Episode 2 Deleon

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Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

Learning Episode 2
Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

1. Be familiar about action research as a reflective teacher.

2. Underscore the importance of doing action research.

Clarify Your Task

Every teacher is an action researcher. Everyone can do it. Teachers and students can do
it together.

This episode focuses on doing action research as one of the roles of the teacher. Every
teacher should take interest to know how students learn, wants to make innovations in the
curriculum and desires to improve teaching practice. In order to achieve these, a teacher has
to do action research on the everyday practical problems. These problematic situations and
observed discrepancies emerge between what is intended and what actually occurs in the

(Note: Kindly see the photos that I sent in MS Teams Files)

Participate and Assist

You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing some activities or
accomplishing tasks similar to action research. These are activities that required you to do
Reflection and Make Action or the other way around. Schon (1987) distinguishes Reflection in
Action or Reflection on Action as two different things.

Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done an Action Research. Now is the
opportunity for you to participate and assist in ways that you are capable of doing.

Here is what you will do.

Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by Teachers in the Field

1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research Titles
Conducted by Teachers.
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your mentor
as reference.

Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titlea Author/Authors

Ex: Differentiated Instruction in Teaching English for Mary Joy Olicia
Grade Four Classes

1. A Tool for Improving Teacher Quality and Katherine A. O’Conor, Carol Greene
Classroom Practice and Patricia J. Anderson

2. Teachers' Perception on Classroom Action Dwi Wulandari, Bagus Shandy

Research Narmaditya, Sugeng Hadi Utomo,
Putra Hilmi Prayitno
3. Instructional Strategies for Teaching Pre-Algebra Robert Ojeda
to a Diverse Group of Learners
4. Understanding the Effectiveness of Teacher Jennifer King Rice
5. The Effect of the Teacher's Teaching Style on Maria Theresa Barberos, Arnold
Students' Motivation Gozalo, Euberta Padayogdog


Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find
out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.

Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in title
research titles? Do the action research (AR) no. 1
title imply problems to be solved? Yes ________ - In action research no.1 it’s all about
No ________ what do teachers report as the most
difficult parts of the action research
process and how does participation in
action research impact teachers’
If YES, identify the problems from the title you current and future instructional
have given. Answer in the space provided. practices.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

2. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 2

This research explores teachers’

understanding toward classroom action
research. The study applied descriptive
research method employing information
from primary data related to teachers’
knowledge and perception on classroom
action research in East Java Indonesia.

3. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 3
In action research no. 3, It’s all about
today’s classroom is a diverse place where
students from myriad of backgrounds and
abilities are brought together with the
expressed purpose if developing
knowledge and skills that will assist
students in growing individuals while
preparing them for the next level in their
academic lives.

4. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 4

In action research no. 4, This analysis

reviews a wide range of empirical studies
that examine the impact of teacher
characteristics on teacher effectiveness in
order to draw conclusions about the extent
to which these characteristics are, in fact,
linked with teacher performance. Greater
clarity on the empirical evidence can
inform the wisdom of current practice,
guide state efforts as they struggle with No
Child Left Behind compliance regarding

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

teacher quality, and provide direction for

future teacher policy decisions.

5. Identified problem to be solved in title

no. 5
In action research no. 5, Effective teaching
is concerned with the student as a person
and with his general development. The
teacher must recognize individual
differences among his/her students and
adjust instructions that best suit to the
learners. It is always a fact that as
educators, we play varied and vital roles in
the classroom. Teachers are considered
the light in the classroom.

2. What interpretation about action research Title of the Action Research: The Effect of
can you make out of your answer in Question the Teacher's Teaching Style on Students'
No. 1? Motivation

In my opinion the teachers, being the focal

figure in education, must be competent and
knowledgeable in order to impart the
knowledge they could give to their
students. Good teaching is a very personal

3. Write the Title and your interpretation of From the title, I think, the study to is to
the study from the title. give a motivation to all the students.
Motivating your students will help them to
study and achieve their future goals in life.
Motivation is not only important in its own
right; it is also an important predictor of

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

learning and achievement. Students who

are more motivated to learn persist longer,
produce higher quality effort, learn more
deeply, and perform better in classes and
on standardized tests.

3. What do you think did the author/s do with I think the author/s wants to give
the identified problem as presented in their motivation to their students like I said in
titles? question # 2. The main thrust of the study
was to find out the effect of the teacher's
teaching style on students' motivation.

However, motivating students to learn

requires a very challenging role on the part
of the teacher. It requires a variety of
teaching styles or techniques just to
capture students' interests. Above all, the
teacher must himself come into possession
of adequate knowledge of the objectives
and standards of the curriculum, skills in
teaching, interests, appreciation and ideals.


Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of problematic
situations and that the teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for everyday problem in
school, hence teachers should do action research. This is an exciting part of being a teacher, a
problem solver.

Let us continue to examine and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in the
previous activity.

Key Questions My Answer

Choose from the options given. You may check
more than one answer.

1. From what source do you think, did Choices:

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

the authors identify the problems of  Copied from research book

their action research?  From daily observation of their teaching
 From difficulties they observed of their
 From their own personal experience
 From the told experience of their co-teachers

2. What do you think is the teacher’s Choices

intention in conducting the action  To find solution to the problematic situation
research?  To comply with the requirement of the
 To improve teaching practice
To try out something, if it works
To prove oneself as better than the others

3. What benefit do you get as a Choices

student in FSt 2 in understanding  Prepare me for my future job
and doing action research  Get good grades in the course
 Learn and practice being an action researcher
 Improve my teaching practice
 Exposure to the realities in the teaching
 Become a better teacher everyday

4. In what ways, can you assist your Choices:

mentor in his/her Action Research  By co-researching with my mentor
Activity?  By assisting in the design of the intervention
 By assisting in the implementation of the
action research
By just watching what is being done


Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done.

1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?

-I learned in this action research to improve my practice teaching, teachers’

perception on classroom and the effectiveness of the teacher. Through action research

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

can implement more changes and helps you as a future teacher. action research in
education can be defined as the process of studying a school situation to understand
and improve the quality of the educative process. It provides practitioners with new
knowledge and understanding about how to improve educational practices or resolve
significant problems in classrooms and schools. the main goal of action research is to
determine ways to enhance the lives of children (Mills, 2011). At the same time, action
research can enhance the lives of those professionals who work within educational

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes _____ No _____. If Yes, complete the sentence below.

-I realized that as a future teacher helps to develop new knowledge directly

related to the classrooms, promotes reflective teaching and thinking, reinforces the
link between practice and student achievement, fosters an openness toward new ideas
and learning new things, and gives teachers ownership of effective practices.
Therefore, providing teachers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and focus to
engage in meaningful inquiry about their professional practice will enhance this
practice, and effect positive changes concerning the educative goals of the learning

Write Action Research Prompts


From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?

 I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation.
 Write an example of problematic situation that you have observed and notice.
- When I observed in my FS1 the problematic situation that I experienced are
the poor connection and the other students that can’t focus on their
discussion because it’s online learning. They being distracted like all the
social media and different applications on their phone.

What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?

I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.

Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City

St. Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact No. (043) 723-3616

- The possible solution on this problematic situation is to accept the reality that we’ve
facing right now. That we have a new normal and to continue to our dreams and life is to
have learned by online learning. Focus, have a motivation and hope that we can conquer
this pandemic someday.


What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the

 As a future action researcher, I can plan for an appropriate intervention like

I can solve the problem of my action research by attending webinars and meeting that
can help and give me different techniques of strategy of teaching. For this intervention
it may help students to gets the learning that we discuss.

4. ACT

If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?

 If I will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be “How schools
and teachers create effectively functioning for their students?”

Work on my Artifacts

Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action research.

https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED494955.pdf by Katherine A. O’Connor

https://knepublishing.com/index.php/KnE-Social/article/view/4015/ by Dwi Wulandari,

Bagus Shandy Narmaditya, Sugeng Hadi Utomo, Putra Hilmi Prayitno
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED509753 by Ojeda, Robert
https://www.epi.org/publication/books_teacher_quality_execsum_intro/ by Jennifer King
action-research/effect-teachers-teaching# by Maria Theresa Barberos, Arnold Gozalo, Euberta

M. H. Del Pilar St., Batangas City


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