Thesis (E-Voting System)
Thesis (E-Voting System)
Thesis (E-Voting System)
[The original was prepared with only a few days notice and contained errors
so I have made several corrections, all set off by square braces]
Indexed on the web at
Elections are a defining feature of democratic government, but all too frequently, we take the
actual mechanics of the election for granted. We speak at length of such issues as who is allowed
to vote, how campaigns are conducted, and how they are financed, but prior to the events in
Florida last November, most people's understanding of the actual voting process was something
like the following: "You go to the polls, cast your vote, and then they count it and they announce
the winner."
Here, my focus is on how you cast your vote, who they are who count it, how they go about
counting it, and how the winner is determined. I will begin by discussing this in a historical
context, and then I will discuss the regulatory environment that controls this process, I will give
examples of significant shortcomings in this regulation, and finally, I will discuss changes that
might be made.
Some of the material here duplicates material that I presented in testimony before the United
States Civil Rights Commission hearings in Tallahassee last January 11, but here, my focus will be
on the relationship between the problems we have with today's voting machines and the current
system of Federal and state standards that govern the use of these machines.
A Very Brief History of Voting Machines
Paper Ballots
When most people speak of voting on paper ballots, they imagine that they are speaking of an
ancient technology, and in a sense, this is true. Hand written paper ballots were first used in Rome
in 139 BCE, and their first use in America was in 1629, to select a pastor for the Salem church.
These early paper ballots offered only modest voter privacy and they were fairly easy targets for
various forms of election fraud.
The modern system of election using paper ballots was first used in 1858 in Australia. The great
Australian innovation was to print standardized ballots at government expense, distribute them to
the voters at the polling places, and require that the voters vote and return the ballots immediately.
Today, the security against election fraud this provides seems obvious, but in the 19th century, it
was not obvious to most observers, and it was not until 1888 that this ballot was used in the United
A properly administered Australian paper ballot sets a very high standard, assuring voter privacy,
preventing voters from revealing how they voted, and assuring an accurate and impartial count. It
sets such a high standard that voters from many parts of the world find it remarkable that we in the
United States are willing to trust our votes to anything else. This is particularly true of the British
Commonwealth, where paper ballots remain the rule.
The search for alternative voting methods in the United States was motivated by two factors. First,
the entrenched political machines of late 19th century America learned quite quickly how to craft
the laws governing the counting of votes under the rules of the Australian ballot so that those laws
favored the entrenched political machine.
One of the classic approaches to subverting any election technology is to take control of the vote
count. In the case of any physical ballot involving marks on paper, there will be marks that are on
the borderline between acceptable and unacceptable votes, and vote counting rules that allow
selective counting of marginal marks lie at the heart of a broad class of election rigging.
The most widely used approach to this is based on "objective and uniform standards for counting
votes," a phrase heard often in discussions of the recent Supreme Court decision. If carefully
chosen, these standards allow a skilled participant in the vote count to disqualify votes based on
technicalities even when there is a clear indication of voter intent. Michigan's law governing the
validity of ballot markings on hand counted paper ballots illustrates this approach remarkably well
(See MCL 168.803).
By carefully controlling the makeup of the vote counting teams, the party in power can use these
objective rules to selectively exclude votes for the opposition. Specifically, the party in power
must ensure that the representatives of the opposition on each vote counting team are relatively
poorly trained, while their own representatives trained to aggressively apply the rules only to
ballots containing votes for the opposition while accepting obvious voter intent on ballots favoring
their side. According to the 1910 Encyclopedia Britannica entry for voting machines, it was
common in many jurisdictions for as many as 40 percent of votes to be excluded in the count!
The second problem unique to the American system is the institution of the general election. Paper
ballots are easy to count if there are only a few offices on the ballot, with only a few candidates
per office, as is the norm in most parliamentary democracies. In our general elections, it is
common to find well over 30 candidates on one ballot, divided between 8 to 15 offices, and this
was the case even before the advent of ballot initiatives! An accurate hand count for ballots of this
complexity is both difficult and time consuming.
Lever Voting Machines
Lever voting machines were first used in 1892 in New York, and were slowly adopted across the
country. Typically, large urban centers began to use them first, and in states such as Iowa, a few
smaller rural counties never abandoned paper ballots. In other states, particularly where there were
serious charges of election fraud in the first half of the 20th century, lever voting machines were
installed statewide. This happened in Louisiana, for example, in the 1950's.
Lever voting machines were so pervasive by the mid 20th century that those of us born in
midcentury generally grew up assuming that all voting machines were and would always be lever
machines. Today, although they have been out of production since 1982, these machines are still in
extremely widespread use. They completely eliminate most of the approaches to manipulating the
vote count that were endemic a century ago, and they can easily be configured to handle a
complex general election ballot.
Lever voting machines offer excellent voter privacy, and the feel of a lever voting machine is
immensely reassuring to voters! Unfortunately, they are immense machines, expensive to move
and store, difficult to test, complex to maintain, and far from secure against vote fraud.
Furthermore, a lever voting machine maintains no audit trail. With paper ballots, a it is possible to
recount the votes if there is an allegation of fraud. With lever voting machines, there is nothing to
In effect, lever voting machines were the "quick technological fix" for the problems of a century
ago; they eliminated the problems people understood while they introduced new problems.
Because they are expensive to test, complete tests are extremely rare. The mechanism is secure
against tampering by the public, but a technician can easily fix a machine so that one voting
position will never register more than some set number of votes, and this may not be detected for
In effect, with lever voting machines, you put your trust in the technicians who maintain the
machines, and if you want to rig an election, all you need to do is buy the services of enough of
these technicians. This is quite feasible for a metropolitan political machine.
Punched Cards
The first new technology to effectively challenge lever voting machines was the now infamous
Votomatic voting machine. Punched card data processing dates back to the 1890's, but IBM did
not introduce the Votomatic punched card voting system until 1964. The Votomatic ballot and the
more recent mark-sense ballot both represent a return to the Australian secret ballot, but with the
added benefit of an automated and, we hope, impartial vote count produced using tabulating
With this return to paper ballots, we gained the ability to recount the vote in the event there is a
challenge, but we also introduce the question of how to interpret marginal votes. Almost everyone
is an expert at interpreting marks on paper. We have been making and interpreting such marks
since kindergarten. As a result, we can easily distinguish intentional marks from smudges or
defects in the paper. This expertise is a key element in our ability to conduct a hand recount of
paper ballots, and it fails utterly when the time comes to recount punched cards. With a punched
card, a piece of dangling or pregnant chad is the analog to a smudge or an accidental pencil tick.
None of us have the wealth of experience interpreting chad that almost all of us have with marks
on paper!
From a legal perspective, a ballot is an instrument, just like a deed or a check. When the ballot is
deposited in the ballot box, it becomes anonymous, but just prior to the moment when the ballot is
deposited, it ought to be possible to hand the ballot to the voter and ask "does this ballot properly
represent your intent?". Votomatic punched card ballots fail this simple test! While the ballot is in
the Votomatic machine, the voter can punch holes in it but is unable to see the ballot itself. Once
removed from the machine, the voter can see the holes, but without the ballot labels printed on the
machine, the voter is unable to tell what those holes mean.
The problems with Votomatic ballots were severe enough that, by the early 1970s, IBM
abandoned the technology, and in 1988, the National Bureau of Standards published a report by
Saltman recommending the immediate abandonment of this technology. By that time, punched
card voting was the most widely used voting technology in the United States, and problems quite
similar to many of the problems encountered in Florida during the last election had been
encountered in many local elections.
There are alternative punched card technologies that eliminate most of the problems with the
Votomatic system, and there have been many improvements to the Votomatic voting machine and
punching stylus since Saltman's report. While I recommend phasing out punched card voting, my
suspicion is that, with proper maintenance and up-to-date voting mechanisms, it is possible to
conduct a vote with the Votomatic punched card machines that lives up to reasonable standards of
accuracy and resistance to fraudulent counting.
Optical Mark Sense Ballots
Optical mark-sense voting systems were developed in the early 1970's by American Information
Systems of Omaha, alternately in competition with and in cooperation with Westinghouse
Learning Systems of Iowa City. The latter was the licensee of the University of Iowa's patents on
the optical mark-sense scanning machine. Essentially the only advantage of mark-sense
technology over punched card technology is that it uses marks on a printed paper ballot. This is an
important advantage! This means that no special machines are required to vote on the ballot, it
means that, with proper ballot design, a voter can easily verify that the markings on the ballot
exactly convey his or her intent, and it means that, during a hand recount, no special expertise is
required to interpret the intent of the voters.
Unfortunately, the first generation of optical mark-sense voting machines was extremely sensitive
to the particular type of pen or pencil used to mark the ballot, and to the exact details of the mark
itself. As a result, early machines, including many still in use today, had real difficulty
distinguishing faint deliberate marks from smudged erasures, and they tended to have mark
sensing thresholds that required a fairly dark mark.
The newest generation of optical mark-sense readers uses visible wavelength image processing
technology instead of simple infrared sensors to read the marks. Many of the more recent offerings
use either FAX machine scanning mechanisms or computer page-scanning devices to obtain the
image of the ballot, and they operate by finding each marking target before they search the target
for acceptable marks. Such machines can easily ignore relatively dark smudged erasures while
catching relatively faint deliberate marks.
Precinct Count versus Central Count Systems
Both punched-card and optical mark-sense technology were originally developed for use with
centralized ballot counting machines. These machines were typically large and cumbersome, this
remains true, even with the smaller machines of today, Counties could rarely afford more than
one, so when the polls closed, the ballot boxes were transported to the central counting center to
be tabulated. By the late 1970's, it became feasible to build mark-sense and punched-card readers
that could be installed in each polling place, but despite this, central count technology remains in
widespread use with both punched cards and optical mark-sense ballots.
Because there need be only one central-count machine per county, complete and exhaustive pre-
election calibration and testing is possible, as is complete post-election testing. It is quite
reasonable to expect, prior to each election, that a technician will spend a good part of the day
running test ballots through such a machine while monitoring the outputs of each sensor and
adjusting the sensitivity to meet the requisite standards.
Precinct-count ballot tabulating machines are typically seen by the voter as somewhat complex
ballot boxes. To the county, they are expensive ballot boxes that also count the ballots as they are
deposited in the box, and offer immediate vote totals for the precinct when the polls are closed.
Furthermore, the more recent precinct count systems offer the option of detecting overvotes and
other ballot problems before the voter leaves the polling place, thus allowing the voter to correct
the problem instead of leaving it uncorrected or leaving it to the judgement of the tally team
during a hand recount.
Because there must be large numbers of precinct-count machines, we cannot afford to have
complete and detailed calibration and testing of such machines prior to each election. The most we
can typically afford is a general visual inspection and cleaning of each machine before the
election, with detailed spot checks of only a few machines. Prior to opening the polls, polling
place workers to run some simple self-tests, and well designed machines can auto-calibrate their
sensors as they read each ballot. The use of image processing technology based on FAX machine
mechanisms significantly reduces the need for measuring absolute brightness, and this, in turn,
significantly reduces the calibration problems that plagued early mark-sense readers.
Hand Recounts
Unfortunately, because punched-card and optical mark-sense ballots are machine readable
variations on the Australian ballot, the introduction of these technologies raises many of the
problems that led to the large-scale abandonment of paper ballots during the first half of the 20th
century. When punched-card and mark-sense ballots are subject to a hand recount, all of the
shenanigans that we hoped to eliminate with lever voting machines have begun to reappear.
Thus, we have the option of instituting "uniform and objective standards" that allow the plain and
obvious intent of a voter to be ignored. We must guard against attempts to do this without
safeguards that account for all ballots excluded under such standards!
Furthermore, we must guard against many other threats. Voters might might add marks identifying
their ballots so that dishonest observers of the count can determine how they voted and provide
appropriate bribes. We guard against this by laws that exclude ballots with stray marks on them,
but clever marking schemes will always be possible. There is the possibility that vote counters
might surreptitiously mark or punch ballots (a carefully trimmed fingernail or a bit of pencil lead
under the fingernail is all it takes), so we insist on the rule that all ballots be handled in plain sight
by people with freshly manicured fingernails. We must prevent voters from smuggling blank
ballots out of the polling place or smuggling pre-voted ballots in, so we require elaborate care in
accounting for all ballots.
Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems
The newest voting technology uses direct-recording electronic voting machines. These were
developed after microcomputers became sufficiently inexpensive that they could be incorporated
into a voting machine. The first of these was developed by Shoup in 1978; The Shoup Voting
Machine Company was one of the two companies that had been making lever voting machines for
much of the century. Their new electronic voting machine was built to have the "look and feel" of
a lever voting machine, thereby minimizing the voter education problems that always accompany
changes in voting technology.
Much of the rhetoric today about voting system reform asks why we can't have voting machines
that are as ubiquitous and convenient as automatic teller machines. This turn of phrase is a
reference to the newest generation of direct-recording voting machines; these make no attempt to
emulate earlier technology; physically, they are little more than repackaged personal computers
with touch screen input and special software to make them function as voting systems.
All of today's direct-recording voting machines attempt to offer far stronger audit and security
tools than the old lever machines they functionally replace. Instead of simply storing vote totals on
odometer wheels inside the machine, they store an electronic record called a ballot image
recording each voter's choices, and they store an audit trail of all actions involving the machine,
from pre-election testing to the printing of vote totals after the polls close. These records are stored
in duplicate form, for example, in a hard drive in the machine as well as in a removable memory
pack of some kind or on an adding machine tape inside the machine. Should any disaster strike or
should a recount be requested, it should be possible to recover all votes that have been cast on
such a machine.
Unlike any system resting on paper ballots, none of the information stored inside a direct-
recording electronic voting machine can be said to have the status of a legal instrument. Instead,
the record is created by the software within the voting machine in response to the voter's actions,
and the record is only as trustworthy as the software itself. It is far from easy to test and inspect
software to assure that it functions as advertised, and it is far from easy to assure that the software
resident in a machine today is the same software that was authorized for use in that machine
months or years ago.
Current Status
Today, only about 1 percent of the population votes at polling places on hand counted paper
ballots, but this figure is misleading. There are many elections conducted on optical mark-sense
ballots that are actually hand counted, and many jurisdictions that use lever voting machines
process absentee ballots by hand.
Hand-counting of mark-sense ballots is common in small local elections where a small turnout is
expected and there are only a few issues on the ballot. When this is the case, the cost of hand
counting may well be less than the cost of programming and testing the vote tabulating machinery.
The actual ballots used and the instructions to voters need not reveal what counting technology is
being used.
Today, lever machines are used by about 19 percent of the population. While these machines have
not been made for many years, they are built to last, and it takes only a moderately skilled
mechanic to keep them in good working order. Because these machines have been phased out by
many counties over the past 45 years, surplus machines are widely available as a source of
replacement parts.
Nationally, about 31 percent of voters use punched card ballots; most of these use the Votomatic
machine. This number is in rapid decline since the most recent election! Many jurisdictions that
have used punched cards without question prior to that election are now committed to move to
other voting technologies.
The use of punched card voting machines has never been legal in Iowa, the state where I have
voted for the past 21 years; by the time there were counties in Iowa that were interested in moving
to this technology, the problems with punched-cards were widely enough known that the law was
changed to effectively prohibit their use for any but absentee ballots; the same revision to the law
allowed the use of optical mark-sense and other electronic vote counting methods.
Punched card ballots are used for absentee voting in many counties where direct-recording voting
machines are used at polling places. When used for absentee voting, no voting machine is used;
instead, the voter's instructions indicate, for each candidate or position on an issue, exactly which
hole should be punched. Absentee voting using this method is too time consuming for use at
polling places, but it allows the voter to verify that the ballot does correctly represent his or her
intent, and as such, the punched card ballot becomes an appropriate legal instrument.
About 27 percent of voters nationally use optical mark-sense ballots, and many of the states that
have just abandoned punched cards will be moving to this technology. In my home state of Iowa,
the figure is 80 percent because counties that might have used punched cards had they been in
other states moved to mark-sense technology instead.
Direct recording electronic voting machines are used in about 9 percent of the nation. The
adoption of this new technology has been slow, largely because it is expensive; direct-recording
electronic voting machines typically cost upward of $5000 each. Another reason for the slow
adoption is that many people are rightly suspicious of any voting technology that puts the entire
election system in the hands of a few highly skilled computer programmers.
New Technologies
Aside from hand counted paper ballots and lever voting machines, all of today's voting
technologies rest on the use of computers, and two suggestions follow quite naturally from this:
First, why should these computers operate in isolation? Why not interconnect them using some
kind of network technology, and second, why not let me use my own computer to vote instead of
making me use a publically owned machine in a polling place.
Today, an increasing fraction of the direct-recording electronic voting machines on the market
include provisions to network all of the voting machines in one polling place. This allows each
machine to store vote totals in the memory of the others, and at the close of the polls, it allows a
single report for the entire precinct to be created instead of one report for each machine.
Today, all new precinct-count voting machines are offered with communication options; this
includes direct-recording voting machines, optical mark-sense ballot readers, and punched-card
ballot readers. These allow the machines to electronically communicate the vote totals to a
machine at the county level that computes county wide vote totals within minutes of the close of
the polls.
In most cases, this option centers on a modem incorporated in the machine, but where modem use
is impractical, the machines will electronically record the vote totals on a memory pack or diskette
that may be hand carried to the county's tabulating center, and some machines even offer a
wireless option, so that the machines transmit vote totals over the air.
It is worth noting that many polling places are in building lobbies that have no telephone
connections or in township halls that have never been wired for telephone service. Even if every
polling place had a phone line, the idea that each voting machine in a large urban county might
simultaneously attempt to phone in its totals when the polls close is daunting! This is one reason
that wireless communications options are appealing.
Most proposals for allowing voters to use their own machines to vote in general elections suggest
that this be done via the Internet. Usually, the term E-voting is used as a synonym for Internet
voting, but the term could just as well be applied to all of the electronic voting technologies
introduced since 1960. Furthermore, there are many non-internet options for using personal
computers to vote. For example, voters could use modems to connect by telephone directly to the
county offices when they vote.
There are several companies that are aggressively attempting to sell Internet voting, most notably
Safevote, of San Rafael, California, but this technology has many problems to overcome. In effect,
Internet voting can be classified as the use of direct-recording voting machines provided by the
voter for absentee voting, with ballot transmission electronically over a public communications
network. Thus, before we can accept this technology, we must assure ourselves that we trust
direct-recording voting technology and that we trust electronic transmission of ballots, and having
surmounted these hurdles, we must assure ourselves that we trust the voters to provide, maintain
and secure their own voting machines!
The Regulatory Environment Today
Today, the technology we use for voting is regulated by numerous branches of government! In
Iowa and most states, the counties individually own, pay for and administer the voting machines
used locally. The states regulate the voting machines that may be purchased by the counties, and
state laws and administrative rules determine how these machines are used. These state rules have,
on many occasions, been overruled by Federal court decisions, and where civil rights issues have
arisen, there has been direct Federal control of local elections. Finally, the Federal Election
Commission has established voluntary standards governing voting systems, and these standards
include a testing and certification process for voting equipment. These standards have been
incorporated into law by a large and growing minority of the states [correction: small but growing
majority of the states], so they are not as voluntary as they appear at first glance.
In Iowa, voting machines must be certified by the Iowa Board of Examiners for Voting Machines
and Electronic Voting Systems. Iowa law requires that all new machines offered for sale in the
state comply with Federal Election Commission standards prior to our examination. I have served
on the Iowa Board of Examiners since 1994, and and I have chaired the board since 1999; I feel
that we have been moderately effective in setting reasonable standards for the voting systems used
in Iowa.
You will note that I did not say that we assure perfection or even that we have set excellent
standards! The criteria on which we can disqualify a machine are weak! We can only disqualify
machines if we find that they do not meet the conditions set by state law, and in many cases, I
would have liked to disqualify machines but I was forced to vote for their approval because I had
no legal grounds for disqualification.
The Federal Election Commission Performance and test Standards for Punchcard, Marksense, and
Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems, released in January 1990 and revised in April of that
year were developed in response to the problems reported from various quarters in the mid 1980's.
In addition to defining terms and setting basic requirements for some of the machinery used in
elections, these standards require testing of new voting systems by an independent testing
authority -- independent of both the jurisdiction using the machines and the manufacturer.
Unfortunately, a decade after these standards were introduced, only Wyle Labs of Huntsville
Alabama is available an independent testing authority.
These standards have two major weaknesses. First, they are voluntary! A voting machine
manufacturer who conforms has a marketing advantage over a non conforming manufacturer, but
in most states, conformance is not required. Over the past decade, over 20 states [correction: over
30 states] have opted to require conformance, but unless things have changed since I last checked,
the majority of the states have not opted in [note: indeed they had changed, by at least 10 states].
The other problem with these standards is that they simply fail to cover many issues, and in my
experience evaluating voting machines for use in Iowa, I find that many inadequate designs and
marginal features have made it through the standards process with no comment. I must note that
the Federal Election Commission is currently in the process of producing a major overhaul of
these standards; Volume I of the new standard is scheduled for preliminary release on June 29, and
Volume II is scheduled for October 31.
Examples of Problem With the Current Standards
In the following subsections, I will document some of the shortcomings of the current standards,
with illustrations from my experience evaluating voting machines for use in the state of Iowa.
Accuracy Standards, a Mark Sense example
The current Federal Election Commission standards require a recording accuracy of "one part in
one million" (Section for direct-recording electronic voting machines, for
punched-card and mark-sense machines).
On the face of it, this standard appears to be objective and measurable, but it is not! There are two
basic problems. First, the standard specifies no measurement methodology, and second, the
standard itself, "one part in one million" appears with no justification; it appears to be a number
pulled out of thin air!
In actual practice, we have one useful measure of voting system accuracy, provided by the
institution of the recount. Recounts detect other things as well, but when you exclude recounts that
have found lost ballots and clerical errors, the difference between the first count and the recount
represents the actual error level in the voting system.
In my home county, Johnson County Iowa, we currently use 16-year-old Optech II precinct-count
mark-sense machines made by Business Records Corporation (now Election Systems and
Software). Tom Slockett, the Johnson County Auditor (in his role as county election
commissioner), has told me that, in a typical machine recount in Johnson County, the results are
rarely off by more than 1 in 10,000 from the original count and are frequently the same. At the
United States Civil Rights Commission hearings in Tallahassee on January 11, Witness Dan
Gloger cited figures from the Dade County Florida punched-card recount last November
suggesting an error rate of 1 in 6000.
These figures, 1 in 6000 or 1 in 10,000 come nowhere near the 1 in 1,000,000 required by the
Federal Election System standards, but I believe they are an accurate reflection of the accuracy
achieved by real ballot counting mechanisms. These counts involve real ballots punched or
marked by real people, with loose chad that might be knocked into or out of holes in punched
cards, and with ballot markings that may be very close to the voting machine's threshold for
determining whether a mark is or is not counted.
In one of the first voting system tests I was involved with, in 1994, if my memory is correct [note:
Sept 30, 1994], we tested the central count optical mark-sense vote counting system being offered
to count absentee ballots in counties using Microvote's Direct Recording Electronic voting system.
This used an optical mark-sense reader sold by the Chatsworth company, and it is noteworthy that
the Chatsworth mark-sense reader is specifically cited as an example of hardware that is not
subject to qualification test and measurement procedures because it has "a history of performing
successfully under conditions equivalent to the election use" and has a "demonstrated
compatibility with the voting system" (Section 7.1.2 of the FEC Standards).
In order to test this system, I took several hundred ballots out on the street and asked random
people to mark the ballots as I instructed, quoting the marking instructions from the Chatsworth
and Microvote documentation I had been given. When we counted and recounted my test deck, we
found that the reader rarely came within a few percent of the count it had previously given. Thus,
we are speaking of an accuracy of significantly worse than 1 in 1000! This for a voting system that
had been accepted for use in Arkansas, Michigan and North Carolina, and that had passed through
the FEC certification process.
When we asked about these problems, the vendor's representative cited the FEC Standard, Section, that "valid punches or marks shall be detected, invalid punches or marks shall be
rejected," and turned this on its head. In effect, if the machine detects a mark, it is valid, and if the
machine fails to detect a mark, it is invalid. Thus, in effect, the machine sets the criteria for what is
and is not a vote, entirely independent of how a human looking at the marked ballot would
interpret it! The solution, in this case, involved changing both the ballot marking instructions and
the specific model of ballot reader used; with these changes, we were able to approve the system.
The root of the problem was twofold. First, under the original marking instructions, voters had
been free to use any pen or pencil. Indeed, the Chatsworth reader was able to read most pen and
pencil marks, but some colored pens and hard-lead pencils produced marks very near to the
threshold for the reader. The other problem was that the reader was nominally able to read ballots
in any of four orientations (reversed top-to-bottom or front-to-back or both). As a result, any given
mark on the ballot might be seen by any of 4 different sensors, and the sensing thresholds of these
sensors were obviously not equal!
Some elections administrators deal with this problem of near-threshold marks on mark-sense
ballots by requiring that, on a recount, all ballots be recounted by the same machine that was used
in the first count. In fact, I believe that this is a serious mistake! If counts on two different machine
reveal significantly different counts, then either the standards for adjusting the sensitivity of the
sensing mechanisms on those machines are inadequate or the ballot marking instructions are
inadequate, leading to too many near-threshold marks!
Accuracy Standards, Direct Recording Electronic Examples
When we examined the Global Election Systems Model 100 Electronic Ballot Station in 1998, as
the examination progressed from the sales presentation to the actual qualification test, we were
warned by the sales representative that we would have difficulty testing the machine and that, in
fact, a useful hand test of such a system was generally difficult. I do not want to single out Global;
Fidlar-Doubleday has a system that is both similar looking and subject to the same problems.
These machines use a touch screen for voting, and I imagine that, as a voter, I would have
immense confidence in them, both because they are excellent representatives of current
technology and because the computer interfaces on these machines are generally very well
During testing, however, we quickly learned that the warning from the sales representative was
correct. Casting one ballot on this machine is something of a peak moment, psychologically, but to
perform an interesting test, it is necessary to cast several hundred ballots. After casting five or ten
ballots on this machine, the job became tedious, and after casting twenty or thirty, it became a
stressful exercise. By the end of the test, two of the three examiners had made so many mistakes
that their test plans were of little use. I made it through my test plan without error but with sore
fingers from poking at the touch screen and with a splitting headache and a sore neck.
In discussing our tests, the vendor's representative said that, really, we should not expect to make
realistic tests, that, in effect, we just had to trust the testing done by the vendor and by Wyle Labs.
We could not duplicate the human factors present at a real polling place in our tests, and we should
trust the vendors and the labs to do that for us. Trust, however, is a dangerous thing in the world of
elections. Every step in the election process needs to be testable, and with direct-recording
machines, testing is becoming extremely difficult! In this particular case, I suspect that the large
scale testing was done with robotic fingers touching the screen in pre-determined patterns, and this
too does not duplicate the human factors elements in real voting, as no humans are involved!
Exempt Software, A Direct Recording Electronic Example
Another problem that came up in the test of both the Fidlar-Doubleday and and Global Election
Systems Direct Recording Electronic voting machines is a consequence of the fact that these
machines are essentially repackaged IBM PC compatible computers running versions of the
Microsoft Windows operating system.
Under Section 7.1.2 of the FEC Standards, software qualification testing for the operating system
running in a voting system is not required unless the operating system has "been modified for use
in the vote counting process." Thus, because these voting machines use off-the-shelf versions of
Windows, the operating system is exempt from inspection.
If I recall correctly, during our first test of the Global Election Systems Model 100 Electronic
Ballot Station early 1998 [correction: it was the Fidlar and Chambers EV 2000, in January 1998],
we found an interesting and obscure failing that was directly due to a combination of this this
exemption and a recent upgrade to the version of Windows being used by the vendor in their
In effect, the machine always subtly but reliably revealed the previous voter's vote to the next
voter using the same machine! This was because, whenever a particular set of "pushbuttons" was
displayed on the screen, the button most recently pressed was shown with slightly different
shading. Such a set of buttons is frequently referred to as a radio button widget. As far as the
developers of Windows were concerned, this new feature of radio button widgets was intended to
help computer users remember what they'd done the last time they encountered a particular menu
on their computer screen. I want to emphasize here that Microsoft did not intend any violation of
voter privacy, and in fact, that this feature of their software was developed without reference to the
possibility that it might be used in elections.
In the vendor's original tests, this feature had apparently not yet been added to Windows, and since
the new version of Windows did not contain any notices indicating features that might have been
relevant to the voting application, this problem was left for us to find. Had the operating system
not been in the exempt category, I suspect we would have never had this problem.
The use of a proprietary Microsoft operating system in a voting machine and the fact that the
current standards provide us with no control over this use is particularly troublesome! Microsoft is
currently in the midst of an antitrust case -- which is to say, it is in an adversary relationship with
the Federal government! Thus, the company has great reason to be interested in the outcome of
In fact, about a year ago, I remember hearing a Microsoft representative state that he hoped to
delay hearings on their antitrust case until after the election because he believed that Microsoft
would receive a more favorable hearing from a Bush administration, and I remember that, when
asked about this, then candidate Bush confirmed that he did not favor the antitrust litigation.
Thus, we are in the bizarre situation that our current standards exempt large portions of software in
voting machinery from inspection, where those portions happen to be made by an organization
that has taken a partisan position in an upcoming political race!
I do not believe that Microsoft has abused our trust by incorporating code into Windows that could
be used to falsify the vote totals for a race, but I do object to our extending such trust. It would be
remarkably easy to program the window manager component of any operating system to rig
elections, and testing to prove the absence of such programming would be impossible! For
example, a clever programmer could add code that only operated on election day (the first
Tuesday after the first Monday of years divisible by two), so that, whenever the text "STRAIGHT
PARTY" appeared in the same window as a radio button widget, and that widget had buttons
labels containing "DEMOCRAT" "REPUBLICAN" and "GREEN", the first and last of these
labels would be exchanged one time in ten. The net result would be to throw ten percent of the
Democratic party's straight-party votes to the Green party! This could easily swing an election.
Today, there are numerous operating systems and window managers available that could be used
as alternatives to Microsoft Windows for voting machines based on PC compatible software.
Furthermore, at least two of these, Linux and FreeBSD, are open-source systems, that is, operating
systems where the code of the system is available for inspection by anyone. There is no preference
built into the current standards to favor the use of such open-source systems!
What Software is Running
The current FEC standards include a System Escrow Plan for the Voting System Standards
Program also released in January 1990 and revised in April 1990. Section 3 of this plan justifies
the escrow process by noting that storing in escrow a copy of the software approved for use on a
machine can allow verification that the software installed is indeed the software that ought to run
on that machine, and it allows customers to protect the value of their equipment in the event that a
vendor goes out of business.
This is true, but there is a major shortcoming of the current system! Section 5.5 of the primary
FEC Standard does require that no tools be resident on the voting system for altering the software,
but there is no requirement for provisions supporting the verification that the software loaded on a
voting system is indeed the software authorized on that machine.
This is not an easy problem to solve! The requirement that the resident software print out the ID of
that software may be trivially met by modifying whatever software is actually resident on the
machine to print out whatever report is expected. There are cryptographic tricks that could be
applied to this, but effective solutions to this problem are subtle and I have yet to see any voting
system that offered even a partial solution to this problem.
What is a Voting Machine, A Direct Recording Electronic Example
One of the most perplexing problems posed by the current generation of direct-recording
electronic voting machines is the question of exactly what is a voting machine? On the face of it,
even the fact that such a question should arise is alarming.
I first encountered this question in the examination of the Fidlar-Doubleday (then Fidlar and
Chambers) EV 2000, but the same problem is present in the machines made by Global Election
Systems. In both cases, these machines are designed to allow networking of all the machines in a
single polling place, with many functions that are traditionally connected to individual machines
connected, instead, to the cluster of machines.
Current FEC standards require that each voting machine have a public counter (Sections
and that indicates, to the public, the number of ballots cast on that machine during that
election, and a protective counter (Sections and that indicates the total number
of ballots cast on the machine during its lifetime.
The problem is twofold: First, when does a machine come into existence? If the machine is
essentially a personal computer, each component inside the case can be replaced independently of
all the others. The CPU can be replaced, the disk drives can be replaced, and the display screen
can be replaced. There is no component analogous to the odometer mechanism that is included to
serve as the protective counter in a classical lever machine, so generally, the protective counter is
stored on disk or some equally replaceable component.
When the system component containing the protective counter is replaced, must the counter be set
to the original value in order to conform to the letter of the FEC Standards? If so, there must be
software that allows setting the counter, and if this is the case, the value of this counter for
protecting against fraud becomes questionable! If there is no such software, then the counter must
automatically reset to zero whenever the component that contains it is replaced or reinitialized. In
this case, in order to conform to the FEC Standards, we must consider that replacement to have
manufactured a new voting machine! This is very strange.
The second problem arises as a result of the networking option allowed by Section of the
standard. This allows, but does not require, the interconnection of the voting machines in a polling
place so that they produce a single report of the results of an election. When machines are
interconnected, it is natural to consider the total set of machines as a single system that comes into
existence when the machines are plugged together at the start of election day, and that is destroyed
after the polls close.
In the case of the Global Electronic Ballot Station, it appears that they have met the FEC
requirement for redundant storage of ballots (Section by taking advantage of this
networking within the polling place. Each voting machine records a copy of the votes cast on that
machine not only in its own memory, but also in the memory of one of the other machines that are
part of the same network of machines.
Technically, there is nothing at all wrong with this, except that the current standards do not seem
to have anticipated this; neither did Iowa law, and as a result, after a long argument, we decided
that, for purposes of Iowa law, the only way we could approve this system was if we viewed the
system of machines installed at a polling place as a single machine. This is clumsy!
Secret Ballots, Problems With Write-In Votes
A very interesting problem came up last fall, in an examination of an upgrade to the Fidlar-
Doubleday EV 2000 system. Processing write-in votes is difficult on any voting system, and under
the laws of many states, including Iowa, it is sometimes necessary to check for certain other votes
on the ballot before accepting a write-in vote.
The specific rule that causes problems is that write-in votes for candidates names who are already
on the ballot are not counted, unless the write-in vote is an overvote for a candidate that has
already been voted for normally, in which case, the write-in is discounted and it is not an overvote.
On direct-recording machines, this causes no problems for vote-for-one offices, but on a vote-for-
three office, for example, a voter could vote for two candidates normally and then write in the
name of one of them in an attempt to cast two votes for that candidates.
Many election administrators have apparently asked Fidlar-Doubleday (and other vendors, I
suspect) to print a special report when the polls are closed, listing all write-in votes with enough
added information to allow the polling place workers to apply the above rules. This is one of the
enhancements we were asked to evaluate last fall.
Unfortunately, Fidlar-Doubleday implemented this feature by including the entire coded ballot
image of every ballot containing a write-in vote as an appendix to the report printed by the voting
machine when the polls close. Under Iowa law, this entire report must be posted publically, so the
net result was that the coded ballot image of every ballot containing write-ins was made public.
The write-in votes themselves were in plain readable text in this coded image, and each vote cast
on the same ballot was coded as a random number, using a code that was fixed for that precinct. It
only took me a minute to discover a foolproof way to crack this code, and using this, someone
intent on bribing voters to vote in a particular way could simply assign a nonsense name to each
voter, asking them to write in that person's name for a specified minor office in order to force the
public disclosure of their ballot in order to prove that they had earned their bribe.
Had Fidlar-Doubleday arranged to print only the other votes, if any, for the office where the voter
cast a write-in vote, the problem would have been considerably less severe and we would have
approved the machine. As it is, we had to forbid the use of this feature in Iowa (fortunately, it
could be disabled), despite the fact that Wyle Labs had found no problems in their software audit
and despite the fact that some of the election officials requesting this feature had been from Iowa.
Vote Transmission by Wire and Radio
The current FEC Standards cover the machinery and software of central count mark-sense and
punched-card ballot counters, and they cover the machinery and software of precinct-count and
direct-recording electronic machines, but they have not been used to cover central counting
systems used in conjunction with precinct-count or direct-recording electronic machines.
The problem is, all of the recent precinct-count and direct-recording voting machines that I have
seen offered for sale have included communications options that will electronically transmit ballot
either images or vote totals from the voting machine to a central location, and then tabulate the
results from all machines reporting in. Most machines offer to do this using modems and the
public telephone network. All machines also offer to do this using removable memory packs of
some type (diskette or electronic), yet no aspect of this appears to be adequately covered by the
current standards!
All of these electronic communication options raise severe security problems, which the current
FEC Standard addresses very briefly in Section 5.6. How do you prevent some hacker from using
his personal computer to report false totals for some precinct by phone or radio? If hand-carried
memory packs are used, how do you prevent a dishonest election worker from switching a false
memory pack for the pack that came from the voting machine. Today's memory packs are
frequently about the size of a credit card! It takes only modest skills at sleight-of-hand to swap
two cards that size, even in the presence of suspicious witnesses.
When I have asked vendor's representatives about the security they offered, some have flatly
refused to discuss any details, stating that to do so would compromise their security. As a general
rule, those in the computer security business are very hesitant to accept such statements, because
history shows us that the most secure systems are strong enough to stand up to detailed inspection
of their mechanisms!
When I was involved in the examination of the new modem option for the Business Records
Corporation (now Election Systems and Software) Optech Eagle in 1996, I asked about this, and
after some confusion, learned that the system was secure, but that this security was accidental and
not a matter of design. One of the fields stored in the voting machine when it was set up for a
particular election was the time and date of the setup, and when that machine transmitted its
results back to the central location for counting, the time and date were included in the
transmission and checked against the original. Had this information just been the day on which the
machine was programmed, it would have offered no security, and had it been the day, hour and
minute, it would have been fairly easy to guess, particularly when the actual setup of voting
machines is itself subject to observation by witnesses for each party. In this case, however, the
value used happened to be accurate to the millisecond! It was that fact that made the transmission
secure against forgery.
In another case, I believe it involved the Global Electronic Ballot Station, when I asked about
security, they assured me that they used the United States Government approved Data Encryption
Standard. This standard is moderately good, but it requires that the transmitter and receiver of a
particular piece of data each have identical keys, one used to encrypt the data, and the other used
to decrypt. So, I asked how the company was handling the key management problem.
The answer I got scared me! The company's sales representative phoned their technical expert and
handed me the phone. I asked my question again, to the expert, and he said that he was surprised
that I should ask about key management because, really, there was no problem. The reason for this
turned out to be that there is only one key -- company wide, and incorporated into every voting
machine they build! This fact was not, apparently, considered worth noting in any of the
examinations conducted under the current FEC standards.
Because of these problems, we in Iowa do not allow electronic vote reporting for anything other
than reporting early totals to the press. For the official canvass, we still require that the totals for
each precinct to be printed in duplicate at the polling place, then signed and witnessed by the
precinct election workers, with one copy publically posted and the other copy hand delivered to
the county offices. If you are suspicious about the accurate transmission of your precinct's totals,
you can go to the polling place as the polls close, take notes from the posted totals, and then check
these with the totals reported later for the official canvass.
Before we allow such electronic transmission, I want to see open standards for interconnection of
voting systems. Proprietary protocols, where the voting system vendor cannot inform the
examiners of any details of the protocol for fear of compromising a system's security must not be
allowed! On the other extreme, genuinely open protocols that allow voting machines made by
different manufacturers to be used together would make the marketplace far more competitive
because it would allow counties to phase in a new make of machine instead of forcing an all or
nothing change. Such protocol development must be overseen by an organization that understands
the issues of security and reliability far more clearly than the vendors or testing authority with
whom we deal today.
Fault Tolerance, A Direct Recording Electronic Example
Section of the FEC Standard requires that each direct-recording voting system
incorporate multiple memories, so that, in the event of failure, any disparity can be detected.
Unfortunately, the standard says nothing about what to do when there is a problem!
The fundamental problem extends far beyond this section of the standard, into the laws of many
states. If we have two documents, one an original and the other a photocopy, the original has far
higher standing in law than the copy, and rightly so. If someone were to photocopy a stack of
ballots and then somehow manage lose those ballots, there would be interesting arguments about
the legal standing of those copies!
In the case of direct-recording voting machines, we have no original document; rather, the ballot
images stored within the memory of the machine are all copies! If the duplicate copies are the
same, the standards grant them considerable weight. If, on the other hand, the duplicate copies to
differ, there is no guidance to suggest how the correct copy should be determined.
In fact, there is a technical solution to this problem! This relies on storing, with each ballot image,
an electronic signature of that image (the simplest such signature is the checksum, the simple sum
of the binary representations of the data bytes of the image). In the event that two copies of a
ballot image disagree, the one with the bad checksum should be disregarded in favor of the one
with the correct checksum. This is mentioned in the current FEC Standards, section 5.6, but it is
applied only to data communication.
In all of the voting systems I have examined, it appears that, where redundancy is used, it is left to
the human user's judgement to decide what to do in the case of disagreements between the
redundant copies. This is not acceptable! I admit, however, that I base my observation of current
practice on sales literature, discussions with manufacturer's sales representatives, and very sketchy
and infrequent contact with technical people within the vendors' organizations.
Vote Counting
Section of the current FEC Standards requires that the voting system count ballots, and for
each office or measure, that it count votes overvotes and undervotes. This is excellent, but most
states (including Iowa) appear to ignore much of the information that could be obtained from this,
and the the FEC Standards do not even suggest some extremely productive ways to use this to
ensure the accuracy of the count within a voting machine.
In general, for a vote-for-one office or a yes-no ballot issue, the sum of the number of votes for
each candidate, the number of overvotes (if any) and the number of undervotes should equal the
number of ballots counted. Therefore, if each of these items is brought forward independently
through the entire vote count, from the moment the ballot is inspected until the final canvass is
published, it should be possible to check this sum at every level in the process to detect errors.
If we can guarantee that the components of this sum are genuinely brought forward independently,
for example, that some part of the system counts ballots without access to any record of the votes
cast, and if we can guarantee that the count for each candidate is made without the ability to
inspect or modify the count for any other candidate, then we have a system that is very secure
against falsification of the count. Section 2.3.2 of the current FEC Standards requires part of what
is suggested here, but the followthrough is weak.
The current FEC Standards, in Section 7.4.2, require a source code audit of all software in the
voting machine, but the criteria given to the auditors are all generic criteria that could be applied
to video games and payroll software as easily as to voting systems. It would be extremely valuable
to incorporate into this audit a review of the independence of the counting of ballots (enforcing
Section 2.3.2) and votes for each office; such an audit requirement would materially change the
way system designers approach the problem and would make all vote counting software more
I also suggest that this same rule be applied to manual vote counting, and that some component of
the count always be carried forward outside the machine. Most systems of polling place
administration require that the polling place produce a count of the number of voters allowed to
vote. In Iowa, for example, each voter must sign an affidavit of eligibility in order to receive a
ballot, and these are numbered. It is therefore very easy to count the number of ballots issued
entirely outside of any computer system, and I strongly urge that this count be brought forward
into the official canvass by hand, even if everything else is handled by computers!
Prospects for Change
The flaws in today's voting systems exposed by general election last fall have moved counties,
states and the Federal government to action. In addition, the Supreme Court decision that put an
end to the recounts moved great areas of election law into the Federal domain, bringing it quite
properly under the umbrella of Civil Rights law.
While I wasn't too thrilled with the process that led up to this court decision, nor was I thrilled
with the pragmatic considerations that led both sides to take the positions they took, I find myself
in agreement with the court decision and look forward to the unfolding of its consequences.
The Risks of Monopoly
There is one possible interpretation of the Supreme Court decision that worries me. The court
declared that the equal protection clause requires that states adopt uniform, state-wide standards
governing the interpretation of votes, but it is possible to interpret this as a demand for a uniform
state-wide standard voting technology, and it is hard to see why the same argument the court used
to support uniform standards within a state should not be extended to uniformity from state to
state, which is to say, a single uniform Federal standard voting machine.
I am extremely wary of granting any monopoly in the field of voting machines! Today, we have a
diverse marketplace, and the competition in this marketplace has fueled the development of a
number of interesting new ideas. Unfortunately, as things stand right now, none of the available
voting technologies are perfect. If we had a monopoly, as the result of a national standard voting
technology, this progress would end and we would be forced to accept a system with known flaws.
To my knowledge, none of the flaws with new voting technology, have been widely exploited for
the purpose of vote fraud, but if we freeze the technology, I have no doubt that somebody will
eventually begin to exploit them. Furthermore, having frozen development by accepting one of the
available technologies as a standard, we will have eliminated the competition! Had punched cards
been the national standard last year, we would not be able to abandon them, as Florida has recently
Finally, if we create a monopoly, a crook intent on subverting the system must only subvert that
one monopoly. If there are 4 makers of voting systems, the gain to be had by subverting one is
limited. If there is only one maker, it may only be necessary to subvert only one or two people to
rig next year's elections nationwide! The fewer people you have to trust, the more vulnerable you
are to the subversion of any one of those people! Dispersed authority is resilient in the face of
challenges, while centralized authority is vulnerable to corruption!
Change at the State Level
Unfortunately, the legislative response, at both the state and national levels, has been chaotic.
Numerous voting system reform bills have been introduced in states across the country, and there
are many proposals before the Federal government.
In Florida, with the nation's eyes on the state, an election reform task force began work in January,
and the changes they proposed have already been signed into law. The political pressure on
Florida to make big changes and make them quickly was immense, so I sympathize with the
decision that the Florida Task Force made -- given the alternatives available today, optical mark-
sense ballots are probably the best technology, if properly administered. That is a big if, however,
and the decision to switch the entire state to one technology now is sufficiently expensive that it
may preclude any additional change over the next decade.
In Iowa, the creation of the Secretary of State's Election Reform Task Force, of which I am a
member, led to the failure of various election reform legislation that was introduced this spring.
This was a good thing! We are not in a hurry, we do not need to hastily adopt random changes to
our law, and the budget in Iowa is tight enough that state investment in an emergency update of
our election machinery is out of the question. By this coming fall, we should have a proposal in
place for reasoned changes to Iowa's election laws, and these changes are likely to require the
phased replacement of some of the older election machinery in the state.
Redefining the Role of the Federal Election Commission
As I stated earlier, the need to revise the Federal Election Commission Standards was widely
recognized before the chaos surrounding the general election last fall! The Commission has
contracted with American Management Systems, a major management and software consulting
house, to undertake such a revision, and a revised standard should become available for public
comment soon. I eagerly await a chance to read this revision, and I hope that it addresses some of
the problems I have outlined above.
Even while this revision is in progress, I understand that there are proposals before Congress to
completely change the role of the Federal Election Commission with regard to the Federal
regulation of voting machinery!
Under the Supreme Court decision of last fall, it would appear to be within the authority of
Congress to mandate significant binding standards governing the counting of votes during Federal
elections. If this is done, significant areas of the Federal standards governing voting machines
would no-longer be voluntary. I have high hopes for this, but as I understand the current focus of
legislation before Congress, the focus is elsewhere, on the possibility of funding massive changes
in election machinery in the states, something I strongly discourage, and on changing the role of
the Federal Election Commission.
HR 1165, the Election Voting System Standards Act of 2001, is one of the more moderate
proposals to strip the Federal Election Commission of its authority over voting machines. More
radical proposals would give this authority to the National Institute of Standards with very little
direction, while HR 1165 would create a new commission to oversee the development of new
standards and the establishment of a new National Election Systems Standards Laboratory.
I am not certain how much of the push to strip the Federal Election Commission of its authority
over voting systems standards stems from the inadequacies of the current standards and how much
comes from a general dislike of the Commission. Those who have had to file campaign finance
disclosure reports generally don't enjoy the process, and it is easy to see how this could lead to a
general dislike of the Commission.
While I feel very strongly that our current system of standards needs to be updated and
strengthened, and I feel that such updates should be done far more frequently than once a decade, I
am not sure that this justifies stripping the Federal Election Commission of its role in
promulgating such standards. The strongest argument for such a change may be that the regulation
of the conduct of elections and election campaigns requires expertise quite different from that
required to regulate the mechanisms by which we conduct elections.
Furthermore, it is important to note that many state and local election officials do not seem to feel
a pressing need to change the current system. When I mentioned HR 1165 to Iowa's Director of
Elections, Sandy Steinbach, she was shocked; it is worth noting that she is on the committee that
is overseeing the revision of the FEC Standard. When I have talked about these issues with some
of the county auditors (who serve as commissioners of elections), they have been universally
surprised by the idea that the role of the FEC itself was being questioned. Their typical reaction
was "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" or "it it's broken, fix it, don't tear it down and start over."
In sum, it is worth recalling Mark Twain's quote [note: also attributed to Winston Churchill], that
"Democracy is the worst of all systems, except for all of the others." One could go on to say that
every approach to conducting a democratic vote is bad, but the alternative is worse.
The current system of regulation for voting machinery suffers from significant flaws. Many
systems have been approved for use in many states that plainly fail to meet the requirements of the
standards we have set, and the standards do not cover many features that have become common on
modern voting machines.
Given this, I cannot recommend large-scale funding for immediate modernization of voting
systems across the country. To do so now would be to rush into the purchase of large numbers of
systems that I hope will be found failing by the standards we ought to have in place!
Furthermore, there are many aspects of current standards that ought to be subject to constant
reexamination. How accurate our our ballot counting machines with real ballots cast by real
voters? How do the different user interfaces of different voting machines change the way voters
respond to the machinery? How can we realistically test direct-recording machines, and how can
we develop open standards for electronic storage and communication of votes?
An answer to these questions may require, but does not necessarily require, a change in the
oversight process for our voting machine standards. An answer to these questions does require that
we invest more effort into ongoing studies of the problems with voting machinery, something that
might be done if we establish the kind of voting systems laboratory envisioned in HR 1165