful for the company.
3.1)Marketing Objectives:
The objective of the marketing plan is to increase the company growth. The
company is having economic problems. The company suffers lose in turn over in
recent year and need marketing plan to regain its position.
The company has to attract the market and should come out with good quality
products with extra features and services to keep the brand in the market and
having a good turn over.
Our market strategy defines specific actions to perform the company aim and
objective and keep its brand position within the market
3.3)Market Segmentation:
The main market is segmented in to Urban and Rural Areas which can be further
sub segmented in to following categories.
Segmentation Products:
The products are segmented in to the following categories.
The rough estimation shows 35% of the population leave in poverty and that they
some time unable to go for any precious product.
Target Markets :
The target market for our plan is all the middle range and upper class people this
time mainly in Urban areas. Upper class is the people who can afford it very easily
and for middle class it is difficult but not impossible and they have been normally
seen to buy expensive stuff if it is on affordable and economic price.
Middle class have been seen to buy good expensive electronic stuff like Freezers,
air Conditioned, Micro wave oven and Tele Vision etc and especially at the time
when they marry their daughters or sons.
The company has to advertise the products through all Radio and TV and bill
board banners and has to go for promotions, discounts and others good offers that
will be more competitive economically in the market.
The company has almost sixteen big ware houses all over the country and retail
stores in almost all the big cities.
The company along with physical positioning in the retail shops will also have the
facility to order via phone and mails. So the product can been delivered with no
The payment for the products will be in advance either by cheque/postal order or
Bank deposit.
The marketing plan is mainly designed on whole families. The normal products the
Dawlance is selling in market is used in families. Like One TV, washing machine
and toaster or Juicer in one house. In some families more than two TV even used
but marketing plan is designed at minimum level.
There is no age limit. Normally attracting customers are parents and elders of
family in age 30-60 years.
Focuses both genders specially families or leaving in one house in sharing.
Social Class:
Upper class, upper middle, upper lower ,middle upper and in some how middle
middle and lower middle classes are focused.
Market Geographic’s
Most of the families living cities like Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, and Islamabad
and many major cities and districts have more probability to buy electronic
appliances manufactured by Dawlance.
Therefore the main focus will be urban areas which have easy access and easy
delivery services. Most of the bill board adverts are normally spread in cities with
lights easily persuading customers.
Market Psychographics
Market is designed more to attract high personality people no matter if he live in
family or alone. Some people like high value stuff with extra qualities so we will
provide different stuff ranging minimal to high price. Stuff with high price has
extra qualities that will attract highly upper class people.
Market Needs:
The market has need of highly durability. Some of the company appliances are the
market needs like TV and refrigerator which is the most important segment to
The customers will be provided call centre number that will work morning 0900-
0500PM. The customer details will be taken and service will be provided. The
entire maintenance centre will be close to city.
The loyal customer will also be given 20% discount on same appliance, if he is
going for new product at the condition no claim for maintenance is made during
full warranty time.
Price will be bring down with no compromise with high quality. Prices will get
down 20% less on good discounted rates. Some products like Freezers and TVs
will also be available on interest free instalments in the form of loan. The price will
be bit higher than normal in case of instalments.
We aim to attract nor only upper class people but also middle class and in many
cases even lower upper class people to make it more dynamic within the market.
We deliver high quality value.
All the products ordered directly will be delivered to on door at the expense of
reasonable charge.