Section C9-Timber Buildings
Section C9-Timber Buildings
Section C9-Timber Buildings
Timber Buildings C9
Document Status
Document Access
This document may be downloaded from in parts:
1 Part A – Assessment Objectives and Principles
2 Part B – Initial Seismic Assessment
3 Part C – Detailed Seismic Assessment
Dunning Thornton
Task Group Leaders Alastair Cattanach
Stuart Oliver Holmes Consulting Group Lou Robinson Hadley & Robinson
Project Management was provided by Deane McNulty, and editorial support provided by
Ann Cunninghame and Sandy Cole.
Oversight to the development of these Guidelines was provided by a Project Steering Group
Dave Brunsdon
Kestrel Group John Hare SESOC
Quincy Ma,
Gavin Alexander NZ Geotechnical Society NZSEE
Peter Smith
Funding for the development of these Guidelines was provided by the Ministry of Business,
Innovation and Employment and the Earthquake Commission.
Part C – Detailed Seismic Assessment
Contents i
Part C – Detailed Seismic Assessment
C9.1 General
C9.1.1 Scope and outline of this section
This section provides guidance for the Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) of timber
buildings to enable a consistent approach with the other materials addressed in these
guidelines. In particular, it should assist by providing information on common forms of
timber construction and estimation of the relevant member/element/system capacities. It
builds on the section “Detailed Assessment of Timber Structures” in the previous version of
these guidelines (NZSEE, 2006).
When assessing buildings that are constructed primarily from other materials (such as
unreinforced masonry (URM) or concrete) but include components such as timber
diaphragms (refer to Section C9.6.3) which may influence their seismic behaviour, this
section should be read in conjunction with the relevant material sections (e.g. Section C8
Unreinforced Masonry Buildings and Section C5 Concrete Buildings).
Timber framed buildings and engineered timber buildings meeting modern design
standards are not expected to be earthquake prone unless a particularly vulnerable aspect
is present and, even then, this would need to be one which would lead to a significant life
safety hazard in the event of failure.
A DSA of a timber building is typically performed after an Initial Seismic Assessment (ISA)
has been undertaken in accordance with Part B of these guidelines. It should be noted that
an ISA can identify high risk building components such as URM brick walls, heavy roofs,
chimneys and poor foundation systems that can adversely affect the performance of a timber
building. The mitigation or replacement of these undesirable features can increase the
expected building performance, potentially making it unnecessary to undertake a detailed
Capacity design A design process for new buildings that identifies zones where post elastic
response is acceptable and details these accordingly. All other parts of the
primary structure are then designed to ensure other undesirable inelastic
response mechanisms are suppressed.
Cross laminated timber Engineered wood made from multiple layers of boards placed cross-wise to
(CLT) adjacent layers for increased rigidity and strength
Detailed Seismic A quantitative seismic assessment carried out in accordance with Part C of
Assessment (DSA) these guidelines
Ductile/ductility Describes the ability of a structure to sustain its load carrying capacity and
dissipate energy when it is subjected to cyclic inelastic displacements during
an earthquake
Glulam Glued laminated timber. A structural timber product made from layers of
timber bonded with structural adhesives.
Initial Seismic A seismic assessment carried out in accordance with Part B of these
Assessment (ISA) guidelines.
An ISA is a recommended first qualitative step in the overall assessment
Irregular building A building that has an irregularity that could potentially affect the way in which
it responds to earthquake shaking. A building that has a sudden change in its
plan shape is considered to have a horizontal irregularity. A building that
changes shape up its height (such as one with setbacks or overhangs) or that
is missing significant load-bearing elements is considered to have a vertical
irregularity. Structural irregularity is as defined in NZS 1170.5:2004.
Laminated veneer lumber Engineered wood composite made from rotary peeled veneers, glued with a
(LVL) durable adhesive and laid up with parallel grain orientation to form long
continuous sections
Lateral load Load acting in the horizontal direction, which can be due to wind or
earthquake effects
Load path A path through which vertical or seismic forces travel from the point of their
origin to the foundation and, ultimately, to the supporting soil
Oriented strand board Engineered wood particle board formed by adding adhesives and then
(OSB) compressing layers of wood strands (flakes) in specific orientations
Plywood Layered panel product comprising veneers of solid wood bonded to adjacent
layers, with grain direction orientated at right angles
Primary lateral structure Portion of the main building structural system identified as carrying the lateral
seismic loads through to the ground. May also be part of the primary gravity
Probable capacity The expected or estimated mean capacity (strength and deformation) of a
member, an element, a structure as a whole, or foundation soils. For structural
aspects this is determined using probable material strengths. For geotechnical
issues the probable resistance is typically taken as the ultimate geotechnical
resistance/strength that would be assumed for design.
Sarking Typically in New Zealand, timber construction board material fixed to timber
framing to provide a diaphragm. Provides a surface to which other materials
can be applied.
Shear wall A wall which resists lateral loads along its primary axis (also known as an in-
plane wall)
Sheathing The board, lining or panel material used in floor, wall and roof assemblies
Stressed skin panels Structural flat plates which rely on composite action for resistance to out-of-
plane loads. Flexural strength is provided by the skins and shear resistance is
provided by the filling of webs between the skins.
𝑧𝑧 𝑏𝑏2 𝑡𝑡
Section modulus of the sheathing board = , where 𝑡𝑡 is the thickness of the
board (mm3)
𝛿𝛿c Vertical downward movement (mm) at the base of the compression end of the
wall (this may be due to compression perpendicular to the grain deformation in
the bottom plate)
𝛿𝛿t Vertical upward movement (mm) at the base of the tension end of the wall
(this may be due to deformations in a nailed fastener and the members to
which it is anchored)
Modern timber framed walls are likely to be reliant on their lining materials for providing
bracing resistance. Linings include plasterboard, plywood, oriented strand board (OSB),
particle board and sometimes fibre cement board.
C9.2.2.2 Floors
Floors of timber framed structures typically consist of multiple horizontal joist members
between 400 mm and 600 mm apart. The span limits for sawn timber members tend to
restrict the size of rooms in the building. More modern buildings may use engineered
products for the floor system, such as: engineered wood joists (I joists), laminated veneer
lumber (LVL) joists, nail plated parallel flange truss joists, solid glulam panels, or cross
laminated timber (CLT) panels. In these cases, the spans are likely to be greater than for
sawn timber. The joists of ground floors are typically seated on timber bearers on piles.
Upper floor joists are typically seated on the top plates of the walls or a ribbon plate side
fixed to wall framing.
Older floors are generally constructed using tongue and groove strip timber members up to
approximately 200 mm wide, fixed with two nails at each joist crossing. Some old
commercial structures may have a “mill floor” which is a solid panel consisting of timber
planks on edge and nail-fixed together. More modern floors are typically constructed with
sheet materials such as particle board, plywood or fibre cement board products, fixed with
nails or screws around sheet perimeters. Other fixings are generally used in the in-field area
of the sheet at larger spacings to the intermediate joists.
Modern roof construction typically consists of timber roof trusses with pressed metal tooth
plate connectors spanning from outside wall to outside wall.
In both cases, bracing is provided in the roof space (either in the plane of the roof or in the
roof space down to the top plates of internal walls), particularly if the roof has gable ends.
Because of their shape, hip roofs generally support themselves against lateral loads and other
bracing is not usually necessary.
When heavy bolted timber trusses are used in conjunction with heavy sawn timber columns,
a diagonal timber brace is often included at the connection between the truss and the column
to provide a moment connection, thus creating portal-like action. In the orthogonal direction
either steel angle or rod bracing is employed, or light timber framed walls with timber sheet
material is used to resist the lateral loads.
Rainer and Karacabeyli (2000) carried out a survey of observed damage to timber framed
buildings caused by eight significant earthquakes in the USA, Canada, New Zealand and
Japan. Their study concluded that two-storey timber framed buildings largely met the life
safety criterion required by design standards. The fatalities recorded in timber framed
buildings were predominantly in larger (three-storey to four-storey) buildings or as a result
of external hazards such as landslides. When subject to peak ground accelerations in excess
of 0.6 g some Californian two-storey timber buildings exhibited soft-storey behaviour and
suffered partial collapse; while in Kobe, Japan, minimal damage was observed.
In the 1987 earthquake centred at Edgecumbe in the Bay of Plenty, fewer than 50 of the
nearly 7000 houses in the affected region suffered substantial damage and none collapsed
(Pender and Robertson, 1987). The majority of buildings in this region were of 1ight timber
frame construction and about two thirds were constructed during the period 1950 to 1979,
prior to the introduction of NZS 3604:1978. Most of the significant damage occurred in
building foundations. However, hundreds of houses suffered some lesser degree of damage
including sliding off their foundations, damage to brick veneers, chimney collapse, and
failure of foundation posts (pole frame structures) and roof struts.
The performance of engineered timber buildings was also reviewed by Buchanan et al.
(2011b). The authors noted that these buildings generally performed well both for life safety
and serviceability, with most buildings ready for occupation a short time after the event.
Most of the damage that occurred resulted from lateral spreading, settlement resulting from
liquefaction, and unusually high levels of horizontal and vertical ground acceleration.
Other observations included that structural and non-structural damage was common but, in
general, the structural integrity of these buildings was maintained. A small number of soft-
storey failures were observed in older two-storey timber framed houses, but these typically
did not result in collapse. These failures were often due to minimal bracing in the lower
floors, potentially as a result of alterations.
Significant damage was observed to the internal wall linings of some timber buildings,
particularly those with an asymmetric layout and large window openings. Damage to and
collapse of brick veneers, unreinforced chimneys and heavy roof tiles was common in areas
subject to high peak ground accelerations.
Concrete slab foundations generally performed well unless subject to liquefaction induced
settlement or lateral spreading; although failure of the connection to a foundation wall or
edge thickening was common where the slabs were unreinforced.
Foundations with short concrete piles and concrete perimeter walls generally performed very
well, particularly when the perimeter walls were reinforced. Similar to slab foundations,
damage was observed to pile foundations when subject to liquefaction induced settlement or
lateral spreading.
The general good performance of timber buildings in earthquakes is considered to be due,
at least in part, to their relatively low supported mass and ability to deform considerably
(via deformation in the connections) without loss of gravity load support. This means that
while serviceability may not necessarily be achieved, it is unlikely that buildings of this
type will create a significant life safety hazard even during severe earthquake shaking.
Care should be taken, however, when there are elements within timber structures that
either increase the mass (e.g. heavy wall partitions) or indicate a potentially vulnerable
mechanism is present that would concentrate nonlinear behaviour (e.g. a cantilever or
poorly cross braced sub-floor structure).
Despite high levels of peak ground acceleration during these earthquakes at a range of school
sites across Canterbury, no school structures collapsed and no serious injuries or fatalities
were recorded. Therefore, timber school buildings performed well in the Canterbury
earthquakes from a life safety perspective, confirming previous expectations. However,
significant damage was caused by lateral spreading and liquefaction.
Further, detailed engineering evaluations of these schools after the earthquakes have shown
that timber buildings performed better than conventional methods of theoretical structural
analysis would suggest. This is because timber buildings (with the exception of portal framed
structures typically used in warehouses, halls and gymnasia) generally have many additional
load paths that are not easily quantifiable but are able to carry and redistribute loads and
deform significantly in a seismic event.
The results of two separate full scale tests commissioned by the Ministry of Education and
one by Housing New Zealand in 2013 (refer to Appendix C9A) confirmed observations
from the Canterbury earthquake sequence of the resilience of timber framed buildings.
These tests confirmed the view held by many structural engineers that timber framed
buildings constructed before the establishment of modern seismic codes have an inherent
lateral resistance and deformation capacity beyond that which can be readily calculated.
Timber framed buildings meeting modern seismic code requirements are expected to have
earthquake resilience that meets or exceeds current minimum building code requirements
for life safety.
Previous work by the Ministry of Education following the 1998 National Structural and
Glazing Survey included the replacement of most heavy roofs on its school buildings. This
action undoubtedly improved the performance of the lightweight building stock and has
reduced the risk of serious damage during seismic events.
Analysis of the results from full-scale testing of timber buildings (Brunsdon, et al. (2014);
Connor-Woodley (2015); and BRANZ (2015)) has indicated that the global seismic
performance of these buildings is expected to be very good (when considered against life
safety objectives) and far greater than the results of structural calculations may suggest.
As a result, a revised structural performance factor, 𝑆𝑆p , of 0.5 (a lower bound of 0.7 has
typically been used) is recommended when completing a DSA for timber buildings as
outlined later in this section.
The following general assumptions and considerations should be used in the assessment of
timber buildings:
• The assessing engineer should have access to relevant design standards including
NZS 1170.5:2004, NZS 3603:1993, NZS 3604:2011 and AS 1720.1:2010.
• The engineer should identify the critical and controlling load paths, the strength
hierarchy, and likely mechanisms of the system to assist with determining the available
ductility capacity using a rational analysis (where possible).
• An inelastic analysis is not considered necessary for the majority of timber buildings due
to the flexibility of the diaphragms and ability to redistribute lateral load between timber
elements of different stiffness on different bracing lines. However, an appreciation of the
deformation capacity of timber elements is considered essential when these are being
used in conjunction with elements of other material types and timber systems with
significantly differing deformation capacities.
• The provision that 8% of the horizontal seismic base shear is applied at the eaves/roof
level should only be considered if a heavy roof is present or a heavy wall is required to
be propped at roof level.
• Assessment is based on probable capacities which are taken as the nominal capacities
defined in NZS 3603:1993; i.e. taking the strength reduction factor, 𝜙𝜙, equal to 1, but
using probable material strengths.
• The probable material strengths and member/element capacities set out in Sections C9.5
and C9.6 respectively can be used as default values in the absence of better available
data that is specific to the building. The element capacities in Section C9.6 assume that
the load path into and out of each member is complete and sufficient to transfer the
required demands. This should be confirmed.
• Traditional sawn timber has a wide range of strength properties, with the characteristic
(lower fifth percentile) strength used in the design of new timber structures. In structures
with many contributing timber members the assessment of the collective capacity should
be assessed using the appropriate modification factors, 𝑘𝑘i , from NZS 3603:1993.
• Where they are not visible and there is no drawing record, walls should be assumed to
have no diagonal braces unless otherwise confirmed by site investigation.
• The specified lateral seismic deflection limits specified in NZS 1170.5:2004 are not
expected to be relevant for typical timber buildings when the focus is on life safety. This
is because the mass supported is typically low and considerable deflections can generally
be sustained. However, this should not be considered a blanket relaxation as in some
cases (e.g. when there is a large supported mass (roof or wall)) careful appraisal will be
required before the deflection limits can be ignored.
• Portal framed structures are typically governed by deflection limits and non-seismic
actions, so stiffness rather than strength will likely have governed section size. Joint
strength and deformation capacity is then likely to be critical. The capacity of joints with
dowel type fasteners is usually limited by timber bearing/crushing, which is a ductile
For buildings constructed primarily of other materials (e.g. concrete or URM) but with
timber elements, such as floors or roofs, that could affect their seismic performance, it is
important to determine the state of the connection between the floors and the supporting
walls and/or the sarking to the roof. This will have a direct bearing on whether or not the
floors and/or roof can act as a diaphragm in distributing the seismic floor loads to the walls
and whether the walls are tied together. Therefore, the state of the wall/diaphragm
connection may determine the possible load paths for transferring seismic actions down to
the foundations.
A displacement-based assessment approach is considered essential when timber elements
of significantly varying deformation capacity are being used in combination, or when
timber elements are being used in conjunction with elements of other materials.
In older timber buildings and some modern buildings a capacity design may not have been
undertaken, so brittle failure mechanisms may be present.
For timber framed buildings no more than two storeys high and with regular layouts, the
bracing design provisions of NZS 3604:2011 can be adopted. This option should only be
adopted if the distribution and spacing of bracing walls is generally in accordance with
NZS 3604:2011. As bracing demands given in NZS 3604:2011 are derived from 𝜇𝜇 = 3.5 and
𝑆𝑆p = 0.70, these demands should be scaled accordingly for other values of 𝜇𝜇 and 𝑆𝑆p .
For engineered buildings, multi-unit buildings and complex layouts, earthquake demands
should be calculated in accordance with Section C3 with the amended provision that the 8%
allowance applied at eaves/roof level should only be considered if a heavy roof is present or
upper support of a heavy wall is required.
A structural performance factor of 𝑆𝑆p = 0.5 is recommended for the assessment of timber
The structural performance factor takes account of a number of effects including structural
redundancy, additional energy dissipation, the likely short duration of peak load, and
higher material strengths and connection capacities. The value 𝑆𝑆p = 0.5 is considered
reasonable based on observed behaviour in earthquakes and on the destructive testing of
timber framed buildings.
A force-based assessment will require determining the probable flexural, shear, axial and
bracing capacities of the members, elements and connections using the information in
Sections C9.5 and C9.6 and other references as necessary. In doing so, the potential failure
mechanisms should be identified and considered when assigning the available ductility in
the system.
It is emphasised that failures in timber connections can be brittle. Reference can be made to
the European Yield Model (EYM) and Brittle Failure methods (EN 1995-1-1:2004 and
Quenneville, 2009) or other similar methods to determine the failure mode for connections.
The global earthquake rating should be determined in accordance with Section C1 using the
probable strength capacity of the global structure and the global base shear demand
determined from Section C3.
All assessment procedures outlined in Section C1 have completing a SLaMA as the first
step. This requires the engineer to have a good understanding of the deformation capacity of
the various systems to ensure displacement compatibility issues, particularly when the
deformations are in the nonlinear range, are addressed.
To assist with using a displacement-based approach, BRANZ (BRANZ, 2013; BRANZ,
2015) has tested a variety of wall systems commonly used in New Zealand timber
construction to better understand their lateral load-resisting behaviour. These tests have
provided probable strength and deformation capacities and stiffnesses for a range of
bracing systems. Examples are included in Appendix C9B.
The global earthquake score should be determined in accordance with the procedures
outlined in Section C2.
Some likely issues include: horizontal irregularity, vertical irregularity, heavy roofs and
masonry veneer claddings, building condition, foundations and slope considerations,
geotechnical hazards, and stairs. These are discussed below, together with suggestions about
how to alter the recommended ductility and structural performance factors accordingly.
Building damage, deterioration, corrosion of structural elements and the effects of biological
decay (such as borer infestation and wood rot) should be considered and the capacities
downgraded accordingly.
Inadequate or poor connection of the floor framing to the piles is common. Buildings which
have a sub-floor height of 600 mm or less are unlikely to present a life safety hazard if they
come off their foundations (although significant damage may result). Therefore, the capacity
of the sub-floor in these buildings should not govern the %NBS earthquake rating for the
The capacity of bolted connections in foundations should be calculated using the provisions
of NZS 3603:1993, NZS 3604:2011, or EN 1995-1-1:2004 and Quenneville (2009).
When assessing the foundations for timber framed buildings, the value of 𝑆𝑆p to be used for
the calculation of the earthquake score for the foundation should be that appropriate for the
foundation system.
If a building is constructed on a slope greater than 1 in 8, as shown in Figure C9.2, this may
require a review of the sub-floor bracing design and construction. If there are substantial
foundation cross-bracing elements present or if the building is supported by a reinforced
concrete or reinforced concrete block retaining wall that is not showing any signs of
movement, then typically no further sub-floor assessment is considered necessary. If these
elements are not present then further assessment should be undertaken. It is also
recommended that the centre of rigidity for the subfloor system is checked in relation to the
location of the centre of mass to check for potential torsional effects.
C9.4.4.8 Stairs
Internal stairs constructed of timber are unlikely to lead to a significant life safety hazard
due to loss of egress but may contribute to an irregularity in structure stiffness.
External stairways, depending on their construction type, may be more vulnerable than
internal stairs and should be checked.
For timber structures built before 2000 the engineer may take probable material strength
values as the characteristic strengths given in NZS 3603:1993 and reproduced in Table C9.1.
(Note that the values in this table vary from the values given in Amendment 4 to this
For timber structures built from 2000 onwards the probable material strengths for Radiata
pine and Douglas fir may be taken as the characteristic strengths given in Amendment 4 to
NZS 3603:1993. (Note that the timber in almost all buildings constructed during this period
is either Radiata pine or Douglas fir.)
The characteristic strength for tension parallel to the grain was reduced for a number of
the species in 1996, after new testing. However, the reduction in stresses for Radiata pine
and Douglas fir are the only ones included here because very few, if any, of the other
species would have been used in building construction after that date.
Table C9.1: Probable material strengths for visually graded timber (MPa) (characteristic
strengths from NZS 3603:1993)
Species Grade Bending Compression Tension Shear Compression Modulus
parallel parallel in perpendicular of
beams elasticity
1. Moisture condition – Dry (m/c = 16% or less)
Radiata pine No. 1 framing 17.7 20.9 10.6+ 3.8 8.9 8.0
Douglas fir No. 1 framing 17.7 22.1 10.6+ 3.0 8.9 8.0
Radiata pine No. 1 framing 14.8 12.7 8.9++ 2.4 5.3 6.5
Douglas fir No. 1 framing 14.8 14.5 8.9++ 2.4 4.7 6.5
The actual physical dimensions of individual timber members/elements that are being relied
for load transfer should be measured rather than relying on nominal sizing; e.g. nominal
100 mm x 50 mm stud dimensions are generally less due to choice of cutting dimensions
and later machining and/or drying shrinkage. Modifications to member capacities can be
caused by notching, holes, and in some situations splits and cracks. The presence of decay
or deformation should be noted and allowed for.
The connections are an important aspect of timber systems and often determine the
deformation capacity as a whole. The type, size, spacing and condition of fixings such as
nails will often be critical when determining the capacity and, although it will be difficult
and impractical to confirm every fixing, checks should be made to confirm the general
arrangements and condition.
The physical properties of the various components are needed in order to characterise
building performance properly for a DSA. The starting point for establishing the properties
should be the available construction documents. Accordingly, the engineer should carry out
a preliminary review of these documents to identify primary vertical (gravity) and lateral
load-carrying elements and systems, and their critical members and connections.
Next, conduct site inspections to verify conditions and make sure that building alterations
have not changed the original design. In the absence of a complete set of building drawings,
inspect the building thoroughly to identify these members, elements, and systems, as
described in Section C1. If reliable record drawings do not exist, an as-built set of building
plans may need to be produced. This may necessitate removal of linings to observe critical
structural connections.
The intention of these guidelines is that the earthquake scores/ratings are based on probable
capacities of elements. The probable strength capacity is assessed using probable material
strengths as outlined in Section C9.5, and taking a strength reduction factor, 𝜙𝜙, of 1. The
probable deformation capacity of timber elements is likely to exceed other practical
equal to 1 but using probable material properties. For assemblies for which specific bracing
test information is available (typically following test procedures such as the P21 test used in
New Zealand to determine wind and earthquake ratings of bracing elements in timber framed
structures built since 1980) the derived bracing ratings from those tests may be used.
The behaviour of wood and light frame shear walls is complex and influenced by many
factors, the most significant of which is the wall sheathing. Wall linings can be divided
into many categories (e.g. brittle, elastic, strong, weak, good at dissipating energy, and
those poor at dissipating energy). In many existing timber framed buildings the wall
linings were not expected to act as bracing (e.g. lath and plaster linings). Engineers should
verify the presence of diagonal bracing behind such linings if possible. Other factors that
can influence the behaviour of shear walls include the fixing pattern and the hold-down
Some older shear walls are designed based on values from monotonic load tests and
historically accepted values. The allowable shear per unit length used for design was
assumed to be the same for long walls, narrow walls, walls with stiff tie-downs, and walls
with flexible tie-downs. Only recently have shear wall assemblies – framing, covering,
anchorage – been tested using cyclic loading procedures.
If different walls are lined with dissimilar materials along the same line of lateral-force
resistance, the analysis should be based on the resistance of the individual elements
maintaining displacement compatibility.
It is important to consider the effects of openings in shear walls. This is because the presence
of anything other than a small opening in a shear wall will cause a reduction in the stiffness
and yield capacity due to a reduced length of wall available to resist lateral forces. Special
analysis techniques are required to assess the effects of openings. The presence of chord
members around the openings, with linings well fixed to them, will reduce the loss in overall
stiffness and limit damage in the area of the openings. Equally, the effect on behaviour when
these members are not present should be carefully considered.
Transverse sheathing
Transverse sheathing or board lining consists of boards up to 25 mm thick and usually
100-200 mm wide, nailed in a single layer at right angles to the studs.
These walls tend to be overlaid with scrim material and wallpaper in residential construction.
The sheathing resists the shear force caused by lateral loading. The perimeter members carry
axial loading from the gravity loads and the lateral loading, whereas the intermediate studs
are not loaded axially by the lateral loading but nevertheless provide support to the sheathing
and enable the interconnection of sheathing elements.
The moment resistance provided by the nail couples at each stud crossing is the lateral
load-resisting mechanism. The resisting mechanism of the couplet is less effective with
narrower boards but there are more couplets for the same wall height, meaning the wall result
is similar for all board widths. Nail slip is the dominant cause of lateral deflection in shear
walls of common dimensions. Flexural strains in the chord members and shear distortion in
the sheathing itself may also contribute to the total deflection capacity.
This form of shear wall is likely to be found on external walls of warehouses, large school
buildings and hall type structures between the column supports of portal frames or braced
Panel sheathing
This consists of wood structural panels (such as plywood or oriented strand board), gypsum
plasterboard, or fibre cement board that is placed on framing members and nailed in place.
Different grades and thicknesses of panels may have been used on one or both sides of the
wall depending on requirements for gravity load support, shear capacity, and fire protection.
Edges at the ends of the structural panels are usually supported by the framing members.
Edges at the sides of the panels could have been blocked or unblocked.
Fixing patterns and fixing size can vary greatly. Spacing is commonly in the range of
75-150 mm on centre at the supported and blocked edges of the panels, and 250-300 mm on
centre at the panel interior. In older construction, the fixings were usually nails. In more
modern construction using gypsum plasterboard and some fibre cement board products, the
fixings may be screws.
The deflection at the notional yield can be calculated using the formulae in Appendix C9D.
For many shear walls the major component affecting the stiffness is the nail slip. It is
acceptable to base the stiffness initially on the nail slip component of deformation unless the
nail spacing is sufficiently close to induce large forces in the cladding.
Table C9.2: Probable strength values for existing timber framed wall bracing systems
(based on 2.4 m wall height)
Bracing type Probable strength
150 x 25 mm let-in brace at 45° and sheet material* one face 2.5 kN
150 x 25 mm let-in brace at 45° and sheet material* both faces 3.7 kN
90 x 45 mm fitted brace both ways at 45º and sheet material* one face 2.5 kN
90 x 45 mm fitted brace both ways at 45º and sheet material* both faces 3.7 kN
Timber framed stud walls with wood or metal lath and plaster 1.5 kN/m each side
Timber framed stud walls with diagonal braces and wood or metal lath and plaster 2.8 kN/m
Gypsum plasterboard one side, and fixed at 300 mm centres (no diagonal timber 1.0 kN/m
braces included)
Gypsum plasterboard one side, and fixed at 150 mm centres (no diagonal timber 2.5 kN/m
braces included)
Gypsum plasterboard two sides, and fixed at 300 mm centres (no diagonal timber 2.0 kN/m
braces included)
Gypsum plasterboard two sides, and fixed at 150 mm centres (no diagonal timber 3.0 kN/m
braces included)
Match lining on one or both faces (no diagonal timber braces included) 1.25 kN/m
3.2 mm tempered hardboard fixed with clouts at 200 mm centres 3.0 kN/m
*Sheet material is defined as having a density of not less than 450 kg/m3. It may be a wood-based material not less
than 4.5 mm thick or a gypsum-based material not less than 8 mm thick, both fixed to framing members not closer
than 10 mm from sheet edges.
When determining the probable wall bracing capacity using the values in Table C9.2 the
capacity of each bracing element should be calculated by multiplying by the length of the
bracing element and adjusting for height in accordance with the following equation:
element height in metres
This equation is applicable for framing with sheet bracing products attached (and therefore
it is not applicable for bracing systems such as horizontal sarking). Elements less than 2.4 m
in height should be rated as if they are 2.4 m high. Walls of varying height should have their
bracing capacity adjusted using the average height.
Where bracing units are used in place of force units (e.g. kNs), a conversion of 1 kN = 20
bracing units should be used.
Consideration should also be given to the aspect ratio of the wall element; i.e. its overall
height to length ratio. If published indicative bracing ratings are being relied on, it should be
ensured that the length of the element is applicable for the published value. This is because
failure mechanisms can change with aspect ratio, resulting in altered ratings per unit length.
For narrow elements (height: length ratio > 2) consideration should be given to reducing the
published capacity. It is suggested that a linear reduction of strength is applied from 1 times
the published data for ratios of 2:1 to zero for ratios equal and greater than 3.5:1.
The bracing units apply to the capacity of an individual wall panel. Any weak links or
issues with the stiffness of the diaphragms which may limit or determine the extent to
which individual panels are able to contribute to the overall building capacity should be
The behavior of horizontal wood diaphragms is influenced by the type of sheathing, size and
spacing of fasteners, existence of perimeter chord or flange members, and the ratio of span
length to width of the diaphragm. The presence of anything other than small openings in
diaphragms will cause a reduction in the stiffness and capacity of the diaphragm due to a
reduced length of diaphragm available to resist lateral forces. Special analysis techniques
and detailing are required at the openings.
The presence or addition of trimming members around the openings will reduce the loss in
stiffness of the diaphragm and limit damage in the area of the openings. The presence of
chords at the perimeter of a diaphragm will significantly reduce diaphragm deflections due
to bending, and will increase the stiffness of the diaphragm over that of an unchorded
diaphragm. However, the increase in stiffness due to chords in a single straight sheathed
diaphragm is minimal due to the flexible nature of these diaphragms.
The actions on the individual elements of a diaphragm will depend on the relative stiffness
of the diaphragm compared with the lateral stiffness of the connected vertical elements.
The relative stiffness will change if the vertical elements are loaded into the nonlinear
range, at which point a timber diaphragm could be considered as rigid. The analysis of
diaphragms is discussed further in Section C2 and for URM buildings in Section C8.
Transverse sheathing
This type of diaphragm consists of 25 mm thick boards, usually 100-200 mm wide, nailed
in a single layer at right angles to the cross members such as joists in a floor or rafters in a
roof. In a floor, the boards are usually tongue and groove in order to improve the
interconnection between the boards and thus improve the vertical load sharing ability of the
system. In a roof, the boards are often square edged with no interaction between boards.
Note that sometimes the boards may be spaced with gaps between the boards as wide as the
width of the boards. In such cases the diaphragm action will be less because of the smaller
number of nail couplets per unit area.
The sheathing serves the dual purpose of supporting gravity loads and resisting shear forces
in the diaphragm. Most often, the sheathing will have been nailed with 60 mm or 75 mm
long, 3.15 mm diameter jolt head nails, with two or more nails per sheathing board at each
support. Shear forces perpendicular to the direction of the sheathing are resisted by the nail
couple and some major axis bending of the sheathing boards. Shear forces parallel to the
direction of the sheathing are transferred through the nails in the supporting joists or framing
members below the sheathing joints, which then work in weak axis bending.
This sheathing supports gravity loads and resists shear forces in the diaphragm. Commonly,
the sheathing was nailed with 60 mm or 75 mm long, 3.15 mm diameter jolt head nails, with
two or more nails per board at each support. The shear capacity of the diaphragm is
dependent on the size, number and spacing of the nails at each sheathing board. This type of
diaphragm has greater strength and stiffness than transverse sheathing.
Panel sheathing
Panel sheathing consists of wood, gypsum plasterboard or fibre cement structural panels
(such as plywood or particle board) placed on framing members and nailed in place.
Different grades and thicknesses of structural panels are commonly used, depending on
requirements for gravity load support and shear capacity. Edges at the ends of the structural
panels are usually supported by the framing members. Edges at the sides of the panels may
be blocked or unblocked.
Fixing patterns and fixing size can vary greatly. Spacing of fixings is commonly in the range
of 75 mm to 150 mm at the supported and blocked edges of the panels, and 250 mm to
300 mm at the panel interior. In older construction, the fixings are generally nails. In more
modern construction using gypsum plasterboard and some fibre cement board products, the
fixings may be screws.
Softboard linings are considered to provide insufficient diaphragm action and any
contribution to strength or stiffness should be ignored.
Table C9.3: Probable stiffness and strength values for existing horizontal diaphragms
Diaphragm type Probable shear Probable strength
stiffness values
A1 Roofs with straight sheathing (sarking) and roofing applied 250 kN/m 4.0 kN/m
directly to the sheathing – loading parallel to rafters
A2 Roofs with straight sheathing (sarking) and roofing applied 180 kN/m 3.0 kN/m
directly to the sheathing – loading perpendicular to rafters
B Roofs with diagonal sheathing and roofing applied directly to 700 kN/m 10.5 kN/m
the sheathing
C1 Floors with straight tongue and groove sheathing – loading 285 kN/m* 4 kN/m
parallel to joists
C2 Floors with straight tongue and groove sheathing – loading 215 kN/m* 3 kN/m
perpendicular to joists
D Floors and roofs with sheathing and existing gypsum 4000 kN/m Add 1.5 kN/m to
plasterboard or fibre cement sheets re-nailed to the joists or the values for Items
rafters A1, A2, C1 and C2
E Gypsum plasterboard ceilings fixed at 150 mm centres to the 7000 kN/m 6 kN/m
underside of roof framing (edges blocked) – loading parallel
to rafters
* Fair condition assumed
C9.6.6 Connections
The method of connecting the various elements of the structural system is critical to its
performance. The type and character of the connections should be determined by a review
of the plans and a field verification of the conditions. The connection between a timber
diaphragm and the supporting structure is of prime importance in determining whether or
not the two parts of the structure can act together. Except for light timber framed buildings,
the form of connections is such that the flexural strength at first yield and their post-elastic
stiffness can be determined by rational assessment.
In URM buildings the connections of timber elements to the masonry are often nominal and
generally should not be relied upon for engineering purposes. Further, the performance of
such connections is influenced by the level of deterioration that may have taken place in both
the masonry and the timber members, and by any corrosion of the bolts themselves. When
assessing such connections, also refer to Section C8 Unreinforced Masonry Buildings.
Section C8 and Beattie (1999) contain further information about the likely performance
of timber diaphragm to masonry wall connections.
For timber framed buildings, typical methods for improving seismic performance include:
• removing heavy elements such as concrete tile roofs, masonry veneer or chimneys
• replacing lining materials for existing wall bracing and diaphragm elements
• re-nailing or re-screwing existing structural wall linings
• adding supplementary bracing in the form of structural frames
• improving hold-down connections
• improving foundations; e.g. by adding additional cross bracing to existing foundation
piles or anchor piles, and by improving the connections between the foundations and the
AS 1720.1:2010. Timber structures Part 1: Design methods, Standards Australia, Sydney, Australia.
AS/NZS 1170.0:2002. Structural design actions – Part 0: General principles, Standards Australia/Standards
New Zealand.
AS/NZS 1328.1:1998 Glued laminated structural timber - Part 1: Performance requirements and minimum
production requirements, Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand.
AS/NZS 1328.2:1998 Glued laminated structural timber – Part 2: Guidelines for AS/NZS 1328 Part 1 for the
selection, production and installation of glued laminated structural timber, Standards Australia/Standards
New Zealand.
BRANZ (2013). Study report SR 305 Bracing ratings for non-proprietary bracing walls, BRANZ, Wellington, NZ.
BRANZ (2015). Test report ST1089 Gymnasium wall testing for MBIE and MOE, BRANZ, Wellington, NZ.
Beattie, G. (1999). Earthquake load sharing between timber framed and masonry walls, Proceedings of the
Pacific Timber Engineering Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 1999.
Brunsdon, D., Finnegan, J., Evans, N., Beattie, G., Carradine, D., Sheppard, J. and Lee, B. (2014). Establishing
the resilience of timber framed school buildings in New Zealand, Proceedings of the 2014 New Zealand Society
for Earthquake Engineering Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 21-23 March 2014.
Buchanan, A., Carradine, D., Beattie, G. and Morris, H. (2011a). Performance of houses during the Christchurch
Earthquake of 22 February 2011, Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 44,
No. 4, December 2011.
Buchanan, A., Carradine, D. and Jordan, J. (2011b). Performance of engineered timber structures in the
Canterbury earthquakes, Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 44, No. 4,
December 2011.
Connor-Woodley, P. (2015). Destructive testing of a timber framed "multi" unit to determine realistic seismic
assessment parameters, Proceedings of the 2015 New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 10-12 April 2015.
EN 1995-1-1:2004. Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures, European Committee for Standardisation,
Brussels, Belgium.
NZS 1170.5:2004. Structural design actions, Part 5: Earthquake actions – New Zealand, Standards
New Zealand, Wellington, NZ.
NZS 3603:1993. Timber structures standard, Standards New Zealand, Wellington, NZ.
NZS 3604:1978. Code of practice for light timber frame buildings not requiring specific design, Standards
New Zealand, Wellington, NZ.
NZS 3604:2011. Timber-framed buildings, Standards New Zealand, Wellington, NZ.
NZSEE, 2006 Assessment and improvement of the structural performance of buildings in earthquakes, Incl.
Corrigenda 1 & 2, New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE), Wellington, NZ.
NZTIF, 2007. Timber design guide - third edition, New Zealand Timber Industry Federation Inc, 2007.
Opus International Consultants (2015), Canterbury earthquakes impact on the Ministry of Education’s school
buildings, Opus, Christchurch, NZ.
Pender, M. and Robertson, T., (1987). Edgecumbe earthquake: Reconnaissance report, Bulletin of the
New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.20, No. 3, 201-249, September 1987.
Quenneville, P. (2009). Design of Bolted Connections: A comparison of a proposal and various existing
standards, New Zealand Timber Design Journal, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2009.
Rainer, J.H. and Karacabeyli, E. (2000). Wood - Frame construction in past earthquakes, Proceedings of the
6th World Conference on Timber Engineering, Whistler, BC, Canada, 2000.
The first test involved two classrooms that formed part of a four-classroom Avalon block at
South End School, Carterton, Wairarapa. Avalon timber framed blocks were commonly
constructed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. They feature a front wall that is essentially
fully glazed, with no recognisable structural bracing panels. The classroom ceiling features
a high-level vertical glazed (or “clerestory”) section; again, with no identifiable form of
The destructive test confirmed the general engineering expectation that timber framed
buildings with older glazed facades have a strength and resilience significantly in excess of
their calculated capacity. Test results indicated that failure of the glazing in the longitudinal
direction occurred at more than five times the nominal calculated probable capacity of the
building. A margin of three to four times was achieved in the associated test of a transverse
The second test was undertaken on a Dominion block at Hammersley Park School,
Christchurch. Dominion blocks were built in the 1950s and are timber framed buildings with
brick veneer cladding to the walls, weather boards at gable ends and light weight corrugated
steel cladding to the roof. The block selected for testing was constructed as a multi-classroom
Two adjacent classrooms at the western end were tested in the longitudinal direction.
A single classroom at the eastern end was tested in the transverse direction. This destructive
test also confirmed the general engineering expectation that timber framed buildings with
older glazed facades have a strength and deformation capacity significantly in excess of their
calculated capacity. Test results indicate that failure in the longitudinal direction occurred at
more than eight times the nominal calculated probable lateral strength capacity of the
building. A margin of two and a half to three times was achieved in the associated test of a
transverse wall (refer to Figure C9A.1).
Figure C9A.1: Transverse test of the Dominion block showing high levels of drift
The housing unit was tested in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Similarly to
the Ministry of Education tests, the results indicated significant capacity: in this case, a
strength of over five times the calculated strength and a significant deformation capacity
without creating a significant life safety hazard (refer to Figures C9A.2 and C9A.3).
Figure C9A.2: Longitudinal test of Housing New Zealand unit showing significant
racking of ground floor walls
Figure C9A.3: Typical internal damage to plasterboard lined walls during test
of Housing New Zealand unit
Load (kN)
8 B
4 E
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Top Displacement (mm)
Figure C9B.1: Capacity relationships for timber framed walls with typical
sheathing materials, for heights as noted below
D: Panels up to a height of 3.6 m of full height 12 mm particleboard for the interior face
and full height rusticated weatherboards for the exterior face
12 mm particleboard nailed with 40 mm x 1.6 mm jolt head nails at 300 mm
maximum centres
Rusticated weatherboards nailed with 60 mm x 2.8 mm jolt head galvanised nails,
minimum one per board/stud crossing.
E: Panels up to a height of 3.6 m of full height 12 mm particleboard for the interior face
and full height rusticated weatherboards for the exterior face
12 mm particleboard re-nailed with 50 mm x 2.5 mm flat head nails at 300 mm
maximum centres
Rusticated weatherboards nailed with 60 mm x 2.8 mm jolt head galvanised nails,
minimum one per board/stud crossing.
These relationships have been derived from BRANZ tests (Study Report SR 305 (2013))
for 5.5 m high panels comprising 140 x 45 mm studs at 600 mm centres and nogs at
1200 mm centres between steel portal legs which were 4.4 m apart. Any resistance
provided by the steel portals bending about their weak axis is not included and there was
no contribution from any steel link beams between the portals.
Load per metre length of wall (kN/m)
1.5 D
1 F
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement (mm)
Figure C9B.2: Capacity relationships for 2.4 m high timber framed walls with
sheathing materials as noted below
Results derived from BRANZ tests (Study Report SR 305 (2013)).
Load (kN)
4 A
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Top Displacement (mm)
Figure C9B.3: Capacity relationships for 2.4 m high timber frames with diagonal
bracing as noted below
Relationships derived from BRANZ tests (Study Report SR 305 (2013)).
and the probable shear strength, 𝑉𝑉prob , of the wall in Newtons is:
𝐹𝐹n 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
𝑉𝑉prob = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏
𝐹𝐹n = probable nail strength (N)
𝑠𝑠 = nail spacing (mm)
𝑙𝑙 = spacing between studs (m)
𝑏𝑏 = width of sheathing board (mm)
𝐵𝐵 = length of the wall (m).
Friction between the board edges can be assumed to increase the probable strength of the
wall by the addition of a term 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵’, where
The probable in-plane strength of the sheathing in Newtons is given by the expression:
𝐹𝐹b 𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧
𝑉𝑉prob = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏
𝐹𝐹b = the characteristic bending stress of the board (N/mm2)
𝑏𝑏 2 𝑡𝑡
z = section modulus of the sheathing board = 6
, where 𝑡𝑡 is the thickness
of the sheathing board (mm).
�𝑉𝑉prob � = 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁n …C9C.4
i √2
Since the axial force in the sheathing is the same on both sides of any intermediate stiffener,
no load is transferred into the stiffeners from the sheathing. However, the perimeter members
are subjected to both axial loads and bending and must be assessed for the combined stresses
(see NZS 3603:1993). The bending in the plate members is caused by a universally
distributed load, 𝑤𝑤 in N/mm, of:
𝑤𝑤 = …C9C.6
The probable in-plane strength of the sheathing boards, in Newtons, is given by:
𝐹𝐹c 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏
𝑉𝑉prob = 2
𝑁𝑁 = the number of nails fixing the board to the plate
𝑡𝑡 = thickness of the sheathing board (mm)
𝐹𝐹c = characteristic stress in the sheathing board in compression parallel to
the grain (N/mm2).
The probable in-plane strength in kilonewtons of the sheathing boards over the wall length
is given by the expression:
𝑉𝑉prob = 𝐹𝐹c 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 …C9C.9
𝐴𝐴 = cross sectional area of the chord (mm2)
𝐴𝐴p = cross sectional area of the plate (mm2)
𝐻𝐻 = the height of the wall (m).
∆w = ∆4 + ∆5 + ∆6 + ∆7 …C9D.1
∆4 = deflection due to support connection relaxation (mm)
∆5 = wall shear deflection (mm)
∆6 = deflection due to nail slip (mm)
∆7 = deflection due to flexure as a cantilever (mm) (may be ignored for
single storey shear walls).
∆5 = 0 …C9D.3
∆6 = 2 𝑠𝑠 𝑒𝑒n …C9D.4
∆7 = 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 …C9D.5
∆5 = 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 …C9D.7
∆7 = 3𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐵𝐵2 + 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 …C9D.9
∆5 = 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 …C9D.11
∆7 = 3𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐵𝐵2 + 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 …C9D.14
∆5 = 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 …C9D.16
𝑎𝑎 = aspect ratio of each sheathing panel:
= 0 when relative movement along sheet edges is prevented
= 1 when transverse sheathing panels are used
= 2 when 2.4 x 1.2 m panels are orientated with the 2.4 m length
parallel with the diaphragm chords (i.e. vertical) (= 0.5
alternative orientation)
𝐴𝐴 = sectional area of one chord (i.e. end stud) (mm2)
𝐵𝐵 = distance between shear wall chord members (mm)
= length of the wall
𝑒𝑒n = nail slip resulting from the shear force 𝑉𝑉 (mm)
𝐸𝐸 = elastic modulus of the chord members (MPa)
𝐺𝐺 = shear modulus of the sheathing (MPa)
𝐻𝐻 = height of the storey under consideration (mm)
𝑚𝑚 = number of sheathing panels along the length of the edge chord
𝑠𝑠 = spacing of the nail couples in a board (mm)
𝑡𝑡 = thickness of the sheathing (mm)
𝑉𝑉 = shear force in storey under consideration (N)
θ = flexural rotation at base of storey under consideration (radians)
𝛿𝛿c = vertical downward movement (mm) at the base of the compression
end of the wall (this may be due to compression perpendicular to the
grain deformation in the bottom plate)
𝛿𝛿t = vertical upward movement (mm) at the base of the tension end of the
wall (this may be due to deformations in a nailed fastener and the
members to which it is anchored).
and the total probable strength capacity of the diaphragm in Newtons based on nail capacity
2𝐹𝐹n 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
𝐹𝐹prob = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏
Friction between the board edges can increase the probable capacity of the diaphragm by the
addition of a term, 2𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵’, where:
The probable in-plane strength capacity of the diaphragm based on the strength of the
sheathing is given by the expression:
2𝐹𝐹b 𝑧𝑧𝑧𝑧
𝐹𝐹prob = 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏
𝐹𝐹n = nominal nail strength (N)
𝐹𝐹b = the probable bending stress of the sheathing board, N/mm2
𝑠𝑠 = nail spacing (mm)
𝑙𝑙 = spacing between joists (m)
𝑏𝑏 = width of sheathing board (mm)
𝐵𝐵 = depth of diaphragm (m)
𝑏𝑏 2 𝑡𝑡
𝑧𝑧 = section modulus of the sheathing board = 6
, where 𝑡𝑡 is the thickness
of the board (mm3).
𝑁𝑁 = total number of nails into the edge member
The probable in-plane shear strength of the diaphragm based on the strength of the sheathing
in kilonewtons is given by the expression:
𝐹𝐹c = characteristic stress in the sheathing board in compression parallel to
the grain (N/mm2)
𝑡𝑡 = thickness of the sheathing board (mm).
The probable strength of the chord members needs to be assessed for combined bending and
axial stresses (refer to NZS 3603:1993).
∆h = ∆1 + ∆2 + ∆3 …C9F.1
∆1 = diaphragm flexural deflection considering chords acting as a
moment resisting couple (mm)
∆2 = diaphragm shear deflection resulting from beam action of the
diaphragm (mm)
∆3 = deflection due to nail slip for horizontal diaphragm (mm).
∆1 = 0 …C9F.2
∆2 = 0 …C9F.3
∆3 = …C9F.4
∆1 = 192𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸2 …C9F.5
∆2 = 4𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 …C9F.6
∆3 = …C9F.7
∆2 = 8𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 …C9F.9
∆3 = …C9F.10
𝑎𝑎 = aspect ratio of each sheathing panel:
= 0 when relative movement along sheet edges is prevented
= 1 when transverse sheathing panels are used
= 2 when 2.4 m x 1.2 m panels are orientated with the 2.4 m
length parallel with the diaphragm chords (= 0.5 alternative
𝐴𝐴 = sectional area of one chord (mm2)
𝐵𝐵 = distance between diaphragm chord members (mm)
𝑒𝑒n = nail slip resulting from the shear force 𝑉𝑉 (mm)
The assumption made in the equations above is that the diaphragm remains essentially
elastic. The deformation estimate is therefore the nominal yield displacement.