Test Logic Insertion For Optimization of Testing Parameters On Lower Technology Node
Test Logic Insertion For Optimization of Testing Parameters On Lower Technology Node
Test Logic Insertion For Optimization of Testing Parameters On Lower Technology Node
Rahul Mehta
Technical Associate-Physical Design, e-infochips Training & Research Academy
E-infochips,4, Aryan Park Complex, near Shilaj Railway Crossing, Thaltej
Ahmedabad, India [email protected]
Abstract: The complexi ty and g ate counts on chi ps is performance of the chip is getting better than earlier. The
growing rapi dl y on networking applicati on chi ps, because number of transistors is increased the number of storage
of s maller lithographic nodes. Design for testability (DFT) elements in a particular design is getting increased. The test
ensures no manufacturing defect on the VLS I fabricated time and the cost of test time will also be high.[3]. And this is
chips. Structured DFT approaches like scan methodol ogy, the biggest concern of DFT field for ASIC ch ip designing
BIST, MB IST ensure quality. Nowadays, DFT itself face process. There are such test parameters like test time, test
critical challenge due to node scaling and i t affects the coverage, power dissipation, the area should be analyzed
density of the fabricated chi p. In this paper, to opti mize must.
the parameters on the 28nm technol ogy node , like test
time, test cover age, power dissipation, the area shoul d be II. PROBLEM DEFINITION
analysed. This is the major concern of DFT for ASIC chi p
designing process. At lower lithographic node the density of transistor is
very denser on the chi, and hence defect density will also be
Keywords : Scan insertion, ATPG, Design rule violations, higher. The following test parameters should be considered as
Design for testability for the lower lithographic node, 28nm a higher priority. In this thesis, an industrial networking block
technology node on 28nm technology to optimize the following parameters:
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K74-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4876-2
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K74-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4876-2
Here, in fig.2 (a) there are two scan cells and both then dft logic can be add in our orig inal design and then it
have data and test inputs DI & SI respectively. SE is the goes for post scan processes and finally .spf file and scan
control line it will select the particular input and will be
inserted netlist can be created for ATPG tool.
reflected at the output of that scan cell. The clock is there to
power on the cells and there are two primary inputs A and
A various technique called test point insertion,
B.[9] Scan input and scan outputs are the test input and test
output of the design. Fig.2 (b) shows the logical behavior of Single-pass scan synthesis and compression logic is used to
the circuit. get a better result for scan insertion in the original design. For
test point insertion (fig.8) created numerous control points and
observe points into design and enabled test mode and for
compression used set_scan_compression_configuration -
chain_count 96 co mmand and enabled scan compression
mode and generated 96 internal scan chains and 8 main scan
chains as shown in (fig.5). Single pass scan synthesis is done
during logic synthesis of the design and this is widely used for
lowering down the test application time and for this used
compile –scan command.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K74-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4876-2
First of all, set up lib raries like Verilog models of the design
then can go for reading scan inserted netlist(.v) then should go
for build model it will map our design with given cell libraries
then it will ask for checking DRC process at that time .spf file
is must. .spf file is STIL procedure file it has all information
of scan cells and chains.[2] Then finally can go for run atpg
process it will start generating test vectors and test bench can
be written out.
Fig. 7. Pre-DFT Violation (D1)
E. Pattern Simulation :
ATPG expands automatic test pattern generation for the IV. TECHNIQUES USED TO OPTIMIZE TEST
external tester. It helps to differentiate between correct and PARAMETERS
faulty behavior of chip for Automatic test equipment. It builds
patterns according to our design and generates faults model A. Single-Pass Synthesis :
for fau lts which can be occurred during the manufacturing
process.[7] ATPG tool generates a pattern which can able to After fixing all v iolations during the RTL test DRC process, it
detect more than one faults present in the chip. In our design, is ready to perform one-pass scan synthesis or single-pass scan
Synopsys tetramax tool is used for the generation of test synthesis, which perfo rms a test-ready comp ilat ion of the
patterns. Following in fig.9 is the flow wh ich followed for design. If DC co mp iler is used by specifying compile –scan
pattern generation. command one can perform this operation.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K74-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4876-2
Fig. 10. Test-ready Compilation Flow Fig. 12. Example for User defined test point insertion
With this compilation process, the Synopsys tools converge on In the fig.12[1] can see that cloud it is combined of some
true one-pass scan synthesis. Fig. 10 shows to perform one- control signals and fed to the DI input of an analog block and
pass scan synthesis flow in Synopsys DC co mpiler tool [1]. DO output is passes through an output drive buffer. But this
This process offers a better quality of results compared with analog block is untestable and the DI and DO pin can not be
past methods and also this flow is simpler. controlled and observed so to imp rove the testability of this
analog block and can define test points to it manually. Using
B. Compression Logic :
set_test_point_element –type observe (analog block), can
insert an observe test point at the DI input, using
set_test_element –type force_0 (pin), can hold the block at the
RSTN pin of analog block. Using set_test_element –type
force_1 (pin ) can provide controllability of downstream logic.
By using this logic, got increased test coverage for our
industrial design.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20K74-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4876-2
Block : Design_1 one is slow to rise and slow to fall wh ich can lead to
No. of Scan inputs & outputs 678 manufacturing defects like resistive vias, bridges, crosstalk,
M ax. chain length 1307
1 90.07% 0.22 377 ECO Stuck-
[1] DFT MAX™ Design-for-Test User Guide Version N-2017.09-SP4,
2 86.16% 0.75 702 Compression Stuck-
March 2018
(96 internal at
[2] TetraMAX® ATPG User Guide VersionH-2013.03-SP4,
3 99.30% 9.13 659 Compression(70 Stuck-
internal at [3] N. Gupta, “ Overview and Dynamics of Scan Chain
chains)+TPI Testing,”2014.[Online].Available:http://anysilicon.com/overview-and-
4 82.66% 0.75 1256 Original Run TDF dynamics-of-scan-testing/ [Accessed: 20- May- 2014]
[4] S Prabhakaran, D Patel, D Patel, “ATPG Challenges at Lower
Technology Nodes,”.[Online].Available: http://www.design-
reuse.com/articles/39857/atpg-challenges [Accessed: 25- June- 2016]
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[7] V. R. Devanathan, C. P. Ravikumar and V. Kamakoti, "Reducing SoC
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value lowered down. But area overhead was a major issue in jointly with 6th International Conference on Embedded Systems
second due to more number of generated internal scan chains. (VLSID'07), Bangalore, 2007, pp. 351-356.
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