Chapter 9 Rotation of Rigid Body
Chapter 9 Rotation of Rigid Body
Chapter 9 Rotation of Rigid Body
Problems: 63(10.55), 65(66), 67(68), 71(71), 73(73), 81(81), 83(83), 85(85), 87(87), Parallel axis theorem
91(91), 97(97), 100(100)
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9.63(10.55). Speedometer. Your car's speedometer converts the angular speed of the wheels to the linear speed of the car, 9.65(66). A roller in a printing press turns through an angle (t) given by (t) = t2 - t3, where = 3.20 rad/s2 and = 0.500
assuming standard-size tires and no slipping on the pavement. (a) If your car's standard tires are 24 inches in diameter, at rad/s3. (a) Calculate the angular velocity of the roller as a function of time. (b) Calculate the angular acceleration of the roller
what rate (in rpm) are your wheels rotating when you are driving at a freeway speed of 60 mil/h? (b) Suppose you put as a function of time. (c) What is the maximum positive angular velocity, and at what value of t does it occur?
oversize, 30-inch-diameter tires on your car. How fast are you really going when your speedometer reads 60 mil/h? (c) If you
now put on undersize, 20-inch-diameter tires, what will the speedometer read when you are actually traveling at 50 mil/h? (t) t 2 t 3
Apply: v r with v is the tangential speed of a point on the rim of the wheel and equals the linear speed of the car (a) Calculate the angular velocity
(a) If your car's standard tires are 24 inches z (t) 2t 3t 2
v v dt
r = 24/2 =12 inches = 0.3048 m O
88 rad/s = 14.0 rev/s (b) Calculate the angular acceleration
v = 60 mph = 26.82 m/s r r
v dz (t)
(b) If your car's standard tires are 24 inches A z (t) 2 6 t
r = 30/2 =15 inches = 0.381 m (c) What is the maximum positive angular velocity
v r 33.5 m/s 1 mil = 1.61 km
= 88.0 rad/s
1 inches = 2.54 cm dz (t)
(c) If your car's standard tires are 24 inches 0 z (t) 2 6t 0 t 2.133 (s)
r = 20/2 =10 inches = 0.254 m v dt
88 rad/s = 14.0 rev/s
v = 50 mph = 22.35 m/s r
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9.67(68). When a toy car is rapidly scooted across the floor, it stores energy in a flywheel. The car has mass 0.180 kg, and its 9.71. A vacuum cleaner belt is looped over a shaft of radius 0.45 cm and a wheel of radius 2.00 cm. The arrangement of the belt,
flywheel has moment of inertia 4.00x10-5 kg.m2 . The car is 15.0 cm long. An advertisement claims that the car can travel at shaft, and wheel is similar to that of the chain and sprockets. The motor turns the shaft at 60.0 rev/s and the moving belt turns
a scale speed of up to 700 km/h (440 mi/h). The scale speed is the speed of the toy car multiplied by the ratio of the length of the wheel, which in turn is connected by another shaft to the roller that beats the dirt out of the rug being vacuumed. Assume
an actual car to the length of the toy. Assume a length of 3.0 m for a real car. (a) For a scale speed of 700 km/h, what is the that the belt doesn't slip on either the shaft or the wheel. (a) What is the speed of a point on the belt? (b) What is the angular
actual translational speed of the car? (b) If all the kinetic energy that is initially in the flywheel is converted to the velocity of the wheel, in rad/s?
translational kinetic energy of the toy, how much energy is originally stored in the flywheel? (c) What initial angular velocity All points on the belt move with the same speed. Since the belt doesn’t slip, the speed
of the flywheel was needed to store the amount of energy calculated in part (b)? of the belt is the same as the speed of a point on the rim of the shaft and on the rim of
a) For a scale speed of 700 km/h, what is the actual translational speed of the car? the wheel, and these speeds are related to the angular speed of each circular object by
v = rω.
v toy Ltoy L toy 0.150 m
v toy vscale 700 km/h = 35.0 km/h = 9.72 m/s (a) What is the speed of a point on the belt?
v scale Lreal Lreal 3.0 m
1 60.0 rev/s = 377 rad/s
b) How much energy is originally stored in the flywheel v1 r11 1.70 m/s
r1 0.45.102 m
All the kinetic energy that is initially in the flywheel is converted to the translational kinetic energy of the toy
(b) What is the angular velocity of the wheel, in rad/s?
1 1
K mv 2 mv2toy 8.5 J
2 2 v 2 r2 2 v1 r1
1 2 2K 2 1 = 84.8 rad/s
(c) What initial angular velocity of the flywheel K I 652 rad/s v1 v2 r2 r2
2 I
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9.73 A wheel changes its angular velocity with a constant angular acceleration while rotating about a fixed axis through its 9.81. A metal sign for a car dealership is a thin, uniform right triangle with base length b and height h. The sign has mass M. (a)
center (a) Show that the change in the magnitude of the radial acceleration during any time interval of a point on the wheel is What is the moment of inertia of the sign for rotation about the side of length h? (b) If M = 5.40 kg, b = 1.60 m, and h = 1.20
twice the product of the angular acceleration, the angular displacement, and the perpendicular distance of the point from the m, what is the kinetic energy of the sign when it is rotating about an axis along the 1.20-m side at 2.00 rev/s?
axis. (b) The radial acceleration of a point on the wheel that is 0.250 m from the axis changes from 25.0 m/s2 to 85.0 m/s2 as the a) Consider a small strip of width dy and a distance y below the top of the
wheel rotates through 15.0 rad. Calculate the tangential acceleration of this point. (c) Show that the change in the wheel's kinetic triangle. The length of the strip is x
energy during any time interval is the product of the moment of inertia about the axis, the angular acceleration, and the angular x y yb
displacement. (d) During the 15.0-rad angular displacement of part (b), the kinetic energy of the wheel increases from 20.0 J to b h h
45.0 J. What is the moment of inertia of the wheel about the rotation axis?
M 2M yb 2M
(a) , dm
xdy dy 2 ydy
a rad r2 a rad a rad,2 a rad,1 r(22 12 ) bh bh h h
a rad r(22 12 ) 2r(2 1 ) axis 2
22 12 2(2 1 ) 1 1 2M yb
2Mb 2 3 h
(b) a rad dI dm.x 2 2 ydy . y dy I dI Mb 2
a rad 2r(2 1 ) 8.00 rad/s a tan r 2.00 m/s 2 1 3 3 h h 3h 4 0 6 L
2r(2 1 ) 0 0 t t 2 M I
b) What is the kinetic energy of the sign O G
(c) 1 2 1 1 0 t L I; 1
K I K I(22 12 ) I.2(2 1 ) I(2 1 ) 1 2 1 IG mL2
2 2 2 2 2 1 K I Mb 22 182J 12
2( 0 ) K I2 2 12 1
2 L 1
(d) I 0.208 kg.m 2 v r; a rad r2 ; a tan r IO mL2 m mL2
(2 1 ) 12 3
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9.83. A meter stick (L = 1.00 m) with a mass of 0.160 kg is pivoted about one end so it can rotate without friction about a 9.85. The pulley in Fig. has radius R and a moment of inertia I. The rope does not
horizontal axis. The meter stick is held in a horizontal position and released. As it swings through the vertical, calculate (a) slip over the pulley, and the pulley spins on a frictionless axle. The coefficient of
the change in gravitational potential energy that has occurred; (b) the angular speed of the stick; (c) the linear speed of the kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop is k. The system is released
end of the stick opposite the axis. (d) Compare the answer in part (c) to the speed of a particle that has fallen 1.00 m, starting from rest, and block B descends. Block A has mass mA and block B has mass
from rest. mB. Use energy methods to calculate the speed of block B as a function of the
Take the origin of coordinates at the lowest point reached by the stick and take the y g distance d that it has descended, and B and the pulley.
positive y-direction to be upward. cm Apply conservation of energy to the system consisting of blocks A and B
(a) the change in gravitational potential energy that has occurred and the pulley.
1.00 Use conservation of energy: K1 U1 Wother K 2 U 2
U Mg(y cm,2 y cm,1 ) Mg( 1.00) 0.784J
2 cm 1.00 m
(b) the angular speed of the stick 1 1 1 h
K1 m A v12 m B v12 I12 0
Use conservation of energy: K1 U1 Wother K 2 U 2 2 2 2
L U1 m A gh m Bgy B,1 m A gh m B gd
1 1 2(U) 2Mg
2 5.42 rad/s 0 x
Iaxis .02 Mgycm,1 0 Iaxis .2 Mgy cm,2
2 2 Iaxis 1 Wother Wf K m A g d
ML3 cm: center of mass 2
3 K 1 m v 2 1 m v 2 1 I2 1 m v 2 1 m v 2 1 I v 2 2gd(m A K m A )
c) The linear speed of the end of the stick opposite the axis. v L 5.42 m/s 2 2 A 2 2 B 2 2 2 2 A 2 2 B 2 2 R v2
2 2
The magnitude of the mA mB 2
(d) Compare For a particle in free-fall v y,2 v y,1 2(g)(y 2 y1 ) v y,2 4.43 m/s answer in part (c) is larger U 2 m A gh m Bgy B,2 m A gh R
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9.87. You hang a thin hoop with radius R over a nail at the rim of the hoop. You displace it to the side (within the plane of the 9.91. In the system shown in Fig., a l2.0-kg mass is released from rest and falls, causing the uniform 10.0-kg cylinder of
hoop) through an angle from its equilibrium position and let it go. What is its angular speed when it returns to its diameter 30.0 cm to turn about a frictionless axle through its center. How far will the mass have to descend to give the
equilibrium position? [Hint: Use Eq. (9.18).] cylinder 250 J of kinetic energy?
Apply conservation of energy to the motion of the hoop. Apply conservation of energy to relate the height of the mass to the kinetic energy of
Take the origin to be at the original location of the center of the hoop, before it is rotated the cylinder.
to one side, as shown in Figure Take y = 0 at lowest point of the mass, so y2 = 0 and y1=h, the distance the mass
Use conservation of energy: K1 U1 Wother K 2 U 2 descends.
Use conservation of energy: K1 U1 Wother K 2 U 2
K1 0 (releasefrom rest) K1 0 (release from rest)
U1 Mgy cm,1 MgR(1 cos ) U1 mgy cm,1 mgh
y cm,1 R R cos
Wother 0 Wother 0
y cm,2 0 1
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 MR 2 2 1 1 Cylinder : I MR 2
2 2
K 2 I2 MR 2 Md 2 2 MR 2 MR 2 2 MR 22 K2 I mv 2 mv 2m M v
2 2
2 2 2 2 2 4 v R
U 2 Mgy cm,2 0
U2 Mgycm,2 0 1
1 MR 2 v 4K c
Cylinder : K c I2 v2
g(1 cos ) 1 v2 M K M 2 2 2 R M
mgh 2m M v 2 h (2 ) c (2 ) 7.23 m
R 4 4g m Mg m
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*9.97. A cylinder with radius R and mass M has density that increases linearly with distance r from the cylinder axis, = r,
9.100. Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform solid cone about an axis through its
where a is a positive constant. (a) Calculate the moment of inertia of the cylinder about a longitudinal axis through its center
center. The cone has mass M and altitude h. The radius of its circular base is R.
in terms of M and R. (b) Is your answer greater or smaller than the moment of inertia of a cylinder of the same mass and
radius but of uniform density? Explain why this result makes qualitative sense Divide the cone into thin cylindrical shells of inner radius r and outer
Let L be the length of the cylinder. Divide the cylinder into thin cylindrical shells of inner y radius r + dr.
radius r and outer radius r + dr. The mass of the thin cylindrical shell is
hy r r
The mass of the thin cylindrical shell is dm dV y.2 rdr 2y.rdr y h(1 )
r 3 h R R
2 r
dm dV r L.2rdr 2 L.r dr r+dr
h dI dm .r 2 yr dr h2 (1 )r dr
2 3
dI dm .r 2 2L.r 4 dr R
r r 4 r5
r5 2LR 5 R I dI h2(1 )r 3dr h2 h
I dI 2L.r 4dr 2 L 0 0
R 4 5R 0 10
0 0 5 0
Rr Other, the mass of cylinder M
Other, the mass of cylinder M
2LR 3 3M ds 2rdr r R 2 R3 1 3M
M dm 2L.r 2dr r+dr M dm h2 (1 )rdr h2( ) R 2 h
0 0 3 2LR 3 hollow cylinder; ring : I MR 2 0 0 R 2 3R 3 R 2h
R 4 3M 3
2 LR 5 2LR 5 3M 3 I h MR 2
I . MR 2 10 R 2h 10
5 5 2 LR 3 5 ds=2rdr
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